D emocratic times I Tammany on the Warpath. Injured Innocence. F: NEW THIS WEEK. f The Sentinel, smarting under the gen-' The following report was issued from •ffifinl P»Fr lor Jacksan. Jaxrphinc k Lake. oral rebuke of the public for i.s wanton Tammany Hall on the 26th ult.: NO MORE PROMISES. A sub committee of the Committee on interference with an important criminal ..DECEMBER 17, IMO case while on trial, sori ks to nalliate its Organization of the Tamim.ny Hall Dem- 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TH I FRIDAY,. ••••••• i . , , , , ■ , 1 a- ocratic Central Committee appointed to A undersigned for wagon work wi> . crime by further abusing the officer» of investigate fraud, corruption and intimi- please call and settle the same, either bi No member of the Poland Committee 1 the Court, the Judge himself not escap- ¿ation practiced at the late election, is in note or otherw ise, by the first ot Januaty need expect any favors from Garfield. j ing the mud showered. This organ of possession of evidence which clearly dem oi cost will l.e made. My bo >k* must b< settled by that time. S. 1’. HANNA. contempt finds fault with His Honor for onstratea that the Republican vote wa~ Jacksonville, Dee. 10, lS.'-O. enormously increased by reason of system ­ T h « Jackson (Ohio) Herald is one of forbid'liug the jury from reading its con­ atic colonization, unblushing bribery ano the boat exchanges that come to our ta­ temptible article of last week, and in- most cowardly intimidation of working NOTICE. ble. Bro. Gonld is a wheel-horse of the dnlges in an extravagant burlesque on1 men by their ent plov ers. At tho proper Démocratie party of Ohio aud renders VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'IO ALI American froedoin and journalistic priv- ■ time and places these pio >fs will be made x\ persons indebted to the undersigned, public. able aervice. ____________ iloges. neither of which, he confesses, be either by note or account, that unless the Tho snb-committoo believing that a same i.s on or betöre tlie 1st day ol appreciates or comprehends. As the T he . T imes closes tlie tenth year of it* great deal of valuable information can be January, paid 1881, they will be placed in tin existence with tho next issue. It has grown i aforesaid articlo was written with preju- i •«cured through the eo-operuti >u of tht hands oi the proper ollict rs for collection. public to this end, invite all persons in stronger as time progressed, and now dicial intent alone, it is not to be wonder­ possession of any ovidenee of illegal reg Interest at the rate of one percent, will b< charged on all oebts from this date. ranks sscond to no interior paper on the ed that its author is nettled liocatiHe of its istration or voting, bribery or intimida­ J. A. CHASTAIN, M. D. Pluenix, Doe. 13, 18S0. i condemnation bv the Court and its failure 1 tion, to communicate the particulars to Pacific Coast. to reach the jury. The only thing for tho Chairman of tho sub-committee at T here will l>c »n honest count of the ( A <>i11tit sent free to those who wish to which the Judge is to be blamed is his ex­ Tammany Halt without delay, and in this > «ftkreengage in the most pleasant ami •lectoral vote this time. The Democrats ♦ wav expose those who have violated the Vgr kzprotitably busim.~s known. Every- treme graciousnesH. Any other magis­ ; purity of the elective franchise in ordet are in th® majority in both hons«« of Con I new. Capital not required. We a il trate would have cited the Sentinel man i that deserved punishment may bo en­ , thing furni-h you everything. 8‘0 a day and up gross, which is why the scenes of 1876-7 E hwakd G ii . lom , Chairman, to appear and punished him for contempt. forced. wards is easily made without staying awa\ will not b® re-snarted. T. F. Grady and M. H. Segerson, Secy’s. from home over night. No risk whatever. This "organ-grinder'' may persist in tho Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. La J ohn K blt . y has been given "French course he lias chosen. His utter insig­ Tit for Tat. flies make as much as men, ami young boys leave" by Mayor Cooper of New York nificance is his safety. The Protectionists in this country pro and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work tails to make more motley city aad Allen Campbell succeeds him as fens t< be delighted whan any report overy day than can be made in a week at About Forgery. Comptroller. Democratic tear« over the come» from England that there in talk ' any ordinary eniplos ment. Tho-o « bo en- event are at a premium. Tho Republican press lias still much there of abandoning a tariff for revenue. ' gageat once will find a short road to fortune. | Address 11. H ai .I. ij A Co., Portland, Me. I n 1863. under Republican rule, our to say about the Morey letter, tho writing During the eight mouth» ending August I I total exports of breadstuff», provisions of which it is endeavoring to lay at the 31st, our exporta of breadstuff» and prï>- I ESTRAY NOTICE. and animals wore $ 178,973,000; in 1880, I door of the Democratic managers. The visiona to England amounted to $282,- UP BY TI1E UNDERSIGNED. under Democratic policy,they were $430,-! forgery was perpetrated by the Truth 507,707. Suppose England had levied ! WAKEN 1 in tliti precinct of Big Butte, countv of 962,000. Quite a difference. newspaper, and the only connection the retaliatory and prohibitory duties on i Jackson, Slate of < >regon, on t he 25t li day of ■ — I Democratic Mationnl Committee hail with breadstuff's to “protect home industry,’ ' Noveniher, 1 “SO, t wo mat es, viz : Ono a bay, ll'j hands high, left hind fi mt wliitk I f the thousands of Christian men who | wajj that, believing in its authenticity, where would our Protectionists staml? I I I about up to the pastern joint. 3’he other a sorrel, went zealously into the late political cam-| t|iov cjren|ateJ it as an electioneering A little taste of something of that kind ,ll'.i'r.‘,‘1,,S|l“1’;,l.',’ , i 'inali brown spot on thigh, an 1 small white star on forc- paign would give the sama time, atten- | car ___ ,j . They conveniently lose sight of would open the eyes of the peoplo and each head, . N’t» artificial marks or brands pt1;-- tioo and sympathy, zeal and labor in the I the fact that all the Republican nows- sicken them of Protection. een preached for the past T h « Sentinel'» vulgar attack this week twenty years, and the supposed corpse NOW WELI. AM» STKOMi. on Judge Hanna is on a par with its in­ laid low under the dials of the valley— S hipman , Illinois. it not tuiting reflections last week on the jurors but it will not stay dead. The eternal Dr. R. V. P ierce , Buffalo, N. Y.: i L'r LT3 and witnesses in the first trial of Dr. Co­ principles of Jefferson and Jackson will ■ bear Sir— 1 wish to state that my daugli ter, aged IS, was pronounced incurable am! vert. The source being considered, it live so long as there is a democratic form was. fast tailing, as the doctors thought, \ j A k a v la l Z J« t I • , will hardly receive even passing attention, of government. When that perishes aud ' wiih consumption. I obtained a half dozen the V/ori-tPs gr< ;it Pain-lh-- bottles of j our Discovery tor her ami slw as it is entirely too contemptible. liev iti'g rciiift'oe... They hei.l, a "strong government" is established, commenced improving nt once, a.id is now She took the Discovery well an-i strung, soothe and cure Iliirnn, SrHRŒDEJt, son-in law of Rev. Horatio the country will liavo no need of a Demo- , last Fall. Very truly vouis, Vt'onnds, V.'cak Baek and R ev . 1. N. AL GUSTIN. Stebbins, wlio was tried at Oakland, Cal., cratic party—its mission will be at an end. Kheuinat ism upon ’Znn, and last week for the killing of Dr. Lefevre, Until then, the principles of Democracy Pills ot Mullil Gold Sprains, Galls mt.I Lameness I was acquitted. The jury was out 69 I will be found in tho fore ranks ooutesting : Are not worth as much to tho victim ot •:po:i I’er.sts. Cheap, quick Dyspepsia or Biliousness a* Dr. Mintie’s hours ibis is another instance where for supremacy. an.! icilul le. English Dandelion Liver and Dyspepsia the killing of a man for debauching an­ Pill. It clears the liver of lule, tone* up tin Railroad Matters. •— sto.nach, clear* foul breath, coated tongue, other's wife is considered justifiable hom­ pain in the side or back, water brash, gtd i The Roseburg Independent Las it from , diness, rush of blood to the head, pimple*, icide. EPURT3 of di..< in" I; •reus, reliable and in every way trustworthy i sallow complex ion; is sugar-coated, aud n< SnuiZes, Crae’.’ir.;« k al;: • ia G.o D«L« mf . pa ' Panama canal will no or oilier mineral in it. For ->ai< I Ixeud, Fetid I.rcii’ Ii, DoeJ'r’.css, sources that the Oregon and California I I mercury by ail druggists. «lonbt be constructed, as subscription« i and any CatairLa! Complaint, Railroad Company's managers are now to the enterprise aro large and in­ can bo cxtoi’.uiriatcd by "Wei Do llenlth, Mrciitf III mill Vigor engaged in figuring upon the cost of Meyer's Catarrh Cu.ro, a Consti­ creasing. American capitalists aro in­ tho Kidneys ami Bladder always fol­ building fifteen miles of new road, com- Of tutional Antidote, by Absorp­ lows the u*e of tbegreat Bueliu Compound, vesting liberally. Tho success of the ca­ tion The most Important Dis­ menoing next Spring. Whether the road I “Dr. Mintie’s Nephreticuin.” Bright’s Dis-J nal would lie a great scientific triumph, as covery siuce Vaccination. ea*e, Diabetes, Inflammation, Smarting and j will go directly south and toward Jack­ P kivatk D iseases are quickly cured by it. i well as being the inauguration of a new sonville we are not altogether advised; For Leucorrluea it lias no (‘qua’. Don't be I era of transportation. but our information and opinion leads us persuaded to take any other preparation. Every one who has tried it recommend* it. T h « eternal fitness of things will be to bolievo that fifteen miles of new road For sale by all druggists. l’rice$l a bottle, 12 V 1C fl 5 V 1 5< > 2 » V consummated when Colfax, the smiler, is win be constructed in Douglas county or six bottles for kt. invited to take a seat in Gen. Garfield’s | noxt J«»r. We also learn, from the same A < Alli». ----- GOES TO- To all who are suffering from the errors i Cabinet. There would also be much con 'source, that the company is ready and ■isteacy mingled with the transaction. . willing to construct a line of railroad to and in lis'Totion ot youth, nervous weak- Schuyler will now consider his exile from I any permanent coal vein, the value of ths ness, early decay, loss of manhood, ,tc„ 1 For Goods usually fiumi in a will send a recipo that will cure von FREE public service at an end, since his col­ product of which will command a general UF CHARGE. 'This great remedy was1 demand and will supply that demand. league has been so highly honored. discovered by a missionary in South Amer is Ö m •< u > a THE LUNG LÜÍÍG LJKU DISEASES, ÜI0LK0LÖ, Abb THROAT DISEASES *. 1 A mbarg « me « th are in progress at Washington to discharge every depart­ ment clork who declared for Hancock or intimated an ad mi ration for the late Dem­ ocratic caudidate. Republican organs • »y that John Hherman repeiktelly com­ mitted the awful heresy of awarding clerk­ ships in his Department to doubtful Re­ publicans. ____________ T he situation in Ireland continues threatening. Evictions of Irish tenants in portions of Ireland regularly go on, notwithstanding the intense cold and very inclement weather, aud tho Government protects the evicting officers with troops. The inhuman eonduet of some of the landlords causes great suffering and often deaths, and the people are growing more des ¡»crate. ____________ ica. Send a self-addressed envelope to the j R ev . J oskpu T. I nman , Station I), Awe BE BELIEVED AND CUBED. . - - ■■■— MISCELLANEOUS. 1 JOHN MILLER’S. LARGEST STOCK! — of — ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. GREATEST VARIETY TO 8RLECT FROM IN Any One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. ALL FOB, CASK!! RUSSE.’.!, PROPRIETOR. NEW.MAX FISHER'S I HIRE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- 1 tinned at Ashland again, has turned his entire attention to tho COMPRISING A FULL LINE OF FALL I WINTER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS and is fully prepared to fill all order* in this line with neatness and dispatch and a prices to 'tut the times. I j ADIES’ DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES MON I' M EN’l’S, TA BLETS, 1J EA I .STON Fb , AND DIAGONALS, SILKS AND Executed in anv description of marble. SA I INS, BOOTS i SHOES, Every variety ot cemetery and other stone­ CLOTHING, ETC., work executed in a satisfactory manner. Special attention given to orders from aijj- part oi Southern Oregon. Address J. H. Rl’.'s.'sELL, Ashland, Or. Thn Fiiipcl ^crrtnipnt nt I liu i liiQul t < ve U! uilbh i ul LADIES’ CALIFORNIA-MADE CLOAKS MRS. F P. PRIM. J MISS ELLA PRIM. WINTER OPENING FANCY GOODS, HATS, —AT— THE NEW MILLINERY STROE. ----- Of THE------ LATEST STYLES X PATTERNS UTE CALL THE ATTENTION OF TIIM ! i . hidjc* to the taut that we have now on hand the largest and l>c*t ‘•elected assort­ ment <>• L A I >1 ES’ DRESS GOODS a ml F X N- l< X (>O< »I»."* ot every description in Southern ’Oregon,and we will henceforth make this line of goods our specialty and sell them at Cheaper than the Cheapest. llTE HAVE Jl’ST RECEIVED A NEW To the gentlemen we will say, it yen tv alni complete slock of Millinery goods, want a No. 1 Si l'T < )!•'<' I .< •’!’11 Es y mi must consisting <>f i go to Reames Bros. t<> buv it, as weclaim to j have the best STOCK < »F CLOTHING _____ __ in HATS OF ALL STYLES, Jackson county and will allow no one to un- ■ lersell ti*. RIBBONS, These goods were all purchased by anient- I her of our til in from I I RsT < I.As.S Hol’S- fea hi rs 1 I.S in San T iancisco and New York, and we I will warrant every article and sell them FLOWERS, i cheaper tor cash than any house in county. COLLARS XX e also keep on hand a full stock ol EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY. :: Be , AND CUFFS, Í <>!•<» ¡ Jc:i ml < >i‘. VEILING, NEWM AN FISH Ell. ORNAMENTS SILKS, LACES, 1 and Ladies’ Handkerchiefs. LATEST ARRIVALS Gentlemens Call and see them at the lutildiiic former­ ly occupied by Dr. Robinson on California street. OF— < ; < OCR STOCK CONSISTS OF MARBLE BUSINESS. r n p m a m n. g p e l’íá £ Ei u ! i! K s s S C E» 5 1CAV MERCHANDISE.'! —Tn K— NEW GOODS M m . H ayes , in his message to Congress, from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as successful lias a kind word to say in bohalf of the | The East Oreyonian, published in Urna- . as men. Bovs ami girls can earn large harbor of refuge, which fell to Port Or- I Lila county, which challenged Jackson sums. Many have made at the business ford. He calls tho attention of Congress 1 eo,,nb L>r the first position in the Demo­ I over one humiretl dollars in a single week. I Nothing like it ever known before. All te the ftv-t that a larger appropriation is cratis column of Oregon, says: Jackson who engage aro surprised at the ease am) I necessary to commence the enterprise, as county wears the laurels again for the rapidity with which they are able to make POOI/S NEW HALL. natural facilities are few. It is to Ite hop­ i good work done for Hancock and English i money. You can engage in this business your spare time at great profit. ed that Congress will attend to this matter at the late election, giving a Democratic during You do not have to invest capital in it. We EAGLE PO.I XT, promptly,so that 1881 may witness at least majority of 322. Umatilla carries the take all the risk. Those who need ready a commencement of this important work money, ihould write to us at once. All fur­ standard on this side of the mountains, | nished free. Address T im e A Co., On New Year’s Eve. Dec. 24 th. Augusta, Me. , T h « .Vetr Northtresl plumes itself on tho ' however, with 285 to her credit. We I pa-ssags of the woman «uffrage resolu-1 greet our sister county in all friendship NOTICE. tion by the late lamented Legislature. and generous rivalry, challenging her to rnHE ITNDERSTGNEJ) TAKES RLE\S- 1 ure in announcing that lie will give a a contest at the next election. Our ma ­ We wish that journal all the joy possiblo. Those who are indebted to Grand at his new hall on Now Year’s It will prove ephemeral at most. While jority was increased 137 over the June elec­ the undersigned by note or Eve, to Ball which everybody is invited. The our legislators were tickling Madame' tion. By-the-way, who beats Pendleton book account are hereby no­ best of music and supper will be provided. Tickets, $2.0(1. Duniway with this little straw they well precinct with its 147 majority ? tified that an immediate set­ New Year's Eve festivities will precede the knew that the people would consign the ' tlement must be made, as I partv. Come one! Come all! proposed amendment to the Constitution I Old Issues Revived. AR I II R POOL. intend to go East to buy to a haven of rest when the proper time Abraham A Willis of Roseburg have goods, and must have money.! came. OYFUL NYtvn for Boy« an*! Girls !! Yount; an I Ohl!! A NEW l.N. brought the Canyon road case into Court G. KAREWSKI. /VENTION just patented for them, T he name of our fellow townsman, C. for Home uae ’ again, although it has been decided I C. Beekman, is again prominently men­ Fri t and Scroll Sawing, Turning, against them in different phases. This SETTLE UP Boring, Prilling,Grinding, I’cliihing, tioned in connection with the Republiean Screw Cutting. Price $5 to S50. time they wish a decision that Fink A I Send 6 cent« f->r IGO pages. nomination for Governor in 1882. ’Tis1 ll those knowing themselv es BPHRAIM DKOWN, Lvwtui, AUsa. G izley Lave no right to collect toll on indebted at Bilger’s Hardware Store rather early for political incubation, but! the samo. They evidently intend to car­ are hereby notified to come forward and ths wires are already being laid by the ry it to the Supreme Court, hoping that settle immediately, as the books must be 7'Ll’TING machines, polishing irqns- Portland ring. As the Republicans have squared by the 1st of January, 1881. Bus­ clothes wiingers, wire clo!lies lines while this body seems unwilling to re­ iness is meant. MRS..). BILGER. and scrubbing brushes at a better show for success than when view1 the decision of its predecessor in the JOHN MILLER’S. B--ek. ran before, we fear he is not on the former case, they will act favorably on EST assortment of bolts, screw s, t ti e and alate. No man from Southern Oregon <‘er rivets, rasps, file*, pinchers, ) EST porting, blasting and giant pow- need apply, only when there is a good this in appreciation of services rendered nippors, tong» and hammers, at J der, stuse, caps and wads at during the canvass last Spring. chance to be beaten. JOHN MILLER’S. B —AND TH,— I — AT— ST. THE HUIE ' SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF Tills 1 sell hoot will commence about the end of August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, ¡»er term,........... . $40.00 Bed and Beddiiig.................................... 4.00 Drawing and painting.......................... . 8.00 Piano,........................................................... .. 15.00 Entrance fee, only once..................... . 5.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL Primary, ja r ter............................................. $ fi.oo Junior, “ .......................................... g>00 Senior, “ LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY! STERLING SAWMILL 6 Miles Sentii ot Jacksonville. STRAYED * HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE CROCKERY, FULL LINE OF ASH LAND GOODS, Farm and Freight Wagon«. Flews, Gang Plows & Sulky Plows. THZ SURE ROAD TO SUCCESSI IS BY MAKING YOUR PURCHASES .................................. ¡o.oo Pupils are received at anytime, :«id spe­ cial attention is paid to particular studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars applv at the Academy. We are prepared to do all kinds of < 'tiMont Ì Work, in the way of exchange ot tlour for wheat, choppings feed ami grinding corn. IS NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY We have superior mtchinerv for manufac­ I 1 and is prepared to furnish the market turing flour and vvefeel safe in savinuthat with every description ot lumber of a stipe we can do better work than any null in nor quality at the lowest rates. Bills sawed Rogue River X’alley. to order and satisfaction guaranteed. In cxi-liange. we will give for good, clear All orders addressed to us al Jackson­ wheat, 3f> lbs. of tlour and 9 lbs. of mixed ville will receive promnt attention. feed ioreach bushel. FIELDS A PARKS. M c K enzie .t For dray , Proprietor«. AND HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, In fact everything from the finest nsvdlo to a threshing-machine. Give us a call and judge for yourselves as to <>ur capacity of MARY’S ACADEMY. I furnishing goods as a box e. ’The wav to make money is to save it. To save it buv cheap. To buy cheap pay ( A5II CUNbCCTEI) BY for your goods and buv- of REAMES BR<*. ES SISTERS of the HOLY i HUNTERS' EMPORIUM ! GROCERIES. I FIFTEENTH YEAR. ! ! >1 STEAM FLOURING MILL 1 Ever Known in a Regular Business, MISCELLANEOUS. i THE JÂCKSUÜVILLE A IN PRICES WILLIAMS BLOCK, bi : l it.->ir. meh FIRST-CLASS VARIETY STORE J THE GREATEST REDUCTION GENERAL I OREGON, AHEAD AS USUAL!! The “Only” Lung Pad Co., lii.TRi:! r, Micli. Sen I for Testimonials and our book, ‘Three M ill ions a year,” sent free. rpiIE I'NDERSIGN’ED TAKES PLEAS- I iire in annS, ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Album*, Tovs, Candies, Nuts, etc., w hich will lie sold FANCY GOODS, at the cheapest rates, (five me a call and BOOTS A siloES, see for yourselves. HA IS, C Lt »THING, F. B REC KEN FELD. NEW YEAR’S BALL JACKSONVILLE, It CURES where all else fails. A REVE­ LATION ami REVOLUTION in Medicine. Absorption or direct application, a* oppos- Don't despair until you have tried this Sen- ed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. s:ble, Easily Applied ami RADICALLY Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, EFFE! TU XL R< iiiedy. sent free. Sold 1 ’ by druggists, or sent bv Said by Druntrisls, or sent by mail on re­ mail, <>n receipt of price. ceipt of price, $2, by 'This is the tIriginal and Genuine Kidney The “Only” Lung Fad Co., Pad. Ask for it and take no oilier. A ild it WILLIAMS BLOCK, Colonel J. W. Forney, who has b««n York City. Grant's stannehost friend, and one of his I Nir A«ll«y ( ooper'i most ardent admirers till th» interview» I I VITAL RESTORATIVE—The Great En- jn which ho endeavored to defame Gen­ glisli Remed v, ha* made more cures of Ner­ eral Hancock, thus speaks now of th® ®x- vous Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal i Weakness, Lost Manhood, nocturnal emis­ I’resident in his Philadelphia Progress: sions, inability for mental labor, de*poii’h‘n- T obaccos a cigars , "But let tlie past go. Let the dead | cy and other diseases induced by youth-1 CAM »IKS A Nl’TS. past bury the dead. We now face the fill follies and excesses, than all other med-1 icines combined. Why will you suffer? i Also a fine and varied stock of Empire, and there is but one great force Send to A. E. Mintie, M. I>., No. II Kear­ to meet it, the Democratic ¡»arty. Gar- ' ny Street, San Francisco, for the Restora­ — HOLIDAY GOODS field only fills the gap for Grant. I write ; tive and bo cured. Price, $3 per bottle. this name with a new feeling, that of pro-1 Fonr times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. All of w hich will be sold found regret that one I loved so well i Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases success­ I should sink so low. First tho defonder fully. Medicine*sent secure from observa- | Very Clirap For Cash. tion upon receipt ot price or ('. O. 1). of the forgiven South, then its defamer;! (’all and see for yourselves. No trouble first eager to honor Hancock for his vir- : to show goods. MENSOR BROS., tues, then to hound him as an enemy, I | /^Outfit furnished free, with full in- Opp. Post «»tiic«*. Jackson» ill«1. WILT. COMMENCE MANUFACTUR- And this is the man who wants to play I I I B*lructiXns tor conducting t he most I » ing flour on the part of king hereafter.” I ■ ^profitable bu*iness that anyone can .■ ■ ■■ engage in. 'The business is so easy to learn, I» 1 Y. SEP F 20. Isso, anil our instructions are so simple and Complimentary. plain, that any one can make great profits »— ■ CALIFORNIA ST., Simple, Sensible,« Painless, Direct, Powerful. MENSOS BBOS., Forney on the Situation. REAMES EBOS., It is a MARVEL of HElI.IMi and RELIEF. II ioii - h infs ieslity to Its Virtue«. 3 •»-!<•«’‘K E. K. KEAMEa, Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad. .aKKtXX» Il DRIVES iNTO the system curative agents ami healing purpose*. It DRAWS FROM the diseased part» the poison that cau c, death. runco’i:. ✓ Ami all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladdei and U rinary organs by wearing the ----- ----------- I BREATHING TROUBLES. mum WTTTF-; ■ . G. REAMES. BY ADOPTING A A ■ MERCHANDISE. UllOM THE FARM OF THE UNDER . I signed, near Jacksonville, on the night ot the .>th,toilr hoises—a bay mare with belI. j branded J. M., two creani-eolored horse*, | one with light mane and tail, the other with dark mane and tail, and a bay horse brand­ oil J. N.T. connected. A liberal reward will be ¡»aid tor their recovery or for any information leading thereto, , , J. N. T. MILLER. Jacksonville, Nov. 11. 18*0. PUBLIC NOTICE. AT..... J. S. HOWARD'S CAS 11 STOlt 13! yOU WILL FIND THERE EEES MATERIAL 4 FURNIHING GOODS Of the Most Popular Styles. Silks, Satins, I elrets— Plain, Striped and Brocaded—Larmers Satin, Crinoline, Sheeting, ilomestic Prints, All the brands of Hosier*/, tilore», Corsets, Lares, Embroid- cries, lhl/hons, Ruck- inys, Handker- ehiefs, Hats, JEWELRY, GROCERIES AND NOTIONS' CHEAP SUITS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, CUTLERY, CANDIES, Ac., Which will he sold at Lowest Rates I a ' oi * Onwli PUBLIC Is HEREBY NOTIFIED it I lit* bes. of tobaccos and c'lr.'irs can hereafter lie ol)t lined at t|,p t(,|¡ house near ATTENTION! < haviier's bridge on Rogue river. Also an California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. extra quality of liquor by the quart. Prices (HHE UNDERSIGNED, having FN- I tered into a copartnership with J. G. rca-onahip. Birdsev, is desin us of balancing al) hc - ; counts, ami hereby calls upon those indebt­ SETTLE UP ed to him to come forward ami settle at oner. TO LOAN I tile** a settlement is made within a i-ea- 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED ".O L. DAN- I -unable length ot time I will place the bu»i- j *. lorih, M. ]>., <>n book account art1 re­ OEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS, ON ne*s in charge of an attorney. I mean luis- quested to come forward and settle oil or t goo I security. For further particulars ^nesa. DAVID CRONEMILLER. >p bel<»re tht1 tirst tlay of J.t h uarv. issi^m-their enquire of J > -k«onriMc. Nov. 1, IKSO. accounts will be piacisi in the hands of an I I M FS office. Jackson vilie. f irecon attoi uey for collection. I’ XXXkJ TTTS PAPER. r ,v foun, L. DANFORTH. )).\ IMS, oils ., VARNISH. Gl \\u X X Z1X p n howell A t Co on 1« Ate X, w "I Muti« Al\tuu< öt , ubn- advvnl**lua Jacksonville, Dec. 1, 1880. A putty at JOHN MILLER’S. cvuuiwi* uwj Uv UMdc tur it 15 M.W vmhk -