DEMOCRATIC TIMES. DEMOCRATIC TIMES. ADVERTISING AND JOB W0M Publubed every Friday morning by Advertisement» »’ill b* iuxrrted in tb« T imes at the following rates: Ten lines, one insertion............. I2.5Q 1 00 “ each subsequent one I-egsl «dvertihcmrnta inserted reasonshly. A fair reduction from the above ratea rate» made to yearly and time advertisers. The T imm ' Job Office is mor» complet» by far than any other in Southern Or»gnn. sud compare» favorably aith any in the Stat«. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at San Fraucisco rates, ami in a prompt and tirst-cUsa manner. CHARLES NICKELL, iana* ano proprietin . OFFICE — On Oregon Street, in Orth's Brick Building. Rate« af AubspriptlvR : One copy, per annum,. . .................. .. S3 00 •• six months, .................. ... 2 00 •• three months,.................. ... 100 CITY DRUG STORE, THE PLACE INLOW&WIMER BROS.,Props.: BLACKSMITHING FURNITURE, ETC. W.C. PAI.KY. J. R. TOZKK. U.S. KMKKT. BOURBON DALEY & GO., DRUGS, MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, THE BEST STYLE OF and Toilet BIRDSEY S, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-StuiTs, H Cheaper than E?er Before Offered DAVIS , i PROFESSIONAL CARDS A. C. STANLEY. M. D„ r H Y s I I- I A N AND S U R G E O N CO Linkville Saloon, WAGON-MAKER. M. VROOMAN. M. D.. F H YS I C l VN A N D S U R G E O N J^oùsonvlile. Oregon. OPPI ’E - At residence on (’alifornia S*reet G. H. AIKEN. M. D.. PHYSICIAN A N D S U R G KO N JACKSONVILLE, 0RE6M. Dffir«—On Ci'.IMrni:» »trect, opposi!« Un­ ion Liverv Stable. P H Y S I <' I A N A N I» S U It G KO N Api>l»x»le. »regen. laite of Glasgow, Scotland. Otile« an. addr«*«, Korbyville. J. W. ROBINSON, M D„ P H Y H I C I A N A N D H U R « BO N , Jacksonville. Oregon. OFFICE—In Mr«. (Mining'« building. Call» promptly attended to, day and eight. P. P. PRIM. ATTr uigho Jacksonville. Oregon. Office and professional room, in Orth’s •dock, first room« at head of stairs, ad­ joining TlMKUofilce. Residence, oppo­ site Court-house. Specially, operation» in surgery and treatment of chronic diseases. Office bolli«, afternoon, from 2 to fi. For Co. Commissioner. rpHE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES I him»«lf M»n inse of these charges they wonder. The pretended basis of caid, J. Loomis, C. W. Leake, J. J, ; at prices that defy competition. Flans and drawings in elevation t nec- McDoldt, S. E. Morrison, J. K. I ifleationa and bills of material, fumiahed some damaging disclosure has been they should not la* permitted to on ahort notice to parlies flnuliy procur- made with reference to the manner come. But the perfect answer to Moore, F. M. Miller, Wm. Oliver, Lamps Sc Chimneys. J. S. HIGINBOTHAM, rpiITS FAVORITE RESORT HAS ; ing us to construct the s ime. 1 lately been thoroughly renovated nil this is that if they were not P. N. Oviat, S. Oister, A. Owen, O, Picture 1.'Kies, window cornice, man- in which Earhart and Hirsch have and »locked with »complete assortment PÜHE WINES & LIQUORS FOR : tels, wainscoting, winding or straight managed swamp land matters. As wanted they would not la> employed E. Rose. A. Rummell, J. H. Knut­ of the finest wines, liquors and cigars in Practical Wheelwright, Maircasos with rails fitted, a specialty. the market. Th« celebrated Thistle Dew members of the board of State Land when they did come; but not an in­ zen, J. B. Rodgers, J. Rotcn. MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Particular attention paid to Undertak­ whisky is kept constantly on hand here. Commissioners, they have sold stance shown where a Chinaman is Josephine CoHnh) H. Boat, M. ing. A first-class billiard-tab.e is also con­ J acksonville. Oregon. boors, aash, moulding, etc., kept many thousand acres of swamp out of employment. The fact is they Chapman,J. H. Haulcum, H. Simp­ I ND EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND nected with the house, ami the reading- constantly on hand. table will always be supplied with the ;\ In a well-appointed drug «tore. All land to Hen. Owen, “the Swamp are needed and find employment as kins. M. D. Tolin, R. M. Thompson, Business correspondence promptly at­ latest ami choicest periodicals, newspa­ goods selected with care and warranted Angel,” contrary to law, as their! soon as they land. Tho real basis G. W. Wimer. J. W. York, G. W. to. as represented. We offer the above line pers, etc. Give me a call. aving rentedthe shop for - i tended Otfic^ and ware rooms at factory. JOHN NOLAND. selection has not been confirmed by of the bill was that the Irish anti Yokum, Chas. Agee, T. A. Fountain, nierly occupied by Jacob Meyer, in DALEY Â CO. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 1881. ‘ rear of I*, boiiegan*» blacksntithsuop, I the Commissioner of tho (»eneral other lalx»rers with whom the Chi­ L. B. G. Hall, T. (i. Harmon, J. A. take this tneaiiM ot informing the public Land Office. This leave the im­ nese compete are not content to Hawke, D. L. Hopkins, J. I^nin- that I am now prepa>entract. AM. l&IXD» OF WORK bers of a huge swamp lan«l ring. desire to control the rude lnlxir H. A. McDaniel, H. Miller. Delia Prescriptions ncc urate) yrco tn pound­ I in iny line in firat-clnss *tvle and it prices The prospects of carrying the State market They want to do the same Noland, W. H. Obm . J. M. Payne, ed al *1! hour*. C alifornia S tufet , Cor. t'ai. A Oregon St»., K. IL WIMER, Druggist. ♦ to amt tiie times. Vehicles of all kinds grow brighter each day. Mr. Fen­ labor the Chinese du and get a P. R. Pratt. W. A. Rumley, T. W. made to order. Repairing a specialty. Proprietor. M. P. OREGON ton is making hosts of friends every­ larger price for it. This is all there Ree«l, J. W. Stock Larger, G. W, *>ve me a trial. Satisfaction guar- JACKSONVILLE, Mnteed. J. s. HIGINBOTHAM. where. He has large and attentive is of it. The whole anti-Chinese Sturgeon, D. Shechsn. HODGE, & , Jacksonville, July 28, 138L audiences that are esjieeially de­ movement .is run ami engineered in i Persons claiming patents must DAVID LINN ONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND Consolidation of HOIK!E. SNELL A CO., \TON lighted with him and many Bepubli-1 the interest of those who desire to urrender duplicate receipts, if in .„•Mt Winos, Branditi», Whiski«» and i be« and T. A. DAVIS A CO. Keep* constantly on band » tuli *n»ort- cans among these will vote for! control the labor market. This the their jHtssession or can beobtaine«t Cigars kept. him in preference to M. C. George, President haHdisapproved with his of those in possession of them; but ■neu of furniture, conaiMing ef DRINKS, 12’» CENTS. veto, and if those who are unwilling I if the duplie.ite receipt is lost, de­ the pet of corporations. Wholesale Druggists, BEDSTEADS, NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—It EAGLE POINT. to conqiete with “Chinese cheap stroyed or beyond the claimant's 1 am also impressed with the fact Familie» needing don't pay, ...... „ anything . that our chances for a majority in lalxir” will improve themselves and control, an affidavit accounting for in my line cen always be anpplied with BUREAUS, TABLES, 02 A 91 FRONT ST.. T. B. Higinbotham. Prop'r. th« purest and be-l to be found on the the legislature are improving daily. make themselves capable, of doing' its absence, that the elaiment is the Coast. (Jive in« a call, ami you will bo GUILD MOULDINGS, Although I haH> lived in Oregon I something better than the lalxir! present owner of the land patented PORTLAND. OREGON. well satisfied. for many years, I have never seen they engage in they will not only and that the affidavit is mada for ’CHE SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEAS. STANDS, SOFAS LOUNGES, I tin* in announcing to the citizen« of so many division.-}, dissatisfactions improve themselves but add to their the pui'ixise of securing patents I’X'jlo Point and snrrounfa<*tion Kbarantwod. aving rented ed . smitifsoli » W ashington , D. C., May 12. ISS‘2. testimony showed that Ball went to Cor. California «V Oregon r the remark; but if rection was practically worthless. turned a verdict of dentil by as­ Cor. Cal. A Third Sts., aving openeboct a nexvsad - (Old “NATIONAL,’* Established 18Go.) referenc«* was ha«l to the jxditical Democratic amendments, forbid phyxia. Mr. Ball has been suffering dlcr shop in Langell'a buihling CALIFORNIA ST., f»ppr»*«ite Masonic Hall, I am fqlly pre ­ Front Street, bet. Washington & Alder, questions relative to the conduct of «ling Chinese naturalization and ex­ from asthma for sometime anti was 128 Jacksonville, Oregon pared tn do anv work in my line with the Republican party, then it is a cluding Chinese skilled lalmrers afraid to sleep alone for fear of PORTI..4MO • - OHTGOX. prnmptne**s and dispatch. Will keep on great mistake. W hile that party and miners, were stricken out by suffocating. Slaiulard. McDaniel & Caton, Proprietors hand a good assortment of Saddles, Bii A. I*. ARMSTRONG.................... Principal. filos, Harneas, Bits, Spurs, etc. None J. P. WESCO.............. ,Penman and Sec’y. remains in power its maladminis­ the Rei^blican majority of Senate ’ll A DA ME HOLT. PROPRIETRESS but th« b«*»t California leather usod. tration of the Government and out­ Committee on Foreign Relations. Al of tlu U. S. Hotel, Jacksonville, T he T ruth or I t . This is what Job work a sp«<’ialty and prices to suit Designed for the ■Inwinesw f dnciillonof rages must be living and continu- They were reinstated by the solid THIS POPULAR RESORT, UNDER respectfuily invites puhlic attention in the times. Give me a trial. both Mfim, tettident«« Vlmlticd the .S'. E. .4 rgonaul. a rabid Repub­ I the new management, is fttrn.ahing general to the fact tlint »11» keeps an A 1 Democratic vote, with a few West- ing issues. The breaking up and on any wcek-finy the yenr. TH US. I. KENNEY. lican jiHjicr says: The numl>er of the beat brand» of liquor», wince and house in every particular— tiratela«« AO EX AMI A ATI«» X ON F.X I I.RING. repudiation of the old and estab­ >ern Republican Senators. Vigorous cigar«. The reading table is »applied tablesand bedrooms »nd all accommo­ Republican United States senators Dennx-rattc logic in debate con ­ lished land-marks of the constitu­ with Eastern periodical« and leading pa­ dations to make the hotel the most supe­ — t per» ot theCoeat. Give ns a call. RATES OF TUITION: . rior one in Southern Oregon. Madsme tion cannot bo tacitly s«*ttled and strained the approval by the Presi­ who are unwilling to declare Chi­ nese ineligible to citizenship aro M c D aniel a caton . Holt has adopted the lowest scale of SCHOLAR^!! 11*, Business Course.*. L. F. (iROVER, acquiesced in until popular gov­ dent price», so as to enable her numerous I ELE<«R A 1*11 Y, Complete < ’onrt«.... . 2> twenty-six. Their names are as J as . H. S later . ernment and the liberties of tlm friends on the Pacific ( oast to share her FORWARDING A COMMISSION AGENT WRITING, per month........................... .. « follows: Aldrich, Allison, Antho­ THE CITY BREWERY comforts and pleasure. people arc utterly destroyed beyond ny. Blair, Conger. Davis of Illinois, Ths foliowing price-list has been adopl- PEN WORK M oody ' s E loquence . Z. F. the hope of recovery. The states ­ — ItT — edt First-class bedroom, with ftrst-elsss Dawes, Frye, Hale, Harrison, Haw­ Ofell k inda done In Ilio most AUTIS­ man who thinks that danger is over Mootlv, Republican candidate for Roseburg, Oregon. table (lor «ingle person) ?2 00 per day; TI« Ml'A» Il at Rt.AteOa ARIxi: ley, Hoar, Ingalls. Kellogg. Igqv »ingle liedroom. with excellent table, (for Governor, appeared before an audi ­ VEIT S C H U T Z. and everything/Mtled w hen th«' po- ICATIl^i. hr.nd lor csIlniHle. single person) $i 00 per day; one good ham, M< Dill. McMillan, Miller of erchants of J acksonville litical elements are in commotion, ence at Roseburg recently and ex­ New York, Morrill, l’lntt. Plumb, meal, superior to an v that can lie had in and vicinity shiiping goods via pressed himself as follows: and their very foundations are R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN- town. 50.- ; finest lunch, at any time, (day Kosehuig will find it to their advatvag« Tha f'trrn» the citizen« of Juckaonville or night) 25c.; a cup of coffee, with excel­ “1 mn glad that 1 have come. 1 , Rollins, Saunders, Thayer, Van crumbling beneath his feet, must lx* « ontniiiinc InloruinMon <»f < our*#. lent bread ami butter, al any iline, (day to shin through this house. Ample war«- and surroundingeountrv that lie is now Wyck, and Windom Cameron of house room, safe and careful storage, Nd«l rni- of OltVim WTAL singularly equable and unobservant am gl:i«l to see how well you have manufacturing, and will eonxtantly keep or night) 12Sc. Mill’, fr<;e. AthlreoR. and bu«ine«a promptly attended to. MADAME HOLT. on hand the very Itext of Ijtger Beer. iof current events an«l living issues. received the nominations made by Wisconsin, Chile«itt of Col< radoand 4. !• .4 IIHSTROX«. References: S. MarkN A Co., J. C. Floed, Those wishing a cool glass oi bwr »iiould Lock Box lol, Portland, Or. the Republican convention in Port­ Miller of California voted to nre, G. Haynes, Roseburg. give me a call. Mark your goods: Care of IT. L. M , land on the‘Jtlth of April. Owing vent Chinese naturalization. Tho H on . W. D. F enton , -The fol ­ 'Sift- I cheerfully recontincnd the pres­ names of Don Cameron of Pennsyl­ Ro»ebiirg. «•"Highest cash price paid for Wool, ent management of the Portland Busi­ lowing, coming from a Republican to tho agreement which 1 have with ' vania. l.oganof Illinois, John Sher­ muritiETOR or tiir ness College. Mr. Armstrong, whom I source, the Albany Herald, may be the Democratic nominee for Gov­ Iliile«, peer «kins ami Furs. HUNTERS' EMPORIUM! hnve known fo> many years, Is an ex­ H. L. MURTON. ernor, we hain't neither of us to man of Ohio, and Edmunds of Ver­ perienced Teacher and a 1‘raptical Busi­ regarded as rather complimentary CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, make speeches during the cam­ mont, are conspicuously absent. ness Man. of our candidate for Congress: They either paired or dvaters in every style. B y Judge Lonl’s decision one- by thereto of the Chinese bill “only ' and passing through the crucible CASSI MERES, Piano,............................................... .......... 15.«Ml I P. s. — Fresh bread everyday. JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. ; of a State campaign will bring him linlr of the public roads of this because of the bind effect the veto Entrance fee, only onco,...................... 5.ecome cision. rharK« "f tin» hull»« and that the tnan-' Roseburg. Men ntul teams Furs. »ketnent will bo first-class in every par- | Hides, Skins and 8 law in spite of tho President’s ob- ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. ADMIN1SI RATOR-8 NOTICE. continually going to the to| ticular. The table will always be sup­ ! jeefion. They cannot atone for W hat won ’ t the fashion rnongnfa work on the grade. The (pefrk of In the matter of the estate of Mary A plied wit i the r*»t the market affords. W. II. ATKINSON, Secretary- p«-r 'erm» reasonable and satislaclion HUIE UNDERSIGNED IVIT.L PAY Chamlwr«, deceased. curving the rails was begun last get up next? The New York Her- their hostility to a strong bill by a yVOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT guaranteed. No pain.« »pared to meet the I the ’highest CASH PRICE for l>eef week, and tracklaying will begin nW is authority for tlio hiatement little eleventh-hour zeal for a wcjik Lx the undersigned ha» been appointed wants ut the traveling public. 1 hides, deer»kins, all kind's of furs, etc. \ Blasting at that “»ligitateil stockings are com­ I one.” -------- W. C. GREENMAN. j« 1 lie great ><>uili Aiiicru-an Remedy. sometime next month I He will pay by the County Court of Jackson county. I -------------------- ing into faahion. 1 ' A digitated The most no-itive etire known tor the different points being pushed j (Vregon, sitting in ProKite, Administrator of, ! Nervousand I ’ lij'sical Debility.Setr T he Modoc ^idepmdcnl learns stocking must be one with five toes, the estate of Mary A. Chambers, «leceased. i 45 CENTS CASH Jacksonville Gran?e >o. 1«, P. of H.. ■yy Inal Weakno»», lz>«t Manhood and forward with al! jossible dispatch,; All persons indebted to said estate are rs- ' that the object of the trip taken by if we understand the meaning of gno1 copper rivets, ra»ps, me», file», pinebe ed. — Pla int Ic air r. ) lath nail«, finishing nails, fencing i 1 ; *' ’1"^ pn GEO M LOVE. . • . . rmw, * r».p», *- j, nails, horse-shoe nail«, and iron and stee' , «•rsnippor«, to ng« »nd hainmers, at sense' Better chalk your heels nnd Tziwis at Linkville in March laat Admimstratorofsa:d Fatal« OIL«.-, VARNISII. GLASS) Jons Mil I EK'S. ' nXINTS, | horseshoe» at JOHN MIDLERS ------ ■ SuRccniBE for the T imes . go without stockings His efforts were unsuccessful. and putty at J'JHN MILLER'S. Uated May 12, 188?. E. C. L ord , A. P. H otaling , 25 Front St., 42V Jacknon St., Portland. San Francisco, OFFICIAL BLACKSMITHING, ETC. DRUGS, MEDICINE ETC. WINES AND LIQUORS GENERAL DIRECTORY. S tatc or Oaxoos—U. 8. Seuxtori, L F. (trover, .1. H. Slater; C^ngrestinan, M C. Gtorge; Governor, W. W. Thayer; Sec­ retary of State, R P. Earhart; State Treaa- wrer. K. Hireeh; State Printer, \V. H. 0