■"r» « Lil ■»rx'jx aM'ri.xUL- »r is.!-•««■ .. ........................... ! "IWIl.l IW U1 vj r P. B. Lewis, formerly of this county ami Leander Neil was thrown under a hay rake AIMING NEW3. lately of Josephine, has gone to California. on his father's farm near Ashland a few d»ys Hazy. He will be affectionately remember««! by his since and narrow ly escaped serious injury. M trshal Crosby is on deck again. ..JULY 30. 1880. FRIDAY The miners of Josephine are generally Lewis is a first-class Pioneer reunion next. cleaning up. Juhn Hockenjos ha« just completed P. numerous creditors. XX m. Uarll was ill town this week. fraud and the people of California hail better Brown Bros., on AI i I i - hho , are cleaning Harvesting is in full blast. «'. W. K. MKEIIKU. Simon’s new barn near Eagle Point, which ia R. S. Sherrill of Albany is m town. up it present, with good prospects. “look a leedle oud" fur him. one of the largest and best in this section: Days are becoming shorter. There will be a public meeting at the Court If'JV«A Mt'ruder have suspended pip Capt. XX : and J. C. McCully are travers­ The Del Norte “Record’’ is arousing the pen- Let there be united aud decisive action tn ing for tills season, l'liey made a Mil Overland travel is increasing. ing the Siakiyoua. H uum iu Jacksonville on pie of that county to the importance of the clean up. behalf of the C. U. XX'. R. at once. No time Read the new advertisements. J- XX . Manning has gone to Lake county C. C. W. R., ami we hope to see it successful. '¡'Leo. Cameron Inst week brought in h S aturday , J uly 31, 1880, ought to lie lost to put this enterprise through. «•■•nsiderable am Hint of g >ld-dii«i oboiitied Fancy printing is our specialty. It is strange that the people should need any on a business trip. from miner« of Uniontown an i vieinitv. at one o’clock p. m ., when the report of the “Ryestraw" won the two-mile race at East “punching' in the matter -the benefits that R. M. McMenainv is officiating iu the capac­ Local correspondence is solicited.- MeC'uy A’ (_'•>., <>n Bolen creek, Josephine surveyors of the propoiled C. C. XV. R. will be Portland the other «lay, defeating "Frank will accrue to everyone arc so apparent ity of Deputy Sheriff. «•«»•inly, are taking out considerable gold Linkville ’ s population is about 250. Hastings,” “Caddie R." ami others, in 3:414 belli and the proceedings of the committee at - dn-t. This Is a Portland enterprise and The roll of the Hancock A English Club of I Bilks are becoming plentiful of late. Geo. Brawley of Pluenix lelt for XX’aldo this promises well. XValdo this week submitted. J. K. Johnson The party that went to the cinnabar country this place is steadily increasing nml now cm week with a load of bacon. F kiiii nil accounts the mine« have gen­ of Crescent City will also be present to give Measles are again visiting Central Point. week before last have returned, well pleased braces nearly 2iN> names. Everybody should erally paid lairiv during ilio past heusiui, Our old friend John Daley of Eagle Point is his views. Everybody is invited to lx- present. with their trip. Fish and game were abundant. enroll themselves in this noble cause ami place Blackberries have made their appearance. the gold-dust t kun out being .«omwwliat «[trite ill, we regret to say. more than the ani-mnt taken out during C ommittee . Dr. Callender has received a couple of fine themselves on record against the many public Attend the (.'. C. XX . R. meeting to-morrow. many previous seasons. XX . (,. Kenney is dispensing liquids at tli” wrongs that iiiid exponents in Garfield & Ar­ Tiie Lake county trade with Ashland is pups from Fort Klamath, a piesciit from John IJ. Eizan has sold hi« interest in the C ounty C ourt .—The August term of the Metropolitan iii Roseburg. Lieut. Backus. They are of the setter breed. thur. Rockiellow quartz led_’<• to Ge«». S'.’humpf, brisk. County Commissioners' and Probate Courts Ex-Chief Justice Hays of Rock Point has | This mining properly will be thoroughly “The Roseburg “Independent” says: Jas. Jas. Clark of Silver creek was found dead in Green corn has made its appearance in this will be held next week. pro peeled bv the new proprietors, who just biitlt a dwelling-house. XV, Hamilton, the new prosecuting attornex his mining claim one morning recently. His I will pu- in a now pntnp immediately. market. for this district, 1ms fitted up a neat law of- Sherifl Bybet-'s health has improved since he T hk S tf . um M ill .—McKenzie A Foudray’s Toe fudep’-ndent reports that the Robe- Flour is worth $20 a thousand at the mill a’ death is supposed to have resulted from heart miadistri«*! , some distance from Roseburg, five at the court house. returned from Happy Camp. In a few weeks he disease. commodious granary is now ready for the re­ present. will again be pro-pecte 1 and that uxcelleiit will receive from San Francisco one of the ception of wheat. They expect that the mill M. M cn«or will soon leave for San Francisco qiiai'lz ha« recently been oii aiued .here by Jacksonville last week received the addition Join the Jackson County Hancock A Eng­ finest law libraries ever imported to Southern prospectors. I' is ux|»»< *ed that San Fran- to lay in a large stock of goods. w-ill commence grinding before the first of of another society an offshoot of the Masonic lish Club. else«» capital can be enlisted in th s enter­ Oregon. September. order. The town has now unless than a dozen Ben H lymotid an I la ;y of Rock Point pre­ prise. -- —— - > — . - —— New wheat has made its appearance at some societies. A company of S in Francisco tourists, con­ cinct were in town Wednesday. Hon. Henry Klippel and A. H. Maegly Lr.«i H urt .— XX’. C. Myer, the well-known of the mills. I J. T. made the Nquaw Lake Ditch Co.’« digging« sisting of ('apt. Griliin of the Pacific Steamship Newman Fisher, wha lias a contract with the horseman, bad the bone of his leg cracked one Forbes of Linkvitle lias just added a a visit Sunday. From the tormer we learn 1*. L. Fountain s school at Antioch is enjoy­ Government to supply Fort Klarnath with sev­ Company ami several ladies, passed through day this week. He was riding “Arabian Boy,” fine Moirirch billiard table to his saloon. ¡that a favorable cleanup whs made (here i la«« week and that the pip«« has »gain been eral thousand bushels of oats, is now furnish­ town by a private conveyance managed by who became <|uite fractious, and in jumping to ing a vacation. Ellis Boggs has gone to British Columbia to reset for operations in another place.. ('arloi' of Riiseburg this week. They have been The Hancock A English boom is becoming ing the Same. the grouud Mr. Myer sustained the injury fieight tor the ( xuadiaii i’ajuic Railway. At the annual meeting ot the Eineline paying Puget Sound a visit and arc on their overwrite! mitig. alxive mentioned. Blanks of every description, such aa deeds, cinnabar Company, held last week, Win. Jacob XX ’ agner, L. S. P. Marsh aud i M wav home overland. E. Dimick’s new house at Grant's Bass lias mortgages ami assessment schedules of all Pernoll, Henry Klippel and M. Cat«»n wore Baum of Ashland were in town yesterday. A lmost a S krtoi ' s C ase . A daughter o lieen Completed. «■lectod directors, und vrganized bv electing The late storm, according to the “AshLiml kinds, attorney's summonses, etc., for sale al Henry Klipjiel as President; Wm. Pernoll Thos. F. Beall of Manzanita precinct, aged n a lour of in*pe«*tioii. R. M. Garrett informs us that the people of latter part of August. A ililap’.d.iteii remnant of a posrsliow’ return­ ness aud engage in quartz mining at Willow where they still remain. It 1« t he intention Borup O ver . Ernest Birvowsky, former of the «»wners of the nmiu ■ <» make imin.-’di Smith river have a surveyor in the field looking Cattish eight inches long have been caught ing to California from an unsuccessful cam­ Springs. ate pieparati-m« for next season's work, and )y in the employ of Mrs. F. XX’etterer as brew­ for the best route between Josephine county paign through Oregon gave a series of perform­ in tiie Klamath river. E. I). Foudray was rather seriously indis­ Mr. Heath will have full charge. Mr. Crans­ er, was last Saturday arrested vu a charge of and “The Corners.” ton is one of the propriet«’is of the well- ances on the flat iu the lower portion of Jack ­ Dog tax is due and Marshal Crosby is iuter- posed during the week, but is uow able tu be known mining apparatus called the Eleva having stolen several articles from the Eagk Chas. XX’eydeman, the lad whose eye was sonville. The patronage was nut the most ex­ about again. t«ir, wlri di is used al Scott's (■i.icli, in Jose­ Brewery. He had ail examination before Jus­ v iew mg ow liens of canines. seriously injured by a rock thrown from a pea­ travagant ami the coucern therefore did not phine county, by De«ell .-s Co., and isalso tice Hurler the same ear before the next Grand Jury in the sum his prices are reasonable. fioni tiie XX illaniette valley, accompanied by tet prise. He is inspect ini’ our mint s with h the sight of that member. I’lie peopl.- of < Iregou are past being humbugged iris daughter. . view of introducing Iris Elevator, which ha« of 82tMi The iminis were furnished aud Bar- (Considerable wool has been shijqied from been found to be a valuable mven lion in by such bare-faced frauds. Merritt Bellinger, one of the energ«-tic farm- cow ky is uow at liberty. We learn that Mrs. L. Hurling will return some local H ies. Josephine county this season. — —— era of this vallev, informs us tii.it his crop will Gii«. Kntnow. a commercial trave’er from from Sall Francisco before lung. Her heal.h Parties lately from the Siskiyou« report be light, The late storms did considerable San Francisco, who was in town last week, is much improved. _ O ur P opulation . —Jacksonville, according S« tiool I’ unp Api’oiiri<»NMi-.Nr. - The inter­ d.uuagc in Lis neighborhood. to the full returns of the census enumerators, «now still very deep tn places. says that t lie wholesale merchants ar«- taking J. I'. Kellogg of XX ilder. ille was in town est arising from the Common School Fund I Newcomb i Gnil'!> have sold about ten is the tenth city in the State in point of pop - A whirlwind of considerable proportions considerable interest in llie C. C. XX’. R , ami it' L U . 3 ¿iiA* reporvi cvci*j’t4»iag very (¿uid iu was distributed on July 20th by older of the uiation, being ahead of Roseburg. Our popu­ Plummer fruit-dryers in this county. ; prevailed iu the northern portion of town Sun­ will most likely render that enterprise sub­ that neighborhood. The i .School I.aml ( <-minis.-nmers, at Salem. lation is placed at 839. Ashland is given no The hot springs in the vicinity of Linkville day, but «lid no serious damage, though it stantial aid. They feel that. Portland will in rate per capita for each child is 77 cents, against N. A. Jacobs is at present canvassing Jack­ position, as it seems that the ennmeritor did ire attracting considerable attention. scattered th tigs in its course. time monopolize the trade oi Kotldiern Oregon sonville for one of M irk Twain s latest works; that of about (>3 cents for 1.479. The increas« not take her population separately, Sotu«’ of Jav Beach's tine stock is being in tin- children between the ag-.'6 of 4 and 2.> c’ :! Ir-m and receives $564 51. horses were frightened by a piece of paper while nearly every day during the past week. Equalization w ill meet in September and cur ­ the. grasshoppers have invaded his potato-patch Brewery sriloou. He is an old hand at the standing in front of John Orth - batcher-«hop ami threaten his water-melons, though they rect anv errors lie m iv ii tve made. Mr. • «o«l- business and is proving popular. Ono o' ('apt. Griffin's marcs foaled two Rui.tGiors Ai’ioiN ¡ men is. Rev. J. R. V last Tuesday afternoon and started down Ore­ dard informs us that the amount of taxable have d me inconsiderable damage as yet. colts tiie other day, but neith r survived. Col. XX’. S. Stone, the etiicient superintend- B'11. Fix-si ling Elder of tin.« district, M. E gon street at rapid Speed, continuing in theii property will probably be as much as last year, J. M. Smith of Josephine county ba« rented nut of the 0. i '(* T.inc, wi« in town Church, .South, has made tlw follow iug u¡- Die ( 'hampions of Honor <>f Jo.-'-plritie county mad carver until they came in contact with a which, under the unfavorable eir mm-ia ices a house in Jacksonville ami will remove his ¡•ointments for August: tnis week, .tucu.opanied his u;ie. that have obtained for several mouths past, is tree in front of David Linn’s residence, when held a picnic near XVilderville on th ■ 25* h. family to this place soon to take, advantage of Second Sunday -Preaching of fun'-nl set quite a good showing. Crops in Josephine county are rather light 111 they suddenly halted, Foi tunatcly no one was Woodville was iu toi mon ot Mrs, I’lvdenlnirg at tile r> sidtnee o’ the superior school facilities afforded here. many plai.es , though in otliers they are fair. the iniaers of Evar injured, though the w agon and harness were A large audience was present at the (' atholic Jo« Doudell, IL'glle river. S'-<-ii-taries Schurz ami Thompson are now (.'hurc’i on the evening oi tlm 22 1 to witness considerably damaged. as Lav,ng about cl'-«.ted i'inr i Sunday Quarterly meetingai Browns- For irom-Ind an 1 common note books, re­ visiting ( ilitornia ami Mr. Hayes will follow. th« ceremony v. hi« 'i joined borc.iigli. ceipt ami checkbook«, go to the T imes office. Frank Kai’shaler A. 1*. Armstrong bi« gone to I’ortl uu F or W ai lx». J. Ntman and E. II. Aut« n- 1 ourth Sunday —I amoineeting at XX ilhaine- Card well has perfected arrangement s for their and Miss Lizzie Britton in Hymen’s bands, t nd tin- Nitiond I’.ii.-ipe«.« (’<•]! _-e ; The danger from rust is over; but, unfortu ­ btirj., beginning tiie i liur«il.-iv l>eio.e. rietli, wagon road committee for Jackson coun­ transportation in case they Come to Oregon. * performed by X Blanchet The place. Ainlervilk is bound to make his ty, accompanied by J. S. Howard, surveyor, nately, the likeblnx'il of good crops is over, too. Two hundred thousand pounds of wool be­ couple were a*« Miss SuJe Britton A ccident XX'kik returning home last Tues A Don’t forget tiie printer. He will always longing to t’m- Graniersof Utnpipia valley was left for XX'aldo <’ii Monday, where they will be • . - - ami (ieo. S At its conclusion tl- ilf.bi D. R. XX kite, who owns the ■ns ’¡s .nut :cs nu t hv like committees representing Josepbim take w oud, tl.mr, cotiipy scrip aud money at tin- other day sold at Roseburg for 34je . 1ml invited gue ic residence of flour have beeil Phi ■ a few miles southeast of tuuu, en . hippe«! from Ins mill of la and Del Norte comities. Ti.c full report o‘ par. ‘dinglieing very spirited. It was a choice lot. the Li :di- s several hour« w as from the horse liu vas riding, Wm. Patterson of the Big Butte Mills w the survey recently made and the estimate oi Some of P. Britt’s rare and beautiful flower« “Maud S. ’ma«le a mile at Chicago in 2:131, pleas ’n' Iy o.o<^, re . XX’e acknowl is head, t he force of the blow in town the other «'ay, from whom vve k-• tiie cost of the construction of the. road w ill are Dow in biuum and attracting much atten- and (’apt- Stone, her manager, says that she coiiipli:n<’iits ami wish tha* the i insensible and he was carried there lie consideted ami some definite steps tion. y are sawing moie lnmLvr then ever could have done still belter had she not been a l.mg lite of happiness Dr Jackson ’ s office, where the projier proem. i probably taken in the matter. In t've next Simpson •! XX’ise have their fine new thresher slowed up to save her competitor s distance. latites were administered by Dr. Aiken, XX e learn th.it Jahn TV ’X’olters will leave for issue of the T imes w ill be given a full account in running order and are comiuoncmg opera­ uon recover«:«! sufficient! ’ - to return home A pleasant party was given at the Masonic of the proc« edin.s and also a synopsis of th«- Pit«>B UTE < 'ocit! j he following nr-lings Ashland soon and s*art a bakery there. He it tions. hall Tuesday evening in honor of Miss II ick- report of the surveyor» and the estimate«! cost a . o I XX I nstallation . Ata régulai have traiis[iircd in this Court since ot:r last re­ a good ’ '.er and will uo doubt give the best A Imavv fire is reported to be raving :n the ersmith, who is about to return to h"r home S.'' .^iUl'tiO.l. of the road. port: meeting of Banner Lodge No. * 23. A. O. U. W., ('aiiyon, 4 hich burnt same of the telegraph at I’luenix, Jackson county. [Roseburg Star. J. G. Birdsev, who blows the anvil ami held last Fri lay evetiin r, T. (J. Reames, G. In the matter of the estate of S G T’> -. -ges«, F or B iutish C oi . umhia J.E. Begg«. the . poles. i Wool is still bring shipped in considerable deceased. C. 11. Burton, a«lm .uotrator ol strikes the lieilows at < eutral Point, was in P. M. W., assisted by Henry ìxlippel, (iraml well-known freighter ,/has lie« n appointe I A H M.'ogly. at Ktibli’s establishment, is quantities to San Francisco, where it command.- said estate, !il---s his it", •i arv, shewing real town this wce.k aud le^orts everybody busy iu Guide, installed the following otficers: H K •uperintandent of transportation of supplies maim Picturing superior fruit cans for ¿1 a a good price, ranging as high ax 32c. Tw enty property to the a” > tut < SI,040. Approved, : ,iat eecti«>n. H.uma, P. M. W. : W. J. Plymale. M. XX ’ .; E In the m it* , ol the es ite of S. Humphry, for the ('»nadiAn-Pacilic railway from X ale, dozen. Lieut. Parke ji.a«s«>d through tow n this week, H Antenrieth, G. F.; I). H. Feathers, () ; five cents a pound are being paid by local buy­ decea- ¡. Sale-lull of [lersonal property re- S. British Columbia, ami left this week to assume turned byXVm. HofEnaii, administrato. ', w hich en route from Fort Klamath for X'aneouver, to Wise, S.; Chas. Nickell, F ; K. Rubli, IL W. J. Pb, male will soon receive bis new rigs ers. was approved ('dation to unknown loirs join hiscoiumand, which has been transferred to his duties. This railroad euterpri.se is a new from Portland and Adolphus Henry will be As will be seen by notice in another column, ordered issued and published in the I>EMO the latter post. one an«l promises to be a formidable rival of nappy. the best of tobaccos ami cigars can be obtained <’R vric Tiu ss. R ei .niious Rev. \\ , H. Klyce will preach l-’reJ. f’rom-m:ller and Chas. Prim left for at several American road* compieteli and in In the matter of the estate of T. G. I ><• V. .«, The fever and ague crop is lighter than it at the toll-house near the ( entennial bridge on the M. E. Church in this place next. Sunday course of construction, does not pro­ Lake county Monday. The latter w ill return was last year, but still too heavy to suit the Rogue river: also an extra quality of liquor by •lec<-a.se«l. Sale bill of per-> mn) ¡-riqe-rtv and in a few weeks, but the former will remain morning. .. . Rev. M. A. Williams will hold first semi annual statcniuiit of John Bolt, ad- pose to discontinue freighting on the Rose­ services at Brownsborongl: on Sunday at 11 the quart. atllii'ted. there for the present. ministritor, tiled ami approved. burg route, hilt will keep a team or two con­ o ’clock A M . Elder M . Peterson preaches at In the matter of the estate of F. Rueb, We have just, received a fine assortment of Th«’ Kerbyville Mills are again idle. Their General Thos. G. R ’lines leaves for Ulrica- stantly employed <>n it. His contract north ce.'i-«e«l. .loan Bolt, administrator, receive: the Mutuili ihstrict school-house next Suuday printing material from New York, ami are go this week to attend the meeting of the expires on January 1st, after which time he manacement by P. B. Lewis did not result final «lischarge as such. morning. Knights Tcmnlars, to Like place there next better prepared tiian ever to execut plain ami I favorably. In the matter of the estate of 1 • >r--t'tea Otten, month. B in voyage. will return to Jacksonville. fancy job printin ’ ’ of all kinds. Rates very deee iscd Fred. ( ) ten. executor, files Ins final A Sunday school has been establishe I at M ore popular tfian «’ver. 431.1'57 genuine statement aud A:i;ust 5lh appointed as time Arelibisluqi Seghcrs is expected in Jackson­ F rom C alifornia .- Jas. Sutherland, the Linkvilh-, with Rev. John Hunsaker as super­ reasonable. “ •Singer ” sewing tnaelritiris xoid in I87!f, l>e- for hearing the same. ville next week, en route for Portland from iug at the rate ot L4«M) tnachinex each work­ well-known Siskiyou county horseman, paid intendent. Thatcher A Word«T of 1 inkvillc have one of \v. In tin- matter of the estate of David Eistern Oregon. He will hold services at the Jacksonville a visit this week He did not tlm finest stocks of good« ever brought t.. South­ Huston. dece:is--d. R. \V. Huston, adminis­ ('atholic Ciiurch while here. ing d iv. and an inciea-e of 74,73.» over last J. P. Roberts of Bonanza, Lake county, ba«l veal'.« sale«. Buy the be-t. Wax h u «« bring “Peninger’a Mike” hack with him, ami ern Oregon ami an elegant st_>re to put them trator. til'-s bi« iiii.tl statement ami August 3 1 Geo. I-.. Strong is doing editorial service on inonei on “cheap counterfeits.” D. H. we learn that that horse will probably re i bi.« leg broken on t’nc 21st while driving a in. Charley Moore is chief book keeper of appointed as rime for bearing same. • balky tiaril. Ill tin: matter of tiie «-«tale, of A F. Ramllc, the “[¿ike County Examiner.” George is otic Feathers, agent. main in Scott valley indefinitely, as lie met this establi-hment. deev isi-d. Harriet R indie,executrix, .uithurizeJ of th e most versatile writers in the State and If you want the best goods cheaper than von With considerable favor there. Sutherland N otice . Haffeuden Bros., Roseburg, havi his articles aro always strong and readable. Business men can keep their money at home to sell persona! property. ' can bnv* them any where else, go to tho Now returned home Thnrsr. Tanner, who is attempting a fool's ex­ ter, will make a trip to the Coast iu a few the “.«mill «0 the back” is a dantcerou beautiful spot. in Justice Huffer’s Court Weduesdav ami dis- E. Lind, W. W.; J. Baine, I). G. C.; John days, exjiecting to be gone several weeks. lie symptom, It ni'*an» approaching Kidney Lake county, whose beautiful scenery is periment of tasting 40 days, is liable not to Daley, K. of G. )ni»aed, the evidence nut lieing sufficient to „ . _ Disease, ______ it will take photographs of the m «st prouiiuent iroubhi — poisitily Bright's prove successful, after all; mid ii may take lib­ should not lip neglected—not a day , not an hold him, but was immediately re-arreste«! far-famed, 1« tiie «ibjective point of many tour- eral potions of Matt. Dillon s tire liquors to Detiance Council No. 15 was organized on objects of scenery’ as he progresses. hour. 1*onunatelv|athese symptoms are and placed under bonds in the sum of $l.»0 ’ i«ts at present. July 20th near Alt.liouse, anti oil tile 24th resits-itate him after tiie job is done. * C. Schieffelin of Rock Point precinct was in crisily cured. HUNDS REMEDY*,:hc Go at The largest majority ever thrown by South­ to guarantee his appearance next Novcnilxr xs Sentinel Council No. 17 was organized at Grant s town this week. He informs us that he will Ki'ineviin i Liver Medicine, is an absolute The “Lake County Examiner’’ says: “Arch­ a witness in the case of the State vs. John ern Oregon will lie the one Hancock A English bishop Seghers is desirous of establishing a Pass by Dr. Coon, J. 0. X'annoy, A. Morris take his departure for Los Angeles, Cal., iu mid unfailing specific tor them, and for any diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Ualhoun, now languishing in jail for an as­ will get next November. about, three weeks. A son and daughter (Clias Liver, and Urinary Ornans. A single b ,i- mission in Lakeview. A mission implies the ami J. B. Borough. sault with a dam.'crous weapon unon him Dr. Coon will lectnre at Galesville Saturday, and Miss Charlotte) have already preceded tle of 11 UN l \S R^MEDY lias many times Pat. McMahon is constructing two dwelling- building of a church and the construction of (William.«). He was afterward« released th Mr. and humbugged »Lain; and I am glad 1 did. for are all in. i Woolen donation land claim. Consideration, Mrs. Dorns were former n-sid'.lit.« of this place. in les« than t -vo in »nibs' u«e of the Bitters to asaht in the organization of Adarel chapter case of Johnson vs. McKee, the plaiutitl re­ A splendid lot of goods were received last $800. Robt. A. Miller left for Linkville ou Friday my wife wajcured and she ha« remained No. 2, which took place in the Masonic Hall covered a judgment for $23. Henrv Devis to Caroline Devis. quit-claim last, where he will join the party about 1 -a\iug so for eighteen months since. I like such week by Haffenden Bros, (grocers aud Italian G. Karewski, agent for the celebrate«! J. I hnmhiigqing. —fl. T., St. Paul.— Pioneer iu the atteruuon and evening. Among them warehouseman). Roseburg, which in quality, deed to 160 acres oil Little Butte creek. Con­ that section with a band of horses b« longing to Prrxx. were J. M. McCall. XX'. H. Atkinson, M Baum, Case lie id« rs ami thresher«, is ready to furnish sideration. $6!J0. • quantity and variety, are not excelled in the Col. J. N. T. Miller. It is not Bob's inten­ Ii. F. Phillip*. H U. Hill, A. P. Hammond, any k md of farming implements. State. Prices down to bedrock. Call ami be MARRIED. tion to return to this place, for sometin«.-at C hoice B ooks . — C. E. Grable is at present and their ladies» Misses E. F. D.iggutt, Net­ Inlow it Hill have lately opened out a fine convinced. * leHst. He will probably hxrate somewhere m engaged in canvassing Southern Oregon for sev­ tie XX’agner, Mary Neil. I-ena ami Laura An« assortment of drugs, medicines, perfumeries, the XS’illamette valley. Good fortune to him. HORNING—SPOONER—At the residence The C. C. XV. R. enterprise is once more of the bride’s mother, Stimmer Lake. eral first-class works, gome of which everybody der»«n, Augusta Sis««m, Lucy Fox, Frosine etc., in their new store at Ashland. claiming the attention of the public, and we Lake county, Or., bv Rev. Joseph Emery. J. M. Smith of Kirbyville has been paving should have. A partial list of those- he is now Erb, and Leander Neil »•«<< K » Roman. Franklin L. Horning to Mi-s Eudora G. \V. Mace, who has 300 head of Angora hope that it will now obtain a permanent hold, Jackson county a visit during the past week L. Spooner. Tha institution ceremonies were conducted by goats will sell them at public auction on as a feasible and cheap route has been found taking subscriptions for will be found in his This is his fiist visit here. Mr. Smith predicts XV. H. Atkinson, D. «. P . assisted by others August 14th in lots to suit purchasers. and our own best interests demand its speedy advertisement elsewhere, and he will announce BORN. others soon. These books are standard, bound that Hancock A English will receive a hand­ The following officers were e elected and in- Hon. L. F. Grover, U. 8. Senator, has our completion. some majority in Josephine county. Few stalled: Matron, Mrs. B. A. Miller ; PaWon, thanks for a report of the Board of Engineers Lake county is in a good condition, financial­ in the best style, and will be disposed of voters are inclined to take any stock in the HIGINBOTHAM—\t On'ral Point, July 20th, fothe wife ol Wm. Iliginbotham, a . Hattie on the location of the hsrlxir of retuge. I ly, as shown by the annual exhibit made by at reasonable rates. Weaver-Chambers sideshow-, and the Green­ David Linn; Associate Matron, Mrs. daughter. I. Kearnes; backers will most likelv return to their first Jackson; Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie E Chas. Stidham of Flounce Rock informs us R B. Hatton, Esq., County Clerk. County I’lltSilll 'i r H1YEM. KH'H ARDSON — In \f inrantta nrrcHcf, love. Muller; Conductress, Miss that the road to Lake county, up Rogue river, warrants are at par ami there are nearly $800 Secretary, 1- Max — ---------- , June 26th. to tlm witoof Jess© Richard­ The validity of Hayes’ title (nay always Wm. M. Tn rncr's surveying party, consist­ in the Treasury. This reflects much credit on bo questioned; and his administration crit- son. a daughter. Annie Miller; Associate Comluctress. Miss is open for travel and iu good condition. the authorities. eised, but t he payment of one dollar rives ing of C. J. Howard, S. M. Hnhhard, Pony ST-’NF—In Ashland, July I9.h, to the wife Alice Berry; Adah, MissS. Berry; Ruth. Mrs. Adam Schmidt’s daughter, who sprained her a valid title to one bo'tle of Dr. Pierce's ot f’liirk Stone, i sou. I Rachel F.sher; Esther Mrs Juba E Beekman; ankle so severely, is improving. A surgical Jos. Stephens, a prominent stockraiser of Golden Medical Discovery, and its adinin- Hampton and Chas. Schultz, started for the Electra, Mrs. Mary Miller; Chaplain, L (. eastern portion of Lake c.-nntv yesterd iy. Douglas county, lost a daughter (aged eleven i si r it ion can never be crilcise«! in casus ot DIED. Boekmau; Organist, Thos. G. Reames; XX ar operation will probably not be necessary. where th v will survey n large tract of gov­ years) by typhoid fever in Alkali valley last coughs, cold«, incipient consumption, and der, Will. Jackson; Sentinel, IL b. Dunlap. Jas. Wright has put up a large fee! stable ernment land Jae-ib Mills furnishes thetrsns- general debility, for leading physician • of HUTCHINSON—At Ashland, JulvIDth, nt Adarel Chapter commences with a member near the rinlroa*! depot for the a'-oommodution week. He was on Iris way to the Stein all schools endorse the I)i«coverv and pre­ portati- n. Mr Turner will follow in a few bine fev«-r, abor a bri«f illn«««. Rmhnrd mountain country with Iris family wheu six' scribe it in ttjoir pra-tice. Sold by drug- «lav* ami he expects that the con*ract will not alnpof twenty one ami under favorable aim A. Hit' ‘h«n««in. firnmrlv of Evirili V al­ of Ja ksuu county Uaiiwtcie al Roseburg. sickened and died riuL It wdl BWt T, \ | »1 ¡’S' DRESS «looltS sud FAN­ CY <>< *ob-of every descripiion in Southern Oregon, and we will henceforth make thia line of goods our specialty and sell them st Ckcaper than the Cheapest. To the gentlemen wo will sav, it you w ant a No. 1st IT UF 4 'LOTH l-g» you niti-t go to Reame« Br