* 5t r » DEMOCRATIC TIMES DEMOCRATIC ADVERTISING AMD JOB i*a^jpi|pd every Friday morning by CHARLES NICKELL. ❖ (MTn ill RNWfTOa. OFFICE On Oregon Strret, Brick Building. in Orth’» ■atea of •■hmrl.li.a i Ono eopy, par annum..............................Sil INI ** MB mouth»,. ....................... 2.0t> * throe month», ......................... l.OII VOL. XII JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1882 NO. 11 W0U Alivertiaementa will be in tarth d ta tbo T imks at the following rate«: Teu line«, one inaerttuo. each «ulmerjmmt one .' :'''’T3I la>g«l adrertMcmenU inserted ronaooably A fair reduction from the above rat«» mail« to yoarlv and time ad vertiam. The Tniiai'Jvl> OSoe is mero by far than sny oth«r in Souther« Oregon. ■ nd conipsrea favorably with any m the State. Job Pirating of every imaginable deacri|ition done at Hau Franoeoo ratoa, and in a prompt anil firet-elaa* manner. •^^SSBSBSSSSai GENERAL DIRECTORY. WINES AND LIQUORS. DRUGS, MEDICINE. ETC. BLACKSMITHING, ETC. FURNITURE, ETC. THE LL'XTEN SEASUN MILLEITS € HIXES E BILL. R ock P oint , March 1, 1882. This season is universally olr The following is the text of the To the E ihtok of the T imes : nerved by the memlters of the bill to restrict < As quite a number of citizens of Episcopal and Gatholic Churches, introduced by -TO GET YWCK— Rogue river valley hnve requested and the Catholic Archbishop at California: ASHLAND, OR.. information on transplanting fruit San Fianci.s'o, Jos. 8. Alemany, S kc . L That the coming into, ar Architects, Builders y your jiermissiou 1 advance has issued the following rules of resideuce in the United States of INIOW'L WIMER BriOS.,Props.< a few ideas through your valuuble oltservance for the Catholic denom­ Chinee« laborers, except as herein­ Wines Liquors. eral Wood-workers, |iuper. I cannot attempt to give ination: ----- DEALERS IN------ after provided, is hereby declared — DONE IS - full directions on all ¡Miints con­ 1. All the week days of Lent, to be unlawful, and is suspended ASHLAND, OREGON. nected with tree-planting, but a from Ash Wednesday (February for the ¡teriod of 25 years from and few simple hints oil the more im­ 22 > till Easter Sunday are fnst days after tlw passage of this act DEALERS IN I portant operations. OLD BOURBON WHISKY, of precept, on one meal, with the S hc . z Chinese subjects, whether Stationery, Books, Transplanting is to l>e considered • allowance of a moderate collation. proceeding to the United States aa — AND AT - ALL KINOS FURNITURE. under the following Leads, viz: 2. The precept of fasting im­ totichers, studeata, merchants «v Perfumery THE WlEF.UlXTION OF THE SOIL plies also that of abstinence from from curiosity, together with tbair DI ANING, FAW1NG, BORING, For fruit trees tho soil should be i the use of flesh meat But, by Imdy and household servants and COMBS, BRUSHES, I Turning and Mouldii ^ot every de dry or made so by draining, ns dis]>ensation, the use of flesh moat Chinese laborers who were resid­ —1« AT— acriptiop done to order. stagnaut moisture is sure death. is allowed in this diocese during ing in the United States on the The entire Finlabing Material of build­ TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS & BRACES, of every id««» ready to go up or 1 lie soil should be plowed or pul- Lent except except on on (tie the loiiowiug following clavs, days, 17th day of November, 1880, and readv for raviipancv fbrntxhed, if desired ., veriz*xl fifteen or Uenty inches BIRDSEY S, ing« The Wednesdays and Fii- Chinese who hare eome into the GLASS, Pt TTY, x’ prwra Kwion and ( doep. If the soil is rwh no manure days, • . — - the Ember-days, the Thurs­ Lui tod States between the 20th of i Plana JACKSONVILLE, OfttyON. L is needed; but if ¡>oor, apply plenty days and Saturdays of Holy Week, November, 1880, and the paaaagn (fotaH nt lei oaMM>il4ing»,wlth apee- of well-rotti'd manure to ensure a and the Eve of the Feast of St of this act, slialj, upon being iden­ billa of matarud, ftytiMhod good growth. The soil should be Joseph; on whit h days there is no tifier! as hereinafter provided, be short n , lo r_ |«rtlea _____ ___ _____ Sua II y procur- Lamps Ac Chimneys. J. S. HIGINBOTHAM, j I on ing i»«to oonatrui't ¿lie *ime. in as good condition as for a crop leave to use flesh meat, except by allowed to go and come of their i Picture I. rH, which they ore hereby au­ be accorded all rights, privileges, MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Particular attention ¡«id to Undertak- This is a very important Operation, thorized to grant in case of neces­ immunities and exemptions which 'ing. Oregon. XW- Door«, a*t»h, moulding, etc., kept as fMirtions of tlie roots are de­ sity. All Saturdays are also days of are accorded to citizens and sub­ Jacksonville, I ND EV Eft lYTHINGTo DR FOUND stroyed on lieing mnoved from alrstinence, but Rot of obligation. jects of the most favored nationa. I 'onsiunily oil band. /Y in a Werl appointed : drwg •tore. All __ Bu-lneea corrowpondeme promptly at­ the nursery. Cut off ull broken or good* selevied with care and warranted The Holy Seip/restrictd the use of S bo . 3. That the Chinese labor­ tended to. as repreaenied. We offer the above lino i t Avwn HterrEDTHE shop for . bruis«'d ends of the roots. If the flesh meat to one tuwil on the day ers descrilied in the preceding Ollie i and ware-room» at factory. 11 iiHWly auaupioii bv Jaoob M«y«r, tn trees are yearlings, ent tho top in which ubstinence is disjieneed, soctioii, who sliall depart from the DALEY À t'O. re»r of P. IfoimgiMi'» bUckmiiitbxu«». 1 about the Light yon desire the fu­ except for those employed in heavy United States after the passage of take thl» inráirn of inforni I ii 4 the public I : i hut I am now prepare.! tn do ture top to branch out; ent off all lai air, or too sick to abstain, those this act, shall not be permitted to In Southern Oregon. Term», milt or on MECHANICS' ALLKIXMOr «MUÍ Í Contract. side branches. If two or more also who are under 21, or too old return and resume their residence, Eagle Sample Rooms, special Prescription« aerili ateiy *t*>m¡K»Und* years old, cut off side branches to to fast, ami on Sunday for alL •unless before their departure they ed at all hours. n melino in flrst-rl»««-tvlo ani! it priemt within two or three limlis of last E. K. W1M EK, l>ru'4gists 'n» »«»ti Um liiiiM. Vulik-Ie« nt all Kind« 3. The promiscuous us« of fish shall have been duly registered at iiivle to order. Repairing » apecialty. year's growth. If they have lieen and flesh at the same meal is for­ a custom house in the United 4«. .ivo Hinn I rial. hialiafarti<>n guar­ dried or injured much by ex- bid, leu in I*eut, even on Sundays. States, and shall produce to the col­ I anteed. .1. S HKilNIioTIlAM. HODGE, DAVIS & CO, --- AND--- jiosure, the pruning must 1»« closer J.u kMHiville, July ¡is, |SK1. 4. It should lie carefully ob- lector of the district in which they than if in good ’order. Dig the servoil that, occonling to tin answer shall seek to re-enter the certificates CnramHliU ion of HO! w ; !•'. SNELL A CO., holes large eamigh to admit all the of the Sax rod Congregation of the <>f registration and consular certifi­ and T. A. DA V Li X < U. ROSEBURG Furniture, Sash' roots spread out in their natural Holy Office, to the Biniiops of cates, us hereinafter provided; and ptisitious. Eet one ix-rson hold England in 1860, and to th« Bish- sucli Cliiueee lnlxirers, who may Wholesale Druggists, the tree in jmsition and another cq»s of Ireland in 1877, the Holy have departed from the United shovel in the earth carefully, put­ See lias never consente«! to have States prior to the passage ot thin 92 * 91 FRONT ST. ting the finest and best from tile introduced the use of milk, butter, act, and any Chinese of the other surface among the root**. After and still less, of cheese, at the eve­ (xtiTuitled classes described in the PORTLAND. OREGON. Frazer, Proprietors the roots are covered, pour in a, ning collation on fast days. But, second section of this act, shall as ASHLAND. OREGON, pail of w ater to settle the dirt thor­ owing to the peculiar condition of a condition of entry produce to the oughly among the roots and fill up I the faithful in this Province, the collector of the district in which ÌVK KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI i ( 1 ASTINGS OF ANY SIZE AND IRON L. S. P. MARSH. Prop’r. the hole with loose earth. Throw 1 Holy See has kindly consented to they seek t< > enter the permission PROFESSIONAL CARDS. if a complete «lock of ' work ol .very iles..-ri;>ii<>n neatly »ini around and a foot beyond where | tolerate in it the use of milk, but­ of the Chineae governmant and a I>!• >ni ;»Uv ONWUteil- Main Street, the r<»its extend course manure, or i ter and cheere in a small tiuantity, consular certificate hereinafter pro* Griei. Quart* an4 R aw Mill», Ria- A. C. STANLEY. M. D„ DRUGS. tionary and Portable Enginos, inailo to A LT* KINDROF PLANING,MOULD. litter to the depth of five or six! eggs, however, excepted. But per­ videil. ,\ ing, Turning, Cinmlar and Scroll Proprietor. PERFI MERY ami TO1IJET ARTK'LF.s order «ml warranted. inches. This is particularly neces-! sons not bound to fnst are not sub­ PHYSICIAN AND SU RO RON . L T. F02DES, HH’NDHY—On» block -outh of the Sawing, S ec . 4. The secretary of th nepot. lliwbarg, Oregon. FUBNTTl'ItE*OKNAMFNTAU'ARV- sary, as ii prevents the ground1 ject to the above restrictions, nor treasury is hereby invested wit)» PATENT MEDICINES, Tokio Roak. Or»-on from liking or cracking and main- to abstinence from eggs. ING, W, DO.NET IVKDEK. authority to carry into full effect the mi!E BAB WILL ALWAYS BE REUT tnins moisture and nn erencr tem- 5. The use of lard or other fat fonvgoiug ]>rovi»ius«s of the United States proper EAGLE POINT . ing-trtbl*. An elegant billiard-table from r-er I » in iiMitract to deign and erect bhade of the Assumption, of All Saints il er the provisions of this act to the \ !*.- ! . 'HUR SURSf’RIW:« TAKES FLEAS 1 (iiuiuber required to plant an ucro| and of -4'hriHtHtta; nn«l on Good privilege of entering and residing LUBRICATING^ 011/8, ITC. et < . PHYSICIAN A N I» S U R G F O N I lire in ’MVtUjiin^Witf «*•*' •*< 15 f«s-t apart each wav is 200; 16 Friday eggs and all' lactiferous in the Cnited States. Such book# I'.a-jle r->iut and miii mu ling corniti’, JACIIOWVlHt. OMID«. that he has «»i««n*‘d a wagon ahnt» Mid i« WARE ROOMS, f- ct apart. ltll>; H qurL 13 '. su!>stances uro forbidden through­ shall contain the name of every now pfr¡Etrod t<> enitential time, in the United States; names and s. P. HANNA. A|»1»l«*vi»te. O p ?(« n . DAVID LINN HOTELS, ETC. is more apt to attack trees the tho ¡instors are requested to lay residence of his parents; date and Ijite of Glasgow, Scotland. Office and pHOICK WINES, LIQUORS AND CL Keep’-constanti y °u haliti a lull a«Morl* first year after planting than after.! lieforethe faithful the impirtance I ilace of arrival in the U nited States f drur-Klore on the Drake farm. iiiMfi nt furniture, coii.Histing wf We can prevent them by forcing of Christian modification, and also employment or business; high», gar» constantly nn hand. The read ing tabic i« also «upplie«! with Eastern the trees into a rapid growth until | the grievous obligation of comply­ weight and physical marks or pe­ BEDSTEADS, J. W. ROBINSON. M D.. l>cri«Mb-.*als and leading paper»« of the Jacksonville. Or. lute Summer, or by keeping the ing with their Easter duty, which culiarities by which he may be Coast. BUREAUS. taih . iw . PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. trunks of the trees shadeil during may lie fulfilled from the first identified. Every applicant for reg­ and Stage House iN cKONENIILLFirs BUILDING, I> the growing season. Incase they Sunday of Lent; they will frequent­ istration shall make oath to the I in receipt of a full assort incut of mate- Jaaksonvillo. Oregon. 'should get into the tree they should ly and earnestly impress npon facts stated in this registry, which Criterion Billiard Saloon , r.al and prepared to do all work in his OFFICN—In Mr». Ganu"g’« building, lime <>n n I hii L notice mih ! in a workman- ■ be cut out or probed to death with i their resp.sctive lin ks the necessity oath shall be recorded in the boob- ('•lie promptly •ttende.l tn, dev and like maun» r. Vehicle« of every «Irserip- CALIFORNIA ST., . a wire; or put a common luciferl of attending, liefore all other of registry; and in cases where the Ol'CgOD ; ti«*n _____ Jacksonville, •*ghi. _ Terin« reason win made to orde^ CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS I match in tli<> hole and leave it there. I things, to the salvation of their applicant claims the privilege at ami watiMfactinn^giisrAnmed. ,>«lieal« and leading pa­ per« <>t the < '«»j»st .* (ii vo uh g e»lI. chard, however, is the well-known , timi5« a week, neoording to what T he O regon W ar C laims tn H. 1UXLY. 1 Jacksonville. Oregon. M c D aniel at caton . strijM'd or speckled sap-sucker, a their prudence may deem expe- C ongress . -C. M- Carter, formerly DÜS3ELOR-AT-LAW, a rroRNKY a cor sjieeies of bird known as the wooer cent was paid. It is . SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN- or night 2’ birds should be destroyed without were, with the tenantry of Ireland a shame the full amount was not al­ forms the citizens of Jackson vil le l<>nl hro.t I PHYS I C I A N X SU II G EON, AYING RENTED ED. SMITlI'SOLD ami mirrouii'ling■•eiintry that be ia non <»r night) 1 mercy. B- F. All LEER. * for the purcltaseof land under the lowed Senators Grover and Sla­ -taibl. ami I'l'ocurcil n goi>il supply M AI» \ME IToLT. manufacturing, and will constantly keep' I ol luiiibi'f of all kiinl-, I am now pii- Jacksonville, Oregoa. following conditions: “that Gov- “B botheu S mith , whatd««es this 'erntnetit furnishes three-fourths of ter and Representative George are on hand the very lm«t of l.ager Behr. p.ir'"l to execute evert ilen'ription of Diaea«»« of women »nd children » «peculi- 1 ho* wivhing a null glas, ot l>eer xlioulil yuro, onon. wii . i . iam rum it. working for their passage. The work in tiiv line, plain anil ornamental, menn-/" “What does what mean?" ly. Calle promptly «Hended to, dev or give me a call. with ilispateii ami at very rea«onal'le "Bringing a nigger t<> this church. ' ' t he purchase money and the ten- old Indian claims of one to twenty- night. ' ants must provide the other fourth. rate», s.itistaetion gnaranieeil in every Ofllee at <*1tr finit» Store. Residence in "But he is intelligent and well edu­ This done, the teuunts have 35 five years’ standing, for services inManee. rear of I 'onrt Honea Squero. anti supplies furnished in excess of tel~ I nilertakinir a ipei-ialtv. I will cated.” “Who litres for that? He is keep on li in.l a supply ol reaily-ma«le ¡a nigger.” “But lie is n friend of A ears in which to pay back to the appropriation, also s|M>iiation claims I J. A. CHASTAIN. M. D., - puffin«. Give men trial ami jiuli’e Im ¡Government tho stun ii lias ad­ mine.” “What of that? .Must you, vanced for thorn, and arc required amounting to millions. Bills have I vourself. «'MIL BROUN. BAKERY SALOON, rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I Jai ksenville, June 22, 1581. therefore, insult the whole congre­ to pay it in annual installments." lieon introduced to pay them. We The POPULAR BARBER I n M asonic Ill'll. hing , gation?" “But he isa Christian and Early in January last the first pur­ hope to have them paid by bill di­ ph nn, aitteoN, belongs .to the same denomination.” chase was made under this Act, rect. or through the court of claims PORTLAND Take« |>l«o«tire in annnunring tn the citi- Oregon Street. Jacksonville “What do I carefor that? Let him and consisted of 4«>2 acres, for or through a commission tn be ere­ Roseburg- Oregon rennof Plinenix, A«h!:«n<1 anil «urrnuml- ! go and worship with his fellow nig- which was paid C2. ll«, or about nted, or throngh a new tribunal ing ronnirv that hn lias permanently I rpiiE I NDERSIGN KI. HEREBY DE Im-ate,! at l’hœnix, for the practice of gt'iw.” “But he is worth 85,000,.- 828.75 jver acre. On this estate promised to lx< created to adjudi­ A pencil A NTS GF JACKSON VII.LE 1 Sims t>, inform the public that they hi» profession. cate such claims as — .which would give to each about Also have a full asscrtmem. of ciarker* to «Ilio I hroiigh this house. Ample ware- hoiiM» room, safe am! c-arefnl storage, " W «»rt.h85,000.«*Ml! Brotlmr Smith, of all kiinH. Wcwill keep PORTI.AN» • • OltHGON. sixteen and ono-half acres, and re­ and business promptly attended to. R. G. SCROGGS. M. D., A W hole F orest of S tone Rofrrenees: S. Marks <'<»., J. Floed, A. P. ARMSTRONG.................... Principal. iiitnxluc«' me.” quire a cash payment of nearly T rees .- From twenty to thirty NEUSER ’S BUILDING. A Lunch House, (i. Ilavnes, Roseburg. PU Y NIC! AN A SURGEON, I. P. IVIM'O.............. ,Vonuiaii andScc'y. T hf . pension roll is very heavy, 8110 from each man. I'ntler this M irk \our good«: Care of li. L. M , where a good lunch and a cup of yolTee milen from Denver, Ix-tween Cherry —or n » site — can t»o had at any tin e of tho day or night. Kosehurg. ,,,.<| fnr tlir Kn«laic«« l«(•«. Miniente Aduli ! lrurgcrv and ' Jacksonville, Or., Dec. 1!, 1*’ forest The trees are all petrified^ Si ’11« )L \ RS HIP, Bu«incMM < ’ourm».. ..$.->«) thinks he lias discovered the plnn. new and prosperous ora will dawn treatment o( chronic diseases, office ngatixed, of many gizes and lie j FELE< i ff A J’I I Y, < 'oniplcte C oiitm »... .. 2 d Ife proposes to publish in tho upon the country. CONDUCTED BY hour», afternoon, from J to 6, ! WRlTlNlì, por luouth.......................... .M I» buried at various depths, from ten nowsp<‘i]M‘rs of each county, at stat­ CITY BARBER SHOP. THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. D ebt S tatement . The en- PEN WORK statement shows n liucrMW in the deep as any excavations were mad* rpHE .SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS ormi kliidw d«»ur in tlir nio«t liti'IS­ sioners in that locality, with the 1 public debt during February of by the workmen. They came up­ CALIFORNIA ST RE HT, TI« MlsMFK ni REA mhaiiu ; I amounts received and the reason 1 1 Mcltuol willcomnionce abuut th« «nd K.1TEM. Kvud loi* entiinnlr. on these rd ice of a bygone age ift Greenman. 'of Angnst. and 1« divided in four sea- ! whv the pmsions were "ranted, ¡*.•,783,511; cash in the treasure, at least half a dozen localitiea, and sion», of eleven weeks each. Jacksonville. Oregon. which would subject the list to the : 825'2,617,IDS; gold certificates, 85,- have mot with not a little difficulty ' Board and tuition, per term......... . $40.00 The College Journal, scrutiny of the public, and impos­ j 188,120; silver certificates, 868,674,- on their account The trees arw GMil'. VNId.llSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- E.eiland Budding.......................... «... ... l.Oo l'.*0; certificates of deposit, 811,550,- < ontnlniiix *iilormiiiion <»| < our««*. tors could be easily detected. Drawing and painting......... .. .......... of (»RMUl XTALl’E.XMAN» GHIE UNDERSIGNED IS 1 1 |,LY 1 uro in siiiuotiHclng that he has taken Eiuno,...................................................... ... S.IH> hik I (MtO; refunding certifiivitre, 8546,- very perfect and could be take» ... 15.00 SII 11*, free. Aildr**««. i 1 prepared to do all work, in Jos line charge of this imu"« ami that the man­ T he Parisians have fotnnl out ,150; legal tenders. 8346,681,016; out- nearly whole if snitable machin­ .. 5.0(1 A. r 1RWSTROW«. I m the l est man nor anil at reasonable agement will ho fir«t-elass in every par­ Entrain*« fee, only once, .............. Jacksonville, Or. Loi’k B<»x 101, Portland, Or. how to make false eye-lashes. 1 do SELM T DAY WHtiOL. ticular. The table will always be sup­ i price». GEORGE SCHI MPF. fractional currency. 87.065,877; ery wap employ *t plied wit i the best the market afford«. i Primary, jnir term,..............................._? 6.00 nut speak of the vulgar and well- e-ash balance available^ 8154,147,- I cheerfully recommend the pres­ r^r'I'erms reasonable and «atiMacflon ‘Junior, “ s.nn ent management* S enator V oouheeb has a rem- of the Portland Bu«i- known trick of darkening the rim 338. LL KINDS OF GRAINING DONE. guaranteed. No pain« spared ly meet the Senior. “ 10.00 ne«a t ’ ollege. Mr. Armstrong, whom I Sati«fartion guaianto-d. Order« left around the eye with all kinds of \ I wly for rhnurnntismi He nays: “I want» of Lite traveling public. Pupil« are reix’ived at any time, and have known fu* many year«, i« an ex- at the New Stale Hotel receive > W. C. GKEENMAN. T he R eason .—“Why don't you haveenred myself by n simple rem- i|H' 'ia! attention is paid to particular aturi- periimced Teacher ami a PriMHieal Bu«i* compositions, or the more artistic prnm|4 attention. ie« in ladialf of children who have but nesa Man. plan of doing so to the inside of I trade w ith me?” said a closed-fisted Aif v taking lenam jntee in warm Carrying United States Mails. IL M. Dr-FRANCE. rjTHIS PAPER may lie fonn.I on tile al limited time. F<>r further particulars ap­ the lid. 5io, they netunlly ld ••National*’ t’ollege. I Geo. P Rowell A Co. a Newspaper Ad­ ply at the Academy. tine needle, threaded with dark • dav. The reply was chnrncteristic: Ci -nM-pwiitly I «Hir mbit* to do what — vertising Bureau (10 Spruce St i. » here ad­ hair, through the skin of the eye- (“You have never asked me, sir. 1 I have not done fur years—walk Durable JI. IMO I EAVES JACKSONVILLE MONDAYS 1 vertising contracts inay lie inaile for it in pl'>T «porting. bln«ting und giant puw I» . 1er, lumi, eapxjaiid wad« nt JatksoiHilk Grange No. 8S, P. of 0., Jiow «nd Second-hand Piano», |50 to SI.MM I* and Thursday» tor Waldo. Lcavo« New York. lid, forming Long loops; and after have looked all through the pa;>e» from rtvy Irxlgin^ to the Capitol JOirx MILLER’S. PoroiLLMtPr nt TO R bst . J.>nrn«l Free. Waldo Tuesday« and Fridays. Holif« its regolar meeting« every two the process is overt I am told it is Foran invitation in the shape of an .nwf Nwk, a n»«tter of frmr mile» Í'K») Organ». S75 AGENTS WANTED. Fir»t-«la«» ni**Nnmi>datiiin* fer ps-wrv- wagon-maker* ' GHIE beat »teel spring shovels, and w«*ekn al the itwhlewce of J. N. T. Miller. a painless one) a splepdid dark nd vert iesment, and found none. I «very dhy, arwf ouUtrip the yrmny i tool« at gers. Espro«« busin.*«« promptly attend­ I 1 prek», steel sledues, hiekorv pu'k I T. V. ANTISELL A CO . C. MINGUS, \LteUr. ' 4 ' rot a u tt i -rr JOHN MILLER’S. ••iARRLTT. A nnie M iller , Secretary. never go where I am not invited." 1 fellows who go with roe.” * Cue. of Market sud Powell, S.F., Cal. ed to by and ax ha miles at JOHN MILLER'S. fringe veils the coquette's eyes. OFFICIAL. A. P. H otalinh , E. C. I xird , Nears or O.mox U « Senat,.*-«, I. Jackson St., 25 Front St.. F. Grover, J. H. Slater; C'ongroaaman, M San Francisco, Portland. V. Gooegai Governor, IV. \V Thayer; Sec- rotary o* State, H F. Earhart; State Troar A. P. HOTALING & CO.. arw, K. Hinehi State Printer, IV. H Odell; Iui|M>rteru of SapennUndant of Public Inalroction, L. J Fo*»ll; Supremo Judgno, IV. P. Ix>rd, Chief Juatieo, E B Wataon. J. B Waldo Fitter JvniritL Dvmucr—Comprising Soln Agents for tlio Jettaon. Jooauhmr ami 1-ake euunttea—Ctr- eutt Jad-o. H K. H Miua; Proaevuung At- J. II. CUTTF.R . ‘torn«y, T. B. Kent. J mksoü U*>< ntt -Seaator, John E Roa«; R« pre sen tat i vex, Tho* Smith, A. U. Stanley: ( «maty Silas J. Day; Commi««i«>e, That. K Nichol-; Gf»tr.il Ivah for Xtatr Invntnni lusor- unrr I'umpaur. School Superintendent, Ja«. D. Fountain; Surveyor, Janie* Jeffery; Corouer, V«it .Schuta. NEW STATE SALOON, Josornisi C« m ’ xtt -Senator, J. B Si for«; Ropreaeutat i > e, J. B CaMwellj <'ouaty Judg«. T F. Floyd; Camna Cor. California A 3 tative, Oraon A I I lately been thoroughly renovated Steam»; Comity Judge, J. S. Watt; Commi»- i and «tucked with at complete a»«ortment aionara. G. If. Pautfend, U. F. A bah icr; Clerk, I i»f the finest whies, l'qunr« anti cigar« in R B Hattan; Sheriff, J. L. Hank«; Treat i the market. The celet»ratesea»or, Wn. T b U vc A; ' whiaky ia kopt <*<»n>tantlv on hand here. A rtrwt-cla*« btlharti-lab.e 1« a I mo c^n- Sehvol Sttperintcnffent, J. H Clayton. nected with the hotiHe, and the read in g- Ja< MMMriux- Truate««. T. G. Rennie». ' table will ahvava l»e siipptied with the Praaident. E D Foudray. K KuLli. J. S 1 latent and rhoice«t |H»riodiCMl»», tiew«|>a- Howard. P N. Emka; Ker order. J. Nunan; I P****’» ®t^‘* Give me a call. Traaaurar. H. Pape; City Marshal, A. JOHN NOLAND. Halma; Street Cointmaaioner, J B McDaniel. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 1HRL AsffLAO -Trnateea, Fl. Hill, Tharehm. Jacob Thompaon; (. W. Rurri», Wm. Ham»; Recorder, A. V. (iillette; Treasurer, Henry Norton; Marahai, S. I). Taylor. C alifornia S trebt , MEETING OF COURTS. ETC.’. The Supreme (kxirt of Oregon mart» at Proprietor. Salem, regular tarn»» comm mcing on the i*, r. junij *. fir»t Monday» in March and October. Cirenft Court («< Jack»«»« county me^ta the second Monday in February, June and VONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND Navemher; for J nephine cnnaity, the fourth j I »eat Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Mouday in April and Oi-tol»er; for I»akr | Cigar« kept. county, the fourth Monday in Septend»«-r DRINKS, 12S CENTS. and November The C«mntv CommiM**oner»’ ami Pr<»l»Ate NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE —it ( «art» for Jackson county meet the tir»t don’t pay. F mbu I iom needing auvthing Monday in every month; for .Foaephme in my hue can alwav« l»e supplied with eoanty, the first Monday in January, April, the pnreat and heat to tie trnind on the Jaly aad September; for fake enunry, every I Coast. Give me a call, and you will i»e alternate month, cominencuig tin first Mon­ well san«tied. day in February. Fine CITY DRUG STORE, THE PLACE W.C. UALKY. 1. H. TOUR. Jl.h. KMKItV. DALEY & GO., BLACKSMITHING and DRUGS, MEDICINES 8 CHEMICALS. THE BEST STYLE OF and Toilet Articles. CRONEMILLER & Paints, Oils, Varmsiies, Dye-Stuffs, cneaper tban Ercr Before Ofcrk PLANING MILL, Blinds, Doors IRON WORKS Moulding Factory! Zimmerman & Linkville Saloon, NEW WACONSHOP, s Stock Every Kind. Railroad Saloon, FURNITURE THE U. S. HOTEL WAGON-MAk£R, & New Saddler Shop, CARL BROWN, Thos. M" Joiner Undertaker, II ------------------------- GROB & ULRICH, ‘C.’ B. ROSTEL, CITY H. L MURTON, AND Business College ! ! THE POSTOFFICE f TliAXSPl.AX'/'IXC ri/VIT TEES. W. C. WALDO EXPRESS Proprietor