iheJcmotritfir ©nws. ïht fkuiotiaúf Sinus. I------------------ Published “verj Friday morning by CHARLES NICKELL. EOITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. Office-Corner T1 » I and C Streck' NEW TIMES BUILDING. t Hnle« ul Siib^crlptiou : copy, per annum.................................................. $3 (M) “ mix month . ........................... 3 æ •• throe 1 IH thn** mouillas mouth*.. - ___ —_____ ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK VOL. XV 9 I fACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. 1885 I MISCELLANEOUS. NO. 4 AdvevtiaeaMntx will be inserted in the Timex H» the following rat«*» : I T«»n line», one im«erti<»n. ,, SO each Hub»«yiu«>nf niM-rtion.............. J UU O** Legal adverti»em»»nt> in**rt^d naaonably. A fair r«iucti<»n from the above rat»»» Fried“ to I i yearly and time advertise». THE T1ME8 JOB OFFICE im mor* c«»mi»l«*te by far than any other in South- ern Oregon, and cornjMtre» favorably with any in the Htate. Job Priutinx of «»very imaginable «iif*cnjition done at Han Francisco rate», and in a prom|»t and firet^laM manner. •f one of them alone, or with any other 77/£’ Il'o/.V.n.s EXPOSITION. THE I.A IF OF TRADE. FOR DIPHTHERIA—TRY IT. corporation, company, person or party, \VvsinM.Kix, Jin. S. —Followin- is who shall willfully do or cause, or will­ Mr. M. Wilkins, who 1ms so ably Ruth Lockwood, the V-year-old child A rural eotemporary is unable to no- »TATE OF OIUCGON. tho text <>f the inter-Stat conn .«•«• ingly suffer or permit to be done, any renreseuted Oreg.D at the N< vv Orleans derstaml why the United States “should of Thomas Lockwood, a compositor in U. 8. S» nat*»r<. J. H. Slater. J N. Dol j.'i; ( «»n- act, matter or thing in this act prohib­ r.xpe iti .ii, has returned to this State. always be shipping gold tn Europe.", the Philadelphia lime» office, ---------- became bill, ns it ] assed the house: . ------ ------------------------- Sr-'Minan. M. C. G**«»r<“; G*»V“i; "r. Z. F »I* mm 1\; It. it U’K.*»N UOCN rv. "It is in every way a greater aud a in the position of a lender of capital on I of the Paris Figaro, which contained a or more other States or territories of reefed or required by this act to be ai rm: sas i i ; a .\< is< o Senator, P. P. Prim. Ii**pr**>»*ntativ4h. Hi«»» F. the United States, or to or from any done not to be so doue, or si.all aid <)i grander one. 1 see you have publishml a large scale, or even perhaps a borrow­ report made to the French Academy of H*»all. Th“»». < an»**r«»n; ( «»in*t.v Jn«i*f**. h. DuPcutt- I’«»wimi**i«»n**r-*. t'. li- P: '* ~ J* !»»*lg»»ra; foreign country, directly or indirectly, abet any such omissions or failures, or some things from tiio N.w Orleans pa­ er of foreign capital which depends up­ Medicine by Dr. Delthil. Dr. Delthil Llerk. W H. Parker, SI* nrt. A. S. Jac«»»»*; I'n-aa- to charge to or receive from any per­ shall be guilty of any infraction < f this pers about the fair, but nothing has yet on current trade for the protection of said that the vapors of liquid tar and urer, N. Fifhcr; V-* »r. .1. ¡«olv; S»*h«M»l Sit- • Mrint'»n<*»»nt. W. M. C.'lvig, Surveyor; Ja*. Jef son or persons any greater or less rate act, or aid or abet therein, shall be guil been said which does justice. In fact, its gold reserves, is very frequently in turpentine would dissolve the fibrinous rrey; I'oroner. H.T. I:’,'*»w. or amount, freight compensations or tv of a misdemeanor, and upon convic­ until about the rime I left there, it was thu condition of which our cotempora- exudations which choke up the throat J« SKI HINE c«»rs . • reward than is by him or them charged tion th« reef be liued not l"~s than not known to what magnitude the «x- ry complains. It is the result of an in in croup und diphtheria. Senator. H. B. Miller. B»»|»rt**»*ntativ»*. A. Porter; County Judge. G.Cr'»“kett; < •»mini-wioner'y Proprivtvr. I position was growing. Th. collection cxorable law of trade. Whenever such Dr. Delhil's proc«-ss was described. to or received from any other person or 82 OOH. li. Platt r. J. M P* ; < lerk, < h:v*. HuuM- w»ll M l I F.XCEt'TK NS. and I of exhibits displayed there is greater a nation buys more than it sells in its Ho THE p< rsons for like and contemporaneous ... pours equal ... parts of turpentine .------------ Sieritf. \ lierv.Y.li ir**r.W:i; Nauck*»; A* * - Sec. ‘J. That nothing in this act shall than has ever before been gathered any­ international Commercial operations, it liquid tar into a tin pan or cup and sets H«»r. J 1 Bryan. S» h*»*»l Sui»»»ru!temient. A. J. service in carrying, receiving, deliver- Chapman. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. I nig, storiug or handling the same, All apply to the carriage, receiving, stor­ where in th« world’s history. Every must either ship gold or become a b’or- | ^re mixture. A dens« resinous Ki.\M\rn covy ry. L ita This medicine, combining Iren w ith pure charges for such services shall be ren- age, handling or forwarding of proper­ State in the Union has utilized the great rower. In respect to the gold reserve ' “rises, which obscures the air J.G'it Sen it«»r, C. M. < trtwri xht «»f < n*»k IL ‘p- vegetable toni“*, onivkly and <•».n>i.lt-t< ly re*«*ntAti\ *. U P. Ab*hi» rof Ltk<*. Counts Jndj TL>- is th.' place to get your sonable, aud any person or persons ty wholly within one State, ami not ; pace set apart for it in some manner or of such a nation, it may consequently ' »he room. < urrs lires llysprpsbit l>y«pu|»«.ÌH, I I ik II mus II oh » u W fiik riikn n< ••*«•« G. W Simtli. <’«».urni*-.»»n«‘r*. M. rural«dn. fi*L of nam: 1 .*»• .”‘-»r, E. B. K ame**, \**e-r*.r, M 1>. Í Hi I Ilio eigu country or other State or t< rritorv ; tude the pres nt exposition tai' surpass­ the balance hi her favor, ev«n if it l«e mediately seems to experience relief, from one Stat«1 ‘o ' another, (or for Da r:........... It is an unfailjnff remedy for I»;: vt the I hi!««* r*. •>* ••*»! Sup •rinfrn«!* n!. E. D« t*ap; Sar- nor shall shall it it apply apply t to property earriml es that at Philadelphia in the ceutenni- necessary to sell its productions at low **“' choking and rattle stop; tlio patieut Klflnryn mid l.ivur. sain«* tior required fare, shall 11 receive rec« iv;o tho the — wyor, J. O. Allei It is lnvahinble lor 1 !-er.o* ¡•■enHiirto treatment, and ba a iif!"! itl ■/< <'«u.tl l.i*’11 i ! f<-i the I luted Stat les at lower rat« s of ! al year." prises, and to suit its population in the i f*11“ into “ «lnmbor, ami «eems to in L\KK OH-MTY. Women, and all who lead .»•vduntnry In» - .£ . .,..!* ami ... ) chaises .1 . . .... than for the gem r- Senator, C. M. ( artwrxght **f <’r«»«*k. Ivpr—♦•! freight ltdoesnot injure the teuth.i hu - hvadauh“ ”F “ Ho w was the Oregon exhibit ar- ■- .uni aecomniodati« o.-«Jlc aj ■■ fm m H use of articles of luxury or even of com- **‘a •lu,,he with pleasure. The tu»»“' U. F. Ab*h“*r; County Jiulg»». ! nt-; produce conslipation- -»M t /•-< r>:t~ c < I k \KS. fort. Iu such a situation a favorable hbrinou» membrane soon becomes dc- < .1 all other persons hohliu u tii'lo t of ul public, or to the transportation of ar I range«! ? ’ • i««n»»r**, T. O. Blair. W. D. Aru'*tt;t lerk. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulab s JEWELKY, — r. An»* 11 ing; Sheri tf. A. J. < ’harlt«»n. 1 r**.c*m »*r. "We had a place along the inuin trade balance assumes a peculiar im- i ta<-’he*l. aud the patient coughs up mi- the same class, without discriminate n. tides at reduce«! rates of freight for the appetite, aids the H‘-diiiihili< n of f< ■ 1. ru- i \M‘II S. M IS. A. Met.'»lien:S*’h«M»l Superintendent,W. J. M»»«»r*. ’icvuH Heartburn «nd B< 1» hinr. and >t re ng th­ charitable purposes, or to or from pub aisle, where we built a lattice-work portanee. It is obvious, however, that crobeines. These, when caught in a »’ll’ES. < \BDH. A right KEscia i u. MEKTING »»>’ UoUUTH. ti< . en* the muscle* an»l nurv» >. Mil IONS i I I I.F BY The Supreuj»» Court of Oreg«»n tn**“!» at Salem, may be seen to disseise in the For Intermittent I\ \ er>, Lassitude, Lick of But nothing in this act shall be con­ lie fails ami and expositions forexbibi- 'eighty feet long, which is covered with a nation which imports us free'lv a- sl \ FIOM BY. ALBUMS. regular h»rn»* commencing on the hrst Monday* Energy, Ac., It has n»» equal. biti >n. «lisplay grains on each side, and cannot England does, for instance, in the ex- ! suiohe. In the course of throe days af- K>BA< ( OS. < KiABbTI ES. strued to deny to railroads the right to i) »tarch ami < h.*tob»«r. 9 A ■ The genuine 1: h > td - ve trade mark and Sec. 10. i hat the words "a person fail to attract the attention of every vis­ cwss of its exports, and still constantly t’-’' '»“r,l the patient entirely reco*rers.” Circuit Court for Jackson e«»unt> m»*“t- th** provide separate accommodations for c: red line* on wrupj r. Take no other, *.»<•««-id M ■ "Iay in February,.Imic and Nov.ml* ;—-----............. ............. Dr. Nichols tried this treatment with or persons," us use«l in this net, except itor. I nderneuth ’ Gent ’ s Furnishing Goods. each stalk of grain is increases its wealth and finaneial pow er, - passengers, as they may deem best foi iladv MMly b; lU.'O'.IN < III 1! Il II. 4 <)., IIU.TllOKl, MIK f<»r J *t*ephin»'. ***»e«»n«i Ma:t«ia> m \|»i il .*«••.«I fourth Ruth L K'kwood. She wus lying gasp­ vv In re otherwise prov ideil, shall be con a jar filled with the grain itself, togeth- is prosperous and flourishing from a M" .*htj in Ocb'ber; for Klamath, fourth M«»!i‘la\ public comfort and * . . „J .......... 1 safety, or to relate And »•v*'.;.thii usually found in a first-rias.* va ­ BEDIM. I ON. \V(M)DAI(D A • <» . 1 quality. : v er or ieceivei '.ti n-•tee or trustees, diplomas. At on«- « ml of this frame­ never been. Every year the dividends as mtii'h turpentine over it an«l set it on •tlioboM and iruarantuvd a* r«*pre- county, th«* tir*t Morula* tn J muary, \piil. July I * < oiintrv I’ i - m I id ••• )»»»• * low. a** 1 not projMiSf to be and September; for l*ak<* county, <*v«*ry alteriuit*» that the furnishing of s< palate accom- lessee or lessees, agent or agent", or work of grain we have our large sign, and interest due on hundreds of mill­ fire. The rich resinous smoke which B« !n»,rnb» i’ Colnuin** ohi !u«»nt.h, com:n<»neing the tirnt Mon«ia.v in J muary. modatious with ««pial f.K-iliti-'. and other peison or persons, acting or en- | lieside which ami fairly overtopping it ions of invested capital Ihrw into the rose to the ceiling was by no means un- call wh»»n in town. dl. J. li. LllTlsE. F«»r Klamath «•«»unt.v the tirst W* E51 í < >y¿. Sam’« Valley. Oregon, in some more praise from the very first ance lias appear««! in part in the euor ' paper, ceived - - . or for acting - as an agent - glass pulley« for cable railways. The son; and all persons engaged as afori - i Will copy Photograph*, do Sketching or Drawing than any other there. 1 took particu ­ uious importations in gold ami goods WH - V ' ''« ’ ’ "mines us to say a few words, advantages of glas-pulleys are obvious. !i ue just o[,ii.t a hu*- stock of .-aid shall furnish, without discrimina­ »»f any kind, ul*o Gin«l*< ap“ Patnt.ri,’ m oil while steadilv in- I man ” c know <,f "ne hard-working young tion, the same facilities for e irriag- , In cal'le railways, such as are in use lar care to have everything in order and which slm 1 has 1 made, uolor*. T“rui* l»»w. A'idru*** Sam’»- \aJI»'y. 1 c ?. . tvlln CZ.«»♦ .L«l In en receiving, delivering, storing and hand­ over the Brooklyn Suspension Bridge displaye«! to the very best possible ad­ creasing her board of earnings. Such man who sent fifteen dollars, expecting to get a fine silver watch and also re­ A. P. HAMMOND. ling all propeity of a like chai aelt r <• ir- mid in the streets of some of the cities, vantage on opening day, ami 1 have aro the economic results of different ceive a magazine for a year. Tile paper I !..i\• ■ jn-t i-. <»t\>-«4 a now and <’»*inpl»‘te »tuck the operation of the cables over meta) -iir «• felt amply . . repaid fur it. I believe policies.— Era m' h ■'I in no hnn l- will r« .-. iv RIBBONS, i to have it known how easily the first day and everybody came to 1«’ prompt atti 'unmi. H ihtum »**»*nli«»ii tion, nor any contract, agreement or but no other substance hitherto could CHOICE APPLES . the other dav. The duck was a large ashamed 1 EA TH 1 "RS. they have been gulled by flashy adver­ C*'l l«***t I Hlf. tak< a look at Oregou. It made us lots be found sufficiently strong and tena ­ nri ’ lerstaialing, -hall be inad'- to pre ami and full-grown one, that had recentlv recently AND NATIVE CRAPES, 1 LOWERS, vent the carnage of any pr< perty from cious to tike its place. Glass pulleys of friends, ami there has been a throng come from the north to enjoy our win- tisements. There are thousands of vile P. P. PRIM. COLLARS being tnated as one continuous car w ill r< duee the fi ictii h to a minimum, around our exhibit every day since. It , ter climate. It was of the diving spe­ men who live in the cities in just this VITOKNEYA COl’NSEUW-AT LAW, An«' I..- f . 1. n».ii«"I>S. destination; nnl« ss such stoppug««, in­ her < f diff. rent sized pulleys made for tall grams, etc. I happened , to overh« . ar . ' Hie oyster feeds it opens its shell wide VEILING. tiltlM » IUI S. terruption. contract, arrangement or i.'Xpeiintent. They arc about thirteen two reporters I talking, and one sanl to till the full oyster is plainly vi.ible, A ble. thinking )>eison expects to pet IVill ice in all «!>**« ‘"«irH <'» tl *■ Sial.'. < PURITY and FLAVOR. I’lMlV ISH >\s nice for a few stamps, while in th»*«‘<»urt Houw. tine «l«s>r to the h-ft «»t eti. understanding was made in good faith inches in diameter and about two an«l a the other, poiuting in our direction, i LlUIIIX«.. "*. eight of such a morsel was too much something ORNAMENTS. >11.KS, LACES t run«"'. I I KXISHtN«; «.«M'I'S. 'there is a State exhibit that come* ! for (¿7 the the duck. duck lie made a headlong this person would hesitate to trust his half or three in width, with a groove in for Borne practical aud necessary pur Il USAMI i Il's l.igjls AM» SHOES. pose, without any intent to avoid or in the center of the rim to receive tlie nearer to showing thun any other 1“ \ plunge, inserting his bill between the next doar neighbor to a dollar. When J R. NEIL. police occasionally raid a fraud­ terrupt such continuous carriage, or to cable. However, only the rim < er tire the entire building.' The fact of tl«« “ | oyster’s open shell. Like a flash am! tliecity And i wriihii.,: ii-iuill> fourni in a hr-tchw- t ........... f........... com. , matter was we displayed what we bad with the power of a vise th*, shell clos- ulent firm like this they tell of finding ATTORNEY * < OCNM'.I.OII AT LAW. ......... .. M. r.-l. '.ih-. s’..r, . is of glass, th«' interior part being evude any of the provisions of this act. < Hand''- th’ th at th“ building formerly oc- FACTORY I KK l.S rho> will eivlhi'ir «-ii-iotn--* il,«' iM'iii'h! ofth> of ......... iron .... made form of a ' ““‘I didn’t buil.l up anything around it ed on the «luck s beak. Then came the thousands of letters from thousands of pos«*«l c . in ... the .... ........ r«slu...l fr. .-l !- > i.n>l»«l>. by 11.** foil«.wingautli«»nz“t’i» I’.. 1'tul. «>t"S"f.. t'-b. l-s|. for any person or persons engaged in the reception of the axle upon which er e«l it all over with ears of corn, was quite a large one, was dragged from find the business of gulling others. Ono F. J. KING, in h'tild'Dtf op|Mw»ite Court H'lU*«’. corn»T <’ und its be«l with three smaller ones cling ­ Yr« ka. I alif<»rniii. th«' transportutii n of property as afore they run. The thickness of tho glass alternate white and red. and then they should rather lie willing to pay a rea­ Fifth *tr“»‘f*. NEUSTADTER BROS., said, directly or iudirectly, to allow any I from the surface ot the rim to the iron I had another house or two covered with ing to it. tho cluster being heavy sonable price at home to a responsible VAN DUNLAP, Business Notice W. F. WILLIAMSON. rebate, draw back or otle r advantage m part of the spider is only about thr« s- other grains, and you couldn’t see any­ enough to keep tlie duck's head under dealer, where there would be recourse, Linkvillv. < >r<*u»»n. I MantiinftUirer* of any form upon shipments made or ser-1 quarters of an inch, but the glass is thing else of their whole VHst exhibit. water. In this way the duck was than to send hard-earned money to anv ArroKXEY’ A « Ol NsELoi: Al LAW, Thi" i* to notify th“ public that 1 Lav»« op«’i'.»«l ! drowned. Its buoyancy was sufficient to -= ' ' urownea. WIMER A FARLOW, an otlic • in Ja k-ouviI!*» at the soulhea.-r corner vices rendered ns aforesaid by him or i m ide extra tough and strong, and the although there were forty car loads ol 1I(,at with tUo oybterg ’and thu(. driftod firm that semis out a glittering adver­ *,f < . 7.,i , I I fth -tr* i- whet** I will I*- Medford, Oregon V bland. Or. g«»n. them. tisement. It stands to reason that a r»»adv nt all tim» * to tran-act bu.-in»”-s. such a- pulley s have been proved capable of decks, where it wps captured. i , , , , , ■ i near the d.cks, was cant —’ AUhtbin»*» in my line will r»*€“iv»‘ prompt at­ the drawing up of Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawf ul for t successfully resisting any pressure PLYMALE & ANCLE, \\ IvZXSs taken ♦rxl-z'. out of f the 4 1' -» water ----- x----- «1 Dnl you bring back any photo- When the j **m~* man will get the value of his goods, or tention. ---- — any person or persons engaged in the brought tu boai up ii them.— PC >• graphs of the exposition ? M* *if«»i’il. (>r«*g<»n. !— - *» lmd > not left the duck. The you don’t get them. HEEDS, WTtilGFS. Binns, lliREEMEVTS mal »» heat carriage, receiving, storage or hand •Mi'hia Pr.-s-. H. K. HANNA. “Yes, a stack of them; but thuy **"* ................ - duck - ” ’s beak J. NUNAN, u,re oyster still clung to - the ling of property, as mentioned in the, 1)1 t I1P 'PI. .. .1 .. Le*w«>. I'uw.-r- uf Alton,HJ Bills of Bale, et«. E xi ' ositioxb .— The New Orleans peo­ BOSS Of THE IU»AI> Jn<’k.-«»it\ i 11“, Or«*g«»n. m my trunk on tho other side of the The duck 1.« has 1, been carefully prepared ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW. first section ot thisaet, toenter into any j nver. ami I cannot get at them until 1 for exhibition bv an experienced taxi ple set the example of securing a large T he civil servic«« reform act applie ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES combination, contract or agreement, by | SAM. COLVER. home. Lhe photographer who took I dermist. The ouriosity mav be seen appropriation by Congress, ami the Jacksonville. Oregon. changes of schedule, carriage in differ ■ to the subordinates in all the «1« part- gut it. rd t 8. Il I •al E-tnt«'. ' (i»*n**r:tl Agent. I’btuiLix. Or. < >A I JJAIJ th«- Oregon exhibit remarked: ’I have lhls wecK at DeRvco*. drug More The Philadelphia people think a goo«l ex­ nients ut Washington, und to all public Will pr,«“tic»» in all the Court** of th* State. .1 nul >nd IT. .. un I i nt ears, 01 by any other means, with shown mon- agriculture in that picture oyster still holds’a death-grip en its ample is worth following. Accordingly la-rla.i't..! I *• -• i offices throughout the country having t »die«* up stair- in < >rth’- brick. I'- 1>| . I. W. intent to prevent carriage of such prop , I I pr* ti*| l..r i.t A' «-ol Congress will be askeil to make liberal I -|H <1 It ••nt K»*mn erty fi om la ing continuous from th« twenty or more employ«*«'». Tins i- han in that ot any other State in the feathery victim. It will be among the appropriations for the improvement of AND estimate«] to include ulxiut ltt.OOOof the I L. i curiosities exhibited bv Nueces countv C- LEMPERT. M D. l«l. I l*»«ii.*lif ai place of shipment t«> the pluco of «les Independence square, by the erection *t r**|»i> ni Rug.ydii.g the success of the exposi- ilt tll0 \V«rld s Fair.-Cory,«> <7, i.T*lt;at*' <»f the I ahrrwlty of Lrip«ir. taerma'i«. tination. whi ther earrietl on one or sev­ HHijmo or more persons engag'd iu llm tion, financially. Mr. Milkiussaid he iice.ird-.it« •* wit! it.»» tin*»**. of suitable statues and memorials com­ civil service of the guverunient. The h I« rm: -!*«n. t** « . » . li»* km. r Tl eral roads. Anil it shall be unlawful GZUrS' FURNISHING GCOES dnl not think anyone could say at the i ___ _____ (’all* r»*pon. I.. IC. V. • l»-t«*r. Ju«!«;«* * Bank* ( MJFOliXiA KTKEI I for any person or persons carrying; law call be extended, however, to otliei ! present time. Orti«*“ in L.S. Hot»-I. Jaeknonville. jlhliuil d «h-tro t, ni.d t«» »my t-ii-iti»'-* I • event, preparatory to its centennial an­ , be « est quarrel in congress over offices, tu which it is applicable by or Jack- SILAS J- DAY prop« rty as afolesai«! toenter into any r. S. STIRI ING. M. n.. \«>t trj l‘nl»r.c f*«r < >r* the question of "leave to print" led the niversary, ami these will be supple- I contract, ugr«< ment or combination foi der of the l*n sidellt, without further Bi.ixbi i> uv the M oon .—“Muon | mented with other attractiouscalculated pooling freight, or to pool freights of j legislation. The operation of this law blindness," said an ohl sailor, gazing at! New lork S",i to make an investiga­ to direct the attention of tho people PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NINETEENTH YEAR. different ami competing railroads, or to in preventing removals of employes ; : the upper rigging of a California clip-1 tion as to the abuses which have crept that way, aud secure an outpouring rOIlTKANI». OGN within its scope is confined to prevent intotliu mauagementof the Cottyrctsinn- Will k“»*¡» on hand th»» Jan,'“”! ai <1 m«»**t umnplute divide between them the aggregate or ing appointments bv fav r and iuiluI””1, u’’a* Mail street furry Yesterday, Pha-uix, Orruon. a! Rivoril. It is shown that by actual similar to that which made the busi­ ST. MARYS ACADEMY. assort ni»*nt <»f net proceeds of the earnings of such i "why, of conrsu there is such a thing, i cnee, thus removing the temptation to count “leave to print" was gra’nteil 247 ness men of that city happy in 1876. railroads or any portion of them. I’vi' seen it often. I hail a touch of it ‘ times by the House iu the forty-fifth The Quakers and their descendents E. P. GEARY, M. D.. (,'U.NHl < TED BY arbitrary lemovals. The president See 1. That it shall l>o unlawful for ; my self once. 1 don't sea, though, how have an eye to business equal t« any . I‘ Il Y s 11 I A N A N l> SURGEON, THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES any person or persons engaged in the would have no motive in orderiug a the English lbar Admiral makes out congress, 90 times in tlie forty-sixth, oiher class of humanity. They fully £ wholesale removal of clerks when th« 150 in tho forty-seventh, and 76 in the transportation of property, as provided . Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., :hat tho loss of the gunboat Wasp was understand the wisdom of the proverb: jj MID! IBID. OltEGOM in the first section of thisaet. to charge j vacancies thus made would very likely duo to moon blindness. It gets its first session of the forty-eighth. litre "If there is anything you want tliÀ . The Kchol.m»“’ y » <»f thi«* **ch< bo filled from among the same « lass, by is a total of 569 speeches printed by the m»mc*’ about th» »md «»f <\ngu.*t, an or re«*eive any greater compensation for! Oth“»» in L. John-»on'* building. name, not because a man who lias it A’- xvz»«< 7 that f«*ur *.« —« hui «. <>f eli'Vti Ufek* «’»tub. OREGON lum wero WCI never delivered in the yon do not see, ask for it.” Expel i- .IAf JASONVILLE. PUKE WINES A I.IQUOBS a similar amount and kiml of property, i reason of the great proficiency of its ■ an t see distinctly under the moon- , House L*md tuition. |M*r term. ut all. . Seme of them were tions and centennial celebrations sei il ' members in the knowledge acquired to PAINTS. OILS, I li . G. H. AIKEN. M. D.. Mu-ir for carrying, reci-iving, storage, foi - j pass tne examinations. The incum­ ' light, but because it is caused by sleep- ‘ many columns long. In these same to be increasing in )>opnlarity. Th« ' Drawing >*“»i Lait.titiK Tu I"* futiml iti Suiithi-n Or'-u'un. A|.,> n full warding or handling the same, for a PHYSICIAN A N II SU R G HO N . B»*«i and Bedding bents of "presidential offices,” so call­ mg with the moon shining on tho face. congresses there were also no less than Philadelphia people wero so handsome­ Mock "f DAVID LINN shorter than for n longer distance. DAY SCHOOL. ed, appointed with the consent of the You know ut once when you have it. 1,183 speeches withhehi for revision be ly Remunerated for their fir«t «fiori in JACKSONVILLE, ORfGON ,.. « 5 ÙI Primary D»*partntcnt St HEIll I.ES TO HE I'OSTEl). K«?“| * constantly <»:i hand h full umwu Iinent of STATI« iNEIlY. seuate, are protected by the tenure of I n fact you oftun get stone blind, und fore printiug. These figures aro suffic- this direction that they are not willing »■ IM .lutiior >CH<><>L BOOKS, furniture. c»»n*i*tuig <»f s im Preparatory “ Sec. 5. That all persons engaged in ' office act against removal without the remain so for a month or more, lcan't | lent in themselves to show how far c«3- to wait one hundred years for a second I INK CK.ALS AND 1« H»»uior “ . . luaginehou it could occur near I ng- gresstnen have abused their privileges. celebration, which would be in 1976. Pupib» are i.'“»*!v*'il u. iy Ufti»-. . • I • p““ial Ht- BEDSTEADS, CONI- l ei IONERY. the currying of property, as provided eoncurremte of that body. This act I land, Hid. Hr Duni* u are nr*« i.ot like v to ... ....— . • » for people l.ot likely to « sleep » ti f.'ittl*m p* p «I t*. p.«-»i*’ L;.r -itj.il«. in I.-•» alf of in the first section of this act, shall applies to postmasters mid all other lho prospect of t i having .« this abuse cor­ They have discovered that September L. L. WHITNEY, *4. For fiirtli» r in the moonshine there. In the China rected is not very encouraging. It is 17, 1887, will be the centennial anni­ adopt and keep posteil up schedules, : civil i flieers whose nominations must BUREAUS, TABLES. TOI I Jinnn'ii and «btb rent kinds and classes of property ternal revenue und customs officers and known. The Lascars frequently have many cases it has serve«! a good pur­ tution of the United States, ami it is • H II.O MOULDINGS, E im ;]» Point, Oregon T»»il»»t Soup. * tu. to be curried; second, the difierent ' the like. Governor Cleveland has it, and when a passenger steamer re­ pose in disposing of many long-winded regarded as tho proper thing that the 1’r.sc .ptu»n.- < ar».full\ pu pHr» i!<'te(i* «»f thii ->ction. I al I n altrrdfd to Dr. Kubirison’* Otti»-* in Dnur Store. JAS JORDAN, Prop’r, shall be carried; third, rates of freight officials for partisan reasons, and lie is warns ev< rybody vv ho wants to sleep on | which would otherwise inevitably be toric gwotind of Independence square, At A'iy tintv. «’HAIRS OF ALL KINOS and prices of carriage between such publicly mid privately committed deck—and most of them do in those hot delivered in the halls of congress. A the nation, of course, being invited to GRANTS PASS. OKI GON T. R. YOUNG. M D. latitudes to bo careful to keep well vast amount of dull oratory is thus es­ participate. places, ami for all service connected ■strongly against such a policy. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUIT'S, I h • < i>nim« r<’i tl i- tin Lnrgf'^t nn«l l{, -t n«it“l under the awning. 1 remember once caped, aud if congress were in the habit with receiving, delivering, loading, un I* If Y s 1< I A N AND sugi, Et» N, I'm tins p.art «»f Southern Or»%r«*n. Gue will landing a passenger at Singapore quite of making better use of the time so loading, storing or handling the same, E vebt artist who has illustrated alway- timi th»* tabi» - *iippli» «**rM. S.i-!i nn»l Blind** always »»n hand i I ’!>•■ 'I ilii'sl l ■ wr-it) of le»ni«vill" And the Rooi n* nrt» fitt» «I up with a view t»» clean« an»l mad«» t«» <»nl«*r. Planing don»* on r«*asonal»l“ several railroads, or wholly by one pip' good effects of « xtended railroad com­ Penang, and the moon shone on his i same time thero is every reason why wading through a field of rye up to her K ii ’ ii , k . r.,l|» |,r"in|,tl> Htti*nil.-I to «lay or line*«« and <•<» ru fort. Kttnat«*«! <» d th»* North Fork of Butt«* Cr«'«*k. 32 forms. ouhr. line or partly by several pipe lines, and munication, but every day the hem fits face for five or six hours. When he ' the *'«»«/,’«**>«,„«*/ !!■. <„•,/ should faith waist, with a stout fellow clasping her ¡mil» — from .ht< ’ k-otivill<*. id a enol * tny«»u c< ar a Un«l* rtaking a specialty. TER*IS I Mt. Mcl^aiighiit!. ar*» a debglitful h -or! whether such services are pi rformed or conferred fcy them are becoming more awoke his sight was gone, and be fully anJ truly present tlie actual pro­ around the neck, preparatory to giving DR. GEO. KAHLER, tl*. When you romo compensation paid or received bv or to j and more appreciated. Yesterday the thought it was still night, though tho ceedings as they occur. her a hearty smack. It has always (’<»fiiin»Tuinl llot* l 1' II Y S KIA N A S U K G E O N , rrly nupi'li»*!. one person alone, or in the connection | Pacific Express Company shipped two >un had aroused him. We went back seemed to us that there was a mistake f FOR INVALIDS vvith another or oilier boxes of fresli salmon, 150 pounds to to <' ih'iitta, ami when wo reached Sin- persons. T hebe is a boy in Altoona whoshould somewhere. Maidens do not usually Phoenix, Oregon. The railroad or pipe lines of a cor the box, to New Orleans, the same to ; gapore on our next trip ho ha«l recov­ be killed. Last Sunday evening he travel through rye fields. It wonhl hi-“ - of wom«*n and clid«lr»*n a ‘»|*«*’ÌHhy. poration shall include all roads or pipe I arrive thero in live days. The people ered, but he hated the sight of the crawled under the sofa, and when his trample dowu thu grain, ami iu Scot p»**mpflv attemlu«l to, «lay or night. IK >'■' 1C I l'llill'lllKTOR OK I lines in use by such corporation, of the crescent city will doubtless ap­ i moon ever afterward. 1 never know a big sister and her best young man were laud such a thing would bo severely Ol»|. t !>rug Stor«*. whether owned or operated by it undur preciate, like the reef of the world, the I case of moon blindness that was not sitting as close together as possible, he punished. Now the thing isexplaineil. < "r. Third and Cali fonda St*., DR. WiLL. JACKSON. rT'll<* < Tty Saloon contract, agreement or Rase by such flavor of Columbia river salmon. Au '■ure«I. You have only to keep in the rigged a slip knot around their feet. There.is n small river csll«. Orfeón. of one eye was m arly gone. I was well thought they would occupy separate have to hold up their pettn'oats, and «.'D*-»l i;tk»‘ p! it*iir»* in .Ti’.nonni’iiig to th»» public line. The fish are consigned to Groves in a week. The attack is generally ac­ California St.. Jacksonville a • *’inpl* t*’ ch«!’*;*' I a* !*» **n m>*di,'!Dn i- flirni»»h“. propilutor. Al*»» a few cabin* for runt on the go to their destination across the At ­ most people are too much frightened to riage of the same, on one actually or ' prrmib“». the floor, with a two-hundred pressure into tho stream, and then they would J. W. ROBINSON. M D., lantic in fifteen days from the time they H. M<( AULISTI II. I’rop. think about that. I never heanl 1,1 of a to the square substantially carriage, or as a part of The Rooms end Beds inch u CUUOUSSIIIU concussion HIM! that fllS- dis- rush in nnd kiss them. The nsaideua , .,!,.« i-qti.ne 111« I’ Il Y > 11’ I A N ANI» S| It t. E o N , ndja.uble bangs. The old couhl not resist it, for if they did they such continuous carriage, us provide«! left hero. The freight charges on this Worn in being artliet.’d with moon bln d > i(K.aleii r 8 r • e * Hnvlw n thorough!) renovated ami put in shipment will bo but eighteen cents for in the first section of this net and g' ntlemmi thought that Adolphus was would have to drop their clothe« and Jacksonville. Oregon. compensation therefor, whether such per pound, which is very cheap consid­ •*• drunk and hit him with a cane sixteen get them wet. This is a much more FIRST-CLASS ORDER. 1 Odl«e hi'.eafter nt I it, !>rue ¡sí..re tu-i.I.-nj-e property be Carrie«! wholly on one rail­ ering the distance carried. I «I > >i< >AA A W ashington special says: Demo- time» beb.re lie could get himaclf loose, sensible explanation of the song than «'■ F 'lirth -ir.'. I !.. M I ! ..nr b. 1 ill. And cv“rything will I h » dono to ¡«Huro tho com- G. A. HUBBELL. roll or partly on several roads, or cratic officers «.f the army uro beginning and fell out of the window. The match the one that has obtain««! credence in prmnprl, attend, 4 to, day or r .;l,t. f»»rt *»f gu»-t*. I U*’ tr-,v* ling public who favor thi* Itotw with wholly by one pipe line or partly by society generally. The grain field idea Gltil.s who think they can Reform the to arrive in Washington, ami a Demo- I is iloclared off. th» ir i .tfroi.rig»’ will a!way* receive th“ utmoht w. H. FLANAGAN. M. D.. several pipe lines, mid whether such men thoy marry should read n recent eratic captain, who has been out on the I will have to take aback seat. f “ ■ ■ • - ---- ffei tii.'i, I everything will be don»» to rnak»1 ----------- —<. •------- ----- serviei s are performed or compensa­ decision by the Supreme Court of Iowa. 1 frontier for s««venteen years, says: “I I N ew I’ i blk atioxs .—The Deceml>er th* I . S. Il'itel th«- mo*t popular public house tn I* H Y S It 1 an AND S U R<; EON Jacksonville. Oregon. Hout h» m < >r«‘goi:. tion paid or received by or to one per­ It was a divorce case brought by a wife have come to Washington t*> stay. I number of tho Floral Cabinet opens Irall the bills fntroduœd are passed JOHN DeBOBOXM son alone or in connection with another because her husband was a confirmed have sei'ii all the frontier service I ever w itli a drawing made especially for it, Oregon will be pretty nearly doue-over. H.v return»d t*> l«i- old lit L r* i: infortnitig th«» public that ! entitled "New Year ’ s Greetings" and is or other persons. drunkard. This evidence was not de 1 intend to. Now some of the Republi­ A new constitution would lie adopted, i n\.-• If in Ici’ijri»»-- at thi** plac»*. Gran*’a Pas*. - - - Oregon AUCTIONEER, l'EX.VLTll.S ri:oVIDEO. nied, but it was developed in the evi­ can bo« s can go out und take my place followed by some pleasant words from two new counties «'rested, the State re­ lin*' all ord« r** in my line with I at \* ry i'i a-o'i i!»l“ rat»**, thily Aiul i n»»w iir**|N«r«»d t»» ¡>iA«*tice hi* |*r**f*■*.*»« III. Sec. 7. That each ami every net. dence that she knew of his intemperate i for awiiile. It is the first time I had the editors regarding their plans for districted, the salaries of district will bc turni-ti out. ai*, • »r matter or thing in this act declared to habits when she married him, ami mar a chance to see Washington for a great the new year. The publishers of the judges changed, also of couuty jndg«s, eight. < “I“’ ’ at tl»« -IniM »tor»*. By the Thousand ! I.. Bl ENSOW. be unlawful is heieby prohibited, ami tied him hoping to reform him. The many years. I walked up throngh the Floral Cabinet supply to their subscri­ the fees of sheriffs re arranged, tho j M.trdO, l-f. DR. J* BROWN. in ease any person or persons ns defined judge of the court of filial appeal de­ war department to-day to pick out a bers each year premiums of a floral na­ road-law amended; every couuty would 'I’llI I \DI IISIGNI T» IS NOW TAKING OR- 1 dur-. thnHuh .)auk**»n :i!:«l J»»M,phinc <<»untit‘H m this act, engaged ns aforesaid, shall nied her the divorce in theso stern good soft berth for myself, and you ture; and for 1885 they announce six have a prosecuting attorney of fier’own, 1» F.U T>C II E K A i: z r. lACKSONVILl.i:. Olii«.ON. for I do, sutler or permit to be done any act, words: “You voluntarily chose a have no idea how polite they were to different premiums from wbioh sub­ the Maeeaon' duties jirescribed over 1 Will I*r .-ri« »* iualH :.* ..nir D - . ;,l-.. T> pl,. ri..... i may embrac- again, a board of prison managers cre­ . - take their choice, —----------- matter or thing in thisaet prohibited or drunkard for a husband, and you should me. I also discovereil that there were scribers P d '- u »)“*» ih . Luru' !■ ver. Dii»hth» nn. ( •nnqi- FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, tion. Catarrh, “t“. Time ami «l«H*t«»r M lull* Will ! forbidden, or shall omit to do any act, discharge the duties of a drunkard's an unusual number of Democrats in ' ltiC *en psfkete of flower seeds and some ated, n new apportionment of represen­ / I m * »*«¥••wn _ Office in Dr. Aiken’s building <»n California | matter or thing in this act required to wife, I «I“»*»« bulbs, details of which raay be tatives in the legislature for the coun­ His failure to keep a pledge of the service." will sruarant»»“ to f«»rfeit *'»“O for «»very uh -.' <»f Any kr.ow»»r and nn«l »*tn<*Hry • tiienrv of u.-donn I or ■ »jiiinin» after uf- • ininine. ’. without U u », » of <»f th»» th** injurious i-;xri: I warrriD» all my tr““* if pn»p“rly car»*! f«>r. i to the person or persons who may kus - yon must make yourself content with pose, if the Reagan bill passes aud laws , copy at half price (six ceLts) if this pa­ ably be pretty badly demoralized. VAKth«*»* iu Ja* k-onvill»'. GRANTS PASS T“rin**>f payment »»a.-y. I’naho'e taken at mar- are enacted to compel the road to pro­ per is mentioned. i tnin damage thereby a sum equal to the sacred relationship." k» t pri<’v. l»W»i 1!»-. «i l»*r- prompt J> ntt“tided to vide for its indebtedness to the Govern- . ... . , H eld r>n 1’ osta «. i :. - The Ya ;uma A. H. JOHNSON. i three times the amount of damages so of tlm American na /*,„> My8 that xVc’.ls, Fargo i Co « ex- Jacksonville, Oregon. Aug. 1. ¡*«3. Lively & Feed Stable.s I sustained, to be recovered by the pur- T he warden of the Manitoba peniteu ment, to abandon th« road to th« United tnm l HE is extravagance PARKER’S SAW-MILL AT PORTLAND RATES. not altogether accidentel. Big- pr..bS waa „UoTej into the ma,i bag i son or persons so damaged, by suit in tiarv. near Winning, has a fine h«re gang of roblieni operating under new of territory and an easy .truggle bv the mail carrier on a recent trip in . LAST CALL. They ! K*« nall»e ,lie Central Pacific Rail- for the necssane. of l,fe early led to f/om Corvalli., to mak. it more con- I i Having as*um«*d th“ m »I c nianHg»»m“nt of »hia competent jurisdiction, where the per­ biiff.ilo ami the domestic cow. Taku> ¡»h .Lsur» in n;ino*i; rinu to the Public that are very hardy and ,«e« m pre-eminently road Company may yet go is impossible caralessn«-. which has become charac- Trni,.nt t<, CMrry On horwback, and ar- Jllh I Ni l BSIGNED. ADMINIS1BA IOB OF «table, th“ proi»ri“t<»r tak<- pl“a*nri* id inform son or persons causing suelnlmnnge cun he haa »I t» nnin»*d to pr«*paruc1 to 1 fl.« *■!;.!•* of MiidiimP Jnn»« Holt. y gi\»H m»t tut* to nil indebted t»»th«‘ outate furnish th«» !>«*bt accommodation* for lion*» Th*» *h»mn *nw-mill i- running on full time ; i »I Turnouts furnish«! <»n bhort notic “ for all <» “ ua- tl.nt th “ y must rnak«* imni«niinte * “ ttl»»ni»*nt, if or place of business; and if the court readily mate, aud nature seems to pro- $31,000,<*00 in dividends, but were al- to get on, and the desir. of imme.hate remained at last accounts, as postma.- turning »»ut *uiw*ri«»r luinb* r «»f all k’U«l-. W“ TEACH MUSIC th* \ K'<«>rtni“nt <*f *»•«**>nc«i which any such action is tried vidc their offspring with a constitution i ways too poor to pay their debts to the acijurement have mad. u. improvident. Ur Marsh Simpson refutcl to let it g“ 1 *•>. H. 1HOKNTONAHUN win» fail * • r«-j'oml within sixty day>* will !»•■ term- c*i«n*«*tin^ of »*.' nt> I chmmi * ih r term, , . , .. -i------- of . the ¡Government. And ths Senate is in Both m w.r ami peace we have been farther until the postage was pai.l on to _ii all climatic changes RUSTIC, CEILINC, FLOORINC, “ By Grant’s Pa»*. Aug. 8, lbM. ! sh ill be of the opinion that violation of adapti'd «ch l«***oti occupying half ar* hour. 'l l.¡* tini* i*la“««d in • »• liiimis <»f an attorney f»»r forced col- pradigal as a nation, and under all cir- it. There it |^mc $2AX» in Northwest. They are not housed dur partnership with the plunderers. the law was w illful, it ehall make al ­ schinlul«* ha* I« c »« h l.ichlv r“c«unni“nd“d an«l re­ !••«I • l«u*in«**s of thi.- «-Late must he HXISliLNG AND HOUGH LUMBER. cently <*ndoi*«’«l t*y t’ne l'' -t musicul couMTvato- cl* - d without delay, ami 1 m«»an ju*t what I eay. cumstences profuse tn expenditure as the express box. lowance by way of additional costs to ing the winter; get their forni under J. D f KOBOAM. Whicli will h*» »old in quantiti“* Io *n t:i’ y - t ; ri«*M. .’it’ll hi«»* alr< a«ly becom»* rntdomary with the PUBLIC NOTICE. r_________ Adm.iii “ ut«»r *»f th»* estate of Jan»* Holt, dec’d. the party injured, aufficient to cover all the snow, ami thrive where our cattle ; As an example of their stoicism, it is individuals. rv'U-onabl»» rut“«*. b“-t mu-iual i“-t rut for-* f th«* 1; • ..*■*• vitiec both Jacknonv ill“. Dec. I’. DM. Ord r* promptly iili»- anTl( 1 IS HEIIEHY GIVEN TH AT W HI KE- his counsel and attorney fees. , T he * fact that the officers of th« ant«»»'«l. C (*. l’Alakl K «V ( < t. | i 1* as my wif“. Eliza Hawk. Im-* l»*ft my l»‘ »l hi <1 Hoorn* nt th“ U. S. H<»t«*!. J.ick-onvill“ A i tle C cstard J' ie . —I’eel sour ap-1 House were not sworn in Monday lgt See. 8. That any director or officer and yarn luis been spun from their hair, troops in the west an Indian woman | htrnnl without jn*t or nrov»»c:ttjo.’i, 1 will NOTICE. 'not be rwponHibh» for any <*f I«« r “ontrac- of any corporation or company, acting f'hey do not show a disposition to stray ’ concealed her little girl in a barrel, pies ami stew until soft, and not much the organization of the legislature egislature in­ NOTE LOST WANTED t“*i>. BILAtMIAWK. __ _ and, ____ altogether, „ it would seem as __ telling her to remain perfectly quiet, water is left in them, and rub through complete anti or engaged as aforesaid, or any receiver awav. and consequ com nen tly ballotiBgl Dated Dec. 2 “ . 1. I.IM IM HI.I 11« MIN ’ might ................................................ i kN JI LY JPl, tho u:; U r-G n«««i l«»*t a pr«»miw-.»ry be interesting to scientists to whatever happened. After the battle a colander. Beat three eggs for each for U. 8 Senator will 1 not commence! or trustee, lessee or person, acting or i if ‘ it - 4- f t j be I end board without jn-' inst obum cailHi* 1 -“11 it'NSOX’ <’FI MAI* HD»! 1 ""■fi.h’in Ja« k-«»nvilio, ilriiwn ui ’ f i\«»r H» A nt u*IJ 1*110 j • V • 1 * ve 14 of * 1 11 « tioivu wi 1 * ■ . the vi*x* 1 child Hl n* was w no * found « »iiiiu with »» 1 t 11 no, 1 *** nuoi this ' «piestion infusion of the her u arm shat- , pie. Put in proportion of one cup but­ until Tu.sday. III«, ‘ toriu y PUT NA1IJT WHOluHT NAII.H. « I.EAT engaged us aforesaid, or any agent of atudy »»f tl«“ • 'I;.!*- of K*“'’!»-' A ìr I i I nt ’. fer ( H’. etm . thi: llrxiu rn D->1.1. yrs per month or provocation. I will not be reNponNÌI Null., I ji II i Nails, Ei- i.i.iii«,. Nails, h. i.i-n,« I any such corporation or company, re­ . buffalo blood in our herds.— D> orr>'<’j tered by a niinie ball, hut sb« litul I ter and one of sugar for three pies. $2.I’d». Th«» tir***«T » 1’ be btr’-.i ly rwv* ah )<<1 on mmranteed to RiruntH following our instruction« d.’bt.* of h» r contraction. < I.XRFNDON MOBB1HON. i Nails. Horse Shoe Nails rrn ami Slorl lion« For ¡»a ticuiars addrr»« JOILN DIXON. delivering »*.«1 not«» i-ino. I.. DJMb K. Seasen with nutmeg uttered no sound. ceiver, trustee or person aforesaid, or Journal, I S ubscribí 1er the Tixa>. fh«'e. at JONH UILLEB'8. Dateti Dt c. 27. 1S o 4 but-rameutv. Ltd litcLDt s 1W». JuL •’» A-14 ü «» v . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. THE FARMER’S STORE! BUSINESS CARDS. A NEW DEAL A. G. COLVIN VARIETY STORE! GENERAL At Very BEST TONIC. Prices DRY GOODS GROCERIES, Groceries, Provisions, Etc., Etc. NEW CASH STORE FALL OPENING MRS. P. P. PRIM S GENERAL MERCHANDISE The Phoenix Jelly Factory MILLINERY STORE. Very Low Figures. Qu ck Sales and Small Profits. THE STANDARD SHIRTS, CITY DRUG STORE MERRITT & ROBINSON FURNITURE WÄRE ROOMS, DRUGS, Patent Medicines Ä Chemicals, THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HEALTH-CIVING WATERS. McCallister s Soda Springs, CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT SIGN PAINTER, Real Estate Agent, FRUIT TREES Collector and Notary Public LEGHORN BROS. & GILROY, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. C. C. PARKER & CO., Props. J.V IMPORTANT R11.T.