ftiauc éimes FRIDAY GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDFORD ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE. Baker city lias lm SIXTY A( IUM OF Jjn <1 in Sarn'b vaih j, intlva north of Jack- mui .villa; <>n<* 1 mint it-4 acrus m cultivation; all ui tier fence; well water* 4; <1 hour-«-, barn and «nitti*>u>eh; good bcMring orclund np|>l«H, |><*arr m 4 peach««. Aiw», for Nile, n I Hp«n of hornee, wagon, hanu'bH ai d bugg» tt buah«-k of wla-i.t: Hilt bunheln of coni; 11« .a of good ItHy; good. n«*w cook stov«!, chain*, tbh«*»* at.d farming toot*; «•allle. etc. elC. Apj iy on th'« ranch. JOK. W. HAITI RFII Ll>. FEBRUARY »h 18SV TO ¥i K A Ifeft.KM. A weekly newspaper is to lie started in Portland called tlie /ciiA-.Li.i Gr'io. I hr TUFA U m * McirrnlalioM of 1.900. the lnrrw the be*t i hi ! nee in <*»»«* Serious collisions have occurred to M«lrertl*er*. Our Itwt I» principally ron tiiir.l to Jn<*kwon, Jtwephiue hii .I i Texas between Mexican marauder HliimAth row ti I lew. ftiiwiuew« im*u ! citizens. i I ivh I i I Inkf uole »1 thiw. NOT YET ure «IA. The quarantine at Baker city on ac­ count of small-pox has been raised. in FARMS FOR SAX.E G^EA/to In th«' Malheur country the snow was ' only fourteen inches deep, and did not ' lay on long. CANDIES, NUTS, I.. N. Knight and Roesa ('*1111011 are I under arrest for robbing the pustotliee ORY GOODS & CLOTHING ' Forest < »rove. Portland Irishmen are beginning ■ make preparations for the celebration St. Patrick’s day. “Nut yet,” *h«* erie h t«i*k; 1 harv 1« nu timo for aighing «»r for book L««feve nan a little longer. j«i.-t wo lung As till m> work in done ’tis all 1 a^k. Not yet!” "Not yet." she cried, "not >*t! Xnthtf.il 1« he,, and 1 am tirisi anil frail. Day wua too full, now rusting-'inn* lias com la-t tn- sit »till ami hear the night mirali-. Anil am* the «tinsot colors alufr ami pale. Br-fon* 1 taka the long, hard journey home. , Not yet!" TOBACCO ANO CICARS, •n.l te all htw- in turn t 'onee iH-tith, thè uiibuhien. univrrsul «mc-t. Wuh ,1,-ep siiti urm-nl uiutuiin^s in hi» -■>•»-, An.i poppiel tiownr» u|»,n hi» brow. hi» br»a> W hi»p*-rui4C lifss i» a-sùl. bnt I sin busi; And never piirtod »oul look» biu-k and eri*». NotyctT’ ALL SORTS. Writing poetry iti like putting up ■tOVM. Everybody known how until they try. •w. Joe Drake, the Marion county mur­ derer, hat been sentenced to Iu- In The Columbia river drains JtG.i«») on Friday, March 20th •quare miles and is navigable tor a dis- The silver men in t'ongre tan«-«* of 725 miles. strong enough to prevent It is said that there have been .'in.ixio legislation this session. skating-rinks established in the I’nited The existence of an anarchist States within the past two years. with branches in the principal A soup made of black lieaiis and cities, has licet) revealed. »herryr is one ot the latest epicurean nov­ The Willametfe Iron \\* elties. Il is said to l»e of Norwegian ori­ land has reduced tin- wage# gin. ploves on account of hard time A farm of ¡some 2th) acre* produce* Brooks, Marion county, ha enough pork, vegetables, etc., to supply the wants of the 275 inmates of the State duh and a bounty of «20 i* to be for any coyote killed in the bound penitentiary at Salem The English papeni are dres, Steel nails have now become estab­ lished as the nails ot the future. With­ mourning for the wtw**acre of new niaiiutm-turing and mining enterprises were org.imz.ed. with an aggregate capital reaching the enor­ mous sum of 4105,2t>9,.500. md JOHN I‘l 1.IU 1’1 < >W The meanest story yet reiio ►rt«»« 1 in that routing from Dayton. W. T . * h« r«* it is claimed a scliool teacher rrei-i ivr«l an «’X- citer from r mother, ivl lii«*li r<’.i l . "Please exeiis, Johnny, a» he had to re­ main home and attend the liahy while I attend««! to jury duty." “My dear hoy," said a mother to her •on, a* he handed around his plate for more turkey, “this is the fourth time you've been helper!.” "I know, mother,” replied the hoy ; "but the turkey |iecked at injLonce, and I want to get • piare with riiui." He got his turkey. Congress at la»» woke up to th«- enormity of the cattle monopolies in the west, and to the outrage* of these stuck companies in the wav oi fencing up th«- public domain with barb wire. The chsnres are that very stringent law's will he enacted by the present congress. BY TH5 ice Baking Powder Co., iTnef Dr. nics’s Mesial Flaicnii Enaca, Rev. C'olin Andersen of Modoc county while going home through the wage brush with a lighted lantern, was fol­ lowed by rabbits, attracted by the light. The Alturas ¡ndfp' nilent asserts that the rabbits were so fuacinated by the light that Mr. Anderson was enabled to catch some of them by the ears and carry them home. I Ai I I i- 1.(1. Or. IN r. GROCERY AND PROVISION r< HI «1 blbtc, on A FULL AND COMPLETI: LINE OF > hi FAB .î d J. r. Groceries- Provisions, TOBACCO AND ( IGAIIS. CANDIO. NI IS. ETC By the« ha^ «rd uni louness of ier look, ui ucqiuris* the n«rvon -lumber, t en »oben d*-«ci. un. I ague, erally. EMPIRE HOTEL GUNS PISTOLS. L JA< OI S. Sh« riff. » X. A J A< OiiS. J>«*puty. Siitiitf's Sale. OI AX I XI < I T1O.X DU.» IS. Cl. Ik «* 4 th. » «4 ti«* ( IlCUlt 4 O p *.* r. for Ji.k-t i («tuli. Hl 4 li«*llV4 I«41 1. Ut Bali •r 41 < k t«*r«*d h judgin«*r t ar.« 1 . IX. agait *t r ib« 4 r«i< pi« p* riy o! 1 hh ; » m 1 j mi T i r« al11 :• P«*r- cib« r t *»f O1« h» It »ot .for the a : d it 1« r»*t tl « r«i f. at tha hl I î «i th «-tan 4 the finth« r »• nm of h r d utx>_ il thin ----- f 1 «i d. un the Mtid nnlty, ur nth* for t bidder, at Drill«-, ID Mii< ’K COLD GOLD COLD! A I T. W. Cunningham. P- op AND CARTRIDGES Tabi? and Pocket Cutlery. lishing; Tackle. Etc. :an ths Lowest. 'S « » xx MEDICAL. D r .SANFÜRD’S 1 j<*n <1 HILL OREGON! STRUCK AT 11 tl <■ nrLt. title In (»rtìid o iu«d to •toi ♦ ttj k » it i.i d f. n ' 1/ of MX*- • arrliip ¡14(1 ® of th»» I rm r** BY M. E* POGUE, Wi­ REDFORD HOTEL. Yi¿AR3 IN_ USE. T H. F. Torrey. Prop ’l-*4 ll- a !«•< GENERAL AIERC li AN Disi: INVISaRATOR of the A) 3.VIS Or A 3 LIVER « < •»•»< IV«-. Fain iu «•«•usuiion in the the »'noultlt-r- [, with a d i «• oi’v or niinil* s.jjrii*. vvi'lt it Nome itc.and ca ise the Ott x- .« »I.. *t< in 13 • ri. I . . Toi*i: Action <>n I» «_«-«( i * e <»imt :* *.!?• .lur Mtooleare • U n - i f I » 1 l il V t ■ ■ X . Y . .14 Hill S* 1 to TURKEYS, D'JCKS, CEESc, ETC. M. E. POGUE •Inly . .. 1-1. the many diseases i vid -Xjla th portant organ, and j'X Ait.ting t nicrcus ailmints tlfv" arise fr< PyspepsiX Ay.uice, Biliousness^ ■ K DICALS, i M. 1*2. 1 •< M B I rma i :: v : cclatcr . ■■ I . I'fHi n d day. all f|,<. r,Kht. title it d A I J VM r tn t. kh.ry A <»f th« followirg «bwcribcd f r ty year,. a:d T/^. ’Illi. <; i ; i : ai English Reniedv ! ! »MB1XJ !• »TH I1A1H u\\ - >T SEI FRUIT TREES Sheriff's Sole. Hi:r: 1 or ax exegltiox dl 'LY ih - k ► «'ff«« »* of (be ( ircuit e«*n. f«»r Jack »on county, d< hv« r«d, in favor of T. > and J. A <*nun. who d a judgm«*i4 a I «I« er«-«* of furt clo**ur»* -in ih« i.lx « t liti« d court, on the ot Ihr« ndwr. . »izail «*t the herein. •<*r*b. d r«*al pr. ly « f A Miai UttVlMI] G I Hill irnHi d«-d t«« m *H Mod »atiHÍy the m< dgmerit <»( r. (>. R«wm«*e. roil I Iwuir»« 1 HI «1 «1. A. . < rum, for ih«* midi of . Hl 4 mt • r«>1 tl, ter«'«»n at 1er iter cent, ¡«er I hv - of 1 n.l.. r. P»« and ’H:> '* Pr -' ' •’ *’• ron nt": r.r ai i . n-Ai.rns ix- medicixt - s . y. r f 1 infirm n ► • I r -r a '«-■ .«Jr 1» t - ,lc M t e " I r r .1 I-» <1 ' !0 »11. ..sroRD 114 DVAAB er., »- » <-it» < ; old I Da. e .’^;75:;D3 Liv?a i. vicclator - Invl "oratca the Liver. 11 ' ' - th< eh, Crenel Hens tlio S stem. I’lirit Blno l. \ -i»i D ” 'ti' n, Vr< vi i t-1 Is n H■>•:.-« h 1«1 NTT Uutnntii *♦•11« b” Office. 4-i r righi Mod row* 1» just what its name imp.. 00N S « 1PATION : TT "* VII»! Ey adapted Tl»- ¡¿«-neral i hv Whipple B Lane «-oiintv, w rei-t-nllv. The 1 mi'lniulit, ami i .if an im emliart 412.ISIO !•’ ll'i.ii limi Builders'' Hardware, Tarred Paper. Etc STOVES/ FIN. GRANITEWARI e is a th«* f •renee IM lai « all for omitted. r TION DULY IS of tb«* r*rruit t« kM.ji cf.urtr. u favor of A. r* c< «1er« uh J di. o«t*i t at d d«1. h m««ri* k tie ahov«« It N| . .!> * f.J *M. MgRir.Ht « nl nd r*Hi 1 ?t> Ot \V IT. imftr 4«d Li t*Mid r«-Hj A. Ii-hrr A ’<*-I '-./ m d *•> . a: d lite ur*« nr ntv. i d n|«4»n writ; and in wn< i 1 d.*t. oi th«* nth «I > uf U|N :»n *- h d n-i Ity. accoiding to I« at public auc- •«»uri houM'doot FOR SAI E SPRING POINT SHOVELS, SLUICE FORKS. PICKS. GOLD PANS AND SCALES MEDFORD To H. I M iom k t r d L W. Mnnck L’OI ARI in RFBY XOTUII DTHAI 1 I are 1 « xperd* d d c t»iim of I ftj dollar«-in lL»- rtcr in labor in <1 in p <>v< m<*i t«- upon the New block chom. «.¡tui t«* ir Willow Rprii gt* dis. coin ty. Or« . a«* u ,11 cj |-aar t»y <1 Nov. 1>, 1 n 4. in the «.ffice of the order to hold w»id f M-ct:«r 242«.lie. btHtts, h u.g (hv rre for »k-e ve*«r itl.n iret> «Is«« or w iiLiii r it«ty bhention, y< ti fad or pio| orlton of $S0 in xiw*i diture as co-vwn- rr. will tx-ct-me the ti: <1* r ee<*t»on 2.3*24 u TAYIXJK. ty. Feb. 13. Sheriff’s Sale. MINING SUPPLIES iOSTEH^s Roneburp. Oregon, ) Jin i.ary 15. 1M-5. | lb JU I I 11 1.111 N JHAT THE ii*m«<‘ MtticT ‘ I J.«* fd»d ‘ fotice of i nu k lir al pr< of n mjj port of his pr<.<»f wdl I «- Dibdc before of .)a. for the L Fee. ! *4 X U 4 w«*t. follow n y prove }¡u> ■nie» <•<• ni d cuJlitatK’n of J« I n Pojt. I). U Ki ui?4-r. Ildcy kb, XV in. H i klc. .*t]j o Aifhifi« Oregon UM. F. BENJAMIN. fafjMir. Wagon Mat rial and Blacksmith Coal. ago, III. St. Louia> Mo. For «at»» hv CrrriXG. M ehi . k C o ., a PtNtlai d. <>r.*Koti. Washington munty ot!‘er> for th«* rapture of Tang Smith, w li drre ) «rd eight im m rection ot î nnbertd ten (Itn in l«»t»» immberfd nix (b), •eelhm «Lirtj-tie <2Ä»’ •e i « til uot quait«*r. '« ur 4 ■. fne >Nj rid fix (fl), of all in i< wrifhip 37 M»uth S16 ni,1(1 î ftrr«-»; him of Itavid 1« wi «*hi|> 37 ». 31* ill t< Wli- niMining 15V and d I en u jj; Jack* A. K. JA< ORK. Sheriff. Ry >LK I>« I )r. X. A.«1A( 1.... ( >u. . i*utr. * i i.iji Apple. Jt*eir. p-ac h. Pluu i. Pn i i : a < < irli. L“g nomination hand’* of th. Irgialatiir«*. I irmoerat^ divided, il i* will be had. iMvannaii, (¿a.. Feb. II — Ur Bros., the largest Catholic publish) firm in the West, have wired to Bis Gross vf this city, that they have A life prisoner in tlw Albany |w-nit«*n- ceived a cable notifying them of tiary, during bi* leisure momenti., found .ipi*>intnient as Archbishop of <>re« the Old Teetament tn contain 1,724,11)1) to succeed Bishop Seghers. lettere, 601,493 word*. 23.213 verses, DJ’» A foot-race for «1 .iMM) a side is tn rhapter» atei .<0 Irooks. The New Tr-sta- run in March, in Sun Francisco, between ment rohtain» K3S.3ST) lrtt.-r«, 141,253 Frank Lewi», formerly of Lake comity, word», 7.954 verses. 2.1)* . hapters. 27 and an Eastern sprint runner named books. Gibson. The distance is to be 125 y a rd- The approximate number oi sheep in the world is sat down at 115,000,iXH). Thia does not include a large nutnlx-r of sheep in the Asiatic and some of the North African countries, as w<-ll a* ii|*m ear tain of the more important islands of which no enumeration has l>een at­ tempted. IRON AND STEEL FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ TOOLS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES GROCERS SELL THEJfl. lion II. C. Wilson of Tehama county. ' .il , and his two daughters. Miss and Mr*. Alexander, have gone t> the New Orleans Exposition. Mrs. I aiura 1X-Force < lord -i 'll •I < ali- tornia Was admitted to the I o| the I’nited States supreme court recently Mrs. tiordon is the second woman al- lowed to practice before tlii- roiirt. tin* first lining Mrs. Belva Ixs-kwissl. At the scene oi the recent snow block ade east of Cnion. an engine and »now- plow jumped tin- track and ran down the mountain l.tioO feet with ’•r ' * ting. The engineer juui|»-d .md brok(* his legs. The tireman stood at h ÌM |M>St and escnjs-'l injury. LAKM SI HIM, TO SALE ■ - JjjieoururinrhnolhsLs delirious brea. Land Office at RoM-bure. Oregon, > ». February V <05 t ’ is hfrfry (.IV, X THAT THE followiug-natn'-d wettlcr han hl«-4 noticeof hit io n.ak«- tn al i-rtHif in *uj |-orl of hit 4 ijiHt *H«n | ro< f will I «- n » d« I'ofor«« « I ( OUI«,, nf .b r k-<*T1 ill»*, 5P W. d|M « lt>. A| rd J. P<). ut-H huim I f * . 4 ' . « « f ■ . V\ • , I - n pt I K. S .fh.w »< R* r. 27.T S2.8.B. mw tl. follo* It>g Wilf « * tu plot«» Ji« !*•> 4« I ♦’♦• !:[•♦■! . it! (1 < tli«!\M]On *1. vi>: .1« _ I ........................ t ( w t r. W — ’ld« . r . I «eil. *« ’ Ml 4 | tl J < )»• A lihllH,! . WllliMD'; i Stuart, of DoL »i* ••, (>r»*g«ir. WM F. Bl.XJAMIX. Keeirter. Notice of Forfeiture ss l: < J < ’ 12 .-s y mui. Or. z YEA5TM Judge L. I.. McArthur of The Pall sill attend the inauguration of President ' leveland. Several other distinguished Oregon gi-ntleiuen will be there. Don’t talk too much. If it ways in vour power to »pc purpose, it certainly is to Is- s though thousands han- re with pain their garrulity, few sou tn repent their silence. Sle-i«.» Jhes^jtr^ho^^eaMjnjIhejvvrkK^Br,^ The bill t«> appr«jpriatv $30 J mm i ior In MM refine sugar, while at present it is done ad«litn»iial buibling for the State Unix al or below a cost of one-half cent a -ity has passed and only needs the sij. pouniL Cuban sugar now Is-ars a lower turn «»I th«' < iovern«>r to ln*c«»nie a law quotation in New York than at any time The r«*|M»rt of the supenntenden since 1451-54. the Oregon insane asylum show The canal which Germany intends to pensr of each patient to have I m construct to unite the North alhl Baltic in a fraction or three dollars per seas is to be large enotigli to admit the largest war vessels passing through it. It is estimated • the work will l„* com­ pleted in live years. < ■ 1< 1C Æ r 12 1« DEALERS The hill extending the time for the Yaqiiina bay railroad and exemptu railroml from taxation fog twr Skunk hunting is a popular winter I has parsed the legislature ■ mu-sernent in Kentucky. Alter passing At thg New Orleansex|s>sitioti < >n through a Blaine campaign the people beat» tlie world on apples Out ot find it is a pleasant change and A great entries Oregon took six lirst- relief. miums, and two on collections. Extracts from the diary of priva ¡Henry, of the Greeley ex|s-dition who “She went according to the letter.” was shot*have l«-en published, and re- said a horseman, speaking of .Maud S. l Meet severely on Lieut. Greeley. “What letter?" asked a very smart As a’oout nine-t«'!iths of tin* KepuMi- vouug man "Letter her >>. " said the can otticials nn the Pacitic «*«»a-t »Io not horaeman, with crushing effect. «•nine up to th«* < 'levelaml -tandar«l. tlicv The colored (>eople are under the im­ may just as well prepare to vacat«*. pression that tin ir race will be promi­ The eleven wliite babies i< -• - up d f nently represented at Cleveland' maug- oration. They have heart! that theiwca- th»* «lums ot Chinatown, >.m I-ram i ■ion will be “eelvhratfl with great an«l rem«»ve«l to the St. Jo-ephS In Asylum, have all I m » cu r«-christen»-«l. Pomp. ” Hie.. \. i I mm - h Mc.nl. <1. mid i Dnik’uiM^ and \\ m> M< :cl . :i ( H AS. K()H N A < ( P. . DIsI’I.l’HIA und INSOMNIA MILLER & CO., migration by steamer and wagons would make the total at >out «ioiit*!»“ those tig- tires. False happiness rentiers men stern •nd proud, and that happiness is never cominunicate-1. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and the happi- neaa is always shared. > <> HARDWARE The training school for Indians w ill I m - The Paris newspapers are publishing removed from Forest Grove to Sale m a-4 •*te,- ) pounds ot freight, of which ti.SM.OOi) pounds have been forwarded—2t3OOtl)l)<) being wisil. Fine Farm tor Sale VROOMAN & MILLER, A MOST DE IGHTFUL TONIC AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOnt:illilllti land, lying miu' the «luge r«»ad, mx uidea «*iu»t of Jack.-onvill»*. Plac** it* w«*U improv«,*d; good well of w;it**r for I ioum * U m * and livu for stock. AI iuj , 215 Men s mil« of Phcenix. all u?.*i- r »•xpoiiM* be put in «‘ultivati farm th«*r** i* l««n acroN of gr that 1 will wll with th« farm give |M>ht*«»P*!on at any time, call on oruddr. M* JOHN S. HI A-hla* « Lnnd Otfic« at JltMebnrg, Oicgon. FebruaryV 1>*5. VoTld 1S libili RY GIVbN THAT THE 1« L'.l"WÌrg-i!Hmtd M-ttl«-i 1 rh fiod roller of L im h 1« » t tur lo nittk'* b» al proc*f in ««uj port of hÌR elaitn, ai d tbat waid pr«M»f will I h * nu*r U . di < y. • p- d I. |g»5. \ jk U rr. Httont, pr« u*m|.ino- D K. Xo 47C4« fot tl «* RK (,f RE. S M . ,.f X| i„ k ,.,-. 33 M of jj « ii 4 4 *‘l‘ * *r"' r ani«* thè loIJuwii m witiK-M-e«* t<> prove 1 in coptir noto* rrwj. I <•«• Up*f . M d tilt.iDt.On «f M- d !r ! d VII .John ()w«*iif*. \\ld«r Fr««i>, Ri m V Va ìley .Oregon; K’iuire Aikep Fr»' «* ih A. H rcrot . of I)«*kìr h . Or- *•’»». UH. F. bbNJAMIN. IbgiMer. Gib'on is one of the fastest in the world, so if Lewis comes out ahead this time it will only l»e by a »cratch. The State Agricultural ('ollege Associa­ tion at Corvallis has been duly incorpo­ rated. Incorporators—John Burnett, J. R. Brveon, M. S. Woodcock. I A. Horn­ ing. 5L Jacobs, D. Carlisle, Thos. .J. Bu­ ford. I*. Avery. J. B. Loe. Capital stock Hil),mH?. The college hereafter w ill be entirely under the control of the State. A tremendous »now-storm visit, I the central Mississippi valley on tie- Sth. continuing in many places until the loth. The teni|s-ratiire tell in many place» to 25 and even 2N degree» l>eh>w zero. AU train» running out of < 'liicago were snow- Isiund. Such a storm ha* not Iwen known in Illinois for years. Thirteen cars of sheep on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad were frozen to death. They were standing al the front gate. •‘Won’t you come in the parlor and sit a little while, .ieorgie, dear'”’ "No-no, I jueas,” replied Geòrgie, hesitatingly. “I wish you would,” the girl went on, “it’s awful lonesome. Mother has gone out and father is up-stairs, groaning 1’irn b/iHfifriiHK with the rheumatism in his legs.” it an«! fall are tiinv.« wh«*n >«» many ’’Both leg»?” asked (ieorgie. “Yes, ret >i« k. The changes in the weather both legs. "Then I'll come." ar«’ “evere on feeble persons, an<| even those naturally strongare apt. as they lw stnn k ilnwn with some Bruise». Sore*, fleers. Salt Rheum Fever kin«i «»f f«*ver. A hottie or two of Parker - Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Tonic will invigorate the dige.-tion, put the Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ liver, kiiliievs and bl««od in perfect (>r«lcr, tively cure* Files, or no pay re,juired It is end prevent more serious attacks. Why guaranteed •«« give perfect’ satisfaction, or «lifter, nn«l perlxap* div. when ««» «imp!»* a uiuuev refunde.1. Price, £i cent« per box. medicine will save you? Good for both For sale by E C. Brook« sexee aud all age«. Ext: as Furnished on Short Notice SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 4 ft M SELL XS LOW The B i ’ yeiv * Gnnr is famed March l"pt., each year: 2’21 pat’ea, 8^x11 j •s, * ith over 3v30O illustration»^- □!e picture gallery. (»¡Tea wholesale :s direft to cvnsumrrs on all goods f»r o I or family tx-e. order. ar.*l M ■ of.ev< vims , drin have ft n ^«3^ inralua! !o 3 com i Information fleaned fn m nar!.<: s cf t.,c worl I. Av c will mail y to ar y address t r»on receipt me puivUfeC—d cei.u. Let us Lear m you. Respectfully, ttU'fl Dil o tal..I. IF SWT LOWER i- uu iru-.l... nil <>ur gemi- h - ii-presentisl. rs:". Tit MAX MU Lì R CRONEMILLER &. c GRA'T’S PASS. BIRDSEY. W. HOWARD ÚL CO., II M « NI K :• t«»pl f 0NTC0MERY WARD & CO. «k Map W wizu/Ja Aruuu, « LU. (I P. O. Building..Tack‘ onville The Very Latest Styles hl.ALI.il IN flow i ns rol i \i;s t tit« (»lt\AMENI? GENERAL MERCHANDISE VEILINGS, SILKS AND : H t GRANTS PASS. OREGON, OFFICE STORE. Very Reasonable Rates < »IV I I > : \ .!>. L All of which’thry offer st tl-e v*-rr low - rt l.i lli-nu'mls-r. nnr ir ».»I- an* nil i«-w Givirnr b- »■: purr w.- cannot be under-.■:1 \ Î ¡ il K.iI S I IXI- X .Ik In..' I- I-. I- ■ k ■ • I ■ ■ k ......... .. JOHN JlUALli'S l<| s i: .lrbtnl to uu 1 nm d r. rm it i * n fu*< <1 or II. 1’AJ'E. S r . JackiOiiuUe, Aug- L IsSL HANO MACHINERY. SAW BI.A< KSMITHIXIi A lHVAII.IXi. o ! «1,1<. Kate». Mo*. 6« n«»,l 7 • M h 44» o „ Ntreel. (Between Third and Fr.urth) IVIHTI.AND. rORTLAN'D r.I’SINl -S ... ORKfiO.X. COLLF.Gr Oil any wovk-dav <>f the- v<-.r tion of th. eour-<- <.f Gu.h,' r»U s of tuitio- 1« ani. examination«. rrn: BRAUNSCHWEIGER & CO ATTENTION. SECOND Done at H w , Also, Groceries and Provisions STERLING SAW-MILI ft,I nr h ers VAOIIXT FURNISHING GOODS YANKEE NOTIONS. EK I M V< 11 I N MW AND LACES. t • t ¿iMYlthh'AN & SCMF.RIR, AND GRIST MILLS. ETC. \r.| a >xr« POST |>4N'1>H 1«1N I’ll 1 PìhinsiA nid Bino th«* mn F«’t Hide Ly all diu.’gi-tH. HohGI . JlAVlHAtO., l’uri land. Or •h!o Agent« J! ipoKMEHLY (ixy<0( GOLDEN ANCHOR AND BEAR GRASS wii i k i i «: m M-.. <•' th- .-I. ,.-.1 H'nVPNI» PTTTrP, WHISKIES SUiri'LD DUILCl 1ÌCUM olii I AS HEN DISTILLER! 11 SO DESlRfcD •Tump-off-Joe Prici-ct. The only illuttrsled Minzinv devet.d to th. dev. 1 p:n-n« < t the Grot W. -t <> num» a vagì amount of Renerai Inh.rma-loti and »to­ rni aro Ai,i, eunilnetr 11 Norterbly l-’natrnted ! Only f j a y. »r I. Hamnel, Publisher. Xo. 124 Front atm-t, Portland, Or. VINEGAR FOR SALE I H,oIwd.r»1Bn■ ••»’••r, wl, > I. I. < tier» i„ »Gl I« »hol« >ale or retail, for <-n»h or main, at the very I. w< ►< prices T KFPHIM ( OCNTY. TB4 HITiSClllBi lls »J lake ph *ui-p in inform*':* the iHililu* th ■ t! \ I mm * recently nut in'a new and comniod-.on- Feir*. - Ixw 1 at the old place on Bognt* nv»*r. an«l nr* pi« _ BOILED AND HARD p irt 4 to ferry all whod«*ire to < roas m a -.if»- a- p ;>•-ditioiiH manner at rcaaonnhl''rat«***. W- *11. ■ Also kept cottstantb’ ut> i asd. ►rrtva wusUuuue /QUNMVN UBUt> CIDER /■ u wvin.