4 ■ ' H DEMOCRATIC Tl DEMOCRATIC TIMES. ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK. Pablialied evety Friday morning by CHARLES NICKELL EDITOR MO PROPRIETOR. OFFICE On Oegon Street, Briik Building. ill Orth's Hatr« < m «Itibarrii»«ion î One capy, per annim,..................... six n>»nths,..................... three non tin,................... GENERAL DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY VOL. XII BLACKSMITHING, ETC. DRUGS, MEDICINE, ETC. WINES AND LIQUORS. NO. 4 A II. 1 .V bo V 1/ E X 7 KE. I MA 1'11 UE>i;i:iA ríos. .i akif l oi: V or . mama . (Jueen Caroline of Saxony is suf­ OFFICIAL. E. C. L ord , A. I*. B otali ng , fering from an illness which is at­ [From Rural Spirit ] 25 Front St., S tate of O k , «. on U. S. S. i ..it rs, L. 42» Jackson St., Portland tributed to a cause unusual in roy­ San Francisco, F. Grover, .1. H. Slater; (’•.ngr >11*11.. M The Spirit of a recent date, re­ —TO GET YOUR — There is abundant evidence that al households. Her Majesty has a i *on**olillation of 11< »D< ¡ E, SNELL A CO., 1’. George; Governor, W. W. Tha : Sec­ ferring to the introduction into anti T. A. DAVIS A CO. A. P. HOTALING & CO., retary of State, R. 1*. Earhart; State Tr* 1«- the amount of water on the surf-ice mania for cooking, in which she ex­ Congress of a bill proposing to re­ *jrer, E. Hirech; State Printer, W. H. Odell; Importerà of Superintendent tf Public Insinicti* n, L .1. store a portion of Klamath Indian of the earth has l>een steadily di­ cels. If the daughters and wives Powell; Supreme .Imlg««, W. I’. L*rd, Wholesale Drug-gists, Keservation to st ttlement, says it minishing fi>r many tin>usand years. of wealthy men, and many in mod­ •Chief Jattice, E. B. ’A at«*»n, I. B. Wai*I«». i should be approved; and the writer, | No one doubts that there was a erate circumstances, too, could only I PlNirr J vpktil D i - ukiit Comprising Sole Ag«*nts for thè 92 the readers of th“ | Sahara. In fact geologists tell ns hundreds and thousands of private County Judgr. S;la«J. Div; C*»niTnisa»«»ner8, — ANI» AT — And W. J. Ixnnp’s SI. Lolita Becr. U’E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Robt. A. <’«H»k. A. \ltnsil>le duties anrr t ’ ortipan ?. the question, nml of adding a few School Superintendent. Jas. D. Fountain; DRUGS. Surveyor, Janice Jeffery; Coroner, Veit opinions, which it is believed are now exist is proof that there is less I <>f married life tender in years —TS AT— Svhutz. substantially those of the Ix-st citi­ water oil our glolx' now than jhore 1 and inexperil‘nc<‘d in household NEW STATE SALOON, PERFUMERY and toi let articles Joer.i’tiiME (’*»('« rv -Senator, J. B. Si- zens of this section of country im-l was in its infancy. This diminu-l affairs who could not cn of our supply of water is going! meal for their liege lords if their County .Jivlge, T. F. Fl.-yd; Fl«»y«l; Coinmis- PATENT MEDICINES, the nccom- afnnem, ne»»ry Kelly. Ja«. Ní'cley; (’lurk, I t he views of these peo]»le hnvel oil at the present day at a rate koi lives depend, d F. M. Nick*r.en neither asked nor sought bl­ rapid as to lie clearly appreciable.; plishment of tha noble, womanly Treasurer, Win. N.-Uirke; Af«s*•«.«»*»r, T. G. ithe projectors of the bill in ques- Tim rivers and smaller streams of! task. They can thump the piano — Patteruoo; Sch*l Supenntender.t, C. N. our Atlantic States are visibly, n men now living were accustomed: stove would l»e as useless in their ■ioner«. G. II. Penland, I’. F. Alwhi« r: Cl« rk. the market. The celebrated Thistle Dew BLUE VITRIOL, R. B. Hatton; Sheriff. .J. L. II inks; Tr«,.i'» whi*kv i« kept cnnsfantlv on liaml here. ¡that the Military Wagon Hoad to fish nnd bathe in their Ixiyhixxll hai.ds as a telephone jn the hands nrer. A. Met’alien; A-«- -sor. Win. Tullock; A first-cla*« billiard-tablo is a!«»» «’»n- Oregon. Land Co., having fail. 1 in their luive in many cases totally ili.-aji-! of a Digge r 1 ndian. A thoroughly Jacksonville. School Superintendent, .J. II <’l«yt«»n. ne*-t«xl with the house, and the reading­ LUBRICATING OIT j S, ETC. EIC. former schemes, are again after peered, not through any act of mrtnJ accomplished girl is the one who J a «’K««» s viu f Trustees. T. G. Reames, table will always l»«‘ snpp’ied with the Preaulent. E l>. Foiidray, K. Kubli, I. S latent and <«hoiee«t periodical«, newspa- jtliose lands working und» r a re­ but solely in consequence of the,! can cook a meal, make her own H«»ward, P. N F.ckc; IT •-1 r. »1. Nnnan; p« rs, etc. Give me a «nil. AYING 11EN I 1.1'1111: Sllnl’ FOR visit system of tactics. Now as to faihiro of the springs and rains' lied, clean up, arrange and keep in JolIN NOLAND. Treasurer, H. J’ape; City Marshal. A. marly occupied by Jiirob Mivi r, in ■ w liether this bill, as the Spirit says, which once fed them. The level order her home, preside at herown Jacksonville, Sept. 21, ls*|. Helm«; Street < %nnn<*ioner, !. I*. M . Daniel. rear ol 1’. 1 ».meiran’s blaeksmitlisl-op, I of the ;,'r .-it I :kes is falling year by table with dignity and grace, go t ike this nn ms ot informing the public slioild l»e approved ilep' iids en­ AlltLtNh —Trustee«, II. (’ Hill, lame« that 1 am now prepaied tn do Thoruton, Jac«»!» '¡'hompeon, I. W. Burris, tirely u]x»n its provisions. This year. There are many piers on into the pari .r and entertain Wm. Harris; I tecorder, A. V. Gillette; Eagle Sample Rooms, land was secured to tin’ Indians, the shores of lake-side cities which friends, talk intelligently <>u all, ai .I. HiMiN or nonti Treasurer, Henry Norton; Marshal, S. D who'.lave faithfully fulfilled their levels approached with e-ise, but topics of general interest, play <>n Tay lor. ni niy lino in fir«t-rhiss «dylo and it priée* which now hardly leach to the edge the piano or organ mid sing the C alifornia S tri et , t«> Mlil the lime«. Vehicle« of all kind” part . f the compact, by treaty of MEETING OF COURTS, ETC. of tlie water. Harlx’i-s are every­ popular songs of the day. Such a made to «nier. Rcpahdug a mj ueialiy. lHlit, nnd if it is now ]>roj»os<-d to Circuit (’curt f«»r .la* k«<»n county meets M. P. I*. JDXIH, Proprietor. where growing shallower. This is girl is fit to lie a w ife and mother ’ rive me a trial. Sati^tadion guar­ the aecon«l Monday in February, .lune and reclaim it upon t rms not entirely anty d. J. S. HlGlNB- i’l il AM. N the Indians them­ n. J due t>> gradual depositsof e rth and her life in after years, when Jacksonville, dill V |S*1. Monday in April ami Oct«»l»er; for Like U \ LI FORMA ST., selves,‘hen it is simply a paltry, l>r night di >w n by rivi rs or of refuse she shall have assumed control of county, the fourth Monday in SepUmUi \">NK RUT THE CHOICEST AND best Wine«, Brandies, Whi^ki«»« am) i inexcusable steal. That the bill from the city sewers. The harlx»ri herown household, will bless the and November. KOSEBURG i The County Commissioner«’ and l*r*4*at«’ Cigar.« kept. contemplates no tre.tty of this of Tor nt • has grown shallow in man of her choice, and she will lx- Kahler .fcRro.. Proprietors DRINKS, 12S CENTS. Court« for Javksoti county inuet the first kind, »e'ms evident from tho fact spile of tli ■ fie-t that it has been revered, honored and loved by all Monday in evtrv month; for Joarnhin« ill-edged out SO that the with whom she holds s-icial inter­ NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE — it county, the first Moml.it in .l inn irx , April, r ’ck has I -(‘ii reached, nnd all tho! course, and all will be made better, don ’ t pay. Familie« needing anvthing Jelly and Sept.‘»nb r; for Like cmnitv, t v* r* IV E KEEP CilN'-TANTLYON II \NI> in my line can always be supplied with dredging that can be done to the a i-er and happier. alternate month, commum tin first Mon­ th«» purc«t ami b« -*t to be found on the »’ the largest and most complete as­ harbor oT New York will not ]n>r-, day iu February. Coast. Give me a « all, and you will be sortment <»f mnnenily deepen it. The glowing I E xtensive D amage S uit . Col. well «atisfivd. sliallowm ss of tin Hudson is more Joseph Tetd, the well known capi­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. evident itliove Albany than it is ini talist n'ld stt.ckman of this State, is ‘la- th!■-water region, and like the about to commence suit in the I . S. , < \SIINGS ol- ANY SIZE ANDIRON lo !*n found in Soulliorn Greffon. outlet of Lake Champlain, wliichi Court at Kansas City against Mr. ’ ' work of r\«'pv description neatly ainl AI««* ilio l«tv«l und finest >tyle« of Main Street. promptly «>x<’cut«* I. was once navigable by Indian cn-' John S. Bilby, a rich citizen of Nod­ r If YS I C I A N A N I> S V KG EON , Grist. Qmirtz iu I S aw Mill«, Sta lux’s at all seasons, the upper Hud­ away county, Missouri, for dam­ !ionary ami Portable Engine«, maile U J • X . A • >rd«*r and w «rr:uit<«l. Table Rods, Orovon. son is now almost bare of water in ages to the amount of nearly $100,- Fop N DRY on? block south of th« ninny places during the summer. iifiil. It is rd lege» I by Colonel Teal \ml :i varie» r *»f l*I ’B !•’(’M E.S :»iu] Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. . In nil other parts of tin’ world there that in Novi niber, lSSil, hecontract- M. VROOWAN, M. D., T< »ILL fi ART!» I ! >. .fi. hi lieti th- b«'«t of d»MM«»N «MIE BAR WII.l, AI.W \Vs RE KEl’T iri'l *’!i« aj»*‘ rvntiors are nisdi>. is mnuifi'stly ill tie- fall of 1SS1, with 150|>ounds OFFI E At residence on <’a!if.>rnia Street. ing-tablo. An«*l«*g.int hdtiard-Lihle troni th ai ii v. : ’ •< peri ■ ! within added weight. The plaintiff alleges Brmi«wi<’k. Falbe A Co.’« manut>u*t«»iy C. H. AIKS’T. W. 'J man’s memory. What is becoming that ¡it the time set for delivery 271 ha« h • ti .idd«*d t«»?he «al >011. HOTELS, ETC. A fri** id i v cali ¡rum th»‘ pubi ir i> «olic- .■!' < nr v.-.-J.-r? Obviously it is not cattle wen missing, nnd the remain­ ited. * J. ì. l’oRBES. di-.'t. ¡ earing thioi-.g'i < v.- p .¡-.itioii. ing 1,22‘Jwore so |xx>r in flesh as to JACKSOIVILU. CSDCM. I>e alni< >st valueless, on which ac­ count he brings suit for the 271, Office— < >n I’.i’if r»o i street, • ; j»o ile (’il­ in »h IA am-•nutiug t • >ilG,000, and for sev- ion Lixerv S’allie. \ 111 CH.yodd thousandd alars damages i « P. JACK, M. D in t • the < tilers. »II ! A STARTLING STATEMENT ABOUT THE SCARCITY GE WATER. THE PEACE HODGE, DAVIS i CO, Fine Wines and Liquors. THE BEST STYLE OLD BOURBON WHISKY, CROKEMILLER & BIRDSEY S, Painter’s Stock of Every Kind. Practical Wheelwright, II CITY DRUG STORE, IRON WORKS Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals Zimmerman & Frazer, Proprietors 3EW WAGONS? and Stage Iiotuc. Cor. Advertixiuenta will be inserted in U»« T imes at the follow ing rates : Ten lines, one insertion............................. »2.60 ’’ each subsequent one.,. LOO I^gal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. The T imex ' Job Otiiceia more com|4« far than any other in .Southern Oregon, compan s favorably with any in the State. Job Printing of Avery imaginable deaorifs tion done at Saii Francisco rates, and in ■ prompt and tirst-clas* manner. FARM AND HOUS EHOLD. A FARMER may think lie is nmk ing by pinching stock that ia, by not giving them what they want. But he is losing instead of making! If any animal does not receive the f< hx I it requires to keep it thriving, it is a losing business for the own­ er. Saving the feed is losing the flesh and health and thrift of the animal. In cold weather stock need rich, nutritious fissi to keep up the proper heat of the system. They must havecarlxm, which rich fixxl .supplies. If they don’t get it, the cold burns up the fat in the system, just as the fire bums the tallow in the candle. Have the lx*st breeds of stock, so you can af­ ford to take gixxl care of them and give tliom good attention, mal you will make plenty of money. S leepless N ights .—Somebody who seems to have tried it, says: “The last meth< xl we have heardfwf for curing cases of pure sleepless­ ness, w hen unacconipaniixl by ¡min or di- a-se, is the following: Get out of Ix.d and take a linen band­ age, although a handkerchief fold­ ed longwise will of the value of the public land J. W. ROBINSON. M. D„ ZIIK'H E WINES. LKB’OIIS IND CI- .»I <4 th«» I’. S. Hotel, .l.uks<»n Kill'*, them fortheir fid.. li(y. (’■ H ot alum water is the l>est in- granted by Congress. The grant I 7 gm*« «*<>n«fafitly «»n timid. The r«»ad rvspe* ifully m\it**« public attention in WÄG AH.ER, lack, in pleading for theire. »or ­ ct destroyer known. Put the P II Y S T C I \ N A N D S U K G E O N , ing labile i« al««» «tipplied with E-i*-t«‘rn 1 is for twelve thousand eight hun­ gwiietal to tl is fact th:»'. >he k«’pp« an A I ation, told them that the wibite ' alum into hot water, and let it periodicals and hadiiig p.qivr.« of the house in every particular—fir«t-cki» dred acres ¡» r mile of road; nnd as lx>il until it is dissolved, then ap­ Jacksonville, Oregon. Jacksonville. Or. (’oa«t. •man would take tinse lands t¡ H» j ' tabl«*«aml bedroom« and all accomrm* two hundred miles of road have Ix'en ply the solution hot with a brush his' 1 OFFICE—In Mr«. Gaming*.« bul ling. { *lati«»iis to m ike tho hotel th«’ m«».«t *»upe ¡from them, and even now constructi’1, the company has to all cracks, closets, I hx is toads rior one in Soijt|n-in Oregon. Milam* iN CRoNEMILLERS BFJLD1NG, Is (’alia promptly attended to, da and of P , prophney seems on the verge Holt has a ? »pled the lowest seal«* ot I in r* ipt ol a full assortment <»! ma'e night. Criterion Billiard Saloon pric««*. earned 2,5f>0,(HM) acre acres of land. so a« tn enab!«» her numerous rial and propart 1 to «Io all work in hi.*» ¡fulfillment. Ilian!. Heaven. he other places w here any insects ; Part <>f it. it is true, is not worth and y«Hir(itr«l the ether day. i recog- uno on short notice ami in a workman friends on the I’acili«; Coast to share her are found. Ants, bedbugs, ouck- i was hung for the treacherous lx-i- P. P. PRIM. (’ALIFORM A ST., like manti« r. VrhiHvs nf every descrip ­ comfort« ami pleasure. iiized your father’s name, which is much: v« t there are large sections 'Th»* following pi i«’«*-!ist ha« been adopt- tion nui'k* to <»rdet. Term« reason<*>le traval and murder of Gen. Caubv. ! the same as yours, mid sup]x>sed! of valuable lands, which the com­ roachos and creeping things are ATTORNEY A ('< >UNsEI,OR..\T LAW, | e*l: Firsf-c!,;-.« be«li«»oin, with tir«t class and satisf'.' tinn L,'iai'4ni«*ed. killed by it, while there ia no dan­ ¡and not for a heroic struggle to that it was his son; but what did pany has been selling for from $2.50 ger of poisouing the family or in­ Repairing a «pceia’lx. table (for single p«*nw>n> $2 on per d ty: ! pre erve his peopk> from tho i«- JACKSONVILLE, 0G?C, *'ngle bedroom, with excellent table, fi»» tho letters E. P., written in a cor-! io s5 ¡»er acre. And if wo place |nominious fate -which even then juring the property. single j»er«on) $1 <»0 p* r dav; one good nor. mean?” “Why. Mr. Senator," the land at even the beggarly low- Will pructio* in al It l»n Court« of t hn St at««, meal, superior to anv tha* ««an I»«» had in ! ap]><'-ired w ithin the range of his P. DONEGAN. olile«* in Mra. Mc< nIIvS buihling, cor­ '[HITS POPULAR RESORT. UNDER town, .">nc.; finest lunch, at any time, hlay null, “it is CUS- price of fifty cents per acre, tho B lack C ake .—Ono and one- ! keen, prophetic vision; else w hat a replied the traveled man. nar of California and Fifth «tract«. I tie new iiiMiiagfoiient, i« furnishing <»r night) 2.’»*».; a cup ofcofiM*. w ith excel land now earned would be worth write the initials ternary in Paris t.> half cups of sugar, one cup of mo­ ! tragic satire might have boon ro- lc best brands <»t li«|?i«»r*, \ vjik »« and 1« nl bread and butter, at any 1 im«», day cnoral y1.1 KO,! mm ), nml morethan covertho lasses, one cup of butter, one cup H. KELLY. . e..i-.I. d in the annuls of our hi-t- ry. of cert tin words on leaving cards. U hi *. The reading table i« «upplird or night 12'¿c. cost of the road to the hands of its of boiling water, oue teaspoenful MADAME HOLT. ArroRNEY A I1>I'N«I:U>R..IT LAW, »»»ill Eastern periodic il« and leading pa­ | Capt. Jack, however, rcfu < < nil going pers oi the (’oast. Give ii« a call. pre.-ent owners. iaway 1 should have written 1 ’ . P. •of s.xla, one piundof raisins, one- live on 1-iiiils he had in treaty M< DANIEL A EATON. JACXSGNVILIE, OREGON, >f pour premier A ’ ., the initials < half piund of citron, one-half J stipulated to live upon, and is not G rowth or tut . A. O. I . W. É ALL KINDS ()| •’ PRODUCE TAKEN ¡entitled to our sympathy; but the .eoii'E' to take leave. As it was, In an exhaustivea'ticle on the gen­ piund of currants, two tonspoon- sii Will practice in all the I’mirt* of the State. 3 Z1 tor work. Satisfaction giurrnmteo l. Prompt at tout ion given to all Lu«in**«s THE CITY EREV7ERY 'pro|»ositi»»ii to dispo-.se-s the r<‘- I calling myself. 1 v. rote E. J'..’ the eral standing an ! growth of the A. f tils each of cloves and cinnamon, •ntru«ted to mv cart». LINEVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ,maining Modix's, under Seom-hiii, initials of e.,' p ranine in person.” (). I . \\ in Oregon, Washington one-half nutmeg, and the yolks of —BY— ¡ought to bring a llush of shame to “Oh!” said MetTeery, “I under- Teruitoiy and British Columbia, three eggs. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. GEO. KAHLER, VEIT SC II UTZ. i the check of a brazen image. I'i- stand." A w i k <>r s<> nftorwiird the Pacific l h-erse.r has this to say: P H Y S I C I A N A S U R tí E O N , I O ld G uay .—Old Gray, the big n-illy, all of the Indians on Klam­ ! the two met a ain and tho young In summing up the achievements 1’eei‘i ve< I horse who va* at one time employ­ New Saddler Mil. srni’TZ RESPECTrUI.LY IN- Jaekbonvill», Ort^on. ath reservation have been loyal ¡man said: “Senator, I of the order in this jurisdiction JI form« the riiizenn of Jacksonville i friends and faithful allies of tin vour card, but I couldsmt compre­ within the past year, we point with ed to haul the hose cart which is kept <>f women and children a «pe«*ial- anti «iirroiin«• first-class in every par­ now sought to be taken from them I pret them?” “W ith pleasure,” said we know, has grown so rapidly nnd He was always on time. This char­ ticular. 'Th«* laid«» will always be sup ­ rear of Court House S«juare. give inti a «-.all. plied vita th«» bust th** market atlord«. j lies at an altitude of from i5(M) McCreery, his eyes twinkling with at the same time with such jx'rma- acteristic was encouraged by the »- r-U !-■ — . J« Jl -X—JO _ ixT'lornK icasonabl«» and satisfaclion J. A. CHASTAIN. M. D. to 700H ft. above e.-i-l •vel, is t io humor. “ S. B. A. N. are the in­ nant qualities. The order made a fire lxtys. Ohl Gray was trained guaranteed. No p tins spared to meet the wants ol tho trav« ling public. ¡frosty for agriculture, and onl\ itials of‘Sent by a nigger!-” The wonderful increase in Oregon and regularly every day, and he soon P H Y SIGI A N A N D S U RG E O N , I young man tried to laugh, but aving openf . doutanewsad - W. ( . GREEN MAN. le gard- ¡couldn’t see the, point of the in­ Washington during the year just came to know ns much as .anybody iller shop in Langell’s building adapted to stock-rai-ing. al Mint what he ought to do. Hard PHŒMIX, OREGON, opposite Masonic Hall, I am fully pre. i iug the charge that too much land closing. On January 1st, 1881, work nnd rheumatism finally re­ scription. Others di1. nn increase of nearly ar.'a of the I nitial States. Alaska locateti at Plxenix, for iho practice of —ANI»— ment ho was in front of Currie’s Imt the last 1'alJornia leather used. balance of our country, and is pro­ being excepted, is 2,97t),(XM) square 2000 members. his profession. Job work a specialty and priees to suit auction store, hitched to an express ^Tt'alls promptly attended at all hour.«, ducing al »out as much as it would the times. Give mo n trial. miles. The total water surface, day or night. INDERTH H MANAGEM ENT OF F oreign M oney O rders . The wagon loaded with furniture. All THOS. .1. KENNEY. ■ under white settlement. All stock which takes in the riversand small men, acquainted with our grazing streams, lakes and ponds, is 55,(HX) l’<>; t OIlice Department has lately at once an alarm of fire was sound- R. O. SCROGGS. M. D. — IN — country, realize the absurdity of square miles, while the const waters extended and greatly improved the od. Old Gray waited alxiut the PHYSICIAN A SU R G E O N ¡attempting a living by raising stock are 17.2(H) square miles more, mak­ facilities for the transmission of length of time it should take to JACKSON V I 1,1. E, ¡within the narrow confines of a ing a total of 3,023.tX)0. This is money from this country to almost hitch him to the hose cart, nnd then Jacksonville, Crecon. NEUBER S BUILDING. WILL BE KEPT WELL STOCKED I quarter section of land, and wore about thirteen times as largo an all foreign countries. Money can ho started. The furniture was Rcat- FORWARDING A COM MISSION AGENT Office and professional rooms in Orth’s If w ith the choii’cxt ; these lands thrown open to settle- area as is included in the Austrian now be forwarded through the terod from one end of the street to block, first rooms nt bead of stairs, a.I- —o proa ite — I inent, they would soon be in the empire; nearly thirty times as much Jacksonville l’ost (»ilice by money the other, but Old Gray reached JoiningTtMEs office. Residence, oppo­ GBO 0ER.1RS, Roseburg, Oregon. site Court-house. hands of a few. If tin attempt bo ns Great Britain an I Ireland cover, order, at very sinalT expense, ami the fire before the opposition cart, Specialty, operations in surgery and CIGARS, made to remove these Indians I a absolutely safe, to all the following and with a self-satisfied air backed treatment of chronic diseases. Ollie - JEWELRY, 5 1 EUCH ANTS OF JACKSONVILLE force, the writer here registers the and only exceeded by the territory countries: England, I reland, Scot­ up tn the hydrant. Next day he hours, afternoon, from 2 to <». CANDIES, NUTS, .VI and vicinity shipping good« via of the llussian empire, which is was r. turnod-to the dejiartment. Jacksonville, Or., Dec. 11, H77 Koscbuig will find it to their advantage prediction that every acre will cost more than twice as great Texas land. Wales, Canada, Jamaica, New PIPES, < ARDS, liri/iiiia City Enterprise. to «hip through this house. Ample ware ­ South Wales, Victoria, New Zea ­ i. ’ i hundred dollars, to say nothing L. I.. SAVAOE. C. n. REED. NOTIONS, CUTLERY’, house room, safe ami careful storage, of a priceless sacrifice of blixxi, is larger than any Eurojiean coun­ land, Prance, Algeria, Italy, Ger- STATIONERY, ALBUMS, ami biisim .«a promptly attended to. try except Russia, and the newer CITY BARBER SHOP Tur. nation’s income for tho last Reference«: N. Marks A Co., J.C. Flood, I while the Indian, warned by one states as a rule, will average as num Empire, Denmark, Sweden, ToR accos , < i ga re rrES, fiscal year is re|x>rtf treachery, w ill l»e on the l arge as the countries of the Eu- Norway, Netherlands, Luxemburg CALIFORNIA STREET, I'olger to have lieen in round num- Mark your good«: Care of If. L. M , Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Roseburg. PRACTICAL ¡alert for new aggressions, until lopenn continent. Truly this is a nn tho latter, whisky and tobacco pay­ I prepared to do all work in hi.« Jim* LITTLE A CHASE. and sulxlued. What he needs yet, ing $135,0ut NOTICE. A fruit trees can be found at the Sar- SIGN PAINTING, jour government. That this unique spasniodirally emanating from the but the dog's tail must lx' straight 8100,000,00». The interest on the yoTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT dim Creek Nursery, one and a half mile« debt made an item of $8’2,500,000 Will. Jackson, Dentist, XV and practical lesson in land-grab­ germ of the animal refrigerator, and stalwart. OKNAMENTAL PAINTING, 1’. Jack, M. D., is in nowise Inter- northeast of Rock Point, which will by in the exjw'nso account, anil tho es>ed in my lease of the Drake place on disposed of reasonably. Address, bing shall be withheld until he producing a prolific source of irri ­ WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. Applegate, nor the property thereon, and G uiteau has caused the Repub­ payment of |xnsions an item of $50,- B. F. MILLER, Roek Point, Or. has reached a higher plane of civ ­ tability in the poi-eanitary epider­ never lias been; neither am I responsible ’ Rook Point, Nov. S, 1S8R All STYLES Of GRAINING DONE. hen the debt is paid ilization, is the earnest prayer of mis <>f the profundity, causing lican party more trouble and ex- 0111,0*0. •or debta of bis contraction. jN ’ iise than any other of its stump and tho pensions expire the annual BEN. EATON. the. subscriber. fllHE best steel spring shovel«, and ' Orders from tho country promptly thereby a sud len contraction of the speakers. c< >st should n<>t exceed $150,000,000. 1 picks, steel sledge«, hickorv pick attonilxd to. J ay B each . diaphragmatic peretonem of the IATEST improved sharp, Ballard Rem- and ax-handle.« at FRED. OTTEN'S. allowing for the growth of |x>pula- Linkville, Jan. 8, 18.82. gastric pctrolium, ahem!” “Well, J ington ar«] Winchester rille«, war-, ------- -------------------------------------- EST »porting, blasting and giant pow ti’in for that time. ranted to be the genuine article, at TIÌHE l»est carpenter’s, wagon-makers that ’ s what 1 told John; but he al ­ der, I use,’caps anil wads hi California St., Jacksonville, Oregon FRED OTTEN'S. • 1 and blacksmith’s tools at F. OTTEN'S 1 FRED. OTTEN S. lowed it was cramps.” S ubscribe for the T imes . .4 i Jacksonville, Oregon. O regoT in 1 »0- OH-K ; McDaniel & Caton, Proprieîors. i G Slacksmith. W. C. Greenmail, Proprietor Shop, ■ Thos. J. Kenney, Proprietor — ‘0.’ B. HOSTEL, H THE S. F. VARIETY STORES LITTLE & CHASE, THE POSTOFFICE HEED & SAVAGE, Boose.Sio, Carriage & Fancy Painters, A B