school . “RüOifh oh MISCELL. Ask for "Rough on Cold»,” for Coughs, mid* Horu Throat, Hoaraeneai«. Trochea, 15c.?Ii<]Uid,25c. The following is the report for the month Baruch Fisher was up from Woodville More rain is wanted. Plant «hade tree«. ending Feb. 10, I <885: Ronifh on Mat«.'* this week. Considerable prospecting i? going on in Springlike weathar FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 30. 1M5 Clear« out rata, mice, roachea. fiioa, ante, bed­ i ■? J. S. March of Sam ’ s valley was in southern Oregon at present. bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. K»c. Drug­ Town election next » ? gists. town yesterday. E J Dí There was some rain this week, but not I Column'a old Bad colds continue popular. ! ing their egpensea were heary Moses Mansfield has sold his place on rke 8 <5 Legal blanks at the T imka office Jacksunvilk* Silver Curnet Band was one of property near Talent, paying $1,1(10 for “Wells’ H«*nlth R«*n«*wer.” Mrs. E. C. Kane of Ashland is spend­ Rich gulch. Jacksoil creek ami Farmer's fiigher. :v- 37 considerable business unfinished. 3 Drummers are quite plentiful agaiu Grammar . . «■ 87 the most succeanful and pleasant events of the same. tlut. 3 11 ing a few days in town this week. »‘Rough on < orna.” 54 5o Chinese new year is nearly over and Intermediate 2 1 17 Subscribe fur the New York World.” the aeaaun. A large number of both mask­ Ask for Weih' “Roijgh on < ’orne.” 15c. Quick Hereby informs the public that he is displacing 1 ft5 ft! Many of the miners arc at work»nd con- Pi .•iii.trx « 32 A telegraph line connecting the W. We are sorry tu learn that Pleas. Foun­ at the afwjve stand a tirst-rlaas stock of the Celestials have had high living and »mplvtecure. Hard «»rauft corni», warts, bunionn. « er? and specutor? wqre in attendance It was raining hard as we went to press. Total U. T. Co.’a office with several rcsidencas tain is quite ill with typhoid fever. -i«lerable gold-dust will be taken out this enjoyed themselves in various ways I and everybody enjoyed themselves. Sever­ •■K oiik I* ou Fain" Porouaed Plaaler. ROLL OF HONOR. in town, has been erected and ditl'erent It is too wet fur most uf tlic farmers to J. T. Buwditch, Esq., of Ashland is at season. The Ashland Cornet Band will give a | parties are learning telegraphy by al of the costumes were quite handsome plow. A 1 Fletcher Linn, 97; Wm. Linn, fcfc; Omar j ’ Strengthening, improv«?!, the best for b.icknche. the county seaton professional business. Geo. Spooner and others have located masquerade ball this evening, which Cantrall, S3. 2 Ella Hanley, 91; Hattie Reames, pains in cbe»t or side, rheumatisui, n«*nraigia. ami appropriate, while many uf the i barac- ' means of it. Almond trues are blooming in Ash­ will no doubt be a handsome affair Jacob Thompson has returned to Ash­ ltiO acres of valuable mining gr«»und in the ft»; George Neil, hS. Thin l,ct»pl«*. ter- were well sustained. Superior mu-ic Byer? Jacobs have rented their land from a trip to Klamath county. Salmon river (('al.) district. land. B 1 Oscar Kiuraid, 91; Thomas T. Turner, 1MI; ; * Welle’ Health Renew«*r” r«‘st«»rea liealtli and was (urubbed toy Schmitt, Brown, A number of candidates for the posi­ small brii k building at Medford to a Dean Bros, of Will«»w Springs precinct Miles Cantrall, fc; Byron Presley, cB; Mary New­ vigor, cures Dysj»epHia, Ht^adach«*, N»*i vout*n«*ss. Which he will r ¿1 Link\ilk wants a shoemaker and a F. T. Downing an«l wife of Manzanita Hull and Dunegun, and thu supp«*r was up tion now held by Postmaster Hammond ' gentleman from the Willamette valley, Ihbility. il.tli. precinct were in Jacks«myillc yesterday. ! are doing considerable* work in their placer bury, M. 2- Helena Ca.neron, Hi; Gun. Newbury. to the usual standard. The band is to be ' tadur. of Ashland have come to the surface. who propose« opening« book and music 82; Clara Cameron, 8!; Fr»«l Klipp» 1. M»; Gene­ diggings in Willow Spring? precinct. Whooping; < «»ugh. Lost river, in Klamath county, is eery congratulated upon its -ucccss. Mr. Morse, of the Grant's PasM ma- vieve Moore, *0. tsubscribeforthe ' Examiner,-' the best I store there. and th«* many Throat Affections of «•hihiren, S. Dvsert of Leland precin« i is taking big ' high. The following i- a list uf the maskers and (’1—Laura Cardwell. (M; Mattie Clemen«. 87; promptly, pl<*aaantly an«i saf«*ly r»*li»*v«sl by paper on the coast. Subscriptions taken i The citizens of Grant s Pas-, talk of chine shops, is paying this section a pay’ out of bis placer diggings. < »ther min­ Jus. Blovrr. 93: Kaspar Kubli. *7; Lottie R« *i. *L | “Rough on Coughs. Tns’hus, 15c.; Balsnin.25c. the characters they assumed, as near as we Tbc days have lengthened out consid- at the TtMKa office. Only fl ■'kt a year. i investing in a free ferry on Rogue river, visit. ers in that district are also doing well. Fred 2 -Susie Turner. 93: Anna Ship- ran ascertain them | crably. Mutlirr«». E. Lang. repr«*senting Lung A Co. of lion E. B Watson got two vote, for 1 near that place. They hope that a coun­ Hi* Stock consibtt» of If y«»uan* failing, broken, worn «»ut and nervou- J. Rotcn of Willow Springs pre« ¡net ley, ft»; Tillie Reluis, s-s; PhO'be Kelley. s|. (’olumbiM. Mr*. J. ( Neitz, starlight Win. Tyler has returned tu Jackson ('. S Senator one day thisweek, Messrs ty Bridge will l.e built in that vicinity in Portland, wa< in this section »luring the us«* “Wells’ Health Renewer." *!. Druggist*. GRAMMAR. Lulie Kubli, Quakeress, Mrs. F. Krause. showed ns some fin«* specimens of «piartz. week. county. Cameron and Bleakney voting for hun. the near future. A -Amelia Muller. H3; E. A. R»*am»*s, *H. IJIr Preserver. w hich he ha«l taken out of his mine last Gip-y, Lizz.c Helms. Popcorn <»irl. Belie B Louis Plytnale, H6; Lora Smith, xß; Birdie W. (’. >t«irrs of Portland is interview­ Wedding and calling cards are our J N. Traylor of Antelope offers his If you an* losiugyour grip on life, try ‘ Well«* Wm. HefTron. lately ol Roseburg, has week. f’atun; Polka Dut, Kain* Bellinger; Comic Donegan. *4; Amelia Benz, 82. Heal th R«*ncwer. “ G<»e»» direct tu weak sjxjtH. ing his numerous customers in this *P«*« ialty. fine farm and property for sale at a bar­ | leased the Central hotel at Medford. Valentine. Lizzie Ruch. Quivn of Frumps, Th«* American Mining Guide, tin best au­ C- Katy Hansan. H3; Wm. Gilson, hl; Maniiu gain. See hi« adverti'cmcnt elsewhere. Mrs. HefTron will soon join him. and to- valley. “K oiik Ì i on looIlincile.” Twenty vardsof calico for >1.00 at Caru Mrs. A. < hale; Flower Girl. Julia Alensor. thority on thi-subject, for sale at the T ime * Lmn,8»>; Essie Fisher, 83; John Miller, ffi. Instant relief for Neuralgin. Toot hache. Face- L. ( happel of Applegate is lying seri­ office; al-«» blank notici- for location of1 A young man named Ed. Walters, ' get her they will undoubtedly c«»nduct a • INTERMEDIATE. Fairy. Cchta DcKuboam, Duinino. Birdie j Brut.,’ Pluvnix. ache. Ask f«»r 'Rough on Touthaehe.” I*« aud23c. I ( popular hoase. ously ill at the residence of John Miller lately from Spokane 1 alls, died at thg A class James Wat«<»n. Robert Jeffrey. Ada Babbitt metal in quantities to suit at Schmitt. Snowdrop. Maggie Morri?; Moth­ I placer ami quartz mines. ■•retty Momeit Hassett. B«Ttha H’-lm*. hospital last week of quick consumption. , 1‘he San Francisco paper!» announce of this place. er Hubbard, Mrs. t Luy, Polka Dut. Em­ 1 the I i ml - office. A Roseburg mining company has « aused Iwt«b< • who would retain freshn»*»** anti vivacity. B class Maggie M» m sly, Lydia Clemons, Lau­ F Hubbard, the popular agent for D. Representative Cameron's bill to in­ ■ that Jay Beach's “Altamont'' won a ma Bellinger; S« hool Girls. Hattie and El­ ; Some rain fell during the week and Don't fail totry “Well*’ Health Ronewer.” , the arrest <»f E. F. Walker f«»r «liverting the ra Luy, Gussi»* Paja*. corporate Mediord ha« passed mid will race at Oakland. <’al . in good time, M. < Ibborne X <’•». at Medford, was in I course of some water in the (¡rave creek sie <» i I m » d ,( ere*, Mrs. Schmitt; M«»rmng, m«.«rc i? pruiiuaed. (’class 1^-ua Bowden. Jennie Ream««*, Lena < nlarrlial Throat Affection«* Everything is fresh and of good quality, und i tie a law a« soon a-the Governor signs i beating a field of fast hors?*». >i\ beat? town Tuesday. Mary Lum»-, Quartz ¿speculator, J. G. Bird- section. He claims that he has a clear title Rice. Ria Clemens, Eddie Nunan, George Brown, Hacking, irritatiua<‘oughi*, (’«»Ids, Son* Throat, prices arc- put down to. The hurse racing f«*ver has struck ' nere trotted. I it. Prof. Dean and Miss Watters are • to the water in question. *ey ( owb<»y.F rank Langtll, Firemen, John Southern Oregon. Eugene Thompson. James McDaniel, Minnie «•urcii by ’Rough on (’«»u^hs.’’ Tro- l.e*. 15 cents. Liquid ra «■• !:t-. Bilger and Arthur Luiigvll; Nubian. Fran* Eaton. G W Smith, formcrlv ot tiiis county. The Big Butte saw-mill ha-» been -hut teaching a successful term of school on Th? development of quartz le«lgcs in the Mrasle? is prevailing m differentpor- "Rough «»ai li«*h.*‘ PRIMARY. Krause, French < .ivahrr.Gus. Dclpy; Ju« k I now runs a jewelry shop in Corvallis, • town for the winter, but will resume op­ Wagner cli ck New river *c< ti«m. located along the Siski- titins «»f the county. (ouTitry Produr»* bonpht and sold. A clans- Harry Miller. Albert Mensur, Daisy “Rough on It«*h’’ cur«»b humors, erupt iotiK. ring­ ey. Clyde ( arty Fn mh Knight, A. l hale. i w here he proposes to reside permauent- erations about the first ut April R. memL r (’olman's ol»l stand, and give me a A «'senator Prim introduce«l «piiu-s num­ y«»u and Trinity county boumiary fine, is Bilger, Rcsa buy, Willie Brown. Bennie Taylor, worm, t»*tt»T. salt rheum. froMtwd f«s*t. «-hillbinin»*. call when in t«»\ n. The Ashland Woolen Mills are run- i- ..... Prine«* of Wales. B. Fehnvman; Texan large number of log* arc now being cut ber of hills in the legislature, nearly all j likely to create a I mkuu in mining tbruugh- A. G. COLVIN. Willie McDaniel, Henry Klippel, H»*1 ud Rice. The Hope w 1 the Nalton. Banger, Henry Knutzen. Delegate from ning on s-hour time. of which passed. 1 he wife ut 1 li«.*?. Bailey an«l th«* for the summer's run. <»ut the northern part of ('alifurnia. Rudolph Benz, Jam«** Wilson, Ruby Eatun. Children, slow in development, puny. wrawny, Twelve yards of <’ab«»t W tur ILIO al [ «lauuhtvr of Mrs. Ragsdale of Table Soap «reek. W II McAdams; I'raiup. B class Bennie Finher. Willie Donegan. Walter and delicate, uh »* “Wells’ Health R«ou*w«*r." Rev. A. Fain bild of Ashland held | The appeal paper* in th« Mackey « a«»- B. F. Pierce, (’. ('. Rags«lale and others F rank < imborsky: Organ Grinder. D. W. ( aru Bros ’, Ph«enix. , Rock precinct ar«* rvp«»rted danuerouslv arc being prepared. Friday before last services at the M E. (’hurch in this ■ have locate«! a quartz ledge in the vicinity Moody, Sarah Hardin. Louis Eaton, Jus. Grnnre, Wide Awake Cr<»-o»y, l'umbourims <«irl, Ella Kian-«*. Hattie Kent. Nothing new in either the wool, pro- ill. was th« time set for the exrcuti«»n of (be place la*t Sunday. three or four hours every night coughing. Get I of («old Hill, which promises finely. »Sime ! Page. 4 al Cunn:ngbahi; My Pardner Levi. duce or imp market.*. (’ clasr Minnie Giannini. George Mentor, Ber­ immediate relief and‘.«»and rest by using Wells’ I.. B. Tucker, the genial host of th«- excellent roc k has alrea«ly been secured ami tie Kent. John Hardin, Mary Watars, Ana Waters, “Roughen Coughs.“ Troches. 15c.; Balsam. 2.7c. School clerks will find a -uperiur as­ defendants, but proceeding* haw been I F. Luy. Marquis de Cuu.x. Mr. Louden, Twu hundre«! dozen chickens w anted Soda Springs House, paid the county work will be vigorously prosecuted before Bay Albright. Ida Webster, A*.nm Helms, Monroe sortment of blank? at the T imes office, -tayed for the present. fitting Bull, Wm. Little. Duke of Burgun­ at Car«« Bru*.’. Piucnix. McKenzie, Frank Obcnchain. Emma Ulrich, Wil­ “Rongh on Pain” Por owned Pla*ler long. Dr. R. L. Parker of Eagle Point ex­ scat a visit la*t Monday. sin h as assessment schedules, receipts, dy. «’ha*. Bilger; Ceutenarian Newt Strengthening, improved. the best for backache lie Hanna. Klamath county vxjHTt- a large im­ etc. pects t«> return to his «>bl ln>m«- at Lake ­ («co Dean, who has keen teaching Geo. H. (’hick of Portland is now in Fan Bt-gy* ; Poet, Geo. JLiekenj«»? pains in cheat or side, rheumatism, neuralgia. Hive juwi o¡»oned a fine smck of (jKO. H. WATT. Principal. migration in the *¡«1 ing. I h»* prize* for the hamls<»m<-*t lady '.? and Mrs. Bridge s popular lectures«, has view before long, to pci nnuiently locate *. hool in Lake am! Klamath «'ountivs, Francisco to buy machinery f«»r hi* com­ W m . P riest . A lice D okuis . ; Assistant Teachers. Next sumlav i* the anniversary’ of been entertaining the people in the Wil­ Hi* departure will be regrettei by bi* ha- returned to Ashland. pany’s reduction works at the metropolis. H attie N ewruky . ) g«*nt * ootmiK awarr Washington’s birthday. lamette valley t >wn* and will sown be many friend* ami patrons. Mrs P. B«»sch(*y of this place fell down When he returns lmwill in all probability syrup f»j » The government wants l»KI horses at the stairs leading to her cellar thi- wc«*k vi*it the Srhumpf and other ledge? in this the best *iis|aim-d characters were given Riley M<«rri*«*n »1 Table Rock precinct here. AT X at lire’s ow n true laxative. Pleasant the Presnlio. California, by the 2»'»th <»f Lizzie Ruch ami D. W < r««*by section. B F< hn«-_ m i le u* a « all yestea^ay. ami wa* severely initire- i to the palate, acceptable to the stum­ thi* month fur tin- military department man. ♦ ha*. Nickell ami J. R Little aetvd To tot silver, powder the rock ami ms. ottir«* and s»*ttling yuurtaxes y«»u will »* hv «* f rouble anti Grant’» Pa.-» to-night. Several of the criminal cases have been ill*». Clvan.-es the system, purifies the A J. \\ ilcox, an excellent plasterer, and <*x|*ense. of goods to the Red Men’s building, the which. up«»n t xposurc t«» the light, turns Ehkr M Pttcr-.»ii will preach at Medford has been as-ist.»»g G. W. Holt in fin­ blood, regulate* the liver ami act? on the Persons n«»t bavins b«*«*n assessed for 18*1 are spring fights have also opened out in disposed of and the number of witnesses black, there is silver in it. Any miner can bowels. Bn ak up <-ol«i". « hilli ? and fevers, h«*reby notified t«» call at the Tax-cull«*rtor's of­ lower »t«»rv of which has been cb-gaiitly Sumiay attending the circuit court has dimin ­ ishing the R«*d Men ’ s hall gu«»«l *hape in Jacksonville. fice anKni»‘nfM. Rem»*rDl»er, And he fe»«ls assured that all wie» favor him * th etc. engtbens Strllic organ* on which it fitted up for him. He w ill continue to easily try the experiment. then patr<»nag«* will be sati*tied with hi« pr.C«»» Regular servi« e- will be held at the » .»th- ished Prof. Fehneman and W. Gilrov came acts. Bctn r than bitter, nauseous liver theHh«*rift will hav»* toafltM*Hs your property the and tt»»? quality of his goods. He kec|n> I In- !««•> s indulge«! in an old-fashioned keep a tir-tcla-* stock am! -ell cheap. best he can if you fail to m *»* him. S. Bailey ami 1*'. Ciinborsky . who took • »lie Church, m thi- place. R« v F .X r.’an medicine?. pilN. salt and draught■». Sam­ 4 down from Ashlaml last week and at All subscribers to the T imes paying A. H. JA< OBN. Sheriff. < harivari one night this week. DRY GOODS. the contra« t for «figging a -haft fifty feet ple b*»ttl«-- tree, and large bottles for -ale by Notwithstanding the dull time? Ply- « het offkiating. And Ex-ntiiciu Tax-collector. (>R(»< ERIES. their arrearages are entitled to one of temied the masquerade ball. IL T. Polk, representing tl»e Hall Jacksonville, F« b. 20. ls8f>. PROVISIONS. «kep on the Enterprise (.'«». * mine in this Merritt A lb»binson of this place. male i* k. pt busy and - never fails to Rev. E. Gittiiv« prea« ht - at Che kntrlope » i Dr. Kendall s superior works on the ( IjOl HlXii. Misse- Gillette and Goodyear of A?h- place, gave up the job after going down ten safe» u.. was in town Saturday. please hi* numerous customers. He FURNISHING GOODS. j horse. ai'huol-hoiKc unday morning ami at M >1 I iiu IltD'Ki ¡'or Sale. land ar<* at the cuunt^v scat. I»eing w it ­ HATS AND CAI’S. feet. a> they found the rock too hard to keeps fir?t-cla*s turnout* ami furnishes W l * are informed that S. L. Dulwn luid m the evening The un Panama best stallions in Jacks«»n county’. H«> was And everything usually found in a tir<(<*!««« Reverend* H. » . Fh niiug and A M l«x*al papers Y«»u will generally find John Byer? «»f Medford, who returned will nevertheless be continued. (ioueral Merchandise Store. Oliver Weaver i? foreman of a party The “Medford Monitor”iaexpected tu them tbc most lib« ral and enterprising sired by Peninger’s ’Mike.“ stamls 17 Grim-ley will c«»mhn t the service'* at L »nr 4L!. PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES They will »pv»• their costom»*n* the txmeiit of the of men engaged in clearing a body of from Crescent city Tu<**«lay evening, make it? appearance this week. hand? high, weigh- 1..T50 II»*.. ami is <»f «lark ¿X indebt«*«i to th«- u: «iersurn«*! by not«- ««r b«M>k reduced fr« ights caused by the advent of tt)*» t ire a it ( ourt ¡^roeerdingo. oak *ehool-h<»use on Sunday. dealer*. pai«l Jacksonville a short visit. account ar«* requ«*sted to call and n-ttle up at railroad, und will not I m - un anybody. fine lam! for Wm. Bybee near the obi brown color, six year.- ol«l. < an be bought A number of the citizen? <»f Big Butt«* The following business has transpired in once. M. A. BRENTANO. Manager. Rev J. A Sl«»ver will preach at Central A P. I alent has s«»l«i hi- store at Tal­ horn«* place Several h«*a«l of oxen are The family of Mr. Cres*. the well- Pereons knowing themselves indebt nd 1«> us will Plgunix, <»r«‘gon. F» b. 25. IHM. this court since the last report of the T imes : cheap for ca?h. or on tiin«- with approved Point >undav next All th« members o: pre« ¡in rare in town attending court. ent t« Cha*. K Klum. lately■ ot Ashland. being usc«l ami rapi I progress is made. known painter, has joined him, having «lu well to h«?*r i- already iu pos- that church are requested t«» b«* pre-« nt. Kubli A Bolt, the Applegate mer­ arrive«! from Wisconsin recently. bv D enis D c «.<» an , Sam’s Valiev. is refus»*d or neglect««d. grand jurors and the clerk ordered to draw of i * nirni Point made us a «-all Monday -• s*i«»n. c chant*, a* will be *< cn by m»ti« e el*e- KUBLI A BOLT. Rev A R Bh k»*nburh will hol«l services Srnat »r Prim and Repro-« ntativrs .im»ther grand juror in hi- phn e. Mart. Attention, I. O. O. K. Hon. J 8 Herrin <»f Ashland has put at the Pre.sbyii i tun chur« h al Pho nix Sun- J. Dollarbidr ami Mrs. .1 < «»iver of wherv, want every i«o«ly indebted to them ( ameron and Beall arc cxpe«*te«l to re­ V. Hurst was accordingly drawn as -aid Alsu, all no’«- and book accounts due the otate Noti« e is hereby given that all member? HIE HOGUE RIVER «lay morning an«l here in the evening «»f th«1 up K,oou tl - of superior bacon ami lar«l. Ashlan ’ have been appointe«! adminis- to settle at «»m e. They mean busin« --, of Hila* Drai»er. deceased, must !w Aettl»*d at turn from Sah in *-umlav morning. • grand juror. of Jat k.-'onville Lodge No !'• are requested once. ami lh“*v iut« rc*le«« *ii««ul«l lie«*«l tluir JOHN BOLT. Administrator. same day. M. Volk i- now general ruadmaMer trat«»rs of the estate of L. A ( «»her. de call. Dr. I M. Van Dyke, who has per­ 1 Stat«* v?. Ja-. Cunningham; indictment to be pn *«nt at the regular nu eting to b« 1 for the (». A C. R. R. south of Roseburg. eceasetl. Th«* quarterly meeting of the M. I. The Ja« k«oiB ille Silver ( ornet Band manently l«M*atc«l at Grant’s Pa?.*, i* j for larceny. Bail of defendant (|5ufi) «1» - held Saturday night. Feb. 2s. !*<». when aving re < ently been refitted with Church, South. f<»r Applegate circuit W .11 Dr. L Town*cn«i «.»i (»rant s Ta-s is i dared f«»rfvit< «i ami bench warrant ordered bu*ine«< of import a n«*e will be trai -a- ted. A G. Colvin uf this j lace is ¡»hipping re«iucst u* to extend their sincere improving hi? residence pr«iperty. all in«“i rn e;q.r<»v« nc Tits, ar»* n«»w turmna l»e held Saturday ami Sunday, ltvv. E G. hundreds uf dozens of eggs to Portland. having a ««»n-id<-ruble an a of land clear­ <»ut a fir-t-ebu- arti. l»* of ti«»ur. which 1* put uu in Bv or«lcr «•! the l«»dge. issued for arrest of defendant. thanks to the publi« for th« liberal pat­ Ben Ro?« nstcin ami Geo C. Mackie, *4 »»air« 1 Kivks. and »*v»*rj *ack is warranted to A IL M \t;«.i \ . Rec >• Mi« hael. P E . will he in attendance. ed, ami i? setting out <|Uitc a number of Win Bybee vs. Wm. E. Hanley; t*> re­ contain 4'.*j «»und* of fl«»ur. If you trowbridgv Bros . lately of Eugene fruit tree*. late masquerade ball. It will l»e «1 ¡'or Sale or Trade. »een in th«* valley during the week. oth»*r brand <»n**r»««l for sal»* in thi? market, and remembered. ■ in this place on Sumlav morning and even­ city. defendant. The Red Men expert Eightc«*n thousand tir-t cla-- < ut shingles. note th«* Reverend-* E G Michael and P \. H««n. E. DePcatt wa* admitted as an at- Wifi be -d«l at a low pri<•«* f«»r « a-h. tl-ur or Circuit court i* in *«--*i«»n ami an ex- their new hall next week. G. M Acly of Crv.scent fine«! to his room with a s« vere ntta< k of i ha\< one of the t'ine«t | i.e M« -c? «»I the M E. ( hurch. South ami will torn«*y to a--i»t in the trial of « ase?. on mo­ ba« ««n. For further particular? emjuire at .,f meeting «•elkiit opportunity i* present««! many ! Jacksonville this week on rheumatism, i* able t«> be about again. th«- T ime - offi< e. continue sometime. in tin- State to s.jnare their little «Ivlinqiiem irs with i tion of H«m II. K Hanna ami others. Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat. 419 A Í2! Harraaa nto k . low. Cha* Nail, w ho is clerking at Henry J A Anderson ami L. ( ’happel were ex- the T imes <»ffi«*e. W«* hope that none A L. John-on ha- *"1*1 M E Dough Hnn on a I trag Store. Frhnk Brach of Linkvilk* has bought will slight the printer us he need* all ’’Tnith s store on W«vlf creek, has been ! « ii-« «1 from further attendance a? jurors. rrty •* land (con?i-t’ng of seven acres.) that is du«* him. s in. th- la-t rej.irt of the Tt'tr- the i* -u< h a ru.-h made f«»r any a halt interest in the Lakeview “Exam­ paying r« lativc* on Williams creek a I State vs. John Crimmons; indic tment for Havmir add« «1 a wt of Barley Roller?to mr mill. a- i* now at E. ( Bro««k*’ for a near Medford to a n« w comer named Brand jury etupaiit 1» «1 for the February J hfiv«* * «*1 ¡«¡»art every Haturdaj to Roll Barley for iner.'’ G. Karew.-ki iuten«ls retiring from th» visit. of Dr. King - N< w Dis«*overv weapon • an a-sault with a dangerous weap«m. V« r- WanMier for .<•!•■». term of the < ircuit coart ha- heard a nutn- custom«*!*. The w»»rk will b«* done *»n shurt pti«»n. Cough- ami Coki* All merchandising business by the first of I. 1». Merry, one of the oldest and I diet of assault and battery returned by H«»tei arrivals hav? been quite numer­ n<»t‘.r**. so that |»arti»*s can return with th»*ir «nat l>er <4ca-es and returned the following in­ vith A'thnia. Brom hiti*, Judge Del’eatt ha* ven « onducting May ami is selling of! hi-stock at ■ o-t «! ■ •:,;« •!»>. lam pr< par« (I to roll l«arl«*> at all ous in Ja< ksonvillt* during ihc past fort­ m »-t volatile journalist* in (»rcg«m. left !jury. . S<*\ er«- < ’«»ugh.*.« -r an> afle«'t i«»n dictment- i :n»- «-I.«* ih th«* B*»t manner. This proc*«? if the prosecution in -exeral < a-e« before amlfr«*ight. lhos«-g«»ods n«»t sold will Portland »n Tuesday for a vi-it t<» New | State v<. John Watkin- indictment for t and lung- « an cut a Trial Bot- far nh«*ad-,f tl««<*ruMher. <>nt> again-t Jas. < tinniiigliam. for the night. th«* circuit court this wo k and ha* suc­ th«-n be put up at au« *i«»n. Herr i-a G. KAREWBKI. r«*at r< in« «ly fre«*. by « ailing at Ytn k < itv. | embezzlement. Defendant pleads “not I. D. Miller uf Linn county bought a ceeded admirably. crime of robbing the -afo tn the Mediord chance for everyiH»«ly. st««»*« . Regular -iz< si.««». set for Friday. Feb. 2* 'th guilty ” ami trial band of sheep while in the valley re­ .’-ikes \V«.H‘«len ot Fort Klamath is dejHit. l hv youngest «*»n of N. K Lytle, while The fruit-grower®’ a*?uciati*>n will Jas. T. Bowditch wa admitted as ;■*«« • Ihishfii-thit llnir. making Portland a businc*- visit. He cently. On.'an.un-t Ja« B Watcins, for larceny I meet at Medford on the 2-th. Every- at Me«lf«»rd several «lays ago. ha«l one of (••ate counsel for defense in the ca*e of the There i- a -»«rt of a pallid, « balky « .»III- denies having any intention of going to i»e tie ng charged with taking money in­ An error crept into the semi-annual I hm I v interested in the fruit-growing in- hi* arms broken. IL- wa? sitting ««n a Tin* ist«»n«»tify the public that 1 have ««poxjed State vs. Richard Kingsley. ui»ou motion of plexioii which th«* novelists call a \v;i*hc'l- j f*P Acr«**«>! rich prairn- bottom lui.«l «>nani - valley and Butter reek route ; :..kv Wash«*«l-»»ut. faded, dis- tihow ihi- land reeft «1 an«! n<» mistake John • l»y.i.-. iorm«*rly <»f A-bland at all tin*.«** to traneort busin«*». euch as John Bolt administrator of the cstat«* • y in hi- po-seM-ion belonging to tin' road track iu < «»w «reck valley , which < aliforma. color, whatever it wa-. br«»wn, auburn <»r ’ claim. n«*ar Y«>neolia. of rich, black alluvial prai- ularly. out delay. Sv«* notice. State vs. J a* Watkins indi« !m« nt for -i li'H-l ili-trii t of which he wa- < lei k Why wear mo-* <«n votir head. ri«‘ land, with aom»' t’lnlwr <»n th«* cr«**-k. black can-r:ie.fhird of thi« ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES, on the new brick l»|< lock in this place, i* -«•wnby Klamath county farmers this ton. I 11 11 iginbotham. J. 1 Davis and mail-were’trun-ferr« «! and «-wry thing • linlictment f«»r hair. State v*. Ix'vi i |ii<>r without a licrn-r wa« «*.iri:ig \«»itng fruit fr»••*.«. one of the best carpenters in the State. assault with intent to % w kill. Found season. I guilty A«’r«*-. betmi the J«>n«*-’ Ihiuafion Claim. S«*ll R«-al«*. andati» nd tumaking out H<»me- \ W. ( lcim ns ««f Lithe Butt« precinct i? running smoothly again. One against John l»oc. charging him with and hi.? work shows it. I his land has four excel !»*nt -pi in«*- on it. If«* st»*a»lan? (’o.. soon to embezzlement. I »« femlant plead? not guilty. t Pu»rA.'c i’ight. «>f th«* f»rid«*pHr»*nt*. F«*b. 1-tL. I»j H.»n. L. R. maker. i ’••i.county and t! ywill I..... ■ ran s«»rtment of D M Ferry A Co. * cele­ regular whi-ky tra«lewith the Yainax ty Scrii» Inandlt til «*nni- \. Sullivan. permanently l«.»catc H<* is engage«! in < a*e on trial Albert Walker of Sprague river valley. Pionipt r«*ply made to all letteis. Miss« «lin Levy, both of Juvksonvilb . The annual school meetings am! elec­ brated gar len seed* an 1 i* sidling tbrni Indians durin? the past two \ cars and T»i-**w tract-**f la. ” .«! a ’ l hav< 1 aiftil runnma < haw-ni accordar.«*»* with th«* tim»-. bu-im 1 -? there with hi- brotlu r. Klamath county had quite an adventure i ’ rooked creek. Lak« wa? arrested at stream* on them durmu the entio* '-ear. tion* will bv held one week from next cheaper than ever before. Rpf«*rs, by p *r mjs*i«»n. t»« ( '.('. Bo-kman. Esq. Still W inti ng. by Hierift ’ 1 ’ iitnam. county, recently I with a large female panther recently. Be­ Ono-half is for «ale <•:>>• ip f«»r < i-h.' I u1. r Bank«*r; t«» li«»a. L. IL Webster. Judge of ( apt. D. J. F«-rrcc of Klamath county . hoi ; \. Monday. t\ («irr« spondent of a n< ighb«»ring paper, 1 he handsome new Baptist church at tract of land will I m * divid«si an«l s«»ld in quarter 1 ludirinl district. '. arai to anj business house ing unarmed, he w as in i ham erv for aw hilv. M. Gainey ba* rented several acres of who ha* been in th«* Willamette valley M»*<*tions or lots to suit ptirch«-»*rs. Theyar«' all I J ack* li ville. umier a late dale.writes a- follows « . »nr«>rn- SILAS J-DAY- Rumor says that Ja* T. Guerin will A?hlaml wa* dedi« at«*«l last Sunday. I.iml of J A < anlwell. near thi- | la<« With the aid "f .-ome rocks and a little bird KENT- In this ci j. Leb. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. fenced except the Goose Lak« lat*«l. and areas f«*r sometime pa*t. was in Jacksonville Notar} Public for Oregon. ing the sad accident which recently occurr­ Rev. A M Rus-ell off! ictin^ A lartre soon have a neatd'velling-huu**e built at T. B. Kent, a son. rich as any land in Oregon. dog h- kepi the animal at bay until he ami is making preparation? to raise yesterday. He is on hi? return home. For fart l»er ¡»articulars en«|uir«*of H. B. O^TM \N. ed in the Applegate A large crowd of HORN On Gall's creek. Feb. 1 »th. to Mr. and congregation w.i« pro-ent < oiild re.n h his horse, and lost no time in Me.ifunL poultry <»n an extensive scale. There is Real Estat»* Ag«‘nt. Stark St . Portland. Ogn.. or Mrs. Leo Horn, a «laughter. (apt McCall ami Dr. ( hitwood of sympathetic friemls and neighbor? have B. F. D< »t\T LL. Attorney. Several parties from P«»rtlaml tarried consi'lerable profit in -uchan enterpri-n one week fr«»m Wc«lnes«iay we will reaching honi* Next day a party eonsist- l**»rtlan«l and Jacksonville. (>r<*g«»n. Ashlaml hav«* returne«l fr«»m their trip been industriously searching for the l>o«lie*. MARCH In Ham’s Valley, Feb. *th. lo Mr-and. Mrs. J. K. March, a son. They have Hii«l Mr G. know’- how tn handle it. JAS JORDAN, Prop'r, ing "I .lohy Well-. Frank Slatat<* I niversity while in Eugene horses. I hc latter were still hitched t«» the ' location of the «ounty seat of Jo-cphine hoot.d- and several guri-. visited the plat •• Somebody -tole the clapper of the new pect to obtain employment citv. wagon, ami when found were on their back*. Du- C«»inm«*r<*wtl i- the IwtrgoFt ar.«i B«*»-1 Hotel • and -uccevded in killing the panther and I school-bell at Ashland, am! it bud to be Scnat«»r Prim’.- bill f««r a new charter ¡may bee«-me a law. Grant's Pass ex­ m this part <»f S«»utln*in On -ron. G«ie*1* will M A Bn-ntano of Plncnix i- a can­ One wa? dead, but the other was in such a pect- to be the fav«»rrd spol ami a blo< k tnr V'.iiug one- Albert think - he made tlie I replaced. : nlwh\* find the tables supplied with for Ashland ha* become a law. much to of land in that place tor the county didate for Colin tor of Internal R< v«*nue position that hi* no-e v a? out of the water, 4 A lilt si IK IH» Ml I KIA. bt-t time on re-orti for the distance in run- i $.*» (m«> to lend in $1 •"*'lot? ongoo«l real the delight of our neighh« r*. v« h«> dc-irc THE BEST IN THE MARKET, I building? ha« already b.*«*n pr«»miscd. umier President Cleveland * adminis­ which saved his life, mid hr wa? recovere«! ning to hi, horse. estate se<*urit>. at J«»hnson’* laml offi ♦* tn have n < it\ government i ^nd (lie R«»««n!- are fitted up with a view tu clean­ Tho serial and *hort ntories in Harper's Y<»urg I hc • .ns»* of Lewi- <* N< il, < barge« 1 tration. His petition is being signed by uninjured. Sometime Thursday the body People have nil th»* dramatic interest that juve­ line»** and c«»irf«»rt. in Me«h<»r.t The Royal St. John *ewing machines \nb>»y t lothing Sture. nile fiction can j*o?-ess. while they are wholly fn«e of th«* little Jill-on boy was found in a drif^ with the murder of Lewi» M< Dam* I. many. TER WK 4 Bi.I'. from what is ¡lenncious or vulgarly sensational. Sunday-school cards, r« wards uf m?r- < ,m I»«* fotiml at the laid offi« e in Me«l- has occupied the attent i«»n of th«* gram! There is no uno of talking, the Nobby J«»hn Wells and family r«,turm*«l fr«»m about half a mile from where the act i'lviit. The humorous stories and pictures nr».* full of in­ | When yoo corn*» to Grant’s P ush , M ow at the ( lothing Store Ashland, is the bo* pla< • it ami other fancy cards for sale .it the ford. They will be ex« hanged for hay. jury for several «lay.-past ami its con­ Spragm river valley last week. Mr. W. occurred nocent fun. and the papers on natural history and In hi-hand was found one < t j ('onmi' iend H"t«-I <1 your want* will I t pr*»p- science, travel and tlie facts <»f life, are by writ« rs ‘•rly mpplied. JAS. JORDAN. grain or twcnty-dollar piece**. t<> buy v< >ur clot hi ng, furnishing goods, etc. ‘ T iml * ofth < sideration ha* not vet been com ludc< 1 intend- making another trip ra*t soon the mail saek^. which lie haughl>n*«l jack tendance. "IMirts. games and pastimes give full information made to order fur twenty dollars, the lx*st Hut« hen? wer«* over from Butte creek < ha -e< I w m. Churchman s stock of some assistanc«’. Two other sacks «»f mail, back with him. on thes»1 - abject s. There is nothing clnap a I »out Gen. W Nelson inform? u* that Elk liqimrs ct> at M« dfor«l an ^placed them it but it* price. bargain* ever olTt rcrr returned to > reka. (’al., re­ creek ha* been very ’ high for several i:. VL Amlrow's new building. I av«* als»» bought part of the bankrupt stock of J «Hies arc all that up to this writing have An cpitoin«'of ev« rytliing thal i-attractive and The marriage of (>. II Johnson and cently. having been traveling exten-ive- «lays pa-t and the mail « arrior ha- been doMrabl»’ »n juvenil»* literature. | B«>*-ton < ouri'T. <»: « .ddw* II. B< ■ ker A Lit ke <»f Sah ni for I»» Mi-s Anni»* Justus • •f been rei-ov« red. all of which were found in As vet none of th«- m; - *ingbodies hav c Mrdford pre in»*t While in Arizona he* met A we klx fea-t of good thing* to the l»«>ys and unable tn < ro?s during tb«sl time. Warm ly of late venison the dollar line'•nitsof ready-made drift.-, -om«- as far a- two miles away from 1».« n f"Uml in tin- Applegate ami it i- girls in every family which it visits. (Brooklyn i? ann<»uncc«l. rain? melting the *now in the mountain* Elijah Heard, who is now freighting fur the scene of the disaster. The <*«mtinue«l Union. r >od-f<»r mm and hoy *«. So they can al- JUDGES BUILHING fvareil that th« y ar.* eith«*r rovere«! with ha* cau-cd this rai-c in the waters of the g«»vcrninent. Mr < hihlers has takt n a contract to It is wonderful in it- w»*alth of pii turo, infor­ lord an«l will sell *amc much less than fir?t high water has pr« vcntc»l a successfu drift-wood or have gum* to ’NeiL \ «Il «d writ’« ♦ t«> go there to buy volir TER'h : I'nslaü I’r. paid'.'.mi |r r kar. nse«picntly none I »»tlic«* in Medford. I hr boy- of this pla< e «-«»ngregale after siderable improvement i? going on in A»Mr»*». HARPER A BROTHERS. Nor York. Highest standing in «I«*- ; idelimpient. Who can beat thi-‘ ing Feb. IS. 1H8.”». who ha> ovc;* living with her mother nightfall an«l obstrm t the sidewalk-, to that vicinity ami that real estate trans­ A W j.i ob«. .1 N Bank* ami < ha*. • «»rder at i any «.nt ill« f«»r about n pertinent i? 1(M». M Mr> Sarah Parker of Willow Springs say nothing of making a great «leal of action« are more numerous than «*vrr. Ashland have bren paying FIRST PEPAIITM EXT. . »n a « «miplaint of in*anity. She wa* I’r« stun of 1 pre«met advert!-« * f«»r information con­ unnecessary noise. We have .an ordi­ J. W Roger* ha* returned from a trip thi* place a vi*ii- Juno Davis, 70; Susie Davis, SO; Willie mind l«y th«1 county judge ami a Imanl cerning a vow which *trayc«l from her nance re«jiiiring all youths under a cer­ cast of the mountains and expresses Tufts. 80; Willie Wilson. *»'; Harry Dim- phy-i« ¡.ms iml a«ijiidge«l in*ane. ami Mourning note p.'ip«*r, w itii rnv» lop« * place last fall. See .4«lvrrtisement. Uda pcTwilor never varies. A marvel nf purity, tain ag<* to be at holm* at night, ami it himself well pleased with that section, ick. K.’>; Harvey*Sinitb, SO: George Thorn flrength and wholesnmeness. More cconomi«-»! li« i ill Taylor She i* really to • piantiti« * to ?nit. Th« r<* is < on-i«h'rable talk «»f Buihling the -eve rest experienced there for many ton, so; Thomas Howard,82; Minni«*Tufl’s, petition with the multitudo of low test* short ; have «**ta»»lisf«»*se filling all order? in my line with si»; Jeff Haye*. fG; Abmzo ( ii'ter. !>5; <>ra piti««l t»> I»«* <««mj'«!!«•! to gu to that <» F. Lewi*, a *«-ienlifi«- paint« r. ha* '«--ion for sometime y«-t. A few civil a tiamway between thi-* plai-eand Med years. I promiitmwi and n» v»*r> r««ia*»nihie rates. Only cswB. IU iujw 1’ qwd » Cu.. 100 WalWt, Smith, 80. I one (' ran fill . Teacher. R»»*eburg Plaimlealer. rc turnc«! t«» Butte creek an«! intend* 1«»- i« as« * al*«» remain t o b«- trie«! I»y jury. i n Htiition now ford, which would !»<• the next lu st thing j tiret-ciAss work will b- turned out. and I gnar- IL Y. Mis? Ione Crantill, who has been : antes *«»i»fart ion SFC<»M» l»F.l,\RTMEXT. to a railr«»ad. We hope that such an Ft teaci,,ng the first department of the «at ing at Me« I fur« I. L. Bl’ENSOW. Notwithstanding the «lull time- Foun­ enterprise will b«* inaugurated in the May Harknes*. 7«»; George Hartman, 7.». Ju«*ks.»nv il . March 28. !»u. Senator rriui’? bill prescribing the tain of the Farmer’* Store at Ashland I near future. <»ur citizens ?houl«l en- (»rant’s Pass -chuol for several months Edna Royal. 70; Fred Royal, <»; Frd /'oi »»• IhbiiHt. courage it to the fullest extent. ' pa*t, has returned to Eugene city. Sh<* ; I* IL jan <•« Ko-eburg b<.ardrr!i-1»>nn <•» thi* Th«* wutrr wa* d« • p» r than he *uppo*«*«l. that rarely pr* ent** it-*-lf to th«* la«li«-, The Hcholastir y»*ar of this scho«»l will c«an- ami th«-y shoiihl take .ulvantage of it. «•f thi* week. He took a number of or­ ti Homrntfad Haliag. I iiite.l States have consisting of 1 contiistinir mence nlM»ut th«- «-nd «»f Aiumst. and in divided in A .«oi-ial party t.» k phi«*«’ at the re«i- (-minty, ha* l»een ek<*te«l probate judge Factory a,«d Önle*»rm at der- i««r tin* styli-h clothing ma«le at hi* i In th«' matter of th«* petit¡«»n of W. M A re« ent f busin?«-. 1’. Smith nn«l other* lor a nev county r«»a»l hut After whiih M usk -................................................... .... 15 00 » ha* I’u i *e!t. an excellent me« hani-. precinct We.lm-sdav nigh». whi< h was in Edintr«l highly < «»inplinu*ntc«l on his recent ! a selection of land fora homestead he must • oi'l th • lii'tiit*. all of DAY SCHOOL. \-iewcr* ami Ja-. Jeffrey -urveyor. The AT PORTLAND RATES. R. II AL Gimd* of Evans crrrk ha* ing ♦ ’»».’? engine-room. FEATHHR8» ♦ 5 CO Primary Daj»artmerit ... ■ at ('"tuplHh in nb ait county « ommi**i«»m*r*- « ««art will pa--* . «p< -■«•h in the Senat«*. Several of our ; as a general rule abide by his choice. If Junior ... fi 00 I sold hi* pl:.«<* i «Mi -Wil«m. recently on th«* practicability of the r«»a«l at their FLOWERS, (in»- <•( the « hildren ot W. A. Wright i exchang« * ,-iate that it was one of the he has neglected to examine the character Prejiaratory " irn li. view ... h oo; .......................... COLLARS <»f Link* di? ha«i an arm broken re< rntly from Cohi-a r. iinty. • d.. for ?1.‘**». , next term. 10 (W> “ ............. very best spec« firs drlivady taken possession. Taken pleasure in announcing to the pnblictha by falling from a |M»r« h. l>e unfertile nr otherwise unsatisfactory, he tention is paid to particular studies in^ behalf of » J Whipp i- constantly receiving : entire session of the legislature. AN T? Ci he iuu> detonuinnd to 11 •r $1 •»i X'l Wi II B. F. Dowell ha- s ‘■«viral parcel* of designs ami i? prepared to do all work must suffer for the consequences of his own children who have but limited time. For further ■ H«»tcl«b* Jacobi» still ha* it? regular I (»ur <»l«l friend. John Woo«Is of Wood- Mm - •Duilv ( particulRrs apply at the Aca sell or in hi? line aci'ording to the latest styles. [ v ill«, paid us a short visit last week. As I neglect.’' t»».«k pia» ? al 1 •« 'kin* tra. k loM >aturday lease. Read lds,noti« v in our advertis­ Hi* is overrun with order* for marble an«! new quarters before long. ;hc formerly agr?e«l to commit matri­ Then' w a* h In rg« c from differ­ By terms consistine of twenty lrs*«»ns i»er term, . inother Hare Troposed. ORNAMENTS. SILKS, LACKS, ing columns, a* it may* prove remunera­ j M«»nc work, a* he never fails to give sat- mony when a Democratic President Service* are being livid at the M E each le*«Mor. occupying ludf an hour, l’his firn»- • nt j w»rti»»n* • ii the «««unty Th«* marc A match race for |.r»no a side has been ‘ ist’.'n-ti«»n. < all on him at hi* place of was elected, wr suppose he is now look­ tive schedule has been highly rHCommmded an become customary with tLe îl.«- T; r t heat. N**t a gr« a! «I« al of m'»n« y Mi. fiael ami F. \ M< *e* wish him sucres? in his new un«ler- • Jenk*' andA. Helms’ “Brick Poniemy." 1 m * m raus irsi instruct» »rs of the larve citi«» boti« m< rts thi* evening. A number of the uments, tombstone*, cti .atthe lowest ' taking. zi'l li.tmL■ ou the 1« *uh. it b«*ing gen in the United Htat«* and Eur»»¡w. The h L-!*latiire failed t«» pa** Rvpre- which w ill be run on DeskinC track near ETC., ETC., ETC. ; rate* m* inker- of Medford l«»dge ar<- exp« « ted i the V. 8. Hotel. Jacksn Mar« b (»th. Th« distance Call and »»«* them at the bnildin« formerly oc- Youman? A <’«». arc now d«»ing a large t»» make their brethren her«* a fraternal 1 h. i i» vi r.i «• * i- a!«.« uf»tih\ Th«»* Mile*. in r vail a to I iik.' county. thi* pla« <• wer«* united in matrimony nt will be half a mile, single <1a?h. Other cui>i»*i by A. L. Johrnon on California ««ir**« t. (hnnn nnn*" prem-nt* emu Mwai. »<-n.l a mount of engrafting for th«* fruit-grow­ vi-it MRS. P. P. PRIM. w ho «Miten.l the residence of the bride’s parent- last | race* for the same «late will Is* announced Limy Jenk- ” Th«* tl«*«*t<‘*t \\ M M'»rri- of Foot- i reck, who lift* I toad c|>p!icanti Jacksonville. F«*b. 2»’, 1M5. er* of thi? valley. They us«* only choice Fear* «are <*ntciTaim*d that the ice h«»r w*.n in w a | Wr«In< -«lay evening. Th? wedding wa* j in due time. This promi.*es I«» be an intrr- ata! to customet I n*r»* of roo <1»« <»f kuw» value, that will Mart you in 1H, H ill. w.i«' in town thi- week for the . •Top of Southern <»reg« n ami Northern ‘apple, p» ar. plum ami cherry grafts. a «piiet «me. only the relative? and inti­ ordering it. It contains 1'lustrations. priCM, • w«»rk that will at once bring yon in money taster <|ii«'iitlr ' «-sting ^porting ev« nt. fir-t time in «< veral month«. descriptions and directions for planting an e uuarant« « r.g them to I t of the best am! 1 than anythin« * 1 h ** in America. All alwHit H h * California will pruyc ;i failure. No ice. mate friend* of th«' parties being pre? V t-tflaWr and Flowor SKKD*. Hl I.BA, ate. $2uu.tmi in pr«*ente with each !»ox. Ap*nts want. ■spring fight- have al read v Idossoincd a? far a- wr « .¡n learn, ba- yet Iw'en most popular varieties. A* there gon ent. In common with their many I'nr Sale. I cd ««verywhere, of «itberoex. of all a«««**, for all the tl«-mcn e *« ientifi« rngraftcr* and nt Medford Oue was the outgrowth of friemls w? c«»ngratulate the hapj»y tun«*, or spar«* time only, to work far unit their hou*c«l. Superior brick in quantities tn suit. For It thor«mghly umler-taml their busiiu--. Me« I I own hom«->. E<»rtun*** for all worker* abanluteif they will no doubt give satisfaction. couph* ami trust that j«»y and prosperity further particula rs enquire of J. S. Howard, •r«l. an«l are n«»w r»-a ly t«> « ««ntr.n« t f»vr the the iii''or|mration que-tion. HMOurad. Don’t delay. H. HALLETT AC«».. Port of -ending away for mav ever be their*. There i? no u«r Their prices are rea-«>nable. * land. Main«*. postmaster. or the undersigned. ere« ti«m « f m«»nuim-nt-. t««mb.-tom *. tai»- The underei»med offer« for «ale hie farm of 16«' I A pleasaul six ial party took place at your furniture a? long a? Emery, the H 'ii i: r« pophosphite»« i one «lay? recently, without any f«»««*!. inff/’H**™. O ne H t ndrfi » D ollam per month -••nvill»*. will attemi tu the marble cutting binder. new and in co»*d rutinin« «»rder. a Mowir- portanci- t. '«ay to the taxpayers of .lack- /»« tienrrnl liability and tnariation. The people of Jost phine county in­ Ma’. Oh.*m Lain ami Frank *-l.i«l? h. :ir«i of the Supreme Court he will apply for ■jarhine. two good Plow?. Harrow, and in fart all L Hpuirant***! to ag»*nt« following <»ur ir struct ions i and < arving. ami. a- lie i? a tine workman, rm I ;r«»r pa -tirularw addra« JOHN DIXON. the farming impl»*m»>nlH nec»*M»*arj to run a farm. * enaior Miller ami Repre­ of thi* an«l slid c« «l« «1 in «iriving th«*m ;i ___ w« pcftli«-* that the m w firm will have it* Hnrrair.anto. Cal. Baid farm is situate 1? mil«* cast of Jacksonville. sentative Porter a reception ondheir re­ out to w hen* they c«»uhl g«*t so nothing a satisfactory examination. Judpe l>e- the api^ute i> pH.r. hik I thv i.r.linary f.K-l . „UT NAHjS WKOUGHT NAILS. « IJtAT . and I will sell the whole of aaid land and profiorty Hi. « ounty • lerk i- getting the pa -bar«-of ilu- pul li« p.itr«»naire. Bv-urean reoaon for selling is indebt ««Ineos. T , Dunn ct al turn home, rbev certainly merit the in Uirir hung« r h:t«l • h«*w»-d all the hair leiral ability . ,in>f we cx|>eet his career 1« < ;<«ily digr«U>.l an.l asMinilatnl and gn e TUMI. PKR.1OX.IL MKNT1OX. The infant daughter of Frank Qoi ef Every business man should use re- »alley died on the 10th, agc.T^bout turn-request envelopes in all his corre­ lit month« Reqaieacat in paca. spondence. If everybody used them the The Pilrer Cornet Band netted |53 dead-letter office would soon wind up its j from the masquerade ball.notwithstnud- business. Mixiyti xbkh . J.tih som 111 i: THE FARMER'S STOR A. G. COLVIN GENERÄL MERCHANDISE, At Very Low Prices DRY GOODS clothiní ;, Groceries, Provisions, Etc., Etc The Lowest Notch ! NEW CASH STORE NEW THIS WEEK GENERAL MERCHANDISE NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS ! i » 11 < i : > i x T Quick Sales and Small Profits. SETTLE UP! THE STAFF OF LIFE! STEAM FLOURING MILLS R. J. TRUMBULL & CO., J . SEEDS, TREES & PLANTS SAI’ FHAHCISCO. CAL. H Floar and Mill-Feed BARLEY ROLLERS. Catalogue Free on Application ! FIVE FARMS For Sale or Lease ’ Business Notice THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Harper’s Young- People FRED. GROB. rI'li«* s < >\y CLEARINC SALE SIGN PAINTER, Jacksonville, Oregon MRS.P. P. PRIM’S MILLINERY STORE. NINETEENTH year . ST. MARY'S ACADEMY For the Next Thirty Days LEGHORN BROS. & GILROY, FOR COST AND FREIGHT! DOORS, SASH & BLINDS HATS OF ALL STYLES. PROF. E. T. KUGLER VEIT-ING RRTS TEACH MUSIC Gentkffleiis1 and Ladies’ Handkerciuers, $2 0 U ,0 U D.M.FERRY&OQDWT A FINE FARM For Sale at a Bargain! SMOKE WANTED THE LITTLE CUPIDS!