DEMOCRATIC TIMES I Hosea Brown, a veteran of the w ar of 1812, Plymale keeps a first-class horse hotel as PERSONAL NOTES. 'T he E ffect .—Jndgt Hanna, in charging MINING NEWS. well as furnishing the best of livery on short lives w ith his grandson, Orr Brown of Mur- the jury in the Covert cn«e ajJJwFbeginning € ' ■ ■ — ~ i Taxes are due. i phy creek, Josephine county. He is in his Kenton A Klippel are getting their Poor­ of the trial, took occasion jo refer to the dis­ J. N. Hall of Douglas is visiting friends in notice. He never fails to please. i FRIDAY, ’ 89th year, but is still quite active for one so man ’s creek property ready for this Win­ graceful article publislie«! by tho “Sentinel’* Speed the plow. this county. A man who loves his family will always ter. aged. this week in the severest term«. Ilia Honor take a newspaper, and the man who rcs[iects Roads are getting bad. Mrs. W. S. Stone is sojourning at her farm L ost .—A dog of the setter breed, black ami informed the jurors that, as the publication Tho miner« are genorally prepared for Kahler & Bro. are having their fine new his family will always pay for it. near Phoaiix. Ashland has a dancing school. whit»» in color, answering to the name of Ben. was of a highly picjmlicia) nature, a« wall water and are anxious for a war of the ele­ A *u4Î I »le reward will be [»aid for his recovery A leap-year party will take place at the brick finished up in handsome style. They N. DeT.amatter and family have returned to ments. Read the new advertisements. as being untruthful and nfie«»ting wrong­ Schieffeliu school-house this evening, Music 1 have lately received a nice assortment of holi- ; Josephine county. or any information that may lead thereto. Ap­ Fancy printing is our specialty. j day goods, from which you can select just what Green Bros., at Gal ice cteek, liavo their fully upon an «»tlieer of the Court, he would will be furnished by Savage Bros. ply to the T imes office, Jacksonville. l»e obliged to place them under the surveil­ Henry Boat and family of Williams creek Circuit Court is again in session. arastra in motion and are grinding a good Thunder was distinctly heard at Evans I you want. lance ot bailiff«, in order that they might were in town this week. quality of rock. I n B i sin ess . Our affable friend Ben Nor­ Holiday preparations are in order. Alonzo Uinphlett has purchased Wm. Bar­ creek during the storm last week, at inter- not become distjiial¡tied in any manner. Aa Charley Slade is driving Phillips’ stock on den, ex-Slieriff of Multnomah county, has gone, The Applegate Gravel Company are now the county will now' l»e obliged to pay for nett’s contract for transporting the mails from Christmas is just two weeks hence. vals. Lightning was also frequent. the Ashland-Linkville route. iuto active business at Portland again, living ; piping,and are running off considerable the board and lodging of the juror« and Waldo tc Crescent City, ami Robt. Jenkins One-dollar hats at the N. Y. Store. We have our pencil sharpened to write the associated with W. H. Andrus in the manage-1 ground. Dan Silva is acting as superin­ the services of their attendants, the |>arox- J. W. Manning, w ho has been to Linkville on marriage notices of those who are going to will act as carrier. The contract expires in business, returned this week. Some land is already too wet to plow. tendent. ment of the Occidental hotel. The firm will ysm of economy whieh tho “Sentiuel” work­ June, 188*2. make the leap during the holidays. The latest novelties at Jake Marcuse’s. conduct a first-class house, and those of our John Goff of Grave creek brought sever- ed itself into will beadear one for the peo­ Ex-Governor Irwin of California is visiting Rev. M. C. Miller and Elder A. Brown met Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Southern Oregon readers who may chance to eral handsome sjiecimens of quartz, as also ple who pay the tax*«. Sausage-mills are running on full time. at Antioch, Table Rock precinct, a few w’eeks his old home in Siskiyou county. some gold-dust taken out of his claim, to I go to Portland at any time cannot do better I Wool is quoted in the S. F. market at 256ç will hold its regular annual election of officers ago ami held a meeting together, which proved I Lewis G. Ross is principal of tho Lakeview town the other day. A F remicm for A ll . — ttu have made ar­ on Monday evening, Deceml»er 27th. than to stop at the Occidental. The best of 30c. a successful one. Several joined each church i school, which has a good attendance. rangements whereby we will furnish aa a premi­ treatment, good board and comfortable rooms, The building boom has closed for this season, The excitement over quartz is running Nort. Eddings has resumed his place on tho Commissioners Alford and Cook were on that occasion. in um to every subscriber of the T imes who pay* await all who tarry there. but will resume next Spring, as we hear of high in Siskiyon county,Cal. Several rich box. town this week attending to their duties. I a year in advance a c«»py of “Copp’a American J. D. Fountain, School Superintendent, strikes'are reported and much prospecting several new buildings being proposed. N ew Y ear ’ s B all .—Ruth Rebekah Degree Considerable snow has fallen in the moun­ Settlers ’ Guide, ” a valuable work ami standard W tn. M. Turner has returned from Portland elsewhere announces that a public examination is being done. The Foot’s creek school, which has been Izxlge, I. (>. O. F., having foregone its inten­ tains. authority on everything [»ertaining to our land of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be ami will resume editorial control of the “Sen- I'heSterling Company turned (he water efficiently managed by R. W. Ganiard for sev­ I tion of givingan anniversary ball, Madame Holt held at the Jacksonville district school-house tinel.” E. Jacobs is displaying a fine lot of holiday eral months past, adjourned last week. out of their ditch on the approach of cold system. It gives accurate information how to I has taken upon herself the task of supplying goods. on Saturday, the 25th inst. Prof. J. B. Farley was in town this week. weather, but are fully prepaied for work tell township and section cot oera, how to homo* Flour has raised to $22 50 [ter thousand the deficiency that otherwise would be liable stcail and pre-empt land, how to enter land We have onlered New Year’s calling cards Ha will commeuce another term of school be­ when water conies. Considerable rain has fallen in Josephine pounds in this market, and the probabilities to occur. She therefore announces that a grand under the timber culture law, deaert land law, of the handsomest ami most unique designs, fore long, county. Prosjiectors will find a full line of mining are that it will be still higher before Spring. party will be given at her hall on New Year's etc. It is meeting with a large Bale and should and in great variety, direct from New York, B. Robb has just returned from a surveying blanks, printed after the latest and best l»u in the bamls of everyb«»f January, partiea desiring to avail them- Rev. AL A. Williams occupied the pulpit of Tho miners were in high glee last week, We are pleased to say chat Jas. McDonough I «elves of this utter should do so at once. guaranty of good music, while the Madame ed imminent. The venire issued for jurors in the Covert the Al. E. Church last Sunday morning, tho and wife of Willow Springs, who have liuen supposing that tho rain would continue un­ The Butte creek cart has been brought into case was well nigh exhausted, when the jury rough weather presenting him from filling his will spare no pains with the supper. til they had an abundance of water. They S ewing M achines .—Four different kinds of quite ill, are now convalescent. service again. was obtained, D. N. Btrdsey alone remaining. appointment at Browusborough. Rev. M. C. were unfortunately disappointed, however. new sewing machines have just l »een rucuivad R eturned .—Samuel Lackland returned from A. 0. Eckulson is superintending tho con­ Mount AlcLaughlin is covered with a heavy Holiday printing of every description at the Miller officiated in the evening. Savage Bros, of Rogue River were n the teeth slid gums. Its embalming the Easturu States and Europe before long. considerable snow already. Sam will be en­ The German Rud Meu elect officers next again to press its modest claims on the public. only allows the shooting of bucks at that, it or antiseptic pro|»erty and aromatic fra­ B. R. Willits has removed to Ashland for not proven profitable thus far; but as more grance make it 9 toilet luxury. NOZu- being unlaw ful to shoot does or antelope at any gaged at the Hamilton claim on Star gulch this Thursday evening. Thu latest visiting etiquette among those I of it is done rich spots will no doubt be ImNT removes all disagreeable odors froin the purpose of reading law with F. W. Bash- Winter, but will return to Eastern Oregon Winter was later than usual, but it is here who would appear fashionable, require the de­ timo. This law would aiso be salutary here. ; discovered. ilie breath caused by catarrh, bad teeth, ! ford and also engaging iu the real estate busi- I next Summer. Birkhead and wife, lately of l ’ ho-nix, J. C. now; ’ aud no mistake. Ac. It is entirely free from the injurious i i B. XV. and Ralph D« an have rented Thos. I posit ut a card with the visited on each occa­ ! ness. acrid properties of tooth pasloa and have opened a hotel in Ryan’s three-story il'liavner’s big ditch and will engage in and Considerable wheat was received by the sion. D isag RF.KD.—The jurors in the Covert case powder*, which destroy the enamel. One C. B. Watson, one of the electors; was brick, where the best of meals aud lodgings . trilling on a larger scale than ever in the bottle lasts six months. | The last numbers of thoso first-class periodi- retired for delils-ration on a verdiet on the af- steam-mill this week. can be obtainod for 25 cents, Read their new chosen as messenger to Washington, and has i Willow Springs «listriet this season. Tliev tsriioon of the 2d. after receiving the charge of L. B. Applegate of Linkrille has just com-' I cals, the “West Shore” and “Literary Vi- AIIFAISA.VI» »AXVASNFRH i advertisement aud don’t fail to give them a gone hence with the electoral vote of thi- 'are now engaged in putting ¡»ntting down a new ! Jette,’’ both published at Portland, are on our Judge Hanna. No conclusion having b«.n ar­ pleted a neat resilience. Make from $25lo $50 per week selling good« State. ( flume. ... The waler of this ditch was former­ call. rived at after lieing out tw enty-four hours, and for E. <». RIDEOUT A ('<>., 10 Barclay There is several inches of snow on tho Siski- table. Chas. S. Moore of Linkville, who has been ly controlled l»v Chinese, but will now be Street, New York. Send for their catalogue Congress is now in session and discussing it ap[»cariiig evident that it would be impossi­ yous, where the stages cross. j The Covert trial was conducted as economi­ and i erm*. on a visit to the Willamette valley, returned used to good advantage by Dean Bros. questions of public importance. The meetings ble for them to agree. His Honor discharged Our mcr -bants aru displaying handsome holi­ cally as possible, and, although a heavy ex­ around Mitt. Dillon’ s stove, where the home this week. lie tarried a day iu Jack- Frank Ennis returned from Galiee creek them »nd adjourned Court until yesterday. A pense to the tax-payers, eoul I easily have been DIED day g‘H»ds in endless variety. the other «lay, from whom we learn that lit­ I sonville. merits of his superior liquors are discussed, new trial Itemg in order, it was thought best 1 greater. County .«crip is taken at par on old and now i are harilly as important, but none the less in­ Col. W. S. Stone and Wm. Carl!, of the 0. tle rain has as yet fallen in that section» WILLIAMS — Near Ashland, Itecember to proceed with it immediately, as all tin* wit­ Sain Downing, the popular caterer at Fort i teresting. 1st,of paralysis, Samuel Williams; aged accounts With the TIMES office. A C. Stage Company, were in town this week There was about two feet of snow at the nesses were yet at hand and considerable ex­ about 70 years. hoad <>f the ditches of the English and Blue Jones, Cal., has had Ins place of business reno­ I'he weather's moderating aud wo are en- Tlu> Ashland “Tillings” of the 3d says: A paying off thu employes. They went north pense to the tax-payers could thereby l»c Gravel companies and two-thirds as much 1 TINKHAM—III Little Butte precinct, De­ vated, and it is one of the neatest in Northern jojiiig pleasant weather again. cember 2d, Levi Tuikham; aged about 64 son of Richartl Roach, aged ten or twelve Wednesday. averted. on the diggings. Everybody is ready and a i years. California. years, was thrown from ahorse last Saturday, IL F. Phillips, of the Ashland-Linkville ex- will be A full suit of clothes, worth $16, heavy rain is all that is necessary to set the i [’Squire Tinkham wan an old and respect­ R oll of H onor .—The following are the The government has made a small appropri- and hail bis right arm broken below the elbow. ■ press, was in town Monday and informed us camp in motion. scholars whose names are entitled to be on sold at tho N. Y. Store for §9. ed citizen of Jackson county, having lived ' ation for building a church for the Indians at Dr. Itilow “et the limb, aud informs us that it , that there was over a foot aud a half of snow Holt expects to gut into her now the Roll of Honor of the Foot s creek school, Jacob am! Lannes Klippel returned from here nearly 2Ryears. For the past several the Klamath Agency, and the work will com­ in doing well. on thu Cascades. Elliott creek this week, from whom we years he has been Justice of the I'eape of for the terin commencing September 1,‘kli ami hotel the forepart of next year. mence soon. The County Commissioners were in session The gentlemen gathering the mining statistics learn that there is ab<»uta foot ami a half <>l Little Butte precinct, in which capacity ho ending Dccemlier 3d: \\ illie McKnight, Frank We have had some snow «luring the past Plant your holiday advertisements, as the two days this week, but transacted no business i of Southern Oregon have gone to California. «now ou the ridge. .Several of the compa­ meted out even justice to all. The cause of Swacker, Harvey Smith, Jot» W. Morris, G. week, but it «lid not linger long. people want information in the premises. An­ of particular importance. A very large num­ Mr. Smith is in Del Norte county aud Mr. nies aro still engaged in mining, while oth­ his death was hemorrhage of the iuugs and W. Mathews, .1 >lm M. Morris, Willie G. An­ J. Hampton will be employed at Hadley’s nouncements for parties, shooting matches are ers have suspended operations tor the [»res­ a bronchial affection from which he has ber of claims against the county, principally Leavens went farther south. derson, Marion Lance, Emma Smith, Alice ( claim on Forest creek this season. also iu order. ent. The past-eas»>n has not been a partic­ boon suffering for some time. Although in fees of officers ot election, witnesses and ju ­ I Gen. It. V. Ankeny left for Salem this Mathews, Lillie L. Lance, Annie AL Ander­ Jas. M cDougall ha* rented the Dardanelles ularly successful one in that section, but the poor health for years, ho was not bedfast rors, wi re audited. Sonielxuly wrote Madarne Holt a letter | week, to complete his duties as representative son, Alice Carr, Alary B. Lance, Ida Swacker place and will engage in farming. until about six weeks ago, since which timo threatening her life. .She hopes the writer I Tho Jack sotiville New 'i ork Store received l of the General Government in the selection of tuture promises to bo better. aud George Lance. I he steadily declined. Mr. ’I in kb am wan will spare her until after she takes charge of A full line of blanks of every description al ­ l ist. S.itur»lay some $3,009 worth of goods, ' lands belonging to this State. R. W. G aniaiiu , Teach» r. A ccidental D eath or S uicide . Nc.1 Ilea- unmarried and leaves no relatives in this her new hotel. ways on hand at the T imes otiice. wl.ih were damaged on the road between I IT Zl U. Gordon, who was down from Flounce ley, for several years past engaged in mining country. A large concourse of triends fol­ R ei . iu let* s I tems . — Rev. M. A. Williams will It is highly [»robable that Geo. Nurse of, Roseburg ami Jacksonville. Mensor oilers Rock yesterday, informs tis that snow fell to on .Applegate, departed this life in lowed his remains to their last r<»*ting-p)ace. Squires & AL-Kec of Ashland are putting up the Jack- Elder M. Peterson pleaching an impressive hold services at the M. E. Church on Sunday an addition to Jacob Ish’s dwelling. Linkville will construct a grist-mill at that i these goods for sale at half their cost for cash. ■ the «lepth of ten inches last Week in that sec- sonville calaboose last I’riday night, He had funeral sermon, l’«acc be to his ashes!] morning next.... Rev. D. A. Crowell wdl * Be.«11 Bros, are furnishing the market with point next year and thus encourage the culti­ Call ainl be convinced. been acting ‘ tiou; but it is now gradually melting away. rather boisterously at the Franco- preach at the Manzanita Baptist Church next vation of grain. Tho number of witnesses summoned in the excellent spare-ribs and sausage-meat. , American Hotel and Marshal Crosby took him : Robinson Wright, formerly of this [», but' Sunday morning at the usual hour, and at Rock Mrs. Q. N. Anderson, Sr., of Eden precinct Covert case will hardly be as largo as on the latterly of Linkville, has rented the Central 1 to the station house f(,r the night, intending to Those who have promised us grain, Hour aud Point school house at early camlie-lighting.. .. has been very ill with pneumonia, but is now former occasion, and tile expense will const- Point blacksmith shop. He is a good work­ ; telease him next morning. It seems that flea- Elder M. Pet ison w ill preach at !• le Point woo 1 are reqt:e.ste«l to respond at ouce. ijilently be less, The authorities are doing all I ley had Is en drinking hard for Home time past, W. R. 1’otter of Little Butte informs iu that recovering. Doctors Danforth and Stanley in their p«»we on Sunday morning next... . Rev. Al. I Miller »er to make the trial fall as lightly man and will no doubt give general satis- j being on the verge of delirium trcHiens. ami are in attendance. I faction. »»re- ’ .»s next Sunday at Sam’s valley, at 11 farmers in that section arc busy already. as possible on tho tax-payers. , had gone to Dr. \ rooman th«» day before his de- An unfortunate boy, aged about 17 years, a « A. M., ami at Auii»»«-h at 3 ill I r. m ........ Effingham Schieffeliu < f Rogue riverleaves for ('.»mtnissioner Cook of Foot’s creek has re­ For a nico ho!i»lay [»resent for your wif«>, I mise for a prescription. The Doctor w ith much , - ° f ! nieinlxr ot Geo. S. .Mathewson's family EliTur A. Blown began a protra»' ted meeting cently improve«! his residence considerably. sister, cousin or your aunt, go to the store of Los Angeles, Cal., in a fe.v days, to Lu present j hesitancy prescribed an opiate generally used Josephine county, was taken to thu Insane Mrs. ami Miss Prim, where a handsome assort­ at a reunion of his family at that [»lace ou New at Antelope school-house yest erday evening, Work ;s progressing on the new town hall ' in such cases, containing several parts of lau- the 9th, and will be assisted after Sunday by and it will be completed during the forepart of Asylum this week. ment of hats, ribbons, ornammits, etc., of thu '»’ear's day. Hu w ill return after thu holidays, ; danum, and warned him of the «l.ingerous Rev. M. C. Miller. The assessment made by J. 11 Huffer, clerk latust and most popul ir styles have just been i Bon voyage. 1X1. I character of the medicine. The directions also of this school district, has been approved by received. They can suit you. Win. Jacoby, nephew of Postmaster Muller, ! stated the size of the doses; but these lie «lid not Henry Carter and Phil. Gleavo drove in a S tolen Pr.olM.iit Y R e » ov r.:;: i>. Some per­ Tho school children of Yreka will all be : arrived from San Francisco last Saturday and the directors and he will commence collecting son entered Morris Mcnsor’s residence List tine lot of cattle for Eicke’s butcher-shop this taxes immediately. vaccinated as soon as vaccine matter ar- | is tilling the position formerly occupied by Jas. , heed, for prior to his arrest he swallowed about 1 three-fourths of the vial at once, or ten times Tuesday evening and made away with $200 in w eek. The finest stock of visiting cards ever brought rives from San Francisco. Tho prevalence of R. Little, who proposes starting in business as much as pre»eril>ed. The Marshal perceivtwl money, two watches and other property, The County Commissioners this week grant­ small-pox at the Bay City ami other [mints in j that he snored lomlly on his way to the cala- amounting in all to about $t>00. The valuables ed a liquor-license to White Bros, of Rock toOregon—gilt-edged, bevel-edged, plain white, California has inaugurated this precaution. ! for himself soon. snow-tlake, chromo, etc. — has just been receiv ­ | Rev. John A. Gray, the temperance lecturer Jacksonville should follow suit. ; boose, but thought n«»t that he was commenc- i were stowed away in a closet in one of the Point. ed at the T imes oilice. I who organized the council of the Champions of ' ing his last sleep, a« he was unaware that Hea- front rooms and the thief had evidently enter­ Wu have a supply of ironclad ami common A nico holiday present to your friends always Cures and never diaap" Dan. Smith, the noted stag«} robber, who note-books, specifying interest at the ratu of ■ Honor in Jacksonville, is now pastor of thu I ley had taken the fatal draught. His surprise ed through the window w hile the family were abroad woukl be a year’s subscription to the points. The world's great Pain" has been con lined in the penitentiary of Ore­ 12 per cent. As the new interest» law goes Baptist church at Tho Dalles. He is an elo­ can b«itter be imagined than described when he at supper. He must have been wdl acquainted T imes . Reliever for Man and Beast. opened the door the next morning and, after | Cheap, quick and reliable. gon for several years past, was pardoned by into effect <»n the 23d of January next, those quent anti popular minister. with the premises, as the circumstances seem A number of tho residents of Phmnix are in who have mo«iey to loan and accounts to get Mr. Hayes the other day. several attempts at awakening Healey, f«»iiu«l j to indicate. Search was instituted atouce,but We received a pleasant call last w«»ek from iu should invest in a book immediately. town again attending thu Covert trial as wit­ proved unavailing, until Wednesday night, ' Geo. T. Baldwin of Linkville, who has been him lying in the bed «lead. Some of those present j John Tupper last week sold a lot of fine hogs, nesses. A band of stray horses have been ranging in when the culprit, evidently conscience.strick­ of the Poland China breed, U> Sheriff Bybee, I ; thu neighborhood of John Watson’s place. All i making Jackson county a flying visit. He re­ at the hotel claim that they saw Healey drink . Table Rock Encampment No. 10, I. 0. 0. PITCHER’S CASTORLA. en, returned the whole through a third party. who ex|*»rted them to Happy Camp. Two of have left recently, however, except a pair of ports that place improving, as well as the sur­ the medicine and that he made the remark. is not Narcotic. Children F., will not elect officers until next Tuesday “Here goes,” before taking it. Coroner Schutz , It is a mysterious affair, and will probably re­ them weighed 740 pounds. brown horse.*, about tour years old, branded J rounding country, despite the serious set-back grow fat upon, Mothers like, I evening. was notified of the matter and immediately I main such. Cardwell A Son aro now attending to the on thu right simulder, whi«h tho owner can sustained last Winter and Spring, and lias high and Physicians recommend | [»roceeded to hold an i«<|Uest. A jury was em­ The Eagle Point school resumed studies last hopes of a bright future for them. Union Livery Stable in person and will leave recover by paying the bill for keeping them. C ASTORIA. It regulates the C hristmas F utiv . u .—Exercises will l»c Monday, J. E. Potter, an ex[>erieucod teacher, paneled, consisting of Fred. Grob, C. W. Sav­ There was quite a gathering of relatives F. Offenbu»chur, brother-in-law of John Orth, nothing undone for the accommodation «jf their Rowels, cures Wind Colic, age, S. Booth, S. Cohn, A. Helms ami W. J. held at the M. E. Church on Christinas night in charge. and friends of Hou. Henry Klippel, our effi­ accompanied by his family and a young man patrons, which are numerous. allays Feverishness, and de­ » Plymale, which, after hearing the evidence, uuder the auspices of the Union Sunday Madame Holt has been awarded tho con­ cient County Clerk, last Monday, the occasion named Dietrich, eight in all, arrived iu Jack­ stroys Worms. School. Misses Cora Linn and Sallie Card- tract for keepiug State patients at $1 49[>«rl A storm prevailed at Linkville last week, of his 47th birthday. Hu is one of our leading ’ returned a Wrdict that the deceased had come sonville last Monday, intending to locate during which snow fell to the depth of about well, acting as finance committee, succeede»! capita a day. i to Ins death hy an overdose of laudanum, ad and most enterprising citizens, ami his many six inches. The weather is quite cold there, friends wish him scores of happy returns of among us, and wants to buy a good farm. ! ministered by himself accidentally or with sui- CEZZS fu collecting a neat sum for the purpose last A social [»arty will be given at Houck’s hall, but otherwise not threatening. They came all the way from Bavaria, Ger­ the day. i cidal intent. Healey was a Coniishman ami | week and a Christmas tree, handsomely orna­ Ashland, on Christmas eve. A line timo i many, a distance of many thousand miles, I about 40 years of ago. He was <»n«:e married, j WEI DE MEYER'S CA­ Coroner Schutz not only holds inquests, but Oregon Chajiter No. 4, R. A. M., will hold mented anti lighted, will l»e prepared for the and have been several months on tlm road. may l>e expected. TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Sabbath school children. Candy, nuts, etc., its annual election next Tuesday evening, and officiates at the grave when necessary. No There is room here for many more people of being separate«! from his wife, who now resides I Antidote for this terrible mala­ Circuit Court adjourned last Friday, to meet Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M., will j minister being at hand when the unfortunate enterprise and industry. will also be passed around. The exercises will in California, several years ago. Some of those ' dy, by Absorption. The most Healey was buried last bunday, Veit performed Important Discovery since Vac­ comprise singing, declamation*, etc., which again y«ister«lay, when the trial of D. A. Co- follow suit the next evening. who were well acquainted with him assert that the funeral services in his usual original man­ L eap Y ear P arty .—A number of young vert was resumed. cination. Other remedies may are in course of preparation. This is the first The Ashland Library and Reading Room ner. We doubt if there is another Coroner iu ladies of Jacksonville met at the residence of ■ he ha»l l»een brooiling over his financial difficul- I relievo Catarrh, this anres at The stages are now running on the Winter ! ties and that the theory that he committe«! sui- ' occasion of the kind that has taken place in Association has pleasant quarters and plenty of the State that can do likewise. any stage before Consumption Judge Hanna last Monday evening, to make Jacksonville for years, and it will no doubt be schedule and making regular time sinco the choice books, periodicals, newspapers, etc. It sots in. Now is the time to publish settle-up notices arrangements for a Ixtap-year [>arty, to take i cidc is not altogether unfounded. His remains an enjoyable one. The programme will soon rains of last week. were interred in the City Ceinetry on the day is quite a successful institution. ami get your bill-heads, letter-heads, state­ place on the evening of I>eceml»er 24th. Alias be given to the public. % Prof. Vernier predicts eleven feet of snow on ‘ I follow ing the impiest. Elder M. Peterson lost a fine colt tho other ments of account, envelopes, notes, receipts, Kate Dorwin was elected President: Alias Issie I tic 22 1 of Ihicemlter. Tice aud two other pre­ day, by epizootic. A number of the horses of ami everything else in the commercial line at .McCully, Vice President; Miss Sophie Nickell, T he C ovkrt I' ask .--A jury in this case, A P remium for E yeki k «> i » y .—The publish- M1W. 1‘ r. PRIM. cincts to hear from. I M IM ELLA PRIM. this valley are afflicted with it, but very few the I l.MEs office, for the time for yearly settle- Secretary; Miss Ida Danforth, Treasurer. now on trial, was obtained without any trouble. I er of the T imes has made arrangements w h« r by ments is almost here. Encourage local indus ­ Those indebted at Bilger’s hardware store cases have resulted fatally so far. Like the one that was empaneled for the first The price agreed upon wan $1 per ticket. ! lie will furbish “N«dlis' Duo Hollar Collection I try by keeping your mouey at home. I . | wilbtind something to their advantage in our trial, it ia conqsised of some of our best citi­ ap- The following committees were then of Flower Seeds ’ free to any sulwerilier, new The leap-year party w ill lie given at Holt’s WINTER OPENING Louis Herling of the Poorman'a Creek House zens, to-wit: M. 8. Wakeman, Richard Col­ advert.sing columns. | or old, who will [»ay one year's subscription to I hall on Christinas Eve, instead of at Veit’s hall. will give <>ne of his pleasant social parties on pointed: —AT— Mac Wilson cut his foot severely a few If everybody doesn’t have a fine time it will lins, J- P. Tuffs, Chas. Williams, J. H. Whip­ Committee on Arrangements—Misses Issie this journal in advance. This collection con , « hristnias eve, notice of which is given in our ple, John Ash mead, Thos. Mce, Lyman ('bap- weeks since while cutting wood; but is now not be thu fault of the young ladies. advertising columns. I lie best of music will McCully. Sophie Nickell, Malic Feathers ami sists of one packet each of double aster, pansy, Camp- able to be about again. pell, Wm. Savage, Robt. Morri*, <1. I double balsam, [ictiinia, cypress vine, double The old calaltoose being out of repair, the be in attendance, while the supper w ill be such Alice Hanley. as only Mis. IL-rling can provide. Everybody bell and Wm. Harper. A majority of the Committee on Muric-Alisses Dora Reames, portulaca, helichrisum, verbena liybrida, lobc- Mark Armstrong is now at work in the Row­ town authorities will probably c<»inpl«»te th* TE HAVE Jt’ST RECEIVED A NEW Mine witnesses have l»eeii summoned, but it is laud bl.i. ksmitli shop, a few miles from town, new one at once and iu advance of the cit\ is ini ited to attend ami enjoy themselves. : lia and double zinnia.all mixed of colors. Th« Alary Langell and Lizzie Helms. f and complete st«»ck of Millinery goods, Considerable rain fell last week and the not likely that the trial will la*t as long or I e having rented the same. Floor .Managers-—-Misses Minnie ami Emma se»»»l is warranted as tirst-class, and those COllsIMtillg of hall, in which building it is located. ground is thoroughly moistened. 'I ’ he farmers as ex[«iisive as the former. The prosecution wishing to adorn their homes or make a neat Keep the C. C. W. R. in view. Next sea­ HATS OF ALL STYLES, The Covert trial occupied seventeen days, ' are satisfied already with the rainfall ami it Pape, Florr. ami Celia Orth, Katie Croneinillcr ! present to a friend will not hesitate taking iin- is represented bv District Attorney Kent and son we ought to supply Del Norte ceuuty with ami Alary Brentano. although ther«» was an intermission of several will not take a great deal more to start the E. H. Autenrieth, E*q., while Hous. P. P. all the [»reduce she needs. Committee on Reception—Misses Ella Prim, ! mediate advantag«; of this offer. 'I’he opportu- RIBBONS, ( days on account of.Thanksgiving, illness of a miners. It it continuus warm grass will get a FEATHERS, Print and A. C. Jones appear for the defense. good start, when the stock-raisers will also Annie Miller, Emma Brown, Tillie Alillcr and . nity will be o|»en tor a short time only. Many of our farmer* are still holdins on to juror and his wife and other causes. This case is proving an important one ami will lie [»leased. The rain was needed by every Annie Little. FLOWERS, i their wheat, in anticipation of a raise, as that An orgaiiette, a new-fangled instrument industry. P rora te C ovut . I he following proceedings be stubbornly contested on both side». Committee <>n Supper — Misses Effie Bybee, I COLLA RH article is scarcer than ever. ' manipulated by Mr. I»ng, a former resident have transpired in this Court - Judge Day A newspaper man is generally expected to Aba. Ross, Nettie Howard and Alice Berry. AND CUFFS, L egion of H onor .—This organization will I he snow was thirteen inches deep at Klam­ of Willow Springs precinct, amused the resi presiding since our last report: be everywhere, and catch every item afloat, Ticket Seller -Aaron Barneburg. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Hill, hold another of its interesting public meetings ath Agency last Monday, ami another storm deuts of this [dace one day this week. simply because it is bis profession. But he The following resolutions were then adopt­ deceased. Final statement of P. ilium, ad­ VEILING, at the Court House this evening, for which the > seemed brewing at thu time. Victory Council, Champions of Honor, of can’t do it. His friends can help him, by ed, and it is hoped that they will be fully im­ ministrator, heard and approved. ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACEN, following programme has been prepared: 1. Everybody can get a large assortment of ’ this place is tlourishing. Twenty-six [>ro[»osi- sendiug or bringing such items as are of inter­ pressed on the memory of all: hlu«io|by the String Baud; 2. Opening song by choice flower seeds by paying a year’s subscrip­ ' tions for membership were received at the last est. All manner of legitimate local news go R eal E state ’1i; \xs v i ions . The follow ¡in­ 1. Gentlemen are requested to conduct them­ j to make up an interesting paper, and will be SociefrI 3- Reading, R. II. Klippel; 4; Duet, tion to thu 1’tWES in advance. ’ meeting, and there were eleven initiations. deed has been recorded in the <'ounty Clerk's I received with thanks. selves in a lady-like manner. Misaci Maggie Linn and Annie Little; 5. Rec- Call and «en them at the Ltiflding ftiriner- t he light crops of last season have stimulated Mrs. Or ph a Haas, an obi resident of South­ 2. Ladies are requested to pay especial at­ otiice since the List issue of the T imes : There are a number of loose horses about lv occupied by Dr. Robinson on ( nhfornia itatirw- Miss Rosa Cardwell; ti. Song by the th«» farmers to renewed action and a larger area ern Oregon, died at Piuenix Wednesday night, W m. Bylsjc to Thos. Smith, Sheriff's deed st root. j here that [trove a iierfect nuisance to every- tention to their partners. littleplk«; 7. Address; 8. Music by the String : than ever will be put in grain. to property in Ashland. Consideration, $'675. aged about seventy years. She was a widow, body, and especially to 3. Gentlemen s choice but twice during the farmers coming to 11 T nails, wrought nails, cl« nt nails. i.»ih Band; 1 Recess; 10. Quartette, Misses Kate The first jury in the Covert ease stood six to her husband «lying iu California some years town. They enter every wagon that can be evening. J nail*, finishing nail«, fencing nail«, S ome P ork . John Orth ofthisplace slaugh­ I Hoff® .n aud Tillie Miller, J. H. Hyzer and six when discharged. The ballots were about ago. 4. No cloves for the gentlemen. horse-shoe nails,and iron amJ steel h««MU j reached ami tear open sacks, tered a hog the other day, which weighed 475 to say nothing of • John A- Boyer; 11. Comic speech, . L. Bil­ thu same from almost the start. .TZ’MN MILLER’S. A cordial invitation is exteuded to all, Iwifli pound.*, dressed. It was of great size and very shoe* si It is now that the sin ill boy attends Sunday the h ay they rob the pcojile of. One farmer ger; IV Song by the hoys; 13. Select reading, The homesteatl belonging to the estate of recently bail several sacks »■ of flour torn open obi and young. Indies furnish the supjier ami fat. TXT assort nient of bolts, screws, tire and M im Katie Cronemiller; 14. Song, Miunie 1 tlio late LG. Dews will be sold at Sheriffs school with the utmost punctuality and at­ l»v these animals, ami it proved an almost copier rivets, ra*ps, files, pinciiers, it is expected that each will bring .a w« ll-lillcng l |' the little folks; IS. Poem by Mrs. L. •f late. We are gradually receiving luuuy with this sudden change of heart. He will templation. It the owners cannot piovide for An “Only Lung Pad” travo me immediate claim Ins reward at the festival, all the same, their horses, the town authorities will come to onaise at S o’clo< k sharp, with their partners. relief. I can recommend it as the greatest 1 ) 1>T [»orting, blasting and giant p<»w- U der, si use, cap* and w ads «I ■ new additions to our [>o[»ulation. R WLicter; 18. Closing song by Society. 1 however. tliuir rescue. i remedy ever produced.—A dv . bot'HiE N ickell , Secretary. JOHN MILLER’S. BRIEF REFERENCE. THE NEW MILLINEY STOE. w Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ HMercMcft ( B JF