DEMOCRATIC TIMES. EDITORIAL TI kiimaw ' s majority will not resell ItHifial Paper for Jnrksnn, Jotttphinr X Lak' 2.1M10, while Ju lge Thayer's will be nearly 500. FRIDAY,... C akl Scutnz says partyism cannot be relied on to rally the better element of Republicans to the support of Blaine. SrHsx.iEas it may appear, the most vicious assaults upon the Republican candidate for the Presidency come from Republican journals. NEW THIS WEEK. XOTL'S. T he telegraph reports that it is pro­ posed to force Tilden to accept the Democratic nominatiou. Bi'tioF S impson , the venerable bishop of the M. E. Church, died ut Bo.toU recently, aged 73 years. E ven President Arthur and his cabi­ net are not giving the Republican ticket any great encouragement. CoMMOtioiii: U akrison and Morgan A Sons. New York speculators, hive suspended. Many millions of dollars are involved. 125,000 BKICK! Th» ti .1» raignctl I ave »»n hand a lartf« number of first-rat-- brick, which they offer for «ale h ( rvusouabb* rate*, in quantities to suit. HOLT A HARDIN. Jack-onv ilie. .lun«*J7. IS*I. CEGAR ! \ debuhtfu' Smoke. X«k your dealer for it, And obligt* Yu urn renpt. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 4 Al*IT.IE I* HIX». «75,000. AYER’S PILLS A large proportion of the diaeaseB winch cause human sutler mg r vault from derange­ ment of the stuinacb, bowels, and liver. AVEU'S CATHAKrtC PiLLS act directly u|s»u these organs, and are especially designed to cure tho diseases caused by their derange­ ment, including Constipation, ludlgea- lion. Dyspepsia, lleul>IC’l-2. If wdl pnv you to » all a’«I izi’t my i»ric»>* !>» for»* purchasing ,-l-»-wh»«re. a* 1 have determine«! to clos« oui my un-rcantil«- business ami will *»dl at tl»« very l»»w»**t rat«*. KAREWSKI, Jacksonville. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME ! Kr»*p constatiti *>n luuid a full line of l«die*’ DRESS AHO FANCY GOODS ! Ï A >TI i I >’< < CHINESE MATTING. TOBACCO & CIGARS I WALL PAPERS, VI .1 >V. El.INI’S. ..O'lMXi, GLASSI .< UEaiiKS TRULKC, VALISES, SATCHELS AND BACS. ?"al <>»•!< 3.O»W 1 >1’Ì«M»S Ta»* f"ll<»Wing will show that we mean I mi . i'.se1. At.HO Xn erown from of cubivntcd vari«*- • ■*. \Sf offt-r a ii:ii t* -l uipu I mt <»f Tro*»« <»f <»ur ' n »BRATE!» < P km ’H al $1 <**ch, or 75 >x-r l.titainsL a ’»j on «;n>!■»•«♦ i«»n. < \V. RLI-DJt <’<»-. Niir^* rym*»n. F. HURBAR!), KacrMuento, <’&1. Anon» f«»r Jackxoa County. HEW VARIETY STORE Ryan’s Building, < AlJF.'i; .¡V STlitFT. JA, KHONVIU.K. H i M' * k i« I'UF.SII AND NEW V'.d w.ll tfHoIdnt I’W“’ price*. A choice as­ sonnici t of Cigars and Tobacco P.yin'» Building, 3d St., Dyur f FARM PRODUCE, Tin* in.-iiket i* row fu’.ly prej»ared^ pared to furnish (he public with the choi?ts»t quality of PRICE in <-» Lt BROWNSBOROUGH T. J CLOPTON Hereby inform* the ¡.ubije that he baa recently op<*n in K<««1 »tjl«. an«l luiving made >mr aira;ig«ment. will Is- treats! to In Jackson County. Supply With til., BEST (lt<‘ RUBBER Th«*e who favor him ___ with tl.eir trafic will find hi* good* of excellent quality and ger oral variety. Country Produce taken in exchange. t . J. (TjurroN. Brownehoro. June 6, I KM. NEUSTADTER BROS., ITIE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PR! ES We can Manufacturers of THE STANDARD SHIRTS, BOSS OF THE ROAD Ni i h <• r.*i BOOT nuiile in America. For ON 12I«.\ lalaJ*, AND GENTS’ FUENISHING GOODS. 67 ami 69 Front Ht eet, I A >5\ i •!« I’ORTkANO, OGN Our intenti«»’) i« to cultivate the tnul--of J.»»-k*»n and Joeephin« ««»unties, and wc will guar. nnt»*e to the p»*«»pl<* fair tr -atimmt ami lion«»rabh- Jealing in all trankactions. H. B. MILLER rr*g«»n: all ur.d-r f»»nc»* and a growing cr«»p. So pain* will I m * *pnr»*d to render th« sojourn There is a h»»*x-e on tl - premis«** that cost .V».:*". J A. Higgins vs Jacob Mills; to A of invalid* or other* j b-a-.afit «nd comfortable. a g»M*d bam and other Buildings, ar <1 tlc-r»* is no foreclose mortgage. D.smis»<-d. Phe table will be*erv« r provocation on my HE UNDERSIGNED oi l’ RS FOR SALE State vs. C W. Keeton nn,l others; part; ami I hereby give noli«-.* that 1 will not bi* On Frit lay. July 4, 1*M. hi* Fann. pl**.-i-*-mtly located »•:» Butt»* < <•••• k. robbery. On motion of the district at­ r** i».»n-»ibl** for any <»f her d'*bt« or contract* from and containing 16o a- n-M. It i* w -H wah r< d and fh’dd«. JOSEPH VVII m SIIN. ha« a spl»*nnr;t and outbuild­ torney the iudictiuent against said Kee 1’h-PiHX. Oregon. Jure ?♦. «1. The und«r*ign»tl will give a grand Kall at his ings on it. Nearly «1! of it is fenced and under ton was dismissed, e.O that he could be ho’t-e in Kirbyville on the above d.tte, ami ex- cultivation, and it will I»« sold at a rt-.»sonable temk h cordial invitation to all to atf»*ner will I m ? or address in»* at Eagle Point. Oregon. trial of his co-defeudants. It was or­ provided. Ticket« M. KYDFR. JOHN' N. YOUNG. dered that lie also bo placed under HE I NDFKSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE uri h'-ad of rb-an. tir«t-cht— Stock Sli«*»-p. bonds of to appear as such wit STRAYED Carpenters ani Joiners Wanted ! Tti**y are w irra- t»-«! to I h * *«f«»nd to no *hi*«*p of Less, and in default of bail ho was com­ th«*.r cind•• id th«* county, ar: and ,1 M. -»arrett; in­ VHHINGJ H Kl.F JOINTED RODS. LINEN. a circi»» on the right shoulder and a small Pon uH’t* rash paid even two w«ek*. For further I «••.T-grii-s a :•! <>ilc• r. •*’i-m »l- • i-»ir »• «rti»-l«s usually found in a tir-*-»*!««- •. truly I. i * ndw r • i I »«•--. in Rvan’* buildir g. and «'all w hen y <»u want a £<»<>d cii»;*r. NEWT. BEGGR. Horses Strayed! Fourth of July Ball We offer for the sooroo of 188S-M, a large and superior «toc« of in SODA SPRINGS HOTEL, Fine Farm for Sale ! TREES! TREES! ! Would announce to tic- public that ho han just purchffiMsd Carlock’« GROCERIES, CASHED GOODS, PROVISIONS GRAND SALI FOURTH OFJUsY BALL I BALDWIN A FORBES. NEWT. BEGGS ’> BOUTS; I.Al’ll S’ MISS I T he Republican press of the Yreka Journal'g stripe would hold the Califor­ nia Democracy entirely responsible for the failure of the legislature of that Stuto to pas* any salutary railroad leg­ islation nt the extra snsn. Those journals are not honest enough to state the facts in the matter. They forget to tell that the Republican legislators, with a few honorable exceptions, voted m favor of the railroad right along,and that but for a few corrupt Democratic senators Gov. Stoneman and the San Jose pintform would have been vindi­ cated. The California Democracy is almost solid against the encroachment* and lawlessness of the C. p. railroad and other monopolies, nn.l with very few exceptions its leaders are auti mo­ nopolists. It is only natural that pa­ per* which publish the argnments of railroad attorneys and are in the em­ ploy of Stanford’ Ji Co. should question • lie h"n< sty of other i. Best Good* at Reasonable Prices. - Jacksonville. Propsrty for Sale And excellent arconimoflations for gu«Mt». Hoes Rakes. Forks Shovels, Scrubs, Plants, Etc. California Street, - The 4th of July Fourth of July Ball CIRCUIT CuURI PR')' EEDIXRS AXES, BROOMS. ETC. SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, TEACH MUSIC Oil the 4th of July, ’84 STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, BUILD UP YOUR TOWN & COUNTY KENTUCKY WHISKIES, ASHLAND RESTAURANT, Paints, Oils and Glass, FRUIT TREES MEDFORD The Declaration of InJependenue FISHING TACKLE, Agen’* for D. M. O*l*»me A (’’<»> Mowern. Reap era, etc.; h I mo the Hoiling*worth and Bed Bird Hay Hake*. TI > \V A It 12. 1884 PASS ! Cutlery, Clocks AMPS. MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES MAJOLICA & FANCY TABLE WARE, A I AKI.OAI* OF Barbecue anti Baike’ Dinner GRANT’S GUNS. PISTOLS, AMMUNITION Which hi« ¡superior facilities enable him to ***1! cheaper than anybody. GRAND CELEBRATION CHANGE !3 MANAGEMENT Fire Department ! A COMPLETE 1A N E OF Tin and Granite Ware, 1776 AT JACKSONVILLE ----- CARRY---- DEERING MOWER! FOURTH OF JULY! CELEBRATION BALDWIN ¡FORBES HARDWARE. “ HV enii-Annual Dranimj^ of The Louisiana ^tate / ottery Companyami in perifou Has just received u full line of th« celebrated manaye ami control the l>rau >nys (him selves^ ami (hat thesamr arc cmductcit with homxty, fatrm six, and m good faith toward all parties^ and we authorize the Company to use this certificate^ with far-m miles of our signatures attached, in its advertisenu-ntaf 1776 MISCELLANEOUS LINK VILLE. OR rriII*2 CAKLOAD! iULZnsKI I II. T he T imes circulates l.Stk) copies, which list is constantly increasing. Tins circulation is larger th in that enjoyed Notice for Publication C ut worms aro postering farmer* in by any newspaper published in Oregon, Land Office at R«>a»*burg, Oregon, ? A Sufferer from Headache writes: June 21, 1HK4. ( outside of Portland. This makes the th«» Willamette vull -v and have already “A veh ’ s P ills are invaluable to me, and destroye I many tidda of grain. Jack VHThl IH IIFREIO (»IVIN IHATTIIE are my constant conqianion. i Lave been T imes a superior advertising medium son county does not hive any such lux -1 i L . A ig-:i.aiDi-»l settler ha- filed n«»tice of his a severe sufferer from ilea«laclie, an«! vo'ir intention ti» make final pr«**f in suppoit of hi* PlLl.s are the only tiling I could look to oriea. claim, a: «1 that san! proof will be made before th»* for relief. One «lose will »¡uickly mow my IiErt'BLK'AN papers are parading the | (’lei k »»f .1 a.-kson »-oiuity, < b egoa. at Javksonvill»*, bowels and free my head from pain. I hi y T he Republican managers are cu- Oregon, «»it Thursday, July3!, lx-1 viz: Jacob fact that Jay Gould is highly pleased ar«» the most effective and the easiest physic Johnson, | r» -< i ;pti«>n 1>. S. No. 4179, for the 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to gaged in tho delectable business of S. W. *4 of S. \\ . ai„! 1--1 the N. Y. 1 W. il*., tine*» Ih»* followiru witnes.-»»-« to prov when occasion oners. written a letter to thu 7'n'oo, to that Tu.'ie.i and other papers they cannot hi** »■>»:’! .G'i >u-* n--i«l'*n»a* upon, am! cultivation of. W. I.. P age , of AV. L. Page & Bro.” lncori*'»rnt'«I in isf»> for 25 years by the Legis KH'd lan»l. viz: II. L. Hill, ( iar«-i don Morrison, Franklin bt., Richmond,\ a., «lune 3, l*b2. effect. That is one great reason why control. lat un* for Eilucatioual and t’Iiaritabl« puriaw»** Josiah Hannah a <1 Win. Nail, all »»f Etna, Or. “1 have used A \ Eli’s P ills in nuniber- with a capital of Jl.OIP.llO to which a r»»««»rv»* WM. 1 . Bl’NJ \MIN. RegiMer. the people should ii'.t support him. 11« T here have been heavy rains in Cali­ le-s instances as recommended by you fun. 1*79. and did great injury to famis in that T he New York Tini > {K?p ) pub vicinity. Damage in other pottions of tleasant, ih-.tMitnt, safe, and reliable reliLl’ family 5__ 1*. . medicine. _ !. I’li« only Lotterv ever v«»t«MÌ on and endorsed by Land Office ut Roseburg. Or»»gon, ( ‘OR DYSPEPSIA the) are invaluable. th»* |>»*opl'- of any Sta?»*. April 15. W0U. 5 lishes from three to four columus a day the State is also re]>orted. ’I*» <>rui<»l Piatirle N«aiiil»«r l»i-ftninx« »1. T. IU liavKS. .1. ip .” VOTH’E IS HEREBY (¡IV! N HI AT THE Mexia, Texas, «June 17, 18x2. lake pince iiioiathlj». 11 i.* .» r se.ih-» <»r -« f»»ll DA i Ig-Tl;.n*e«l -'-tiler has til»*d ii»»tice «>f his from llepnblic.itiH who endorse its I r is amusing to s<'e the Republican intention to make final proof in sup|M»rt of his |H>stpOlH S. Tho R ev . F ki . ncis II. H aki . owf , writing < %l»l.«»|»I’4H< • I > I I ì I «» course in opposing Blaine, and who say and that *a <1 proof will b«< made !s*f<»rc from At ¡until, (ia., says: •• For s«»me y»irs papers try to pooh-pooh th« Independ­ claim, MIS % IOR IV SIM.NTII GRAND th«- Judg«» or ('lerk of Jackson county. Oregon, past I have been subject to con tipalion, they would vote for such u man as DRAW ING i i ASSW. INTUI M \ I >1 M\ O al Jacksons ille, <>a Tu«*.-. S. No. 4315, from whieh, in spite ot the use of m«-li- Ml S!< NI W <»RI ! \\s, TI I SDAY. J m I> IA. Cleveland or B.iyard, bnt will under j'.i lge from the space they occnpv in forth. cme-s uf various kiinls, 1 sutl’cre«! increasing issi lîoili Monthly Drawing. N. W. , N W. l S»-r. t. N. E. ‘»of inconvenience, until sonic months ago I no circumstances yte for Blaine. tikis enterprise they are ;r,’ ally worried N. I . S' »-. I '.*■» S. R. 3 west, ai »1 S < f S. began taking P ills . They have C ipital Prize $75 000. \\ . * ’S .;.l. T. 35. S. R. 3 w» st. lie names th« entiwly »*•»: r» .’l«*»i the costive iiablt, end over it. f»»llov> ii.-z w.tnc**s»»s to prov»* !iis continuous resi- lOfbOOO Ticket« h Five o-laia * a< b have vastly improved my general health.’* T rk A.‘ciate I thorough action give tone ami vigor to the Blaine, has commenced a vigorous cam­ any foreign power on the slightest ,i»> (Io I _■ I’ltlZf s OF imo Administratrix's Notice. whole physical economy. paign against Oov. Cleveland notwith­ I provocation. The people cau have no <»f JI»» <1. 5 P repared by of |l»«) (Io 10 In th« matter of th«* estate of James Miller, do- standing that he is not yet a candidate. 1 use for such an mis do man. of 5«i ,i-> 'Ji ceased. J C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. lit) «»f 211) <|o It looks very much as if he was th« C onor » ssuan C ai . kins has b--.>n notp Volli I |H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE of UH an Sold by all Druggists. ir i* r- • il h,»- L-on appoint»*«! by th»* <\»unty min the Republican leaders feats I inateil for governor of In hans, beating ( .« '»urt of 5» 5»l) .♦.-»•» M'VHUXIM »TIOS - d. All sv|wrleiic« th. woixlerful lOUNG, 9 Approxiniati<»n P iZ»** of votes He is not a particularly strong Al: p r-o -i indebted to sa «I estate are rcqu«*fltcd beneficial effects of V IVirit the Inst issue the Yreka. I"ur .al It' • t a n** inline,hateiy, ai’»l ti »>*e having 0L0. ANO man nn.l will l>e easily .1. f, a'c.l bv t»» - m- 9 do Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. - i eH th»* estnte will present them with entered upon its 29th volume. Rjbt. Hemliicks, Gray or any other popular h ■ pr<»;> MI9DLE- -r vouch *rs to •!»•« undersigned, residing Children with Sore Fyes, Sore 1967 Piiz,*. amounting to at ilr»»w! »'>n»ui4'i, Jackson county, Oregon, Nixi n hi»» been publishing it for the beiuoi'.at. A3ED........... Ears, . ........ or any scrofulou . r . pb- Application for nit»-« to club* «h«»uhl he nieb Within - x ».umths from t'. > first publi»*atioii of Hiiln taint, may l»c made bcailiiy am. str< ng only to th** oth -i- nf the com? tny in New < )rl<*an«. last twenty-three years, with con- VI l.l INDA Mil 1.1 K. M rs . Dvxnv w's paper keeps up the by iu ubc. For further informa'ion wr te elearly. givii’k' Vhninistratrix of said «»state. eiderable success. It is an excellent fie fit agaiii't those who voted no on full addrea**. Make ! ’ . O. Money Order* pa>abl<* bold by all Druggist» , $1, six bottles for flk Date«! J»r * 27. I-H. and addrcH* RogiMcrod l**tt«*r* to local paper, but its political statements tho woman suffrage amendment in a NEW OBLF.ANS NATION\l. BANK. New < >rb*an«. I »a. are greatly prejudiced and rather unre manner more forcible than elegant, !• '»sr % • \or % livble. The papers appears in a new \ il'tperation and n>isieprcsen‘ati >n are Mail or I’xpr *s« («11 «um« of and ui»wards by Expntisat our»*xp«n*-’ to too prominent tn that lady’s warf ire f .1 dress. M. \. DXI’PHIN. V*w Orleans. La. people who want argument. Or M. \ DM PHIN. ♦VI7 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. Io <»f Sani’* Val!«y will celebrate th« T he attorney of the Standard Oil I-’ kov every quarter com. s tho nows •ihof p-->| July fit M»o::v ill»- by a Rask* t Dinner aid ('oacpauy has beeu appointed attorney, tb it many Ib-pubheuns wib not support Picnic. Th»* Declaration of Inti j-»»t:d*ne»- will read ai d an »»ration »lelivered, art! the castotn- general of the United States, and loUV'-s Blaine an 1 I. >gan, and th re are many be II7 < • n in ; ■ - a .d a,ii will be iudalged Ins office in Washington and goes to iuilueutisl j .itrnals ati l men in this re­ in. At Eî.dit a Pt nnsylvania to assist that corporation volt. If the I' m • -rits act jtnli.-iouslv Grand Ball and Supper t> evu.lo I ixes it owes the common­ nt Chicago on July Kth, 11 on-and» of Will !» -riv -D at 'Î ...-i s Hall. The l»t*-t of inusic wealth, while the Mar-ronto thieves are Republicans wiii vote tiu i, ticket in w.ll !•>• fu; it*;.»-»! I ' Orme lir«»*». I \ -rvU ■ inv. ••»! t*» com« ‘I 'u«v»- a good Of the 108th Aimivet- try of American In suffered to escape in Washington. The November. tini» . (.O'!'I I H EE. dependence at SxvEitxt. army wagons were brought good, honest, clean, upright Republi­ I Illi T flUSpi»’«** of the .hv’ks«>I!VÌÌlf» can adminiatration should continue in fr >m Vancouver M .u.lay and for warded over the (). A C. It 1«. c r^utr office; the dear people need it badly. o: r 111: to Fort Klamath, to remove the detach- T he Republican press is vigorou dv ineut of the Twenty-ti. st infantry sta­ PROGRAMME: I Ï << >1'321 A CRAND PROCESSION pressing the claims of Ben Butler to tioned there to California, wiien -e they Salnta ef 39 Gum at A i T Will h»-forms! nt th»* ¡’nem* Hoc*»* of ti- hire the Democratic nomination for Presi­ w ill proceed to their new quarters at Sidney. Nebrask i. Ih partHii-nt nt ‘.‘J'l \. M.. and nft.-r pnrud dt ti -* OFF!»'! i’.S «»' THE DAY., o\. dent. Such a tl.iug is not talked of prii.t-ipal str»‘»*tH will jum - c »*»! I o th« Court ILnis*' Pri-ndent M. P* tersoa. S-piar»-. H.-iti y Kbpp» I and i . D. I'«»u<> ii »T t«'IÍ'.« public tions send dele cates to Chi a 40 pledged Butler would make the best President I Ro--*. t» ” o. I ordyv«-. . T j.-.. f.;.- h, ..f, m:*»!«. tb.'t a <....... ORDER OF PROCESSION: Orator. !i’»N. I. R. \\ t ItSl 1 K. i‘.. tj‘. ■*cpl .»*-d with t X ryli».» g th« mar- the country has had since Lincoln; but for Cleveland, and the In lia’>a delega ihwier. W. 1. Wiii.a* k- ; o' . d*. 1. Jacksonville S Iver (’'»met Rand. Chaplain M. V Wilh he does not pose gracefully as a Demo­ tion is instructed for McDonald Now 2. • ’.irri ig*- with Orator, lb .d r a; d G le.-( ’lui». Marshal A. L. Join let th - friends of these gejtl -m-n p > >1 The Tioc-iin ml Rei’s 3. Tri irnphal C »r, representing tl e State s and cratic candidate. The party indulged their issues so that the presidential Territorien. ORDER OF EXERCISES I. Jacksonville Fire < »»inpany will» Engine. in u dish of er >w in 1-72 that lias hear­ ticket will r-1 I (’ ail '.l l»ou llav 'bu-T* t . •».»• .f that .»Id. It can be *-ily elected. L, H‘»»ik A l-!»ld' r t'ompiujy with Tru k. 3. Musi»’ by th*- B.i i«i. FIRST-OLA S ORDER, 7. Artillery. 4. Reading t . !>•-< larat : H. -Ute the Com- M. « /images, horsemen, etc. 5. Mu.-.c by the Band. Ujwm arrival at < oiirt House S iu ir-* the follow­ r ». f - *. 6. Oral ion. section will visit Portland on the t'h of ing programme of exercises will m observe«! T he Portland Sfaada/>1 is w a-tiug its 7. Mu*ic by the Band. 1. Music i»y th»* 1 omet Ih :d. energies in a boom for Hon. S. J. July, an.! there will be ■■ >tne from 2. < Ì «»ru* by b • G le»- ( ’’ul». 3. Prayer by < hapl un Rev. R. 1’. Oglesby. Iield. Bro. N'dtner has a weakness northern California also. The railroad I. Mu- • by 1 li*- E i'■n'y $12, oraicxi for th** occm * j -» u . R*-a«lii:g th»- D s-birui;o;i by F. A. l’r«'sl»*y. consequently Judge Field suits him C..O.I from July 2.1 to July 7th inclusive . Muste By the Band. RUNNING RACES, exactly. The resolution against that From Yreka the rate will l.e .i< ’!•: wrX es . irre. The whole to conclude with auti-Chineso plank in its pre» nt plat ing Mexican veteran-.but it is < > loaded By t* ftn« consisting of twenty lessor* p»-r term. form. Many more Republicans voted down with previses that the n hie oh ea»*h lesson oc.’upyiug half an tv>ur. i:.i-t .!■ A GRAND 3ALL s. hc«!uh- has t»»’<»n highly r»-coin;ii-cd» <1 a;»»i r»- against the original bill than for it, and ject originally in view is Io t sight of. At Holt’s H-dl, and no pains will !»»• *|g.r»s! t<> <-<-r.tly d-.ixNi by th»* l»ost uri-ic d e»’iis«-rv. •<>- i«truches of th«* large cm.- both U“inlly fourni in r. tirst- n '••!. Ticket , iBcladlag Knpp«*r« AX.OO. in th<- United Stet*» ; g d Eur«.p“. second bill was passed by Democratic when be said the Itepnldieau majority Aï I in f e t everything cla-s Louae, This will Is- th'* grand,»st c»4ebr-iti,>n of th»* I(r»om-at the I . S. Hot»*!. Ja> ksonvill»*. was influenced by the fu.-t that th • - a ir votes, Blaine's s- tutorial henchmen Glorious Fourtli «ver given in J ickson county. with Vb xico, that had sir*,I so much L»*t old an,I young cone* and enjoy il an«! r«-v-v. For Medical Pnrpos.s from Maine straddling the measure uu.l glory on Americans, was .1 Democratic G. B. CALDWELL the spirit »»f fr«e1 I I I l< AMI 4.001» MFSK t.-iining the report of the comniitteo eidedly a fruit grow mg »" •Hon and we Owii * ton !nr^** -t • *k on ha-.d red ti •*>».» of from 2f» t > 30 p rr’.it.wdl bemad-. Will hi- furnish"'! for th»' o ■<’.i-i »:i. Tickrl•< >2. which exaiuinod tho cli.irges made hop« that immediate st.j, will be taken Horae-fi’t-d fret*. V.’». will -.11 OU K* iP.icky Whisky at $1 »0 that we can furui-h thu Portland against Rev. A. J. Hunsaker by th« market and others besides. There i- pt r l»ottle. Ol»i price $ I 50. The citizen* of Grant’* Bas* will n lcbrate (l.e Al. I. AHI' INVITI 1>. Fourth in good old-faahioned style by a I‘ -t In »! I*, of s».mi icli Bitters .$| per i’ortkind Aler -iu-'i sometime ago. This no reason why thu cairn .t ba done bottle. Oi l price $1 25 CRAMD BASKET DINNER gentleman was accused bv that unscru All that isnocessjry is enterprise an.I E r M purp»»-. s, Ifolliii»! Sffin (Ln On the beautiful hank» of Bogun River, half a pnlous sheet of taking improper liber­ good management. «at $1 50 p« f fpiart. Old pr. $2 00 mile from th» town. ileiinesv l'’i«ii» h Brandy, $2 per qn »rt. ties with a young lady from Ashland OFFEi: I'm; S.U.r MY F\HM I.YIMi <>\ .VO7' A SAI E MAX. ’ll:!« Imus • It s alwaya instock the c. !<■ _ Gnflii <’ri«»k. *ix mih* soul heiDit of Jackson­ GEN. APPLEGATE while aboard the stage then running to i riEr them, and cnme ¡.ere umler Sb »r«, Mitiof <»t Aut«rir»n Sports, t’hicago, In town in the evening, and a the idea tlert the citizens < f this coun ­ to be tho favorito with a majority of :«■ <1 th«* county papers Tunes, S* u:inel uud GRAND BALL AND SUPPER HIGH’S BUILDING. Democrats for the first place on the try were m t to l.o di*tml> -d by foreign I .dinga. Will be riv<*n by Holm*’» P»-t'-r*at night. Hupp r Patronage respectfully solicited. Presidential ticket and we would not broils or commotions, or taken awav nt l^imb»-rt'* Hotel B«**»t of mu*;» ’ ha-» b--»*n •■!»- I gn*tsi. ’I’ d k«*t*, »ncludnig -upper, >2.5*». Tenn* < *h. G. 0. LEST CF M'A.LS SERVED! aaa. ot. v oM-» r. ■*Mma v:w wi i iivw-mw be surprised if lie received the nomina­ front their bomt-s ami bustt-e«s for tie- ( oinmitt«'-* have b-sm appoint'<1 to carry out Mourt <• dootrim-, the l«alan<*e of power th»- pr»»gramim*, ar.d a very enjoyable tine- i*» an- The table is always supplied wit h the choi'- *t tion on the first ballot. He lias proved below the e«|iintor or anything of ttiut 1 icipnt»-«l. For further p.irli<’uL»rs *« • ¡M»*ter*. van»!** procura le. himself on able, honorable and high- sort. Give us a call wh**n in Ashlaiid. for w»* guar Anti nri-iv other .. . foreign ... « i born i»'H I» antee satisfaction. minded official, far above the average citizens, and plenty of n .'ivoM, too, AT MEDFORD WM. DOUGHERTY A < O. Ashland, May 12. |H«|. run of politicians, and a good deal like object to Mr. Illune . n »he Ham« grounds. I He 11 s proveí a rcekh-ss Ou the Linkvitle Road, his Ulmtri'-iis predeces or. *ff7 Tildi n. statesman an.I i will nit mike a *af« We consider him the strong« -t man tho 1’ri h«h-:it.» ll-V of« TEN MILES FROM ASHLAND, I !.»• ur:fi r it’ll»'»!. propri»-t«»r of (he Etnpir»* Democracy can nominate at this time. umler "Mr. Garli'-hi h ■ waa alwavH Hotel P’OM THE PRF.MIHI HOF Till HUBS R1B- nt V|. d'u'd. w il tfiv-' t Ball on th * »*v«-riinif L. B. TUCKER. Proprietor. 1 er. one s«»rr«*l mare 7 ve u- ,»l«l, bra. d -dG on |t!i. t » whi.-h '-v ryb.» i* i*« n.vit--»- prov «!••• v• I!•». A lib. r.»l I’a***; D. II. Miih r. M* dford. Comtortuble Ro >ms n-winl w ll l»»‘ paid for any information that sure for lum I *'• J. W. ( I NNINGIIAM. THE FOURTH At Sam’s Valley ! HARVE3TÌNC MACHINERY, WAGONS JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. OCR MOTTO IS “Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fly where they Will!” A Full Line of Merchandise Jolinston's Ferry. (FoKMjm.X vasnoy ' h ) Jump-off-Joo Prcci» tak»- pleasure in informing the public that they Lav»* rev-ntl\ put ui‘a n«M and <*onimodi<»n* Feiry- IsMtt at th« ohl place on Rogue river, and ar«* pre­ pare»! to ferry all wh«»d«*in* t<* cr«m* ma safe ai d ex|H*ditious manner at rtMtsoimbk* rates. We guar- ant»s- satlafnct¿«»I». JOHNSTON BROS. GRANTS PASS Lively & Feed Stables, 4.1.4». K. JI RTl’% Prop Haring aHfflimed the *olo management of thia staid«, th • propru-tor tak»— pbtisure in mform ing tim public that he will h I whj * b« preparen short notice for all ocew- aion*. (iive meatrial and I will ¡»rove what 1 aar. GtO. II. JcbTCb. Grant’* Paas». Feh. 4. 1KM. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. OLD TIMES COME AGAIN! GOODS SOLDOXLY FOR CASH I Rogue River Whisky, SHEEP FOR SALE! T BETON AN A< TEAL CASH BASIS. F A pure »!i*tiH»«tl npirit a (toon to th« d«bilitnt«d The cnly ««name m Or»*gon, hold by H. M. HASSETT, w« buy at a discount, and loan no bad debt.«, and prop »*»» to give our pntrons the advantage this policy. J. W. MERRITT. That which 1« imported and usually told a« witisky is druKKfd mixed, and c<»iap«>unded with !,n g»x *1 to ir.nnkr.i-1.