D e MU ü KATIC times Hcmocratic iiimesi. Published every Friday morning by CHARLES NICKELL. ijiua Ai# PHJPaiiija. t er Third and C Street* HEW TIMES BUILDING. bwcri ptlon : Oue copy DEMOCRATIC TIMES JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1884. VOL XIV ■SB-nni r ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK AdvenLuiients will be inserted in the TlMCh 1 nt the fullowl»« rate»; ' r«‘n lines, one insertiGii.. ........................... $2 SO i ‘‘ “ each subsequent insertion . ...... 1 (D Legal advertutemeate inserted reaeouably. A fair reduction from the above num made to . > early and time advertisers. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE NO. 39 i •» more complete by far than any other iu South ern Oregon., and compares farorahly with any in the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at Ban Franeiaoo rate*, and in a prompt und first-clase manner. E R REPUBLICANS. the TriAit/te’* supporters of Greeley in 77/2? GREAT IRISH MEETING /A JACKSONVILLE. HOME MANCFACTVRES. 1872 and accusers of Bl one in 1876 and -V2?IK YORK. When a Dem ’¡ratio paper tells how 1880, charging him with bribery and ONE OF THE PhOOREMSIVE TOWNS OF |—Rough lumber, though reduced iu It iu a clear case that the Deinocraf- SOUTHERN OREG 'N. Blaine grow i:*r*a fortune of million* other penitentiary crimes. price by machinery, liardiv pave its STATIC OF OBEGON. With no pronounced issues between are n<»t to have fair play from the As m a few years on a salary of $5,000 per U. 8. Sm-uor«. J. H. Slater, I. N. D<»'pl ;Uon- cost. The mitpnt of 500,000,000 feet gi .M4 nan. M George; Governor. Z. F. Moody; This beaut.. * bwn of abont 1,000 in­ i from the merchant mills of Oregon and »ear, or tells of tue corrupt use which the two great parties, we cau safely af snoiated Press iu this campaign. Every 8t ite freamirer. h. Hir»ch; Btat« Printer. W. H. AND ( Colman’s old stand.] made of his **wer as r speaker. Re ford to yield temporary executive con tliiutf aaid or doue by Blaine or Butlei habitants lies iu R »gue river valb»y.near . Washington in 1883, had it all been ex­ Byini; Supt. Public Instruction. E. B. McElroy: Ana .Every Species oi Auxu- be K'ip ■•me Judg»-H, J. H. vValdo, Chief Justice, W. rrol at this time to an honest man. is made the most of. while matters oi the Siskiyou mountains and arljoining ported rough, at 814 per thousmd, papei - denounce the state­ W. faayer, W. P. Lord. ine and Burning Dis­ pubheau ments as campaign slander. We would though he be a Democrat. And if great importance to the Democracy are California. It was settled in 1851 as a would have given the producers only a riBST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. eases Positively Cotnpri-iiig JackrMin. Josephine, Lake and • iow call the nth-.* tion nf our renders t< grave questions of public policy were dismissed with a few lines. This un­ mining camp, placer ruining being dis­ very «mall profit. Skilled labor and Cured. K'atn nh ooutitieo: Circuit Judgp, L. H. Webster; be following K.Ur cf Hun. Thad. C at issue, they cannot be determined by fairness is exemplified ia the report covered and worked on Jackson creek machinery add 100 per eent. to planed District Attorney, T B Kent. ind Applegate creek. The mining in­ lumber; 200 per cent, to that used for Tpt’ZEMA, or Salt Rheum, with its agonizinr Pound, whose oppd itu. • to Mr. Blaine the Executive. This is the prerogative sent to this coast of the great Iris! JACKSON COUNTY. AT THE BAN FRANCISCO Hereby informs the public that he is displaying lich'i g and burning, inbtantly relio.ed by b Senator, P. P. Prim; tteprowntative*», Tho». F. Ims caused a ptofoiind sensation, of Congress, the law making b.uuch Cleveland and Hetuliicks meeting in terest lias fluctuated during the last . floors; 300 per cent, to that used for at the above stand a tirM-class stock of warm both with Cutieura Soup, iird a single up B h IL Theo. Cameron; Cou ay J udge. E. DePeatt; plication of ('uticura thegreut Skin Cure. Thio duoughout th* ¿•rthu‘'St. He has for heretofore for a time, aud now under New York on the evening of the 28th of thirty years, and is of some interest yet. •»ash, and r4M) percent, to that used for C > n ni-s o iern, C. H. Pi''k«*n-<. W. J. Bodger»; repented duily, with two or three dimes of Cuti- •ears been an ’ j J • avering leader in the Democratic control. It is vastly more Angus*. Toe fact that such a meeting The |H\seut business interests of tbr mouldings. C ork. VV. H. Parker: Sb 'riff. A. S. Jacob«; Treaz cura licbolvent. the New Blood purifier, to keej nrer, N. Fielier: A»H«4>*or, J. A-hpole; Soho J 8u itnj ortant to good, government that llie was hekl was given, but no idea of its placo are sustained bv a large farmi ng Sash and door factories- have multi­ tho blood cool, the perspirat ion pure and unirritu- Republican par’v, always supporting p »rint“nd Hit. W. M. C ilvig; Surveyor; Ja». Jef ting, the bowel* open, the Liver and kidney* ac the entire tick‘s and has been very Republican pait.v be restored to suprem­ cimraflter. We have had to wait for the community through Rogue river valley. plied in cities and villages. T' e qnali- irey; Coro.ier, H. T. 1 ilow. live, will speedily cure Eczema, letter, Ringworm JiHBBHl NK COUNTY. acy in Congress than that the admiEis- arrival of the Eastern papers for tha*. This) valley is about forty-five mrles • y of buildings has improved in much imminent in i's counsels for ovei Paoru.aiH, Lichen, Pruritus, 8cal*ed Head, Dar- Senator. H. B. Mill *r; R jpre»i'tit itive. A. Porter; The New York World, of the day fol­ .n IJngth and averaging about eight the same ratio as tho time and cost has went v years. Ee was a leading mem tration of law be entrusted to au nn J. R. LITTLE. Proprietor. druff. and every apeciea of Itching, Boaiy, anG Count» Judge, G. Crockett; Commieiioners. A. Which he will »oil Pimply Humors of tho Bca’p pm I Szin, when th» her of tbe Stat Legislature in 1864 worthy partisan surrounded by bad lowing, contains a full report of th* mile} in width. The farms will average i diminished. Five hundred thousand H. Platter. J. M. Payne; CL rk, ('has. Hugnea; bent phytucimiH and all known remedies Sheriff. M. Ryder, TrwHMurer, Win. Naueke; A i «» hm - meeting and says: “The simple trrth about 160 acres each, and the valley is ■ dollars worth of these finishing* were 1866. 1867 lie waa ele.-teil counseL While Mr. Bl line is known t*or, J. T. Bryan; School Superintendent, A. J. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. Will McDonald, 2542 Dearborn 8t., Cldertg» • “Lie nt.man J («S flj ' ‘i in 1869, and was to be unw -rihy, G iv. ClevJland has m, tne gathering was ilje largest ever ciaiiAed by residents to be in a more penduced by tho For 1 or Gai .i i I factores • last Chapman. 11U uh grntefUlly acknowledge* a cure of ball Rheum oi, n 1876 ‘dec&uJg* KLAMATU COUNTY. ’un.tr. sa from the demonstrated bis ii ue- sand worthin ss lu-kl in New Yo k.” Of the a^sexnblag . udvjAired -siate a* cultivation than even I ydur. The othc* i* íaeídáies taeteiies of Oregon intwi J hfi -1. iH'rk. face, arm», a I 1 Joint Senator, C. M. (,’artwright of Crook; Rep­ the World sayb; «heAWiilamette 'alley. Jacksonville ! f- r the posirion by his fidelity, ability HI iUUICbi UlHl k.lfcM-l , Bn ht t ^or.F.raoing lu'-i ■ years anol able to walk except ouluuids and 1 >m«l year; not able to help hiinutdC 1/«^— f«»r ciani’ * To say rhe meeting was a .large and has 300,000 worth, making the whole pro- ■** tn. * av a A aeon-in. H<- and integrity in the dischuige of his G. W. Smith; Commissioner», M. Obenchain, R. yeairt;’kricdhundreds of remrdic»; doctors pio- thou half Hutchinson;Clerk, W. I'. Hal«*;Sht riff. < has. Put- His btcM'k consisU uf nGunc< .1 his Case hopeless; p ■imanently cured bj served thiee t. ?t.,a m Congress, and executive duties un M «Vor of Buffalo successful one would h<» a very mini interests at present are quiet, especial­ «liict of this branch of iudustry 5800,000, na n; Treasurer. E. R. Reames; Assessor. M. D. Cuticu a Resoivnt (bloo. purifier) internally, was chairman of tu* eonimittoe on pub and Governor of the Sin '*• of New York. way of putting it. Th*» simple truth is ly since the railroad was finished from I «»f which 8600,000 may be credited to Ch Ider«; School Superintends®*. E. DeJ sp; Bur- and Cu.icura and Cuticuia Boup (the great sku , vey -T J. O. Allen if Ian IB in the Forty seventji. At Hie an«l in my opiniou a very large majority the gathering was tne largest political it to the south, leaving it over four -killed labor applied to raw materials. cures' « eternally. 1 AKE OOUNn nd of ltis third tc ai be voluntarily re of intelligent Mnd unprejudiced voters demonstration ev^r held in New York. miles tu the wesf. Before the railroad ! , This large sum was paid for homo man- H» iator, C.'TT. Cartwright of (’rook; Repreeon- I Clias. Ilou'xhton, Esii.. lawyer. 28 State St.. Bos- tetiv ■, U. F. Abshier; County Jiuke. A. Fitts; CIGARS. ire.l from pub; W-.fe to devote him- believe be should lie eleuie.l. If one- The crowds which were tin able to get was completed beyond Roseburg the , ufaeturos at the mills and koptin eircu- too. r. | orts •< case of Salt Rlu um u dw his obser­ ConimisHio n-r*. T. J. Blair, J. D. Arnott; Clerk, JEWELRY. elf to pr!vute en n prises. His repu- half of the Republican voters who agree within th«» doors of the building could busmens interests in tins valley cen ( lation. It is like blood flowing from vation for ten years, which Coveri d the patient** A. F. Snelling; ’Iwtrlton; Treasurer, H-mlling; Sheriff, %. A. J. ( Charlton; CAN 1)1 KH, NUTS. b‘-dy a- d limbs, and to which all known method* uiation of Mr. J.loine proceed« from in this opinion have the courage of have tilled it five times and over. Long tered in San Francisco, rather than in the heart to build up and strengthen A. McCallen. PIPES. CARD». CLOTHING, of treatment had been applied without benefit, MEETING OF COUBTS. BTC. NOTIONS. ( L I LEJIY. b .fore 7 o’clo<'k there wer«» throngs of Portland. The distance 1. brake. Esq., D< troit, Mich., suffered un­ Circuit Court for Jackson eounty meets the Gents Furnishing Goods told lives of ail candidates should . I»« com minute added t > the crowd, and at 7 California made such favorable term* ter ones of cedar at home? Why enrich torture:-from Balt Ri eiiin. which appeared for the place. Mr. Pound has thou second Monday in February, June and November, ou lue hands, he •«i and face, and nearly destroyed samii of friends in Wisconsin. He was mitred to the political f-rh.n for Josephine, second Monday in April and fourth ti.d o clock Fourteenth .-street and Irving that goons could be secund as cheaply 1 the laborers of other Stalos at the ex­ Everything is fresh an I of good quality, and And everything usually found hi a firet-clads va­ hiseye'. After the most careful doctoring and a • closo friend o. Mr Girrielu, and was hyenas. Monday in October; for Klamath, fourth Monday place begin to b-« crowded. The peo­ from ¡S hd Francisco as from Porttan i. • panse of our fellow workers? Why riety »tore. Also. conenltation of physiciruiH failed to relieve him, in .'»lay and August; for Lake, first Monday in prices are put down to he u«ed the ('uticura Remedies, and was cured, strongly urged for a Cahiuet position. While it is rny tix»*d pnrp. May and November. stop the wheels of industry, when > sup ple were impatient to get inside, and Tuen, too, by freighting only 120 mile and has remained so to date. For Jackson county the County, Probate and CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. Following i.- Mr. found's letter ; port ClevrluL'l and Hemb ,,v, when the doors were thrown open, ten to Crescent City on the coast, m Cali i the skilled operatives are waiting ir id no The Lowest Notch ! Coinmissioders’ courts meet every month, com­ minutes later, there was a mighty rush furnia, goods could be received b\ less my determir ation to siipp .it all ti» Mr. John Thiel, WilkcBbarre, Pa., writes:-] »t the doors? Far better ara full ware­ mencing with the first Monday; for Josephine MlLW.1t *C£, Aug. 25, 1884 My gooda are the best ami guaranteed hs repre­ have suffered from 8«lt Rheum for over eiyht county, the first Monday in January, April, July Country Produce bought and sold. sented. Prices low, as 1 do not propose to he years, My Dear Sir:—Your favor of the 23<1 and worthy nominees of th** R- publi­ tor seals. The entire seating capacity steamer from San Francisco. The cli j houses and low prices than idle artisans^ at times so bad that I could not att nd to and Bepternbei; tor Lake county, every alternate Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a undersold. of the immense place of amusement was male of Jacksonville is such that in the l can party for county, State and Con ­ and silent shops. The stagnation of my business for weeks at a time. Three laixes of inst., asking an expression of my views month, commencing the first Monday in January. ..an wh,n intown. A. 0. COLVIN. Give me a call. J. K. LITTLE. (’uticurii, and four bottles Rpsolvent, have en­ nf the political situation, is received. gressional positiox s. Regretting and occupied as if by magic. The crowds valley fruit of all kinds can be grown ’ business, _ _________ _ ________ _ For Klamath county the same. like tnat __ of ____ blood, means not tirely cured me of thia dreadful disease. deprecating the conditions winch com began to rush in ami at 7:30 the aisles iu ur.pfusion, iucludinggrapes, peauhes ! only distress, but death also.— West So many friends of the varied political 8olt gallery and artistes’ their fam dies all the advantages of not so cold as that of northern Nevada; to do so. Have just opened a tino stock of After much eaiutsl and solicitous de tlvation which have been employed by boxes. The members of the Democratic < f* red even by first class academies. The that during his three winters’ stay iu All baviaesH placed in my hand"' will receive prompt attontioH. Special attention given to I liberation I deem it to bo tny duty, our fruit growers, various diseases have National and Slate committees in the «»ligious interests of the place are pro Sitka the thermometer touched zoro colloating. while abating naught of Im abv to the appealed from time to time in ,-everal city occupied proscenium boxes. There vidrd for by churches wf the Metho but once, and that a record of forty- and all scrofulous diseases, Sore», Erysipe­ Republican party, but rather to pre of out important fruits, and to such au were hundreds of lady occupants of dist, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic five years kept by the Russians shows 1 F. P. PRIM. las, Eczema, Blotches, 11 ingworm, Tki- that, the thermometer uever went so low I have juet received a new and coinj»lete stock mote its ti ne purpose and strengthen it extent have some developed within the boxes, their presence lending much at­ denominations. inors, Carbuncle», Boils, and Eruptions of Millinery gotwle. consisting of AT- Quite a number of changes of real as four degrees beiow zero but once. for future good work, to support the last ten ot fifteen years th it they have traction to the meeting. The stage waa of the Skin, are llic direct result of an Democratic nominee, Gov. Cleveland, completely destroyed the fruit in.ills occupied by prominent members of the estate have occurred in the Rogue riv­ At the time Alaska was purchased from state of the blood. HATS OF ALL STYLES. impure er valley in the last few years, many Russia by the United States it was JACKSONVILLE. OGN., for President at the approucliing elec try in some sectionand now threaten Irish societies. To cure these diseases the blood must I-«- When Mrs. Parnell, mother of the new-comers buying out those who set sneeringly referred to as “Seward’s fol­ purified, and restored to a liealtby an«l i - tion. My jiulgnn lAuisaorees with.and a mote general aunihilatioH of one of Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office Their motto in RIBBONS, great Irish leader in thaHouse < f Com ­ tied iu the valley at first. To lhe east ly,’’ it being general believed it would tura! condition. A yer ’ s S arsaparilla iuw luy conscience rein Is against, the action I the most enticing and profitable occu­ in Mrs. McCully's building, corner of California FEA TH - RS, and Fifth streets. for over forty years been recoguizeit by emi­ of the Republic n convention in the pations for the farmer. For tho last mons, took a seat in a proscenium box. of J tcksonviile and over the Cascade ' prove only an expensive barren. Soon, the entire gieat audience arose and Kauge quite an interest is centering however, it was discovered that the FLOWERS. nent medical authorities as the most pow­ nomination cf Mr. Blaine, and without 1(X) years we have heard ot the "blight" J K NEIL. in pear trees, mid the beat records show gave her cheer after cheer, and tho lady just uow in Klamath county, in the vi sealeries of its waters could be made a COLLARS erful blood purifier in existence. It frees arrogating for myself wisdom superior And ho feel» assured that all who favor him with the system from all foul humors, enriches ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW, their patronage will bo satisfied with his prices to a majority of representative Repub unniistakubly that the disease has been bowed a graceful acknowledgment. cimty of the lakes, as a stock country. profitable revenue, as accordingly tho AND CUFFS ami strengthens the blood, removes all traces and the quality of his goods. He keeps licatis convened to voice the determina­ on the increase during that period. So John Parnell, another son, was also Abe people of Southern Oregon look Government leased that interest to a upon this country as the garden of the San Francisco company for a number of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a DRY GOODS. Jacksonville Ogn* tion of my party, I am compelled to badly is it developed in some fruit sec­ present. VEILING. GROCERIES, Speaking again of the immense State, and have great hopes and expec­ of years at returns. Later its gold in­ complete master of all scrofulous diseases. obey my own beat judgment and sense tions, as through southern New York, PROVISIONS. Wilt prnvtiee in all the Courts of the Stale. Office throng, th« World says: tations as to its future.— Portland News. terests were f^und valuable, and Gov­ A Ilecent Cure of Scrofulous Soxvs. CLOTHING. of duty in this singleand extraordinary that it is a mutter of extreme difficulty in huiidina opposite Court House, corner C and ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Thousand« were enable to get inti ntRj ernor Kinkaid now predicts that ere FURNISHING GOODS, “Some months ago 1 was troubled v.itb to find a really healthy tree, For the Fitta etreota. instance. Being a Melting Republican HATS AND CAPS, scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. ’Ihe M others —We take pleasure in rec­ long its shores will be generally dotted last eight, years wo have alao heard of the Academy. Those disappointed'' BOOTH AND SHOES, and the recipient of many distinguished limbs were badly swollen ami inflam* !. ; i..l H. K. HANNA. ommending to mothers an exoeiltnt tho sores discharged large (juai;titi«s ■ i And everything usually found in a first-class honors, State and national, it is due my the “yellow” in peaches, and here Cleveland Democrats tilled Irving place and very exceptional medicine for their with the happy homes of a prosperous offensive matter. Every remedy i ir\ l people. Though the sun shines but political associates, so often my cordial ugaiii we find that history records u below the entrance to the Academy and ATTORNEY it COUNSELOR AT-LAW, General Merchandise Store. failed, until i used A yek s S aws . xi 'A kjj . i . a , Call and see them at the building formerly oc­ They will give their customers the benefit of tho massed in Fourteenth street, between children. No medicine should be given three or four hours per day in winter/ of — the afiliction. . ------- of which I have now taken three boti’e*. supporters, and myself that the reasons constant development reduced freights caused by tho advent of the cupied by Dr. Robinson on California street. to a child without the mother ’ s full Third and Fourth avenues. There the dava of summer are extra long tind with tho result that the sores are hea!<«l, Jacksonville, Orojon. MRS. P. P. PRIM. railroad, and will not be undersold by anybody. for departure from conventional no-op- So serious have its ravages proved, that ami my general health greatly improve«!. M. A. HRENTANO. Manager. whole sections have been deprived of must have been fully ten thousmd peo- knowledge of its character. Castoria and clear, consequently making the peratiou be frankly atated. 1 feel very grateful for the goo«l y.mr Will practice in all tlm Courts of the Slate. Phoenix. Oregon, Feb. 25, 1884. ple in the crowd \ssemblv man Olney is a standard prescription of a distin­ growth of vegetation very rapid. As medicine has done me. Office up spiir.4 in Orth’s brick. A Presidential candidate should be the very important industry ot peach Yours respectfully, Mim A nn O’BniAN.’’ guished -liysician—old Dr. Pilcher— the highest and liefi type of political culture. Not only this, but the dia.-a.se Raid that there was 20,000, and he still living at Hyannis, Mass A list of the heated stream from the Gulf of 148 Sullivan St., New York, June 24, 1& ‘ 2. THE ASHLAND A. U. ST*. i. D.. integrity, statesmanship, und Republi­ is now so thoroughly established, and claims to be an expert on the numerical its ingredients accompanies each bottle. Mezico flows northward and tempers '-.7 " All persons interested are invit« !><♦ lorg perimjr (At the present time, how­ men in the city. Addresses were deiiv -, high terms. H: A. . Archer, — • H i vi4i£ suffered severely f ¡- >. u.c > : Al. _ P , 1111 "" _ EL ANNEES, ever, as in the great peach iliatriet of ni w _ _ _____ ___ --r r>' ii,..t having iM.lctl ’ lti Um* iv ’ idnioi ’ of an ituponatit statute; but. on t N ot S poils , but P rinciples .—That Oihce’m A. L..J<>lmx>n’:» built.’:.ur. »etotii «r iviii«*!?'*«. J have mato' use. «'s i< Delaware and New Jersey, we find tlia', ered by Senator Jones of Florida; Con- ' So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: < JVGKAGf rhe contrary, has often suggested and id pa t t'li «'H moi.o bs. of AY u K’H SARb.VI i' gressman Collins, of Boston; General “Castoria is so well adapted to children the Democratic party ii a party of — 1 J. a. D.. supported unwise and/iad, and opposed ewing to the uncertainty of disease Thomas F. Bourke, and Wm. J. Hines. that I recommend it as superior to any prineijrie and not of spoils is shown by ii t.A, w’deh lia* effected a coinphfc c:i appearing, or tho inherently weak I consider It a magiiiliceiit remedy for i good legislation. With a record cl«uid DOESKINS, prescription known to me.” Alex. the fact that during a period of twenty- AND I mm I diseases.” «■d by suspicion and slousation of j«>b- constitution, reeultuig frwni its previous Of course it is not possible to review Robertson, M. D.,1057 Second Ave.,N. four years, embracing six Presidential their speeches. They were «able, elo­ operation, the period of ape fitable life ta ry and corrupt! n undefended, he AND HOSIER 4 JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. quent and patriotic, and were very Y., says: “Especially adaputed to dis­ elections, it lias suffered an uninterrupt­ brings to us persona) antagonisms u liieh is limited to nine years, at the end of enthusiastically received by the vast eases of children.”— Hairs Journal of ed series of defeats, except in 1876. when GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS which time the trees are rooted out of Offici* on California street, opposite Union Liv- have torn and weakened our party in imulates and regulates tbo action of tb it was defrauded of its victory. In all Of the Best Native Wool audience. The meeting demonstrated Health. •ry Stable. the paid, invading the administration the soil as worthless. ¡ijestive ami assimilative organs, renews this time it has had no office-holder to that, whatever a few sorehead and venal And diftijoaing of them at of the lamented Garfield with demands a ^<1 strengthens the vital forces, and spee-'i. v R7 and 69 Front St eet, W. I. KREMER, M. D.. T raining a C olt .—He was a bashful assess; no Federal machinery to a»d it J udging L ive S tock —In the jmlg leaders ni *y do, the great Irish heart of personal vengeance so virulent as to 1 "S BheumRtism, Neuralgia, Illicun i of New ’ York pulsates as strongly for wooer, b«it there was a certain rnanli iu the elections; no patronage to bestow nient of live «took in their lean eon i ’. Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, inflame the spirit of assassination. the good ole Democratic party as it uess about him which indicated that he as bribes or rewards, and yet it gave ditiou — und tbit. appliHH very «peeiallv .¡¡ •0 i s arising from an impoverished or PORTLAND, OGN Blaine is liims« If a speculator, enjoy­ ever did only needed a little enconragcm<*nt to the party in power such hard and per­ with regurd to c cttle — it is onl.v the Me6- but o. rha|>« itn- di8coveiy has been mud« w ereby fruit, resolved on a policy of encouragement. popular vote, and pushed the Republi­ tention. Give our goods atrial. eonHCion« power of gen. ial ziu« from “Do you believe these stoi ies in the cine, <»n account of its concentrated strength, i-erviee at 85,000 a year. He sympa ­ can be kept without cans, and the cans so close in 1880 that they openly J. HtNKL . M. U., an I great power over disease. thizes with and profits by speculative the purlienlais that come uudwr hi» no meth > i is very simple. The N< w York funny papers,” she asked, ’•‘about the i corrupted the franchise and admitted Cor. Cal. A Oregon St»., willingness of young ladies to be kiss ­ tice, who can foretell with «omoiliing ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. PREPARED BY stock jobbing and gambling methods of World says: “A few y. ars ago Prof. PHYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, like certainty the mature ebaraeler of ” . | a success they could obtain in no other Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowoll, Mass. acquiring wealth—metho ta which have lean yont g animals He who can do it Tyndall demonstrated that all putrefac ed? way. And at this election in 1880, se­ W. II. ATKINSON. SteeretarV’ “ I — I really can ’ t sa.\, ” he replied., OREGON .JACKSONVILLE. Rock Point, Oregon. wrought ruin, disgrace and business is a judge. tion is caused by the haute• ia in the air “They may be true.” Then, gathering ared by the Republicans through iull by all Druggists; price -Si, six bottles for i5. disaster beyond computation, schooled caw be oievented by inciosiug the courage, lie added: “I hope they are , the influence of money alone, this five liheuuiatism and female complaints a specialty We aie not fully in sympathy with and NINETEENTH YEAR. youth and persuaded mi«l*i!e age to article iu ba preserved in cotton batting. Office at Hays’ farm, near Rock Point. Or. times beaten party polled within 7,020 DAVID LINN avoid honest and useful industry, made those who depreciate on ihe ground Dr. Cliuse, a physician of Thomaston, true,” and he drew closer to her. “It seems to me,” she said, “that, of a majority of the popular vckc *'* u tlint it had faults in its lean «late, an ■I. W. MERRITT. DR. J. W. ROBINSON. T. R. YOUNG. M D. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. suicide and insanity commonplace, nn animal that has made up well in its fat Me., reading the published report ol there is only one way in wb ch a young • total poll of nearly As the Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment settled values, placed the fruits of hon­ Prof. Tyndall's expert men f 8, decided seventh national election since its first CONDUCTED BY furniture, consisting of state. “ Strip it of flesh, ” they say man can discover whether they are ti lie est toil in the power of the Goulds and to make practical use of th« knowledge defeat draws near, the Democratic par Asters Io bear down or bull up in the "anti you’ll find the hollo«»." Trne; gained. At his suggestion several gal or not.” tv, without Federal influence, without Central Point, Oregon THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. BEDSTEADS. “And what is that?” he asked. markets as whim or interest may dic­ but ia it not the animal which fnroi«lie< Ions of Dam>on plums were put away to perdi tion, just about the sort of ani in stone pois, with but little sugar, the There was a brief pause. Then, with political assessments to aid it, and with Graduate of the Medical University of Louisville, The Scholastic year of this school will com­ tate; methods which recertly gave ns BUREAUS. TABLES. unlimited money and unbounded pa Kentucky, (’-alls promptly attended to day or mence about tho end of August, and is divided in but an exaggerated illustration of their mu' we want? If the flesh in of the jars being ccrveied only with cotton a far-away look in her eyes, she answer­ tronage against it, it has every possible . night. four sessions of eleven weeks each. GUIl.i) MOULDINGS, iniquitous consequences in the Grant right quality, and rightly l ,id on, giv batting, the ungiazed sort, such as ed: Board and tuition, per term............ £40 00 encouragement to believe that it will “By experimenting when he has an DR. GEO. KAHLER. Music................... . . ............................ 15 00 A: Ward 815,000,000 failure and rob­ ing «smooth surface when it is all there, c< mes rolled in blue parcels. These carry the count;;, by ano less decisive PROPRIETORS. Drawing and Painting..................... may we not reaa. nnbly maintain that . K (JU opportunity. ” STANDS, SOFAS LOUNGES, bery. plum»*, opened one and two years after, majority than it had in 1876. If it wa . 3 00 P II Y S I C I A N & 8 U R G E O N , Bed and Betiding.............................. He exp« runentcd— Wool Grower. Reference to Blaine’s Congressional the frame which carrieu such a super were found to be in a well preserved DAY SCHOOL. Will keep on hand the largest and most complete a party of spoils, and not a party of CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS structure catin.t have been very far assortment of $ 5 CO Primary Department ....................... record relating to subsidies, class legis state, 'l'he editor of the baron (Mass.) Phoenix, Oregon. honest convictions and honest mt I both, Junior “ ....................... . 6 CM» F all P lowing .—We had occasion last it could not accomplish such res ilts a latien, corporate exaction, etc., will wrong?—Aire Stock Journal. Adrocate. learning of the result of Mr. Preparatory “ ....................... . 8 00 PARLOR A BEDROOM SU J I'S, Diaoasas of women and children a specialty. Senior your io note the l’cinuikable difference i it lias already achieved, nor be eftcour “ ......................... ............... . iu 10 w 00 readily satisfy the honest inquirer of Chase ’ s expeliments, attempted simi ­ Calls promptly attended to, day or night. C hange .— Every citizen who loves Pupils are received at any time, and special at­ his uniform support of monopolies and his country better thun his party will lar ones. His t«st. of process, accord­ between land plowed durmgthe months aged by the prospect« that now sup OtHca at Drug Store. ETC., ETC. tention is paid to particular studies in behalf of indifference to the common weal. Lit­ welcome a change of administrate n at ing to a recent published statfment, of August, September and October and port it.— Examiner. children who have but limited time. For further DR. Wn Fourth street, opposite M. E. Church. Calls ; liness and comfort. An When you come to Grant’« Pas.«, stop at the signed take pleasure in announcing to the pabliu W. H. FLANAGAN. M. D., D r . J. W. HOB1NHON. the regulation of which is demanded by investigated by persons who have no Commercial Hotel and your wants w»ll bo prop­ that a complete change has been made. all producers and legitimate traders. interest iu the result of sneh investiga Di Robinsoli’s Office in Drug Store. The table is supplied with everything the mar C ould N ot P lay ir on E lkins .— ially desirable to have us large a crease; and with New York will go Nc\ erly supplied. JAS. JORDAN. breadth of ground plowed a»? possible— Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana. The ket affords. Great corporate interests command non ­ FHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, tion other than arriving ut the truth or “Yes, sir; I was up to the Chicago interference. It was a lame defense of falsity of them. Let everybody vote Convention,” replied one drummer iu the earlier it is plowed the better?— States, however, have always been reel Ha» returned to his old home at Established 1851. The Rooms and Beds his devotion to »mproved civil service for a change.— Democrat. oned fcr Cleveland. But it now si response to the inquiry of another, a«» The Homestead. to cite the fact that daring a pre kmged • Gran1’« Pass, - - • Oregon. Have been thoroughly renovated and put in pears that Ohio is very close, with the they both looked around in vain to nee if PROPRIETOR OF O nce upon a time, a long while ago, ’ chances a little in favor of tho Den. public service he only advh< d the re there were any pretty giria on tbo cars; And is now prepared to practice his profession. H ard T imes in P ennsilvesia .—On FIRST-CLASS ORDER. inoval of “four persons.’’ The expert account of the depression in ***** trade, “bail a royal time, too. Walked about zo the story runs, tbe wolves, fimhng I cratic candidate«; that Wisconsin will Calls prinnot’y ru»nvi!lr. promntneee and nt very rea.«on»ble rates. Only acceptance further betrayed by its sig A Q uizb C uriosity —George L»n- inay be a delegate from Georgia, but, I ground, and will not lie liablo to he ' gusted Cleveland that ho wrote to K«-i PROF. E. T. KUGLER nrst-class w<»rk will be turned cut, and I guar­ SADDLES. BRIDLES. HARNESS. BITS, SPURS, niticant si encs tonrhing tbe events of genbvrg receixeu a o.»oe from Webb believe you are an infernal liar. You’re spoiled by too macli wet weather, as i ly that he had better keep Grady .it antee *ttii«iaction. L. BUENBOW. Take« pleasure in announcing to tkr public ihst the past, three years. Bringing down B. Parker of Lakeview Thurs'ay I the first man from the South I’ve seen they would in tbe field; if the cellar is home, as he was injuring the patty. Etc. U ___™ the ™ JnckHonville. Mnndi 2>. 1*U. Neiso*al friendship, Job work a pecialty and prices to suit the have revealed the fiction involved in the Luman vertebra at th< hip joint asked for a glass to drink whisky out to sell the potatoes at once, without re­ «hawed the tetter to Grady, who l a times. Give me a trial. At Gold Hill! TRO0. J. KENNEY. his statements; would have shown a but what it ia exactly we cannot tell. ! >f. Now you get out of here.’ ” been thirsting for gore. But bo gard to ’h<< prospect of lietter prices at since waa not sent back to the senate agaii __ __ __ _ __ ___ _ __ | By terms consisting of t wenty leeeou« per term. marv«d<«us shrinkage in nominal value**; Mr. Parker mji in kin letter that it waa a later date Ha.iaa ,-tnbli.h«) « T»r.l at J r|P *1* J? j occupying half an hour. Thia tim*» would have noted the downfall of bnai ■ »nd Cleveland i« to bo elected presi­ Manufacturar?» <»f I noculation of A nimals .—A Lon- Hill, I «m PM"«1 •" furn"'' I’""’1*' nf 11,1 | cently endorsed by the beet musical conservato­ least 25 men have given opinions as to don s | m » cim I says: Dr. Boxsano, of the ne^. and hF* alread* become customary with the would have pictured aa few can do so what kind of a bon« it s nn«l all differ Ph %rt» Hospital at Mtiseilles, tele nnblicMD pajxr of prominence in N« w Blade. By the Thousand ! lx- l'munirai w «tractors of the large citiee both graphically as tbe furnace flies die out, ! * grsphs a* foltaws. “Drs. R'itsuh and York city now supporting B'aine and • n their conclusion»— Ro»ahnr’j m the United State® srd Europe. the wheels of facteriea standing still, S he had jn«t returned fr..tn V m „ , Room« st the U. 8. Hotel. Jacksonv-'tie dealer. ’ ba*e just informed me that er Logan, said in 1876: There is a great »PHI UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR. Factory and Saleen mm at All of which 1 will «ell st wages reduced, beggary usurping tbe ersi mi ma I« which they hid inoculated difference between the two men, for «nd pap* was «trolling her hair food I, 1 dei» through Jackson and Josephine »ountiee plaee of labor, bank and business fail 'I hop«, my dear,' «aid the old man MARSH S PIANINO WILL. ASHLAND ►. ok fur M tm F lovbncr NionTinuALH aaya With Dr. Koch's tnirrnI>e« htveilied Butler is a btarkgnsr I l»y MM«re. while CHY BARBER SHOP, arcs, creditor* and depoaitora wantonly that, »«cording to her experi«nce in The Very Lowest Rates, ibalyon haven’t acqnired any the rt> with choleric ay hi pt. m«, results which Blaine is only a bally threngh calcula Onlerspromptly n*t*nded to defranded. homes *’ d crocked nona India, cholera ia i*«*t directly co . uidu - Koch has him*rlf fa>.rd to obtain. I FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, K*r "lang pbraaee wbioh ao many ol 'ALiroimu tfTUCKr f koep a good stock »brayi* nn hand aiul "J"“1 in public affairs Mr. Blaine is objac nicanle from person», but writes and *m promised further details soon ” lion. the Vaaear young ladiee are «aid ton«.' AT P RTLAND RATEI. SiMWtant rrcript of new snpphe*. so that I can Jark «»at ville. • oregoat Any kind mietei tn a firrt-rliM» Nursery. tionable furthermore for the company -premia by the i’Ollnfion of ‘•earth, gir. Eiperim» nta mewnwhil* are Mug made Judge Parish of M mnaebn^tu, <»ne ‘Y >n bet I haven’t, papa.' «he replie > "•» «WM-I» n«. ««*• »HI lie keeps, for tbe friends he has made. waste and buildings, and the «quly pre ­ NOTE LOST. Those wanting Trtwe this fall will do well to THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY PREPARED at Naples, wbeie the ravages of the of the m«a»t learned and distinguished b< ightly. 'When anybody eateliea bi - «.II n , A|,;y,vFtu irive me their order*’, as 1 will guarantee satisfac­ to do »11 work in his line in the best manner and Will tbe chief precoolers of hi* noni ventive it to put e»rth, ail, water and l*eniilence rash day are g«ewter than Republic«!)» in the roil o try, ¡»ay*: talking nlang he in eapeeially invited to tion. at rcwHoneble primes. nation bo his chief * (risers, if eleeted? building« into a healthy «tale by ^av ­ <|oM Wil*. **• •• •***■ ____ . _ during the worst periorl *t Totitan and ■‘Avowed and organ zed Republican •Ing n»n in the seveth tin.' 'That', I warrant all my t rem if properly cared for. GEORGE WHUMPF rbsaw's tbe rnb. T Jeed meutisi« no enging, lia«-witching and every kiod Marseilles. I* has Terms «»f paymer ' enm-. Posture taken mar­ IHHÍHGTM KLK ’^JOiNTFD RODK LINEN detn>>n«trated op>e>sition to Blaine and Legau is the right, my daughter; never indulge in ket price. ifiUU lb* . of Peach K--d wanted. DENT HPOKTl-ifl. m ABTINIi AND (HAST non *«*• «ñlwLetlk tin/*, reel*. ttwiveK i nmes, Lal will eagflVt that tbe least sanitary work.” It in sometimes bat­ tb-r.» that fl.ra pUv an imjKrtaat part seed from which al«»we a future and ■lang. It given a young l»