DEMOCRATIC TIMES. FRIDAY GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. Ministers use Amman’s C’ungli Syrup. MARCH 10. 1882 ; | Brook* keeps it. T« AnVKH-riNKKM. The widow of Daniel Webster died at New Rochelle, Nvx« York, on Mon­ day. Baker county stock mixers are get ting an average of s?L'>.7‘» per he-sl for their cuttle. Senator Hoar vehemently comdeninetl I I , the nomination of ( inkling for Asso­ ciate Justice of the Su«reu;« Court. ASTRAY Those people who fancy that Conk­ ling is shelved, will find themselves mistaken. I’ractically he is president of the United State». 'I tr»vel»l a iorlwldrn road. A Baltimore repriwntativc asks Con­ Which lir»t apprsr-d an flowrrjr fair gress to appropriate 81 . ih N'. ik M) to begin I ha» oawani eagerly I atrxnie, the excavation of a ship eanul from that TUI— to my horror and despair! — city to tbe Deluware bay. AU built awl idoeeoms Uooanni; tlirrv. All tender boxi^he and twigs of green Ex Secretary Blaine demands front Atom! changed to hurra and nettles keen, ! Congruss a swei ping investigation into Whoer angry pointe my garments tore. I all charges against him iu connection And pricked iny hainls till they were aura. ' with our foivigu relations. Rewildereil at the wondrons change. Tho value <>f exports for th« seven That eb-xald have warned me nf the place, month» ending Januarv 31, 1882, was 1 kept my course with snifter pace. I 8121,1172.!l<>7. against 81fi8,.Klff,ril>8 for And saw a marvel at>U more strange; I the same period in 188L Foe cruel flints sprang thrmagh the ground To meet my feet at every lamnd. The (>. .V C. stag« company pay» out With gasb on gash thev made them bleed, , $."i2,teio a v ear iu Siskiyou comity for Thea time it waa that I should heed salaries of employees, materials, feed i and other incidental «•xpeiiw». Just at the moment of my need, A shining man stood at my aide— Exports from the Columbia during Wboee lustre fell oil all around. i February of this year, consisting of And spread a glory far and wide! wheat, flour, and salmon, luuonuted to J 81,1i>2.s'ai. Exportsin February, 1*W1. “And who art thou’” I traml-ling cried. I 8371.2H!'. •■Give ear," said he, “to what I say; I am the guide of all that str.u, T..twyers us* Ammen's Cough Syrnp. To point them back to virtue s path, Brook» keeps it. Tbe guardian of thy erriug way; And step by step -in love, not wratli Vancr uv er arsenal as un arsenal is a These angry flints and briars I strew. thing of the pa-t. It is now officially To warn thy feet froft wandering so.” announced as Vnm Oliver Barracks Or dn.mee Depot. Major John A. Kross I knslt and kis ed his garment’» hem. And cried: “Oh, Ange! «ent from I! eav t*n ’ retains command. WIIV9 I Rerauxc it »\E\S St Bit snnii’ tnu<-. I LOTS FOR SALE 8BB WUAT rsorna SAT t ♦ I ftagwi«* n. Work, «.r J.u.' it. u City. Knnm». ■nyg, Ki«ltt«y-W ..ri rur««l Inin ullrr • • ’hj I six iaiiN I imi I b^vtx try Ditf fbi I J • “ Mr« John AruMll.of Wa>hii»ulon, Ohl«». *"7" hrr t»vy Mn.» yi V.-II ui* » > dio I. , f r prolii> phvMxtana aud thaklio . ullwi auid’ «ur*l by kidnw) WviF. .M. if 11. Go«»)«In, i <> i rdil<>r In <'hn««lx>n. Obk>. «lya hrs u ..! exp«" l"d to liw. 1 i!ti;r I LmlexI bryuttd IxAtuf, I mi » Kldnry W oi I rnr«d lilt*». Annn K Jurrrtt «»f R »tilh X.iL*nt. M. T., wiyfl •« that MCVfti years Muth i tn|f fl «•«•! kxlnry Irotibloft î land otbar roni|»ll« AClvD-s «ai * n«L «I • y khc uw ot | ♦' ¡KIda»j John 1! îjtwrcnnr «»f Jb'-kHon. T« dm , «nfferuxt foi yrarairoin It»«« und kldn« « »< -al'b ■« and after t.«ktutf ' l»ait*la of •»ihvt* nwdK.’iOtMi," Kidney Wurt mad«» hint well. Mluhafl Colo of Montgomery Center, Vt„ •ufiT-red rllfltt yeai • w Illi L i I ea - v xliHiculty aid was nnablo V3 Kidne y Wort Munie bun | “ well aa ever.' H- SMALL BOILER AND A TWENTY inch Turbins water wlicol, with bev- »Iwipwr ami slialting. All in good or­ der. Will lie sold cheap. For particular, apply (o JAS. HERD, Willow Springs. « LIME FOR SALE. rnilE UNIlERsiGNEIt TAKE THIS 1 niellimi of informing the public that they have on hand .Son bushels .gsiifieriot lime st their kiln at tlie inoli li of Missou- ri gnleli. winch thev are disposing ot at reasonable rate*. VVe to supplì the public tleinand lor 1 Ins article ami can furnish any quanti! v .tesired. DECKER iaod » th«* sysiein, demiiKuK voted to seed raising. ALL SORTS. the* rirciilatlnn, and thus Induces many disorder«, known by different names t«> distinguish them ao Just now the firm are specially desir- The (’>. II. A. N. Co., has jn.t closed eordlng t«» effects, but l»rln»c really branches o» I'iiAM-sof thAl grt-Hl Rciirric .1U.«rd«fi, liiipurlly Great DuH'overy-- Aiumeii’* Cough a contract with Mr. Wni. W. Bates, of <>ns of obtaining all information eiilcu •I Blood, Hut-hare/ty-U*pect. ui /.ire» Inted to fit them for the most intelligent ¿.'hicago, for the construction of what <>»»np/rnnf. Consti;xit 10n . V, r« ro(«orders,'/¿«id Ryrup. Brooks keeps it. OCA« . Z3< u *< m /<< G'-nerut H 'ettkntu, Heart Dnwaaa. will be one of the largest dry dis ks in service of their many cn-t inters in Ifroiwv, hutnr y iHtra»,' lihrumatimn, Ca They were twins, ami the parents i the United States. Its cost will be the South. L'o this etui they arc offer­ *'*r”/Mfa. SArm /Jfaerdrrs, I'lctri, Swelling», I<| mm ofihr Blot. n \enia chrntoneil one Kate and the other Dnpii j 812.’>,0<>0. ing 8500 cash in prizes for the liest audyures these by attacking ihe rou». . Impurity Kat«. or the Blood. Chemist« nnd phyairlans i»Kree In essays on gardening in the Southern ThcO. R. .V N. Co.'s road from Unia calling it ”the mosf K'*num»* and efff« i«-nt prepa­ These essays must crime from ration far the purpome " Sold by bruKKUta. «1 per To »nccoed, young man, you must tilla to l*eudl> ton is being pushed States bottle. Saa teatinmnials. direction*, £«• In pam­ those practically acquainted with nil work, unless you are to »ucceeil to an ahead with vigor. Thirteen miles are phlet, “Ircatiaa on Diseases of Cm Bl«*«!,*’ wrapped around each l««»ttle. tlie conditions affecting the subject; estate. | completed. A large number of China­ D. B1.XS0M, 80.X A CO., Crop»., Buff»lo, N. T. ami the decision regarding the respect- itn.l Drummers are now called commercial men arrived a few days sines to work I ire merits will lie made by well known ninxietans, because they have «oniiuh on the line. I .nd admittedly competent judges. Full chin music. L. Swartz and J uuiph Goodale juM i partie ufara can be obtained by addresa- naed a cootrac» contrae» with CapL (apt. A. P. I*. An- .ing Hi KAM S ibley A Co., Seedsmen, The population <>f the Vnitexl Ntati's closed ..................... •ny. of Portland, to «nw saw <>uo million at either Rochonter, N. Y., or Chicago, ha» increased 17,0H««,r for than Great Britain, while uur acreage March presents a striking array of Bra Iley, Sullivan ani Mahoney, nc I. ....................... ........ posseses the article«,“very one of which ia twelve times as large. eused of the murder of Brown >th. Min st,*r Eilwartl F. Noyes communi c.ites tne results of his observations of I look after the public money as anxious­ San Fmnciseo kc-ps w, l! up up with I ■ > n< » < it n li h l th« ir* ly as he looked after hi.< own. I times. J lu 1.MSI» hr court* granted 31".1 I’’litieul affairs in Frunce under the T * .i i 1 Driiiri'.iu i tirln htie, * "Trogi s.s j r\f of tin- French l/.muL llepub-i You can't count on appearanres. | divorces. Last year the nnmlier was I . lie," In “ Trial by Jury,” Judge E l Four ot the finest looking no n in ('hi- increased to 364, willful desertion, cru- i • • , w.iril A Thotniw .lescribe» the »ocixl i city, ditinkenncsH and adulterv being cago were arrested fur forgery. ■ condition» nn lev which onr j’lry »yMem , th« chief caiisos for separation. ’ li.ul it« origin, anil note» it» defect» in A Washington paper any» the Mor­ Do not delay using Aunuen's ( ongli vn w of tlie altered relations of model n mon Church has sent a h >nbv of four '___ handsome and educatej English wom­ Syrup. Brooks keeps it. • I life. Mr. J. Finke make» an able and en to Washington. Jack Powers, under sentence of death ini'enions analysis of th« Brest intel Spring-time is coming the garden I for killing Ben Corneliu-at Portland, i- In tnal movement, the Reformation, | . growing pale, and and c ireworn. He edm-ing therefrom the " True Ic.son aced men are ou hand. [ suffers very much from thp bullet in • of Protestantism." lu “Law for the Under a new State law, which went bi» cheek and it is «aid tlie lower ¡mrt of Indians.'* th« Rev. Wni Justin Har-lia into force on Jan. 1, ull eon- his face is partially paralyzed. 1 i endeavors t< to deni msfrat« that the one I 1* ration'll i f ir in t I nn, ductors in Georgia are clotlusl wit h nnd effectnal cure for onr The House Coniunittec on Elections Indian troubles is to extend the juris- the purer of policemen. CONQUERS will report against the admission of ' dietion of the civil and criminal courts It is now believed that the fixed stars Cannon as I lelegat.■ from Utah ls-eanse > oi 'f all the relations of the red num. were placed w> far away in order that he is not a citizen, and against Canip- Prof A I! Palmer on the “Fallacies the patent medicine man couldn't get 1»'H because he did not re '«ive n major­ of Homeopathy.’’ Finally, the Hon. I there to paint on the rocks. ity of votes, thus leaving tho seat va­ Neal Dow <• intributes an article on the j DESTROYS "America,'' savs an Englishman, "is cant. I "Results of Prohibitory le gislation,” a eonntrv where a man's statement is Dr. Glenn, nt Jacinto. Cal., has :’>5.- demonstrating the success of the efforts not worth two cents unless bucked up (MM> acres in wheat, nnd expects to sow to suppress the liquor traffic in Maine. --- ♦ . »- - ' —■■■ — with an offer to bet ten dollars.” KILLS 2”>JK»t more. H« has a force at. work A N ev N ovel by M rs . G lascock .— on the Jevee building from Bonn.i s to Pennsylvania locomotive works are I’he California Publishing Company, doing such an immense business that Sheppard «, u distance of five mile». ins California Street, San Francisco, they will nutaccept orders for engines This force nt present is IS teams and have in press a new novel by Mrs. scrapers and over.'iO men. to be delivered beforu.Jan. 1, 1883. RESTORES Glascock, wife of the Congressional Tlie N. Y. Trihntir is exceedingly se­ candidate in .the Second California About half the divorces granteil in Chicago now are said to lie on account ver« on the appointment of Conkling District at the late election. C«>tu- of the drunkenness of wives. Chicago as associate Justice, and «avs his eleva­ inuuting upon the samo, the Uaklaud <> mancan a i ; <)iu> i ’>> hew nil men are getting to lie very fastidions. tion is onl v due to the pistol of (initean, 71 l7ooe- sues: out i<. A trial is nil that is asked. nnd that lie could not bo elected as "Mrs. Alary Glascock, wife of John For sa:o liv »It Diiiggists-iiiid Wino- In buying real estate see to it, first, Jnstiee of tho Pence in th« strongest It. Glascock, th« well known lawyer or nierc bants. that there is no mortgage on it; second, Rcpiibiican county of New York State. this city has written a novel entitled that there is no judgment resting against Wells’ mammoth warehouse n‘ Cor­ I “Dare,” depictin'« certain phases of it; and third, that the taxes thereon ore and artistic life ' on this vallis, containing about 15,000 bushels ' fashionable 11 paid up. coast, and embodying a considerabli? of wheat ami :M>,( m ><> grain sacks, was'1 ' j mil 'lint >>f fine character work peculiar Physicians say that it is not healthy destroyed by tiro last we k Loss Slb,- to sleep in day time. That is why tho 000; insurance, *7..'iDO Gen. P. Wrenn. i to the I’a-ific Coast. Mrs. Glascock is lmby which is taken to church never Chief Engineer of the Fir« Department, ¡ a lady of exquisite literary taste, and goes to sleep. It knows what is good was instantly killed by falling timla r. . has done some excellent work, the for its health. merit of which promises well for her Tho year 1SM1 has boon on« of un­ I present venture. This volume will be Mrs. Swissheltn says; “As between thb published bv the California finblishing drowning a country girl and getting equaled prosperity throughout Company, ami will, therefore, be her employment in the city, I rather business and in lustrial circles of til« wholly Californian, both as regards its tlunk I'd drown her. and so get her eonntrv. Twenty two of the principal cities show total exchanges for th" year I eoueeption and execution. It ought to out ol harm's way. of th» neat little Mllu of i'll, IO.»,."KSO,'J1>". i be a success, both literary and finau- Hens scratch up flower-beds only Memphis is the only city that d not 1 eiaJ.” when they are barefooted. It is strange show an inerisiso. ■o one has ever thought to go into the N ew P atent «.—-Dewey *1' Co.'s S cien - I Peter I'leiieli has bought out the i i ific P kes « Patent. Agency has received garden and “ahoo” '. lie heus to keep range, cuttie and entire interest of John • dlicial r»oti<*e of the issue of tho follow­ them from doing damage. Catolow in th« Stein mountain <■ »nntrv ing pat<*nts to the Pacific roast invrnt- ft took a Harvard student only two for th« sum of sl'i'J.oou. He has some­ j ors for the wrek ending Feb. 14, 1882. years to conquer Tyutin, but he was i thing less than 2teMl bend of cattle in R. F. P»ri«lwcll, S. F., grip for pro- four years learning how to throw a 11IS Parudise and Surprise valleys. These |M*lling - ars; J. Budde, 8. F, water so so as to enable him to earn per ar« !uo«tly Grunt county cattl« that are : closet; Lewis Forbes. 8. F.. hair tonic; month on a Texas ranch. being fed lor the S. 1’. market. A S. I. Gabbs, S. F., sofa bed and All Druggists s. 11 Ammon's Coi igh It is said that 20,000 deer skill» have , lounge; J. M. Nelson. Oakdale, Cal., Syrup. Brooks keeps it. been sold iu Prineville this .sca.-on,’tw .> treadle power for grindstones; Jas. Ran* Stonia h Bitter* 1« the ;•»< it I’he Great Eastern, which was offer­ brothers namCil Martin contributing d ill. S. F . process of nn27 builder's, e«ly for « I\'ftp«*psL’i. I>111101 nih -. ss and irrugulai- Is 'J13 gross,aud 13,341 n«t tons register. . edy the evil, it certainly calls louillv < al., friction brake for steering wheels; ifie« <»i the bo »vids, . an a cure for chitin and [Alex. Watson, S F . exploder for hr- fever and rheumatic ailments, as a sedative | for legislation «,«///«■ cn/on'cH« ,,/ When Brown complained of a rush i ing blast«; E. M. White, Elhi, W. T . in nervous e.iRus, and as a general invigorant According to N. AV. Aver A Son’s of blood to the head, Fogg endeavored hay wagon. and restontive. to ease bis niiml by reminding him that Newspaper Annual for 1KA1 the New For die by all l>ru'jgist-< and Dealer* Horn i<> get M «*||. Natureabhors a vacuum, and Brown’s It'd dally Sou li.vs the largest cireula- generally. I i I i O a I rushed to his head worse than i lion of any paper in the United States, II mu wit In of person« xTreconstantly troul». I 121.328; the //«.-nA/ has 110,000. The •ver. led with a c«>n> I »illation of diaeaaca. Di«- I / 7«o«i le h is th« largest circulation on •*a«vd kidneys and c«>«tive b »wels are their The net profits of the Bunk of Eng- th'« coast, the daily having 10.1 *0 and toriiH*!itur«. They »I khi IJ know that Kid­ lauxi are $137>,IMIO a week or about $22,- ' the Sunday edition having The ney. Wort acta on tbeae organa at tbe «ame IMO* day; carrying the calculation a tune, canning them to throw off tlie poison» CALIFORNIA ST., little further, ttie profits are $3,7.r>0 an . daily oo. that have’clogged them, and «o renewing hour, take the money-day to consist of The Secretary of Interior decide» the man. Hundreds testify to this. [Pitta six hours. that th« mere tiling of a ileclartorvstat»- burg Pimt. N. FICKE. Proprietor. i^rn-nt by an alleged pre-eniptor can ­ A Newark clinroh meiiiber. who say Coughs Aminen’«Cough Syrup. Brooks on Sunday that lie is too tired to stand not )>« considered as of itself sufficient keep« it. up in church while the hymns are sung, i to defeat nn entry of a prior settler who 'IllfIS WELL KN(»WN M A RKFT. I opposite the F. h. Hotel, is belter pre­ stood the other day for an hour on fnihid to offer his final proof within tlie A CARD. Broad street waiting for t^e circus to statutory period, but who in all other To all who !•’(’I IA RGE. Thia great remedy actions, aud every man ought to sow Mutton, Hnm, them an the soil and the sea­ est in (¡rant couuty. The recent order ! whs di*, Al«>, Superior Then the old proverb would prove nn ervation is u hard blow to that interest, , .Very f '»ft/. and efforts will be miul« to have tlie or­ true that “hell is paved with good in­ Snusn^e. Lard. Etc. der riM-itided. It is in,|s>sxible that tentions.” 11(. . -li-T ‘cent bottle—Ainmen’s (’ou>h the stock lot moved at present, while *1 he mo«f fav( ralde ¡nduccincnts offer­ ,,l r»l». At Brook».’ (, The San Francisco Chronicle says there is so mn<-h snow on tire gronnd, ed to patrons, an ; no effort will bo wliatev. r may lai th« intention of t( ‘ that a »ea otter. Inensuring over nine ‘‘fiait <1 I owhi d giving general **atfafaetion. 7 ft et in length, which 1ms Imun’ed Rogue government. X N. EICKE. river reel for years past, waa kijled by Tie- Congressional memorial scrvlees ft Weck in y« 1H own town, fi.’» George Scott, hunter of the sloop Sf-ort in commemoration of James A. (far- Outfit Irre. V» iis|<. Eve-y. <-f the IFxree, which arrived on the (»th I fi l l were held in tlie lmil of the Hftliaa tiling n. w. ( apitnl not rerpiired. inst. with the carise’s on board. | of Repre'cntativos. on February 17th. “For beuity of t^ridi »uJ action, I W»* w^l f.i« nish von evrv!hing. Many are ndiking fortunes. Ladies make as The St. Petersburg jxvliee l ave ia- President Arthur and Cabinet, thejus- have never uvei, th.-irtuiial.” miM’h As men , ami ’m vs ami girls make ■•nisi an order forbidding th« appear- tii iM of the Supreme Court, the nu m­ CLARA LWJSE KELLOGG. great j»ay._ Reader, if you want a bmd- auce of any actors or dancers nil the bers of tbe Scnat«- five Generals oflthe ne«sa| which yon , t It*? l*-*t assort ment of Rogers* and vhlorate of lime. 'I he same ml» hr.» different States, were present. H-,rf. 721 Market 8tr*e*? F. yXt ostentiol:n'« entlarv’ in the market, keen in force in Berlin fur tire years. J G Blame was the ora* >r. « >-.dr for the Pacific at. JOHN MI LEER S. KEEPS OX HAND A ÎTI18T-ULASS STOCK OF < 'tipa, Mliot. CUI I .EKY.-IK >1’1-:. NAII.S, PAINTS,OILS, VARNISHES, AND GLASS A TOBACCO. CROCKERY. ETC. Dry-Goods, Clothing, Groceries p EPAIRING AND M A N ('FACT!’RING DONE IN THE BEST STY I. E. I ( Prices reasonable. K. KUBLI. SAW-MILLS. LEGAL. PUBLIC NOTICE NO' ICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tbe County Court of Jaekson County, State nf Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Jas. Carlin, decea«e»l, ’V’OTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the ad min udrator of «aid estate ha« tih ti in the County Court for «Jackson coun­ sud everything else in tin« line, nil ty, Oreg tn, hi« final account a« auch admin- drc«M< o clock a Ni , ia net for hearing objection» rue a call. t<> «aid final account; and al! persona inter­ T. P. PARKER. rated in aaid estate arc hereby notified to Big Butte, Sept, "th, 1**0. apjH-ar and file his or her objections to said onnt on or !»rforc said day. rul’bahrd in the I*FMOCRAT1C TlMF.« Ly LUMBER FOR ALL! order ol lion S. .1 Day. Judge of «aid (-oiirt. AI.EX MARTIN, Administrator. '['HE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW DRE- I pared to furnish the market with n «uperior article ot RUSTIC. FLOORING, CEILING GREAT CRASH of PRICES! 6 Miles sentii ci JacKssnvillc. — AT— S NOW UNDER 1 1 1 I, HI’ADVVAY and is prep-lied l»> furnish tin-market wilh even «r ot a *u- [su'ior quality at the lowest ra'e-. Bills -awtii to order and «alisi.i-'tlon trmiran- lee.l. All orders ad.lressed to U« at Jack­ sonville will revene pioinpt atteniion. 1’A EIvS si i.N, Oregon Street. Jacksonville. It’ll l’RF. A COMPLETE ANO MAG »I mtM'Hiil ««Hortiiiciit of new good« ha« jn*t lieen received, eonaiating ;n part *d N<>W I’REi'AREI) TO FILL ALL I order« for«upcii«»r liin'Ler with patch »nd at rates that defy competition. Bill« olanv size »awed toordei and «at- I ifcf.U’tion gnat:inte«'d. We have the tim­ ber and Eicilitio«. KAiTGive U« a trial mid see tor y«»iii- .•»tilvof». A>I«I it * n »< ( HANDLER A M »RRH. Ashland, 1 beg«m. \ I CARPETS, CLOTHING. 5 Miles from Ashland Health & Consequent'Happinsss. / All Kinds of Groceries, CHANDLER 4 MORRIS’MILL, Dyspepsia, by Removing ils Canse, and KNABE PIANOS 1 PUMPS, HOSE, CHAINS, WOODENWARE, BRUSHES, STERLING SAW-MILL I»1:V GOODS, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS A SHORS, s< liool. BOOKS HATS AND CAPS, TOBACCOS A CIGARS, HARDWARE, TINWARE Ladies' Beautiful Hats I Flowers PAINTS & GLASS. I I HERD’S SAW-MILL Children’» Carriages. Velocipede» and Wagon», Willow Spring’, FRENCH CANDIES. Etc. In fact everything to ba found in a fii*t < bi*s stock Wi General Merchandise, w b ich will be aold at price« That Defy Competition. AVING VP MY Meim a.iw nuli in thè beat >hape, w itli thè late«t improvc'l m iebinerv. we me iiow liillv prepaied lo fili all urdrr« forevery deseriptimi ot lumber witli dis patch and ut luweat ratea. Sali start ioti mia ranterd. ounti F produe.'ofall kind" taken in flange. P. O. Addirla. Jacka<»nville. .1 A*. IIEKI» .V i o. Tim highest price allowed tor country prothice. me a call at my ««tahlfahmant in Maaonic Building and he convinced that Ibero is no humbug about thi« E. JACOBS. NERVOUS DEBILITY A SI KE CURE GUARANTEED. LUMBER! LUMBER!! rpHE UNDEPreSIGNED OFFERS HIS 1 farm for «ale at a bargain. It is situ I nted twelve mile« north of Jack son vilb*, via the two Table Rocks, on th«» north side of Rogue river, arid contains acre« of g'Mxi land, well im[>ro\(*d, with an excellent hnuso ami a good orchard. For particulars apply on the place tn DR. A. C.b'l ANI.EY. BRICK FOR SALE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Morbid Appetite for Stinulanls CITY MARKET, Ague Cure Is a purely vegetable bitter and power- I’ll toiliu. anti _______ _ a .«¡»redv ___ warranted und r.. for l I.’ ever —.---- and ---- ■ Ague, • 4*»I.»»»^ certain « ure Cltllta am! Fever, Intermittent or ( hill Fa- yrr. Remittent Fever, Dumb Agnn. I’eriodl. al or Jliliou« Fever, and all malarial i««»noiis minerals, form the l»x«is of most of the •’ Fever and Ague J’r»-parat “ Sp«,< iti< s,” ” S.vrujm,” and ” Tonic«,” in the market. The pre|>ara­ tions made from mineral |*uisomi, although they are jKdatable, and Biar break the ( hill, do not cure, but leave tho malarial and their own drug ¡«»¡«on in the stem. pr<»dtiring quinism, dirr.lnesw. ringing in the ears, heatla» he, vertigo, and other disorders mon? formidable than th« disease they were intended to cure. Avt.ii’s A«.< r. Ci nr. thoroughly eradicates these noxious |K>isons from the »ystcin, and always citr»«s the severest cases. It contain* no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the moat delicate pa­ tient; and its crowning excellence, ala»« it« certainty to cure, ia that it leaves tho system as free from disease as le-iurc tho For Liver (omplaluts Arm’s Aovr Ci hi ., by dire« t a« ttoti on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stim­ ulates the tn stem to a vigorous, healthy condition. W« warrant it w hen taken according to dim tiou.«. FOR SALE. « Death-dealing’ Malaria. I Ths Best and Cheapest ! L ERSONS DESIRING TO FURI HASE good farms of any size will do well to enquire of JOHN Rol.T, Applegate, Oregon. ? UMItER OF I'l.MHAHI.E TOWN lots ill KltpiH'I’s addition to J»<-k- soiivllle will lie wild on reasonable term*. Forfurtlier pnrticulsrs enquire of HENRY KI.IPPEL. i J P JtotMMM h ci ran aen g.e »jat»in of the poieon- otufl teMMM thaldevel.'po in KMuey and Uri­ nary Diacaaes, BUlouan«»», Jauxxtiuo. Conati. ^Iparton, Piles, or iu Jlhouuiatiaui. ^iouralgia, Nervoua Dlrorder-i aacket-l*K.>k is the owner of a three-months-<>hl suu- iu-atn. The young mother, to have the offspring receive pro|>er nour­ ishment.resolved to take sole charge of it. It was her first child, and having Iwen reared in luxury, with plenty of servants to wait on her, she did not handle the contract with as much success ns some other women. The other day she undertook to give the child a bath in a »mull fmt-till). The lady's mother, «ho lives with her, mssmg through the room, dipped ìer fin­ ger in the water, and to ii her daughter it was too cold for the little one, and that she won il have to warm it Instead of nt ding n little warm water she placed the bath-tub with the bnbe in it on a small stove and waited for further developments. The developments came as soon as the bottom of the tub begun to get extra warm. The otlspring gave one yell, when the fond mother, grandmother and the two servants rushed to the rescue, ¡’he grandmother took the blessed baby anti placed n handful of flour where it would do the most good, in the future grandmother will I« h >L after tlieehild, while the moth­ er reads up on the cares of a moth­ er and how to bring up children. l! E (’ WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN treatment’ a siiecitic for’Hvsteria. Diz- h 'pHK UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST 1 burned a kiln ot Jivi.ono brick and will lie iirrpareil to fill all orders lor tin- building material after tlie !«t of July These brick* hive tieen insnntectiireil af ter the most improved methods mii .I mi warranted to be superior in ever, respect Oiilers promptly tilled at the most nuooii able rates. S. H. EGGER. Jscksouville, June 22. 1R»1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist», Lowell, Mass. BOLD ST ALL DKVUSUTf FVEnYwassS. FARM FOR SALE. fntlF.WELLKNOWN D1XK1NS FA BM 1 KÌIiiHled eiglit utili*, nortli <>( l.-i<-k-<.ii ville, i» iiflem! ;for «»!«■ «l n liargatn. li ointoin» 300 «erp», all «u*<-l<> tu <-ulti valioti »mi under f>'ii<«-, ìh - kiiì ... Iming well watered. A dwelling finn*«« nini a i-oinnirxlioii« liarti and ■.iitlniild- ing. are iiimiii tlix temi. For partó-ularM enqoira of C. VV. Knhler. Jack Min ville, or .>n ili« placto MARY DESiKINS. FARM FOR SALE rpiIE UNDERSIGN«!» OFFERS I sale his farm situated near B\ lien’s for rv, 10 miles from .lacksorivil e. containing l<»0 acre«, On acr«*« l»eing under cultiva­ tion and the balance king first class tun her and pasture land. A good li«>u-v. ¡»am and ou*budding« are cnnne<*fp. FARMS FOR SALE MMIE UNDERSIGNED. RI>TI»ING OS • I Rcguo river, offer« for «ale tho fol- I L'wmg desirable pie<*e« nf real estate: r *_y»5 -.»ere», . .. ............... north-ea*t «»f Jark«| < I» 1.« j t FarRlvai»- «i.d all H » ierribìo eff.-iN «»I &e»f ALuso. Youthful lol lies ami cxreaaaa of maturer \ e^i >, Midi hm !<>«« of Memory, La«*itii v DimiieM» of \ iMon, Noi»»#*« in . i ho I m * m (|. i he \ iuiigh <*xamination mid ad- \ ice iiH'Indinu an>d\si«* ot m ine, f*ri«?e ¡of \ ¡tai R ck I oid I ia e ?•» a faHlle, or four I tin.e* th«* quantity for $10; M»nt I«» anr | old if-*« upon rercipt of price, nr <\ <•. D.. M*cure iH’in oL*ci vaturti hlld ill pri- . vate name il *d«ipp<*d. I 'i.. M i . n i. p .’- s l\ n> i \ R i mi ut , N kfr - • m tn I’M. i in ♦ i. I kind» «it lx nfl^uy and I. uld-r i '»fu;.: i id-, <>oiiojrhoFM. Gleet and Ixii. ir|.. . . i «.! sii« by all driif- HiRt-M. $! pci th. (»1 six fa.ttie« lol D r . M isti ».’* H am > i i . h » n 1*11.1.1» ara FOR SALE hrlieat and < lii*a|«e»t J r*ia and K il - 'PUF* UNDKRSlGNED OFFER FOR : tot » < tur* in ilit market, f or «ale bv all I «ale I heir ranch, lying 20 Illi If* • InnrciNtN unit hea«t of Jack«' oville in th vicin it v H<»l'i.F, LAVIN »V 4’0., Portland, Or., J of Antelope creek and at ii t till«, 11» sr>, me rntrst oooai tJ' © laid at lha I J. M. CIIILDERN. of ilio fi trrcatrM t«M»ne\ar | altar of suffering „2 humanity. It. <’.<’KAI»I mm ’K. ---------- ..... Dk N firw will guarantee 1<» forfeit for ev­ ery ease of >emilial Weakne«»» nr private «I imuim ** ol any kind or character w lneh he iindertnke« «nd fail« to cure. M 1» m »: n . There are many at (be a^r of lliiiUr tn «ixiy w lio are tnoiblr«! w itli ton treqnent evacuation* of the bladder, often accom­ panied by a «lijflit «marling or burning «enaatinn and a weakening of the system in a manner tlie patient cannot aA*ount Ev applvin^ ¡»ersonallv iU thè neare*4 for. On examining tlieiirinarv depoaiia < ■M^olTHKMMiEK MANI FAI TFR a ropv «edimerit will often I«* found, and I N< ì Co. (or by |«ostai card il al a < lista lire i » Momeliine« »-mail particle« of albumen any aduli persoli will Le presente«! nidi will a|>pear, or the color will l^ot a thin n beautiful Iv illusirat*d ewpy of a N> w rmikish hue,again changing tn a dark and Book eutitied torpid ap|M»HrHii«*e. 'I'lwre are many men w ho die ol tins difficulty, ignorant of the GENIUS REWARDED. cau*H, whirli ia ihe M«*ond atage of Min* inal weakne««. Dr. S. will guarantee a —on TIÎF— fMTfect’cure in all such ca«ev«.and a hearty re«toi'niion of ttie gen it«»-urinary organs. office Hour«—into 4 and 6 toft. Snn- er than a> home. Great chance to make mon- I® I JI ev. Tho*e who al way« take 1 UIUI m U ad vantage of the good than» I ch « Tor making m<»»ev that! are ofTered, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW generally become wealthy, while lhoi*e mid complete slock of Millinarv good«, who do ixht improve wurh idiance« remain consisting <'f in poverty. We want many men, uo men, b««ys »nd tfirb*. to wurk for iin right HATS OF ALL STYLES. in their hw »« lo<-Al«tiea. A’>y <’»»<• <•«»» >«! hotel busin--«« wilt do well OKN'ERAL ASSORTMENT OF < OK to call early. A. 1>. MANION. A. fruit _ Sar- _ ....I trees can be fourni at tlie <1 in«* Greek Nurwery, ono and a half mile« KST assortment n( bolts, screw», tire | nortbfUMt of Rock Pojni, winch will be I Add re««, »nd«-opper rivets, rasps, files, pinche , disposed of roa«< »nal»| v. (’all and see them at the building for- B. F. MILLER, IloeD Point, Or, inrrlv occupied bv Dr. Rol»in«nn on (’al- or«, nipiK>ni, tonga and hammer«, al JOHN MILLER ’ S. I Kock rolot,, IKS!.1 ifoniia Mref. ' Mit*. T. P. ¡’KIM. a I GOLD Patent, Nov. 11.187», 1'ItMlt, Nov. ». 1 Fir^ Ir-mm Sial, fir rr*. Os, y I*—« »M«»u« lulls».. S;S.»I* DMn-.BWU vt iP VAN/ 1 V**». AC e. I'... . And*, lb« BF«T W TW» «mat n ««*"*' l*l«««rl- RilPTIIRC FlU» I UllC CAIAlu,-M«. llundr«4».fr«M W. J. HORNE, Prop. AtMonnTr. !«•» Morkrt »LTlaa Fraa«teeo. Ubty. Lu»t Maubood. etc. havfa" tried in vain ©very known remedy, hw d!»- .xn-end a Fin^pl«' self cur»-, which bo will wod FKEJI to ti« feUow-*uff< rer» *d«lru»i» al. M. MKKVBA. 43 < halliHiu M.. N. Y. A BARGAIN! O B I RIDLE Intta, Mtirriin*. rpurs, bamaa toggle«. bucklcN ring«, awin, nea-