DEMOCRATIC TIMES A. S Johnson of thi- place was last week Orgaiiiz« < lubs» everywhere. Every pre­ ami two daughters, latfik cinct of any size in the State should have a joined by his iy from Canada, who will hereafter make Cleveland and n( mlrick- «Tub. Republicans are not so jubilant »ince it their |H*Hiiancnt home here. They were ha* traii-pire«! that their majority in i»bio accompanied by a young lady who also in­ tends to locate. did not reach their expectations. Frost nearly every night. V FRIDAY. tei "" the nr. TOBER 17. ISM Keeler Gabbert is in town. L? Fresh cider a! the Cash Store. Postoffire l>ii cctory. Th® Jack*onvdle poatoffi« e ie open daily, ex­ cept Bunday, from 7 o'clock A. M to H o'clock P. M. Bunday, from 9 A. M. to in A. M. Money •rder ImainfM«* ia oi»eu d uly. excepting Bundays and legal holidays, from .» A. M. to 5 P. M. Mail from the «oath an I north arrive- daily at 5 A. M. and clenea every d»y at 6-Jk' P. M. For (’rvacent City it cl- wen Sunday. Tuesday and Thumday. at 8 P. M. Atage® on that rout«« leave Monday, Wedue®day and Friday a» 2 A. M. and ar- rive at Crwcent City the following day- at e-jnp. M. For Eagle Point, doses Sunday. Tuesday and Thureday at 8 P. M. Hinge* leave Mor d ' that thi- refer- to a daughter of Mr-. Little The board of trustees of the Lakeview In­ ! of thi- place, a- the name correspond- cx- stitute have plar«*d that institution under i actly with her- th»* control of the Oregon Pre.-byterv. Why go about with aching head? Ti v Emil Britt has been taking view* of the Ayer’s Pill- They xx ill relieve the stomach, town, which ar«« quite natural and reflect re-tore the digestive organs to healthy iu - credit on hi- skill a- a ph«»t«»grapher. ti«»n, remove the obstruction- that depress A great amount of vegetables and farm pro­ <4>crve- ami brain, and thus cure your head­ dm c i- now being marketed. Owing to the ache permanently. great aluimlam e ther«‘«»f, price- rule low. J. C. Whipp, manufacturer of monu­ Local correspondcncv is solicited. Hurrah for the o«*tobcr ele< ti«»n-’ W. meet this evening. The A. <). Drummers continue quite abundant. Improvements contintu* at Linkville. Dr. Brown is back from Crescent city. Hon. W. D. Fenton -p«*ak- to-niorrow Lakeview had a snow-storm last week I». Then r.-ll The Hifnt.ifroHJt Fir The store of M. E. Pogue, 1 h ahd I G..I.I inai. Tr up- continue abundant in this Hill, was burned to the gr<*i nd ibi me o'clock Sunday morning. t< _ all tion rd its contents, How the fire « a < oil mystery, but it was nndi'uh diary origin. Mr. Pogue an Pol VVÌ X occnpM the were awakened the fu i> hud their watchdog X tl c tire in the store ; b c B Wat stumping » headway that It w out. In fact, ( V a tew lUil rescued brfuri et • S , V ♦ velo;»ed by th It Rome iTUitiFanc _>n AO I not enough t«> coker ti onth On the household good- a < »t w $1 »"»at T we.v destroyed, th«*r< w Bn PI nix. Mr Pogue estimates hi- 1 r« part- above the insurance lie ne-s in Pogue Mvnatt’ w $1 **» at I a uatrd on this -id«* of the soon a* pos-iblv. ami ha-< i V fitting it up. He has the Babbitt H tor entire communitv in bis i ■ t tin- T im » dii I ligi ■ • ! V StHtixth ». I low made b M. >11 • a Lsun cou at 11,01 \ .1 v wa- »» ;i A ill Th« A-h’.i Pr I •ictiou s>alc. The undersigned w ill Mai tion the following irti«-1. ill« t.oh ning ran« h in Man t 10 pr ■tl day. Oct. 2.‘»th. « omm« r. le o’clock A. M . t' w it « »I th 1 ii< ;v w Bi k»1 and all fixture d mower, one ti I »P ml bar pio fl ai id further parti» ul; «» UARBAlGli I. J W t r w Ilins <4 1 K,l. » prêt »!!♦• * IV thi- w v«'k. < I iis a le of tiw T imes . rowded nut toil .»f 1* ho' iix i- i ler- The r week- f II II 1 Ken .t \ p F KI. i» lini Adil , d il ha lier *d after II ,i an.I egate Bro » head of 1'iic«*. • » II1 A hah ter men: > * s W. < . km « r W ’ JI’: . w. I. H S . A l»r w A I.' Il II W I; \-hl >11 la .dhci ft I l.M Emilv I I A i.f in r t 11 t X A $40,000 Assortment of Boots and Shoes n II. rk ii <>u Inni.I. G. xmì « ara low. . «7" < ' I ..*» promptly filimi. a A ot » II 1' n linrf If Oltl.l I H -ai.l hr H FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ t id leading r>vi t XX Uli the Butte •ad. J II \Vri-I< v F Walker . appointed I;. : : ! h 1 h ■ it I Wagon Matrrial anti Blacksmith Coal It M p X OU SPRING POINT SHOVELS. SLUICE FORKS PICKS. GOLD PANS AND SCALES R an ( MINING SUPPLIES Builders’ Hardware, Tarred Paper, Etc fol ( • W H • .1 Rn A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE O1 cr oí a • < id road Tom i STOVES/ ri.\. GKAMTEXVARE would fail tot X' I- kitliit X and nrinarx- tl ger. . r Lolli. A Walla Walla paper .-ay- that “Mr* Judge Jacob- i* making Republican -tump speeches in King county, W. T. She wa- formerly a resident of thi- place. Tabls and Pocket Cutlery. Fishing Tackle. Etc. We are.prepared to give c 1<« m ‘ priie> and lia'e facilitie. tor fur »¡idling estimates <>n most any chus of goor., ami buy voiir (. 1«»tiling, liilllb rif. from lu-iir lupa lurni ng g«» 'd-, hat-, cap-, vie., then*, d the Senator Slater -pea* muluctoil»* D \l bet att-e >(iu <.m wave from live to ten dol­ den< c ul c\->herid B v ' h c a l\ 21th and ai thi- pku a lar-on a -nit. Thi- is worth -aving. Go r»»i an able -peaker ami I; mid -tele two w.iti an I-e. th» Nobby i'lothing Store ;.| \-h- •ator. Ev.rvh.dy T th«* proprietor and hi- Senator Dolph a- an IH* laml a ml buy your tall and winter clothing, r him. should turn out and I not noticed until a k- it" you want to keep warm and be happv. Ra-cal- "I ♦•very dy« Everybo«ly should turn out and hear Remember that the Nobby < lothing Stor< I cmemlwr that Hon. \V. D. Fenton look out I li- -le sectimi and «»ur > ik- at Holt’s hall to-morrow evening at Hon. W. I>. Fenton to-i..orr<»w evening. has the hc-t tailor in the State. Suits made them. He is one of the b«*-t -peaker-in the State to order on -bort notice. No Chinamen h ’-pa-t seven o’clock. employed and good lit guaranteed. No and will favor his audience w ith a first-« la— ready-made -iiit- -old for tailor-made good-. I Staall Show»tty. If von xxant tir-t clas- printing yon must Remember what xce -ax -pec« h. All are invited to attend. The («aine ami U»gaii club r->II.|.u¡ >t ‘ the Hui - ('dice, where San I ran- tlir in tli.1 'S, urine!” Ia»t wc k. »xliib Mr-. J <>. < . Winu ’ found in her garden price- are charged. < Lo'claa/t aud HcnrfrirjiM. naine» <*« a nuuilx.r i.f ni»ii-re-i»lviit- last Saturday a -trawhvrry -tern on which Hon W. D Fenton of Lafhyette. Dem- county, "wvi ral in nor* an.l run a t. were a large ripe -t raw berry, a half-grown ocratic candidate for Pre-idential Eh < tor, i V« i wh*> arc a» cc green one, and a promising blossom. Thi- will -peak a- follow-: lami ami Hetnlrb k - a» wc h rather late n»r -t ,'xvl.crrie-. - A-hland A-bland, Friday evening. Oct. 17th. HepiiMican frien.l» «lo n > Tiding». i JaFk-mvilh . "atiir lax cxeninj. <»< t,l-th. Speaking to commence at ea< h place at J. W. Hay-of Central P«»int ha- favored Irrtumf. us with a huge -ample of fruit, -haped like 7 :.’>» o’clo. k John IK rg. a resident of < htmii J. T. Boxvditch of A-hland ua-admitti*«! a |war. the mime of xx hu h we have been un­ Everybody i- invited to turn out and piTuinct, had a neighbor, named 1« to practice iu the < ouri- of thi- State upon able tudi-eowr. lie -.iy> it gr< w in Sam’s hear the p«»litii .il i--m - of the day ably arre-ted thi- week on a c harge of a eertifieat-* from .yfinnv-ota. ▼allry on a tree whi< h wa- planted many discussed. CVimnilted rape on Ikrg’- nife. Work on the new hri> k buildings hi Jack- year- ago. fondant will have an exan»imition I Hr fit lli.rorrrn tire Foudray court here thi- week -onville is progressing -teadilv. notwith­ 1» IJun of this pla <• thi- week received ' Tlia' ¡»daily bringing joy lithe homv-M standing the changeable Weather. a large stuck of tir-i -la-- furniture direct lot thou-andi by saving many of tlnir d<-nr .< Largr Club. ones from an early grave. Truly is Itr. The Clewluiid an/l Hendricks club >»f We are sorry to hear that the family of fr»»m Chicago, which will be-«»Id at price* King s view Discovery for ‘ onsumption. He also sell* sa-li < oughn. folds. Asthma. Ilrom-hitis. II.iy ’w ksonville n>»w numbers over ^»amh« Henry L. White of Ibrek 1‘oint ha’ been that defy competition Fever, I.os klingin the Tliroui. M. many names art* being add«*4 daiiv bereft of their eltleM ehild. a promising lad ami door- at P irtlaml price-. Whenever l’ain in Side and i.'hest, or any disease of '•uioeracy of Jack-on county i> wide- of three year- lie had been sick but a you wish anything in his line, you will find the Throat and Mings, a positive < lire Trial bottle free at E. I.. will give their -tandHrd-brjirvrv «hurt time. T he community extend» its it greatly to your advantage to call on him liiiaraiit'-ed. ' Brook»' Drugstore. Large sizeI1.U0. ami ascertain bis prices. condolence to the grief-stricken parents. Hnity. 7 z MISCELLANEOUS. « APIT.II. Pltizi: K7.V.OOO. i II ASHLAN1 >. < >H!,<;<)\ MAX MULLER, l ick.'Is only K5. shiirt . In |.ro|H,i*tloi>. tl w BLOCK MISCELLANEOUS. IK L'lvi t *■• ot lei AND CARTRIDGES li 1*. ami I it < lara GUNS PISTOLS. l.S Is ed n large amount of nperior quality this Fi IRON ALB Ad.i I Bro ring t fully you«-». C. H. OILMAN, Prop’r R« d !1* um . 714 and 716 J St. u i 71X and 715 O*k Avenue, Sacramento. Cal. i: Ro< k Hally .• 20.000 < o.louarr. anti 12 Year»' Kceor.l K«*lrreiiee* MILLER & CO Hie I, » XV n Tru Note oar <'atAhwur Prfcwi. ONE PRICE Guaranteed. HARDWARE a ni cer of Klaniath Indians hat « alley rm a trading expedition Th Brown i »• a icd M Brautl.n ht and Hurrv War a boy-, paid us a vi-it Sundav •re. h. IvW And AND FURNISHING GOODS. \vt i: A ( A lari *rn in CENTLEMEN’S FINE SUMMER CLOTHINC, HATS Herman Ro-t« l of A’r«*ka paid hi - brother. B Rostel of this place, a vi-it the fore- rt of the week. He lias sin« v rcturnc«!. ■» on 'I .11 A Wilderness of Beautiful Things! h*o 51 Willard of A-hland. the popular mazer of Miller A Co.'.- hardwai e -tor ale J;.' k-otivillc a living vi-it la t Tut it>< * X I BEAUTIFUL GOODS for SUMMER! ai n.1- -oni m- J>t1 »J in wed to A-hland. I r.i tl O, Coaninti nr Senator Dolph reach» time after the train was < a Vt»i» c in the entire ri State, bi- arrival f’om had just concluded a Rupi was await«* I He i-» • who would I m .* granted yet lie charged M r. ' friend of the luonopoli.- •everely for i ts -ml t-» i n nunc of w Rich charge* ca r ...I h I.ii Corrected Price-list of Groceries Every 60 Days! l i: »r tv nt X THE RED HOUSE OF SACRAMENTO I I’m I«* (>eo. I »marni of Silver Lake v ha- gone to - »uthrrn California, wher will probably remain duringthc xvintcr a of tin X* « w W °r in f ACCEPT THE SEASON’S COMPLIMENTS, ha- -"Id hi- Republican paper at >ant.i B" I ialcd him-elf with the "Alta' f a Minn- Walker e vear-. of X It r. l.i XX a a r ( re HALE BROS. <&, CO., J M Payne of Salem, formerly of thi- place, i- .-ven tare of the s utive committee of the Butler ;i party. Jam«*- O'Meara, f«»rnic I of t hi i ng mder W P. lira Dry and Fancy Goods ! 11 aiilev, #7 Belass: Oscar Kincaid. 92; Clara Cam- cron, sí» Lena < ameron. hx; Miles < an trail. WE CLAIM TO HAVE ud- | A (’lass: Frank Dowell, 87: Herman row escape from death a few «lay- since. drMB, opon applicarlo«;. He wus handling a « artridge that would Bilger, .<». «' < 'la--: —M.iggicShipli y. <•: ( ora Brown not go «41. ami. striking it on« «* t«>o «4t«*n. it ?9. V.*/, «W5 atid 835 K Street; and lbtf, Xiuth Street. smklvnly explode«! with great force, putting 8.3; Birdie Donegan, 81. INTERMI DIATE DEPARTMENT. ¡ out one of hi- eyes and seriously wounding SACRAMENTO, CAL A ( la— Jimmie Wat-on. Mary Day. th«* other. Hi- left hand was also mutilated T 55 in a horrible manner, so that lie will lo.-c May Hutter. David Thump-on. Mollie Mil at h ast a portion of it. His attvndingphy-i ler, Laura Luy. B « la’- Maggie Moody, George Biev- < ian i- of the opinion that Mi. Neal i- not enue, Thaddviis Reynolds. Lydia < h mon.-. -aft* from total hlindn« --. And a cordial lu vital imi to «»hare yo»r trading favors with Carrie Kent. Jennie Reames, Jimmie Linn. Proposal Itenrwrd. (’( las-:- Lena Bowden. George Brown, Four year- ago we made a propo«ition to \ mile Eaton Minnie Eaton. Marv« 1 I ay lor. furni-h new subscriber« with the Tixn- PRIMARY DEPARTMENT free of charge if Garfield was ele« t«-d. We Daisy Bilger, Lottie Brown. Rosa Bren- Hand for our mammoth, handsome now renew this proposition, and any’body tarn», Maggie Eat us at om e Klippci, Harry Luy. Harry Miller, Will it l.ont Hally. McDaniel. Walter Moody Henry The !»(•lnocrjK \ of Jat k-oii touniy will Jennie Booth. Martin Lou-ignont, I Miar Our spaciwd©d with hold their la-t rally tor this campaign in Lou-ignont. Joseph <¡rimes, James G Jack-onville on Mon-lay. Nov. 3d. the ( lytle Uarev, Austin D. Parker. enitig before election. Several -p<*akhad*% in BUNTINCS, NUN'S VEILINCS, Attt ndam <*. I”1’, punctuality 1«"»; d« port- Depart fd. SATEENS, PERCALES, CAMBRICS, ETC ment. !«»; -di«Jar-hip. so. A irreat assortment <>f It i.-xxith regret that we nnnounc In the Higher Department pupil- are death of Sila- P. Hanna and J. M. Pr placed in tho.-e classc- in whi< h they have two old and highly rc-pcetcd citizei th« ir mo-t important studies: -ome in the I thi- county -men whom we can illy B < 1 — pur-uing a few studie- in the A Our Milliner} Parlon* arc xvith. In the next is.-lie of the T imi - XVI da.— , while-ome in the C cla— have stud- I m - published « xtended obituary noti» <•> ir- in tin B cla--. and «»the!- -oinc in thv A < II WATT. Prim ipal. W m . P riest , R. i A i . ice D orr i>*. Teacher 11 km i. N ew hi in ii nln I’ll-rni X r pl. L I» J R St« W. A s Join (hsid ird . W H.. D. Brophy W. M.» Emmet Abbott rhe h cnings. » lb IÍ..U f this > ó* It «6 / / i r » / i h h i an s I Bi The East Oreg-mian. published al Pen dleton, n«ys M O. Willi» ha- returned from a long and unsuccessful through ( a-tern Wa-hingt*m ami Idaho of one olls Man. I m -. ii Evw> article SILKS AND SILK MIXTUBES a uit ir check and orde he l lMl - office Hull of Honor. HK.llEi: HEPABTMF5T Class; Hattie Reames. COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT Illustrated Catalogue for the Season of 1884 p. X 5 = ?’ç= * ÏT > e® /z3¿ Ta.r lArry. At the Octolx-r term of their court, the county commissioners made a tax levy of 20 mills for the ensuing year, to-wit : Support of Stato government. 4 mill* $ 8,5.r»i All Order* sent Vt> our hou*e reçoive PROMPT find CAREFUL ATTENTION. 8upi»ort of insane aaylam. 1 mill, ........ 2J&- Btate university, 1-10 niillw 21: warranted to hr uh represented. We carr> full linen of Indian war debt, 5-1U mills.. I f»/. School fund. 4 mills *-.55:! County purposes. Juli mills. 22.23V xx X .. $7 I..I i'.,i hai>i Mr- M A. Ereclaud has gone to Crook county, to look after her stock interest- near Prineville Ja-. Wheeler of A’reka has been paying A huge watermelon. that holds out a per­ petual invitation to th«* thir-ty visitor, at­ I.inkville a visit. He is inten-ted in thv tracts much attention at the Mechani« - -aloon business at both place-. Mt—-r- Youmans arc now traveling fair in Portland. It wa- -ent frtmi Sardim creek. Jackson county by B. F Miller, a-a over the county taking orders for grafting. gift to G. H. Andrew-, the trea-urvi of the They umh r-tand their bu-incs-. O. A c. R. R. it i- no sardin«\ -ays the "< >rrgonian." w Win A Mis- Katie Chitwood of Ashland ha- re­ turned from her vi-it to Coos hay. h c I ! 1 l» *_ c « Fred. Walp«>le of tist. was here Tuesda T B. Vale and T. wert' here yesterday. & o . s 7. « Zf- o v M Higher il 3-1 30 1 4 5 41! 37 Grammar.. . ..... H OI IM 54; 4S Intermediate.................... ..11 66 5« 9 r 2y Primary 11 J72 T«»tal J. Conley of Lake county i- in town and may locat«* here. Sheriff’ Jarolw. for the la-t fortn hi- offi< ial di :igam I, DEPARTMENTS. M r- W. J. Plvmale will go to Portland on a visit this wecK- P. Avery and Geo. Jone- of Lake county are gathering beef t attle, preparatory to making a drive south. w Ti i . IV IV | al •ket. i I i A «{/«. lavali "Í tr 11 < u Mr- th w I i r II..n own w U r nextw «I and household gouils. $K»,251 : In 4,36Z, valued at fl<»>.9*2 « atti®. 8 'so, |i.ü» 127, sheep, 22.29»;. ♦2*».::jti: -wine. I2.31ti |J4,(m>. Gru— value of property, I ’,.‘H«L«»24 indebtedness, $7u5.481: « xemption 1217 714 taxable property. 12.13* 42t» n of ¡-dis. 11M. I • V id ,1 a«rv 4»i LM»*; re-. ro imp: li ( er. «1. w a f< Il T 1 Frank Anderson of the Klamath agency* is iu the vallev. in of Sardine creek and W. P. Ann- creek visited Jacksonville week. Tl .w nom.. //./,/. /•< mu Uncle Fred. Heber is seriously ill. we are sorry to say. t ti I ). The Salt creek school closed la-t week with an entertainment, which proved quite st and ! interesting. Geo. Mason, who has been in at the • barge of thi- school for the past three ! inonth-, ha- proved an efficient teacher and gave genrial sati-faction. of k . so . vi Mrs. Annie ( base is paying this place visit. I and having a good stock of material, will no doubt give full satisfa» tion. of tllf K iit w a . v ti o a . Our old friend Ben Haymond of Rock Jesse Dollarhidi of Ashland ha- sold om* ments, tombstones, eti., has been putting of hi-cottages to Mr- C«ilver of Pho nix. 1 up -ome tine in irble-work in the Jat k-oii- Point made u> a « all last Tuesday. who will probably resit!«* there hereafter. ville cemetery. IL- has a tirsi-( la.*i> me­ Doug. Jones is paying hi- parents, who Johnny Singletary, formerly of Rook chanic iu his employ and oilers superior in- re-ide at Roseburg, a brief visit. * Point, is now a resident of Portland ami i- ducements in his lim^ Max Levin-on, representing the •'Orego­ in the employ of the Oregon Tran-fcr Co A numljer of R(‘puhli« an- in thi- county nian,” "’as in the valley this week. J. M. Childers ami family have returned There arc some rumors to the effect that will vote for Cleveland. They say (hey railroad work will lie rr-ume«l at an early ; want a change. It cannot be any worse to from their visit to Wa-hington territorx date: but wc hear of nothin'-'’ authentic V«'t. | have a new administration for four years J. H. Oatman. M Liddle and H Ammer laud give the Democrat- a chance to make a large man of Eden pre«-in« t were in town»ion-. dav. Emil DeRoboam will not go to California as reported, but ha- re-opened the wagon- •-hop iu the rear of P. Donegan’- place of I busine-s. He i-an vxi » llent wheelwright, Phu 1 -umiiiary <•! I V j L Caro s b\ pai pi : ns o » .• • X A P. O. Building. Jacksonville XX < »rn oi s»/ iH'fmi' < onrt. The Supreme Court of Oregon commenc­ ed it- regular fall term on the <»th. The fol.owing i- a ii-t of ca-es xvliich have been appealed from thi-.judicial di-triet . < W. Broback. appellant, v-. W. P. Hull, rr-pondvnt : appeal from Luke county. The State of Oregon, appellant, v- Henry Klippci. re-pondent; appeal from Jack-on county. C. A. Uog-\v *ll. ;q pellant. x-. II C. Wil­ son. re-pondent: appeal from Lake county. W. S Webb, Sr. respondent, vs. L. M. Nicker-on, appellant appeal from Klam ath countx. Three gentlemen from Wi-< <»nsin. a< ¡hath of a loony Iliff. qiiaintnm »■- of A. L. Reuter ofja« k-on ’¡’he Sacramento (<'al J “Bee" of the <8th villc. arc now in this section looking for inst. contain- the following death noliccuf 2,n»*i at re-of land They repre-ent a G« i man colony w hich desire- to locate on the a relative of S. p. June-of Jack-onville. and w ho pH id thi- plate a vi-it on two di He rent northwc-t coast o(«a-i«»ii- "La-t night there died in thi- R. K--‘liler. general manager of the <». A city the w ife of John A Gill. Her maiden C. R. R , accompanied bv H<»n. IL 1». Pre­ ble-, managing dire< tor of the Loudon namexva-Mi— Txvognod. but -he bore the bunk- on thi- co.-i-t. came up in the pre-i- name of her stepfather, being « ailed Mi— (h nt - ( ar la-t week, on a tour of inspec­ ! Nottingham. She was married but about a year ago. xva- well known and popular in tion. They (lid not rcniiin lour. society, and noted for her amiability and She leaves a We xx < re thi- week pleased to sec our old -wcetne— of di.-po-ition. daughter but a few dax - old.' friend John Si-cmore. now a resident of -------- — <— Wa-co county who brought hi- family to It la the home-place in Sam's valley a few day- \\ • keep con-tantly on hand a full a---«rt- -ince. where they will reside 'hiring the im nt ot’ legal blanks, -m b a- warranty and xvintet He will return to hi- -to« k ranch (|iiit( laim deed-, real estate and chattel however. mortgage-, school a--c-.-ment schedules, lea-c«, powers of attorney, clerk’-.-heritTs. * ¡.¡Mt of •!ttrortt. -( bool 'iipri intcndeiit'-. a—«•—<>r's. consta­ The following i- the li-t of person ble > and iu-iH c‘- blanks of all kinds, mm lected by the county com mi—inner- to -erve mineral affidavits, attorney - -limnum-e-. a- juror- during the ensuing year: : Eli road -upei vi>or’s receipt-, bond- for deed, \dam-. Win. Angle. A Alford. J A . An- mechanic’s liens, acknowledgment-, etc., etc., ail printed after the latest and best der,-"'. <». N \ndcr-oii. S. B \lfred . W form- ana for -ale at reduced rates. II Atkinth and Kith; Ashland, 17th. 18th ami Brown I. < 'on-Iant.J. < olcman, J. A. Crain. luth Wagner creek. 20th: Jacksonville. B. F I'rouch. R A. Cook, W ( ameron, L. 21-t. 22d ami 23d . Sam‘- Valley. 24th < hap pel. J A. < a rd well. J . Dodge. P. Dulin, and 2Gth : Medford. 27th . Wildcrville, John Dosier. E. Dimick. I. J. (’. Duncan, Riddle, ,30th . (¡lendale. 31-t. S. J Dav. R. S Dunlap. W. W. Erb. H. C. T/fc Poorhouse, the frrarrttnd Victory. Fleming, J. J. Frya r, J. D. Fountain. J. B A-llMoRI . I l.LI.XolS.—J^ie 'Citizen" pul>- Faith I. Given N S Goodlow.W. J. Greg. • >ry. N Grimsley. Robert Goodyear, Jacob li-he- the following fai ts : Ahram Beaver, ;ni inmate of the Cols county. Illinois, G ibriel. J W (». Gregory. I. Gartman. M, certifies that he mi tiered several V Hurst. It. Hall. G. T. Hvr-hb< rgcr. <>. i year- with the m<»>t acute rheumatism, so Harbaugh. J N II »< kcr-mith. S B. Holl. that he could not labor, aud finally became so poor and prostrate he wa* sent to t *' hr M. A Houston, B. Haymond. J. A. Han­ |MX»rhonsr. The ** physicians there gave him ley. II. V. Helms. F. B Inlow. G.W.Isaac-. up and -aid he must ' die. ’ * hut. as a last ( nam e, they tried St. JacobvOil. A few • F. M. JctTrie*. Will. Jackson, Ja- Kent. J application- gave relief and by it- contin- Kimc.G.W. Lanze. J. T Layton. J. S. Lacey. Ued use he wa- enabled to leave hi1 bed. ___ ... , J. M M itnej A Meyer« V Miller J. N. To ’hl- i- added . the certificate of the Super- Mansfield,J McDonough.H. C. Mulvany.C. intend« nt. to the truth of the statement and < McClendon. Thos. Martin. F. J Martin, to hi- beliefThat the mau’s life wa-saved bv the use of the Great Remedy. IC B. Matney. C Magruder. J. M. Nichols. Commenting upon the foregoing, the J Nunan. T. A N’ewtn in. G. Naylor. P H. •‘Citizen'’ say-, editorially. a-folioxv- "We Owing*. John O’Brien. J. A <»bviichain, are plea-ed to In* able to testify’ to the cor­ M. Pur iin. F. M Piyinule. J. A Pankey. rectness of the above, as the case came di rectly under our notice; anyone desirim M E Pogue, s. Randle-, J. M. Robert*, T. further information can correspond will II Stimson, L. Sbideler, 8. II. Stephens. this office.’’ ------ DEALER iN Louisiana State Lottery Company GENERAL MERCHANDISE *• H’r do hereby certify that wc fotperviHC thr arrait Rex. R. C. Oglcnhy. Jas. \V. Jarvi- and Mi— (»Ilie Evana. VANHORN FIRESTONI At Asldanl.OnTin< t. Oct<»bi l»Uh. to Mi. and Mt-. Nort. Eddiug-. a sou IU1 t-p< »under. 8PAKL1N On William- rn»««k. Oct. lt»th. t«» M and Mrs. H. H. Spa^hn.a daughter. KINGSLEY N»»ar Ashland. Oct, 7th. to Mr. and 1 iicorpnrntt'd in 1-6- for 25 year* by the Legis­ Mrs. R. Kingsley, a son. lature ior Educational and Charitable purpose»— llll.L In A-hland, Hept. 2-th. to Mr. and Mrs. with a capital of >1. iii.uu u> which a reserve fund of $55u.ui*i ha> -I’lre lws*n add«i. Wni. lhll, a son. By an ov4«rwh'«hning popular vote it* franchise NININGER In A-hland. Oct. 8th. to Mr. mid wa- nnd'«n pa»t of th« pr. -.-nt Stat« Co; -t itution Mrs. W. T. Nininger, a son. adopt.-I 1». «•. 2d. A. D. 1-7*.». Div only ljott»«rj ever vot»«d on and “ndorsod by the poop' • ■ | S!;tO . im ft. PRUETT In Manzanita prerr < t. Oci. JMh, pneumonia. J. M. 1‘uiwlt. aged about »»A ye ai TERRILL In Little Butte pn-cinct. (let. ml., of scarlet fever, a son of Mr. ic.d Mr.-, .h-fl. Terrul; air's! about 5 years. C(»LL1NS In Ed»«n prfcinct. Sept. 22d. Martha Ann. beloved wife of Jas. W. ( ollma; aged IB years. M(»(»MA In A*hland. Oct. 3d, of typhoid f« v< r. Mr-. A. R. Moonia. SAI.I MARSH At Sterlingvill**. O<«ter 14th. of diphtheria. Madison, son of Joseph and Ella '’•ihmarsh; aged about 2 jears. Wt *Tl' -At Rock Point, Oct. 14th. of intormit- ♦o! fever. Charlt* Tuffs, son of Henry L. and Ha ‘e A. White; ag(*d 3 years and 19da -. HANN’.x In this city. Oct. 1 Ith. Silas P. Hanna, a native of New York; aged 60 years. 7 months and 9 days. WALLACE -On Wolf creek. Oct. 12th. Benjamin Theodore Wallace, youngest -on of M. T. and R. R. Wallace; aged 15 year«. II month- and two days. CALDWELL At (»old Hill, Oct. sth. A»onzo( .. infant son of < ’. IL and Lvdta A. Caldw II. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieve« and rur«i RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, NA< H A< HE. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QlIXSY.SWELi.IXGH. »rnaiNM. Soreness. Cuts. Bruises. FROSTBITES. Bt'BMB, BCAMMk And allother bodily achea and -mina. FIFTY CENTS « BOTTLE. Hrddbynll DrngflM«and Dealer*. Directions in !l Ini.KUiqjeA The Charles A. Vognler Co* tfeWMOTr, io A VOGEIXR • 004 ItelitaMr«. ML, UI L Very Reasonable Rates. Give me a <«njl and smp for yn«ir*4vw MW MILLER AUCTION SALE I Live Stock, Farming Implements Hay, Grain, Etc. Hw <>rotid M**i(le Number l»rnui*igs lake plnee monthly. It never «cile- or fNWtpfinMl. % SI’IIM‘111 «»1*1’011 t I \ I I s IO U I \ VI oil I I > J I III \|\ I H < ,|{ A X I > III: AW IN«. (LASS I. IN 1 III \( 4DI M\ Ob MI SK NEW ORLI \NS. I I I SDAY Octo, brr II. ism I73U Monthly Diawinv. ( Th« will „.¡I», , utlhl. nuri ,i.s piccn .. nilj,w »oath of Aaldand, e Saturday. Oct. 25. 1884. Capital Prize. 875 000. ini’lmn1iÌ2!.H,Ork- “"I ’U'4 i'rain *,rd oi'ra:,x •"mnch- 100.000 Tickets a» Five Dollar. Fa. b Fraction«, in Fifths iu uroDortion. I.IHT OF PRI7F.» 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 1 1 1 ô 5 10 2o lut 3(«l !<»«) do do . . . do do ........ .. .............. PKI 7.18 OF fturm.................. ................ d<» of am . do of put .... do !9«>................... do of 3l) do of !<■» «lo of a» ................ do of ■ . APPROXIMATION PR1Z.FH, y Approximation Prize« of .<75 i 9 dn do Tn Hi, 9 do do 25" OFFICE STORE - Fin® Mar** and CMow»ra. nrarl, new. Two Wiucon» »nd Othei Farming Implement» ikrms Twelve monili»' credit, with *t>t>ro* *ecuntj. or a liberal discount for cmh. ____________ __ __________ J. BOUCK. BusinessNotice. Tlu. L. lonotif, th* imblie | h„p inw.(,. , *' ,,M‘ “""'I'«*»' cXr<- • < »lif.,rp,»»,„i l-jfth Mr.-t., wh»ro I will I- 1W7 Prizes, HUiountinK to . *° ’«“«"«♦ l»u»ihww. ,a<-h . 015.5(1» tíTlL-1’ Application f<»r rat.«- tn club- should be mafie the drawing up of only to the otli< e of the <*<>in|»an> in N» w (»rh-an-. For further information write clearly, giving full add i - hhm . Make I*. <). Money Order* payable and aadree- Regi-ter»«d letter- to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. New Orbwji- Iji. POSTAI. XOTfCM and ordinary letters by Mail or Express tall eutna of MA and upward« bv Expr«’** at our rxpen*e> to M. A. DACPHIN, NewOrlaan*. La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN. 6o7 Heventb Ht.. Washington. D. U. WHEAT WANTED DEEDS. XOKTGICB. BfllBS, AGttRIETfr L>w»«e. PowiMof Attorn*;, Hili« of Hair, «te. abstracter or land title «, H*ll Ih-al F*t»t*. aiola tend tomakina out Hom* »trail «nd Prr-rmpUun |mi*-ra ; al«o draw up all iMp*r* prrtiumiK Io th* mtloumt S natatr* < ollector of Account«, prompt remittatft e». mud«»* ' InvK«tmeut Kecuntim a H*x ialt); Jackaon Ckmn ’ ty Hcnp bought and aold. Prompt wply made to all letter». ’ f'*r«** ni tu cordanre with th® tim«®. Kt Tn»t: RESIDING ON THE’ 1 lMr«Uneth«plaiw in Willow Hpriu«« precinrt iackaotirjlle. deMire» to purrluuw a con-id.-nihle quantity of whmt.and will tmy forty-fir® cent® in caa L per bu« i»4. d ‘hvpr^I nt his barn For any further («articular® enquire of ... n « THO8. < HAVNER. V5 lllow Spring- Precinct, Oct. 8. Wine and Brandy! WANTED A1 AL,.J. XJ mes trv E KNEKorric THE UNPEIWKiNEp TAKE» PUCA8VBE IK 1 inforwtnK thv pablir that be now ho* no hawi men , » Uw "lock of mpnrior Win» «ad Brand, h» will wll in qanntiti«, to »ait narrtawm. /X to »«11 Tenso»'» Cii.r.iKATLD Mu-» and Anfe C h AKT». Osi H cndhij . D ollam iat month guarRiit«.<*11 M m> Pi.