inted to serve during the session of ti nini I Piprr 1er JirkiM, Josephine k Lake payment of bounties for the scalps of the legislature: SENATK. wihl animals. Such a bill ia needed JANUARY St. l«i FRIDAY Judiciary—Hare, Simon, Weather-’ badly and we ho|»e that it will pass. font. Brim and Haines. Til» deadlock in the California senate Ways and Means—Allen, Hirsch,Ben­ A W4 Mi.vR of women were candidates has l»een broken by the Republicanil nington and Myer*. tor der. s of the varimjs committees of Claims—Warren, Coleman and Burch. voting for Senator Knight for president the legislature, and s.luie of them got Elections—Simon. Siglin and Emniitt. ftrv ff irnt. lie W3S the candidate of the Corporation:—Cartwright, Bilyeu and Potion-» ________ f— f.-w railroad Democrats. Carson. I ( Si b *< Rinz for the New York B-.rZ.f.the rublie Buildings—liirsch, Dorris and St in» an and l’addy Ryan were to de­ largest, best anti cheapest paper pule Lee. cide at New York, on th«* 19th, who was Assessments—Davenport. Hare. Lee. lished. If you want an eastern paper the liest pugilist, but only fought on«* 1 »orris and Myers. you cannot do better than to send »1 to round. The ]ver H.000 persons were in attendance. »nd get the weekly for a year. Engrossed Bills—Lee, Hirsch and R ei - hcs ! ST.vnvE C amkron has intro- , Rinehart. Oxour first page will be found the *> sent to Washington. Iri* stated that Samuel .1. Tilden'* master liaml w ill plainly ap|**ar in I’re— itlenl (Teveland'* administration. To that great and noble statesman d.**s our line lietween Jackson and Jorephine worthy, Montanye a al Di. k. Ways and Means—Gilbert, Wilcox ..»unties; and from citizens of the north­ i and Black. west corner of Jackson, asking that the i Education — Gil.son, Thompson and whole matter he referred to the eomnut- Veatch. Judicial» — Bourne, Bilyeu, Wait. Cox tee on counties. and Montanye. Claims—Wait, Lewis ami tame run. Mil tarv Affairs—Mavo, llowningaml 1 Lockett. ' Roads ami Highways—ole, Sarnie-s j ami Ihirtoti. Ellglossed Bill—IIIer. I. vie ami Watts Enrolled Bills — Henkb*. Jolh ami Borter Indian Affair—M. Haley. Will and Kuykendall. I'rinting—Sutton. Ban.os ami Hayes RniNu to latest report* the follow- Corporations—Bilyeu, Therkclsoti and S Senator* have been elected ; Rogers. nrk. Win M Evarts; Colorado, Commerce—-to y. < onnor. Rolierts, iv Teller; Wisconsin. Lucius l.einenwele and Miller. Counties — Kiddle, Cameron. Id; Connecticut, «». II. Blatt; Morrow ami < 'handler Federal Relations—Rogers, s licitoli W. V.*»rhee* ; Florida, Wilkinson ami Tavlor. M<>-t of theni are re-., and that ami Morrow’. l'nblie Building- Robe t-. Woodward paper s|>eaks as though i there was no doubt but what the latter Wonld coin«* and <'raven. Agri.iiltiir.—Jolly . Millei ami Tavlo» into control Thi» w ill be good news for Alcoholic Traffic — Manning, the entire coast, ast, as it ensures the early ward ami Veatch. Railways and Transportation completion < if our grand overland railroad system. We have not seen this piece of er. Conner, Drivenixnt, Cox and I vrn Assessment ami Taxation Black. new s confirmed, however. Smith. Store. Ahshieran.l Nel »n. F. W. Pc xsoN, clerk of the Roseburg land oflice, w rites as follow- to Judge NEW THIS WEEK. A MOTHER S DREAD, To Close our Fall and Winter Stock J ASC ABV. 1V- John W. Savage and Mary Miller 13 Robert Kincaid and Mary A Wilson. 15 Henry MensOrund Florence I.. Cliani- l»ers. 17 Thomas Miles and Julia Hamlin. 17 Thus. Hurlburt and t iara I.. Fili- •?» Maldorn Obem hain and Julia Bak< r. 29 W G. Morton anNsTH.\N< E .Mr. Gilbert of Marion, would haw done. give you much light. Sol. Hirsch is in If anylxxiy think* that Speaker Keady The following is a copy of th«* remon­ the lead, but will most likely not show in not a strict partisan and will not use strance to the hill introduced in the leg­ his strength on the start. Geo. II. Will­ hi* position for the entire benefit of hin I. < Kam aiel A islature by Senator Miller, and which iam* has some strength; but it is not party, he K badly miMaken. proposes to annex fonr townships now positive, and m«»*t of his following have tlxsot the best measures beioi the belonging to thia county 'including tin­ a second man whom the *V expect to elect, i legislature is that increasing the Ml- Grant's 1’us* country) to Josephine There are a numlx-r . of dark workers ary of the supreme judges to $:!,.*>■» per ; county. It i* receiving many signa- here for Henry Failing, and, from the manner in which the work is lx*ing annum. There ought to be an increase itures: Y'our memorialists, residents of Jack- done. I look upon him as having the in the circnit judge*’ salary also, ami we hop«; that our legislators will attend son tounty, Oregon, most rc*|*ctfully best chance of election, lb- stands n.-x to both matters. Oregon is mo:«! nig­ represent that there i* a bill lieforc your to Dolph in power with th** capitalist gardly with her judiciary than any other honorable body, to fx* enacted intoal.iw, und corpo.ations, and I am fe.iiful that rstate in th«» I'nion. The salary of our to take the western tier of townships, to- most of the legislators will again suif r judges should be sutlicient to keep aide wit: townships 33, 34, 35 and 3H, south theins. Ive to 1«? controlled by them. men on th«- Is-nch in'every depurtnient, of range 5 west, Willamette Meridian, The Sjx-aker. although elected l.y from Jackson county, and attach the Democratic votes, ha- failed for it pays in the long run. I to give the >// V t v<, s I II s. same to and to form a part of Josephine attention he siu.>uld to the demand* of R ei - k ».* ex r.tTiVK Cox of Cmatilla ha* county. We, by this petition,re*p«-« tfullv the |x-ople, and in the tment of introduced a bill to make legal interest ask your honorable lxsly not to cliang«; the railroad < onmiitt*'« M per cent, ami rep-al the usury law. the western l*»undary line of this county greatest wants of the Sta This ia another measure that should be for the follow ing reasons, t«ew it: The A large numlx-r alrru'lv enacted by the legislature. Such a law boundary line )»*twe«*n Jackson and Jo- been introduced, m lull would in a great degree bring back the rtepliin«* counties was established at the really meritorious vast amount of money which has been time said Josephine county w.e organ­ Both houses are busily at driven from our State by unfriendly leg­ ized. and we see no good reason why for the senatorial question islation, and in the end make money the lines should I«* . hanged at this time. It... F I’.,; bly accomplish < much cheaper and more plentiful than That Jacksonville, the county scat of it now is. The usury law is a relic of Jackson comity, is now as centrally lo­ in rm: it whs or inorivi m Mining our pioneer days and virtually a dead cated as it is jossible to Is*, taking the subject fi •r Suit wa coninien. ed in the I . S letter. ank notic eitizetis and taxable property into ac­ < uit colltt at I'ortland on the l'itli ami quartz mines H exrv W attebson gives the thing in count. That the taking off of said tier of Lawren«»* Haiti: >n and Law . enee little rain has f. !vn durins townships from the western boundary of a nut-shell when he says; "War taxes ker, for tli<*mselv»*» and others, »gainst week, and miners are im must go. The revenue must ls> reduced this county would deprive this comity of the Oregon and California llaihoad discouraged over the pro*p to the needs of the Government econom­ a large part of th«* revenue necessary­ to (’ompany, the Farmer’ Loan and Tllist them have little That about ten ically administered. Taxation shall he carry on the comity (’ompany, ami tlie Oregon mil Trans- Roten Bros, mile* of the Oregon and t'alifornia rail ­ I exclusively for public purposes. The The eomplain- lent diggings ii road t i averse- the tier of townships continental < '«»mp.tnv platform says so. «\il who ar<- not Re­ pro|*>sed to I h * ent off. That the larger .mt.*, who ate citizens of Gr- at Britain, «»wing to scare publicans say so. The President-elect (Notion of the pelitioners for the change for t!»em.*e!ves ami for all holders of mi- little w<»rk. 1 says so. He who says not so has no a*ked for are as near to the connty seat l»ai«l ami due coupons <>n the Ih st nioit- ab«»ut $19 a tev place nor lot within Democratic lines. of Jackson as they will lx* to the county­ F.« 1.1 sea* of Josephine comity, should the gage born! s of the Or« gon and I alifornia, The cabinet, with Buyard a* its head, proposed townships be cut off. And as In ing this -nit against th«* company, the will be framed to propose it. The next in duty bou:.d your memorialists will I aimer’* Ia»an Loan am! and Trust < ompany of _______________ congress, with Carlisle as its speaker, ever pray i»n tbcin Xru York, am! the Oregon and Trans- will Is- organized to carry it out.” 777/: Itb.¡IT MAX WAXTEb continental (‘ompany. Tlie • lbstanc.- of tlie complaint is that th«*y ar«* bond- T he caucunof Republican meml»er* <»f Next Tuesil.iv the first vote for C. S. hohkrs of the O. C. R. R. nents wlii«*h fell «iue this month, That they doubt l»eelected. Gradually, but surely, have fourteen majority on joint ballot are of the opinion that the proceeds of is the 1’. S. Senate tilling up w ith mill­ However, we hoj»e that the blunder of the road are not ¡»roperlv upplied, i the ionaires Tin- length of a man’» purse 1S s 2 will not Is- repeated. Then eigh­ running ex|*ennes being, a* - tl.ev think, seems to measure hisspiahtii ations now- teen self-righteous Republiians refu-ed too large, am! they thereto.« e ask that a a-r\ are requiri*«! to «leposit in th«* intr««lnced by Senator Miller of Jose- gon have no use for HUeh arrogant mo- First National bank. Th« y are r«*quire«l phine county, is being g--ne ally dis- nopolists as l>olpli, l'ailing A Co., who to give h«»n«l* in th«* sum of $75,ooo. Th«* cus*e»l and favorably spoken of by many. care nothing for their welfare and who bomle l im!ebt«'dm ** «*i tl.«* r< id amounts Even the < »x-gon octopus, the Dr. • pay very little attention to the prayers to .f9,020,000. Th«* ni"iitl;ly incoim* is Mitchell prove»! a far ¡fimiau, speaks well <«f it. which is con­ of the mas.-es about ItOfi.OiKI ami the operating ex- siderable of a «-oiicoasion, a* that pa|**r l>ette • and more accommodating Senator ponses about ^TO.oitO. has the reputation of U-ing the exfH.nent than Itolpli or will any of the memliers of hi* close corporation, all the cant and of the capitalists and c»»r|miations. 1 lien liHliurtuiit Snticf. /V/’oA‘7 IA’7' TO IIINEIl* .......f II W et to the con­ w. is no disguising the fact that there i ive <•<»iniHt’ii'1 r<’ii«!»-riii*’ trary notwithstanding. If we cannot I S k SAI. t'llAWIIEIt, • «I a< fount, and t!i<»ur irr« pr* •"•ibic eolleetor. islature desires to do justice by I* e peo­ ive Bern to great < xpen*e in ini- Senate, are contemplating making a re­ IV l/.l/.'V ple,it will pass this bill without any cav­ tbo Ti'tr.* am! contemplate still vision of our milling laws at this session. iling. True to their nature.the railway* improvements«, we have u<<‘ for On I ri'lay/ the Sth in.*t., two men I would tlierefo e suggest that all the of Oregon ar«- quite arrogant and exorbi­ from Warner valley, while on a drunkm nt dm* U* We have been quite |xM»j.le of sonthern «l.egim who are in­ tant in their charge* and should In­ » delinquent* in the pa*t. but spree made a raid on an Indian camp, terested in this subject would forward checked in their exai tion« at on. e •nation m.ik«-' it an inju*tice to wher«» tl y got into trouble with the In- me at once any suggestions, in detail, • to defer tin........ . of long S kver . il proPiiiK*nt Pu!tlaii«i«ir* vi*it- dian*. killin one and badly wounding that they may think neecssarv in those ureoiinis any longer. Therefore The Indian* then met in coun- another. cd ex-Senator J. W. Nesmith on Sunday laws. at the State Insane Asylum, says the ’ ci), and we nmlerstand that they have ItlfinK'M. I ho,»e to hear from all classes of Wo km*,» e -iist.intlv <»n liaml a full a**-»rt- .Vrr». The old gentleman was very declared war. Thia,of course,has caused miners in regard to their wants. meiit «»f legal blank*. in ; so much so that the citi- Bospectfillly vours, quitc laim ikvd*, real c*tat«* and chatte l pressed himself. But it is apparent that zens of that community have sent tn H B. Mil l ch , mortgage*. *«h«»«»l a*.*«,"*ni«’Ut *rn«‘v * *unnm«n*« * hia lilwrtv. The object of shutting him morning on its way to headquarter* at to the et?«et «»f Brown'« Iron Bitters upon r«»ad *U|»vn i.*«»r’* receipt*, bond* for «1 ’red. up, he aaya, ia to prevent him from par *an Francis.-.», *ays the of the 17th. his wife Mr. Jkmgherty - - Mv v.ib me« hani« ‘* lie n*. a<*kno\vh’dgm«,nt*. etc., all |«:ii:t»’d after the latest ami It, ticipating in the fruit* of the Democratic to know what action should he taken in lia* I* en u ing tin Bitter- for some i*|»h:tes. //*»•• */•'* tftritnfag • Ttolng V ’ ■. uine article l dit’ii ulty ha* m»w been that lie would be released from the a*y- certain the facts in the case. We have ah«l <•;.'>!;» diut *te I. ami tit* ' t.v«» well- rem.died, imitator*have b cnexpo.-e 1 an 1 heard t.othing further f oni the matter, Inn». The authorities *ay that they have kn«»wn r« medic* l»« iir: ««»mhim I. :u<- m »r- little hope* of his recovery. This will hut li'.|s- that it will end in nothing but put t«.» flight. There.«* elsewhere. Brown's ¡•«»tent in their rc’ii; dial t fi'cet* than if I*-*ad news to the mar.y adniiieraoi brihgiiig l.|. originator» to summary jtis- Iron Bitters can be had of all Ln- re-pecta- taken *rparat« l\. ami im-rea-v tlesii and strength with remarkable lapiuitv. this on< e brilliant man. U«t. * bk- ilrugÿùts at a dollar a bottle. The Wonderful Histrlonio Develop­ ment of a Famous Child Actress. (Chii-ago W, rid. J DISFIGURINO HUMORS SUPERIOR HUMILIATING ERUPTIONS w<- are off ring Making r..<»iu fur Spring pare' The New York public was __ tur- prised a few years ago at the arrest, at the instigation of the Society for — the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, of little Corinne, the child actress. The iittle girl, less than eight years old, was taken from her parents and kept in coi.finement until released by­ order of the Court and Mayor of the city. Mrs. Jennie Kimball, tiie mother 1 have tried for cb-ven yearn to have my wife of Corinne, who lias been knpwn to ciircii of a terrible nkin «¡iM-a.-e. II' Cuiicuia IL iri'dlcs (( uticura R».-olv»-r.t, the IICW Blood the public for many years as vocalist HHt, anti ( ulicui; , tl.i enui Skin and come lienne, has devoted the < Puniier, tire, and < uticura Soap, an cxquiMte bkin Beau- greatest care to the training and finer, externally i have done in mx w . ek* what I education of Corinne, and li e n suit have tried for eleven year*. t<> have done. You is a development of natural faculties >hall have the particulars as boon at- I can give them to jou, ai d ar we arc po well known in this really phenomenal. part of the will hem-tit you and the “When d'4 you discover Cor line's remedies will cure all who U“e thc ni. M.O-vilb , Ky. ( HAS. H. WHITE. remarkable talent ?” was asked of Mrs. Kimball. "I can hardly remember the time w hen her eyes would not sparkle at 1 uh «*«I your <'uticura Remediet» for Ill«»t<’li»*H. the sound of music; she began to sing i «1 .«a: « «»nipl' t- ly cured, t«»niy iin xpi« *.•■•!bit- j«»y. fa-fore she could talk. Before she ('uti<*ura Soap iH dn* lar-t 1 l.ave ev«*r uh « «1, ami to the proft HMou it ih invrluhbl«* f«.r clearsing the was four years old she created a sen- I h ..! . therobv r«*iliov inu all “Col k.” KI euse. XI'W* nation and received a priz.e of a . gold i»:mit. and all the stufi usetl by th« tn. havu k the chain and locket studded with -ki’i pun* ai d white iif.d soft >lj great«'-1 plea.*- ui»* i.* in rvcotnuieudnu; such an art !<■!<•. diamonds, at the National I Baby- II. MA« K. show in Boston. Next she sang in a Champion ( ’««tnitjue Roller Skater. \ uimg.-towu. < >hio. concert given by Brown Brown's ’s Brigade Band, and in 1N79 made her debut as Little Buttercup in the Juvenile Pinafore Company. Since then she 1 have hn«l the Sult BL* tun f«»i nb«»ut fi.o-c >»-a¡ has sung in o[>era und played various ul have fpt-i t time an»i nioiicj to have it « ur «' it Lout hu ’«’ i '. mh . ui til I tn* <1 I in* < ni cura !{••;. roles nearly everywhere." wfiK’h ar- «loii'U th* w«»> L. G J.YOL'N<». Mrs. Kimball is a lady of tine ,ti. M - r*hti ‘*l«i. ( '«»op ( «... On gor. presence, and when playing at the Boston Museum, was herself known $200 FOR NOTHING! a* "Little Jennie Kimball.” Havmu paid about $2i*H<» tir**t-<• 1 k -• doetors “What has become of the little ur»- mj babv. withcut sure« s-. I truci the Uni lady ?” asked the reporter. ••ira Ih in« «I "*, which C'-inph t -lv < U'« «l ; ft “She has given place to the person u li.g tlu«f lri»ttV. . (ìORIXH 87 Arlington \v.. ( 'harlcstowj . M d yon Bee before you. Like so tn any S«»hl ♦ v« ry when«. Pi ire ( uticura, 5n< : K- . I have grown others sonn what -'•«•; II» «.le I. *1. P.»t’ri Do « . i.d ( i .»»tin« fleshy, Indeed 1 assumed mich pro­ ( Boston. portions that I began to fear for tny Sen«! fiur ”!l<>«» t > t nr»- *kln I»I•«•#>.« •>.’’ health, Why. at times I would have * *«»o¡» for fteug I». < hn|»p«*:l the most suffocating sensation in mv P-11 T I * * U «J 1 |n«i*l II»* idei»»* ! Skin nuil IC:» i «* ìm heart; then again my head would be attacked and 1 have frequently fallen to the floor in a dead fainting fit. I 1885 consulted several eminent physicians and they told me I must abandon the stage if I expected or hoped to live. This seemed terrible, for 1 am de­ ILLUSTRATED. voted to mv profession and aíro to I), the development of Corinne. tl. “And yet you appear perfectly strong?” “And so I am. Why, I have re duced my weight over twentj I within three months and I f better in my life. If any I t troubled as I was questions W I them try Warner's safe c •i < ti. remedy I used, and they will, 1 i». I IL sure, be convinced of its li I truth. I it is the finest medicine world, and any numlx-r of my friends to whom I have recoin men led it have found it as beneficial as it has l»een to me." Per Y « ar : filli:. M\G\Z!XI "Is < orinne’s health good'”* JIPI II H Mil KL\ "Perfectly. The child has so much il;PI K S BAZAR life and tivacitv she is overflowing HH X with it, on and »‘ft die stage.” The only previous instance of such remarkable pro. Ocity which h.storv chronicles is that of the famous I Wotlington, who first appeared The Beggar's Opera,” when but little older than Corinne. Itching and WINES AND LIQUORS. NEW ERA SALOON INDUCEMENTS AND BILLIARD HALL FHŒNIX, LOW PRICES? Burning1 1 M* rorriro in M rfc the rhoicrot brands KENTUCKY WHISKIES, TORTURES (. 1 HOICK WINES. ETC IN LADIES’ WEAR WE H AVI The two tirurdf nf (i ( ; a u • CASHMERES !N COLORS, i e u-nnllr fraud irll.nt *> h iiOUHe. E dirli r.g Mi dical Furposg For W • k«.*«-p ». «ujK-nor article of UŒR1CAN BRO( ATELS. SILKS \ND SATINS BLOTCHES CURED. FRENCH BRANDT, HiLLAED SWAN GIN. EINE WINES. ETC. » « S', inaih Bitters fl per Beer Litgcr I! r. ai also i>p found one •» M. r-r.ii.NPitk & Balke Co.’« Li BILLIARD TABLES and Tcwelings ! AJ'» ir. < I A M. IK ! N < X I 'S 5 » Harper’s Magazine < a ’ • V» Li<• i A * Good«, n i I’M mi j * ii I Li •t I a b < > b u ROCUL < MOOlls £ 1 * i y nn THE DISTILLINO Alti 1 wjl aJluw. i I’ re «.ft esain ■. JERRY NUNAN. LGAUt Ì0 THE FROH TI HAÉiVESTO G ivi HARPER’S PERIODICALS, « u from wnrt'tc'tbfe nr i WHOLESALE HOUSE AND STOVES JACKSONVILLE, IN LEÍ I «2 < X ÏÎLOA.1)’ * ty of pure. ui ndab i > £ U.S.Hctel Building Jacksonville T. T. IrlEXZIE, PropT. « < E A^SI Ml DTHE M\XA:>! -r I «. » •-« h >1. f. T. M» KLXZ1E V b i . 1 • ' ■ * : ' Railroad Saloon, GOODS FLECKENSTEIN & MAYER DIRECT X I I FROM PAPE. En-.’nr EAST ! J-H'k.—n i ICKE'lS. J LIVE OAK SALOON, HIDES, FURS, PRODUCE ! SOLE AGENTS GTAN’l'S PASS. GEIG.ÎBY à nUTCH. Proprietor« á r«rô i OLD \ \1.| I Y. HF RM I I \t,E. PRliH'. « >i Ki M t i KV And I. I. M .IIIBIX WHISKIE:,. ad i-i nt « d .itiv /7:/<\l/. IX EXT .1X1) > Agfiitt- tor the «•(¿•■br.itc I r an a- X Y. < L\î’S! X i ¡I SMI». Bb l U BO’ \ AX1> BL IHVFISFIL »T— AT In J.icksnn ( fn rot W.n • - »• hand, u c nv-di' V t;»l I». h «npphed Ä’ 1 1 h A !*• el Table rray ■ i • v yv h « t . m Lob . - ; « t<» k» «p n t-ir rt- iy nr> nt- a call. ‘I ,v (»Bh.SF.Y A BUH H. rHE CITY BREWERY. t th ■y will tie trestol to hipp.Nl fr»»in S tn Fr.mor.» « •:v. if ^,»|..Mr* :Fx «at R ». •*<*bnr*». ( fregoli, / Jam. .»«ry 15, |\<>. ' Ç IIFRbHY <:1\ 5 IBM rill mmd -Him h. ¡•lid not:. .. ..f •ntiL.« »I. <>l ........ ir -upport of i..« • " in .U ■ hefor > county, < »r "'ni. i i I k * HEaT Rü 3BE." T Z i y. “I i I I t l.LT ISTriBMR - "t .' T 1! r.r d m I H ued rc i- r..»- iii.inufnc'ur.r«. «id sill l'o’ l.iitd t!_. r.-rv I ,nf i \ c » cool gl»»» of bi «i »LotiiJ Nolice for Publication. liftttl'' lmh‘<1unty welling lurtlnr F<»r Lii • «i O f »r THE CENERAL MERCHANDISE . DEALERS, k «V P'.! V« Filié BILLIARD Table« PERRY & CO’S EASTERN STOVES, IRON Till# b«Mt of Anu 'OT mr r EAGLE PGIffT SALOON, STOVES, TINWARE & HARDWARÏ WM. B. WCRLOV. Prep. • or I A > XX E x> ‘ Our int-'ine .« fn ihn trail.-,.f T lo li.,,-. fror irertnii'iu an.l bonorahl Socicti/ i Mtf*. M \ s «) ns . \V;irr« !i L<»«!<•■ X«>. l'i »f l in«»«*ts «•{u*h Wt*. :t , of Jacksonville inlets on th»* la^t TiDir*- veiling <»f «••K’h month; Alp ia ( h.’ipti’r X- . I Auhln iil on th tirst ami third Til •*«! os. !.().<». I . -I »■•!»-• tv«II- J z . h U?«* X o . ■ ♦•very Saturday pv>*nin«; Ashland Ixxlge X th«* sam<* tim«*. Tab!** R«x*k En<*.am|»im* ii rn> t- at .l;i' k*«»!ivdi«* " i « v ha ofh« i I ening of each month. Ruth R'*b«>kali Jzotlg.' X«». 4 «>f .1 ack*«»:ivill«* in—-1* < »• Momlay evening, commencing with J c Hop«* I> —r— Lot!-:«’of V-hl-iml, <» t th* an«I fourth Tu»'sd iyH • •! each m »nth. R ep M en . «)r.* ■ • • '-I’.-ea1 o-t.-i.*« l'i ih Irnp’«H >. Ii. M.. ev.T’ r . lav •••. -ui; \. O. I . W. Ben- r J. I: x ., . I ,n • t <»tl««-r Fri«j.«y «•veni.nx. co.nnb'nei ’m J«ui. 1i>, l*-4. • .IT \*«i L«»»!g«* X<> '?’» on the first ami thir«l \V. dm’.*«l iy «’vening* of -aeh mouth. < '.OF H. Victory Council No. 4 of Ja< ksonvilb • >n Friday evening JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. («’OHR F.' • I El> w EEK ¡.y. ] Flour, per thotiaand lbs .. W . pnr biiwh«’l Barl»*v. (kits. Mill F.... 1 p rP» . Hay, wheat ortiinoth;. p rio;i h*4*>, per t;it<»« *. p« < ablK^.’. < fnions. B-mi*. (’«•rnmeal. j II . Lanl.p .f Hum a d B. Dried Anples. per lb. . Pears. I - S-lFlplI.IH »1 ■•: !«»'-•■,-. |,< ; . Piuck-.-s. |H.*r«l »z -I Disso ulioii of Partnership. ■ l''r*-»nrf r| < .«• Ar pl« . wliicl. I .. I.«, r ►( 11 I * wl t>« «*d •H, 4«> ■*• I a.u «i t«*raiinMÌ to »iifnr«-»* |»ay- 1 11 I is r»*fus> d or n<*tfb-<*iMt. H. PAIT. K«. le. Aw«. 1. UM. it » i To Whom 1 May Concern. y<»TI ’ is ID IH BY GIVI X THAT I HE •’ ifc’i ' •! «I'd • •!! all ii*« .it r««' n jror i r»»- k S«w-milJ. .•«iMuit It.»« 22d « f October lu>t. to (al. Mulk*1. ami Thoma*« Guyer. J L. TRUITT. J.e X 1 CXxY BARBER SHOP, 'I I.. M ■ \ i . i . \ / .I iic L m COLD HILL. M. E. P ) H’ A: nt. G ,’ ii. \xi»»fb'\< o. A ( . IL R Co.. J Or T'" l NDEBSl'.MCD V,'Xii|A. I :s I If • . ■ . -, c ■ f e ■' . ii, ..r '! öUbjfH't h) th«» (I1 '. high of t!î<‘ VO» ; ii,l T, vilb*. . « tin- '*n^'.m:¿ town í -1 í * c » wh -. CLO. W. B : own . Ju' kxAUVule, Ja j . 19, 1B»1 HARD CIDER > ko|-t « onntautly <»n I «r d. Settle Up! you .■Hiiu- along i:i,a ? HPI.I XIHIl. ■ " I » II tl... n.n. I... ANNOUN CEMENT. 16 ,r> VINEGAR TOR S£LE ! HOW ARE Apply I«» M. V. B. SOL’iJi. Aç»'nt. Pi *< i>. :* m Ij ! O) to S ........ to trill ,:u E. H. G ITO’S PHŒNIX. “ f ? S M O K F ASHLAND. 12 It to 16 n «I J T Th i I'MtTM liSllil* 111 i \iST • bXw « n th« und >r*brus b«* paid by hint. J. .sou mow T i» I Z» T "'*'*• MEX-SOR. .'acks«»nv |n. Or. |t,t ¡*.-’>. Apph •1 1'1 "I ? ai ’ îd 11. B "’’UER «fc CO L«»t'f«»r -•th’.«f !«»w pi ¡e«'* I. .|< iji . t -rn' \l>;.l. « «J H. H<»WAR!>. : t. '.! •«! Ab • i:: tl •• Railroad Addition t«» tic t«»wn ■»< 17 9 ¡ I ! . ! (>! AIM S. LlQl lIES ASDC1 )u' co - '»Li’ l en». G.sxl inmn.'i i '' '• ’’ •'■ -• -J ’ v.-rpl.u tí 'r no lir. „ W. I WOIUXJW. ▼.21. l**!t ■ mi i THIS PAPER ewsp.pcr AHvertlslng Bureau GO t-i-mcs 'n-ei,, «.tv. v- tSxlÇ»•/ I simreontmet, e.ay no iiuuJe lor ■> nr IJ La Sts Givxujtlez pi T S'ILS. y!iltl,!KI1K LINI A ■eeln. twivelu k». « ' I nok« — • . rc« pr _ JOHIS MlLUiK’A : CALIFORNIA STREET Ilio. ... i <» re*en. h % î isn.xi d is fully prepared «vorR ni I uh JiiM« m th»* boat manner and libi»’ pr;c*. GLOROE SCH BIPF. B-wOl r-r—ss» • ▼ ► ->«er«4 A w e*| - '■■■-in A .- n't , A im th» • - * M.» ».it b -ka gr 4 M Ali.- •»■ • ffer f R« >P!\c, a C<». tct»r*,T5 ) Bn.auway YodU IMPPOVU) 8HAP.P, «ALLARD ton lu.d »S U.cG»bt*r nth**. wnron-M tn vu>* anicliA kt JOHN ktii-iXyf