F - DEMOCRATIC TIMES FRIDAY HERE AND THERE Harvest has commenced. R; ad the new advertiseumul*. V acamt S< hoi ahsiiiim «.—Gt tho jM-holar ■ hip» in the Slate l’nivei»ity to which Jackson county in entitled two are vacant. Parties desiring them should make im-- mediate application to W. M. t'olvIg.Esq., school superintendent. Immigrant* continue to arrive. Mr*. Ober and daughters have returned Five thoa*and pound* of flour camo up I ing the week, was quite a successful oue. to Ashland. from tho Umpqua valley for parties at Ash­ Rev. E. (J. Michael presided. Thn corn crop looks exceed inffly wall. A number of strangers from the East, who John Stearns has rsturnsd from a trip to land not long since. Hurrah for Cleveland and Hvudricks. Crasceut city. are looking for an extensive body of laud, A number of people from Ashland partici­ John Biwcuue ha* gone to Crcecent city, Frank Hu tier has got back from Jose­ pated in a picnie at the Soda Springs were in town during the week. They pro­ l he exodus to Crescent city «till coutinues. pose engaging in fruit culture. phine county. house last Sunday. (’apt. Caton ha* returned from Cinnabar. John II. Miller informs us that the tern J. H Buffer and Lee Jacobs have return­ Wm. Willit* and vifu have returned fr«vm L. A. Neil is down from Ashland precinct. Portland I'bey will remove to Flounce perance movement has assumed considerable ed from Salem. proportions on Williams creek. A lodge of I abn Frauenkneciit has goue to Crescent Rock precinct soon. Wni. Angle of Medford has been at Port­ Good Templar* flourishes there. city. land on business. During the coining month we expect to S. McConnell has returned from Lane Waldo eoiresp-m lenco will appear next issue the largest and best paper in Oregon, Mrs. O. Mickelson of Klamath ceunty is county with his family aud will permanently week. outside of Portland. Visiting Ashland. locate iu the valley. He has resumed his A bear wo* » -m near the Eagle mills re­ A stock yard ia being built at Med/ord Henry Tweed started for Smith river, position on Wm. Bybee s farm. cently. for the accommodation of those desiring to ( al , Wednesday. Every imaginable description of legal Six pound* of coffee for SI at Caro Bros., ship cattle, sheep, etc. C. Neil of Ashland precinct is visiting his blanks for sale at the Titties office at Pert- Plnrnix. • H S. Emory of Ashland ha* lately re­ land rates. They are printed on good paper son, J. R. Neil, Esq. M-dford re being pestered by the Mercury turned from Portland, where he purchased a aud after the latest an i best forms. Frank Krause of the Sentinel returned rep«-rtur. fine *tock of furniture. John Wolters, the well known baker, from Portland yesterday. A box of 250 envelope», with your card paid Ina friends here a visit this week. This Great reduction in clothing at Caro Bros.’, Geo. S Kincaid ef the Eugene city Jour­ printed in the corner, for the small sum of Plnenix. + is his first trip tn the county seat since he nal was m town yesterday. Mi-* Bvlle Jones is visiting frieud« at S2, at the J iMFs office. removed te .Yahland several years ago. Ralph Vining and Mr. Preston of Ashland The L’. S. saloon has beon newly kalso­ ILxeburg. Salmon trout have commenced biting *n were in Jacksonville Sunday. 1' . I.’ _.il!«»n k- gs, $2.75,at Caro Bro*.’, 1 mine«! ami renovated, much to tht? improve­ Rogue river, and Ben Haymond and other W. H. I«eedt of Ashland attended the ment of its ajipearame. Pho nix. ♦ expert fishermen are landing some that grand ledge of the A. O. U. W. J. 8. stunner, a first-class mechanic, ha* weigh from three to live pounds each. ( in . \\ . Kretoii kit f<»r ILirncy va’iltv G. S. Butler of Ashland, who has been gone to Fort Klamath to take charge of the th..; week. Merchants iu Jacksonville and Ashland quite ill, is now much improved. work on th« new quarters. < ’ •’ .r ¿1 «'c. : t u, Bfwre , have beeai importing California beans, being Mrea Katie Buick of Myrtle creek has W . H. G >re acted as leader of the choir unable to obtain the home article. Here is Ph« «'ii ix . been visiting friends at Aahlaud. .«ud Mi** k vtie \ an Dyke as organist at the another point for our farmers to consider. Henry Ki pre I haa b*«*i ntrd a no- J^hn am! David Sho)k of Klamath county recent celebration at Medford. tary public. S >mo of the streams m the section north­ were in the valley the other day. H. H. M igruder and John IL «Satterfield east of us ran full heads of water for awhile Eightern yard* of calico for .?! Off at Caro Levi Willits mhl Wm. C. Daley of Ash­ of Rock Point were among tha excursionists the forepart of the week. A heavy raiu Bros.’, l*l.j p f. r •'! 11 at < »i.. Chas. Winter*, who recently leturnml was considerable raiu and wind during F. A. Coggswell of Linkville was in Jack­ • Br«»*.’, Phcruix from Cre*centcity, (’al., brought a «juantity the week. Some grain was knocked down, sonville tins week on professional business. Gen. J»»«. Wall of ( re.-cent « tty is expect- of tine salt salmon back with him. though the damage done haa nut been seri­ I. H. Maxwell has returued to Portland feti here before b ug. I'll« Farmer’s Store at Ashland continue* ous. He has beeu employed on the railroad exten­ (hie t’m-iu indgOi,«l •'*!» <»\ ■ U. M . 1 ’i i > i; > i i i j». that \Y . H. Howard, who wx«. arr.•■»:« by Justice I’lorey ot l.ittle llutte precinct. The bonds were furnished. pKMix-KAric Exrui W. S. Fitzgerald lia* been ap|>ointe(l post­ Isaac Skettors of Althouse, Josephine PERSONAL MENTION master of the Gold Hill office, which is county, iu another column announces that Miss Mamie Judge has returned to Ash­ open for buxines*. he has lust a horse, for the returu of which land. he will pay a suitable reward. James Brown i* acting a* mail-carrier Henry Klippel has got bark from Port­ The quarterly meeting of the M. E. for Fat, McMahon on the Phienix and Wil­ church, South, held at Bruw nsborough dar­ land. low .Spring* route*. Curious weather. JULY IN. 1»L The new» of Hie nomiiirtti.m of Clevelnud and H»n Urick» waa tha »ign.il lor quit« a julliflou- i tion here la»l Fri lay evening. Great eu- tl>u»ia»m waa mauite.ied. A large amount ot powdar was burned and the ■ati»faetion over the ticket wa» mauiieated iti diver» ways. Jaekaoi* county uinv be relied on to give the tie nocratic ticket ut least Hie old tune majorities. Xrw W arbhoi . k . ,M. E. r<>giie n! «.oi l Hill and Linville Mvnalt of IlKl.lie, Pougla. county, have engaged in the on- »•ruotlon of u couinio.iiou. warehouse at the tir»t-n:ini< d »tation. The lumber i» on the ground and «>. A. Topping hn» the contract fordoing the work, commencing work la.t Monday. Th:» 1» an iinpor n: onterpriw for Hi it port on ot the eountv , •» it will prove i inveuient ani>lf «•! M ' < id nude this ¡»lace a ture, painlc*» in it» action, —me» liabi’- ual cnn.'ipation, biliouvno»», indig .t.oti dyin g vit W tdti^sday. and kindred ill», i’leanwt the «\»' -m. Ka !al i f ».tip . ir «¡u thty f«»r sale purities the blood, regulate, the liver m . chea p at tho ’T ime .« office act1« on the bowel». Break» up <• ìri», H ( le'« r «♦ I; k Prent precm« t ha* gout» . chilla and lever», etc. stren_'tlu n. the t.» ti ,t- » u-;;r • i’.\'eU9 num?*. orgin. on which it act». I'etter timi Tli“• pr.ee.- . v.i .-1 h.i* i; it. unproved any: loiter, naueeou» liver uu licué-., pii:», cl, it Ire* re • dvd a trifle. »alt» and draught». Sun;.' ’ ide- :rc.. and large bottle» for .».de by Mem t a J. ■i. w.-. * pk »»ant « intwu u i ’.' u - 1 Robiuaon ot thi» pia mine <1 uu.- str «!»•*'« tnc othar <1 v. M. n ,M ill. t• li i* the m ‘«t ta-tily arranged ■ IlKLlGDl-*» 11 km «.— Rex . B. J. Sharp will preach in this place next »Sunday, . «how W lliJu ui J... k .*nv die. both morning and evening. 1 bes»* will he lii« hist »errnorre in Jacloonvi u..... Reverend's Rice mid <»•;!<•>by will h« I i services Ht the Diake «clmol-boiree Sun­ day morning mid afei m>«»n...... Rev. E. X . Blanchet ot the Ci’h«» ¡<* church in Ihre place will preach at Ashland Simdny...... Ehler M. Peterson pr«».i<*hre :g the !.'»n»- Oak school-house Sim lay morning an 1 afternoon, on tlie i illowing Sunday I. viil prea di nt Medford... . The fourth quarterly meeting for J.o’k-uivillv ami A«hiand circuit will Io hel«l at Ihre p.u-'e on the 2»»th and 27th. Rev. I. D. Driver, I*. E., will officiate. I!»* will ul* » hohl service* at Ashland on the evening ot the 27th...... Rev. J. A. Mover preaches ;u Medford Sunday, at tiie usual morning hour. ». ■■ I, yo ;r a -int with the print« r. !.. - bireiness now. Ha The busiuess men of Jacksonville have J. Nunan and -I. W. Merritt have lately reefeivt.«! a < arload of the best sugar, which made a general reduction in prices (hiring the past six months and are selling goods as they .are selling at very low figures. V\ makw a specialty of printing we Iding cheaply as iu any other portion of southern cards and invitation*. The finest job-W'ork Oregon. Max Hostel, who ha* been at San Fran­ An atten pt is being made to have the cisco fur nearly a year, has returned to mail f r Josephine county am! Crescent city Yreka. His brother is now rnanagiug his former stand next door to the Franco-A incr- 1< ave (¡rant s Puss instead of this place. can hotel. J«s. A. Wilson an i O. Harbaugh have of al! kind* done at the lowest rates. Tons. Buruett is Iriviug stage out of Cloverdale, Sonoma county. Cal., for San­ derson A Co . and Ellis Begg* is at the same R M. Culp of Cot tag* Grove, Lanemunty, place engaged in a like capacity for another father «J. M. < ulp, charged with the mur­ company. der of <«<•(». ‘-;n;th. arrived here Wednesday. G. W. Pri l«ly, who resides four mile* M s M di e Britt lias returned from her I northeast of Jacksonville, offer* for sale vi'it to Portland. Miss Ida Fisher will re 100,000 superior brick at reasonable rate« main at tl.e metropolis a short time longer j See his advertisement elsewhere an 1 call on E D. Ffadray is officiating as deputy him soon. county «'lurk He is an experienced hand j We ar« informed that two carloads of at the busiuess and makes a first-class of- ; wheat were recti\ed by the Ashland mills ficial. from the Umpqua valley not long since. I wlu app. iti?.«d executor* ot the estate of M Colwell, deceased. See u«»tice elsewhere. We are informed that F W. Sawyer of’ This is a great deal like “shipping cx’als to l\» ibyville, who lost his reason sometime Newcastle. V» . ! to Ivcirew money, g-» to Hub- siuce, is improving at the State insanei Mrs. E. Jacob* lias sn assortment of eggs asylum. laid l»y her liens that are quite a curiosity. Comity ¡»crip t 1! en :;• p • «»n I arid n«w Wm. Terrill of Rutte creek has also been ! The smallest is about the size of a quail’s a«icount> with th • T ime * otïî u . sworn in as «iepwty assessor and Mill assist] egg. while the largest is equal to two ordi­ Col. M mry breuight tha <-r*t p» aches of in the completion of the assessinout of the • narily laid by a hen. th • > re- . to to.vn last week. county. There w’ill be a special meeting of Warren J>.};n (/‘Bri?n ami wif Apple.-*»* paid Parties are l uyiug fruit to ship te the lodg* No. 10. F. A A. M., to-morrow (Sat­ Ja< k oiivilk a vre.t v-"t»‘rday. P<»rtlan«l market ami many farmers have al urday) evening. All members are sequested (i t>: < Tivre« <-ifi • f-r 1. nelvl not», ready sold their crop oa tha trees at good to be in attendance, as there will be work figures. in the third degree. che. : . ft ’ a.i i ■ - ler i»o'»k«. Wm Cushman ire* turned up all right There was a heavy shower of rain in th* F.-r a 1 „ . <»r « ' I there re no remedy and the mystery of a dr«»wned horse with a vicinity of Antelope crevk last Monday equal to Amunn’ <’ ‘ ^h Sjrup. .’a i • uu. lire has 3 b«H»t-black stau l, L>- saddle <»n fl oating down R.»giie river rmnaiire wen ng. which tore up the ground aud unsolved. r.iisc*• H. Hull and I’. J. Shafer, who have ct^rtilii-ate«. of aguiwy signed by us and acknowledge d I ! u* * < notary public. We giiarantcu ad • ir trees free from itrec ts ar; I that in ,< M. dreaded post, th«> ‘’ ay «./- .-co/ < >ur agot t» w ill c ill auam upon tin* *.;r- meis of J h - L- oii county later m the svison, and th* sc who intend purcba-in j 11<.*<•'» in the fa.i \\;l!do well by i«••-iriL"- their orders until ln -\ see our a > ni-. J, L usk 1 S on . ìn.XHY -* A <•<».’* dirct M. Tlii- .! « :- tuiarnvnt wa* on»» «.f tlir » .( of tho k «1 •yer kn<vigri«ret. D'lrar 1 imi ! vans, are truly greti artiwts. Win. <). H.r re a \vi \ gra« r!ul and gifted n h r. I • > an«l Bra! ner, traf^zn and horizontal Lar pri t rin- era, cannret I c tquakd. Wm. ( »rgan. w h this troupe of trained Patagonian h .-istonrehe I evi-rx-» ih ». Prof. Ty!ei and his wond« rful troupe of «logs an i limi keys kept the athlienro in roaire of Lvi_!s- ter. The ground an«I lofty tumbling b* the company wire the best we I.ave r\»-r witnessed. The «•¡«'Wire, Fred. Im n.r.-i August 8eigre»t,were indeed wt'il uorihv of mention. They «re 01 igu a! ami funny, and remarkable «'Tobn’re. Tha -naim» -I people ever seen are M >ftr George L’ '» iireon, the Canadian giant B y, a tm if youth, aged 17 yrare«, w ho <: in Is •»vvei feel four laches in I eight. ( : a h M- Intoab, the tattooed man ft«>m V« >*o. Japan, is a complete mass « : tatt■»•»ing from head to foot. Y«-;i »• ■• r.U thr-r nr derttie one canvire, at. I all api ir in tir I>auie ring.—r«t//* < Vo ■ ». J/ < '12.'». O ur DisTr.icr nooi..—The »Lu ■; .r> of Jackson villa, district are «!••:« rm.ire 1 m keep our school up to it« former li .;h «taadard and have enqagoJ a ilr>t * corps of teachers for tlie <•rreum^ « !.< antic year, to-wH: Firxt dvpartirn nt, G H. Watt of Detroit, .Minn.; n. r. W in. Priest of Kaukauiu, W re ; J u. . - Dorris of Kngene city: primary, M -» Hattie Newbury. Mr. Ih wn,«»r. fJ director*, inform**.u* that the '».tlary •’ the principal ha** Leen p’a«« ! at >i..’ per annum; that of (lie tench« f th * * • and department at a month; while the ladies will receive s' o ami $i» per ruonth respective'/. A!c«sr«. W tit an I l'riaft base ha«! much eu*rws an I thick that we *re safe in «tying that Jiirk«» n ▼ills can boast of possessing the !>«ret dis­ trict echool in the State. A large num- ber ot Ron-reeiuent pupil« may again be expected during tlie eireiiing ve il. The school opens Sept. ¡3, D>l. i ■ • • E ’ .math «’• unty i* in the sei; !»in«b‘rs have been sold to parties living W’m. Harris, an excellent butchor, still Ah i m’ u i;r pn»w«l. (•n Williams creek Messrs. John and Top- officiate* at the old stand. Beside* those mentioned elsewhere, the i ir.I re » Mi i x’. * marshal pin/ Bro». ■ ’ . I’ ” : i Advertisements continue to crow«l onr! following person* have gone to Cresceut . ■ i . >p i-'u. As a.i advcrti.sing med um the T imes | city, via th« Josephine county express line, has n > Hup, !..>r jii the State, outside of the ■ during the week: Mrs. David Cronemiller, .Mis* Katie ( ronemiller and Mi-re ^’ard. metropoli*. I* Jos Knott, th* respeeted father of A J. L B Xtarxs ; Cre«cent u.Ly, Cal., writes tH that a little xml of Mr*. E Igar Mason and Lee Kuott of East Portland, «l;ee seriously injured by such de­ Thenow-t.luuloiin BUNTINCS, NUN S VEILINC8, lay, a restraining order should be granted at once. The proceedings before th* Comp­ SATEENS, PERCALES, CAMBRICS, ETC, troller have been abanduned by the defend­ A great assortment of ants, and the Baltimore house has thus achieved a double victory. By the order of the Court of Appeals, Parrott A Co and their agents ar* perpetually restrained from Some a« low at» 23 cent* per yard. Our Millinery Parlor« are using the term “St. Davids Oil,’’ or any similar term, as well a* the word», “The Great Gerrnau Remedy,” aud any word* or mark* similar to those used l»y The Charles Shade Hats from 25 «'«at* up. Dr*-*« Huts to order on shortoM notic*. A. Vogeler Co. in connection with their St. Jacobs Oil. The progress of this suit has been watched with interest by the mercan­ tile and manufacturing community of Great Britain, where thousands of trade marks of almost incalculable value are owned. It ANI) FURNISHING GOODS. was shown by the evidence that plaintiffs had sold «luring the past few year* oxer A $40,000 Assortment of Boots and Shoes seven million bottle* of St. .Jacobs Oil, am! Always on hand. Good* are low. Note our Catalogue Price*. expended as high as five hundred thousand r4** Order* promptly tiliwL ONB PRICE Guaranteed. dollars m a single year for advertising throughout the world ’I heir success in this Ilelerenco« Our 20,000 < »«turner« sml 12 Year»* Keeorrt suit is regarded with great aatistaetion in Reaportfullyyoar*. C. H. OILMAN, Pr^Tr Rad House, busiuess circle*. Eminent Euglish and 714 ao«i 71« J Ht., an«i 713 and; 15 < >ak Avenu*. Sacrament«». ( al . American legal talent figure«! in the case The counsel fer The Charles A. Vogeler Co , of which latter Mr H D. Umbataetter was personally present, were Queen's Coun«*l Theodore Aston, assisted by John Cutler aud Theodore MacKeuna of lx>ndon. Row­ land Cox of New Y’ork, and Gen. \V illiam : Henry Browne of Washington, d ( (From the New York “World.” THE RED HOUSE OF SACRAMENTO ! Illustrated Catalogue for the Season of 1884. Corrected Price-list of Groceries Every 60 Days! BEAUTIFUL GOODS for SUMMER! SILKS AND SILK MIXTURES A Wilderness of Beautiful Things! CENTLEMENS FINE SUMMER CLOTHINC, HATS THE FIRST OF THE SEASON I F( )R STYLES SPRING 1884, H abitual CoNSTiraTtoN—Is a prolific t JUST RECEIVED BY source of misery and many ills, giving rise to headache, dullness fevers, nor-I voueness, restlessness, biliousness, indi­ gestion, poisoning of the blood, etc. The , AT THFIR bitter, nauseous liver medicines, pills. ; salts and draughts formerly used to relieve tlie sufferer, only aggravate the disease aud sicken tho »tornach All who are afflicted in that way know the importance of a remedy pleasant to We have just received a large invoice of seasonable good®, vonsisUng of the palate, harmless in it« nature, and assumed charge of the Ashland Presbyterian truly beneficial in Its action. Die trial bottles of Svrup of Figs, given away free church. ofcbarge by our enterprising druggists. Mrs. Mary Sutton of Ashland has gene to Comjirifeing tbs vary latest novelties. Merritt s Miunie Ruckle of Oak (»rove, Doug­ PLAIN AND FANCY NECK WEAR, ha» bean engrossing the attention ot the las county, is in town, the guest of Mis* circuit court this week. A number ef STYLISH CLOTHING, Emma Pape. NOBBY HATS, prominent lawyers have been retaiuad . Royal Heath, the popular representative on each side. The case will no doubt AND BOOTS tothetruth <>f wliat I say. No i*am* will be*|»ared to pl*ww errrybnrty- have been at Portland Mr. N. was a rep­ number 11 of them. It throw* a good-aize»! »*r- HuffreM rnce ¡* m «1 for Farm Produce. WT ip p/\/lTTTp resentative to the grand lodge of the A. 0. Mtreain Mfroatn of nf water, wator. work* work« futfeilvaiid Moldnm Gold Kill Ktation. Jan. 2 h . ISM. . easily and aeldom * R -------- U. W. from Climax lodge. get* out of refiair. Anybody needing a Mre. Wm. Duenkel of Y reka, sister of P. McMahon of this place, paid our town a visit Friday. She w as one of the’ Portlaud excursionists. GOLD HILL STATION NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STOCK ÜF GOODS I FROM A NEEDLE TO A WAGON! Astonishingly Low Rates. Surveyor geueral Tolman and family spent good puinp should first consult thorn. awhile m town the forepart of the week. N otice .—A 1aiK<* ««sortinent ofthn cel- i • Mr. T. is here looking after the water suit ebrated New Horn« .owing machinal, tha in which he is interested. baat anil cheapaat tn tlie market, have | JI. McIlwain, son of A. B. McIlwain of just been received at E. C. Brook»' »tore. ■ Albany, lias been in southern Oregon during Call and examine them before purchas ' New residence* are proposed by aev- the we< k. He visited his old home in Jo- ingelaewhora. • rentnod it! ore I r the ««piiue species. Give era! of oar farmers. We learn that M. Bel- ! sephinc county a few days ago. . limi a ti? il. AmmAn w Cough Syrup, which re largely adver­ Wm. Muller of San Francisco, brother of tised by the proprietor, re really a meritorious ’. S hotel, uiuler the new manage- ! linger. (’ '. . W. Broback, <». W. Fordyce and an»i re far superior t«> remedtes of similar - each contemplate building Postmaster Muller of this place, paid our article. i m< nt, >» « ib'iiig V. !l. D Roboam A Soil ar« 1 I J N- Wou'ly character. Give it one trial and yon will bo satia- ; .nil»... l.ir the coinf.ilt of »• bsUut “ 1 «Iwellmi-hou»». ... th» i.eir fu- fi<*d that wo kn«»w whereof we Hp«-ak. [Editor section a visit during the week. He is well II. Xt II nothing______ _ ...... . “The Monitor,’’(Catholic). Han Francisco, Nov. ture. pleased with southern Oregon. V. lftth. 1MK1. ■ I1.1I. th. irgli Rrekhng. Cal.. Feb. 15th, 1R*2.—We have two W in. Edwards nf Medford precinct in­ We inadvertently neglected to mention drug neat ’ lini l.-.i 1 , ! Mtjforil. tlie well k»«wu | storeM —one at Anderson. < al., and the other forms us that a heavy storm prevailed in here. We have kept and sold Ammen's Cough last week that the Sister* had gone to Port ­ e it f r 1 » M (Lborne »V < > , w ns in tnwu Syrup for wino time and find it gives satisfaction. that vicinity Monday In *oms place* land to spend their vacation. They will re­ le-', i.lay; »!»<> J. Winn.ngli.ini i.f Flounce, GLEAVEH A AVERILL. a grpat of deal bail fell and in other* there turn next month to resume their duties. !;■ ck |im'in<’t. ’ own 4 by < i was much rain. No great damage was for­ BORN Judge Bellinger and wife of East Portland r te -t I’ .rt f \ II. Berry, who h.i, b.-ei. in John W it. tunately r many year-, left for ,\’e« Mrs. ( has. Nickell, a daughter. The funeral of M. Colwell was attended the defense in the water case on trial in the Hi iii, who formerly reside«! ou , York » .-e i few days s;n< . to perma­ STARKS—In Crre-cent city. ('al.. July 2d. to Mr. j by a large concourse of friendsand acquaint­ circuit court, which is quite au important and Mrs. L. B. Stark*, a daughter. r3U0 tor it. ; goods in southern Oregon and sells at very county, Cal., Saturday, on a visit to rela­ Produce of all kinds he pays the B’ li Has moral has been re-appointed a low rates tives and friends, and will begone a month. Ryan« Building, 3d St., notary public Ly Gov. Moody and is pre­ 1 highest price for. Give him a trial for proof 3en voyage. pared to indulgi !ge in legal profanity in the ’ ‘J what be say*. P. Ijowengart, well and favorably known John Dyar, Proprietor« most uppruicd style. Riley A McCavauaugh this week received in theee parts, is now a partner in the Port­ a large stuck of « ne liquor from the well I.very j.i>ti e of the peace and constable Tlire market i* now fully prepared to furnish land firm of M. Seller A Co., wholesale 4 in Wdlow -ho’ild have a supply of blanks on hand for known house of Moore, Hunt A Co. of Sau dealers in crockery, hardware, etc. We the public with the choicest quality of a wii >t hik * prt -’inct i nd immediate u>e. He furnish a good assort- Franeisco. They propose renovating their congratulate him on his success. « « nl«!ren. pla'’o of business before long and making a iliPUt ter a >m tj pri c. M rs. C. C. Beckman returned this week S I \ cud- - pl rthnl was Mr. Woodford, of th \v ood ville firm of I number of improvements. Good treatment from quite a visit in the Willamette POBK, VEAL, MUTTON, aud excellent liquors can be relied on at the par- ( okigA Woodfor burned a leu riigl I* a valley and Washington territory, accom­ ’ is building the ware­ Farmer’s Exchange. «1'1, tially insured. panied by her son and daughter. They ex­ HAM, SALT BACON & MEATS. house at Medford, in-tead of the radroad A correspondent of the T ime *, writing tended their trip as far as British Columbia. J. i L (1 i .J k it -• <4- 1 in I>.xihl 1114 a fine company, a* reported. Also, superior from \\ lllow Springs precinct under a re­ barn and ¿¿t anary f >r Fifed H.ureen of Table C. W. Savage and Dennis Murphy, ac ­ \\ <>rk will be cutnmeucot«j\en* is btiihling a comniodiuu* barn N R. Lytle A Ce. will in a few days re­ Cakfemia. He was hauling homo the coach and will hereafter follow pastoral pursuits luind" high, branded X <»n left shoulder and m breach?. The »aid mare came to my place al*»ut Through his uniform affability be has gained on th ; inn Tho< Martin rci^tly pur- based sume charge of the wholesale and retail de- ‘ made for his mail-line by Swan 4 Lemay of six weeks aa<>. The owner re requested to of t! • Hallcstir . W a host of friends, who regret to learn of his prove property, pay charges and take her away. Y reka, which is the fiDest wagon of the pertinent of the Rogue River Distillery. J. H. GRIGSBY. resignation. The stage company loses a kind we aver saw. That firm has a reputa ­ H B. Mi.’vrA. ( • of Jump-off Jne pre-1 They have a large and first-class supply of Dated .Tune IS. 188L tion for making some of the best finished faithful and efficient official, whooe place it cinut arc already mint ?a turmg a large uum-, pure liquor on hand. Lor-k out for their ad« I and moat serviceable vehicles on the coast, will kre difficult to fill. We wish you un­ QUPFJUOR ASSORTMENT OF EVERY 1MML b.r fruit box •«. and this is one of them. Vertin*merit next week. limited ncces*, Billy. dinahie kind of buwt* at JOHN MILLER'S. 2I‘I CRONEMILLER & BIRDSEY, JACKSONVILLE. aklKl 'M. I’OCÍLIS, <-olf Cigars and Tobacco An on the premise* that coat agouti bam and other Imildingv, and there i* no prettier place in Southern Oregon. Thia » » rar. omMirtunity for a city capitali*t d«winng a tirautifal trammer residence. (’all uo«,n nr *4- ‘’T* .. „ „ , E-DLMim. Grant » Pa-*. Or.. June A. t*M. T