I ! € w DEMOCRATIC TIMES J ELY 16 !*»'(•. FltlUA Y, 1<’E C ream . The ladiesof the Presbyterian Church will serve ice-cream at Mrs. McCully s school-house to day. - * « — —— Criurir ('»t’Kt. An adjournel terinofCir- cuit Court "ilLX*'>nin»enoe next Monday, the 19th, Judge . Ilanna presiding. The business T BRIET REFERENCE Warm agiiu. Moonlight nights. Pioueer reunion next. Ashland is still improving Harvest about commencing. More new goods at Mensor's. Raspberries are in the market. Wdd erville's saloon is no more. unfinished at the June term will then be trans­ Local correspond-mce is solicited. acted. 1 or bargains go to It -ames Bros.’ The di rectors of Jaek- «¡ Kb i<*>l district have engaged the ser- Vices ot J. W. u . 31 Merritt, er Lavi Willits, Chas, for the next year. l’rim and Miss Ella Mr. Willits succeed (’. Fleming in the second departliicnt. school will re-open on the first Mon lay in ptember. Pears au l apple* w ill he abundant. County scrip always taken at par. Harvest is a few weeks later than usual. Px-autiful visiting cards at the T imes office Improvements are perceptible oneveryhand The C. ( W. It. should next be considered The thvrnioiii ter went up to 100’yesterday Bam v Hi nr. The tliir I son of II. Wcy- Lake couuty has a population of about de.nan of this place ini l his left eye « -ve rely injured by a stone propelled from a pea-shoot­ 2,800. er in the hands of Georg Bear are seen in the vicinity of the Sterling Dr. Aiken is attending t ditch. fear* the sight of the ex Attention is called to the new advertise­ sad occurrence ought to ments. a tiie use of these d ingero Farmers are bus' and the town ¡3 consequent L ook Ofl » ok H im . i hie m the ly quiet. other day g He Nol.uld A M c der Geo. W. llolt 18 progressing with hi* brick .”»i I, on Thus. ( '* avner î P .nd building. upon his intornili e'll he in ii.it Tim Board of Trustees meets next Tuesday nploy. It ; gentleman ard trans, rd evening. that such V a Dot Phelan is Hancock A English Clubs should be formed posed to K ay evert where. ley, and it V\ lii • I i to 1 out : r him. r; new county administration is moving 1 : 1 Iü . ' Jl.biV. 11 w f 1 .1 UlUll in I M. A. 11 t Snuda W. H. !•; o nr >:imi '< >.'« 1. ptwaem s a u -Ual moi n ¡.le.;, h at lb . os’ saw-mill on B gue river is running une. The authorities ot Josephine h ive drawn a The Roseburg papers failed to make their PERSONYL NDTE5 warrant for the balance due on that county ’ s appearance last week. The Fourth of Julv ?J. Banin and wife of Ashland are in town. share of th» expense in tn iking the survey of proved too much tor them. the C. C. W. R., which amounted to about (.'apt. Wei k has returned from Lake county. We learn that the grasshoppers are invading S3U0. Quite correct. Mi.*. 1'. Farmer has return»- i from a visit t< Geo. A. Jackson's garden on Rogue river an. whelming before November. Coates has g ne to Lake county unsur- best colleges in the State. i VeVIllg buainesa. In the County Court last month, Jai. Me- There is a movement on foot among the D un­ Dotigall, Oliver Nadau and Andreas Weidner Mi;« Eva I horndyke oi (ialiee creek is i ayii ocratie ladies of Jackson county to present tile Jackson' iile a visit. were admitted to citizenship. Hancock A English Club of this place with a Indian troubles are Again feared in Eastern L. F. \\ illits and wife arc paying .■ siur.nd ■ neat banner. With the assistance of the ladies Oregon and the Territories, though the threat­ and vicinity a visit. Gen. Hancock is bound to win. ened danger iiwiy be mythical. Jas. Lawrence is once more stationed at Many elevator cups are now being manu­ A tew cases of scarlet fever were reported Linn’s establishment. from Rock Point precinct recently, but the factured at Kubli s establishment by A. H. Henry M-nsor has gone to San Francisco to Maegly for the Jacksonville .Steam Mill. Mc­ disease has about disappeared. learn the tinner’s trade. Kenzie A Foildray, the proprietors, expect io The officers of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. E. Gracie i; canvassing Joel son county for have the mill in operation in six or Beven weeks. 0. O. F., will be imtalled to-morrow evening several excellent worli 8. I Tbsre was a lively row in the Indian rancli- bv A. D. Helman, D. D. G. M. Samuel Rush will soonstari i.p the Hopwood eriaon the bill Wednesday evening, which ter The roads in Supervisor Taylor’s district, initiated uu the appearance of the deputy Mar­ saw-mill on Evans creek. Ashland precinct, have been placed in excel­ Geo. S. Howard is acting Marshal during the shal. A papoose was the bone of contention lent repair by that gentleman. and litigation is threatened by these civilized absence cf L’. W CTcsly The Summer hegira has set in, but Matt. redskins. E. P. Pickens of Table I-.ock brought some Dillon will remain at his post to supply thede- tine bacon to market this wccl*. A splendid lot of goods were received this m.uid for his tine liquors and cigars. week by H.iffenden Bros, (grocers and Italian Alex Martin has returned to C'aklaud, < al., We learn that W’ilderville lodge of Good warehouseman), Roseburg, which in quality, after a brief ¡sojourn in Jacksonville. T. mplars has given up the ghost and will be quantity and variety, are not excelled in the M. Mciuor lias been ’’./pointed ag-nt of the succeeded by a council of the 0. of H. St ite. Prices down to bedrock. Call and be Hamburg-American Packet Company. The Haiicoik & En/lish Chib meetsagain on convinced. 8. Y. Abbott ami family lately of Josephine tue evening of the 24th. There are 140 names It would be in order for the Town Trustees county, have removed to Laue county. on the roll and still space for a few more. to put a chain gang ordinance into force for the Jas. Thornton, manager of the Ashland 'Hie persons who are in the habit of defacing benefit of the d. d’s that find their way to the Woolen Mills, was in town the other day. E. C. B: ooks' show windows will be called to calaboose and fad to pay their tines. Sime account, if they per Lt in tin se proceedings. \A e learn that Sam. L. Simpson is about wholesome labor on our streets would probably publishing a book of poems written by himself. David H. Miller offers bis farm, situated cure them. i three miles southeast of town, for sale at a Elder G. W. Hoxie has returned to William’s m. Spangler started his twel' c-horse team For particulars see advertisement. for Roseburg last Monday, the wagons being creek from the Willamette valley; but not Henry Rape, County Treisurer, elsewhere loaded with 10,000 pounds of wool and 8,000 ahme. »Is are closing every where for the Sinn- advertises tli it there .ire funds in tile Treasury n.er '.. a* ion. for the redemption of certain county warrants A pounds of miscellaneous freight. Spangler has one of the finest outits in the State and knows a 11 The attendance at the M E Church last how to handle it. NÎ .An Euteri) Star Chapter, for Masons an 1 Sunday, when Rev. M A Williams admitiis r h a * 8 I' mrt is transacting consid their wives and daughters, will be organized in tered the sacrament of the Lord s «upper, wax ;.y it r. Jucksonvilla next week. A chapter is in a again. fair. Tin probably passali ordinance flourishing condition at Ashland, several mem B. Guilbert of Yreka,who last year furnished I I i .»i •k < » n* ! V a ”i ;n. ter, an 1 boys having them b.-rs of which will assist in the organization of this market with soda-water, died at that place i i » ) i i i >n ■es of those playthings at the proposed oue here. hay is being balded te A amount recently. <>r: c. O ir national holiday was appropriately cele­ esent. Our old Siskiyou friend, G ■«». Durand, is one I •A r brated at Jerome l’rairie on the 5th. The ad- Oi is v.iti t.id t!i >«e or.ter at the CULillvy d lK’W C Olli IillSalUllL IS. ''.•(;(! c this pince fur (_ ratei' par A a I lllcf; .1 n dresses made by (.. 8chieilvlm, A. II. (’arson •tli .-e ch ■ ip and li m Iy. Lef Lak ( .seluc 41. i, P.lct. Al; •”i I Mr. Woolridge were "JI receive 1. Every- any time for diawing ur at w >•1 1 it'*. Mrs. J. Tupper of Willow Springs precinct thing "cut v.. ph.’. } and c.erybu< y seem- .*r E has returned from Soda Springs much improve ’> 1 ed to enjoy themselves. in Ileal.h. \v Win Fi.rsythc, who itte:npt'-d the lifeof f hi his to "ife at Lakevi w some months ago, pleaded < ’ . at .>O 4 W X O i » () ». guilty tn tin* charge and was sentenced to pay • >.!i Oil tilt* 2 Ch. I. w a fin” of -$20J. Tiie citizens of Like-, i.-w made is last 1 a re • IS A i el V ll.to, W. J. I n ot up the sum <>u the cou Ltiou that he would ediles I . e eh. li n, h H. Autcnri • with telegraph wires, fioles Ir-avH th- place, which he did. > < > » . s .I. \\ i No! Mn L ist Satur i li there was a mc<-f:ni of several b,00> r Jo! in Orth this week fast ponies at Bybee’s track and some lively ♦, r. 1 ll I« • ■ u of wool to Sm Francisco. is still races occirn 1. 8!y's nag b?at K miri ■’<«’. ¡nenie on i lie A K • T. 111 il ’ rt. ih;'-i Aleck B.•bee's p »uv oatraii B. SinmsoiiV a -m r « I : i ‘ i h iior H i*. t>ra Iru; st II i «Ml mani. r uro. le .»f B ;t‘e -ra -k valh y -ei 1 the i <• V ll A. A Wimer of creek mill <••»!!*•• H!>I I an aiit'mrit h lake and lava bed sections ar the propo i i I lie ce:n rv tene to Heir ■.» hen toe niai! is to be carne >se having it Il » n is rapidi} o will lv- com- m t c 1 B! , i 1 «•boo’ W- i IT I A M. Thd a Tiie is 3 cat r .. I 1 . I. .V, i.ie C , ill. ) V«- A I ’ -j o L'i » a I V u I a i!\ i u : visit this V :i i. »1 • froni ¡me t w r t rn i hi L Í.’ .... i J.»bn j 1 ik.l erte c< in » ar ra -. b ill ti i Vii' t i to look ir chri rica ar V lnn.l of 11 ' i rn»r ch- (•HU ami bu T1 !.i . And t t lyixKiy ets-d. W-.dnt • ••urd^. < \il. \K <1 •scintion P 5 1 K t »ich- t In bl ie T imes olii ■9 I I V i the State I* 1 ’, • i au li< nee. i >n « i io t that i I redd, nts i.f J.i'kso'iville were one eve- Lil 1 I ( ) I I ice li lililí la st week treated to a tree bear show l y 1 I i h i as, I a ¿¡■rmg wag » I > K\ i 1 .4- < ¡. K'S wdl be lite lint rather plentiful till: three ltmei.it.!.« on their ir xvj way north, 'ihe am i t i i i-.vht re. \* st non. Several vineyards were demoralized mils, ot "hi.ii there were two, proved quite t If von wm I or by the extreme cold last Winter, or tiie yield « ♦ I < H « ,i\t tame and well disciplined. Oil the same eve­ 11 Ian I Would have been quite large. ning a musical trio, consist in 2 of a Tyrolese am’ • I \\ i I? i.’ 8. i ureat is the number of cattle being driven his sou and daughter, furnished some excellent ert y in T ('. Judkins and party thirteen in all ■ i mr À .1 to the E istern mai ket that Oregon and the Ter ­ I vocal and instrumental music. The company passed through this valley last week, en route ir Lilt n ,, J » > ritories h ill soAn be without their vast herds evidently did uot find this a congenial latitude, for Lake county on asurveyimg expedition. i should the demand continue. as they moved onward the next morning. ( iii A jolly clew rompoBcd of J. P. McDaniel, • li r A prominent citizen of Linkville has conclud­ D. W. ( rosby, Johnny Cowan and others, leit Mim?;» news . ed that “ it is not best to be alone; and, un ­ i yesterday fora brief cruise in tile Siskiyotis. h A •Ji like one of our bachelors here, he wdl not buy I The city authorities propose commencing r I w Minors are going into Siiminnr quarters. ar« U, han i (.'has. J. Howard, who has been engaged in the Imildiii' of the new town hall before long. a dog to comfort his lonelin 'S3. l or hay it is •i.UIJ J. C. Trulliriger has leased hia mines Oil the survey of theC. (’. W. IL, returned hoim The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company Horse creek to 1 rank Niday. I ni. For irone! id and common note books, re- last week after an absence of over two months. 11 has paid the ¡»olicy of ?l.(IT) held by the late ipt and du- k books, go to tin- T imes otliee. Jacob and It. II. Klippel have gone to .John Miller left for San Francisco yesterday J. J. Niebels. The money was received by T. . Elli >tt creek on a prospeedng tour. Mr. ■is two y a Rllb« cription to lay ina first-class stock of goods for the Hun­ B. Kent, administrator of the estate. 111 a 8 • all ami get Pfcil Bro«., mining on (Jail’s creek, are ter's Emporium. He will be gone for a feu md in David Closner has removed his brewery from said to be doing will, as also are others. X weeks. pv< t VI Jerome Prairie to Wiiderville and is making a ! iru Operations are still progressing at the Geo. T. D.avi«, a representative of the "ell fell on Butti* good ipi.ility of beer. He has also fitted up a telling mine with a fml head of water. known wool house of F ilkner, l»*ll ('"., San cellar tor dispensing his manufactures. ri » \\r ‘J But for the mines, which have yielded Francisco, has been in town looking alter it- mir- ! k»t ill John 1?. McDaniel has been awarded the con­ fairly this sea .on. money would be only too interests. V- '•.nr i •( 'on’erenwill meet at Eugene Tr:i tract for furnishing !• art Klamath with 2,000 scarce. rhe cu« ( Jaciili Wagner of Ashland was in town yes­ t l'Jtii. Bishop Wdey will pre- til \ >1 k W bushels of coal, and started yesterday to burn Green Bros, of the Sugar Pino lodge arc terday. from whom we learn that teams aie it. He will receive I3J cents per bushel. still running their iirastra and working ° ‘constantly arriving fr< in I ike county and Yre­ Grr n I on u uni A regular convocation of Oregon t 'hapter on good rock. ka for flour. 11 1 at I •*r, Hannurn A Roff, mining on upper Grave No. 4. IL A. M , will be held next Tuesday Arthur Ltngell, one of Lak • county's heav­ t li' it Hl evening Warren Lmlg. No. 10. A. F. & A. creek, last week took out a nice piece of iest stockmen, was in town this week. He re­ gold worth Sis. r:.e f M., will meet ofl the following evening. ports everybody getting ready te cut more hay t it .A handsome nugget valued at ?r. was 1 lie number of hides that have been shipped th mi ever this season. ta l V Hi i ,t Co.’s ir >m the eastern portion of Oregon is immense, i picked up in Cliappel, E -kclson Hor. T. J. Stites, Private Secretary to Gov­ ra < ia* two first class boarding- the greater portion of the cattle that died last aces t he ot her day. rn I > r n ernor Thayer, ha« our thanks for ti c deci.-ions ii Tl l.y I’. Simon and tiie other by \A inter having been dvtiuded of their skins. Loe C. Ro len’.erger has disposed of bi« III recently m ule in tiie .«wan p land contests by mines on Grave creek and removed to Thatcher .t \\ orden of Linkville have been I the Secretary of the Interior. i: r It gan, E ; Drain. Douglas count v. awarded the contract for transporting govern­ J. L. Wilder, the affable host of the Wild t - ' tilt V, ft •il lì ’Til Egan, Sebumpf A. Co. will soon start Ilf ment freight to Fort Klamath, and have also villc Hotel, wa« in town this we> k. lie in- tri| w I th» ir nrastra again. Good pro»] ects have secured the wood contract at S7J ¡»er cord. been sti tick in drifting. j forms us that crops are generally >t ii ti i h O h • a mimb- r of families are leaving South- I ; Jay I> ’ ach will take some of his fine stock, Gin Lm ma le a cleanup the other day. piegate, some being especially so. M eipat rrn Oregou Ai.-i.««>r t enough to finable miners to resumo work, Goddard is tinishilig up the balance of the « of th Stati* is unprec'.d nted and ut, and Beino­ Messrs. J. 8. and C. J. H »ward, the survey­ his camp promises to be a lively one. ¡Till <• » I V ors of the route to Crescent City, are engaged county. le of vici The Squaw Lake Ditch Company has rc- 11 î K Mr. H _ ui made th 1 of Tm-t■•»•s held a special meeting on their report of proceedings, which will be We received a c.r 11 from Prof L. L R »gers ev nmg, but transacted no business submitted to the Wagon Hoad Committee in a sn tie I operations and are piping nwav a! of Ashland College yesterday. He will start H< a lively rate. Wm. Brodheck and John few days. (¡ale are superintending the work. fur the Willamette valley in a few weeks to at­ M ar of the constitution and Ev­ Prospectors will find a full line of mining tend the M E. Conference and lock ter other Welb .rn B-eson informs us that Wagner dis­ « A 4 i VK il. has just been issued from trict will build a tine two-story school house, blank*, printed after the latest and best business. A H aadhomi A ffoi ? Oregonian. Poe.ihf th? daiice ll the Club Koon:. The whole ivas v. thorough- ly enjoyed and proved a i petition of ill many handseme events in .iugulateli b ; tiie lied M *ij. Goan's August Flowar. I: is T'.st .¡•»I for p< "pie suffering with Dy*- pepsia at»-' liver <’• cpMint or any derange­ ment <>f the digestive org.in« such a* Sour Sp-mach, Sick Headache, Habitual (Joatiye- nts- Palpitation ui the Heart. Heartburn, Waterbias'i, gnawiog au ’burning ;»ains at the pit. of the sto-n icli, Y ellow Skin, Cpatci Totigti« and difagreeable ta«»e in <’•• n:‘>'-th. coming up of t" ¡¡I er rating, low eptrits. Ac., f" put off fioui day to day buying .•*. arti 4c that they know has cured their neighbor, 'riem! or ti l vet they have no Jaith in it until it is Bu» if you "ill go tn ¡»ur Druggist i bottle of G rffn ’ s A^r.rn P*r.ow •». ed to cure is as certain you live. S. mpii lk ttie of this medicine cm bo » btaim d for lOecnis to try it« superior virtue. , Regular s ze75 cents. Try it; two doses will reheie any case. In the Whole <>i «fcJIrlu« No preparation has ever performed sneh marvellous cures, or main'amed *o wid« a leim'a'.ion, as Avri:'('iirnnv Pi' rrontr., which is recognized a* the world's remedy for all diseases ot the throat and lung«. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all climate* has made it unlversallv known a« a safe an 1 reliable agent to em­ ploy. Against ordinary colds, which are i lie forerunner* of more serious disorder«, it acts specLly and surely, always reliev- ii’g suffering, and often saving life. Th, protection it affords, by its timely u«e in the throat an i lung di orders of children, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kepi, •ilw..,'« on hand in every home. No |»er uri cun h .T '1 to t>e without it, and thn*»» v. lio h tvv "»nee used it never will. From their k»»ov. edge oi it« composiiioii and et* te. is,IL»' oans use ihe C hi . bkv PEgroHAr* • x er».« vely . i their | tactive, atid Clergy­ men recoinrn<*iio ■' I’ is absolutely cer­ tain in Us icti.e li.il elL ct'. and will always <• re w! • iccurer u>e p-b>;ble. l-'ursaleby ail deal' rs. C. or II.—Th« loilowing vilieers of Ad vanco < ouueil No. 3 were instai ed by Di. Coon, assisted by Messrs. Tallent and Oat ■ At the r<*»idi4on, 'V. (’.; .‘I. A CrvJor B. Lv W. II. ¡’a. her, J. 1’., Geo. Duuey and Woydctnan, W ; C. C. Mins Eiia Davis. , Ianv, 1*. W. C. C.; D. D illarhide. A. Oil the 11th, \YATS'»N—In Jacksonville, July Otb, to Taylor, install' the wife of lion. E. B. Watson, a daugh­ Council, No. 5 ter. BROWNING—On Grave '•’■-■'■k. July fitl,, Berry, W. C. ; A to wife of L. N. Browning, a da ugh ter— Root, W. S.; ? a I .’-I’otin ier. Owings, W. IL; LEV!N’>oN -At R seLurg, July 4’h, to the 11 irvev, W. S ; 1. •.Vife of 1. L< ' inoli, a daughter. .Skeeters, P. W \V. PAYNE- In Eden product, July 9th, to 1’.; A. «-¡ni h, i< the wife of Win. l’ay lie. a son. These ( 'otiilell - T:, T i kson ville,J illy J 4th,to tlm !lp - N. A. J.iobs poini d anti c lull \v.¿i. í . iurrey,'U- til l t bn b ick, ac fiiih i i' i i hrs i a V GER< A. M.. P res - ■r of Natural Selene«, il l’iulo-opliV. i;< ' Y AL, A. MProfessor •ok Languages ami Lit- PlIECKI’IKESS,— Principal of Pre- I » • IV I)»*I I i .L .'. .’4. >1 ‘ > î î.—Teacher of Piano, • 1 !'•: ni imi Yoon! Cu! uro. M Iss Assistant HoRN L >N ' C juriô.3 of Study ix year*, including (■laduauiS iece.se and A. M. n ing three year*. Degr»*« ti < t. ...I and Musical, oc- • ti « i-acli. D ploma« gi veu laminen.s oi ¿íaduaies. E.rpeaaec. AV'* regret to lfi-trn that the g fi tun of ( ’ iro H.'o«. of lì »se­ failed, and tti at an assignee liar/ > of tl •ir store I'lTON.—S6a month, J15 a quarter, $(U a vear. (»ne scholar lliree year*, or linee, in samo family, ouo year, ÿioo. in-íiiu* men'xi Music or Voi,-u Culture&»a monti». Vocal music in class $3 a quarter. Board JJ.Mfaweek, Rooms or Collages for seif- boardmg, $2 t<> $5 a niotiiii. Ttiiijoy In ail ca'O payable in advaneu in cash ur accep- labio noies. Mont'popular than ev- r. I”! .If? genuine “Singer ’ sew ing machines sol 1 in ls7f, be mg at the raieol 1,400 machines each work ing day, and an inctca-e of 71,735 over last years sale«. Buy the be«t. Was'c no Fall Teri»* < uri mence* Septomber l*t, money on “cheap counterfeits.” D. H. 1«« '. Winter r<’ri’ <•• mummens November Fealheis, agent. ■Jltli, ls>-0 Sjciiig 'l etin commences March 1st, 1«1. hav. COLLEGE CALENDAR. Prsabid Paira aâ Ecss of Interest Impure B nth • Among nil tin I i«a green I »!<• con sequence« i hai lol low t he ileciiv <»f ttio toe'll, an im- pure l>re-itl» must i e the most in »inlying and ii nph (\i a ant te, to its i!s |)os«i po «s<»’’. ami it i« the ii.'is I ItK im*xcfis.ild< ’Xctls ill!.. :|’| | I>1 -llsiv • lll«" 'li’ t v; mid yet I he c:uise i»f it in i’’e:i«:tv » K‘- m<>vcZ i|> >NT. ;*« it rem > vs •ill imple i-.tnt o Im'.-e of the week, \sk Vo ur .li iiggi «t lor it. 9----------- - — — 4 Hi How MV I’.M * k Aim: !” IT"" oft-m hear it said, Well may the vietini plain, for the kidneys . ri- mittering; when that is t he <•:»«” t'leri’ i- alwn' « rer gient dang •r. Ki 1 m-v ili -o.i •'■ -, if run, too often <•1*. I ' italI There >«, ever, n sure <• ire f.»r tlmiii. HUNT’S icine I h it does not fa:1 1 1 t . Liveraml I rin.il v Bruzlit’s Disease, the Px i'k keepli.'', Bn-iness Arithrnfcllc, Eng- l.*li »' in, io.li il and o’.lier bri"’ ■Le» spec­ iali' | ie| inr.i'iy !'>r liUsiiicss litewill »«- CiiVU tii:U-li:ll ’<'.'iill"ll. ’,'!. • le -, uai.iing ¡.mi instri’cti >n aff^rded tlmse pi epa ring lo la .i; li.glier M m .I i «- im'tles iam.’l.'. fi tclic.illv an i thoroughlv, Asli! : ,.i l;is no Kaioons. 'I he baio <>i hi iii’ig le.uois •« pi.iu.biUd Ly tbc city in Iioritie-, > are sustamed by a strong {»libile MUlÙIilcnt • The «elioni ¡« under thè tuaprrvlslnn ni Ilio M tmeii-l Ep.sc »pai C«. nell. File Blbie "ili he ip'vien'ly rea»! am) studiali; ibo " iishipi' God ci"’'>ii:i.ued; blit ll'.r iiisli- ;uti »n wiii i o «»cianai, in no ubjectmnaliio >>( ■ 11 Sf*. l'.i* r»>ns living at e distan -S "in arrange the l’’<*ik-nt ‘or board and r<»oiu «. •l'i,. 'r.i. al D nartment :« mentii ned,a* rt.iy of c intidenev and pauun- I brilligli •: Ad ir j-scll oniuiunicationuto , ilidllZL Cells';: ani Normal School, A-liland. I K'kson C<)., <»regon. . (HAN .ETN Bl'SINESS Elof.rii ■g Mills will Klop ui iluiing "ii me 1«! day of .May. Per*« ns ¡¡a \ imr flour <»r offal at tImse mill« are re- *i1'.'it<*■ i to take ii away on or before lhat time. Ail I • I'oiis ind'-bted to the under­ <• i •-by n<> oii-i to come forward : -o<- li heit-by ai. I -i •’■.<: I>er w. cn h, wheat or not»», - it hcr w; h on a« mv books inu-t be squared up al that fete. T i. M KE.XZIE TO A O '" WING I he Eureka a ■ r-LA( K GN BIG APPLF.- a month wince, a black • J! years old, white «pot on '. ,u c w lute hind foot, an I ioi *’ o. 22 <>lv reward«'! bv leaving n I al Card .veil’s livery stable m FAItM FO^. SALE. milE UNDERSIGNED lU F".1;« FOB 1 t h re« 1 Mil« Rt a burga rnilfi« southeast <•! '"iva. c m'auiin:ry 1 S’* yV a<'ie«. fit'-v cl w ' i :. '< ur ti’ i r «il.»1 i The pl ice is well w-Cere 1 >m 1 hi« fi» if» bin ber on ¡i, 1- ir foi'th’r participa IS ap ply to DAX ID II. Xi 1 l.l.i ¡R. J ack«’ 'ii vil le P. » >.. 1 'i ' ‘L*nÎÎ. A BARGAIN. K. BoZE. J JR SALE. MTNTNG DITCH, KNOWN AM ip.<>*o quill ditch, running front' r creek i<> Willow