¿hr^>riuuir>tateiuu'> ll I jc iSeinocratif 7 PabLw!i«vi M.fJ Frida; muraiox by CHARLES NICKEL! «.ni tu paaaiiETja. O -Corner Lord and ( dtreeU NE.V TIME3 BUILDING. Kale« »I ’M One copy, per annum. -.1 in > ilio. '• throe mo itl.w 1 m> »TATE OF OREGON. Ü. 3- S’lil •»•» j- ‘I* A aver. I. N. Do’ph. Eon- «rte» nui. »I U. ti.-or*« % Governor. Z. F. . i L mm I), k . it*» l- - ol e». ». i! r>«»». sM 4? »’ri Iter. •» . H. B/I 4. 4 ak . p-â »Le i Mura Uio.i. h. ti. dchiroy. K t » I 4*1 ; ». J. »1. *V.*ido. U1UUÍ Ju»lun». V\ . W. «tf* <*. U»rù. y.U»r JJ.»lv IAL DÍHTRK T. v I It'.orn y-il-Liw a R ai E4 tr trnl. Aah’ »n I. ílre o<». Alt b<*i,l»K'» pl 1C • I 1’1 mv haul* Will receive p »ii»t atti iti» ». Sp ci.J utt”.iUoi given I«» colle »ting. pa im . vrr h : ni : y a coi * n * si : i .<» k \ t i...n MSKSJIVIIU. 0G1.. Will n-vfe* ‘ >'11‘« c »ip-tMi.f r ‘Jf it-, o h - in th • Court H »it- . first «»r t«> the? l-ft <»f en­ trance. H. -E L Ai w : y t :i.‘ivr cik ’N< law . J »’ks iti ville O rd - W II p-i't"’ « '*i i’’ th » ’ ’ » irtM ,r th»» Sfato. Oh-- in Sill i* »r»;> Ait«» C->.irt II >.(•« ». c«»rn»*r C a »»I FJth **f r>*'»t'. W. F. W I.I.I X M»oi ATTORNEY A i Ol’N'EI-OR-AT I.AW, A*«dfo d, c rw'V'vn. 1 11 bu •in»*’« m my hue wdl receive pr >mpt at tent io ’. ATI’oKNHY .If iOUX'ELOIt AT-I.AW Jyftna ziib. Ory*>n. Will pruettea tn all th» ('»»rtn of the State. O ti *a up 8t vir* in Ort a’« brick. C. Ufi 5 i’ M. D. (trainate nf the University of Lrlpslr. Germany. <’ ill* reap »*i«f «1 to at all h«»ur*. «I ty or night. O.H •» m U. S. II »t«*l. J»ick*onv.H». S. ST KLt G. M. u.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Fhirnix, Oregon. E. P. GEA tY. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SCI: G E O N. Offi'e <»n California street, opposite Union Liv err Stab’ •. . . L WdtlN Y svkgeon , E. i 'la Poin*. O e *on Hav >nc h»mf'>1 at thin ¡»lace I n*-k a *l n*-e <»f the ¡»at -o* ai»e of tl*u* m cUun. (all» atte: d**d t<» at a»y t*me. T. R. YOUNG. M D* ANI» SURGEON, C»n‘ alPo nt Oi«^on Orulnat* <>f tie* M 4 il U- ¡v' r-ify of lx>u'“Ville Kentucky. Culls promptly attei d**d tu day or night. DR. GEO. KAHLER. PHYS ICI A X A > I II G E o N . Ph »eiiiv. Ore’or. !)ia«»asrw of w«>m«»n a- «1 ehihiren a np^fially < aPs p-omptly «tiri d< «I to. «lay or night. Offi ’• at Drug Store. 1 R. W EL. JA K>ON. I>l N't isT. St'IO . ION J;««*!• «*«»<•% ill«*. Ori son. (Hi • • t'or'.- r 1 al f«.r J , L iu i 4 f. - 6 •*, J w J ac J I- f • >tr«*cts. I 1. N *»>.N P II Ysle 1 \ N M \ N D s ! on<*il e JJ G E«> N Oregon* Office hereafter at I ity Drug Store R»'-nl»'Tir»’ on Fourth 'treef . |> IN.tr \|. |* . < ,uj> |t< ( ail” pro nptly a te 4 *d tn. d iy .»r nig t. W. H. F A MAG I , M. D . PHYSICI \N AND 8VRGEON. Ha» returned to I i o’ |.,’ic'ic« 1 i- prof«««n,n C.ill« pr > np'iy —-P ' 'I <1 lo al all hoiirs. ,|a> or Buchi. O.H •« Bt II.« »Irti : »(ore. DR. J- 1 ROWN. DRUTSCH ER A A RZT, | j Fi,.*ti •'-»■•in. I. ii I. 1’ !• " ■ '!;«.< J’ -’)’»»i turn, ('.tfirrl'. »»tr. T'di - ••’ > I •l'M*!<»r - Li I’- will L-* «avwi hv commi? tn in»» nt i»*’c». Dr. Brnwu will tftuinu'fr'' to forfeit **‘ m *> f<»r rv»*r> ca-t* of S* ¡n -»I \V«-»k’i»“s" '»r I'r-vit»* f ill f mc »• il tu*’i«.s oil’ « ip-riot luai»a*r of a'l ki; ds. Wr hvr «•.Siii a *•*-• ’ »«•■•r'nicrt “f . .......... RUSTIC, CEILINC, FLOORINC. FINISHING AND HOUGH Ll’MBF.K. Wiich wdl bo »o'd in qnantitiea to suit at very rwcaaisble ratrs. , <1 .1 r, prompUy till. <1 ai d *'«,**’,' ' < { «™>r. •Tit»**‘«i. ( 1 I ArM h u ’’’• Fine Farm for Sale. TI,wurden« nel. 1»'«« •»' A rm', «cat .* off r« for M»Je hi* farm, co *i*t »n*r of ’6*> m”» r "f p” *’• 12Û arm* of which »■» tir*t-clr*** bottom 1st <1. Nerrly lhe er tire tract «RercloecTRS.P. P. PRIM S MILIMEP.Y SI ORE. 1*1 K1O I X CHY DRUG STORE Qj ck S..I s únj Small Profit. ■. ERRITI & ROBINSON DRUGS, Fa’.tnt M.edic:ncs & Chemicals. NEUSTADTER BROS., rron.i7E sb/rs, over a id MISCELLANEOUS. PATRONIZE ROME INDUSTRY! FURMTUEE WÄRE ROOMS, »»CISONVIIU. OREùû» PHYSICIAN 77/A' The P; oenix J.lly Factory G. a. It L à.«. Af. and •) NINETEENTH YEAR. MEDFOKD. OKFGON. Office in A. L. Johfu*on’« bud«ii”g. PHYSICIAN NO KY ll/E At IE. THE FARMSK’S STO.iE ! Business Notice. H. K. HANN V. r. i At Very Low Prices MM »ND p. p. DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. ♦ Advertisements will be inserted m the Tin« it lite following rates ; I’-fi im««. oue insertion. ..................... W M each sub**e«iuent inMTtlon .......... 'lit Legal adiertisenients inwrted reasonably. A fair nviurtion from the above ratea axkde !• marly and tune udv»»rti*«erB. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE s hi < »re rom filete by far than any other jn South ■rn (Fenoli, and cmms puros favorably with any ta he State. Job Printing of every imaginable («•scriptum »lone at San F'rtrcracu rate*, and io « •rompt and tiret -class manner. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, VARIETY STORE ! PDFSBlTiU, CARDS. A. P. H BUSINESS CARDS. ADVERTISING AND JOB WOBK ntr to eiil»«i.le, h** wontil lat»«* int* >. for.* graduating. A large number— of tli*» rnoRt relative worth?” A xror.: ,.rin**lio«. I i common ai’lto *1» I sliwn'i' erhnps th« tuaj .ritv—are obliged I ib»n BHime ai)Mw*r w<»tilM |>u-iti"n BH.l w.niter how Ue wm v uk tl»«ir w.iv thi’imgh with gr«ut u*. hotild l»*arn th»* tn >st imp »riant and •nly. N.*tOi**r wonl.l I Iw it un.l«r- « > liiv a f""l »» io I m * for a mom-nt in* «rent sacrifice and requite longe LECTI RE DEI1VHIEI) AT TÜI I AT» TF ‘ fi fill thihiXA fir«»; then, Il time per •to*i'l that tn i«t of the time I h * neciipied tl'ienceil hv mv wild ranting«. I might <’H-i'ii ii. a similar nmnn-r in relation illie t- complete the course; but then El/s INSTITI TF- BY PHO»' M J nit'*, th*- next in importance, etc. nt tin* H'li.lvof iihvaical tM*i* n<’**H; Inn ilncati-n proper—the us* fill know' I)MN OF THE WAUNFB Now, the <|tie»-tion n.KU'Mlly ari*» *s. mieli ui "* than n*w a «.I m**ro * ff«.- I o the ii«<* of int'ixii'.itmg drink». On« AND (Colman*» old ttaixLi xperiment it d*-m n»truli>m t» worth • vhat tdiotild 4 »*|iil | I» h t inixht tirni? null?. The time, little th *tt«li it I k *. •dge they Imve acquired is g«n* r.dly ii ( Kt I K RCROOL. ■ r porii*ni io the »everity i f the »trog ( would Hay: H«»w t'» t«lk ¡(ini write «pent o»er the*liy tex'-l»**oks on natili > rear of exhortationa, p'evling« and I I nm to speak on the sul.j *ct of edn *h —tlie gieater the work the preaterth. • im own Inti'.'iiugH c«» rertly; to read il Hciem***, ir. «ome of ..ur si-h*«*l«, if • raver» Prove all tiling’, if V«»U would .111 * <»♦*«•. i»i»«l lit»* Bet. cation, and ask von to zrant me tli* ewiird. But in the older eettled urn v*dl; to compute rendilv an I accurate •nt in with the ne ’M'Sirv a . . ii iftis— •>** in bi.nionv with flia »pirit *»f »lie .Hr Ja< !%*«»«• r.t i»»t* io’»n,i n. ge. A l>si i act reasoning me lit have privilege of rxplming any and ir.unv o leultliier portimis of our country i- v ami to uriiiciMt ml wh it his dutie- with the proper tool* to woilc with—ii T«' the l*t Bi.h" 1 hnv«- G'cn n frarful Huff«*r<*r tudent is likely to spend f nr to six will In» a* a citizen. at rin svx mv.iisi <> I h»*se, t'»getliei i praet- *al W mv . wolil.l iziv ** tin* Mill.lento I.>n<* a -«» ago. Imt it ih n..t effectn al Iler.-by inform, the public t Liat hei« dì«playing foriifit »*!i y. a -. m» -t of th«* tirn«* with what han the avenues wlii' h lead to tin education '•>w. The men who make tlieir mark at the above «luid a ttrat-ri.’S”3 stuck of reais within th« college walls, a'm •« with th»* proper moral training, a e th»- i th"iiranlwn interpreta'ion np L'|>r;i. ;u d tl.«- like, aid Lav«- »ilmay* been told • n tied mueh abtised let tn. Yon wil is eff.’ctllally i’olsteil from the praetics inn i <» cure for uh *, hi «1 I ihv »* been m » .itliy »Uh the spirit of the ag». T* — Wh.it te xt? A f»*w hundred year*ii£ •vi'hont s u'h fai■ 11111e«. l ine will It* do-couragt d that "I had a* h < m » j du* hh live” 1 not indorse all niy view«; proliably Inr woild «» he would be in s Catholic nun • .-.Vi* b . i> J.U b;.«lly afflict. «1 f»<»:nt-lini«-H that then- bw;butif I utter only th *Be s<**timent □cry, so ih it when lie donsen ar;« from he nnivemal answer w mid h ive l»«*rit 'lie m «le nf the future practical ■ .any >>f onr «.locators live in tlic past sv.-r* » ot the -iu « 1« 81 f-pot fnnn th»* ciown of my that woiil.l call forth an approving ri- lie c I hssic siii i i . iii ding» his ignoiane. Latin and Ore«*k. College profesMorM .ini pr.icticallv are a« l a* the ago t. a.-her. I»» ad (oil i M»h*8 of mj (•■«•» that was not diseased n which they dwell—mere animated ■I what he needs ni**st Io know is >111 •f the preKrfiit w mid say Litin ami iu d as r« d as oniiihoi . It would ronini»*! ct* n st*.ns* f.om the and ence. if 1 tell ym OBJECT TRÀCHINO. J K. Ll Tl LE Proprietor. •ii.itllwh e ¡»ot»«. which h; ti Ji evilvt-ry app»*«r- tliftse tilings only that you »Irctdv kno* barru-sing in the extreme. He is old g '■reek and the higher ma.f greater value than demonstration. d — humiliating thotlgh it lie -to entei One hundred y» ars ago education w.i- ia possible tor hic.tl kno*|»dge Fl irnpei tie* of the atmosphere, an.I if he I lii* undue res;>e<*t f T au'lmrity and then* w is a coinpl«*tu dry. red scale, which -lay at home ami read the ie.rax Sift iiracii<-al scho d. ai d the fact will »001. •illy who Was pr »ti ient in tlie dead ■an long hohl the nu.li* i.le I attention *l Ifni ignoring of experimental evi- won (| 1». coin»* mi i! tl.'in« »nd i qtially a* piotitulile tn yon. A clioid, from the a, b, c’s nnw ird 1« h mg the higher mathematic* fo till»-* i* •euclier. In 93 cu«* « in a hundred th« of progress. I was at t tnn-> ho lame that I <•»mid scarcely gf*1 A thonsan'l and one »banrd and se- oug and tO'ttious course. Iu Iced, our the op uion of foasil educitora now, •la«s gi»e* an *ndtb!e Sigi of r* ii* f .ilniut, and coii’d not dre*w inyso'f without aHsiat- pill lie speaker must not exp*ct that lii- His stock consistí» of ■ 1 hav»* tned many n*nn die*, ai d have pa-d ntieianc* a will at. ik« a re.p..naive chore ripest scholar», ib-epest thinkers ami • »nt this opinion ¡f n-t in accordance when he is through But let him bring ;.eiM’iti>>u» notionn wonl.l lie forever •«lev in a tsr»gl«* I'l-vt.'ince t«» a phyKtciar. out hav« l he wot kn fortli an aii-finmp and perforin a f.*w ■ li»p'I l«d nnder the laws of n«tiirf,*’»pec- i v»*r <»b-.-tin« «1 onh tempormy relief. Although ui every breast. In candor I neknowl 'caching men owe comparatively little with the Mjiirit of the age. 1 i-h* <| for a time, 1 soon r»-l. p»-t*<| again to I m * hi * eilgeto ii.n my fatal facaltv of b«ini’ 10 tlieir almn mater. They are what the» oT nature appeal to ps and ari .bh* law established at the liegin- I i .'.in h : at ri 1 f- It aoinehow a little couniifp, NOTIONS « I’TURY. fii in then fav »rablu opinion of them, to try their I -hall not bore yon with those ling, ton ed to admit that tlieir college train kn<*wledge within the gra>p of man. nienpny; whereas Volli’ almtl’a>’t le.-ture mug. A disease grasps a young man STAIIONI RY. KLBl’Ms. •r young luly—w 'Ort.l I am about a** go«*ti as new.and ncation; ami whadter you give me Iv unlearn or ignore before the desired into the background Sc entitle knowb eompanymg apparato« soffi-lent to 11 «tilt. Iu the funeral sermon we (tear tny !l«“*h i* as lhe ties! <»f a ch'ld. credit for originality or not, you will progresscutil 1 I»« made. edge is mere practical; it uarmoiuz s iiisiratu m >«t <>f the phenom -na con tint *• l'lie Lord giveth and the Lord u „'ill, fvun)l III H tiret A 1..** va­ MKS Bl Al SMITH. Fi.rytl.e:» i- fresh tuli of e*»«l quality, and Anil eieryti riety «tore. Al«o. I »•<”! • f \ t1 i’ th«' above -1 at emeu I of try wife ia baldly charge me with stealing th* These are apparently wild assertions; more with onr everyday w »nta and nected with the ntrnoaplirre, cos ? '•iketli aw.n ; Llease.i be the name of pnce» are put down to corn <•?. ard I join w th her in expressirgmy llinniier of o'd- time college | rofessots Imt iWt ii« see if there is not at least a UrceMNities. It can be Used in the ' About ¿50 b** Lord.” An intelligent physician Bv t'*e at.I of artistically i -.'ial.-for I’>»• gi < iit bt i • fit rhe has r»*c»*'V* <1. CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. This ia a ju «giessive »go; it is the ag* tnoilicum of truth in them. In must of Mtrug^le of bfe. To ignore science now • Iraan The low st Notch! R SMI IH lilac! board diagram* let a would rather say that death resulted Ir-riifythat the above Hint rm* nt incorrect. «1 disco« VI V. til« age of invention, tl« o«r unis« sitiea only two branclies ar« is tu tgu<»re tlie woild’s pro*jre«8 teadiet exp'ain the inagnutie telegraph; 10 in inexcusable ignorance of nature'a My go» h I- :tr«‘the bc8t and guaranief?d as repre­ '•Ir. Siri' h ma pri'tnit ' rt man in thisc«>mmun«ty. j Country Produc»* bought a’ui sohl. l.iw«. If a branch <>f stii.ly cannot be sented. Ire««» low. a» 1 do not propose to In* wlmrr he bv«*» He is it weP-known dealer in • i*e nf thought. A few L’enerstions ago taught with thoroughness, viz: niuthe “Modern civil zation,” says Huxley. then let linu queition any one of the IU n»i,iTib« r Colman't* olii stand, and give me a undersold. -I- < \ a- <1 h's -t item nt, w th that of hi« wife, is peop • wet e taught 1 La they should do t s mntics »ml the dead languag* s. I shall ‘ reais upon physical ?»eionc«; take away da«« the n-X' mwrning b«for« breaafa«' pnr-ned »•» a« to be luade practically «•all wht n in town. Give me a call. J. R. I.ITI LE. fnll\ r f it 1« (I to <*r« «lit. A. G. < (HAIS iseful in every-day life, it would better D--•«• at Sin- t»*; «1, Province «»f Quebec, thia lu. ir b*iefatlieia did—sic uhl adopt the claim that the value ofthe hi.her math h«*r gifrs to out own cuintry and our in I he will be astonished at th** Vagli s me h ibita and customs—innovat one cilia' ics for the general people is over w- ty-»evei!tl. day of Del«» er, |k*2. position among the leading nations of answers lie will reaeive. Bat let linn n..t be t.inched. -’A little learning iaa L • . M. KINSTKY. -bowed dis'espict to tlieir ancestors estinisted. In » recent number of an lhe world 1« g«»ne to-morrow; fur it is devote 0'ie fourth of the t.ioe in th* danger.*»!» thing.” This may not liold Minister «»f the Gospel. ■zoo I in werv case, Imt it will in many. I. viTB. Ihavearen Mrs. Sm-th rrcent’y a? <1 But th« world ba* progressed »nd such eastern journal I find tha following s«u phssicil «civiice only th it makes in* explanation, atth th - ani of a real in Many a w«ll m** ming person, puffed up • « li«*ve her tu be thoroughly and p«‘rmanently slavish and superstitious adherence to sib.eadiice to a boy: “Don’t throw telligence and moral energy u’rotiger «I i timeut.ani] lie will give bis «la«« eoi run d. L (’. McKI NS I K Y with an?imperfect knowledge of anat- a» av an hour ’ s t'm« on algebra unless tl.e ways of onr foiafuthera is not con ­ than biiuu force. ” II«* «ays further rect td«as, mi.l which will not easily tr« s »• \ Advent Ch. C«»nf . P. Q.. No. Vi. and No. N. sistent with the advanced stat* of the you are studying to become a teacher or that “th** whole of modern thought is forgotten. An instrument fnllv suit­ o n v and “herb«," han hung out the sign II. Boaton. Sept. 9, IBM. 'lines T h« spirit of til* age .l«mands a ci» 11 engineer Without being ob]i steeped m science. I believe that th»* able for sch’Hil pnr|ro««s casts sti lli ..f M D. and —we will draw a veil over Cl TICTRA K ehoi vest , th«» new blood pnrifier. he «ad results. A lit*le knowledge of In tha same m.iRtier give an ab ar«'Cutir’irii «id t ut « ura S«»ap, the great kin 'list w* should improve upon the old gated by tile same reason do not weary greatest iutell*«!tial revolution man­ $7 • -un-ai <1 tn ; o' t »-r»*. are eo’d everywhere. Price. interests; that we show respect rather your brain over iutrii-ate mathematics kind h.is \et aeen (staking place by her «tract explanation of th .t w lu lerful ■u’dicion is too often a dangerous Have ju-t opened it tine block of ('ut'i-tira, 50r. Soap. 2’»<*.; R»-"«»lvent $1 IK). ming. The useful, piaetieal branehen. There isn’t a lawyer, doctor, editor or ag*ncy. She is teaching the world ilii'.g. the phonograph. Your pupil I*»»lier Iu «•••-» « ti« nii»*n| 4 «»in|> r i»y . than di»ie-pect to our an. estors in doing, ami if th«v could they would clergyuiau in the country who lias any that the ultimate court of appeal i< ob­ will adDiit that “it is strange,” but idapte.l to the eai'acities of youth To» i • II liseiipatid <’all us blessed for depart use for mathematics beyond the four servation ami experiment annn simple tables once in ten years K -tail thoirty.” Ami Huxley is right. slight doubt Ten c«nt* apiece from w iys, and as thoroughly as |MMsibl«. Dll. J. W ROBINSON'. J. W. MK1UUTT. of Millinery goods. consisting uf -AT «el w lien we find «1 b* ror b uh def«ctii e merchant* and bankers hav* their prim­ Indeed, weie it not for the beneffis 100 scholars will proeure 0ne. Cad lip Co this end the time« demand able Yet, not all keep peace with the pro ed tables showiwg rates of interest and the ignorant unknowingly and the moo your das« in plivsiologi ; th« less .* is I esc her«—those who have a practical HATS GF ALL STYLES gress o! the times. H**w often do w« 'he quotient of all figure» in fraction« prog'eMive iinthaiikfully receive from about lil'i'sl. Tiler .«nil about i*l aid knowl-dce of what they attempt to hear soma old tinier, away back in the likely to ever be called for, and the s i lit 1 tic know edge, they might as disks —(heir great niltulier and pecu ia> t*acli. How can one teach what ha rear ranks,deelatethat his f.itle i s «av* head ef n wholesale lions* never meet« Well have lived in the »lurk ages. nature, etc. I l«a ti«.l all tins twenty does not ki.os? And yet b*>w often ia CALIFORNIA STREIT. with anything harder than finding h**w Science tiain* the student tn observe, muss from tli« text-book« and vir nsllv that attempt**!. A« already intimated, w* re good enough for him; 'bat hi* nielli er or hi« matdeii aunt was a good w< rain much 15,4311 vard* of sheeting wenl.l to note the beauties and wonders 111 forgot it twenty tunes Not u .til I na I I invself c.,n pie id guilty to the charge. The te icher h iving Imen through a and what she |.< livved and taught i~ come to nt li‘t cents per »aid." More nature. It is entertaining—a never ex an opport.nitty, at a cost i f tetr cents, Anti h »• B ••!■* assur' d that all who frivol him with g- o<| emmgh f**r him strongly I u-.st tbit ten mu«h atten haunted source of pleasure. There is i io see IniHi.l disks coll1'! I profrerlv t-xt-lio >k course in the various sciences n-.r ¡»atroii.i^»* vk.li b»» fati*»tl»’d with bib piTCtt» Well, your father ent Ilia grass with ' ti’*n i* paid to h gher mathematics in ; poetry in it. A scientist, wandering iipprecta « tip* subject. Wlieret, there ol tains a ‘'ceiiiticate"—too often an «V id t ut* quality ol hit» g«NM,l8. Ht* Keeps Will k» « ¡i on bard th*- birgo-t and must »•onipleU* • ai'Vthe.and raked lit« Inn w ith a Imml ! low r schools. A pupil's general ad DRY G(M>DS. along 1 seashore, sees a tho.isarid in- ! a student wlni Would n d lie Willing to ■•asy feat—ami a-sniues one of the moat assort ment «>f VEILING. GKO r.KiES. r»ke; wliv don't you? Your modier vaiicemeiit ia oft** i mea-ured by his ad lerenting thing« that wholly <*sc q»<» th.» jive It) cents to see the«** roani r«*l re«pon-il>le |Hi-iti"tis man er woman PalOV 1SB >NS. I Lul HlNG. u«* il to spin, and weave md tn .ke your va cem«nt in algebra Oieold profess notice ot an nnscient»tic cotapunion . bodies—tlniiisainl« of th'-tn tn a «mill c.n occupy, that of teachers of youth — F I RXHHIKG GOOD8. gioiueiit«. I)..*« your wifed** thnsimie or admitted tbit the main value of al­ The telesi-ope and micioi*ni»e etch drop of Id aal? O t*r **ee them rnsliiu * gmdmg developing mi-da. He mn«t HAIN \ND ( APS, lor yon am] your children? B .t few gebra lies in th« m«nt..l discipline which • »pen» to our view a new w»«rld of mar­ Il « a cascade th ough the veins an.I appear wise; lie must give Ills pnpila BOO l b kND SHOES, young w..m n c«n be found m w that can the study of Ibis brain’ll gne«. that a I velous beauty amt interest. The study uteri«« of a frog’s f .o ? I’n’i’o i* one tile impression that them are Inrt few V d evrythiiu: uNnnlly fount! in a first-chu»b !»•• »»ral Merrha’ d>-e Store. «pin and weave or knit. Two generi knowledge of algebra is net likelv to ot’ science gives us power of expres- instrument, and only one. tn it will open things in the universe that he .bins not <'n!’ rt’-d H»f» *h*'ni nt thn En M”•• fornvrlj oc- I' wil ir vti «-ir ruMonier* tl.«* her»»ht of the A« in the case of Gold­ lions ugo theie were but f«w that conl.l be used III pra< tli'.'il life liv the n ui- «i»»u. pirticnl.iriy descriptive power. ■ Il tin« t > his view, tlie micr ise rpe. UN.Iers'iind LUKI WINES A LIQUOKB. • tlu i tl fr'-.ebt- mu-* »I by the advert ••! the cii|'i' <1 by Dr. Robint-on «'-i (’•♦!• f-•«-»•»•♦ Mtr«»»»». MRS. P. I». I’RIM. railroi ti. hi d will i •»! »»•• n •b r-old by ai yUxiy. n*«t Why t he eh ing« ? In the progress profes'ton il; neither is it likely to be 1» enlarges our v»s*al»ulary to a remark­ fl 2 will pr all e one. Aid so I might smith's vill ige schoolm »«ter, lie w mid PAINTS. OILS, ET< .. M V HID. \T\NO. Manager. nop Ins pupils wonder 11 .w milch he of the ago yon will find the answer used largely ill the common prof*?« able degree. It liear« directly tip<»n go ai to th« end of tlie <*lia -ter. Phir lix. Oregon. Feb. 1*M. T«> b<* found in Honthcrn Oregon. AUo a full But I «ball claim to night that edm a «i nis. 1 e . tn the sens« in which ar.tli almost every in ln«trhil success, so th it In tny opinion tliH time will com« snows. « i lie discourses in a v igu** yet Htock of tion instead of I. a. ing th« way. as prop luetic is Used. I concluded that lie other things being eon d, tlje gre ater wiien tlie necessary apparatus, to ti- iiu|M»smg style upon the wonder» of the «1 Iv it should, lags .»r behind. And. was Correct and I expected to expert the knowledge of science the greater Itl-lrate experimentally tlie different heaveiia the my »tenons ptiennmenr. .f • artnqnakes. com-t«, etc., |>erti n *ons UFEI S. MORTuli ES. I.I1M1S. IGIEEV.F-XTS T<»l»*t So «ally, progressionists. A li'tle white who Ii are intiin-lciilly valuable—useful time c »liege fossds walking fearlessly expei uncut we a«k nature qu-s i.m« and notions from the mind of a child and ptions carvfulh prppar»'nl aysi*m Tl*ev is a far better d< ill than algebra and >» mg in the Davy sifotv lamp that he l«arn *o play ih« violin by wat-hmj « .y even io . till.Iren l hey”.io not kn *w,” S 11 Real Estate, m <1 nttet <1 to mi k ii g o’U Ih rre- » reported that our high school* and not, like the latter easily, forg >tten. earriva in his hand, and at the same th* aim ao.l fingers of votir tea her in when, be no doing, they would tell the Mead ar «1 Pre-empt i»»n paj>er- ; il-<* thru lip all truth. I onr« knew a teacher wb i was i-oil* gi s tend to ntifit pupils for the ac Indeed, it comes in play in marly time denouib'itig men of science. ¡».titer1* p Ttail'll g 1otl e •■etfhmeit of »•►tri»*«, tlieir rapid movements, **r to Imcom« i o|h ctor <>f Accourt«. prompt r* mutnt co m: de: tire duties of American life. By tlie every department if human 1 diirtrv, So tn harm ny with th«» spirit of th*» profi 'lent in tue art of .lancing I»» in the habit of giving »bort lee nre« to lav ■'•fmeri Securit'e- a Npeeialty: Jack-on » our« AND wav, 1 cannot r«si«ttlie mquiry if Eng and in fivt is resorted to iu nine case»! age. I w nld place acienfitic atiid v next «tn.lying the diagram« fi .’Uud tn the in­ ms pnpila at freqn«ut intervale, ihe so­ ty Si rip bolU'bt »’ <1 -eh! Prompt reply mad1* to all letters. lisli public schools ate any better in in teu by those who ate fresh in al [ in importance; indeed, I wonl.l make I sti netion bo *k. as to obtaiu a iis«tul lar svieui lionii Ins favorite topic. He I li ll’g»'- III H»’C«' f hi« scholars th it the earth Bn* k»*r. to lb»’ . I . R. VV**hM»T. J edge of ,.i . J i «triet bi d '•• ai > * ’*.-■» »-*• I < u-e V.-rv true; ami it 1« equally triv I t'<»us <*»f learning teach sci«tic ? If I learned all ab .ut making an*l igniting .«cilia e.l, or »nuug to and fro in its s.iys: “Ha.l there been li t teaching but lems .J k-OT!V.lc. /* h* • •a«« ize around the sun, which m<>ti<>n such a« is given tn our public schools, that the method is as intiicate as the! science is n-*Cessu*y to an A .lerican ed i Uvdtogen tn theory, but alien I it Notary Pub! c for rVeree. 67 and 69 Front St oct. England would now be what it w,.s in problems it 1» intended to solve. I ucition. the best f ici ities should b»‘I tempted it in practice I carne near ic. iimiied f*»r lhe seasons. He was a fem! 1 times * * *" Th* vital dare say you could not find 111 Oregon, fiiimished for it«a*-qriirein*»nt l»v all m«r i leaving the roiii by wav of the roof, as kill l.e irne«t te teller. u iiversally lielov- liy his school. His successor, una- knowledge—that liv which we have or 111 any other State, one person in high schti 'L. Is this tlie case? You j the FOKTIiANn. OGN. ........................... re«ult <«f hu eiploaion. I kuuw all >*d * w NI>r< TEI» BY H uk now on banda L'.rg«* quantity of Hiperiur taught tn nooks and corm rs. w hile the second debtee. I have takeu some giee of th *roughne-s? I would answer amount of expl «nation, with all the il­ un err ir. Phv-iul ■gy — the tiiture l ilevel ipujetit —,« a arib hrmg to l»a.«r, c *uld erase the deep im- The S<,h«»l.,8lyear of thin Rchnol will rorn- most fully confirm th* statement her« | «ary aoparitiis for illustration—1 mere jeet that sh'Hlld be ni I'tereJ tu sueli a .iint of error in the mmMH>nK of ••l»*v»>n woekn each. » A KSON VILLE *i ■ B'-.tr.i .-ti:d tu f on. per tens And is not Herbert Spencer's severe to keep up a knowledge of algebra tor no adeq a'e conception ot their nature. avoid diae.iae mid to mmi.tmn the great teacher was t*m great. Who can esti- 15 m ite the intellectual injury thus iano criticisms of Euglish schools applicable the very *in ivquent u»e ha would have Such knowledge is s »on forgotten and e«t health and vigor rd mind and bo.lv H Drnwinir ai d Pnir.tinir Tliero Jell.c, arc manufactured from produced by that well-meaning for it. It would not pay anv more th an is «<> c mfiisii.g to the mind .*« to l»e «»f I It in peril <|I1 the moat n-eful of all centlv Io OI1IS ? 3 Reti and BeddinK ' DAVID LINN RAN Let us exam ne the intellectual qnal it would for a man wh • has but half an but little av.«d. What would be th** braneli"»«! instruction; yet the tgn •- teacher ? CI» Primary Department The age demand» thinker» and rea- iticationa of a recent gradnita from acre of glass to cut each year to litiv result of teaching agriculture, iiualvz rance foiin I am ittz m mv s > called ed­ CHOICE APPi.ES mt Ko»-I a constantly on hand a full a.*vort*nent Junior “ ............................... D ■ onr public schools attach mi furniture, coneiating of some on* of onr great i»niv«rsiti«s. H« and keep au expensive ui oving tu ichine ing and propagatiug plants and lea n ucated people 111 relation to tilt-tmtior «on«r» Preparatory ” ............................... mi AND NATIVE CRAPES. is puffed np with* con-oionst.es« of hi» will which to do the work S'-’-'tir He w *uld ing the ii*e »»f different implement«, tant atibject is simply nstonislnn • «util -'ent import nice to this fact ? L-t Pupila ar»* r»*c»*iv»d at ary t'm»*. a* »1 in i>srEAli-» •nt* llectnal greatness. He ia wonder use a dollar «nd a bnlf scythe instead, with s 'il. plants and implements lepie i»*i>t>»»n i- pah! to ¡«articular Mudios in I here are i hoti’ands of a .van's in Greek a pets >n of progressive views enter one • hildirr win» hav»* but biTiit'ii tune. F tullv Jiri ficienl it. th« unci* nt langnag eveu if it did take a little longer t* do «»*nte»l only on pipe ? Why, the most nn l Hebrew who have Ini’ lit'le knowl­ of uld be found edge of their own bodies; who practi­ • if .iff nr« for a day. What w..nl11 tojccs of 2.000 years ecu,.! Movi.nixt.s, feature—an examining of facta with but ago. His <*"Uliten»i c* lights lip with high schools, many pupils inter alge th in a graduate from such an “innuitn in 'he heel ot the h'-a I. • nthnsiasm as he lenttiedlv and with bra inspired bv the notion that it is a tion.” Suppose yon lo -ate an agricul- »TANKS, SOFAS LOl’N’GES, Hnxlev vv is liold enough to use the 11 tie instruction as t*» how to use tbeaa JAS JORDAN, Prcp’r, tony study an,, w ill give a correspo <1 tiir d co leg«» iu the renter «if a large following language in a.l.lre-aing an fact«. Hv will find tliat the young stn- the cn«t< maiy pomi ons gesturing ry Ok All. KINUts li.rv are nut up in neat and convenient pack counts tlie heroic deeds of » Leonidas. icgiy totiv standing tn tha community city with not even a?iK fl »wer g irden E’iglt’11 audience: “1 mn addressing. • leu's are stimulated more by the hope GRANT S PASS. OREGON. i,es ai d •-old at « Ctc sr. or an Alt stu.lies, ar..l that to keep np in all re­ m » Doo«**». Sa«h n» il Bli,,<|s always on !»«• what is the quires prol uiged »tn.lv outside ef Grant's Pass. M«»n at th» wi«h for examples of art, he p tints yon cannot be used iu daily life. There are the tlddrr of the feminine bovine. He an I wince snspu'i’i >n would involve opment. Imt that a p ec «iona develop­ Linkvillc. Oregon. Cu’nmn'c n> H<»t»-1 and your w- »«■ w" l»<* p«- p prit* «V p»j*f*d. J \s. J ordan . at once to the lif«. like .latni » fl at im mi many things that lie in the memory knows all atiout it in theory.but he may I hi« lUtmedia'e death — I rA.-an the act of ment of brain is tlm le .disc obj *ct; that WIMER A FARLOW, mortal ze 'be myth» of Greer*. Fm as dead fact», that cannot be turned to tind himself kicked into th»» corner of breathing; or who coul 1 alate iu pre “a sound mm.I is a wound body," or, aa A* Iilai d. Oregon. OF Til E < ratoiy, who prestar limn Ci. ero oi account; an 1 that it r*quire* 11« much the fence a f *w titn»« before hr jiets i ci«e term« whv it i« that a contine I at­ mv e'a«»ical friend* would have it. «ma m »tin corporexana. ia practically ig- I lemosihenss ? For etn tn tile, to illus time and expense to ol.taiu these as t'lUorv and p rar tic« t«» conihinr. Ag­ mosphere is injtiriona to health." PLYMALE A ANCLE, J a He will not fall to note the wan Medford, Oregon. ui'» nnv topic Im invarial’lv takes y* n practical truth» is also true. ricultural c »lieges ar»* supposed to turn Cuildren in our public wh “da an* noreil. PROPRIETOR OR “Will it | uy?" is a g.*o.l question to out piarti« al wgiicnl’nrist«, ami they crammed with a hund.el tilings of f« itmea and wearied looka of many of !>nck to«nci*nt times. Hi« education (’or. Thir«l and California Sta.. J. NUNAN, i« considei ed finished »nd he starts out ask when ab ut t ■ take up any new do. Large, wed «quipoed farm« are which they have no c inception «nd the pupil«; that ahonld lie notice a boy Jacksonville. Oregon. OKI (JON JACKSONVILLE to seek a business for life. Here lie »tudv. Of Course.I d* not me.in will it connrrtrd with the-e institution*, on leave school d.ngeronaly ignorant of with bright eye*, rosv cheeka and gen­ meets n difficulty He finds many ..f give a money dividend, only, for money which students atr required to perform the Stroct'ire and fnneti in« < f th“if eral appearance of vigor and health, ha SAM. COLVFR. Having taken charge of tl.’s hotel, them «h r JUDGE’S BUILDING. General A***nt, Pl.œiux. Or. the old friend« of his buy hood. and who enmes far sb >rt of making up the whole dail . Libor »md thus aeq»iir*« a practical own bodies.the fri qnent result of which is likely to find, npon inquiry of - en» d take pleasure ir »• 'r<»ii* ere tn th** publi- th»'t a complet»* r| at gi* !-.*(«. beer in; |>',). d w ith evrrythinf.* th«* iiiar tilling | ositi. na of tiu»t, and honor.and 1 ay, morally, intellectually and so­ many of our mi»**aileess of thus* ar EKED GROB. Jacksonville. .Jar. 1. tftU. FIRST-CIA1 S ORDER. H.ivirg ns-i.(jn «I tl,»- sol« nmnogcnient of ♦hi* appr*ciat*d. He concludes right. Th« as t" m ike me a better citizen, neij¿li I tell six month* afterward whether chlo- j Y nt w mid *av until iritie« di a.'i’ec on ill.lllee*l l<* keep still that l"tlg, would bn-v business wot 1.1 knows that a yonni* bor, parent, biotlier, sister or friend? ; rt»|e of solium is white or grew©, a j till« su'.j ’ct. ('hen so inn ’ll greater the I k«lv disclose the fact that there ia Ard everythtrg will l»e done t<» ii Hiro the c*»m •«tabi»*. Ih«* pr«ipr»rtor tak»»* ¡>l«n»ui«* in infoim irgtl.» ptibhr tliat hewill always !><• prepari <1 to man fiesli fr, tn coll* go (stich *« no st 111 inis busy age there is no time to solid or liquid — wouldn’t recogn ze it . necessity for i ivestigat'on and origin d more tli-rngfai. more originality, more (••rt <»f guebt". I’iip tr:iv» hr g pul lic wl o favor tb houee witl furnish tl.»* lx*st arcommooiitio! s f«»r hors» s. of the colleges in onr c untry ) o jiourly l«arn facts that are of n* practical use ! by the ecieijtiflc name as th»» stnft that ' research. A pupil would tlm- have a brain in hi« make-up than in any other Turimuts furrishr <1 «>n short r«»t ice for all occa­ their ¡»litioi .u’«* will alwi >> ree» ive tl o utn <»“f five pupils in the »elemi, with a fair, • tter f <»r . ui d • v«*r\ tb’r i v i11 Iw N mv observations have led me io believe tn the socii’ty of th"«* who were sc | . don’t ¡mt anv on, as a bo» would de­ «h'»n’d lie intelligent ones. U**repioof mo-pect that m a year or two mor« bn ■ I e C. S. Ili»tel Il.e m«»t populär public I iouho in - y. Grani*»* Pass Anir B 1K h *1 Southern Or« gvY. tli'a the poore-t r« *omm* mlationn voting Counted »ch'ilara. vet who could give scribe it. Physiology, ge«»logv, astron is a >l|oii«aml tin»*» tnoie . ffeciiv* than will le* a hmg wav in ad «anew of liia ov- JOHN D.-KOKOXM Jacksonville. Oregon. man can cairv in liis pocket, when h« yon n > informa ion worth having, nor j «»mv from t«*xt-bo>»ks alone! The cl «8* t exhortation Exh •rt a in io to r - -timni tied classmate» in point of real PROF. E. T, KUGLER starts «Ut tn seek and tnuiuta u a posi­ au idea Worth •iiterlaiuing? Note the to which I belonged took up bot.inv tn nlmtra vote the Deiuocritic or H-pubhi'an «eli‘iiur«hip and gene^l worin. That, 1 f tk«' plcnsur. m informine th*» public that 1 I nkf~* ph- omito in announcing to th? public that tion in practical life, is a certificate that pin rile twaddle so often poured forth! the winter—an *xce||ent ‘.ime to *t»idy ticket, ind if v u win him <>v. r to vo u i 'lioiigh the school learning that he liav.' • «•iaiili-.il» U in’.st lf m bu*ir-C8> nt this place, be has d«*lvr*nii.ed to ar <1 ].'"|' w.m'd receive would Im in many re- ¡ir<»ii'¡at t v«*. jir <| a» very reason »I4e ratee. Only no mnt'ar with what high honors. called educated young ladies and gen You will conclude that I «on not ¡»r — sight of lam for a mom-ut it'l y .ii « -e »pr<*i» a drawback rather than other- tii-t-ch«-- work will bi* turn**d out. and 1 guar­ Jacksonville. Or« gon. Were I sn<’h a yenngman ami »ware as tlenii'ii. Such c oiversattou is kept Up, ticient in that branch. Your c >ncl l- the vote deposited. Was superstition wi-e, he is l.kely to gam lnm»«lf a nwe- antee “»it inf act ton L. BUENSOW. 1 suppose. becan«e man is a talking • ioq incorrect; but there ia m institii ever checked bv merelv exhor *ug ful, praciieal e.Inca'ion and to occupy By terms consisting of tv i lit y lemons per term, I now utn of the way thebuain«sa world J:u'k«1 and c«*n« ders it neeess iry tn tion down iu Washington c«»nnty that against it? Ro'I back three or foil 'WMitions in life that hi« p**r**<*cion» and i u Lour. -»l»«iule has t.cen highly rrroninmi d« d aid re- into another Sta’e and not divulge the k- ep hi» talking organs in practice; Imt should have part of the blame. litmdied vear«. I find a mall that I m * ti itterr.l seli.Hdmatea might well envy. rertly ei tioiMi d by th»* best musical con.M*rvafo- I would as soon listen to a p.irrot as to In wine common nc’jools in ten geog lieves that the-iin 1« a god. I set in S* di a hot house »y»tem of brain forc­ ri« >. ai d iuia alrt*iid Hero me customary w;tb the secret until I bad struggled into a po best musical irMructors <»f the large citb-s both »ition. Of course. Ins nniver* itv leatn conversations of »nch a nature, and rapliv is Smght with mt a glob»*—geog vigoronsiv t" exhort I iiih tn give up ing as is piai’ticed iu many—in moat of Manufacturer* <»f in the L ii it« d Still is at <1 | uiop«*. wouid tatber. for listening to a parrot mg can in time b* bi ought into play WING OPENED OITA MW 8ADDLI K raphv, where everything is soheric.il , s .ch a fo dia'i belief and accent mv our citv schools—1» a curse rather than K«M»msat ili«* U. S. Hotel. Jacksonville Shop in l^rgeU’t* build»! g. oppobite Masonic am! contribute in no small degree t * often s«ts me into a work in my hi« happiness; but for itum* ilia'e use in thought. fa« e. (Jan ideas thus aeq tiled be any­ warn him of the danger >f It a cherish sumption. of r..rly death,nr of life loug lie with promptm Hf rj d dispatch. Will keep BUSINESS FCRSAIE. practical life it* this busy age it is to a But what is ths relative vslna of thing on hand a good asttortment of but ronfusiiiy? As a stn tent I e.l belief, and with glow ng peiii ls mi«*rv, may be directly traced to tliia great extent unavailable, am! the young different kinds of knowledge? Wait went thtougli the tex -bo k-. and as a press linn t i accept mine. Slowly and system. 1 «a» inhumed by a yngtg Factory and S;d«‘»»room at Ow it g to ill h*ahh. 1 offer for pale 11 e property SADDLES. BRIDLES. HARHtSS, B.TS, ÍPÜRS, in Adiiiu 4 know nn Mar-i ’> Fini u u Mill. »•!►« graduate will soon come to envy tlvi«« 1» the most important for the great 111 < teacher I taught (<»r attemotwl t«» with clinching distinctness Im b « ks tn • I vlv pupil *.f one of the Oakland (Cal ) MAKSH'S PLAMMi MILL. ASHLAND. OK the Ivan < n < k n w-mdl | xp»ity. 1 wdl ►ell wh*. witli little or n** classical educa­ jority of men a.id women to learn? t*acli) natiual philosophy n nd rhe mis t • give him proof th ii he i« wrong a id public seined«, (and, by the way, this Et«. None l*ul th« b**l California leather u««d the m I . or oi e I: 11 of ett|nr or loth propel­ Olden» promptly attended to Jolt work K *-1«cuilt> aid pnera to suit the li' h . at a baigain. Io th»* right kn d <>f a I uwij »*>■ tion. »re outstripping him in the race I It s .nay lie more ea«ily ar«wer**l tn try b»*for«* I had «••en ail air-pump «»r I am right Now. if I can pei form a girl was naturally of a strong ronstitn- tilín-«. Ii.v. nit-a mal. man. 'I I * i»- a r; r c) ar <*<• lor rt ed.ve man to of life, and it will slowly dawn npon hi« the negative than ill tlie affi.mative a rrtoit, tind was even deluded with th»* few sol ,r specirun exoerimenia—«how t on, vet nnfortnn itelv failed in hea th AT P* RTLAND RATES. THOS. J. KENNEY Mi-ure ti»» lad I u-n < in t< ut) en Orerò», rm I'firt i< uhiik ply to ll»e ui deip tn * d »•» A ph inind • list onr in«iitn'i. ns of learning Jt is evident to mv mitt.I (list the two id»*athat I knewaoinething ab »en«« uud years at my own expense, (lid, wjilj I’ttle or eleineirs. iron, eopoer, zine, rickel, w *rk. as regards unmlf luatme ve.r«c.mhl long enilnre *nch todon'l w *rk ir hi8 1 hip in the best manner ar.« I of » 1 k'rrt» l*e reasoaalily ol»j cied that lie is|ioorlv par ID ut of knowledge: ai r«*.iM»r al»'»- pr c»+. of the meat us* fn| l»r indie* of science • view«, I would liave a conceit ilia' •retp d wo k «» that. Cm »neb schools For purtico'ar» arrb »' •h«' Turre < ffire. J»ek lenville. orto the »ul erntet or tl r'*"'*.». GFOKGF N( HUMPE “I * 'iild a man be secure fitted for ih« foimer; for if there i« any- should la» possessed bv teachers and would «tuv converted. On the c in- t im * >n ilie front ranks in the march As of old. for a thousand long years; Leland. Ort. ». 1*4. edge of human nature, of jiaretita and What tl.uiKH might he know; our c uniiif»D schools. Not a b wildei- liortivi- pie,..) ng n Ince him to accept of lif*? Most a*»nis>lly not They w 11 'I'luw* w.’.ntinir Trw tL'« full will w.-ll to Wl.at thi. ge might he do' i.f children.'t ia teaching public school. more of ell tie found struggli g along siv« me their order». H-" 1 will KivirHntee intiefae- in!.’ jumble i.f fact»*, theories and m »on mv view« I should have to stay light And all without hurry or care." VOTICI’ IS HERE! i G i VI N THAT WHI RI- These objection« are not an applicable ! TALL TfMr.iv. LIVE. ENERGETIC MEN lion. but ns* fill, nvadabl»* with him and keen up a continual ex­ tu the rear, w«aried aud discouraged, But it won hl not be wise to expect to shiny idea« ;> nix wif. Miza H bw k, h»» left my tad md I wnrmnt all iny tiw if properly cured for. .A o ««11 Tr««o’« a CrirsBArrn Mirs aril c.'UM» or provocation, J wiP to tlii« C*'*»*, for a large Jiri portion of live ah long an did M thivalali. \V\ [knowledge. Of. conr«9 I would not be hortation to hold him. Sh 'itl I I l-ave nr lulling by the way. j Term« of pnymcpi eney. Produce taken ut mar­ I hihm I u ilbout jilM t hots . Osi HrxDBFD D olla SB t r month A pnpnlar and pisctieal education not be reepor eibie ibielcraEy . ehrt*- of h» r rortrnc- the students in thia new country expe under to«al a> insisting that every ¡him to himself loug enough f«»r tiie an:, i.’ rteed to agent, follow’rr cur il atructiuns ket once. l'k»i lbe. of I’. hc I i Svol w.-nt-sl. tion. Ö1LA8 HAWK. A. S. JOHNSON. should include a thorough kn uwladfs rience something of ^»tactical matlara Eoi ja ticulars address JOBN Dl.'t'N twacher tbould be pruticient in all thcM temporary effcctiof ay magneUc plaad Dated Dec. 20 IbfrL JaclMouviHe, Oregon, Au^. 1, LaeS. SacraMtte- C*i« [CoiicJudedos sih aast saga.] MBCELl. ANEOTE OFFICIAL DIRELT0.1Y. C » n,»n*414 J.«X'»|. J-K’¡».iiiie. Utke an. / » « -ro liCo.i 'ty •!.».!:*•. E. I» tVutt U » n ii *8 o i »r». i*, fl Pi * à ■ »V. J. R • i fer» t .ra. .V. J •*> « 'ir." ' s 1 ‘ ¿h,’* ‘f“ ’ u * »r. F»<* • *r. \ **■»*• . L \ « ip M*‘. 8 ’h*» I patini U. A »I. U »lv»x, S i* W°r; J«*-J’f ir »y; (’uro i«r. H. T. I flow. Js>MCP4liBOOUMTr. 8 • » a or. IL H. ’Ll *r,.i .». •*« »I »tire, A. Porter. Coi ty JaU*. G. r.» < tl*. <’ >m a.■»■»*»» «er*. A. H. i* i;t «r. I. *L Piy ic*. Clerk, t’iuw». Hu Jivl-i». G. V s a c »; U » n a'••»*> H. O^vvncl air, K. Hi ■ r » » » i. l-i ’V il 4terift. Cuv». Pu»- <>• i r.- • Kinr. E. !L Kian«. A*»*<**»r. M D. ( h 1 *n-S * » • »I S ad *riuteiHÌ-»nt. E. DeLap; Sar tef »r, J. O, Allo. lau cotnrîT. 8» If.»-, (’. M. (’.trtwr.»rht of Urn»»k*. R *pr»»*.* tat • , L F. A»-»»*r. < ' i»ty J.ul««. Y Htt«*. ('»» i ii«*i »v»ts. I* •!. RLur. A'«l>. ArMk' i*-rk. A. » i U- i A » * .«i I* ’ i rit.» ' fr .-ìwrer, A. »!-• * dien*. n»;»l S ip Tint»* • A »pr • ii • •’ » * t <»f O •*:•» ■ o •'•t* ut Salem r** m • 1er n» c.» n n • -icuu <» i the Monday- n I ir • i i «I > *i<»*» *r. Circuí (’» »rf for J » * a *" i cminfv meet* th»* .1 • • » m I 4 • i l u.’ t i F •'•'•» irv. hi »• i •! \ >r** nher f I I ».-,»». ... .......... 4 IV i t Apr I * 4f.»ur»h .M » <1 ij 1 ’ M I» 4’1'1 Kit’l’t.f'f L»k- n t Mi.ium M ■ a ni N »v *.n *' r. F I I *4,*» > ••■Il ty the < '»nntv. Pr*ibiton? tl »fe nh »t ; for L »ke c»»u ty. »»v tv alt T- nf»' Hl . ! Il .| U * I * tnr«.! ’•! »'Ill o 111 fa-’U-try. F »r K' » »»at •••tint’. *l»s‘tir»t W 4 tewlayin March. June. H «’n*>»»r and Nov»‘mbcr. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY !». 1885 VOL. XV. »3 mi mi ¿hr ^emocratii Firnes. Very Lew Figures. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PURITY and FLAVOR CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT FRED. GROB, I City Lively & Feed Stables BUNKOW SIGN PAINTER, New Saddler Shop, TEACH MUSIC Li GH03N BROS. Í GILROY, DOORS, SASH & BLINCS. Thos. J. Kenney, Proprietor U FARM FOR SALE FRUIT TREES i FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, WANTED PUBLIC NC1ICE