DEMOCRATIC TIMES., general motes and new «. MEDFORD ADVERTISEMENTS The tux levy iu Marion county ia 21 HEPTEMBEH 26, 1884. mill». RIDA Y IO FARMER’S STORE, L* Grande is improving and growing | rajidly. liti 1HKMN. MEDFORD. ■ he rivt KN ha. wrircnlntlun ol I,*•*., j Xx-Senator Mitchell ia juat recover- He largest »..juveit by any nmapaiwr in( from a serious illneaa. ■ betwee« 1‘arlland au.l Kr.l I ’ole’a circus haa lieen performing at llutr.l al. a dl.taurr «1 UOO mil.., Il i Sin Francisco to iiumeiiHe crowd«. liereture offers I.. be.1 on the gov­ le advertisers. Our Hal io prlurlpall, ' Twelve men are employed _ _ ______ ouUnrri ;o Jankann, Joarplilue anal ernment rnment work at the (lie mouth of the tlie"Co Co- tiiisineMM ai«M huille. .«■nmaib eMullee. oipuld take not. ot this. i. Seventeen ncWHpapert in Illinois that Miipported Garfield are now supporting Cleveland. ANGLE 1 PLYMALE, Piops. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity Wool to the amount of 200,000 pounds and whol< someness. More economical has been stored in the Grange house at strength than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in Roseburg the past season. competition with the multitude of low tout, -hort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only Lakeview is expecting to have a steam in cans. R oyal H akng P owdeb C o .. 108 Wall St., sash and door facto* y, to be started by New York. parties from the Willamette. sjUHl'S. : Sheridan Bros, and 8. Hamilton’s : new brick buildings at Roseburg will be constructed with iron fronts. MEDICINES Destructive fires have been raging in “w woodsand mountains al^out Cres- «• a «', *■«««>!• 4»mngi. AYER’S James G. Blaine served asu delegate from Maine in the Know-Nothing Con­ The wheat crop of France amount» vention at Pliiladelphia in 1856. tc 316,000,000 ituithe]«. The Willamette University at Port­ The total taxable amount of property land will soon commence the erection of in Douglas county is 82,957,304. a medical college to cost ¡125.000. Unloading of old rags in American Salisbury, Hailey <& Co. have disposed ports fiom foreign ports is prohibited of their interest in the Coos Bay stage after September 1. line to Laird osed to be the remains of the Jersey standing, much of which is now de­ nosquito. stroyed. The Greenback party, prompt to re­ pond to the touch of Butler’« master- lanil, is putting morality in its pocket md making bargains in any direction n which it can obtain an advantage. ! It is sail! that James G. Biaine is a stockholder in the Union Pacific rail-; <>iul. It is to t>o hoped that the ex- I.ensos of the campaign will not inter- ere with prompt payment (>f his share of the road’s indebtedness to the gov- irnnicnt. At the wedding of S. D. Stovor and tfrs. M. J. Scott at Burnside, Ill., on , Sept. 19th, canned fruit poisoned »ev-1 ■nteer persons, including tho bride nd the minister. Three victims, John Wilson, Jennie Estinghauscn and Mrs. irecdcn will die. The engineers of the Oregon Pacific e engaged in locating the route lirough the Caso«u the together with the good-will and the huUdiugmand County Court for Jo-ephine county, Oregon, his tlm entire slock of iron, timber, etc.; also a fin»» final account as such administrator and by order dwelling and lot. All of this property is in first- of said Court, Tuesday, the 6th day of January, HARDWARE, class condition and centrally located in the county 1885, at the hour of HI o'clock a . m , is set for hear­ teat of Klamath county. This is an excellent op­ ing objection.«to said tinul account; and all per­ portunity f<>r anyone dc-dringa first-class busi­ sons interest' d in said estate are hereby notified to ness and refill ‘nr ■ location. For further particu­ appear aud tile his or her objections to said ac­ lars apply at the T imes office, Jackacnville. count on or before said day. Published by order of Hon. G. Crockett. Judge COAL OIL, LIQUORS, of said court. (HAS. D. SEXTON. CIGARS & TOBACCO. FARM FOR SALE. Administrator of said estate. Dated^ept. 5, 1884. Which they will sell for cash at a very small profit ,’HK VSDEltSIHNEI). RESIDING ON liOGUl Also, agents for Buckeye River, offer* for sale his desirable piece of real Notice for Publication. cetate, containing 265 acres, situated 41 miles northeast of Jacksonville, all good, tillable land, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. / with house, barn and other buildings on it. It August 1881. 1 will be sold at a low figure for cash in hand B aines headers . Here is a first-class bargain for somebody. Foi VOTK E IB. HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BCHUTTLFR WAGONS, further particulars apply to the pronrietoi 13 following-nani'd settler has filed notice of and JOHN DEERE PLOWS. on the place. LOT. AC 1' RICE. his intention to make tinul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made b< fore the Register or Receiver at the U. 8. Land Office LAND FOR SALE >'t Roseburg, Ot gx>n, on Friday, October 10, 18x4. viz: William F. Kennedy, homestead No. 27Is, T.Ii FARM OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SITU- for the 8. W. ' ( of 8. W ’, ami Lot 5. Sec. 10, N. In the same building they have u Drug Store, l i tt I in the vicinity of Grant's Pass P.O., \V. G of N. W. 11 ard Lot ft. 8< e. 15. T. 34, 8. R. 1 where will be kept the most select medicines for that contains 179 acres, most of which is good \V. He names the followmg witnesses to prove prescriptions, ard the choicest soil nr.d under fence, is offered for sale. Then his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, are a n unber of buildings on the place and plenty -aid lard, viz: Levi 'Dawson ard Wm. Knighton PATENT MEDICINES For further particulars call on •f Eagle Point. Jackson Co., Oregon George Wil­ Now in general uae. WM. PI VfT Grant’s Pass. iams of Marshfield, Ci osCo.. Oregon, and Win. DR. VR00MAN, Beardsley of Sumner, Coo« (’o., Oregon. Druggist and Apothecary WM F. BENJAMIN. Register. N 0ELEBRATED BAIN WAGONS, I § DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Croup.— A Mother's Trllitit;« •• While in the country last wii t< r n ' ■' >y. three yearsohl, «as taken ill will < i- n; • t seemed fis if he would die trian suai p? lalioii. One of the family suggested U m uf - O’ f. .'ER’S CHl.KKl PE' TOKAL, a hoi: < I which was always kept in the house, tv is tried in small and freque"t do io our ilelight in less than halt an h< i< little patient was brtallimg easily. Th- « < lor said that the < lli f:liv I’lcroitM I ; saved my darling’s life. Can you wvm ei our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, M rs . E mma (I fkiv . 161) West 12«th St., New York, May P “1 have used As fill’s (' hkhrv P i < h i in my family for severi’l tears, ami ««• i hesitate to pronounce it die most e!!< > I- remedy tor coughs mid e lds we have • tried. A. J. CRAM Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, lf>2. I suffered forci^’ t y-’ars fromBrcml ami after trying manv i cim-dii s with i< ; cess, 1 was cured by die use of At I U*s < Il ry I’m roit i n. * J oseph W aldi v . . Byhalia, .Miss., April fi, 1>82. ••I cannot say enough :n praise of Av i C herry P ectoral , Imii ving as 1 do il . but for its us“ I should long since have i from lung troubles F. Blt.wpo.x." Palestine, Texas, April 22, U82. No case of an affection of the tbn :>t lungs exists which ca’nnot be greatly ri t by the use of A yer ’ s ( herrv I eck . i . and it will ahi'tiya cure when the diseast i not already beyond the control of medicine. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDFORD or the purpose ot publicly examining the A - STEAM FLOURING MILLS i«’ essment Boll and correcting nil errors in vuiun­ ion. description, qualities of lands, lots or other aving recently been kefititd wit »roperty. Said Board will continue in session improvements, are now turnin' rom day to day until said roll has been duly ex­ H out all a modern first-class articlj of flour, which is put up ii mined. Ail parties interest«d will take due h Corner C an I Six h Streets. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing that he has opened his place of business in the now town of Medford, Oregon, and is now rre­ pared to furnish, in quantities to suit, ' , barrel sacks, and every sack is warranted t* contain 49 pounds of flour. If you don’t believ this, just compare a sack of our flour with am other biand offered for sale in this market, am note the difference in weight. Groceries. Provisions, TOBACCO ANU CIGARS, CANDIES, NUTS, ETC. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY My stock is frosh and first-class, and I propose to keep » full assortment of everything in my line and sell at NO (iff EAT 12R S U y the claptrap nostrums of un­ scientific pretenders, than the everlasting hills by t he wtaai that rnitb throu zh their <1< lilos. For saleHby all Druggists and Dealers generally. THE LOWEST RATES. —M AT— JACKSONVILLE, ORKGON MEDFORD OREGON, A. D. CARRICK. J. W, Cunningham, Prop. Blacksmith and Wagonmaker, SVO 1 wr 1 ** iiv i uuj HORSESHOEING 25 years lite l rn.„. ;t u U8E- »l_Iriuigpk of tho Age: SYMPTOMS OF A Livery and Feed Stable, TORPID LIVER. WM. EGAN, Proprietor. L oh » of:ipprtite. Iluwolacostive, Pain In thn bend« wi:u n dull nenvatlon in the back part, I’nlu nuder the shoulder- blade. 1- uliacMH nflcr eating, with ndis- inclinntiun t«» exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, bow spirits, with a fceiiua of having neglected some duty. Weariness, IM- zz I mcsa , Fluttering at »he lieni-t. Dots hclorotho eyes, Ilendnche over the rigLt eye. Restlessness, with 'Ml tlt en ms. Highly colored Urine, and I Having just completedcomfortable and com modious stable, we are now ready for all buainera in our line. Horses boarded and good turnout* furnished on short notice. Batea reasonable as anywhere else. WM. EGAN BUY THE BEST QUALITY CONSTIPATION. Union India Rubber Co.’s ’* UTT’S PILLS arc especially adapted o such cR«e«, one dose effects such a i ha -k • nffcciintr t s to a-Jon is lithe sufferer. ! 'iey Increase t he A ppet.itc,.”nd cause the ' dvr» Takeout Flculi.t.i- 'tlie system is nourished, n’ <1 byih r Tonic Action on the Mi^estive Oi-eaus. Itrumlur Stools are |»r xtlie- I. ^Frice t>5c. 4 > PURE GUM GRACK PROOF Wagons and Carriages Built to order. DEWARE OF IMITATIONS. C Hector and Notary Public, STERLING SAW-MILL 6 Miles soutb of Jacksonville, TH NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY AND 18 1 prepared tn fn.-n.-»h the market with evrry de •cription of lumber of a «uf*»n«»r quality at the lowvat rate«. Bilb «wr500 or every case of Seminal Weakness or private liseaee of any kind or character which ho under akes and fails to cure. Of either sex admitted to the PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE On any week-day of tho year. • i T’e Ceil, containing informa DRY GOODS, , tion of tlic course of i tudy, rates of tuition. CLOTHING, ■' boc.rd. examinations, etc., and cuts of BOOTS AND SHOES, ! ¡uni ornum ntal penmanship, free. Addrcs ' HATS AND CAI’S, A. P. APYSTRONG, LADIES’ MILLINERY, Box 10L P ortland , O r HARDWARE, WOOi'WARE, In. writing, please mention this paper. GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS, VIurATGS AND TODAO' O, ETC. Highest Cash Price Paid for Country Produce H H u___ , MIDIH.LAtni) HO. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who re troubled with too frequent evacuat'n:> of the ladder, often accompanied I y «lipl.t • n aitii p or -liming sensation at d a weakening of ll.c sj»tem n a r.'.: un'r t!i • putiert rai l < > iu court fer. (In xemicing the urwery deposits a ropy k-edimenr Anil often co four fl. nrd s«-m.’times »mail p.ti- -.eaof albumen will appear, or the colf a thin, milkish hue, era>n rh*rgirg f<» a.clatfk X-d 4«« '. ■ mrv fTHWy TH« F Wno lie or tliisd ificnlfy. t of th" cause, which s tlm Mb-oitl -tago ff .-«ntiral wrnkrfF«. Dr. H. Af;li gu a rar» tee a pci feet to II A. M. ( f>i.-ultntion free. JlH.rcUgh ex- irnir fii i'jn and advice, / 5. Call or iwitlrtss • It. \ • 1 A « <>.. No Kearney St.. San Francis co. 'PIKICNIX RIVERY AND FZ2D STABLE MORGAN & DENI-IS, Props. ZIMMERMAN & SCHERRER, ,nil; • M. E. POGUE. 'a:n Jub». ......... Sup rior Turnouts ' BRAUNSCHWEIGER A CO Wholesale Liquor Dealers, PIBE KEWTI4KY IHtANIftx OF GOLDEN ANCHOR AND BEAR GRASS WHISKIES SALE Having aaenmed the «ole ma r age men t of »hia VOTILE IR HEREBY GIVEN THAT I MAY _ ______ ____ HE I NDFKMHrNFD OFFERS Ft Hi ha I a : «♦sole, the proprietor takes pleasure in ii.fonn 1" be found at th« Court House in Jack.sor.».lie d xlford. txwre’lier w:th th«' h»« variety stt. . _ 12-2* mg the public that he to call and settle wi‘h«»nt delay. Gram i P im Au«. I. UH. I 0. K j UUCWBII t. b VUUKH1L8. Mvdfurd. Or. Buck Foiut, Aug. •. U*4. T Donent IbnM»m*bl<» Rat'*». X cn , 0s niid 70 .Mmiison Mrcrt. TOSEPHISK OU VTY. THE SUHf Rit R» •J tak • ple-i un> in fi.rniint' tlu»public thn' i !.. y bave rec.’atly i>nt ’n’a new and commodtow« F< try- best at the old place ou Rogne river, and an pre- parrd to ferry ail wlwd‘ -ire to croee in a «af» ar expéditions mannerat reaso-irhln rat«-. We gn anfeesatisfaction. JOHNSTON BROH H un LAND. OREGON. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE «»ALMER & REV’S 125,000 BálUK! Also |m»pri«H<>ra of th« »•»•l''l>r»»t«l A PTTTVRg WHIHKim HltlPTSÎD OIRWT fh .»4 OVE R astern DIHTTLLERY IF Bf> BUSINESS FOR MA< H1\E BLAiKHMITHING A REPA1RJNG *. trOBMERI.V VAMXOY’B) Jtuup nS-Joit Prrci- et Sole Agents for the Oak Valley Distillery Co’s. The Public Schools, 31 A <11 1 INI1X1>4, For all iH’casion«. H<»r*ot* bianb»'! at reasonable —DKAI.EKH - rut» •*. and good accommodations affor 'r *1. A fnir -hare of public patronage solicited. HFW AND SECOND HAND MACHINERV, MORGAN A DENNIS. ANO ORIST MILLS. ETC- Johnston’s Forry. Sau Francisco Cal. Stieet. Is a never failing cure for Nervous Debility, Exhauste5; sent to any iddress on receipt of price, or ('.(). D.. secure from observation and in private name if desired, by A. * . .HI > » »% . .VI. • Il K«>iirny Nlreef. Sun I rmu hcti. • r |, siimpi»- BoUle Free: sent on application >y letter, stating symptoms, sox and age. Com- nunications strictly confidential. D k . M intie ’ s K idney R emedy . N ephuetiîtm - •ures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder complaints lonorrhœa. Gleet and Lcucorrhoea. For side by ill druggists, £1 per bottle or six bottles for tft. Dn. M intie ’ s D andelion P ii . t . h are the best •nd cheapest D yspepsia ard B ilt O vs cure in he market. For sale by all druggists. HODGE. DAVIS A ( O., Portland, Or.. Whole- •ale Agent« DR. SPINNEY ! Snch an FN I HONEMIlAijl'M BUILDING, IH IN KE- 1 ceipt of a full assortment of THE GREAT English Remedv ! ! No. 11 Kearny ¡St., rrcatM nil • hroiiic nini Speeial «liscaNcer GENERAL MERCHANDISE, he undersigned taker pleaslke in announcing that he is now carrving sen- gers and mails fri-wrekly between Jacksonville and < rescent City, via Josephine county. Stages leave Jacksonvilte every Monday, Wed­ nesday ard Friday mornings at 3 a . M.. arriving st 223 Waldo in the evening, where close connectioa is 1 made next morning for Crescent City, Cal. Passengers earned comfortably ard with dis­ patch. All businese promptly attend«! to at rea- wmabie rates. P. Mr M AHON. Proprietor. R. THegxTaw « Max. rrop*». LACES. I GOODYEAR RUBBER TO. California Street, Jacksonville Ogn. JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. AND STOVES, TIN, GRANITEWARE, i THE FAVORITE STEAMER, WAGON MATERIAL, Such as Anti prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles I BUTTER, £CCS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, CEESE, ETC of every description made to order. Terms rea­ K. H. PkAKK. J r . ) . sonable and satisfaction guaranteed. H. M. RUNYON, Call and see for yourselvee. and 1 will show you a lead which was never before opened for you Repairing a specialty. 8. P. HANNA. I Hoping the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me may be cont iijnetl. Ran I SILKS MEDICAL. GRANT’S PASS RUBBER BOOTS. Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the Pure Gum Springs on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or brrhkiu r. Wo are now making them with RUBI».K AND ASBESTOS Soles, which will make them last more than twic< as long as an? Rubber Boots made. FOR BALE BY ALL DEALERS. All kinds Rubber Belting, Packing, Hprings, Hose. Clothing, Boots ard Shoes, Etc. | VEILINCS, Land Office at Boaebnr?. Oregon, ) Sept. 16. 1884. J VOTlt E IB HEREBY, GIVEN THAT THE ¡.’I foliowing-named settivr has filed notice of hia ntention to make final p»>ofi.’ support of bin tlaim, and that sa:d prom will be made before he Judge or Clerk of JaflkBon ponnty. Oregon, it Jacksonville, on Baturdw, Oct. 25. 1884. viz: Richard Davis, f dgm . m V wu - D.J3. 4412, for he BEG of BL*i «JMbwpjgff 11 1 , Ml»l NWU of NW«4 'r. 37 8. R2 east. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his tontinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aid land, viz: Joseph Kanales, Thos. .Davis and Samuel Randles, all of Brownsborougn, Oregon, ind James Mam-field of Willow Springs, Oregon. WM. F. BENJAMIN, Register. FLOWERS. COLLARS, CUFFS, ORNAMENTS, BONNETS. HATS. RIBBONS, FEATHERB. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF A SPECIALTY. The Medford House is conveniently situated REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. and well fitted for accommodation of the travel­ ing public. The table is supplied with the beet A good supply of Hardwood and Wagon Mate­ in the market, and the b«- oave me up. 1 tried A yer ' s C'iiEi i \ I h ii»u al , which relieved my lungs, h<.i <-. sleep, ami afforded me the rest i fi t»; ¡or the recovery of my strength. I ' t continued use of the P ictorai . : p< i i mt cure was effected. 1 am lion i • I, hale and hearty, ami am sat.she. i i . kry i'ELTuRAl. .saved me. Iliit: \ » i F a iai i 1 • .iiigliam, Vt., July 15, 1H2. At Pomeroy wheat is sold for 35 cents The annual session of the. Sovereign i per bushel. Tn Lewiston it has been fraud Lodge of Odd Fellows convened sold for 28 and 30 cents per bushet, and .t Minneapolis. Minn., la t week. I. dull sale at that price. Millions of W of i bushels have l>een produced this year •• ’ Case of Astoria and Dr. Jo»eplii • G rat H air or W hiskers changed to a Portland werejm jdtendin the counties east of the mountains. G losst B lack by a single application of -Mitatives of th»» Grand Lodge of Orp- this D tf . It imparts p natural color, acts Mr Benjamin F. Butler passer}'th rough | instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or ;<>», and Dr. G. H. Clianco of Portland sent bv express on receipt of fl. •>f the Grand Encampment. | Milwaukee to-day. A gieat lumber of Office, 44 Murray St.. New York. the boys about town visited th« train to it reqnircH three akin» to make a i catch a glimpse of the eharrnjug widow 500 aeal-skin »aequo. Tlie native» of who nuij mashed iunoii the unsusceptibip editor of í Janka who capture the teals get forty the (he v< y Y for Oregon of tho New Or- ill produce 8,760,000 moks or la.c’X).- jeans World’. Expedition, which X) bn.hcl. of grain tbi. vear, of which December 1st and closes June 1st, 1885. 1,000,000 bushel, are wheat and 1.200,- j John W. Crawford of Salem will act as ■ JOO barley. Soins psr.on. estimate | substitute for Jaeob Mayer, nineh higher. j Athens (Ohio), Sept. 24.—Evicted and JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Three horse-tbieves. named Wilson, i unemployed miners are said to he com- Field «nd Armstrong, were arrested «t niitting depredations upon the small Browusville recently. This gang hns stock of the farmers in their vicinity, Office in Dr. Aiken’s building on California been operating in Eastorn Orego., sev- ; owing to destitution. The farmers are street. All businoee entrusted to my care will receive oral weeks anil have stolen over 100 afraid to take legal measures to prevent prompt ard careful attention ’.lead of valuable horses. When cap- them. More of Blaine’s prosperity, G. A. HUBBKI.L tore«! the tbieve.had posae.sion of oyer A digpat(.|, frnm Re^m aaWrts that a I LUMBER FOR ATT.1 thirty head of horse» unsoai. O.. era grgncoGerman alliance has been ar- Ixilonging to the ganng are Mill at large ■ . France to obtain certain terri- . but officer« are in closo permit. torv on condition of not opposing Ger- Brunswick, AN. X. J., many’s claim to two porta on the North OrUlUWltB, »» • , ia shaken to — - the .... | ¿I ■ failure - •• ▼cry center by the worst baok SJ ml Both countries are to assist each other in acquiring colonies. »».I «A.:*. lit «nii-ide» snioizlna yet vol chronicled <*li rr»n 1 d At! in in I | OtllP «nd sori»» of the 'United States. C»«t ier Hill_of the , The people of Wasco county r are cir- National Dank epecrilate.l with $7,000, , dilating a petition to the legialatnn of Dun M money belonging to depositor» I for a law to compel tran«po-is- aiHl lûbJ Iasi it ill. Xi.!. He '-cr-ntitted «nieide. tion cov..p»niei 'o conduct e 'egitimate ami the president of the bank followed bnaineea, without excese of chargee and ■nit; alM • depoailor. Hundreds are without discrimination» diecriminationn against againet persons person, raiued and more »uicide* »re looked and localities, and upon a basis of »nd diiunce diitance conviyfd. convey*!. weight hauled and Executor’s Ao ice In the mutter of the estate of Julien lui-put. de. 'iierry Pectoral. STOVES, TINWARE Boston. September 19.—The American Political Alliance have nominated W. L. Ellsworth of Pennsylvania and Charles H. Watson of New York for President and Vice-President of the United States. The body of a young man was found a f'*w days ago on the summit between Antelope and Robber valleys, who evi­ dently had been murdered, as the body had been pierced with rifle balls.— Klam­ ath Star. The State University opened last week ‘ I with an increased attendance. The cn , suing year promises to be more prosper­ ous than any previous one. The attend­ ance is now too large for the college building. Saturday. Sept. 27, 1384. Teachers will please take notice tuid govern l themselves accordingly. W. M. COLV1G. County School Superintendent. VROOMAN & MILIxER, Mrs. Prof. Ida Shafer has opened a horse-training school in Yreka, teaching the latest method of the art. Also the age of a horse from his ninth day until he ir 21 years old. Au Albany correspondent of the Bea­ ton Herald gives a careful, detailed re­ view of the situation in New York State and conies to tho conclusion that Cleve­ land will have 50,000 majority in tjje The Sacramento /><» says that the San State. I Francisco and North Pacific Railroad is Ben. Butler is running for the tiosni- I to be extended to Ukiah, and that it is L'ation for judge of probate of Garfleid ; stated that the steei railshave been pur- county, 'V. T. That was all a mistake I chased for the extension. about his being a candidate for the Mancie, Ind., Sept. 19.—Milton, Ind., presidency, and he never stole any | was almost totally h’.’.rno-j !■?«* night spoons. The opera house, »h ug stui. and ousi- Those who have seen the ex Empress ness houses were burned. The loss will Eugenie within the past few weeks say i be among the thousands. she is rapidly breaking down, and pre­ During the past year 76 patents were dict that she will not much longer sur­ issued to citizens of Oregon, an average vive her husband and son, whose mem­ of one to eve«y 2,299 people. Residents of Washington received 21 patents, or i ory she mourns constantly. one to every 3,576 people. Gteat consternation has been created In Cincinnati 8,000 members of the ' in the Republican ranks by tho action of tho daily Di»teik h, the leading Re­ trade’s union are idle. More non-union publican organ at Elio, Pa., in taking men an* idle, in proportion to their num­ down the Republican ticket, which it ber. than union men, of which there are had hoisted after Blaine’s nomination. 21,000. More of Blaine’s prosperity. At the Lowest Possible Prices. 'FUERE WILL BE A PUBLIC EX KM. NATION 1 District School House in Jueksouvilie on BILGER 'll w.iter»*d and sutajeptible to cul­ tivation. The dwelling house and outu.uldings are in good condition, h.*8 des which tin »a is a cabinet shop supplied with superit r wat ?r. power. Fur further particulars, cn imre on the premises or address G. B. CALDWELL. William- P. O.. Or. ALTHOUSE WIND MILLS DRY GOODS & CLOTHING, FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE Have now Procured the Agenoy of the World-Benowned CANDIES, NUTS, Judge Sullivan of San Francisco will render a decision in the Sharon case within thirty days. Nate Lash, of Yreka, has come over to Ashland to take charge of the C. & O. Stage Co’s stock there. STOVES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, OILS AND PAINTS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LhÜAL ADVERTISEMENTS. rHF. UNDIJIHIGNED Ol»FEli8 FOR SALK A No. 1 g • co 2 ’! acrw of tillable land, «y inx near t’ui Ung • road, mx inifa» east of Jacksonv.lh'. PI ic is wdl improved; good well of watov for house uxt and living stream for stock. Alsu, 2ift acres lying withm half k mile of Plnr nx, all under Teuce; c-m at »mall exiiease be put tn cultivation. On the2iH-arrv farm there is k»J acres of grain and luiy growing that 1 will sell with the farm if dreir-si. Can give posseesion at an> time, l or particulars call on or address JOHN 8. HERRIN. Asirland. Oregon. Dealer* in We take pleasure in annouucing to the people that we have opened a business house in the new town of Yledfoid, Oregon, and are now prejiared to furnish, in quantities to suit, The Wunder brothers of Portland have discovered a paint mine near St. Helens, Columbia county. •San Francisco is excited over the ex­ clusion of a Chinese child from the pub­ lic school of that city. BILGER & MAEGLY j FOR SALE. ADVERTISING BUREAU! U» d have t»p hand a large num bn h they offer for sale a .it* to unit. HOLT A HARDIN. 40 »-7 MsDMom< Hi.. Maa ------- AMD AT— PALMER & REY’8 Pacific States Advertisicg Bureau' ,*• notice tlj»t anlaea îmTHlat” p»iy- _lelm will feke rt.-pe u» I NFORt E • i hi« is poeitiveljr the L*t notice a m ! wt wl at it »ey». D avid cbonkmillek . 1G Tribano Bufding, XEW YORK. Wt—t. 4 CMitnc'« re* »— irwl—