zO rxi DEMOCRATIC TIMES ■v UM r .u. ■. A1 > lA-J X// "W .'■■■MUW* BRIEF REFERENCE. The immigration to Eastern Oregon and Ways and means are about being devised to PERSONAL NOTES TWO RIJRUEilXS MINING NEWS. VV ashington Territory continues, many wagons place the M. E-. Church building of this place From the National Surgical Institute, In­ Cool weather. passing through Lake county’ en route. The Squaw Lake company is piping again. dianapolis, IndiaiiH, will visit Portland,. iu repair, which is sadly needed. An enter­ Jos. Solomon of Woodville is in town. Oregon, at St. Charles Hotel, September AUGUST 27. 18S0. FRIDAY, New wheat is coming in. A squaw living on Jackass creek departed tainment to raise the necessary funds is sug­ The Applegate Gravel Company is about “th, 8th and 9th, 1880, provided with a com­ J. B. Egan and wife have become residents plete and ex;>cnNlve outfit of apparatus making a cleanup. from this mundane sphere last week and was gested by some. Hide-buyers are plentiful. of Jacksonville. FOR HANOOOK & ENGLISH. designed to treat every form ot Spinal Dis­ buried in the City Cemetery on Friday. The people of the East are wild over the Read the new advertisements. Gin Lin is still at work and will continue the ease, Hip and Knee iMeease, Crooked •Mrs. A. !»auib of Ashlaud is paying Jack­ Col. C. H. Larrabee of Washington Terri­ feats of St. Julien and Maud S. ; but even this season through, as he has an abundance of Limbs, Club Feet, Paralysis, Ac. Pile» sonville K visit. The Legislature meets at Salem on the see- Warm weather is on the wane. and Fistula certainly cured. This inatltn- tory will address the citizen* of Southern Ore- cannot draw attention from the fact that ond Monday in September aud our legislators Mrs. XV. M. Turner is spending a few days water. tion has an uneqimied reputatiou Iu the Fruit of all kinds is ripening fast. N*»atthe following times and places: Matt. Dillon keeps the best Kentucky brands at Soda Springs. will soon be wending their way thither. The Sterling Company is now cleaning bed­ successful treatment of al) of the above dis­ The Pioneer reunion approaches. Intere-ted parties sbouid not Xsil to Ashland, Friday, Sept. 3d, at 7 o’clock p . m . rock, which will occupy its attention for sev­ eases. Grant Jones of Lakeview, stepson of 0. La­ constantly on harwk see these Surgeons. Returning h.mepiver- N. Cook and wife of Willow Springs were Jacksonville, Saturday, Sept. 4th, at l\ o’clock I Teaming is becoming lively again. Business men can keep their money at home in town Tuesday. eral weeks to corne. land, they will stop off September 11th tham, had his arm broken near the wrist by p. m . Williamsburg, Monday, Sept. 6th, at 1 13th at Eugene City, 15th at Roseburg, Justice Huffer’s Court is kept busy. by having their bill-heads, statements, lutter- being thrown from a horse the other day. Schumpf ft Co. are now running a tunnel to and B. F. Dowell and daughter returned from and Iblh and '20th at Jacksonville, Oregon. o’clock P. M. Kerbyville, Tuesday, September The A. 0. U. XV. meet this evening. tap their shaft in order that foul air may The finest stock of visiting cards of every heads, envelopes and every other kind of com­ Portland yesterday. "th, at 1 o’clock P. M. escape They have gone down about seventy’ R eligious A ppointment .—Elder R. H. imaginable description ever brought to Oregon mercial printing done at the T imes office. The There is a heavy crop of fever and ague. Everylxsly is invited to turn out and hear Col. Larraliee opens the campaign at Ash- feet, with favorable prusjiects iu sight. l. A. Crowell to this pastorate ner's bridge, and Keaton & Klippel have theirs, terests there. to considerable to ns. Paper has advanced in and appointed Rev. La«lrii Royal to succeed in limited quantities. near Fisher’s ferry, nearly completed. Wells, Fargo ft Co., the pioneer express price and the time i* at hand when w* must B. B. Beekman ami W. W. Cardwell will Colonel White and A. D. Heald brought a Prof. L. L. Rogers at Ashland. Rev. W. T. Hon. A. C. Jones will leave for Portland P. Fehely of Althouse, Josephine county, lay in our Fall and Winter stock. So our pa­ to-day apply to Superintendent Fountain for compa’ny of the Pacific Coast, has placed us load of grain to the steam-mill from Rock Chapman is Presiding Elder of this district next week on business. under obligations for a neat book containing formerly of this plac«», has been iu town for trons will readily see the reason why we call scholarships in the State University at Eugene on them so urgently. Point Wednesday. ■nd stationed at Corvallis. the distance between each of their offices and several days past. He informs ns that the Jacksonville is livening up again since har­ City. Isaac Woolen ami wife have gone to Bart­ S ewing M achines —Four different kinds of I Win. H. Jordan has rented Cunningham & the names of their agents. It is valuable for lett Springs, Cal., and expect to spend the I miners of that section have done well, though D jrtrict C ouncil .—The Champions of Honor vest is progressing to a cluse. , some of them have not cleaned up aa yet. new sewing machines have just been received Charley Griffith is surging with the temper­ I Goucher's saw-mill on Williams creek, He reference. will uieut in district couucil at Eagle Point to­ Winter in that State. McCoy ft Co., on Bolen creek, made a good at E. C. Brooks’ New Drug Store, viz: The The Presbyterian Church is assuming pro- I day. _ Delegates are expected from different ance boom aud will sin no more. has 100,000 feet of good lumber already on Mrs. J. G. Lanterman arrived from Jose run, obtaining some pieces worth as high as i Crown, Eldridge, New Home and New Ameri­ portions and will l>e a structure of rare beau­ portions of the county aud an interesting ses­ The telegraph lines are now being placed in hand. phine county last week and will reside in §50. Brown Bros, have enough ground to can. They are of the latest aud be9t improved ty. The steeple is about completed aud is a sion will no doubt l»e held. Great preparation repair for the Winter campaign. While lifting a piece of timber the other credit to those engage»! on it. It will proba­ -Jacksonville hereafter, clean up to keep them busy for several weeks I »at ter us iu the world. Price from $40 to $50 has le-en made for tne event and no paius Robt. XX’estrop has opened a paintshop ever day, E. D. Foudray had one of his legs so bly be the handsomest church edifice iu South to come. J. R. Neil, Esq., left for Link ville yesterday will l»e «¡»ared to make it an agreeable one. 1*. Cronemiller's blacksmithshop. verely bruised. He is able to be about at ern Oregon. F or S al «.—A four-year-old stallion, well on professional business. He expects to re There will also l»e a picnic during the day and T he C antata . — A good-sized audience proportioned, of a beautiful dapple bay color, and Better than a letter to your friends in the present. Rdv. D. A. Crowell has been returned to turn in about ten days. a party at night. Everybody is invited ta I assembled at Holt’s hall on the evening of weighing 1,250 pounds. He is by “Peniuger’* Col. Larrabee will speak at Holt’s hall, un­ this place, which will be his third year among East: The T ime .* sent regularly. J. H. Smart and Matt. Ish came in from tbd 19th inst. to witness therendiliou of the participate in the public exercises. Mike," out of a “Rifleman” mare, and a fiist- der tho auspice* of the Hancock and English --------- •------ Fine white linen shirts, open at back or us. It is not often that ministers serve more Lake county this week. They report every­ cantata of the Flower Queen, in which clas* animal. For further particulars apply to Club of this place, on the afternoon of Septem­ than two years in <»n-- pastorate, and this devia thing flourishing there. P ioneer R eunion .—The fourth annual re­ front, for §1.50 at the N. Y. Store. many of the young ladies «if Jacksonville J. li. Thomas, at the Meadows. • i tion will be received with pleasure by his union of the Pioneer Society of Southern Ore­ I There was a good attendance during the ber 4th. E. Emery of Butte creek gave us a call Tues­ participated. The performance was goo«l One of tlie men engaged on the Myrtle many friends. gon will be held at the Court House enclosure cainp-meeting on Williams creek. M ore popular than ever. 431,167 genuine day. He has removed from Eagle Point to under the circumstances, and would have bee*, much belter had the stage been prop ­ cre-k bridge was killed a few days ago by a in Jacksonville on Thursday, Septeml»er 16th “ Singer ” sewing machines sold in 187V, be­ A large amlience was present at the Lone Chimney Rock precinct. Plymale s turnouts have been rigged up in erly arranged and more effective rehearsing ing at the raieot 1,400 machines each work­ piece of timber falling on him and dashing out Oak School-house to hear Ehler R. H. Sherrill next. A cordial invitation is extended to all, fine style and are proving popular. ( apt. Goodall, an old pioneer of this section, indulged in. The singing was generally whether member* or not. Families are re­ his brains. ing day, and an increase of 74,735 over last This gentleman is one of the most eloquent is in town. He has recently been teaching I A large amount of crockery has been orderetl year ’s sale«. Buy the best. Waste no excellent, but the acting proved too tame to quested to •furnish provisions for the occasion. The streets of Jacksonville were lively and learned ministers that has ever visited “the young idea to shout" in Josephine county. from Portland for the Pioneer reunion. money on “cheap counterfeits.” D. H. I make the contrast the best. It should not be Members who are delinquent for their yearly one night last week, some parties having this section, and is doing good service in the Feathers, agent. • Marzlial Crosby returned from Roseburg have been expected that so large a number Jos. Applegate of this place will soon open a «lues are earnestly requested to pay the same indulged in a rough and tumble encounter at Christian cause. last week ami is now pursuing the unfortunates I >>f performers could have been appropriately F or S ale .—A first-class Wheeler ft Wilson t<> K. Kubli, Treasurer, to meet current ex- wagon ami carpenter shop at Phoenix. a late hour. J. J. I.athrop has just completed a large who have neglected to pay tax on their dogs. ! trained in less than two weeks for a style ol sewing machine, No. 8, (with all the late im­ («■uses. W.M. H offman , Secretary. C. XX’. Sava,’« is weatherboarding and other­ barn on his premises in town ami is fully pre­ Considerable wheat is being stop an entertainment none of them were accus- provements) which has uever been used, will Gen. T. G. Reames, who went to Chicago as wise improving the New State House. I turned to ami the majority ol them had pared to attend to all calls for his services. Jacksonville steam-mill. Chopping P robate C ourt . The following proceedings : a representative of the Knights Templar of be sold ou easy term*. For further particular* I Hon. Wm. Kahler has our thanks for a bas­ He has ha»! considerable success as a veterinary i Oregon, started back for the Pacific Coast last never witnessed. To make the embarrass- apply at once to the T imes office. has already been commenced ami have transpired in this Court since our last re- ketful of apples. They were excellent. ment greater, the^stage management was surgeon and refers to his patrons for testimo ' Monday. will soon be. ]>ort: A Fragrant Hraalh aud Pearly Teeth miserable. The structure it sell was rudely Melon-time is at haiul ami the average In the matter of the estate of Dorothea Ot­ Mrs. John Hailey of Boise City, I. T., a nials to his skill. Are easily obtained by cleansing your teeth Judge Willis ami family of Roseburg arrived put tijiand awkwardly arrang. d, greatly in­ ten, deceased. Final statement of Fred. Otten, hoodlum is at the zenith of his delight. daily with that justly popular denlifriu*. Our quondam friend of the quill and paste­ i in town l»y Wednesday's, stage and will pay former resident of Jacksoil county, is at pres­ conveniencing the performers. All things SOZODONT. Composted <>t rare antiseptiu executor, heard and approved aud executor A curiosity in the shape of a lengthy cucum­ ent paying her parents (Capt. Griffin ami pot, Capt. O. C. Applegate of Lake county, the Applegate Gravel Co.'s mines a visit be­ considered, it is a surprise that the cantata herbs, it impart« whiteness to the teeth, a discharged. is spending a few days at Ashland with his fore returning, wife) a visit. In the matter of the estate of E. J. Farra, ber may l»e seen at the Criterion saloon. was performed as well a« it wa*. XX’e have delicious aroma io the breath, and preserve* I minor heir of David Farra, deceased. Annual intact, from youlli to old age, the teetb. family. He is one of the leading stock-raisers For ironclad and common note books, receipt Cattle buyers are in Lake county, but the Jacob XX’egner of Ashland informs us that no doubt that under more favorable aus Acidity ot the stomach will dostroy tb* ie|M»rt of H. C. Fleming, guardian, heard and t< » of the sagebrush country and takes kindly ¡»ices the “ Flower Queen ” can be produced and check books, goto the T imes office. stock men there expect §23 to $25 for four- ('apt. Tim.*. Smith's condition is somewhat by the same performer* with much better strongest teeth unless its effect* are coun­ approved. his new avocation. with NOZ<>IM»NT, and this pure There is so much fever ami ague in Pimmix year »»his, §21 to §23 tor three-year-olds, and $20 improved. As no bones are broken, his early success than it was on that occasion; anil teracted tooth-wash proiucvu the dental atirfaces by T im * to S top .—The comluct of some of the that you can almost feel the burg shaking. of Johnny Ramsdell has invested in one we hope to see it. done at an early date. for dry cows. recovery is hoped for. removing every impurity that adheres to hoodlums during the rendition of the cantata Kubli's new patent stoves and will give hie them. Ask your druggist for SOZO1X1NT. Andrew Hubbell is canvassing for the Lives Mrs. G. B. Dorris and family of Eugene Fi re a r B rownsbo K o I «ill. Henry R. Brown A Hancock »ft English Club will be formed on the evening of the 19th was such as to . friends a banquet soon. Bean soup and liver I and Careers of Hancock ft English, bv Hon. J. City, who have been paving Jacksonville a vis­ writes us that the blacksmith shop at Browns- at Kerbyville before long. Keep the ball roll ­ DIED bring the blush of shame to the respectable will lie served alamode, and the bill of fare W. Fornev, a first-class work. Everybody it, returned home Tuesday morning, well borough was destroyed by tire, together with ing. ysotion of the audience, at least. If these will comprise other rare delicacies, such as CIIAVN'hK.—At Itar.ianelles, August 22d, should have one. pleased with their trip. all its contents, on Monday, the 23d, at about XX e learn that XX’. C. Grrenmnn will proba­ ol eoiisuiuptiuu, Maugiiu», wife of Tho*. young rascals were not ashamed of their own only Johnny can prepare. The festive mosquito is leas troublesome Jas. R Reames of Phrenix gave us a call four o'clock P. M. Several men were at work Chavuer; aged 52 years, 8 mouth* aud 19 bly take charge of the Linkville hotel before • lisgruceful proceedings, others were for them. Sealed proposals will be receive»! by Major day*. to mountain parties since the cool weather set this week, from whom we learn that harvest- in and «bout the shop at the time thu fire com­ ■ It is high time that this should come to a sum­ long. in. But the latter are also less numerous from T. C. Sullivan, Commissary of Subsistence at i ing is nearing a close in that neighborhood menced; but, as it got considerable headway LOW.—Near Phoenix, August 1 lib, of pa­ ptuary close. If they cannot behave them­ X’alley wool is quoted in the S. F. market ralysis, L. B. Low; aged about 60 year*. Vancouver Barracks, W. T., or by the Post the same cause. selves at public entertainments, it is best that and that crops arc rather short. before being discovered, and three breech-load­ at 30c. for common lots, and 31(e 32e. for Commander at Fort Klamath, until September they make themselves conspicuous by their I J. M. Smith of Kerbyville has rente! ing guns and several boxes of cartridges men- BORN. A peddler sold a large number of cheap )6th, at noon, for the delivery at the latter absence, or the Recorder will attend to their choice. acing them in the room where it originate I, ¡ Judge Duncan's house on Oregon street and ■ pictures in town last week, notwithstanding post of 12,oumls of Kennedy, Geo. Marine ami Chas. Carey lost a COLLINS.—At French Gulch, August 23d, Rx'LtGtOUS.—There will Is: regular services is on his wav north. wool in the valley awaiting a rise in tTie mar­ advantages of our school facilities. i goods. at the Catholic Church next Sunday, Rev. lot of clothing, money and other valuables, to the wife of O. Collin*, a son. Chas. S. Moore of Linkville will comluct Scared by two wild hogs they mistook for ket ami which attracts the attention of buy­ A good audience greeted Rsv. Father Blan ­ Father Blanchet officiating.... Rev. D. A. while two sets of buggy wheels and other McKEE.—On Poorman’s creek, August 23d, grizzlies, a party of hay makers near Lakeview ers from abroad and at home. A considerable ' examinations of applicants for teacher's certifi­ wagon materials were also burned. The tire to the wife of A. D. McKcs, a son. Crowell will preach at Grant's Pass on Sun­ chet at St. Francis’ Church, Eagle Point, last cates for J. H. Clayton, Superintendent of gave up possession of their camp, and the quantity was purchased by E. G. Clark, rep ­ Sunday. spread so rapidly that few’ blacksmithing tools day.... R*v. M. A. Williams will hold ser­ Lake county, in the western end Siiereof. hogs ate their provisions. resenting Christy ft Wise of San Fiaucisco. were saved, though by dint of great exertion vices at Yreka, Cal., Sunday next........ There A special meeting of Adarel Chapter No. o Hon. XX’. XX’. Fidler of Williams creek is in some of the parties saved a portion of their Some of our farmers have raked the grain will I>u a co-operation meeting at the camp­ Order of the Eastern Star, will be held this J. S. Ho.vard, surveyor of the proposed blown over hy the storm sometime since and Crescent City and Oregon road, says in his ' town at present ana will remain a few weeks, property. The total loss is estimated at $1,200. grounds near Bybee’s ferry, commencing on evening. —OF— thus semreil much more of their crop than they report that Jackson, Josephine and Lake cqun- He has been ailing with fever and ague ami The fire originated from a fire-place in an ad­ Septemlwr 3d, at 3 o’clock P. M., and continu­ Jake Marcuse’s quarters will be enlarged of climate will be bene- joining room use.I for storing tools, etc., ami hopes that a change could otherwise have done. ties import 3,150 tons of merchandise, of ing over thu following Sunday. Ehler .XI. Pe­ soon to make room for additions to his stock also used by those employed about the terson aud others will officiate. Everybody is of goods. A communication in relation tn Judge Dea»l v’s which 2,500 tons will seek the new route and ficial. premises as a place for hanging their clothing. Link ville passed through W. D. C'orpe of invited to attend and remain during the meet­ will pay §6 per ton tolls or §15,(WO per year. It was an unfortunate affair for all concerned, The fires in the mountains have luen checked decision as referee in the Chadwick cases town this week, en route for Roseburg, for a as they can illy bear the loss sustained. ing. was received too late for this week ’ s T imes . The Wagon Road Committee for this county, —AT— in some places, as the smoke is not as dense loa»l of freight. He is of the opinion that It will appear in our next issue. Hanley and Autenrieth, are Messrs. Nunau, O n the S tage .- John Malone, son of the as it was. R ock P oint I tems .—A correspondent, nn i many of the merchants m the western end of T)r. Coon has been expelled from the Cham­ ready to receive any and all subscriptions to late Pat. Malone, and a former resident of this E. H. Autenrieth, Esq., has so far recovered der date of Mie 234, semis the following: I»ake county will ship that way hereafter- Our citizens should overcome the road fund, place, appeared in Shak» s|>earean characters at from his recent indisposition as to l»e able to pions of Honor for co.nluct unbecoming a mem­ A few »lays ago Miss Anna Savage shot and John Cimborsky, Fred. Otten ami Seybond modesty they may ¡«»sses* on ber of that Order, ami his commission as or­ any excessive ; kille»l a large catamount, winch the dogs had the Baldwin theatre in San Francisco recently. l*e alx»nt. this occasion and subscribe liberally toward Kiester left on the southern-bound stage Sun- treed. It was her first shot with a rifle. ganizing officer has been revoked. Mr. Malone is practicing law at San Jose, Cal., There were three religious meetings on *dav. The former goes to Boston to attend the The proprietors of Rock Point bridge are rpiIE UNDERSir;NED TXKES PLEAS- A sociable was held at the residence of thu enterprise. but has achieved considerable success upon the Butts creek, in close proximity to each other, Great Cotincil of the Improve«! Order of Red having it roofed over aud otherwise perfectlv I uro in amioiincing to the public that ho Our cotem. is engaged in getting up a Judge Prim last Friday evening, which was a stage. Supported by Ben Teal (son of Col. last Sunday. Mi’n, while the others are en route for Ger­ finished. The work is supervised by Messrs, has just receiveil a complete anil flrst-clax* issortmeiit of Gent's Funit*hing Goods, matrimonial boom; ami, as the weather is fa ­ very pleasant affair. The attendance was •Jos. Teal), also an Oregonian, he appeared in i Campbell and Robinson. many. *uch as Hat*. Shirt*, Underwear, etc.; I>e*t John Miller is receiving the first install­ large ami all enjoyed themselves. vorable just now, he may succeed. 'Tis a more the Shakesjiearean booth during the Author«' J. W. Hays has just completed two neat brands of Cigar* and Tobacco; Pipe«, No­ B. F. White, general agent of the Equitable ment of the large stock of goods he laid in Carnival at the Ray City last Octolser, and l»e- Mrs. Amon Shook of Alkali valley, Lake agreeable business than whooping lipa Gar­ Life Assurance Society of the United States resiilimces ill Rock Point. One is occupied by tions, Fancy Goo«la, Glassware, Crockery, i while below. N. Eiblings; the other is intended for Tobe Musical Instruments, Bird <’ages, Station­ tween them carried off the laurels in that dis county, has just complete»! a fine, large quilt field boom, with the people taking so much for Oregon and Washington Territory, is pay­ Martin an 1 family. ery, Pocket ami Table Cutlery, Album«, Hon. S. J. Day has been appointed assignee containing 1773 pieces, which is unsurpassed stock in those Republican charges against the ing this section a business visit, Mr. 5 play of wit, beauty and talent, an affair in Mr. Vance, of the firm of Rirdsey ft Vance Toys, Candies, Nuts, etc., which will lie «old represents a substantial company and oleaginous Janies. » which the most refined ami intelligent society of the estate of Wm. Patterson. See his no. in this section for size and beauty. of Wilderville, has been spending a few davs at the cheitpeHt rates. Give me a d Jacksonville will have a building she and Miss Addie Langell. We spent two very on Tuesday last, after ¡service* by Rev. coin on accounts due the T imes office; “ami riuus. and fancy job work in superior style and at pleasant evenings with the party. Mr. Britt may well feel proud of aixl which would be a don't you forget it.” A number of the members of Ruth Re­ San Francisco rates. Call and sde our speci’ is a trne artist, and we enjoyed the inter- Father Blanchet. A large concourse of sor­ credit to much larger places. ; change of ideas in regard to photography rowing iriend* and relatives followed al) Everybody should turn out and hear Col. l»ekah Degree Ixslge, I. 0. O. F., will next mens anee, for he knows how to handle the polit­ Tuesday visit Ashland for the purpose of as­ Thursday. — {Del Norte. Record. A shland C ollege .—Rev. L. L. Rogers by ail who knew her. Reqiiiascat in pace. sisting in the organization of a similar lod >e serious accident that l>efell Capt. Thomas ical topics of the day. passed through town Wednesday, on his way there. A t W okk .—J. Nunan, of the wagon-road Smith of Ashland last Saturday, and which I Win. Kreuzer, an experienced baker, is now R eal E state T ransactions .—The following home to Ashland from the M. E. Conference. committee, went over to Applegate Wednes­ The programme for the Pioneer reunion may render his attendance at Salem as a legis­ serving fresh bread, pastry, etc., at his stand deeds have been recorded in the County Clerk's He was accompanied by Rev. Luirtt Royal, day to solicit subscriptions to the C. C. : will l»e published in the next issue of the lator impossible. It seem* that while return­ in Holt's new building. office since the last issue of the T imes : who has been assigned the Ashland charge, XV. R. A thorough canvass of the county : T imes . Great preparations have been made ing from a trip after a load of wood he stopped Sarah J. Gregory to Manuel Pool, property The weather turned cool suddenly the fore­ ami will also assume a prominent position in will he made, and it is to bo hoped every- ' at the stream near Judge Tolman s place to part of the week and tires and heavy clothing an»l it will no doubt be an affair worthy of the the faculty of Ashland College. Miss hila bodv will respond with liberality and alac- I in Manzanita precinct. Consideration, $850. BT JOHN OETH. JACKSONVILLE occasion. water his horses, which were young and high- are comfortable again. Scott, who will l»c inst-rnctree* of vocal and rity. Upon the success of this enterprise i will depend the future prosperity of Jackson i ^fTGIVEHIM ACALTrS* spirited animals, and t- reasonable rates. The main cause of nervousness is Indi­ leratus, Blueing, Bean*, Starch. Hickory culng snd curative prupertl’Mltisu f' > c injnion The High Water or ia«O by jumping off just in time. 1 he wagon Dr. D. A. Covert of Phoenix requests all gestion, and that is caused by weakness of poronv pls»t<-r, and is fir sni»or!f>r la tluimeots The speed programme for the Mount Shasta Did not reach a point equal to that of 1876, Ax«1 and Pick Ifelves, Cigarsand Tobacco. wa* considerably damaged by the collwmu those indebted to him to make immediate pay­ and thu so-called el.-ctrjcal appliance«. It is ♦ District Fair, which will beheld at Yreka, has but it was high enough to do a deal of dam­ the stomach. No one can have sound | Cail ami be convinced. a:>ecii’.'’yr oiiHncndedforthe sbov« silmeats, nerves and uood health without using Hop with the telegraph pole, which was also shatter- ment. Read his notice elsewhere. also I r K Mn i| i:wd Kiduey CnMplailMaT been issued. The Fair commences on October age. Time, however, will repair this; but Billers to strengthen the stomach, purify AUF.MTSAXn mVAMNERK Pienr.sy, Meintim «nd nit l«*e*| ArbMaaft e»l to pisce*. Capt. Smith now lies at his res- Col. Nesmith's letter on Garfield's antago­ 13th and continues four days. The premiums tune enly makes worse every case of di-eai*e the blood, ami keep the liver and kidneys Make from §25 to ?r»o |wjr week selline ¡rond* Pains. _ V neu euucru»< y »u « ..I da u- '.¡totste» His tdence in a rattier precarious condition, ev n a little p -fas to prx-nre this erriete. D* of the kidney* and urinary organ* winch a active, to carry off all the poisonous and for E. G. RIDEoUT t n' ow uny oth'-r pie.t-r to be substituted for many friends hope to learn of his early re­ aingls box of Oregon Kidney Lea would waste matter ot the system. See other col­ Street, New York, Send for their «»talogue it. 8.» <1 by ail lirufcgists. 8rsaurr A Jooxsoa. ¡ T imes , is being copied extensively. be hotly contested for. covery. cure, bold by ail druggists. umn.— Advance. «nd ¡arms. 21 Platt Street, New York. Propristoca. i * w LATEST ARRIVALS X E W O OODS ! ! I A a « C1ÆJS1I PRICE ! WOOL RHEUMATISMS I I .■« t