S' « X <* » V7 V I DEMOCRATIC TIMES ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK- Published every Friday morning by Advertiw*mei!tb Will I m * inserted in the 1'iMKR nt the following rat«*» : Terf line*, one insert ion. 50 “ “ oarh Kubeequent insertion.................. 1 (JU tW* Legrd adtertieementi» inneried niiaonalily. A fair reduction from the above ruU** made lw jMir 1 j und time advertiaen*. THE T1MEH JOB OFFICE in more complete by far tlian any other in South ern Oregon, and o*»ni(»areH favorably with any in th« State. Job Printing of every imaginable d«*»cription done at San Franciacu rate», and in a prompt and fin*(-cla»a manner. CHARLES NICKELL tOITJR ARO PROPRltTOI. 4 Oflloo -Cornar Thin! and (' 8tro**U SEW TIMES BUILDING. Rnln t»r H.ib«M*ripi lt»»i : Oa« ropy, per annum. “ »i.< m«»ntliM........ •* three montili DEMOCRATIC TIMES. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 26 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 27. ISSI VOL. XIV. $■’! (i* 2 a 1 BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANDISE. I MEDFORD ADVERTISEMENTS HAS DOM JOTTINGS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. FASHIONJUNIS Wo lake wood ou subscription. Drosses made of one plain material Lyln Rice is now engaged as tele are less and less worn. Iturary at-Law 1 Ural Eat ite Ipnt, grs"l, opei-K'or for tho (J. Will keep a full line of keep on hand a constant »up¡>ly of help make tho variety in the trimming* We ure informed that the uew qnar of drosses, when two kinds of stuff are i HIGH art of J. I’. Alford, a relative of A Alford, Whole dresses of blaek lace, worn Ale«» one of Brunswick A Balk«*« i’XRRY I’HF LARGEST AND BEST SELE(T- wa. elected assessor of Rentou county over black or colored silks, are very JACKSONVILLE, OOM., Fine BILLIARD Tables. \J ed stork of by ubont 100 majority. fashionable and very becoming. J. I. Case Plows and Harrows, COAL OIL. LIQUORS, Will prr liiith litiinor-. a: «i every I’ass have l>een visiting friends and ice which is plaited lengthwise, ar* The Acme Harrow Which the, will Also, ageata for Buckeye form <>f ltclnng Scaly. Limply. S -n»fii|«>UM. In­ relatives in Myrtle creek. Kept by any hon«» in Southern Oregon outride of popular for thin dresses. J H. NE1L, herit'd, ('onlHgiuuM, and < ‘«»pp-*r-( «»1«»1 • -i I) hm * um - The Studebaker Wagons \ HBST-CLASS S3STAUBANT Jacksonville. Our stock consist» in part of e** <»f the BI ocm I. Bkin. mid S<*Klp. with l,oMi<>f Revenue reform and redneed taxation Tsumnres are now iudispensauld, And Spri g Work. llnir.aie positively curt d by the Cut iu ura Re tn«*“ seem to be pretty good issues with without the back breadths of the dress ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. . onn«-!.,! w.ih.hs als.ve A TAVL()K. (lie*.___________ _ which to go before the people. me very much puffed. H aim s efxders . 1 utirui M UeMdvent, tiie new bld |>unti»*r,4-leuii- Jacksonville Ogn- HI m V R WAGONS. tM*w Uie !»>< mm ! and ¡*eT"piration «»f lnipurit i <* m ai ret> th«* fashioned “linen duster" is no longer Charley Zigler, a Jackson county ; Main Street, H. K. HANK.'. seen. 1 < uiivurx soa|>, a • x«|Ui-ib Skin Beautifivr iuai boy, has l>e«-r. appointed ng‘-nt of the : In the «nme building they have a Drug Store, oots n - Coos B.iv Stage Co. at Roseburg. B innets are usually small, and nearly where wll I m * kept th»* nu*«i »elect medicine» for Toilet R«* a compieiu SHELF HARDWARE, Now in genehtl use. 1 uHcura l are ahroln!**ly pur«* in «1 (he • ■f which wiU be set out in young fruit the left side. line of Farm Implementa. Will practice in all th*» (’»■irta of the State. IRON AND STEKD, DR. VROOMAN. only t«*ai Blcxx! Barifiei* and Skin IWutithT»». trees. Oifi »♦» up at’un in Ort i * hr t-k Crocuses, and dandelions with their THE IHK WILL ALWAYS BE KBIT SUP- J. IV. II n v (rnt. Druggiet and Apothecary. free fr«*m mercury, ar-enic, lead, zinc, or any TOI1A COS .♦ Ch; A RS, I |.I .-.I with the choir--I brunii« of win- ll-plor« other u.inerul or vegetable pois*on what moi -Ver. (’entrai I’oiut. feathery sced-tnfts. are the latest flow­ J. M Siglin. editor of the Coos Bn PATENT MEB1CINKS, rule while Ihr l.sul'nc |w*|H'r» of the <-o:i»l It would r»*<|U’r«* tliii* entire pai»er 1«» tion of th? cur«-* ¡>erft«rwi« d by the readiug-lable. Buckles are a good deal worn to con­ (‘utieiint R«*bulveLt internally, ai d Cuticura map Democrats of Coos county ut the late PHYSICIAN A N I> S U RO EON, -lection. extvn ally. _ __ ________ __ i fine ilinperie«i of skirts, Rhine |iebble* A FIAT. HI 1.1.1 ARD-TA BLE DFALFR IN I <■/.« ;n.-i > J ’ !.> i --I ; t **- < -f ’ ■ * ha !► and of th« A soldier bv the name of Alexander 1 -et in silver being used for evening Sam’« Valley Oregon. «•r d- of t! ♦* fing«-rH. v«*rj d ilicuh »«» t-cM and usu­ From B-u-ww:.ck. I! .Ike A Vo', manufactory ha» And everything usually kept m a general store. ally coD8ui»‘r«-d incurable; Hinull ¡«a’chi^of teller Peterson deserted from K troup, 1st dresses, and jet and colored mother of- l>e—i .uhi-i totheWll.Km. Cur. (’al. A Oregon Sta., a: d Mali rheum on the ears, uoae. and a-dm» of the cavalry which is stutioued at Fort peail for walking costumes. \ fru llili, call feon the publie i» ;eilivi;.»l. V. M. B j AL. M. U s . •L T. FORBES. fa« • - ________ _____ hlumalh. To bo in the height of fashion, a girl '■failed lb-n«l* with !«»i*- of ha 1 wnhout nn’nlM*T PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON liviiii’* covered w th da* d-tif! a* «1 mii I. v eruptions« There were nineteen graduates from at a watering plagti »houId carry a para- (hir g«H>le are marked down to thi* l.owcat ♦ ‘ ►pe« a!l> <«f cl ihin 1 a d «1 Lnt**. many t f wiucii KAGI.K POINT OREGON. I.Kiiiu < h *.| i l*ri«*«*a. < -me ami u.- und the State Fniversitv this year, »lie . || to match her dress, cither in spotted s»m<*ebirth ha«i l»«*ep a iiihh ** ««f Minhs*. bt* convinced. . „ Would notify the public that h«* Fax recently commencement exercises having taken foulard, or in gauze put ou very full ('-all* promptly attendai to. HAYMOND A MAGRUDER. Io iiiiiK. burning« and «cnl> torture« that baft!«d oj»en» «1 at ho» «tore in Mudford a t'Al.iroHNlA STRKKT, DAVID LINN over a silk lining, and with a knot of I relief even from on In: u.ry ren.tdiee. “ooth«-*en itotg her daughter, Mrs. Hurry Miller Of seasonable good«, which ho oilers for m I u Phœnir, Orr'on. \-o\E BI T THI I IHII’ EST AKD BEST s|HM cent«; tk !d . ... H ’ -rmiin's majoritv in the Statu will Ul lîI'.Al S, TABI.EX vene in Salem on Monday evening, ........ t. >1 i«i Soap. Ji < «’lit". Potter Drug RlMMilvei DUINE*. 12 -' CENTN. Ootxls* O. H. AliiùN. M. J., I“- from 1 3IM) to 1 JUKI. Thayer's ma June 30th. and continue in session July m ,d ( hemical Co.. Boston, Mas«. K. li HI I’"!' IN TBF FI IT'Kt it ih-i't '•«;. Semi for *‘H««u I«« ('urc skia PUeaiw-s." jority will be from GOO to 850. Official 1st, 21 and 3d. GUILD MOULDINGS, UonHantly rec«-iv«-d by ra l. at d everything kept 1 . 1 . a ' Utili. -- 1:1 iny line can alwii. retirías are not in yet. un ha «I. or «riicklv ¡»r.«cured, that m .\ I»«* wanted. All teachers and friends of cdncatiou ■.. . «,.¡.1.,- I «a!, il. ■ cui - : «lui l»“*t I" ' U'1’."1 F.-.p«*eu»l »*n«>rt will !«•* ma«l “ to im*«*t the want** STANDS, SOFAS LOUNGES, 1 ih,. ,-«).e«f. (iive ine a culi, arai y«»u wiìi he The judgment tn the case of W. P. ! aie cordially invited to uttend and aid JACKSONVILLE. CREC3N. of all who may favor ruw with their patronage. H«*r«-!»y informs the public that he >•< di-p^ying » .11 -Mti-I. ctrclc;. Filtr i.’. ; tlu.ie oa reavuaable Roh Point. Oregon. To cure these disease« the blood must be aving xhsi med the m xnxgfmi ntof Capt. Anderson of Anderson'; Feiry part in the exercises of the association. purified, and restored to a healthy and na­ Rh»nra'iti*ni mid fama!»» r »mul-Tinta ¡» «.p •cialt*. •i.i»4 r- I propoew keeping it Mocked * u all who Ilia Mock c«»r:r.Pts of Why this lull in the matter of a rail- I tending the association. The leading the sjsiem from all foul bumnr», enriches «MbthsbaNtaav li h "r'f ¡:-, Jacksonville. Orrgou, ••oad from here to Co<>s Buy? We hotels »ill make a liberal reduction. and strengthens the blood, removes all traces > i i i:„ Central Point Oregon of mercurial treatment, and ¡«roves itself a have heard nothing of it since Her- I The se—ions will be hel l in the Capi­ Cerner C ini Mx h St.eefs. Gr tiluate «if the Xleti'C.d l’t.1 vTs'tA of I. ea •.Ville complete master of all «crofulous disease». main w as elected and perhaps not er tol building. E B. M i -E lkoy , Kootucky. ('.di» p;t».a¡»(I> - t :.d «t tu «I -> *•( will — I mt. prudent A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. Th'» ;her ink**- (I in announcing Supt. of Public Instrwction. mght. tl ht be La* opened hix place of bnx.iicKx m f| H > ‘•*»«»111«) months ago a was trouble«! with < <>r.4’*l:f .mí» «■•<« o-v,-..n Stn.-t. Jacksonville. Aubrey l«elemain, a dight-of-hand '.-•w tOWn of .'.-'I >:i O i'»'. if d I*, oow 3 " - scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my leg». '1 he DR. GEO. KAHLER. ■ erformer. w-lio j assed through here a r. tiLU'iAi» I tems .—Th« surveyors are par» d to furnish, m quantities to suit. CLOTl UNG limbs were ba«ily swoben and inflamed, and HENRY PAPE. EaSia»er. JJW’XG OÎTNFD OFT X NI W SADDLFB the »ores discharge»! large quantities of f months a"o. but did rot give urv busy ut work ou the Siekiyon, setting UH Y M ICI A N A S U K G E O N , ’I ~* op in !. C.II.’I 1 sbui.il • Muonic offensive matter, h very remedy 1 tr ed exhibitir ns. is now in the uoper conn grade stukes. »hu h iih I uc - cs the actiBg hull, I am fully pn p n d t<« do -irj work i*i mv faded, until I used A yfr ’» S akhu ' akim a , ITIROVGH ili'KETS, t_'» C estm trv nud S| oken of as a first-class bilk. <•11. f, Mr. llur^uit, to believe that of wli ch I B,av>* now taken three liottles, Ja line with i r * n¡>t;••• m ju »I dispatch. XV ill k« ep Ph >enù, Oregon. on hand u -’<*• -I assortii.»-nt of with the result that the sores tie healed, TOBACCO AND CIC.ARS, and my general health greatly improved. The reasons for regarding the R-pnl> win k will soon be resumed again. Ils tVtwiua of wr>m**n Red '•h’ldren a Hperialt} pifdli E WINFS, I.B.IORS AND ( KiARS 1 feel »ery grateful lor the good your SAOOLES, BRIOLES. HARASS, BiTS, SPURS, F.veryt h i r K X fresh ani of f »I quality. ui :<1 < h II j » |»ro«iptly ntt'i'â**! u», day or night. i »•o'i-lantly on h" «I. rh«* .« 11vi^r—t¿i!»t.• if I-'« li-’an nominutions at Chicago ns **un dot s not know why grade stakes are rs- CANDIES, NITS, ETC. medicine i has «ione me. < eà m * al ifruar Store. -!ippli«*i with F..i-*t»an periodical«* and lettdmg ¡»rices* at** put down to mntv honor” ace manifold and great, quired to I io net out unless luteudiugto Yours rcsjiectiu.ly, Mns akx O ’ B rian . ’ * Flo. Non»* but th b * m 1 <’ F.bfornia leather used. p.ipeFH of th4* roii>t. My stork i« fr»*«*h and first-clase, ni »I I prop1 hf* lie Sullivan St., New York, June .4,1W2. Job w uk n *pcc'Mit.v and prices to »nit the an 1 to have discerned th«m so readily go on with the track to the California PR. W EL. JA í KSOM. to k‘*»'p h full assortment of everything in my 1 ne The Lowest Notch ! timue. Give me a trial. J «r* All persons Interested are invited ’ no« irfltiite credit to Mr. Blaine s po­ line. ai d -■• ‘ il at Tints. J. KI NNEY. It is also rumored that work will srmiKos inr”»T < '•ar-aparilla, not only In the cure AH I nak h a trial. /fZ* Laughing <»a* ;u!*n r-*d. of thia lady, hot In his own ca»*r and metropolis of Oregon for the pa-t tw- > pressed by men connected with the rail­ GRIGSBY à HUTCH. Proprietors. C’t**' Higi »**t price paid for I’n-d'ire. many others within lii« knowledge. voar« IF- lias nnrcha«ed an infnrpsf road in Oregon, w ho make it tbetr busi­ LS\A< WOLF. MISCELLANEOUS. J. W. ROBINSON. M D.. The well-known tmfer on the fioifon Htrnfrt, in ft,» rvonaive farm of C. 8. Dakyns1 ness to learn tho prospects of eontiuu- . L’qm h - h a«.«! < ’igar-» an* a! way« B. XV. B all , uf i:ocfujttr, write«, Jun« at Winchester. I id g 1 mg the work to the Oregon line, for PH Y hl (’IAN ANI> SVKGEON. 7. M ew pap«-rn. A P<».»1 I’-»I»:** rn; TRE ASHLAND — TO (J K ! YOl’R - J M. D Hard, at 1 »illnrd’s station station. . I connection with the Oregon road. W«* j»roj>««*'- i«« kew¡» a ►trie “ Having suffered severe’,v for some years Tukt* pIfR*un* in annuir cim.’(<» tLo public that D'liigl i« county, lias opened a general I It does not loek reasonsbls that the Jao’ nonv«lte. Oregon. t live u* »» rail. with Eczema, And liavn g faihd to firn! relief hr Lu» up«*» i <1 a tir 1- c I tm » GRIGSBY A Hl T’t H. from other reme*li«*. J have made use, (hirn.g ine’cliandisine store n»-1 keeps a fine roa Is will utop any great length of OÜiee hereafter at t'ity Drug Sr .r«* Kd -”<* the past three months, of AVI i: s S a R sai a - s’oek o* goods. Mr en­ time-where they are now built to, us <•« Fmirth -»Ireet. «» p ; m »* i ’^ M. I . • urei», (’all i' ; i i *. wldcli ha« effected a raw. prviB|»lly alte.ul*i-¡nur I o |t¡i*>i awhile pL'i-Hut It Uni!-« promptly r»*-(» » d «! to ut all hoar*, day or >r The New York Pmt a lending Repnb- I r.,u!. U • • 1 rwnnr, a'l dise is* s arising from an impoverished or exhilarating game than tenpin night. Otfice at tn • «Ir.i • **t««n». IHi ESKINS, 1 can paper, sivs t«..|| it will produce rich ami extensive ledge. The miners Stationery, ( lotbobpint*, etc. THE LOWEST RATE* oorrupled condition of the blood, and a weak­ further pro ifs of Bl tine's urtitness for b)a«ted out a foot and a half toons side J. cHAsTAIN. f .. D.. ened vitality. ANI» HOSIERY the support of honest voter« wlicn it up to Sunday without flailing the op­ It is iiieoinparably the cheapest blood medi­ — 1« AT— PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON -nits its convenience. There is piontv posite wall, thus showing s solid ledge cine. on account of its concentrated strength, i ■>', f < t w ide, all exhibiting gobi to tlis ori: OWN CAN1>Y, i of time between now ami N-oemlx-r. the Best Native Wool Of — BY — and great power over disease. n.«ked eye. and bow much wider the PHIN.’I. JRtGJN Evorv merchant should a'1verti«o Which, for purity, cannot be excelled. PREPARED RY b dge is will not be known until further Arr them at V r. I T S C 11 (T T z. Yik«« pl«*'Mtir«» in •»"n<'H” ’ir..' t'» th“ « it'? *n‘of lave business men that have anything operations w ill develop. The company Give me a cell r.rd be convince»«!. Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell. Mass. < for sale generally let people know it I’n ruix X" d »nd ,i .<1 ■ : ■ > i i 1 4'•«»•» itry t »’ I B. VOORI11EB intends getting their mill ready for h»* lia*» p* r nairnnt >y Io--.«! d :«1 Pluc x. f-»r li.** JACKSOW ILLE. OREGON. •old by all DruggiMa; price fl, sli bottles Hi Ilt rZ HlHt'l ‘ I F' I.LY IKFOBMS Medf«>r«l. March fi. lhM. ¡and tliev are nearly nlwavs the men crushing as ««ton as possible, having pr »o< of re*« prof"»"i«» i. ( ■»«!■« promptly al- tt H- ..t I ., k- .- iilh- a-ol .ilrro-.i'ulou; t«flT the A. F. A . A. M . an-' T ph <1 Jacksonville. Or. the gmtid lodge which met nt Portland I seveiing efforts, in developing ths Pn»*n n*n«a. Lum; F«*ver. D «.< ’ > -r •».(’«» i-i«nit»- j C ALIFORNIA STREIT, XV. If. ATK I N’*« »N. s.-erotai V- WM. B. WORbOW. Prop. Thia comm«*dioua n* <1 wll-arrnrcrd h««1el is tian. < ’altrrh. ••te. I n • n-i’l 4!.M*i.»r’* b.llMWilll a short time since. Mr Willits was mine, at a cost of over $10,000 up to IX ( RON! Mil I.ERS BU1LDING. 1S IN KE. n<-w o|H*n for the n<*«*omm«-«l.*t 'or of guest«, and !»• »nv ««I by « <• ni' < to in • at <»«■ •. Dr. Bi«»wn | In Jmo-i.nl. ' accompanied bv liis wife who paid the this time. - I c«*ipt of u full KK."i»i tm«*r t of !F pt «rr cha-»et«*r -v:.i«-h ■•* u «I *rt.»k •" a»i«! ful - iiU- Tur second largest source of revenue | turned. W- B. WllliLOW. of]er»«1 th«- traveling public. 1’1:01'111 ETOKS. ♦a cur«*. Hit* m -d -'in»* w ••u-»*ly v •-•••tabi«* ;»■ «I f.,rn,-h. .|. J. XV. ( UNN1NGIUM. L'l-'b- Point. Nov. 'JI. l-'-l. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Ard pi»‘l»ar««d to tic«* nuil in«» w »rkm.ribkt* inarnur. V'-iiiclf*« nurtiti**, w.th.Mit ai'y «>f the injurious* afteref- Will keep on hard th** larir<*Mt and most oomph U. ilr eon Sta'e Aei icultur d Society will ! branch of bnsiDess, is derived from the of »-V ry <|esur*;itt<»ii mude to ord«T. Teriue rea- f»*cUt. asaortuiciit of UoNDUi FF.D BY » mu al-leand wi'i-h«-i,««:i guárante«•f Amni -t mms I ijnors at the m xt fair nor will the world. The reputation of Black­ FARMS FOR SALE P. O.Building. Jacksonville m«*:i< rd vil tilted for :»<*<» »nini’xi'it i! I ERS F<»R SA! F A ' prohibited by statute. ili (>!•■ market, Hf*d the b -d* are clean and com- Mu-.c PURI WINES A LIQUORS. N»». I grain f.»nn, codimniii : 4 acre« »>f till'd^«- nee I any commendation ut our hands. ft.«!.,’ I»*, ( all at Iht* Medford when in (owe. ------- PEALr.lt 1!»------- J Irawirsr an«! Pah I it PAINTS. OILS. ETC.. land. !>i’’g ne»r f';u «,(a¿<» r«> "I. nrh*' •*’» -t «>f J G B' hìiia , ll"|uiblicnn ranJi-lTto In another column our readers will no­ IL F. TORREY. Bed and B xhLng Jja«*k.«»iivillo. Plae«* »•* w U impious!; ‘dx.-l Mwlford. Feb. 29. 1R84. ! for President DAY wn« noniin••♦•••I at Chi well «»f wat‘*r f >r B oum * u**«- and 1 vuitr •*r.-i:n To bo found in Southern Oregon. Alno a full tice their r.etv announcement which Primary Depmtinent forMt'»-*k. Xl-o. Jl* .»ere* lyi‘i'4 wit' oi half a i entro on the fourth billot wh:i-b wtno.1 block of is of interest to nil lovers of the weed, Junior -Wile of Elue lix, .»'l u *1 r h- >< ■• . c .■> at -••rill I follows: B'.* i*«« la* ¡»ut Iil <*ii.11 a ai i<>’l. (ht tie- l ier»* l he company are perfectly responsible, STA TIONEBV. I mui d«. »1; Tzignn. 7; Hawl.y. 15; ■ ml when they announce that they will S(»m«»r farm there i- |i»» nere-* of -rain» «I ha* '--ow g scili '< >1. B' »OK*-', Pupil" nr<* r«*c»*ive*l at that 1 w.ll x-ll w thih-f. »»f d ^ir.-l i -in Lincoln 2 A i-onil'ini ’ ion vus maJe I INI r|i;.Us AND tention pan! to par*- ■nk:r «fml give away $11,950 in cash, it is an as­ give i>*»i*-i --ion at any t- - •. I or jn-t«cutan* l'| 1 ¡I I' f' k ! H »-nt I 'll î ■<{ t ' in For further , i ONI- E< I BiN EBY, ■with tlie Illinois de]e»ntinn> which in sured fact that they mean just «■bat cid! on ur H‘Mr«*-’i .!r«-g«»n. turn was awarded w th the nomination they say. Smokers will find an oppor- 1 have just r«*< < ivr-d a now n*.’1 r f‘>r x*«l-- u 1 re:*-’. .1*1 • !■ :in« lllj J V** Prescription.** carefullv pr«*pnr« d hv : change places w ith a troop rf the 2.1 Baien reuftoruilile uh anywhfn«» rrop-ity **'i Wilhams .-k. .1 ... i-hci*- <--si■■’*. XX’hirh w ill I m « k**pt Mtorked with a complete nn r . J. W. ROBINSON. W ithin the last six months 1.500,- t e.,«npri*M— «•* si-r— of l.t:id. ine-t *.f w . - t-, -a-rh»*." a-^orhii «¡it of gen» ral m«»n*handÍMP. 1 WM. EGAN ; cavalry from Fort Cnster, Montana. I)r. IlobinHon’» Office in Driu’Sior* . 4’ily Filloon RIBBONS. u:«*l-r fm***’-. w II *‘I••’ ■*« ’ 'I ¡.’■l.l-<.> *«il- will mu 11 at i «nd the tw o troops expect to meet half IkUI American worklDg people, includ­ FEA HI- RS, tivation. Tk- 4w-Ums h-*e«vH ..ntlmildintf* wav A compa’iv of th- 11th infantry. ing skilled aitisans and laborers, have »r« 111 less» b.il Ch .-’ r..-o- ■- n Established 1851 FLOWERS, M 'SONIC BUILDING. Very Reasonable Ratos. cabinH «Í h » i * «iippl «I with -m nor ** ■.•.•r-|«.w.T. 1 -itmited s- im where in tho department struck for higher wages. They claim For further particular«, en*...... ...... I. .. ......... COLLARS MEDFOKD. OHEGON. of the P'att. will relieve company (’ of that they cannot live on what they get. or «*Lir*w«i ti. |l. * VI.IOVtl.L. Give me a call and f‘»r yours-lv»**. OregonStreet Jacksonville W llluun- I*. O.. Or. AN'!’ CUFFS. M XX Ml LI.FR. the 21«t itifattrv at Fort Klamath I nking all skiEed employment, mining W. H. ROBINSON, Proprietor. which will leave iininedintcly upon tl.e and agriculture, file average wngee J'HI UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DESIRES TO paid to them is SI 10 per day, which is arrival of the other company. I inform the public thnl h«- i- pr«'par« nahle prices. out of all proportion to the cost ot liv­ i>r«i’-is f««r wihiv*. hqimra. cignrv. • -te.. <»f th»* ftn«»8t IMPORTING The follow ins are the new ly elected quality. he undersk . nh ) offtbs foi : s.xi.r ing. Take a family of five—man, wife ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, FRED GROB. h ( a bargmn hi* F’arsn. ' r»»p St<>« k at d all. nffic. rs of Klumath conntv: Conti*' in-l three children and with $1 16 By the Thousand ! E. P. OEAKY. M. D„ Jack-onvi!!«. Jan. 1. I-'»!. The land c* hm » »of IM n*. ' S. I ■ judge, G. W Stniili; clerk, W. (' Hale; per day provide tin m shelter, clothing, •rtuate«! tw<> tiii I’*** from X\ ¡’•‘I"- A ti* e Mr»*jun <»f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, sheriff, Ulins. Putnam; treasurer, F. food und education, and then sat how wat**r run* throne!» the ’ • ter of thefarm. r<»r 'l'lll' I NIH I'.ShAEli IS SOW rVKIXii in:- I « I > !*»<> AX 1 tier* throu.;h Jackson and Jm’ counti»*« »wrln-nlsr«. «11.... ut|) A1)AMS li Renme«; conimisni.mers, R. Hnt.-li much can bo laid by in the conrsb of a MEDFORD. OREGON. for Call and a *- p th“rn at th«* building formerly oc- Ni*. 92 and ’.‘I Front St., cor. Sun k. ' inson and Mat Gbenclinin; assessor, M year for si<-ku< ss and similar misfor­ ruppxl by Dr. Robinson on (’.'ibfor: ;a ‘-tn***t. Wsl>b>. Or<-eon. April 7.1'wl Office iti A. L. Johnson ’ » building. 1> ( lii'deis; cm oner. Dr M H. Beach: tunes and thoae unexpected exigencies MRS. P. 1’. PRIM. FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, PORTLAND. OREGON. ' surveyor, J <1. Alien. Linkville pre demanding money, which occur in the LAND FOR SALE. Any k int! rai«i'd m a firwt-<*la*H Nurs^ry. , ciri’t elect« E. M. Devoe justice of the lives of al) human beings ami it will be Jacksonville. Oregon Ag<~:;t« for pihenix T FARM OF THF UNDFRSI ¡NI D. SI F! - 'peace mid Samuel Parker constable plain that the complaint of tlieso “wage | »4 i in thu vieillit/ of Grant’-» »’y** P. O Th<»*^ vr tnftnjr Tn*1»»* (In*» fall will do w» ll tn flic conntv neat has. bv the vote of the arners" is well founded. Whither is thni i.tMain** 179 urr.K, m-»*t of w i.*h »«. go«xl iriv»* nv* thnir orderet, as I will *nianuitf*<* Matixfac- i I tak«* i livicurp In informing the public that I LEADING PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Manufacturers of LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Mail v.d iir»d«»r fe•>«••*. u» offer-d for ri. *re f • • >. have eHtanlisned niy*elf !ti bicine>r at this place, people, been permanently located at Republican rale drifting us too? aru n niœlpr *»f bui'd-tun».»n the ¡.la«*»* u-.d plenty I warrant k B my fr<*eH if pr<»p»»rb ranxl for. and projiose filling nil orders in my line with FLUID EXTRACTS, 1’1 LI.8, E tc .. I, nk« ills. «•f « For furtbrr l»'«rt mHra «vdl «*n Turm» «>f |» iynif.it u;u*\. l’n»duce tak' ü ut mar­ pr«*mpti.'*ss and at verj reMMinable rat«-. Only MORGAN à DENMS, Props. XV XI. PI ATT Grnnt m 1 .» mm . ket oriev. 1»> • lb». <>f I’eacli S «-*l want« «1. tirst-**bc* work will be turned out. ai . Keen!-* wnnted: al.«», for all the rat«*»*. an1 l!SI<;M J i Itl HHXMiON lUMil L depot. They left for Augusta by « ■ ho land, when they desire to exert it. MRS.S. E IHII. Jm»k*mville P.O. SETTLE UP NO > ICE. gT»»at (’vrl >p’«lia*. Hn»i«»rn>, Fine Art work*, ami A fair »hare of public p itrona^u eolirited. L'V* r (»fier» for s-'tle ho* dt*»*ir;d>!p pi»*c«* of real «pecirtl train at 11 o'clock The freez That weight is corrupt and dangerous, |H»pul:»r l»<>«>k-<>f the liny. Apply t<» J- DEWING THE UNDERSIGNED IS Fl ELY PREPARED MORGYN A DENNIS. «~tM<», co: frinir« ‘JÖ nm - u; t.xj 44 mil«*» inp treatment accorded them first pnz to do all w«-rk in hm line in the best manner and A UO.. IJ> Bu**h street. Ran FranciHcn, Cui. 4 LL KNOWING THEMSELVES INDEBTED ri’ n bensì of J-.ekMu.v»!'*', nl! so* d, (dtabh* ! :• -d. •oo. It represents the influence of NOTICE. nt reco»« mabie prices. -*-.V to the Uhd»T*«!kin»‘ mar'i erare hen-bv with honxe. baro and other building»* on it. It 7.1ed snd then disgusted the ardent Pa •oin upon the opinions and notions of EST ASSORTMENT OF BOLTS. SCREWS, I, re GEORGE S( HUM PF. d to R**ttI«* XT ON< T , ax I jni. -t have what will !w* Ho’d at a low figure for caxh in !ianr N».k account, an- r <1 ’ N.ule 1-atb N ols. Ft »«hing Nails. Fencing nippera, tonge and hammer»», at QUI ’ ERIOK ASSORTMENT OF EVERY IMAG- ‘ H. A XMLL1AM«. Nail«. Ilorre Wiw Null« ! »f further particulars applj to tl,«* proorntor ward in expressing their contempt foi uphold the purity and jastioe of the MHl^d.w.U.outde^, KAREWSIf òmabie kjnd of Saw« at JOHN MILLLiPH JOHN MILLERS Jutnr off Jne M st 14 1*4 efin«« at JONH MILLLH R. CQ the rlar*. hl I m e BP E Boston politicians great fountains of law. A. P. H 1MM )ND. I »LHkMBU SALOON I BEN. HAYMOND. 1C. MAURtTU R. I H. H. MAUHL’UKR. ST A VER & WALKER VROOMAN & MILLER, HAYMOND & MAGRUDER, Agricultural WINES. LIQU9/S Í CIGARS, Implements, Etc., ROCK POINT. STOVES, TINWARE , PAINT?, OILS, PAINT BRUSHES, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, THE EMPIRE ’’kville Saloon, LADIES DRESS ADD FARCÌ GOODS, California-made B y^Jjltching and Burning Tor­ tures, Humil­ iating Erup­ tions. such as Mowers. Reapers and Twine Binders, CI.OTHING, c, Disfiguring rXHUMORS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Mowers, Reapers, & Shoes, And Twine Binders, S. B. HADLEY, Flour, Bacon and Lard, FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Miners* Supplies a Specialty. Medford, Oregon. Eag'le Sample Rooms, THE FARMER'S STORE ! A. G. COLVIN Gcoi Stock and Lew Prices GENERAL MERCHANDISE, H At Very Low Pi’ices SCROFULA ♦ MEDFORD New Saddler Shop, CRCCERY AND PROVISION DRY GOODS. Thos. J. Kenney, PrcnriFîor. Groceries. Provisions, Groceiies, Provisions, Etc., Et LIVE OAK SALOON, Prices Lower than the Lowest THE PIACE F. B. VOORHIES The Bowling Alley BLANKETS Ayer's Sarsaparilla THE BEST STYLE CRONEMILLER &B!RDSrUS THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. EMPIRE HOTEL WAGON-MAKER. EAGLE POINT SALOON, CITY DRUG STORE IYIERRITT & ROBINSON T REDFORD HOTEL, MAX MULLER, DRUGS, Patent Medicines & Chemicals,! CRS. P. P. PRIM’S GENERat MERCHANDISE. MILLINERY STORE. Livery and Feed Stable, FRED. GROB, h THE ELITE BARBER SHOP, FARM FOR SALE! HODCE-D/iViS&CO FRUIT TREES T WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, SIGN PAINTER, LEGH03N BIOS. I GILROY, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. Sheep for Sale ! T B I