on: (is M*Hr. udbuko M m Cm E lection .-—The election for A correspondent informs us that A jretition for the extension of mail PERSONAL MENTION. MININO NEWS. from the Pacific Surgical Institute, 305 officers of Jacksonville for the ensuing Thos. Mein und Miss T. Cleminens service from Sam's valley post-ofiioe Kearney St., San Francisco, will be at ths Changeable weather. Dan Silva, at tho Applegate Gravel Miss Aba. Ross left for Linkville last year occurred lost Tuesday and passed were married at Galice creek on Feb. to Deskins' mill on Rogue river, lias FRIDAY U. 8. Hotel, Jacksonville, March 15th and MARCH 10, 18S». Co.’s mines, is making a cleanup. Strangers are abundant. off quietly, though some excitement 16th, fully prepared to treat all Diieaaes •20th. been forwarded to Washington. It Monday. Considerable litigation over water prevailed and much interest whs taken and Deformities treated at thi» Iu»titnte; Sixtv-five students are attending the ought to be successful. Grass is sprouting finely. W C. Myer of Ashland precinct 2 e mac Title 0 cunt y Convention. ■neb a» Spiual Disease, anil all Ihseruie» of rights in different localities is going in the contest for Trustees and Marshal. the joints, Rupture, Na»»l Catanih Chrooif spring term of Ashlaud College, an J. B. Harris, superintendent of con­ called on us yesterday. Read tlie new advertisements. on. A Democratic Cunveutien for Jackson increase of nearly 50 per cent, over lust struction, gives notice to travelers that Considerable opposition was manifested Rheumatism, Lung Ihwas»», Paralyxis, L. S. Dy ar of Lake county is report­ Spring advertisements are ripe. Fej C'Sinty is hereby called to he lie Id at Ihr W. F. Briggs has sold his mining in­ against the old Board by citizens de­ Nervous Diseases, Piles, Fistula year. all blasts on the rock points south of ed very sick with typhoid fever. male Diseases. Thi» ia the only mrtbflrtxed Court House in Jacksonville <>u Marshal Helms is quite ill again. terests near Canyonville to Win. Q siring the fire-limit ordinance repealed, branch of the Great Northwestern Surgical Ben Haymond of Rock Point, John Roseburg will lie set off at 9 o’clock Miss Mollie Russell of Ashland is Brown. Batarday, Marek 25, 1882, Attend the Democratic primaries. W imh I t of Woodvill«,and C. S. Sergeant a . m , 12 m . and 6 p. m . but it proved unavailing. The de­ Institute on the Pacific Coast »3*1 rfestTW r»* visiting Miss Annie Bilger of thia place. of Phicnix were in town during the at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of elect­ feated candidates have the satisfaction to be confounded with any other io»tiUrt*W. The miners are all busy and have Effingham Schieffelin is at Portland. Two dollars a visit, when $1 will buy L. Silbersteiu.W. Colieu & Co.’s pop­ ing eleven delegates k> a Me nd ths State « ’«n- week. of knowing that they made an excellent plenty of water. They expect to make Why does not the proprietor of Amroen’s Salmon are abundant in Bear creek. ventina to he held at Portland April 5, 1882, »bottle of King of the Blood, contain­ ular traveling agent, will l>« here soon. John O'Brien informs us that Apple­ showing and need not be ashamed of Congli Syrup publish testimonials from those a good run yet. for the ««imination of a full Statu ticket and ing 40 doses or a dozen visits! It was The political campaign is under way. J. D. Van Buren, a well known cit­ District Attorney a gate school district elected Ed. Hen­ McElvey & Simmons, who have fitted tlie result. The largest vote ever who have lieeu cured or relieved by his med­ Th* several precincts will tx- entitled to at There is no change in the wool mar­ dricks as director and John Bolt as the favorite prescription of a physician izen of Roseburg,, is ut the point of up a new hydraulic elaim at Gálico polled at a town election was cast on icine? The answer is, the greater the hum­ bug. the more testimonials they publish. least nue delegate and one delegate addi­ ket. of 30 years’ experience. death. clerk. this occasion, the total uumlrer of votes Ammeii's Congh Syrup is no humbug, and creek, are at work. tion al fog every 25 vote*, or fraction thereof Sullivan whipped Ryan easily in the to prove that an o• Snow has about disappeared in the FOB TREASURER. 4«rant » Pw»............... day* looking for a location. work published, can be obtained at the The place formerly owned by Doug­ of the T imes . vicinity of Linkville. ...180 H. Pape, Sr............................ T imes office. Also blank notices of Miss Annie Little started for Rose ­ Total nuinl>er of delegates. .. A calf at M. Hanley's place noar las Gum, near Ashland, will be divided FOR MARSHAL. Rea«l what Lewis McDaniel has to location uf quartz and placer mines. burg this morning to «pend some time Priraarv meeting» in the various precincts town is supposed to have blackleg. It off into lots and sold. It is thought ...100 ( 'has. Schultz........................ for the election of delegates to the t'ouuty say in another column. Sorno cold weather prevailed the came front the head of the valley a f^®t the town will grow rapidly as with her sister, Mrs, E. G. Hursli. ... 80 Geo. S. Howard.................... Convention Will be held at the usual place» Stages make regular trip» notwith- ' J. B. White of Oakland, Cal., is forepart of the week, which interfered soon a» tlie railroud nears the valley. uf »otmgon ’»«TtsoAT, Mam H 13, 1882, at short time si neo. standing tlie bad roa«ls. P horate C ourt The following pro one o'clock r M. J. II. Huffer, school clerk, hat taken spending a few days in town. He was with mining operations in differeut The cold weather has kept back All person» who favor the perpetuation of Look out for C B. Rost ol's new ad­ warmly welcomed by his many friends. : camps. Work is uninterrupted again, ceedings have taken place in this Court the census of this district and reports Democratic principles an ! design support­ fruit trees, none having blossomed as 1444 children (2M5 females and 208 Judge Day presiding since our last T. P. Lee of Josephine county was i however. ing the DemiM-ratie nominees at tlie ap­ vertisement next week. yet. Almond trees were in full bloom proaching »lection are cordially ir vitod to Henry Klippel, Esq., a member of report: Several marriages are on the tapis this time last year. males) entitled to draw school money, in Jacksonville this week looking for participate in the precinct meeting .. In tlie matter of the estate of C. H. ! wTiich is a slight increase over last year. »party who hud mode himself rather , the Squaw Luke Ditch Co., went up « tho Wagner creek district. By order of the Democratic C< anty Cor The Jacksonville Brass Band sere­ Pickens, Sr., deceased. Hearing of Big Applegate Wednesday for the pur- mittee. I County »crip always taken at par on naded F. Luy. one of its members, The Little Butte Flouring Mills, 1«>- free with his horses, etc. final statement of E. 1*. Pickens, ad­ THOS. F. kEAI.L CUirmon. > |iose of getting their mines under way. Hon. A. C. Jones of Seattle, W. T., accounts with the T imes office. ministrator, postponed until March 21). , Monday night, which was the anniver- .. rated at Eagle Point and owned by In the matter of the estate of 11 De­ A. J. Daley, are being put in thorough who lias been here on professional bus­ • Everythin gwill be in full blast there There arc about 420 achool children sary of his birthday. L ost .—On the evening of Feb. 21st, neff, deceased. 1'inal statement of Claus ' before long. iness fur several weeks past, leaves for repair. New and improved machinery a brown berege shawl. The finder will in Ashland district, a gain of 20. Kleiiilianinter, administrator, approved The Brownsboro debating society ha« Chas. J. Howard, accompanied by ami said administrator discharge«!. - I has l>«en alru Royal preached his fare­ relieve Catarrh, this cures at Tsble Rock precinct »re eluted over the hand». for repairs and operations will soon lie | of March, to serve those needing the A lamp exploded nt th« Jacksonville nnmlrer of the pupil« are suffering from any stage before Consumption well sermon at Ashland last Sunday. prospects of a grist mill being erected i under way again. j most skillful treatment of any of the Hotel one night last week, but the t>s«l cold* ami an interregnum was seta in. He will leave for the north this week The Anralian Literary Society of this I ailments designated in liis notice else- soon on Rogue river, about half » flames were extinguished before any thought proper. Stu.lies will bo re­ SCHOOL MELTING. place has been indulging in a apelling- and pronoses extending his trip to th« & mile from Chavner's bridge. Some | ' where. Dr. Smith pai«l Jacksonville serious damage was done. sumed licit Monday. nchool. Atlantic States before long. a visit last Fall, and while here success ­ gentlemen front Josephine county will The electors of Jacksonville school ' $1,500 a year can be made at working Tho seven plagues of a newspaper Mr. Sherman, lately of Washington district held a meeting at the school-! fully treated th» little daughter of M. inaugurate the enterprise, and »re , Heavy mails are constantly being ' . for E. G: Rideout A Co., 10 Barclay office aro bores, poet.«, cranks, tvpo- T< rritory, purchased four horses and a hanle«l overland, often crowding out alsvnt commencing the construction of hotiso on the aftemoou of the 6th for Ryder of Kerbyville, who was suffering street. New York. Send for their cat- graoical errors, exchange fiends, delin­ passengers. wagon in town during the week and the purpose of electing a director for from an injured leg. Mr. Ryder write» a mill-race a mile long. 1 slogue and full particulars. quent subscribers and the man who lia« gone to Roseburg to work on the Th«i New State hotel was closed last three years, to succeed T. B. Kent, and that his most sanguine expectations LIVEH F rom rHOiN’lx. — A correspondent week, owing to the extreme dullness, Horse and jack bills printed in the knows liow to run a newspaper better railroad. Win. Barrett drove his team. a clerk for one year r•• ma le t<«> large, provided cho;«-« va­ [ lease 1 with their visit. concerning the qualifications of that of­ of a just account for payment under H. F. l'hilli|i*, W. C. Daley, J., plete control over all dis­ Futsr N otic «.—Treasurer Pajre else , • the slough* and streams, ami our nim- such circumstances, for no offense is rieties of trees aro plante«l. eases of (lie Stomach and Houck and F. Walrad of Ashland m ule ‘ ficer. J. H. Huffer was elected by a A. H M ’ly ami Mrs. A Bilger left where gives notice that lie has funds | ' rods are happy. intended, and this is only done in ac­ Liver, including »11 Joi. Wilson, residing on th* Desert, u« a call this week. They report the plurality vote, receiving 17 vote« to| for San Francis ’ o last Tuesday, ria on hand for the redem ption of al! or-j forms of Dyspepsia, cordance with the accepted forms of County taxes will soon b» d*linqn«’nt health of that place improving. •lied a few days ago, after a I >ng »ml Biliousness, Tor­ Portland. The former will lay in a 14 for 8. J. Day, 7 for L. J. C. Dun­ «1er« protested up to January 1, 1879. | the commercial world. Bnsiness would pid Liver, and no time .should be lost in settling , painful illness. He was a good citizen | large stock of goods for the Pioneer can, 6 for E. D. Fo’.idray awl 2 for 8. There are nearly tj4..'irt)on h.iml for this Onr friend Gilfry. principal !cgi»la Pain in the Back and Sid*. soon assume a very curious turn if every- with the Sheriff ami highly respected l»v all who knew Wi>e. Hardware Store of thi» place, while This is the only known remedy that j»urp<*e, and this early publication of < tive clerk of the U. S. Senate, is hapny ’ positively- expels every vestige of Mala­ The clerk then read the financial ex­ i body who received a I «ill got nia«l. notice to holders of warranta shows that i H. C. Hill of Ashland pa««eut an unusually largo attend­ credit is «Ine onr authorities for the C. Ke tzer and Amelia Otten vs. J. of Absorption, of which DR. II iil MANN tion constantly lor sale at the T imes of- ! ance, considerable interest bting mani­ business <-ards, teacher s certificates of this week whilo cutting a red-hot bar balance of $1,058 80 ill the hands of the PAU is the geiinineand only true expo­ economy ami good uianagemcut dis­ M Kendrick; to recover real property. nent. excellence, rewards of merit, circulars, of steel. The piece struck him just clerk at this date. fice at lowest rates. played. fested in the election of director. Continued. The offieer«-elect were then sworn in. For al! Kidney TrmMea and /Min 4n pamphlets ami all kinds of plain and below the eye, fortunately missing the I The third and last quarter of the dis­ Sterling Mining Co. vs. H. B. Her­ thehaek. u_v PR. HOLMAN'S RENAL Coaches lie'o tenqiorarily boon with­ when the meeting a., with the above trade­ company of capitalists and farmers en­ 53 T imes , with its immense circulation, of­ »lowly. They also inform us that Thus. D'llnquent tax colle<'ieerior inducement« to adver­ Hall was elected director and M. S. Irelinqueiit rate-bill................... class stock of general merchandise for out it. road l>etwe»n Corvallis anil Yaqnina his room by » very severe cold, bnt superior turnouts for all occasions. * por Sale hy all Druggi.it». DR. HOir lt»le bill,etc., 3<1 quarter lsso «1 tisers. l ’ erry clerk it the recent school eloc- ! sale very cheap. Seo his advertise­ MAN'S advice is FREE. Full treatise “ 1st “ 1881-82 Bay. He is desirous of obtaining the is now convalescent. Everybody i, investing in those hand­ „ o,[ >< .• A. A. Barnelmrg of Willow Springs tion. ment elsewhere and don’t fail to give sent free on application. Addre*s entire nnmlrer here and will pay a rea- t Th* Democratic vote of 1880 was 203 some calliug cards Intel» received at HOLMAN PAD CO.. District tax................................... desires that those having two book« «enable price. The horses of Jackson 1 greater than that of 1878, a decided in- him a call if you want bargains. He Win. K. Tsli, who recently died in 741 Broad»ar, New York. the T imes offioa from They county sustain an enviable rejmtiition entitled "Lives of Illustrioui Men” Alaska, was one of the most enterpris- ; P.O. Box 2112. $‘.-48 14 means business and will sell everything creaae for tho better. are especially popular with the ladies. throughout the coast. •tSDUIl’EMFNTS ami "Mirk Twain's Travels." with the ing |iioneers of Jackson conntv and without reserve. Valuable Resource for the --------- - --------- M. A. Houston informs us that sick­ ! 40 50 There was a first clas» row in Afri­ name of 1’. H. Watson on th* fly-leaf, plaved a conspicuous part in the early F. W. Knowles, labor........... 4 50 C onvention C alled .—The Demo­ ness has abate«! to a great extent in “ ........... II. S. . Dunlap, A heavy immigration to Southern SICK. can quarters in the southern portion of in their possession, will please return history of this section. His untimely J. 300 no W. Merritt, services............. crat m County Committee met in Jack- ‘ Table Rock precinct. Oregon is expected from cast of the Among: the many resource« which med!, 4 00 town, in whieli one of the denizens ad­ them at once. Ed. Smith, labor ................... death is tnonrned by a son and daugh­ sonville la«t Wednesilay and called a. For the best sewing machine, at the 290 00 Rocky mountains next Spring. Wo cal »kill ha« made available forth« I, . F. Willits, »»'»ices......... ministered a sound threshing to another. Some wags palmed a polished cent- ter and several brothers (residents of' Miss B. Carr, 405 00 alck and debilitated, nont “ ......... convention for March 25th, with pri- ! lowest price, with s«[nare, honest deal­ are constantly receiving letters inquir­ ranks higher than .300 no “ .............. One of J. E. Beggs’ teams went to piece on an nn«n«p*cting voter on elec­ Southern Oregon i besidss many friends. Chas. Prim. mariea on the 18th. Tlie full commit- ing, go to D. H. Feathers. 20 00 ing for information concerning this 11. I’resiey, Janitor,..................... * I Linkville last week with goods for tion day for 82’4, who probabrt sup-i 3 00 The firm of Butler ,t Rockfellow of C. Cain, labor............................. te«, composed of T. F. Beall, W C S3 00 section and propose presenting a de­ P. True, wood......................... Dalev, W. H. Simpson, John O B: n | J. J. Comstock expects to have his ! Reamea A Martin, whilo the other is on posed ho was being well paid for hi« Ashland has been dissolved, "E. F. J. 20 00 scription of our resources at length in saw mill at Myrtle creek turning out 1 the road to Roseburg for G. Karewski. vote. Ho discovered that "all that Ro -kfelPrw retiring. The business will Win. Wydeman, Janitor.......... 179 50 some future issue. and T. G Realties, were present. The | <■. A. Hubbell, services......... glitters is not gold" when about to pay be carrie 1 on at the old stand by G. S. W. Jackson, sundries ............. 4 75 j W. Beeson informs us that the citi­ former basis of repteaentstion was tak­ railroad timber» by tho 12th. 3 50 for a drink the next day. J. A. Carter, painting..-.......... Butler, M H. Drake and JacobThomp-i A very large number of peach and a comprehensive remedy for Liver Com- St. Mary's Academy commenced its zens of Wagner creek are afliicted with en and th« convention will be a large • 3 00 Reams» Bros., broom«............. We this week received a letter from son. with the first named gentleman as F. 20 00 prune trees are being planted this IM- plaint, liyspepsi», ('«met I pation. ('hill, n more spring term sometime ago, under more the rail road-fever and ar« preparing to Iavngell and F. I’resieyJan 150 00 son to supply the demand for these Fever. 18-bility, N*rvousi«*sa, Sick Heanl, than the last one, as th« vote was in­ flattering prospects than ever. receive th« iron cxiynso in good shape. our old friend Ike Sachs, now of New manager and Fred. Drake and Cal. Eu­ Miss 1). Godfrev, services......... and other ailments attributable to bil­ 4 75 creased that much in 1880. York, am! a member of the well-known banks as salesmen. Mr Rockfellow, Bilger A Maegly, sundries..... 8 00 favorite fruits. There ought to be iousness. Am »ng its ingredients are A. W. Compton of Roseburg has re­ E. ('. Brook», The finances of this achool district Mandrake, Dandelion, Butternut, Black 5 no firm of Grcenebaum, Sachs A Freeman. Kahler A Bro , “ ....... C onscience S tricken . — One John turned from Washington Territory, are in first-class condition. The clerk Son Francisco. Fits many friends in who is a first class business man, will T ime «office, printing.............. IS M plenty of apple and pear trees in every Root, Bosbaue, Bitter Ro A, Calisaya, become interested in a wholesale house Sweet Flag, Indian Hemp, Wahoo. orchard, however, as their fruit is also 3 25 expects to h ive a surplus of about $700 this section will be pleased to learn K. Kubli, sundries.................... Tjoomiller, who a few years ago r> where he has been railroading. Gohlen Seal, 3,189 34 of account to many of our patrons and the highest class, ami endow it with a of this place are both raising a large preventive value entitling it to the first recently rehime I the amount to Judge hope that they will favor us with a X blast was discharged on the railroad ' pended further proceedings in the mat­ ' frame buildings within certain limits, S urrendered T hemselves .—H. C. prompt response.as we need everything rank»» a medicinal sategiiard for forti- number of chickens for the purpose of Day, with interest. Ho says that lie ter of the change in the county road belerfectly secreted, or ia enon. ami no mistake. who belli Laws to answer without bail B. F. Miller, the well known nursery-1 misdirected. 1 of which he now lies in jail. He is they will derive considerable revenue. and discharged the balance. The conn­ Win. Carll has purchased six head of W anted . — Correspondence for the Rediugton A Co., Kan Francisco, whole­ • --- BoAjrp or T rustees — A meeting of fine horses from White Rrss of Rock man. in an article on onr first pag*, ! considered a hard case and feared by tv jail at Lakeview now h is nnother oc­ T imes from every portion of Southern sale agents for the Pacific Coast. give» some valuable hint a on transplant- the Celestials generally, who will R eligious I tems .—Rev. R. C. Ogles­ cupant. So says Madame Rumor. thia body was held at Town Hall on Point, at an average price of $100. For sale everywhere. Oregon on matters of local importance. ‘ ing troos, which should receive due con­ probably make no effort« in liis behalf. by will hold divine service on Will­ »lie eveuing of the "th. A hill board Annie Cimborsky, who is stopping at sideration. ANNOUNCEMENT. A Presbyterian Sabbath-school was iams creek next Sunday morning.... woe present. M. Colwell's in Sam's valley, has been Tlie National Surgical Institute of Indi­ F or S ale --A certificate of scholarship H. 0. Fleming will preach at Ea ­ I. W. Thomas, John R. Tice and C. organize«! last Sunday in thia place, The returns of the late town election The great South American Romaics anapolis, with branch«« at Plnladrlphia, At­ in the Portland Business College. Ap­ quite ill, but is now convalescing. The most t'oeftive cure known mt Mmgus have been appointed viewers with a large membership, which will gle Point on the second Sunday in lanta, Ga , and San Francisco, which has s ply at tlie T imes office. wore canvassed and the following per­ JW Nervous and Physical Debilhy.Reo»- Democratic primaries will come off of the county road leading from Jack­ hold regular sessions in the basement everv month and at the Mound Dis­ national reputation, will permanently es­ sons declared elected. Trustees, T. G. Tra inai Inal Weakness, Weaknc««, lxait Ixmt Manhood and a branch at Portland. Oregon. Two C lothe « C leaned . Richard Jta respect­ AJ Kidney Diseases. Price *3 per tm* D. of the church building. Quit* a num­ trict school-ham«« every third Sunday. tablish Reanies, J. S. Howard, K. Kubli, E. I*. a week from to-morrow and the Coun­ sonville up Jackson creek, ria Ilf the -kill*! Surgeon« of thi» Institute, pre. fully »niionnces to the public that he is "T tie, or four time* that quantity,*10. Rev. M. A. Williams will preach pared with every needed appsratas for the ber of bo'iks, pajrers, etc., have already Foudray, P. N. Ficke; Recorder, J. ty Convention one week thereafter. Reed's house. prepared to do all kind» of clothe» cleaning i •rmspondem-e answ« rod promptly. promptly, iswered been l-ooeived, and th« seliool will soon The rumor affectiug tho virtue of a Names kept secret. Adores*, Nunan; Treasurer, H Pape, Sr.; Mar­ Efforts will be tqade shortly to secure : be thoroughly organized. 'Squire Hoff- at the Presbyterian Church in this stvi-essfiil treatment of cripples, will meet at tho following rat«»: latdi«»' dre»»««. all the olose. Hera is a liargain l-j one, to Mr. and Mr». Win. Huggins, a son. publishing ordinance, *J 75; II. Kubli, during the week on official business. .1 M HINKLK. M. l> . f or turther particulars apply to lb* during the past week There has been 1 wethers in the last-nameil county alone. zanita Church on Sunday at 11 o’clock GOODWIN Ou William» creek. March 1st, T imes offloe or special policeman, $1. ' a. m ., at South Prairie at 2:3O p. M., GEO. W. II ANDY, M. D , A small quantity r>( corn, buckwheat I some frost, a little rain and plenty of i They will be driven to hi« ranch in and at the M F.. Church in this place Surgeon« in charge. National Surgical Insti­ to Mr. and Mrs. JuhuaGoodam, a daugh­ BERRYMANA HANSEN, The Street C'oaiiuisaioner's annual sun«itine. The prospects are qow fa- ■ Like county first and frqgt there to the ter. Applegatft report was referred to the Committee and sorghum seu>l may he obtained at tute, 319 Buali St., San Frauciaco. ■ in the evening at half-pail seven. vorahle for mor* ram. California market. the T imes office free, by calling «oon. on Streets and Roads. DEMOCRATIC TIMES HERE AND THERE. Holman’s Pad, Stomach KIDNEYS DR. WOOD’S LIVER REGULATOR HERBENE E E I