. xomixatioxs riti >ii>i x hai i:i>iT<>itiAi. xoTE*. ¡the ilnuocratic è iiuco nniriai Paper lor Jarkwii. Jowphine * Lakr Huls-general of the l.’iutril Mates: M r . B lain »: is quoted as saying: ‘•Cleveland is a man of great backbone, the hest newspaper in the I’nited States. Only II per annum Subsiriptfons BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS WINES AND LIQUORS. A NEW DEAL TO OFFSET NEW ERA SALOON AXH THE DULL TINIES AND BILLIARD HALL PHŒNIX. OREGON NEWMAN FISHER n.ih lioliH.* carri«»* in nt ck the rhoicest brandi < < i M. Waller, Connecticut, London; I erick Paine, Marylaml, Berlin. an.l is not likely to yield to the pressure II urbi, Si ns< Ri«»: for the New A ork Jef- ing nouiinations i.n the ifoth ult. : fermin l>avin ic alno quite ill. Al’KII. 3. 1*0 I lli DAT l‘< MUID A l‘r< 'iilcnt ( leveland made the io ( ik >. G bant ' h conditiun in criticai and lie will probably not survive lone. 'Ll A Ku- 5 i, ters lesiilent fol the I nited State being brought upon him.” I tat Bell, Jr.. Rhode Island, to the N< land»; Rufus Magee, Indiana. Sw Billing.* ft Ashland has new |s>- A FRESH STOCK in the market alieadv. ( aigiessman Heimann has t'» ItoscllU ifiom hi* tiip East \< Hos. S. S. Cut has been apjs>inted rm. has fra ism and Norway. Minister» resident minister to Turkey and «x-Conpesstnan Tlie entertainmeiH given al I iiikvil!»- taken at the T imi s office. consuls-general lor the I’nited St Muldrow of Mississippi assistant Sei re- on th" Isti i ult. wa a gr and success. Tilt Republican* piopewe throwing all tary of the interior. Both art' distin­ I h. IS. J Kenn» y h a- i1” ir< based a sey, to P ortng.il ; Rasmus B Anderson, M>rts ot obstacles in I’rexi.lent Cleve­ guished gentleman. Ilo use and lot on lidi «! st re et "f Mi-, Wiscon' in, to 11 nma' k. Consuls of the land'» way. At a can. uh of Republican Oxi. Riel has started a reliellion in the , 1’mted >■tales A. Haller Gio-*, Penn- II I. It. LI I 11.1 Proprietor I", S. SetUtTorn on the III—t ult. a deci- province of Manitoba ami is meeting ' wylvaniu , Athens. Greece; Evan P. Ilai 1 l.i « y, who lias 1i k en «itt work for hiun wa» reached to resist removal» with considerable Hticcess so far. Of Howell. Georgia, Main in ter, England. J. 1 «oliai hi ■I.- ol A-hldl «'I 1 scim t, had ireun office* which have a fixed tenure course the Canadian government will Envoys extraoidinu'y and niim-tei» hi>• arm b: iek ll< am a horse by law, except for causes, until expira­ finally suppress him. plenipot' •ntiaiv of the (’nit. d States: la*>t w» uk. tion of the term When tlie Senate ad­ W ax is brewing nearly everywhere, Th«*. .1. Jaivi*. N orgia, to ill ole th.. Siskivous a \ 1- it last w.’ek. be made more freely : will probably be affected thereby and Russia ; Anthony M. Kelly. \ irginia. to lb • could live no into*ni ation a- t«» wlieti " Wittr will Gov. Missly do?" is still l we will be benefited insicad of injur« <1. Italy. ' dmi'te.s resident of the 1 mted \\ < •i k woul< 1 lie i< -um d States ; i ;,:«>■ . W >h t i il). X' vada. to tlie leading question. He may convene us most other countries will lie : .li !.. akena n i»J Ve 1 • ' • < n 1 hioun ( IG MLN. ■Il W! I KV the legislature in extra session for the I Gov. M ooky has not decided whether Hawaii. I onsu!--geii«'ral ol the I mted OU 1 of em|l'io« ment thei Hbd 1 Ile le,lui- < \NDI1 Nl I S purpone ol electing a I’. S. Senator to it will ho advuntageous to tin- best in­ state*. 1 dmund Jusst n, Illinois \ i- t î<1■ii o| ex¡ '••i. t - ina ’ju . a IX • I bv Kct’UlV- i’ll’l S. < \I(IH NOI h »NS ( I I’Ll KY suoved Hon. .1. II. Slater; but tho“e terests of himself and the Republican enna. 1 hown Shiplvx «Y ( o.. I. ’hdon, » ‘ I K ‘ • ! i ! « • i NTVIÌONI RY. M.IH’MK. K. 1 ». ( o. rOBAt < OS. < KiARI’ri FN. who are afraid that J. II. Mitchell will patty to call an extra session of the leg­ Englan 11. spl'cial fiscal agents of the ( '.jut i a« 1 . fol "'.l'pI.Ml ig F 1 > 1 t Klamath Alex Mi ' lie, X -w l>c the coming man in “uch an event are islature.consequently this question is yet naw d partinent \\ th suppl i.-s «luring tin • ne:■xt lis<-al year Glut’s Furnishing Goods. urging hint to appoint one of their friends in »tofu li. itor of the tn-asurv . Joseph iu! l.i.l.lo-s \.ul >vvrjtl nu' usually found tn a tirM-clab* va­ ba ve be -n !• 1 . I>ul the su,'.', E. John t-\ .•. mia. ••«.»luEii- ¡<«n»*r «>! instead. Tlie Senate has recently de­ riety «tore. O i k Republican eoteiiijsirari«'» seem known as i< t iailr< »ads»; l.«wi- Mullen. Xep Yolk, cided that the Governor lias the right to make a distinction without differ« nee, CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. »II ye-(cr in \ i: eu to till the vacancy now existing by ap- viz : *'Th*' l»emocrat who wants an oltice apprais. •! lol th«’ district ol X< w York citv. 1 aptain William 1. Volkman, t<* the ell'. . •t that Ih. Vi ooiuan oí Me«I- |s»intment. _______________ is a spoilsman; th«' Republican who Fifth cavali«. major and a"i*tai>1 idju- h’l d luid 1 lied, but pr o\ et 1 to he liti- F rom what Supt. Colvig says, and lie want» to liokl on to hi' othc«* i* a civil-ser- He is very si i’k an< 1 in a dan- taut g« ii «■ml: i aptain Geoige II Bur- fol lmleil knows whereof he speaks, the ♦.'>•• bonus v ice reformer." iditioli, bowel toll, Tw enty-tirst iiii'antry, majo and ge given school district» only applies "to Ir look* as iI England ami Russia will ÌUMJ»C< Ki•r general. There weie also a l//'<7.'7 i \ ; /; i n it" 1 1' IlA'i:. moiiev raised in counties by taxation link horns over the Afghan uorder uuiu I ht oi appoinlinent' to minoi post- and doe» not affect the State apportion­ trouble, though they are iKitli .*dow in Th«' wh< '! ■ line oi th«' « 11 t al l'.K Ìtic I’.nv >ys cxtiaoidina - V ami min- orties. ment. which ia made in the middle of striking tlie first blow They may bv h | i i.irtl l • •I < ìoshen, .isters i •¡«■nipotentia y of tl, • I’nited ì a il'o.i 1 a! ■I b the summer. The new law is neverthe­ looking for a loophole out of which to R Hubimi 1, rexa», ( . il.. have 1" . n lead 1 • •1 a u rm ol nine- States: Ri« lM less a great benefit to the smaller dis­ crawl, as it is j>lain that neitlter want.' to to Japan: Wm. Il llob ■t*. X«-w York. 11 hin- >«•; ir.*to (In Sou t bei 11 1 «icilic tim- tricts, but dor* not cripple the larger fight. .iiv, the same e«.rpo.'at n » II which r,’- W. B Buck, Ken- to Chili : Challe ones as much as anticipated before it Tlie tide seems to have turned against tuckv, |O Peru; Charles T. Russell. n- ’’Sunset nt’.y I'-.i-•«- i tin- line • »1 was fully iinder*l.s«l. This will Is- good El Mahdi in Egypt, us th«' English 1 t ««uni ' ilu ut, consul at Eiven..... 1, Eng- iHite” be ’.ween San hi ali<*i <> and N-w news for all. tr«*qis are making goo«l progress in their The oMitiairt ti ikes efFct < >ii leans. For the Next Thirty Days . s «» iim « him », who is either a ranting m.uch tvward Khartoum. Osinan l>ig- \ « 1 oik . X" man 1. < olman. Mis- \pril 1st, an 1 imivhlM . Th I the l. ssc I lo; jreus to maintain th«* 11 ntl 1 prop- ma has evacuated Hasheen and In » .»mmi —i«>T«»-r of a *ri» uhun- maniac or in th«'last stage* of ibln'ium ty in g< hh I onler; i s 1« a- 'Ulne all Ir- .if in, debveied himself of a si< kly for«'es are demoralized, several Irilie 1 Williaii i lang, l'exas, United Stai"* GROCERIES, CLEARING SALE WAGONS AND STOVES G. KAREWSKI KENTUCKY WHISKIES, VARIETY STORE! CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. HARVESTING MACHINERY! H ah just rweired » full line of th«, cvlebrttted CHOICE WINES. ETC DEERING 'MOWER ! Hard Times Prices MORE COODS f-r He will m *1I you LESS MONEY than ever before nuld in Jaekbonvilie. Cl<*k i^ Reaper Combined ! and Light Reapers and Twine Binders, For Medical Purposes W») Re« i- a miperior article^nf AS GOOD AS THE BEST FRENCH BRANDY. HOLLAND SV7AN GIN, FINE WINES. ETC. And hi- prie#.* vili Owi/i»? t«> a lhrg«« Mock on l.aul a retlur!j«>n <» froni 25 to än p «rcoiit. will bo miul«-. VV. will nc II Obi Kviitu< k> Wl rky at 31 Ohl piiee $1 it in neodlebb to enumerate ht-re th»- articles he p«. r bott h« Beat braiula of Sioin. has to h.'ll, ne he keep» everything to be found m a tirbf-riabH bot» le Ohl p»!< v $1 25 For M-.hcal purpoMk, fl» !l 0 per «¡ h irt Ohl price $2 DO fit nut in nt l> Brandy, $2 jm r quait. Tin* 11« ii.-«- has alw.iys in vtock the Celt brated JoMvjth v‘ .Idit/ I..- «¡lUhoW ASTONISH YOU! General Merchandise Store ! Lp.gir Eec» Milwaukte KNOCK THE HARD TIMES In Hsy Rakes and all knds of Farming Impl ments, \Vhi«’h he eiuporior faciLti«*- enable him to m *J] cheap« r li.nit anybody. Direc t from the factory, a Cadoad of th«* bc-t Watfoiit* that run <»n wLtalb- th« celw- brut«*«l STUDEBAKER-IN ALL SIZES. A /.Utl.'iAI) OF PERRY & CO’S EASTERN STOVES IRON KETTLES of «11 «orts an.!»dfnx-t from th«fcet.in- A full hh .I und complete ato( k of TI S WA 1« 1«2. b eluding Fruit (Hilft» etc. I Luvc ;«'o. juet received « hf A? <1 Gent i;«! Merrhand MRS. P. P. PRIM’S pries, beton' ;.urchnrn,e slsewhsr*. u- 1 hftr. !.. I,uhi: .— ai J will m H at the very lowest rate.. mess <«f nonsense in the last issue of an . having «leM'rted him. insignificant little sheet published in Tilt: earload of articles to lie a«lded tn Medford, attempting to fashion it alter Oregon’s exhibit at tin' New Orleans « x- Washington Irving*» legend of Sleepy |sisition, which left Portland on the L’itth 1 Hollow The fellow who would thus ■ ult. re.u lied Chicago on the L’l.th ult.. ; deliln'ratelv and ptlblii ly write himself i and was turned over to the Illinois < en- an ass ishoubl not >«e at large and is a i , tral railroad contjiany. It reaclu d Nev , tit subjyet for the insane asylum. We ' vmwili’_’ I"' e««m <111 < i < U 1 i »' * litui ¡i minimum iv-. in and pia ntin-f g.*. • luiis. r »,i;i;*> per ani nu, ami so The 1 H'U.'fil to M: .. X. « oml'. week Uch III’ •• lu-’ « ■a ning* may liefore 1 a-t. at I .l’dwell * hall "il Will- M > i lilis -til\ 'Ip to a sum of • : i • . ■ - iatni « ft • k . w - -nturn upon la ttvr sum1 is « tpi.ll to »• p««< Tl." * presen:H apit «1 »toel Applegat.' d«d>.i'ing « i'ib m- .'ts ’•.‘it n roa i- in even S; iturilax night at ' S* pj ¡ • K nutzen’s T,lie tran* al;iorn;.i hen t< »i‘>re !< d and ..¡«er- hous.'» n Tlioni;■*■'!. ' o ' ie ( entral l a« Shalt u« k, the m.igu’ian .'¡;d vntrilo- CHlisul il H.imliurg, ' iermaiiv in:u^ quiM. ¡« eri", m. d at M<"’- hall \pril 1st. A -U pp’. •r and d nu e !• •>luw« -1 Th"iiip*on . . ,-k hada J. w good tu riioiit mi the night ui Mao h Lilli at his h .ill in the n»‘w hall j»i-t built. alii till: • •v»«r » : iii « hr ............. r i •! P« ■ . \y ‘v . i,al!ii..,n T, " W« SU lì - - il a«! !i- M mtinrnta i\l» rwi.i FORNITURE WARE ROOMS ton of I ai : - cucii lì.;- ••’«.• m• 1 uiul cica...... 1 out Id- ditches and is now at the Oregon «X California Raih".id to bor * work w ith g..... 1 suces*. ... row *106,000 for tlie running expenses o »f I inniuv ix (’o. of St<-a!iib«»;>t , itv have the r«>a«l ami to pay for tin* -teel rail: clean«-; 1 oil! th- 'Mine - A I’— km ! «ht« h, now due. rhe loan is for nine months ’ and ar« • n«»w at w«». k with h ‘Iraida and1 and the rati1 of in’erest must not excel i N». I •>, K INI* if y.»n u . h I i th.-I h « m | ■<*c.»ni«nod>Uiun«. DAV a D f lNN ■ 1 p «»! J t ii i ; i. I »> i i \ i ». T\Ni-S. sofas « i H AI Its V HIGHLIT’. \ I .. X •II latid lutisi 1 .. tl a«lded lor I”«» t\ illaim Ite v alley ami Sou K t » Fort­ in rrg<»n. Fill a y t 1.1 II ll.’W - paiti-an Re; on),I paper *»»«111 S to think ¡ally « a ll.d.. n t»» niÌMc»»h*t ¡¡ve »»I Pr.-i. 1 nt • lev.Ian I. it n a ,ti«»n i . oppos«««| |o tn»- >n s«* t s<:i M i : A rs VEAL AMD MUTTON. I 4 >|{\ U. S. SAL OC Beds Have b... .] tl tl ► 1 f.gi.r e ng I». ■ . pur ,d w JOHN Ih-KOHOAM. HUNTERS’ EMPOBIUIKI U.S. Hotel Building Lukso ville BRAUNSCHWEIGER & CO \\ I Xi, ASSI A'II» I 111: Al AX M Ml XT ill ibi* resort. I propos«« keeping i -‘toek«*<( wrl. t ho tìiifM brami«* of H A ' Cnl. Stxeet e-tve a r.'eil i roin all v Natir.l-iet • ’’ t.-e-l.i 'I. I . ì . HI NZI1 *ul will I « I .1 ■ Railroad S a? fiov !•< ICI H<»I< I t| I 12^ NN E E H’BIRMA bitters Ihktill.M if.odxir,, HENRY PAPE. i IIBOI’GII Ard tin' Ib.tinih are fill« <1 up v p h a vj- w t’1 el-Jin mfort. - HR %M>N GOLDEN ANCHOR AND EEAZ GRASS :» nod <> •• HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE lit M l < IÍ1 i’ICK ETS, WIN I w Iu«e|| FoTliewhat unsettle«! LIVE OAK NOTICE T9 : AX-PAYERS ! SALOON o¿5 GRANTS PASS California Street. Jacksonville O-n J B CO HÜT0H, Pr< o It. Pn.| f etol a uni!v and piti p:ly narro-, t" tèe ...tnm"ii senso and ¡nn.it»- ■rtatr play tiiat eharaeteiiz« -• evt*n their ino*t parti*.in ri'ader*, to he • •n the .lailv liH.koiit f««r an\ |««esible di') ment <«f l’r«'*id"iit Cleveland, any i««n* iiiterpretalioli of hi* motivi** A liiethod*. thev woilhln't il y. Ipv nhip. •J Wholesale Liquor Dealers, T.T. >lrhEVIE. Piopr. - o I' - MARKET and umi-qUiV< im ally in th. K«-it-ri ing pill.li. . »r not dirigili ev«*r\ Il i* in or.ler that thè e li! in'« w itti tlie -um.- in. e w il hi»ig l'niK’tion. ■ liilo»eni c ts iwt-en Xew foiind ' 1 Ih little I f*inr*- the great decliae HOWARD i CO. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. THE ÖEST IN THE fioopN. yankee notions , etc . California St.. Jaclvonviti«- Th- f i» k. t »Jtori to 41 V- I'ht- I 'ommereinl o* th ■ L.«ir»'« -t . .1 he M Hot! n this i .n i «»f boiitli««in ( h « * 'em. thi<'t wiF ■.i. .; - tr .1 H.« • b . - rtippfird wit I» RNISHIN’ g Also, Groceries aud Provisions die the oliHiON Gl-.NIS’ I'I Tin i xih i > i < xi t> nt m ui ’I-IK1-* t«i I h ,» if t i • pu* T ■' f ' t Itf i- ¿.i • ,«• U <1 to till -til .»j.l '-f.i win«-* It |iior-. curars. , i. . <»; t> . tt All of quality. llein Hh .lit FIRST-CI A S ORDER. I’.W. ,r .1 a <•■ mph W. I l I . hA I JA8 JORDAN. Prop’r, HOWARD s, lii-» tw«» I | m > v - Iwint* now at college in ria, of whh li country Mr. ami Mr •r are lw»th native*. Mr. i hn b«<1 of FRED The Rooms and TER xtras Furnished on Short Notice. wonh \r.«l I,.- f.'. tsns.ur.«! limi .',11 wl,<. fa >•! lam u H h ti. • •tr patron, tr :»’ will I»« -ati-tie«I w , h Li- prie»* d th»« (jiuility of hi> good.-, lb* ko ■pR Fine BILLIARD l'ablcs. ¡»ICY <;< m > i » s . G!UH I I1IFS. PHON IKK >NS. ( < LOTHING FVBNISHÏNG GOODS h \ rs \ n i> « \ps A FIKST-CLASS RESTAURANT Boors ANI» SHOKS v« i y ! hin. u-iially fourni in a lir-t-el ( IÜM- Store. They will «ÍA»-their cu-t«>nu !- tin b<«n««ht of I be r.-’ue.\l freu.-lits «;ui-« «I by th»- .«Ion» of r.’iiho.ul. io.«! will rol be m . 11< ^2 .A. A ' I I Qu ck Sales and Small Profits WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. ‘ A'T 'Ll 1'1 It' 111 • 1 K-.-j r..j I < >r •vn r\ ry»’ I übst raei «'< IHMfl- I b-:i4 .- ihi I \> to parfit* ip to lb '. bur^ I .vid Otti. ■-. is ar»* in my hard* for sah«. MAPI TO \! L LI 11 1 IIS ■ V ■ ’ • • -;o«i. I.. < *. i B«- ¡onitf!. T !.. I.. II. \V*‘l>-!t*r. Jiidix« of this urd It» any bu-uu sM I nn-»« in i.I'.’E CO. OK ASHLAND. OGN. .'l-.'i .’ti. Troni Strrrl. Portland, AT ia .GAL D{ CU^ENTS CONVEYANCERS, x- . BE< ( K LIQUOR DEMERS GRONEMILLER AtiD URDSEY, \ll tu k. 1 »1 K 1 O ! X PORTER & DIMICK (• U HOI.I S \l J ALHAMBRA SALOON, REAL ESTATE AGENT ! I t lliTlor of kroiinls—-iTomp! Kinitfnnr <. 4‘» i » \v< Nt TARY FFBI IC. ■thirx’. hik I at iiiivy :rv«»»v< i ■ >i aiii.' » :t etilei ii>..* the t i«nt»«r <»f the fi»n,li'-;i'I. I>..1- r ha- • ;irrie«| <»n husint dr.içgist ill this place for many ) in w ¡th v<*. v g‘H»»l '-iirccami was highly i led by .ill a* an ^lonor.ibl«' Ini'i- When FLLCKEKSTEIN & MAYER Have jUbt • J" n« 4 a fin»- Mock of I ) A V. AS - 11« •»!»• psi tre Biooih .. mi J. . . CARTRIDGES ! Table ¿nd Pccket ut'ery, Fishirg Tickle, Etc. lent. \1JO ltlt< >>• DEST TO m AND CUKE- PISTOLS MEDICINAL PURPOSES L t f »V Rubber Eese. 1 NEW CASH STORE .< >r ; KWME /ND CRANITEWARE, CHICAGO. II« .. »V p iSH l- FI LL an ; ) HL’«'l t«s soil tick» t- \ 13 tlilri 111!»*. I’MU.oi: BEEF, d ltd Hardware Tarred Paper, Etc.. Etc BOURBON RYE AND “ NORTH WESTERN’ HI"! ///V-E7 I ♦ >r iniNt In I I Spring Point Sh; rels. Sluice Folks. Picks. Picks. GoR’ Pans and Scales. •nd at pri. r <> I < /f I It* I II ri iti ti iru ••/f / r i / Ji KI »»/; K»n«f>«rt fi «I h i; i u / \ <« i:t>n u sill pH«* -« «1 i>\ * 1 / 1 / / 4 / ativ; urd it.** wide />/%/\ g t ii:> h'« foul'd elM-ub. f c ni«»n Par.fic At « ounrjl Bini! th.*.- ..f th.- liy • ’•">:! '" t Hi ’.’U’.’tb -trairf « I ;i< i»p » A N" ' of flu- line idi Fax-t. rn For h.-tf Ii«. Cin...... nati. N ihl ’ i Buttai«». I itt-Lurx, loronto. M«» ti'-t.l, B«»-t«»i N.-v. Y'.rk, I11- • ¡.*.j:i.Haiti more. Wa-lnpgton and all pointf in th«- F.a.-t. .t-k the tick« t ac« i t for tickets via tne til i-i- \\ Tl.«« rut. JACKSONVILLE, IN FOR .S r Wagon Mat fill and Blacksmiih Coal. WHISKY F/.' reel’ I <»'lll FARMERS!& MECHANICS’TOOLS \ Li tr Kur •! .hl-dMll! cl.und... tin« Anamiles • •a*t WHOLESALE HOUSE N Omaha, Council Bluffs Chicago ETC.. ETC., ETC. IN MINING SUPPLIES. SHORT LINE height. Th«» Frein-h i«>r,-e.* m»4 s»»mi* r«*ver.*es in T»»li«)uin, which ha* greatlv en<,«»urag«»»l the ( hiiic>»-. Thi* is im doubt th»» can-»* of th»- sup|M»s.*d till M. I II I FAI I l> 1 - 12th. when the rainy season, wl»'« L im tn »** alwnit \pril *J>th, wilt I m - . I i'll 1 RAILWAY. VEILING In V . m trn»»l l»y the government. partureM are timed t<» reach I»:rl n««u«* • »V I Max 1 AGAIN TO THE FRONT! bi «.■'. '' \L.>i..«r ¡- J.»». FLOW EKS, COLLAR* \N!' CUI- F’S, l b« \ a '«I \i, . digging I’ ka X« r has declared war ( liina ami the slaughter •>!’ a lar; >*r of ( eh -tial* may I m « vx|M*.«tr< th»- t*nd of th»* tr«»nhh Th.- Frei • lepArtim-nt c»»ntinn«‘* préparai hasten th»- »hspat»-h of troops t»> I Tell thomiaml m»-n and four l»at irtillerv I -avo Marst-ill»-> on >.itiiiK». h | <::■•!! «’i die ( . o. Big.'fow .«i W lliam -L'i .■ ha* pm- cliase»l th** Baltimore »Fitch and r mak- inet advisers average about fifty-two year*, und none have yet attained the ago of sixty, though Secretary La- inar. the seni«»r in point of ye irs, is with­ ten |s-r cent. |»‘r annum. in a few month* of that age. Secretary Owi.xo to reverses in and bad re|s>rt Endicott follows him hy about a year. from China the French Cabinet resign Secretary Bayard is fifty-six year* old. ed. Ik'Freyeient informs President Secretary Manning is fifty-three. Ittor- Grevy that he can form another without i>ey-< iencral Garland i* nearly fifty- much difficulty. The t'hine-e « iiib.i — « three, and the younger members of th«- Paris think tin' change of ministry w «•abinet. Postmaster-«reneral Vilas. wl»> induce the I 'hiliese government to renew i* forty-four, an«l *eeietar» Whitney, serious negotiations for js'ai-«'. whoi* nearly forty-thr«*'. bring down Tin •on.il crii'iid *.< kilim M axxim . decide* to Is'gin benin*.’ h.' «liti«' light, and it is l».'li'‘ve'l the debt state­ poh tirai opinioni ment to be issued oil the 1st of the mouth ait­ Republican* a ill have a new and . learer form, and be anti -monopolist, nioie satisfa. tory to those who have to òr# «, lui.iim is a study it. Mr. Manning means to make a roa»!1 magnate statement which shall plainly show the That is the rea- actual condition of the treasury on the proscribe the for m»-r. • lay it is issued. \\ hat such a statement Tm l*.i< ifii’ r.iilroa l «lirevt«n - will show remains to Is? seen. It is not, .it (’«»rv.illi** bavr just completed and i**- course, suggested hy anyone that the MUed a tariff sheet. The rate of fat tre.i-ury statements heretofore made lixe«l at five cents ¡ mt mile, makilk have ts'eii inaccurate or ens.ked, but it fare from Corvallis to Yiiqnina may turn out that, according to the new It is said they will tight the law rreen secretary’s understanding ol the laws made by the Oregon legislature, fixing and IsH.k'keeping, the limit f.s.ting* may the rate of mileage at four » ¡war a .1111»• r.*111 omplcxioti mile. This law will take effect ti.t r rat i h Highest Market Price 1 tn- '».■ >i • /.-.«/•« KusEEWSKL Jacksonville. <1 MILLINERY STORE FRUIT TREES ded as By the Thousand! , Hhniiff • ‘“.lleLlur. VINEGAR FOR SALE! • • i;i:d««-I. r« s tl’’ : 'lalont. Jarkson ty ()r«- •on. ! ,w» t' irty burr« H of choir«« Apple u;if. whirl; I . «4!« r- !»« • • by who]««*nl»; or I. f«»r cash or grain, ni the very " Till I Xl>i I SICXFI’ XoV« IAK1XG Oil I ,l. i- ll.o .. :b. .1 cl— I. c.'l J'-' l'i'U;. .'onutK'S for FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, I, and in t • 'ft’.n pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma­ tion of all flesh. LAST NOTICE lit 11 u THE C.iY BREWFRY & -—BY— I z INFOI! •i i i £ A Rare Ch pt * ce 0.3 a? i CJ Dissolu ion rJotice 1. T t* !!< Ni Mil ! I II IND <•! \NT ht .1 W «L at JOHN MiLU-Ub ft & N it- BOILED AND HARD CIDER thrv hu Ilin mind li.i icly \vmj»a!hize in thuir s.» I and . w. »••in.^’deral , and snrnied mini tably. — •la? qii pa i: i Xi K.'1 up hi hi t < >' <>' i i xi' r. a . n J. H. < ... J »•* ;c <1 \. A 11 .i i i • ,1 if - J .'-t If lfli.tl.Hl r.e. f t. ,1. H. < .Hit'l l' A. \. THAW. WTUow bpruig Mareh 6. Is.-”’. WAGON MATERIAL QJ cud g < t- - i '7 ìJ ns I 1-4 «r< ÌM o Pt S W Cß •— X > M Ih hi ¿d hi <881 d • s *! • - * tf »