ttt ^ruiotralit ïinws. Or Jrinocratic ®imw. Published tilery Friday inorarne by ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK CHARLES NICKELL.i tOITQR ANO PROPÜMTÛR Offl -'t—Turner Third and I ' Htr—l». / NEW TIMES BUILDING. Unte» of Mubserl: One copy, per annum. • »ix month*. . .................................... * •• thr**e monthn ........ 1 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER VOL. XIV (YJ (Í) UB NO. 5 Arirrrtisements will he in-erteri iu the TtMU .<1 the fuUoering ratee: l'-’U In.,», iw. insnrtion. ..................... #2 SO " " iwl, sul»n<|ueut m-a-hinn ............ 1 Ul L-iu-.l KtiveriiM-mtsiU* uun-rt«*! r. ae*tnubk* A rnductiou fron, th** abur<* rate* mwl« tw yearlz and Um» »Iri-rtiM« THE TI»IEH JOB OFFICE is morn emnplet» by für tbiui any *sl.»r in h»*uü» rn Orc«<>'l eoiiipums futorahly wuh at y U 1 tl*» Stnt». Job l’rmtiiia r*f rrniy imagii nhl» -inncription rionc nt Hui, rrani'iM**, ::*’ ».an.' *u > > prompt and firW-claM mann>-r. T OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. HTATE OF OREGON. U. M. K'nar.r*. J. it. Slater. J N;Dolph;C«n- Kr»**»inaii M. U. (i *«rmpn»>ng Jackson. Joa^paino, 1-ake and Klamath countif»: (’»rcuit Judgo. L. K. »»ebster; Dintrict Attorney. T B K«*ut. mckjd m . covmtt . S«*Qat«»r. P. P. I’ron; R^pr.^ ntativA« 1 h«»«. K* inform* the public that he u* «üiplaying Hmdl, n»«o. 4'«m«*ron;( >u ;ty Jud^a*. K. D *r*art; Hereby at the alx'vr itand a öiet-clues Mock of U«>’n,u —«niHi^r*. < . II* Pick**;!*. A* J* IkUuKsr«*. » lork W. H Purk« Sb riff X* S Jacob’. ar*r. N. F’i«n»*r; A«* •-«■•or, J. i> •!•*; School 8u- p»ru>tondent, W. M. Colvur. Surveyor; Ja*. J«»r- frej ; (’uroner. II. T. Inlow. A NEW DEAL THE FARMER S STORE ! A. G. COLVIN AND A FRESH STOCK I I DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. (jiticura Mr». .Smith'R < «*«*. nn«1 what the R«-v. Mr. MrKliiRiry tmn lo«»i»y nb<»n( it. How n J cbs Obtains His Pecu’.i- r CENERAI MERCHANDISE, At Very Low Prices DKY GOODS. VARIETY STORE! CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. GROCERIES, Groceries, Provisions, E aS.. Etc PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NEW CASH STORE FALL OPENING CARO I*l«< >SS T¥IRS. P. P. PRIM’S MILLINERY STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE i»iKii X CITY DRUG STORE Quick Sales and Small Profits. MERRITT & ROBINSON Life in the Arctics with the COMBAT ABOVE THE CLOUDS. tty Powers. Sixty Degrees Eeiow Zvi-.;. The Solemn Bowlngu, l’neartbly ITIuiilc, and Con uve raí ti ib g Ilvd l'ulnt b> A' lili lí lile Idcl 1* IHade Omnipotente The Amount «>l‘ Colti »1 1*1* Il I na Ile*- End «irr«’ tt ben thè plicrc In ut Itesi— I 1- perlruetile. To the P ublic : lhnvnl>«M*n n ftxarful Huff«*r»-r for fiftf.-n v« ar*, most of th»* tim»* with what ha* L«.-eii eallwi Fczama «r Salt llhcum. 18<»ria*ii» and I pm and the liltts and hai alvan b«»««r. t«»l«i [Sun Francisco Chronicle.] i that th«*r»‘ wan n«» cure for mo. and har«* h«*en no A hack driven it, that r, ( kl< ** maim, r I »itscouraged that **l had as anon die as hvo ” I I hav«« I m ’«' ii so badly afflielwl RonirtinHM that thore which characterize* al! ( hinatoiiii hat k i wa* not the smalleM spot fiesn th«* crown «»f my driving, enme dashing down Jack ,-n sin ,-t JOSKHHINK COU8TT. !.<-axl tu tho sole« of jnj foot that was not diseased Senator. H. B. Miil»*r;Kopwatative. A. Porter; ami ns re.f, thru-t rraent Hive. U. F. Aiwhierof Lak»'.1 «»unty Jtldg«. Tine i* th«* pince to ^et your * h -almost incurable. <1. W. South; t’o,nin»Aion«*o. M. Ol>en«‘hain. H. I ways at tim<* *o lam«» that I eouhl scnrcoly ««*t forth h gorgt ou*ly < nv, loped foot and 1- Hutchinson; < l«*rk. W.« . Hal»«; Sheriff. ( !iaa. Put- about, and eouki not dn'ss myself withont an*ist- and in a moment stood on the sidewalk in tjffm rrtsisurer. E. R. Ilsiioos; Ana^aaor, M. D. an«-««. 1 have tried many remediew, and have paid all the glory of a long scarl, t r- I m -, gieeu Hu Rtock cofiai^t« of ! htbl’T*; 8« !, »-«I Superintendent. E. lb«Lap; Sur­ ; *l(ii in n Hinal«* instane«' to a physician, but have veyor. J. O. Allen • vt-r obtained only t* mporarj relief. Although bn-eche*. a gondola *hii|>* d l ilt, amt a pig LAKE COVNTI. helped for mneh as to ho entirelv I ’ H.AKS. ^B’o'n:U!A.-ii»nrr*. T. O. Blair. W D. Arnett; ( l»»rk, | diMroura^Hi. Last Juno, however. I wa« advised *»eintng to add a foot or two t -1,. *mtu'e .rkWKt.BY, A. F. Mn-1hno. Sheriff. J. < l*arit«»D. rreamirer. : by Elder .ind Mrs. L. ('. McKinstry, wh«» air well Tno siml’iarlv arrayed ( cks'ials sprang < ANDIEB, NUTS. A. MrCidlcn Schtail Sup««r»nter.«lent.W. J. Moore. known Hi th«-*«« regions, to try your t’l’Tlci KA fiotn the doorway ot the building t<> nife! 1’ii’iH ( Atins. M ee rtso or cortcr*. rrc. R emfdiks ; and 1 folt aoinoh«»w a little r«»urnge, CTXJTITrXCr NOTIONS t UTLFKT. TheSapreuie C«»urt of Oregon !n«**’-*at Salem, from th»-ir favorable opinion of them, to try their him and said something that fecund» <1 t«» KI A 11O.NFHY. Al.Bl MS. regular t»«rin«* com uencinH «»n the first Xlomlay* virtu«*- About tiie second w»«»k of .July last I Anglo ears like “Soon ahoy." almost in TOHA« i OS, UliiAHldTES. n March and ()ft«»hr«»v»-m»-nt, by’’litilo o’liny'" tititi the three marcia l Gent's Furnishing Goods. until low o.-t. 1 • ! ani about ;i- g<»od as n«-w,ana f«»r Jo*««phi ** . '»«'• «»n«l Xl" ■ I k> i” .Xpnl ami fourth Up the Steps into the building, tin- la*t i my tiosJi is ns tho th-*h «»f a clohi, M*»nd»y n. <>‘tob«»r; for Klamatii. f *uith M«»nday Ami ev««ry*’H!>>: u-melly found ina fi rst-c he* va­ t/ MRS. BLN-I. SMITH, »1 anker lending tl, way Krerythintr la frrah mit «f n-aal quality, nn«i riety wf ore. A I m », in May ami Vil«»ntatami-nt <»f n.y wife is “It's some Jo*l, I *in, ■ * " *. prie.-** arc put do»-: to Mav . mi I N««v*-uiher. < «.rr»‘ct. ru «i 1 join with li»»r m 1’xprf‘ssir.gmy For .la« k*‘»ii «‘«»unty the County. Probateand mail who Was call, . on to exp niti »iralitiid»- fin lii» great !■< n« I.t «Ju* has r«M‘«-iv«sl. CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. l ’ >m ni***i«»n»«r*’court* meet «»very month. c»»m- these maneuvr* ■ m am B. SMI I H. The Lowest Notch ! m*’i«’in< with the fir««t M«*ndny; f«»r Josephine ertifv that tin* above statamt'nt is corrts t. But thr cxp).'innli*>n wa* not n very :-,| M) K<»«"1'‘ Rr«- th«' best and Hr>»urantv»’mea uiid<*r>*«>l*i. t Mo tl in J i”ii iry. stock, and liis stateinot.t, xvitb that «d his wif«-, is ti c I» tt. r of him I,,- citnib. *1 up ’i....... . ' Giv«* me a call. .1. K. i.irn.E. For Kla*nath county tb.»fir-t W»*ln*«^»!<- nt Stant -hd, Prov.iice of Quebec, this M< ngolians tt]> two or tlir, e lit-.-lH* , f fwenty-s» v« uth daj of < >ct<»L» r, d:rty stain tlir- ugh thr iimk, and «t, t, Ii L. t . M< hl>Si RY. Minister <»f th»*Gospel. w hir !i [.ermented th, wh-t: ■ 'll,-- L ktek . I have seen Mr*. .Smith recently nnd trio pans» d taifor, » gorze, n*:_i *l,-.riV'(! b«dn ve her to bo thoroughly anti j»orm.anently rh orway leading into a room d-.-v d to • ured. L. < . M< KlNSI RY A. P. HAMMOND u Si-.’ x Advent I h. ('onf.. !’. Q., No. Vt. and N«>. N. the worship of i Lines«; deiti, H. Boston, Sept. 9, 18M. room in which were several < hiiiam* n, lllnrnry-m* r* and ( uticura. an»l <'uti«*urn Soap, th«» great «-kin hcnchr-s. Ashland. Oregon cur«-* and i«»-autifier*. «'ire <«>l«l «-vorywhere. I’nce. ei|lined the door some mu*ie:an* -at.d in Have opened a hue Muck of • ut ■, »1 ■«’. AM barmen piaceli in my han«ls will rer.'ivc I*«»ll«»r llrng nit*l < he mi ral < «»nipmiy. a corner of the room sent forth a lairs of prompt atteatioa. Special attention given to melody almost as sweet as that ti-ually I, nd f!oat«>n aollealing. in n Ixiiler-fn* lory I he noi-, c utin ,1 until the scurlel rr.lnd Cch- ti.l* li d lhitvpjuM r»*Cfi s I’d •! new and r<»inpl«‘tv >d»»ck P. P. PRIM j. u xruni rr. nr., i. v. R obinhos . of Millinery good-«. co::M*ting of nuidt the circuit of the room and pail*, d AT 1-cfnte a huge joss, w here they st,.,„l -ol ATTORNEY A COl’NSELOR AT I.AW, emuly for a moment and then pro-Zr lt d HATS OF ALL STYLES theme Ives b, fore it, all the oth- r < Irina JACKSONVILLE 0C« men falling on tlu-ir kne, - with thei. In id-» Tiieir motto h < XIII ORNI A STRUT. Will pr'ieti»*--in *>l th.. <’.Hirt-.»f th.'9-M-. O.&re la-nt to the floor Then th*-m i-ic k»t'j«* Wil! keep on han«! th«* larcrt'M nn»l in«*f complete was explain.d by a < hiti-i' . ; w ho *; - l-.e DRY GOOD». w»ortment of Jacknouville O ro VEILING English quite plainly that ilu- idol Ii . I GIUM ERIFS. only lam set up in the room that morn PKOVIHIONH. Will praetiea in all the Court* «»f the State. < »flic« ORNAMENTS, SILKS. LAUES, ILOTHING. , ing, and that it was now laing conse­ io building opponiti Court lloaae. corner (’ an«l FT RNISHING GOODS. crated by the priests Thereporur then Fifth itrwota. HA IS AND < Al’S. stood J hu k at a reaper tful distance and w it ROt >18 AND SHOES, W. F. WILLIAMSON. nessed the enactment ot a strung,• mviu . V»d eventhiiift u^nnlly fonn«l in n fir*t- c I hhs (ienei ral — _ MerchRtidi*** ________________ Store. similar to that wliicli W,n - bus re,*: th ATTORNEY A -’OENSELOR XT LAW ( id I ;» ’ id mm » th“m at th«1 faiihliiig formerly oc- They will gìV” their ruwtom- rH the benefit of tlie 1’1 KF. XVINI’.H .t I.IQl’DKS laen placing on canvas -"The ( on* r., Ntn^t. reduced freight* caused by the advent of the «'Uj-'« d by Dr. R«d»i¡. -on oa California MHS. P. P PHIM. Medford, Oregon- I’AINTB OIIS. I’D tion of a Joss. " railroad, and will not bo undersold byanylMxiy. M. V BKENTAÑO, Manag«'r. A • him’c t oy with a r*-d pl; tail n -w AHbuvin»*» in my line will receive prompt ah* Phmnix. Or»-g>«n. Feb. 2Ö, 1NM. brought h long h ug d ,-ock to the tall tent ion. Stork of priest. Hu- om- who had lately arrived and jsi ATD»M-.i: Y. H. K. HANNA, w ho seemed to I m master of cereinoui<-s THE ASHLAND SCIIt »« >L !»•> '< 1 he fowl was taken by* the priest, swung ATTORNEY A C.H’X>EhOK A M.AW, Mnnufm tnr» r • of FINI. C1GA RS AND around in the air tin,-* times by th,- h .* i’ONF ECTD’NLKY, before the pays ratal tinsel gurl, ami liimd- d JackaonTilln. Oregon. bar k to the laty A -mall chit,a v< ■ s,-| con TO I LET SEI S. tabling salt was thru brought to the prt, -t Will practice tn all the Courts of the HtAte. Office up stairs in Orth’s brick. IH MAM F M Tl r.IMl And n xrr«*nt variety of Perfumery, conuuoii ni.d vs ho. standing I m tween his two siariet robed attendants, sprinkled a handful of T«nl« t 8<>aps. etc. it* Prv*<'iTp(ion* car«fully pn’parod bv C. LEMP3HT. M. D., the content* over the image and tin n D r . J. W. ROBINSON. placed the dish on the p- rl--« al between its BOSS OF THE LOAD Uradwate of th* ralverslty of L*ip*»lr, Germaay. Dr. Robinson’» Offic«« in Drug Store. feet RoAv« of punk -tick* and wax can Calls r»w-*'d) hour«, »lay or night. die», arranged h I m . u I the idol, wi re next FLANNEL*, Establishes! 1851. Office in b. 8. Hofei. Jack.-«t>nville. light,-d by tiie two ..*«►*:<,.•*. and tin i the boy l-to Kill a small earthen basin of water. (ASSI MERES, S. STIRLING. M D.. In which th, prie-l dip|M-,| hi* fingers and th, n flirted tin tn in the direction of 'In­ DOESKINS, PHYSICIAN AND SPKGEON, ! joss. The bowing proetss was then n Jn-ated, the unearthly mu* . resounding AND HOSIEIIX Phrrnii, Oregon I nouali th,- loom loudly that 'I. te IMPORTING CENTS' FUOISIIINS ; orter waj obliged to place I,is hand* ov< r E. P. GEARY. M. D. in* ears to kee[> out the din Of the Best Native Wool I hen came the most interesting j --r • P II Y S IC í A N AND S V 1: G E O N And dmpoeing of them at of the ceremony. The hoy with the red pig tail brought a small |>*>t of vcrmill n MEDFORD, OREGON. N«»*. (*2 «tìd 94 Front Ht*, cor. Stark, and a bru*h One of thes<- wa* handed t , PORTEAN!». OGN Office in A. 1*. Johnson’» Umidir.» the right hand a siitant aud th, oilier to I’OKTLAND. OREGON. the left Both were then prcsetitiil to th, G. H. AMEN. M. O.. priest who took them, mumbling som, Agunte for Order* from a distane*» will receive prompt at­ words, whi«h could scarcely Le h ird ,-n PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tention. (iiv* onr goods a Inai. account of the < and squeaking oí tl»e musical instruments The pric*t dipp* d JACKSONVILLE. OREQON. • the u. brushes ».. . .. th. .. Fl.VII> EXTRACTS, I’ll.I-H. E tc .. in paint ami . j (j j both OfHce on California f*tr#w»t. opposite Union Liv­ This wh > a signal for more ktu-el With a full lin» nf Iirugimt*’Supplies. Perfum­ ery Stable. W. II. ATK INSON. Secretan* bv tli^f« around and na- ’ «round redoubled IACKSONVILLE. OREGON eries, Toilet article*, etc., etc. on Tin- parí of * th» musician*, W. I. KREMER. M. D.. » e*“ Orders m >!: ci I.*1 ami promptly t.llr.1 st applfed lije bn;*li to tiie staring low.—t market rare*. bl:u k i-y es of the iniage, leaving a little PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DAVID LINN round red *t>ot on This each. Sam’, Vatley Orrgou. pertc, ted tlie div íuity of ti. lie joss. ST. MARY’S ACADEM V. KeopR ttuihlantly on hand a full :w-ortm«-nt uf v Before thisln had be, nobly pastéis,.»rd and papci Oflic*** at Drnu 8t*»r«. Call-* att.*ii.l**dlo proinpt- furniture, cmnisting <»f CONDTl’TED BY IS. day or niyiht. now he was omnipotent. His « ves could tend the future, and he was cnpalile of _iv- BEDSTEADS, j . H inkle m . d .. THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES inv good fortune to his worshiper» and n .d luck to those who disregarded him amt b< PHYSICIAN \ N !> SUR O E 0 N, Th« Heh*i»lH«u~ y<‘*r <»f thin will rom- lleved not in his powers. The musí, meiic»* about th* *nd uf Atiffunf. and m divided in • eased, the cor, nionie* < ame to a clo*e and Gl'II.D MOILDINGS, Rock Point. Oregon. four MNuuon* of «laven w^ek* each. the heathen passed out of the jo** hou*< . Bonn! and tuition, pur torrn. fl (ÌO 15 fil) Bh*-aa«*U-,u and f*iaal<* rompi*in« a -p****tally. 'l l- r down the stain and into the str, ,-t STANDS, SOFAS NGI'is, . R (Il Otflee at Hay*’ farm, near Rock Point. Or. Drawing and Pan.ting Th, *,- ceremonies arc of monthly occur Rwi and B«*i»iinK 3 r,nee in all the jos.*-houses, the pap- r g-sls CHAIHS OF Al l. KINDS DAY SCHOOL. L. L WHITNEY. M. D.. being taken out into the street ami but m ri. Primary Departm»»nt fl 5 CO ft to Junior PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, and i , tv ones set up in their stead BEDROOM SOU'S, 1 ’ ARLOK .A s 00 Preparatory “ Um* low «m h-m.-ri--r Eagln Point, Oregon. Senior “ ... io tn A Ueantiful riant. Pupil» ar* rf»r«‘ivr'd at any tim«*. and apacial at- Ji'lli.— which nr.-ofT.*r.«l« nt ETC’., ETC’. Having locatwl at thi* j lac- I a«k a «bare «»f tent ion I* paid t<» partimlar *tud“s in fx*hKir *.f t Naturalist 1 th»» patronag** of thie i*cction. < aiU Ribald«*! to children who have but limit««d time, F-.r further The artillery fern, or flowir. ns it is Alno Doors, Hash and ..................... Blind* nlws ................... - on hat d at any tim*. particular* apply at the Academy. and made to order. Planing don»’ on leaxmable sonietiin<‘H called, i« a ctiriou anti bcuuti term*. ful plant, which hi not very gt-iii-rally k T. R. YOUNG. M D. i***" Undertaking a ‘»pociiilty. known <>utaido of rare ( « Jb ctii n* .< or of PHYSICIAN AND sl’IttlEOS, tloriMs green •liOU’ie» It Hcquires its 1’1 wbt* Jell it - an* il... h uf ;i«»f ti r. *«1 from singular name from the mili art and JA8 JORDAN. Prop'r, Central Point Oregon plosive fashion with which it r.-'isls tlic ¡liKANT’rt PASS. OltEGOS. I action <>f waler upon it. If n branch OF Til I fimHust** of the M.siicnl l -.iv -—.ry - ,f lamisville, CHOICE APPLES the fern, covi r -d with its small rt b«-« n innit»-. «»oil the entire fern like branch will I»« < ails promptly attended to, day or night. < I>mmcr,--al Hotel and your warts will !-- pr rin table i-e»upplie«l with everytHing 11.«- mar h« < ii discharging this« miniature voll< \ s Ofiae al Dnis Store. k« t afford*. ' erly aupplicd. JAS. JORDAN. Thi« <’»<■ They nre nut tip in ,„*Ht nnd convenient pack- with their tiny puffs of «moke DR. WILL. JACKSON, curs when» ver the plant Is watered, and mr<*s and *.<,1,1 at The Rooms nntl Beds the eff<*ct of the entire1 fern in this condi 8 ¿TROEON DENTIST. Hav<,b<’«,p thoroughly renovated and put in tion of rebellion is very curious as w< 11 as FACTORY PRICES JaekMimtile, Oregon. beautiful A*, the buds thus open, they VKOI’RIF.TOR O» FIRST-CLASS ORDER. by th., full'.virigaiithnrizisl Asmi* : Assume the shape* of a miniature (inn \ a Office corner (’alifom«H ami Fif'Snir K*. cf« *«, too small to the nak»d eye to attract pip* laughing Oa* udminiitomi. And everything will he done to insure th«* com- F. J. KINC, f«»rt of guost*. much attention, but under a uiagnifjin^ Yreka. < nJifomia. I * travelii’L' public who favor thin hou*»1 with J. W. ROrilNSON M D.. glass they arc seen to posse s a rare and th»*ir p ’ ifroi.ftif« 1 will nlwaj« recoiv«* the utmoHf JUDGE’S BUILDING. delicate beauty. attention, ami **v*r.\fhing will b« d< .• «> to imikn VAN DUNLAP, PTIYSICIAN AND M U R <4 KO N . ’I.«- I . S. Hfd.'l tlio in-,sf popular pulili»' li«»ti*p in Linkville, Oi rg< >n. California St.. Jacksonville i S«»uth»‘ni (>r«Mt»r. l111} n1ui.,gi<'UI Pccillta Jacksonville Orrftnu t JOHN DeKOBOAM WIMER & FARLOW. lltiwt,-:t Budget.] he undersigned hi bi by desires ro Oflice hereafter at City Drug Rtore Reaidnnre A-Jilsri at all honra, day or j Jacksonville. Oregon. Au entire lx n, tuny be night. Office nt the drug »tore. WING OPENED OITA NEW SADDLER lake* pleasure in announcing to the public that of the intellect removed aud provided the periosteum— Shop in ljangell’t* building, opposite» Masonic he has determined to DR. J-BROWN. hall, I am fully prepnr«*d tn do any work in my 1 take nlan-nre in informing the public that 1 th,- mem Inane which covers It—is retain, <1, I l.ave eefnbliahcd mya-lt tn t-u-u . at the* place. hnv with prompt!!« -- and «lispatch. Will keep tin- bone wid grow* again a* good as liefore. DEUTSCHER ARZT, •u:d propose filling all order« tn my lino will. on hand a good j»s»*».rtm«.-nt uf A new nose may La- reconstructed with a ; promptn,*** and at very rea-**,»*-ibl<* rat,«*. Onlj Will pracric» in all Chrome 11.*--»»*-', also Tmho-rt ; iiret-cliu*« work will be turn,si out, and I gunr SADDLES. BRIOLES, HARNESS, BITS, SPURS, By terina conuistina of twenty lessons per term, flap taken from any other part ,-f the b,.dy. Pnemnania, Lan« Fa» -r. Ihn-n .- ria, ('-m-amp* I ante.- satisfaction. <-,<*h l.aaon oeeupyina lia If an hour. I'his time A person dving front the los-of blook mat, •tun Catarrh, -»e. Time and doctor'* hill« will L. BUEN8OW. * lu-dulf* tin* been highly r>*conimerd»l and re. lie restored by injecting blood from an 1 tc. None but the bent California leather nsod. IÙ» saved by rumina to me at oaee. Dr. Brow»* Jackson,ills. March 2». 1«M. e fly endorsed by th,* b***-t musi.-nt coliservntrv. mil piarantoe to fivrfeit «.**•> for ,-T**ry ca»** of Job work a upwialty and price« to suit the •e. >»nd Ims alrt,i lb*, of !'• ach £-e« FROZEN »SOLID A HEATHEN CEREMONY [New Y« rk IL i d- gr» < s. l.arly iu j n.iii iu January. .(Militari. 1 •s?, tl>- tl: ■ j- lum piers wrr<* <*re< I ti­ > wi- h-.-rn trout the sainc M ittrct —ttiui Hu' work of mnking ill»' Tvation*« furnished artlm -us and • \.u t- ing duty Io the astronomer, " who, in aridi ti»m tw the t< lion* » «Minting of the > •ii ings of II.»- p* mhiluni hwurafh r hour, wa s 1*0111- p* l!«'»l t«j make a*ir»»n»»mi< ui oh «*r\ li-.t a f.• the dcti’iinlnation « f tim lilts.* p-ndulum <»bserv;jiun« v < rr contimi*,I : I’o u days, mid up to Jan. Hi. when the s:i«tion was sw» p* i«y h m v « re form t.’td »:;u*«‘»t *u« b a r« markable fail in the th.-r inulin•! iba Li«*ub Gn« l\ Lid lb»-ran e of th«- instrument elo « ly«» > m n< »land re< • «»r»l««l lO’iy fifteen min J«-* 1’h*-r« a»L i.. - «»\\< »1 ;i i< ip ratun ««f • nly — J?», Í winch wa'* a r-c ol about Is* d* rec, jq L n hour* I he wind l«h ’»\ a th« rat« ot »»ixty miL * an hour. » ai rying w ilh it»louds of sm»w atei 'pi» tilar ic» . whi«*h » nl th«- fare* «if th«- men lik«- p« n«i<-r< -1 «Jor *j arks of inami | rev; nl <1 tlmm from .a r:.’.«> i» itr u it i “ Even «'He wh»> W as m»’ b.n k inor«* or less ir i.’uis «yvei r< i I ' n I h. Ir«»*!;, | l«s iroisrh the ’hi- k c>t tl;.- hi­ Ol th« ’wii.«! lly i::< : ve m:h < an ai:« I rante«! fn-in Ü.Ó to of .Du man t: i ijh I’.l I —Ikv?7, a mil ilitllil ,-r< <■“. i '« ' i ( ■ a v h in •( '; it j than I ( DRUGS, Patent Medicines & Chemicals, NEUSTADTER BROS., WOOLEN MFC. GO THE STANDARD SHIRTS, BLANKETS OVEHAI WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, LEADING PROPRIETARY MEDICINES ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. NINETEENTH YEAR PATRONIZE The Phœnix Jelly Factory THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Very Low Figures. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT I I IOTE1 PURITY and F AVOR FRED. GROB, Tlie CJitv Saloon T New Saddler Shop, SIGN PAINTER, Thos. J. Kenney, Proprietor PROF. E. T. KUGLER H TEACH MUSIC LEGHORN BROS. & GILROY, FRUIT TREES PARKER’S SAW-MILL DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. Bits Butte. Or. C. C. PARKER & CO*. Props. FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, WANTED LAbT NOTICE wen;,! frequently |-r< I, me: ger quaiititi p- ratine than tluit m< I luring 1 el'l uaty , w ith shot gun* nii-l ■ tain tiie rapidity u ill th - ugh Xrcti air that lubri, ating oil fl,mi the guns, a it and u.ri allow th, m to vr.,rk. XX lion, on la-gun to again show the party iilb rcd with w< S Ut<*d 11 ” bleat hed out cour.tciian,, like P grow in cclliir-* made of the fact 1 w as tiie ( old* *t t : -1 Arc 1* r* jion mid th, r-u--metric ratm* party iu ]*;•>. a- til, - ,** 17 mid the liriirituu. . -' Although tin *uti 'i i* t" b * < h in * every day. th, «• -lony e il -. i so monototm-.i- ti: t •• t:.. ev. ry hunter w:i- the * mi t< aini t .'• -mail- *t , ircu-.i-tane, top tor > on .<■: *, mu. ’ \v A Triumpti In ri,<> wght-iCeadSng. [Ani.-ri--.-ti y Jm-en.] Mi. Stuart <' uui I h r! it id lias had ;i great uni,-s iu thought reading uf liarun I’* rditiand de l.oihs ¡¿Id’*, in London. ì I:- prince of \\ id * w.i I < ibjix f th« cx ] h riment und Mr Stu ,n < ’umlH-thnd Mininlt-il in discov. ring lil­ tllolL'llts of là* royal liighn, .-* tn irvellou« w.-iv but tin- mo* i,... b!c result «;l- t- . drawing whi, i Mr *. .m- I uid nuul, of th, figure w’hi, i, >-. .* in .he mind of the I>rin,e. ’I'll, f a * i: ill* lia- I, ,-u given to tin- world In The l’:,il Mllli 11 *1 tt,- Th» sketch is in the Egy , ti . ii hieroglyphic *tyle, and te¡>r, sent l.f '.er that nuuini-r w hat the prim e <1, < !; ,.,1 to I - hi ,-l, pli. nt, a..-i i'l I a- it w.i* < <> ,d in hi* bruin. li Ì* rd- its. If rallier red I to th,- belief taut it i* h rhii or, ro* ., L, <1 .*■ I.. . .-. i .p!r, or, perhaps an id, ai pct dug ><.inc.,i;c pr< -cut th- u dii it w.i. th, 1 >, i by w inner, und i tiotlu r that il v as \ < i ry like a whale. It i - a great tràini.¿i !- r 'Ir Stnurt I’uni- 1« riami, con-id ring that thc t inibsHi waa the result <-f two minute manipulation It wotial ha.k well, ami < -m- * out more distinct, if of life *i.a and , olor -I Otil ol the of ISabea. [riiila’iefi iiia ( ail.] Little Di, x —How (.,n you tell yue stories from f dry -to,- ,-*.- Ltttl«* X. 1! Why. t’'* ea.y. Fairy stori, * always begin, ’’tine,' ti]»,n a time." Little Diek Ye re t nie stories l>0gin that -.-.ay. i»t a |g)<»k of lllble storie 11.,.: , Little X’e’.l (Hi. the lieginnilig, bu must go by. Little Dick How do you know it isn’t true by looking at ti e ,nd. Little Noll Because iu fairv stories the people who i marred always "live happy , v, r aft r." Edison lileetrl«- Railroad. Mr. Edison, tie- *-l<-- :ri i.m eii.itting w till a reporter in S', w York th,* other day. -aid: ”1 hav, l- .ilt .lorailron I three nu'< - loni at M<-id,, p..rk, on 1 ran at til.* rate of f..rty two mile* an hour m . eh-etrie nn>. >r and earned six or , lut-it ft,-.-lit cars, it is a r al. pra -tied tiuug I could not no "it with it tie.-ause 1 had no time. 1 h’. I t,si many other tilings to attend to. • --• .-tally tn eoniiee- tion with e|, cti*te;d !:gh it-g. I am going into original exj* ritm uting again. I'll get out a new crop ,.f inventions during the next year in the electrical line.” »wed If k I.lute. In 1791 Benjamin Franklin made the city of Boston the trustee of a fund of l,OUO pounds sterling, to !><• lent to young mechanics, calculating that in lsol the fund would amount to i’.v’ Oo.i, Hi< figure* must have be. n faulty, how­ ever, for the fund now only amounts to ♦ .‘91,000. Twleo Ill-art, lArkuiua* Traveler.] A Chicago gentleman, in imitation of Hawthorne, ha* nd a volume which lie terms "Twice Bead Tab *. Yes, by compo.'i'or and then by tiie [ roof reader. Thoreau The vout i g • together hi materials to build a bri..'*• t • the moon, or, perchance, a pala or temple ,,n the ear.h; at 1,-ngth the mid li,*-.:g -d man c-ncliidis to build a w*io.l*h,*d wit.i them. The Adv.uie •: Th’ habit of -tingin-;* i* easily and quickly formed. it is Ilei ter we ire not informed than to lx inisinfo m <1. St n-( kibe for the I .MES. I A CU'.IOUS COLLECTION. < N»-w Departure fit Pa*«cng« r Boat«, [New York l>‘tt«T.] Thr- x, *-el that in exciting wide iutcr» -• Inter, stina K(-tlr« ol th,* Olden Time« among the Lonjr Inland -»cind M«*un — A “<.lassi.ebor*l.— 'xja'HK-n is th«- tn » larg -id, wliwler (K*- toll 1 .¡ol» .] ¡Halt Lake Tribune ‘There!" -aid hr XX Hovey , of for thr Sow York A* l'i> .id, :«-.- line < halli» 1 Black burn, a fanion* pr,-* The steamer it« built of wood, and i- W* jM-etor. vi ho incidentally in hi tr. vela th,-Bunk, r Hill district. |minting to an feet long over all. 4? f*.-t Ix-am, aud ..i> r.tig the R, ckies, has killed terlv tlir, , old fashioned, tall clock, “that is an eight fu!. :i,-w:i l-ear.*, furnishes Th, 'i’li’-u:,- d.,y < lock m,-id>- by Benjamin Bagnell, of 1«J fc,*t in d**pth. Hu« th*1 great attraction, the nov<. with tie following narrative XX'c were ,-n Bo*i<>n *ooie time aliout 1720. As far a> a pt' poetiti t ur ’’l.’„n_, r 11 ,n ! ’- ti!> (au l-<- I- trmri. be had mad, only four of f,*atnr» aliout the ii *’- w craft, i* th* engine. which is an experiment her* *X\ t tntvood -, a ’i t-\::s r -n.-i r. andini*, If the chs k* when he di(-d and left th-- bus! lie■* to hi* *,-n >aiuuel XX y mini's Gvu* 1. fl I camp one m-'inmg ju t at «L-. . :• It la tie- lirnt of its tnm ihiit ever wa \\t <■ w, r, ,-nt to < xatuine tiie* ■ t:y for • aliigie* and Estates in ( harleatown’ vtate* built in this cfitintry. being d* *ignat*<*en Usui bi >,- fa, :,* 1 know, she goes i»s well as *h( I he < f*>wn i- th. highest niou':t.iiu tridewl: II* -1 *t*-ani* rs in England, and it I w h n i ( lark s Fork and the X * How tot,,- did 150 year» ago. w I h, d'K-tor then went into another room, ha*, many .nivantagcs over the haaui er* liver. XX <• reached tin- summit al 2 */cl** i. It vv a :i tiresom* jourtiev ; till, in- nei.-r *ml t. tuned with a pil, of laoks. "Here.’ I gine thai i* s<> common to Am*ciwi- will not attempt a *lc** ript:- n * f ti • . n ahiiamu for l-sisi, the rcja»i’ti r found the than that ,,f tl-e beam engine, which erv . but t.-il al. ut tin* Is-ar. "Boston and New X ork add- imin* tiM-ly t*> the v< —cl’a «lability. XX iul*- 1* m ,king carefully v.. , tin snow f< ll< wing iu-tii *<* machtu I eld-wi- di-cov*-r**l « igbt<* n full grown mail sing, sets off from I - 71 Male street, cv, rv Monday, <-rj’. amt th*-i<- an- to la* **igld tnbular* ami tin cui-* L*v cling the t< :. >S i dn, *<1. v, and Friday at ¡0 o’cl.a-k in t*idi,*s ca!»ab] - -] o:, t1 * tn vv e con’d ..■«• I he ii ion-'cr­ I -•H-«e»«sj(m »«r*,f in al! then glory \. .:»g lazily uroiui , in th. running m*l suivs ai Jv, a X’ork puuudsgrt/ .. I la- «vtigitw* •*oi.*i*t of t atiirriny, i.rui Tu- -dav the snow -otn,-¡isle'p. -on.e pin*. Jig and < - , A Tlitii day on» set oF • s<* il.iting cylinders, the low II - ■ ■ ■ k. |,..v, -• '*., w X’ork every 'I - - some lenii:.g on r ra-i-o; p, i**. The- in . V , dm ,l:.i. and Fridn .11 o’clo k. prer*un" ,I-* tig *• -enty*, ght inch* Met*, flyji g over th* uh . ■ s I t ehirii-d • A- i.t ii *n,n every tn diauM i< r •i -d th* high j,n **>ir* forty wlniii.,.11 he -:n<-vv,und tl. ' that fall l;.o: tilt.n. and Tuesday at 1-' two tneh**s. *ith ten feet six incite« OU the Show livid* novel I aw:*.. Allot i imi *d,ii -trokeof p:st--:. Th** stroke alsooxcite« the ! cars C.V epi two Wire -o it* I- ngth. “lit tn - * ■>» you what I cull n ’gla-wi from u*. Nearly a mile down tin slop, , As can »■■ •■* ti by prof*-*-tonal umn a.d tile il*M'lor, as h»* lifted the on the niouiitain that ivc iv.......... in cl, vie,id. *,,,ir*.t iil.*-i ip|,.<>iicb. wh*» claim la-ars 'i In grizzly olr-ericri u- th-t up oil , r • < <*urt iiii*l 11. in.-.i i sirici*. Eu I iti. th» for jt a high* r ,1* gnv of ,*-onomy that i l.t*i m ;** um * i*-r iti ti.» ein. 11<* pur wAj> ii < h;im»n«>n*. ÌJiiiiH 'liab Iv short strok* •■ua-.n- c.-m produ** ing . n tic /rizz'lv n;uipt-«i uj troni * '-■ ■ I " ., >• h.-:*:.!i| liais-. -<-k . uf I b.irles i- i Silo' • iti-ziit th*- tini-ii td i !*•* k. This departure <.ill ’*. waiclmd v*.nl tai • < air.« air.L « b.'ii- ; ‘A lit »I - « v< I bu' 1-, wa* o aim *rt« in ••: tu M . th*' <-|*H iitat In economy, * ■ Vi tin n is unh i.t.e othi-l so long a stroke • -r this type of digit - bet of F < anridg« incoinpat tbl»- with a practical ■ i id in tie- i nuntrv un*l that i- iu ia W itlrill « hiry pa«-< ........ ¡Phi». ' efficiency Tl.e *i< ; . r w ill have f* ath and U ruraii to ¡bn an-ii-y i 1*1 i uii,*. " >iid the doc cring j.addl* w h***!». and i* * x]M***t*'«l to shaggy V hair Leg! I bave uni 1 ci tit piim* i—iesl In [ be fa-t with a limit«*! *'r,ii*uiii|>ti*»li of I I I niinl -tut, - for i vi ,y vi ar from 1?.*. | coal. >he will b*^gin running ’his fall a mad grizzly, to ls*i cool; ha ring 1 '"Id three 1<-iuì pi*, c*of E„* Her co-t is pla* d at were i»ra\«-. 1 r i;.* : i*.r .<’<• i .¡i h, nnd otn nitidi in < um<- right i alo I br-iuL-ht me $2tl H, i--. m lit Tb*- 1st»»* *,r IS mi », ii.c a s« m* " - r , tit nm i,- of ni -k* I in IKis. und ’i’lulad* IpiiiH It- sinl.t •la pcnu< hr»r pi i i t *1 to i »urn ■* fut adoption in plan "A f»w year* ago. ’ -aid t»»*-k <»> ile-lare cent, but wa* rcL-cted ll,*r< c nie within thirty p«c. * now he I, gory, th** »vieran rat-**at*.*b*-r ’'tuv <1*.ti­ gm to lo-irn up Ilk,- a Al ! *: pi *. ::i r •> * i lit pit-,-* * j.-iiisliti lks3 uni c-aught a rat down at ti Waslungt.n boat Haiik say< "Let me,,■ liim’.” i i-l, . !. -tier with a iarg*- V and avenu* gram elevator which wa* m-icb 1 Slid “Give it to him lia-k «¡II th ■i 1. I'liirilm- I'nutn,' another bigger tiian a *-.*•’. It was two f *-t long, u i bruin through th- top of ih<- neck he w . l.irg, \ iu,d th, word* ’Five < ents. i ot hurt, hut tn- growl**,! loud with rag- fourth will» a larg,- V with a and weighed tuolv* pound*. H* niu-t ' * - 11, *■; - i.- d tn ' ami : h mid 1 bave an old Jackson is-nt hav<- l>een quit* <•!,!. and unu-ualiy (at. full at every-hot ><<-i g ti, .; th, other r r |-a < <- pani for I c, til ut I guess be was thr king rat a|rm* th*- I* e.r h: -I -Iart,*d f< r u* 1 -<■•’, ear, ful aim ,-y li-rhou-i i**mi*| by th< elevator. I wa* very anxious incapiur, ’ til' gii/4r * lead und ■ ml. ki ■ • I. ■ ••hi-:, change was «. ar.-e. I him alive, and n hard work to drivé i:i*tan:iy. ft,- w nt ro!..*-g • - ¡ i- a n* ■ h Iv f..r $1. tin- dog» off so they to put snow v -I"]*- and did m : »h.,» n you : 11 my < mi ,-itii-» an end to bn:, had fought limi». r 11« J out on lile ie, ôf i - taj diploma of t*i, lids rt,g on him. I Link *! hi* ril’e. bui il .-, .i i i’*li ti-g io r.l»; Hete tion. He did not :< site tnm-h bi tit* good use <>f hi, revolví r. shooting tii«’ bi ., ,I, « :: ti r u- i in < hnr)i-*town ia 1732. v. nturo. «s ,hi- ~ m 1<«- u k-r’s wtf<- wa, in tin monili at.d, killimr bruin i - ! " i ' . llar, r ii < ly ],.-»< k,si. afraid of th** big rat. und. I, ing anxious Month «The b< ar •P|x-<1 and I k -: 1 ■i ,nl*t- ami uinc classe« u**-1 bi to get rid of the animal. |H>i'*’»r.od it. * .u.-in ly on i Hat .! k. i *h”.i him »1.. p I «r M* r*- f (her of M*,r-(. of t h* While the animal was on exhibition is n< tl,,- -n h was li-.t I ng u u til Î roll ,;li tain», wl.- In va* pa-tr.’of the titer, was a-t*pi dixplavcd on the ir<- tl„ lent off ¡langer ,cr Hauk, a n l Mr. B< ir j sb i ., nil,. < barlestown. Tn,-v cage in wh;< it it w.e* . -nfined, -aviug v>* til tumlditig down th*- * •nouv s! • V ! Ft' 1. Aj r.l I, 182’i ‘Don't foo! with the rat.’ Thi, injun*- lamling along*id, th» the 1 ■_ ri/zlv r.zzli « n tin i /» u ng along» *1 tic < ouri Pinsler Uea. customer*, willingly t« fr.-tru-d.from ¡a.k mon lw;iir* lluit dav. p'..i'-llg.- i rnl.l Int«:v - H.j “Il ani* i f ni- n to arar leautv- ing their ringers between the l-ats to Aul*llill* in Orchards. Ills look» were eii..iigi> t«, * about tire leur-a. o, and ih,-ii in tro stir him up. [Cot Saturday Eveimg; Post.} Gürtion is 1 1 < r, liti-ri _ I,. . „ n fa _ «•• frigh’m folk.." Many of the h-a«lin_r orchard proj-rie n ling t»Hli*t ctaitfvr in tb«- Tinnir*- Frau- tors in north« rn lial\ nn»l south« : n < « r c:dset Pari» g h<» T( -M»nr-«I to the most Eugeule'a Lite. many ar< cultivator* of th* common bl.-e k < unnin? d< v»< • in boigbU'n h« r lK-auty in [Londeu Or. N’,*w York s>uu ant. which imrci tiny L -I<1 in high «M n *. «•rd r that ♦ In the sts-ht'ton of the domain of F*ru i j I j «limpiar«- a habM rival as th< fruit * grower* !»• t frii-ud i.i the .-iffer i ii* <>f a wealthy and band borough th- ex-Emprew*» Eugenie lives i i»r\ < Tlddish ant hill* in their < « hard and s j : d yo ;t< •I : *• I nJ rlit fnrtlu r :•■ ir< • clean < sii the Long he .-b und wiing lad»-ii with • iimph ” in t«.< < bx k« an»! chin of h< r on, red. and about th,-manner of who*- death she h.<* been ever so strangelv. m ? groom 1. w h< r< t u y »»»nifoi t rival determinedly, , get.erouslv -.lent m- or I rm lent!} aw.iv With the Ln g h woman s pF« «v»rbíal Tin- is. l.owei* > what is told a* fo! The •y never meddle with «.un k win«dn« -a -<■! about gi\ini; h»-r idy invade mk -I: apples, . m li artifb-i d »• mp e . She find trie»I the lowing I,» r irr :il nt F.-tnil»>r,,::_-t a> have already 1 hch < i'l<•« t of a dark biu«' tint d* licatclv put on Col.------ . who command«! tli*» n-gt p» m trah-d by tLe < nnk»r which diev :« with a « an;«-!’*» l a r 1 rudi Mi«- od. m i_hbt;rhood ot a lni\ <■ ant hid ;jv<- i t i\ H« lii« n«l wh«»ui “h* had 1« t into the «•*«« rei the colonel emv, 1 |terniissiou to c*,nforn» yeais old. h< r ph nsurc ki«cw no b un. Th«* next I to custom an*t to lay hi«neighborly l»om Ant< have been u-. d in Cum ,;ii 1r,ised fruit trees ir« m the ««cored; i.»ni ii. 'd b\ h« r :tdm rin j amlirnc •. .\’<-v« r 8Ccl s. beton h <1 «he I««« k«-»i so Switching, and for sale. lo none more s«» than the young duke who. Would Look lludlah. ’ll»*- Electric I.t^lii in v.nrinrc, U' w.i - '-*"«t<-«l in his private l»ox [New York Kun ] [St .Tai;m<’ Gazette j < « l»*ste. for that was h'*rnam<*, looked rar "Yes, sir," said an • nthu-iaMie ciu»*u The » lc< trie Ii ’it i- » videnih d.-:i ¡ singly he iuDfu!. Hh«-w«« a hftndsoini to play a «onci hr :i J, parti’ th« war of a new western town, ‘‘we're got woman 1 ut that night -ar es|Mv'ially of tin i iturc. If pro: ■ i» « mph •- rd right smart town, tt.,. ger Whi " I . so This. ’ d .L o ii i* to I ■ |arg.t\ < tint th. lit •iiie "V>u mean Qiem builtlm * with alonu olli« f day nt Ahh-rsbot v.xj)« riti ent* v -r.ition mi- i« ruts . liiully to pl I pint sticking up in the air?" ”Yes. tried for a more benevolent puiposr \ |.» h ■ ’atti» tt<.-w. plafpir«-. l oll« ÍS able electric light \vag< n- wi I lv u*.; .■ ''r' we h« * . .. i!.n,.-,. »in ". u u* ìaM> ate a few of the illuminati a» nlchtfall tir an.-, on whi. wa* sotu *'talk about Lnihlin'one, Inn M »1» I » day by th«- doz< n Th. V w finally allowed it would ]i»k t*»> I attic ha-I h « n f«»ught durimi tin < hi . oo « i . which nnn, bt*r is increasing at the rat«- of fifty a llieat of l I 1C 11...S *;Ual.:l|liD,' <>n ti.C IK,-ii" X’,* t .> Journal.] Austrinn fro ti.*r I h :!ood - f t.,-iri*t* ii i'l- f<—,.r.1. S. Dillen, assistantgeologiat day. And this is only on • of New York s thu* *.- frli i niiki-d upw.'hin tic four <>1 the ni’,-,1 r tales Geological society, baa many burial planes. I - uers of swilz, i land, u d lo ■ t’ii furi’., r r. turned from a visit to Pyramid lake. in rea*,- Ih*- f> rt liziug sin un *-v utile Ili* vi*it was tor the purpose of ascertain- A Carrier'« Valuable Ruau. fui .atain :.t (ietn-i., ¡* fot* th* fu Iure to it, - th, < xa t altitude of the preaeat aur­ [Chicago Tribune.] I* ii*p* n*i <1 wiili The n of ho <1 in , - t th,- lake. The professor givesit as A newspaper earner in Philadelphia k.--pers ri serve to pi olii ,,, iti s*-n*ii,|e Iri* opinion tluit the whole ba*in. including has a route which ho values at $9,500. *un- riority to the eh-,.cr . *-.-ire. r,n l Fyranrid and Mud lakes, and the sinks of ali- ad. liie hotels of thè < tla-rland. as weì] the Humboldt and Canon rivers, was u He nerves about 4.000 papers djuly, the iis tiios, in t untoli» \ olii! and Vaiai», are pr, histori«-lake, which be calls Lake La profit» being over Ifi.OOo a year, the s.ii.i to Ic full tuo. ’- -*U.J r.. nontan. There is also unmistakable cvi- expenses for five assistants 'not over deti'-e that tin surface of tlris ancient nodv 11.500. and losses by bail debts small. « oneernlnz Nntitiega. of water was considerablv more than 4plc who pick up their sn all |w: r tti-r*. They Ivar fruit si-v, tiiv Il At ouIdn*l Keep, favorite journal at the breakfast table or eighty y,ar*. In Jamaica th« t, I* , ¡Merchant Traveler.] have any idea that many of the poor tree that <-’.li i- vc you? XX’ell, you can keep it, (Exciia ge ] have not (ontrolled the nutmeg trade for if y ou want to. " A philosopher who had im.ny yeat* Tiny tried to <-. ti: ue the *o. I ( Hi t either It’s so awfully titul urowlh o the nutmeg to the liatida is! some money to pay lus night's lodgings air, adv X hi it Won’t keep " and*, w hich the-, owned, but th,- nutmeg at a hotel, woke up in the night and pigeons carried the nut into all the sur Conldn’t BlHtue’Em. saw u peraon climbing through th,* inn rounding countri,«, and tho tree* grew* . nd [Ex - hange.] dow. U uh axmirab c nouclmlance hi* nourished in spile of tin. would t e monop- • itizen - xaminitn last summer’s flan *aid to the intruder, “Look here, my oliats. I *ii:rt Aiy own fault—my own fault friend, you’ll get into debt if you rob • 'o.,-’ M .glii.-r known it. Didn’t put in mo; for you won’t nnd anythin* b*tt un- rarapliravtng th<* Text. ‘ 1 h i: * , ' t e a der. .'Jotlis ate up all re* ei]>tcd tailors’ bril in *nv n > kel» " lExcbaaga.) th i -s t |*owd, r—n, thin' more to eat— A moth, r li nt taught her little piri to From < aiarrh to rataolropke. -u i n the shirt—’course they did— n p*. I at a al ati, -eho dconci rt th,-lext. Can’t l-lame ’em! [Ou ida) " Ho, < v< ry one that tuii-u-:h, come ye to We all make our *,wn late«, or onr own the w l, r*. 1’» lint Hr Grig, tem]vmm,*btv mak* them for ua. Dost in v W Lea evening catne *he very ealmlv, [Hiiku’.e nbia < all ] docs not stalk aiou among us unaccn but Atth js-riwt .--elf p*,vn. said: Lilt » • :»* k -Pa, why is a receiver so im-viatible, as 1 know you think it does I "Every on,- that hoes, couie and tret a cjiHe»’.' I i .« nu the kind that fisappointed believe 'here is nothing which befalls u«. drink. ” u ’ i . a (•«■nip*iiv gds in u tight piao. from a catarrh to a «aiastrophe, which, i« lkr ast- nidim* nt was LT<-:-t when she \\ i«x*s a receiver receive? we choose to be honest with ourselves, wS -aw the laughter of the audience. Ito st Two Prospector* l*<»iigl,l Po«-« l’ar t |, on Also Root of It»«* AA „rtrt. l’a--l retty much all there is, my son. may not trace to our ow^imprudetux. ’