The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 09, 1880, Image 3

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JULY 9. isso.
Tramps abundant.
The agony is over.
P arty T o -N ight .—There will be a social
party at the Club Room this evening in honor
of our Ashland visitors. The best of music
will l>e in attendance and everyl>ody is invited
to attend.
More warm weather.
Read the new advertisements.
The County Jail has an occupant.
Hruc S trawberry .—E. C. Brooks is exhib­
iting a tiue strawl**rry of huge proportions at
his store, which was grown in his garden. It
measures full five inches in circumference.
Who can beat it?
I»cal correspondence is solicited.
Wagon road talk is next in order.
We always take county scrip at par.
The County Hospital has e’ght i .ma‘es.
The “Seutinel” dons a half sheet this week.
Fancy printing is a specialty at th« T imes of­
N otice .— All ¡»ersons haring bills against
the Aurelian Literary Society, bn account of fice.
S im L. Simpson, th« ¡>oet, has gone to Port­
the late celebration, are requested to hand
them in to the general committee (Robt. A. land.
Miller, Henry Pajie, Jr., and F. M. Overbeck) i Everylxxly has resnmsd their wonted «qui
before next Monday evening.
The now county officers took their seats last
B i sixess C omsknced . - l’he new Ivard of
County Commissioners, consisting of Hon. 8.
Hancock and English will distance their com­
J. Day and Messrs. Robt. A. Cook and A. Al­
ford, held their iirst session this week, trans­
Robt. W«strop will paint Robt. Kahler's new
acting considerable bnsiuess. The full pro­
ceedings will appear in our next issue.
Haying ¡3 «almost done and harvest w ill soon
S old O ct . As mentioned in our last issue,
J. W. Manning has sold his livery stable in
Two stray bogs will be sold at Marshal's sale
Jacksonville to R. 1«. Ish and K. B. Laton.
The new proprietors are old bauds at the busi­ to-tnorrow.
Banner JxelgeNo.23, A. O. U. W., will elect
ness and will uo doubt give the fullest satis­
faction. They merit their slsare of the public officers this evening.
P roperty S old .—J. W. Manning lias dis­
posed of his residence iu this place to Wood­
ford Reaines, of Eden precinct, for ^1,290,
which may lie considered a bargain.
Rsauies will not take possession until Fall, at
which time Mr. Manning will remove to his
farm iu Manzauita precinct.
F rom O akland . Our respected friend J. I»
White, formerly of Rock Point, but now a res­
ident of Oakland, Cal., is in lake county on a
trip of recreation, accompanied by hts son.
He will remain several weeks, and will also pay
Jacksou county a visit before returning. J. B.
it an enthusiastic disciple of Isaak Walton and
is Laid to beat with hook and line.
F ike . The residence of J. Faith, in Manza­
nita precinct, was burned to the ground last
Monday afternoon, as well as the meat-house
adjoining. Nobody was at home and it is
therefore a mystery how the fire originated.
It wasfirstdiHcm cred by A. R. Vc t,but too late,
unfortunately. The total loss is estimated at
SUX). The budding was the property of the
Wesley Mitchell estate.
A Src< -On« of the most agreoablo par­
ties that has taken place in this sectimi in a
long time was that at M.ulame Holt s new ball
ou the evening of the 5th of July. The prepa­
ration* fur the event were complete, the hall
b«tng well lighted, the iloor in fiue condition
and all lieut on enjoying themselves. Thu mu-
•ic by Prof. Scott s String Band, v ith P. Don­
egan as pianist, was the prominent feature of
the affair. Its superior has never been heard
iu Southern Oregon. The supper was also ex­
cellent. The ball was well patronized, sixty
tu kets )>emg sold.
B ovnd O v kk . John L'r.liiouu, a fri Ay youth
who has been tn the employ of Chas. IL Wil-
li.nn.« for sometime past, made an assault on the
latter th« other day with a knife and cut him
■lightly in the arm, fur which amusement
Johimy was arrested ami lodged in jail. Jus­
tice Hutter examined his case Tuesday and held
him to appear before the next Grand Jury <»na
charge ot an assault with a dangerous wea[*oii.
Hu bonds were fixed at $2u0, in default ot
which he now ruminates oter the vicissitudes
of this mundane bpheie Lehiud the bars of the
County Jail.
R btviinf . d .—Judge Hanna and J. R.
Neil, Esq., returned from Lakeview
Wednesday, wlicro the June term of tho
Circuit Court for Lake county’ was held.
There was considerable btisiucK« on docket,
which made the session a rather protracted
one, the gentlemen being absent from Jack­
sonville over two weeks. They inform us
that u feeling ot dincouragHiiient prevails
among many of the residents of Lake
county, the severe Winter being followed
?<y an unfavorable season for crops. It is
'Confidently oxpccted, however, that tho
country will anrvive this double inistor-
'ftme and soou bo in a prosperous condition
■■■’" <w wr »I—-V v ir cK
K. Bor.e of Applegate lost a horse sometime
since, for the return of which be will pay a
Miss Katie Dorwin has returned from Lake
suitable reward. See his advertisement else­
Division Agent Carli passed through town
A largo number of visitors from- Ashland,
Willow- Springs and various other portions of
IL V. Be all has returned from a trip to Har-
Jackson county celebrated the Fourth in Jack­
ney valley.
Sheriff- Bybee left for Josephine county yes­
The exuberant enthusiasm exhibited by many
on our uational holiday was well kept up until terday morning.
the middle of the week with aid of liquid rein­
Miss Addie Wilshire is teaching a school
near Central Point.
B. B. Beekman and Frank 5 iuing have plac­
Second Lieu tenant EJward IL Brooke is on du­
ed the T ime .« corps under obligations for a sup­ ty at Fort Klamath.
ply of fine cake. May their shadows never
Misses May Carrick and Clara Hovey of
grow less.
Yreka are visiting Linkville.
Tho various councils of th*? C. of H. iu South­
J. G. BirJsey, Central Point’s enterprising
ern Oregon have elected their officers for the
blacksmith, is doing a rushing business.
new term ami Dr. Coon is now engaged in in­
Miss Irene Wrisley of Manzanita has charge
stalling them.
of the Oak Bar school in Siskiyou county.
Big Butte was none lieliind on the 5th and
J. S. E thanks has purchase! an interest in
also had a fine celebration, the attendance
shop at Weston, Umatilla county.
being fair. The ball in the evening was also a
J. 1». l'.inntain, oar elli rient S -ho d Superin­
pleasant affair.
was down from Ashland this week on
Blanks of every description, such as deeds,
mortgages and a-sewnent schedules of all
L. 1’. Whit«, formerly of Rock Point, lias be
kin*!«, attorney's summonses, etc., for sale at
come interested in a barn! of cattle ranging in
thu 11 m r.s office.
’The extremely warm weather ha* proved in­ Langell valley.
Newman l'tsher this week received new
jurious to the growing crops, which have for
sometime past nee«le*l rain. 1 his will have «a •4<io<l i, which will soon be followed by more.
< live him a call.
temlcuey to shorten crops still mu re.
Thu hottest day of tlie year was the 5th of
July at least those who visited the park
C. Coleman last week received a fine piano
near Jacksonville seemed to think su.
from Sun Francisco.
And there was plenty of «lust to spare, too.
The organ question promises to again agitate
A very ple.vcuit time was hi*l at Sam’s val-
a trouble«! community.
ey on the 5th. Tita oration of Win. M. t'ol-
Fur fancy gomlsjiuntings .iml grenadines, go
vig, E sii ., is said to bar« been one of tliat
to the New York Store.
gentleman's bestefFirts, and was well receive*!.
Four to five pounds of Costa Rica coffee for
The lianncr the Aureliau l.'teraty- Soviet',
?1 at the New York Store.
floated in the breez! on tho 5‘h w is a most
J. N. T. Miller A
are erecting a commo­
handsome one and a credit to that or an z ition
dious buihliiig at Linkville.
and the event for which it was mannfacttired.
Work will I jo commenced on Kahler «V Bro.’s
Kahler A Bro. are now engaged in removing
brick building immediately.
their stock of go«>ds to I’. J. Rv . hi s brick buil«!-
Hancock ami English clubs should be formed iag <m California street, litre they may Le
in every precinct in the State.
found until their new brick building is com­
The inundation of Bort land is at an einl. pleted.
Considerable damage was done.
A paper was circulated in town 'A ednesday
The person who lias the key to Madame in bubalf of the Faith family, recent!;,’ left des­
titute by lire. The generous peojilc of Jackson­
Holt's Lull will please return it.
J. W. Mauning sold three lior«cs to tliegov- ville responded liberally and a neat sum w.i-
soon raiseil.
ernmei.t while at Fort Klamath.
John Orth,-as will be seen by notice else­
Jake Marcuse is iu recent receipt of fresh
where, is paying the highest <*asb price for w«ml
tropical fruit.«, cawlie.«, nuts, etc.
week liu pt*rc-hast-d over ll),IM>0 poinitls.
Richard Mee, aged 71 years, was this week
ha< ing tins staple for sa.c will do well to
adunttitl to the County Hospital.
call on Johnny.
Roseburg has a Hancock aw! English club, o!
The half-hour walking match, go-as-you-
which S. F. Flood is Vice President.
please, during the celtbra’iou excited consider­
Ladies' half cloth, kid-foxed shoes, worth able interest, anil was wou by Bob M*>ore, win*
.«'2 50, for -’-I 7«5 at the New \ ork Store.
beat several other conipetitoia. Robt. M.icki*
Better than a letter to your friends in the was a good secund.
East: A copy of the T imes sent regularly.
The grand jury for Lake county, in tlie case
The market lias bseu furnished witli excel. of Win. Doiigku, liehl toauswerfor the killing
!ent fish from Applegate by Win. Cameron.
of Gordon at Boitauza last Spring, taiie*l to
For ironclad awl common note books, re­ find an indictmeiit, holding that Douglas act­
ceipt and check b«M*ks. go to the 'T imes office. ed in Beli-<lefense.
Business men can keep their money at lionn-
John Ilockeiij«» is engaged in building a coin-
having their billheads, statements, letter-
inodious burn for Petc-f S«i.i*m of Eagle Point-
cnv;*»*---'-a end c-'er'* **thcr l;i*i<l of
Cunningham A G »ocher at a ffiauling excel­
lent lumber from tiie William's creek « tw-mill. menial prin’iug done at the T imes office. The
best woili at low rates.
Justices of the 1‘uacu can find a full assort•
Tho contract for ftirnishing Fort Klamath
.¡lent u* tl.e uec‘-s.«ary blanks at tlie i xmls of-
hiv an I >traw was awarded to ran-her.
in the vicimty of the p nt. Messrs. Shattuck,
The measles have again made their appear­
M ilkms and Swalley got the hay contract, and
ance at Eagle Point and are spreailiug some­
Mr. Meagher tiie straw.
A correspondent informs us that the cclebra-
The “Ilorrihlea" werequite an amusing
0 fea ti m oil Applegate pas.ied ulf pleasantly and u n­
tore of the celebration an 1 a.Lrde I consider­
appreciated by those in attell lance, of W 111* h
able fun.
tin re were quite a number. The party iii th*
The t'’.erm**m* ter ha« clim’x-il to HM)’ in the evening was also a success.
sbailu during hut week; but the weather is
The various cen sus enumerators mat at the
cooler now.
Court House this Week to correct any error.«
Don't -«m l your money East when you can they might have Leun made in «numerating, As
get the fiu.-st visiting cards of all kinds at tin' few alterations were made, their labors must
T imes office.
have boon correctly performed.
Wool q-iotations are nncliange*! in the Sin
Suinnior fights are numerous and are yielding
Francisco market, ranging from 23c. to 31c. for considerable revenue to the Town Treasury.
the very best.
Two belligerents were up hi the Police Court
The steeple of the new Presbyterian Church W ednesday, one of whom was fined §10 and
was raised yesturday. The pinnacle is 87 feet costs and tlie other $o and costs.
fro n the ground.
A large number of deaths are occurring <1.lily
the 1£ istern cities from beat; but there is
Stands were almost a« numerous as custom­
danger of the mortality extending to Jack­
ers at the park last Monday, but they all seem
sonville as long as Milt. Diiloi continues to
e l to reap a harvest.
cool the public with the best of liquors.
Tlia Willow Springs district school, under
A splendid lot of goods were recei ved this
, the etticieut manageuient
of N. A. Jacobs, lias
by Hatfanden Bros, (grocersand Italian
1 closed for the season.
warehousemen), Roseburg, winch m quality,
R eports F iled .— the census onumer.x-
The Fourth of July party at Mart. Hurst's
quantity ami variety, are not excelled in the
tor* have fried reports of their labors with
resilience on Butte crock was well attended ami
tlie County Clerk, from which we obtain
State. Prices down to bedrock. Call and be
■ passed oti pleasantly.
the following account of th« population of
Next to the Hancock lioom the matrimonial
Ja<-k*on county: Volney Colvig, whose
Jacksonville's population is returned at S.'I n
di*trict embraces Grant’* Pass, Leland and Inion) seems to have the most volume in Jack-
by J. 11. Hutter, census enumerator. Ashland
Pleasant creek precinct», returns 5Ht peo­ sou county now-a-days.
is credited with 651 people, though much doubt
ple; W. H. Parker’s district, embracing
Everybody should be on hatul at the organ­ is expressed as to whether they are all bona
Rig Butte, Little Butte and Ebmnco Rock, ization of the Hancock ami English Club at the
fide residents, as many immigrants were enu­
902; J. H. HufTor'* district—Jacksonville
Court House to-morrow evening.
merateli there.
precinct—1,403; A. K Iippol’s district, taking
in Uniontown, Sterlingvillo, Applegate and
The returns from th« several census districts
Foot’* creek, 1,049; W. Beeson’« tiistrict, i Canlwell still lives to furnish the public w ith in this county did not ho|l out quite as well as
embracing Manzanita, Table Rock, \\ illow : thu best of everything in his line.
expected and our population will be about S,2<X>
bipnngs ami Rock Point, 1,(»9‘J; Frank
Oregonian-Poc.d.ontas TrilH) No. I, Iinprov- which is a gain of over 3,420 in tlie last ten
Krause's district, comprising Eden, Chim­ i e«l Holer of Red Men, will install its newly y< ars, when Jackson, including Lake, had less
ney Rock and Ashland precincts, 2,49S, elected officers next Tuesday evening.
than 5,000 residents.
Total, 8,195. There is a substantial gam in
Tlios. Grisdale is continuing the work on
Ashland celebrated our natal day in appro­
all ¡irocmets, while a marked improve­
ments is noticeable on every hand as com Roberts' hill in fine style, laying large rocks priate style on Saturday, the attendance being
|>ared with ten years ago.
t down ami covering them with gravel.
gootl. Every thing passed off smoothly and
»■-------- -
'The party the evening before
Several elegant prizes were awarded at ti *
C. of H.—The dedication of the Cham­
success, Prof. Scott’s String
pions’ now hall ami public entertainment ball Momlay evening to the handsomest ladies
at Sain’* valley on July 2d was a grand ami homeliest gentlemen in th* room.
Band furnishing excellent music and Jasper
Houck a toothsome supper.
ancees-s. Dr. Coon installed tha officers of
Indications are that more teaming will be
Eureka Council No. 6 at Eaglo Point on
The Young Men's Literary and Reading
Jone this year, between Crescent City ami
J uly 3d, viz: J. Ashjiole, W. ('.; Miss D.
.Association elected tiie following oiliceis
Jacksonville, thau for several years past.
Culberson, Lt. C.; J. H. Daloy, W. S.; E.
last Friday evening: President, Ubas. Prim;
Reports from various portions of the county
Emery, W. T.; Dr. Buck, W. P. They are
A ice President, \\ . L. Bilger; Secretary, ILA.
•rooting a tino hall and their return* show give the information that our national holiday Miller; 'Treasurer, Jas. R. Little; Librarian,
41 men-l>e:s. On July «th the officers of was appropriately ami generally observed.
Mr. A. 1 »arneburg; Directors, Geo. S. Howard,
Monitor Council No. 8, on Wagner creek,
The State Fair proved a gre-it success, the 1».
. Crosby, \\ m. Meiisor,
were installed by Mrs, Brake, D. G. Coin., attendance being very large. The races and
A large audience was present at the musical
a* follows: Js W. Adams, \\ . C ; F. Ward, celebration proved the most prominent features.
educational meeting held at the M. E
LL C.; G. H. Lynch, M. C.; W. A. Talleri,
on the 1st. Tiie exercises were of a I
W. H.; E. R. Oatman, W. S.j W. Beeson,
were participated in by Prof. L,
A.S.; J. W. Abbott, W. P. The rotunos
■Low 5f>ni*tubers. On July 7th the officers names will appear in the list to lie published. L. Rogers, Rev. J. S. McCain, J.
of Victory Council No. 4 of this place were
Yreka claims a considerably larger popula­ Mrs. Rogers, Miss Lou Willits and others, We
installed by D. G. Com. Klippel, assisted by tion than Jacksonville; but we have the most hop« to .see it repeate<l at an early day.
Companions, Krause, Savage and Dr. Coon. school chil lreti. There is consolation in that.
Another fair is to be held at Yreka this Fall,
This Council has 75 members. On Satur­
which will no doubt be a first-class one. Un­
The final statement of B. W. Huston, ad­
day (to-morrow) evening tho Grand Officers
der a recent act of tiie Legislature of California
of the estate of D. W. Huston, de­
will meet with and install the officer* ot Ad-
Siskiyou county was obliged to merge into a
vanea Council at Pbmnix, and Sunday, al ceased, will be heard by Judge Day on August d strict with Trinity and Shasta counties in or-
2 o’clock p . «., with Mutual Ceuncil on B.g 3d.
d«r to secure State aid, and tiie fairs will be
Sticky. Monday evening, July 12th, a new
The Franco-American will serve lunch for 25 held alternately nr the three hereafter.
Council will be organized at Little Sticky. cents hereafter. Single meals, 50 cents. Board
The traveling correspondent of the “AVil-
Dr. Coon will lecture at Jerome Prairie on ami lodging will ho furnished for $1 ami $2 per 1-nnett« Fanner.'' in a recent letter, remarks
July 17th and at Grant's Pass on the 24th. day.
that Mrs. I'horu of Douglas county has the on­
The movement inaugurated by th« Chain-
ly orang*» tree iu Oregon. W illy is mistaken.
A fine three-year-ohl Pereheron
pvorvs of Honor in the interests of mutual
Peter Britt of this place has a tine orang* tree
aid and teiiqieram-e reform have been quite Gen. I'lenry) belonging to Asher Marks, of
bearing condition that is every way the
successful. Large councils have been or Roselutrg, was taken tu Goose lake valley last
equal ot Mrs. Thorn'« tree. These may be
ganiz.od in various parts of the State and week.
tha interest is still unabated.
» the ouly ones iu the State, however.
J. E. Potter, ati •■xczIL'ut t iicher, is man ag­
ing the Ant-lop- district school, with an average
attendance of 35 pupils.
• a
Jesso Titus is now at tho residence
of F. T.ur.
his condition being about tho same as it has
be«n for somo years past.
Frank McCain passed
week, en rout» for Klamath Agency, where he
will act as school texcher.
A. D. Helman, I). !>. G. M., will to-morrow
evening install tho ofli.-urs of .Jacksonville
Lodge No. 10, I. O. (). F.
G. \V. Hec'.atliorn informs us tb it the crops
on Butte creek will not be as good as usual,
which is the <'ase every where.
S ('. Hutson, late’v living at Lakeview, ha-
disjiose l of hi« prop*-rtv at that place an I will
raturu to D uighu county to reside.
lion. <'. \V. Fitch of Eugene, brother-in-law
of ’i. Linn of th s phv-o, was elected Co'
Ju l -c of I. me at the re? nt election.
8r.TH.ERS ca i have notice i for L I
j»r**of and other Ian ! notice« published iu l->*
T ime « by reque«t»n'; the officers of the R *-• •*
burg laud Office. throu ;i: th» t'.i'iuty Clerk op
other agent«, to sen I t'‘ein t-> this eatabhsh--
ment, uhere the fwrvju'3 will be performed a*
the very lowest rsfe«.
A large crowd coming from every por­
tion of the county was noticeable in Jack­
Mining i» generally coining to a close.
sonville on the morning of the «5th. ( on-
Gin Lin is now engaged in making it
siderable preparation had b«en made for
th« colobratiou i*y the Aurelian Literary
T. Siglirt of Coo« county is looking af
Society and it was,taken us a who! •, quite
ter quartz interests in this section.
A giHi-i
.. ... • •.ch coif'ity i »
s pleasurable and sm’cc’sful oveut
V ishingtou Territory.
Sturgis, McKee Jr Un., mining on Jack­
day w.ts very warm, however, ami the lnduce’ucnis to Live U ivvA««n < «
ass, have cleaned up, with fair results.
heavy dust everywhere t*d<le«l not to it’ "Lidies Home Journal," drawer 2,259, S*n
A now superintendont i« expected at the
comfort. The park itself v,«s bird] V Francisco, Cal.
Appleiate <travel Couipctiy'.« diggings be­
con. mod ions enough an*l the
fore long.
F ti St'.’-
5 first '-Issi \\ tie*'l'*r A Wd **T
' atTorib-.l 1 *v the fi-ecs ¡nsnifticit'nt. These
sc-viig mi*- line, No. K. (with all the ia’e 1 ••*
'1 liov.l'h.iviM>r offers the GooscquiJ) <* if ch,
running from Walker cre< k to Willow facts robbed tin? celebration of n portion provt-ments) which ¡¡as never been u«e*l, « h
of its pis asares. At i bout ten o'clock a . I**- s**Ll i*n f i.sY t rm«. For fin t»'«-r particul *r»
Springs, for Rale.
apply at once t<* the Ti'ir<
Chas. Sfratibo fini-licil cleaning I’p hi.« M. tho pro »■'’«i i’i n>ove ~ 1 from th?L'iurt
diggings on Birdsey creek tlie other ,’av 11 <11! s* , 1 leaded by the Juck «onville Brx->
B abbitt * « tau - .e .«.««, a mt of o'- t ty!•
Ban*! ainl marsl'-ak-d by 1». W.
and has done well.
><?bv, wlucli can be p it to the same uses as Bible.t
marshal of tha day. ninl b;sai*ls. Geo. S. metal, that will l.u dnpos?.! of at reason.ibL
Frank Ennis lef. for Gal ice creek Wednes­
.’lev tr«1 und .fa« Ki!i<‘*«i«L Arrived at
______ ______
day tn look after tiie minus of tho English th - p t-k , ’'ere it had bc-eir pt t-c.-nl« d bv prices.
and Blue Gravel Companies.
the ‘hr* dig, i ’■** ex.-rcistis vere iiuuit'ii-
“r» *'ic*mi Wildor, 1 w nit y«m to t«»ll inn
TI ior . J. Keaton, Lmt’us K’ipnel and rat-*! :-v an air Z '»m Ilin tiin<-f '| Dm 1,
others are
engaged in wingdanittiing which •quitted itsc’f credit,-dily. The how y.iu k*‘pr yotirscif au I fmiilv w-.|
progra t : i ’ i . . u!*!iougii sh?rt, wa-; unusual tiro pa«! «asoli, wli*’ii ¡rii tir* ro*t of in
Rogtio river near Fisher’:- ferrv.
have t«*?.'U si«-k s*> upi -h, an I have tri I tha
ly w*‘il r -nd* ‘e*l ami dulv a. ’>re L'.-i.'i'« l b> <i«w*l*irs visiting us s « olimi ’’’
Many of the miners of Josephine conntv the its*«*-mlilagc. The orafi
:: ef E. Ii.
“Bro.’Taylor, tho mswar is v-wy *nsy. f
have cleaned up, with fair returns, and Autemicth, Esq., p •roved a masterly effort n*e«| Hop Bi'trrs in tim«; |-,.p! mv trii*'v
tnonev is plonticr there Ilian lor some and one of the b «st Southern
.......... 1 Oregon ha well amt s'iw*i the doctor bills. 'lhr«»H
months past.
been favored with, re: *iving the h’ghas’ u '» worth ot it kept u« well ami ah >
to wo k al! the turn*. I’ll warrtnl it bi
The Squaw Like Company will start up 'encomium’ from evoryj-m. The pray cost you ar, 1 th*- im'-ghb-ws one tn tw »
was ap]»ro- liun lred dollars «¿pitee to keep sick tin«
ini med lately, .Mole I'i prt will probably lie
priate ami the Declaration of 1 llepend-
i h
same time.”
put on to reach tlio Lars below the present
'cnee was read by Cha«. P.iin with
“Do*. .•on, 1'11 tue your mcJ’ciiio here-
i goo 1
1 aso of opera* ons.
In' - bounteous reliant
effect. '1 Tin
ret mat then sprtm after.”
--------------------« . -
Prospectors will find a full line of mining was
is thoroughly
11 .«iron‘fhly’ enjoyed,
enjeved, rtfur
r.fter which
blanks, printed after tlie latest and bos’ cam«
me the
th*- various amnseinents
aiuus--n ents tor both
viciitv» »-f
forms, ou hand at tho T ime « office, A Iso young and old. that occupied th“ ¿rreite«
Minile «
a supply of Copp’s Hat.d book of Mining portion of tho afternoon. Bv six o’clock I'.mgli'h I>aiul**lion Liv*-r ami Dvspep« a
Law, standard authority.
I'i 11. 11 clears tlm 11v**r <>l bile, tones up iIu*
ill“ celebration of the liifth anniversary stomach, cie.-irs foul br.-ath, coated toiiam-
John E. Spyfprth,while in town last week, of oar national iudcpeuiiwiice wa* near pain in tho side ot back, w I'cr lnn-h. gi*l-
showed ii« a neat nugget of z*>l«l, weighing its close.
«*inc««, rustí of blood loth»- head, iiimple«,
.-allow complexion; i* sirgar coatti«!, and i. i
that had been picked up in Jos.
mercury >r other mineral in it. For sal «
H ancock and
Fountain’« claim oti Ualifornia .bar, Jose­
•■v ni I druggi-i -.
phine county. These diggings have j*uid names have been
n i^-z . a rwe^ra w. m
* w—a ewarwwrwRaa——a—ama*»«»
well during the past season.
lation for a Hancock and Eiigli
Water has becoino too abundant in Egan. number is being augmented <
Sehumpf A (’<».’.« mine m ar WillowSprings, our !><st cit.z'ns are on the list, some of v. ! ioni
ami tho pump u«e*l liy the Occidental have never uli-ntitied theinst-lcea s Democrats
Mining (’ompany in early «lavs ha« been l.etore, A UU- iug will be held at the Court
procure ! to pump ii out. The company­ House to-morrow evening for the p.rinaiient
will soon beat work on the led -e again
im-titution of the chili and «veryb'sly is invited
to •*•* present. Dj-nocr.-its
Dj-noi-llts «*.-**«ciallv
«-sosciall V should
attend anil toraially organize the Presici sitial
» campaign. Nothing conlrihutcs more to th«
.«ii*- •<•«.« of a party thati taoruugh organisât ion t
re and effective canvassing.
lie is colili L ut of Laving
l'orRiu oi Jri.v ai i\EKuvvita.;;. The e«l
! and best route to I 'resecid
ill eliratiuu at K*:rbyviilc 1 t«C Momlay was thè
. AT.....
ic ii borne out l»v tiloso well ;
•a.l must i«*ic'-*-ssf:*l evcr hcld in Josephine cc’.inty
premi-es. C mud Tilde d',H
imi would bave beali a cu ’.t to a :nuch ’urger
need in making the sqrv<-v,
Il lias been ina-iv years silice a largi-r
'siiv condition of tlie country
crowil «ss, udii. d. ì he excreise» were v“***l
'taniism- i is iprite tavornje f<
’•* 1 thè ['r "* ira* **ii'*> -ij i le ¡or thè evi ut com­
►n of a goo I road Mr. Hm
I :ie display oi fireworks in thè evenim*
hfc probable cost at SlO.OOi»,
wa« 11:1*1*1 ■o-n- and eitensivc, whil«* thè *->nd
i ‘»i ot u inch dum the i’o«ki c-i
■ i di giteli by M. Ryder wa« a i*t limile tor so
1 in a few mouths, lie |leI
itis[ii*'i<'ils au oc«- isi**n. I he uni will
mcisco capital Can bo enliste«
he rememberud by tLose in alt-«; l.u.ce.
-iit«-rj>r;-e, ami it only remains
igim aud Northern U.ihn.rnia to show
Il:-: i<::*i’ « Ar-* hniment .«. Rev. J. R. N.
Bell, Presiding Ehler of this «L.-tri/t, M. E.
Church, Subii, has male the following ap-
pointim-i:*« for ngu d •
-ri p™
coml Sand-tv Preaching of fun rsl • -r
dr,;!-, tiiddl luij-ii
paiUi U1 / I wv •
**t Mr«. Fiv«l*:nbn»z, at the residence of
l» >u I'-ii, R *gne river.
Sî/Â<, Sii'/’/i«, UeZreG'- P‘’t>n, Striped arxl
iir’. lumlay i^uartui ly meeting at Bn-wns-
l-'trmers' Satin, Crinoline,
Ihm '■'tic Prints, AU the
i-iith Sunday ( ' impun e*.in.* at Williams-
, b -ginning th** Thursday before.
Li! f 1>
0/ J. •? y, CZotes,
Cor»'" . //<*'
, Emhro'd-
I’m s n '
tngs, Il'tudker-
eliie/s, Hit f
Prospecting is in order.
county have b*-«-n in tlii« se» ti**n, being the
gu*.-.«ts of Jas. W. Collins of Table Rock.
M id.nne H *1’ male the bouts of ye hungry
printers happy 'Tuesday with some excellent
refreshment.«, for which we extend thanks.
Geo. Gilbert of Little Shasta, Cal., a stock­
raiser, was thrown from his »i.i’-so while cross­
ing L**st river the other day and drowned.
I »aid. (’hapman of Ashlaml has sol*! his Perch
<-ron stnllii'u, “Bceclier,’ to Shannon .Marsli ill,
who will take him to the Wiliam.-tie valley.
I. O. Miller lias sold hi« house ami lot in
A.dil.iml to 1 ».uiicl Miller for ?l,(»9t), an 1 ha
’•ou.’’.it Mr. ’A Ich's
Ich s i*'
i-l * •*• a Ijoiiring for?5 »>).
.3 ru'.irucil ir.i.n his trq
i azam pr. pnr* 1 to ¡tr­
H iSL ig anything in dentistry.
Cd - * »
Vinb’g and
Fred. Heber of Little Butte was in town
Monday, from whom ws l*i.u-!i that grasshop­
pers are pr.wiug troublesome iusome portions
of that precinct.
J. G. N -il is prepared to take contract« for
regular freightin » to ui 1 from B is.-biirg at the
lowest rate«. Ik* is agouil teamster and guar­
antees satisfaction.
Win. M.
the “S'lititicl'' has gone
to Like c uinty, o:i s irs eying business, we
learn. Hii place <>u tha tripo.l is temporarily
tilled by A Lun !\liiq i
.’. no ngtions ,,
JEWELRY. , GS3::m;s
to-mn-row, tilt* Hitfi, alni <>n t-ti
will admitiisfcr t»: ■ «i* rament
Sup’MT .... Rev. FatLcr Blanch
vr . s a* St. Francis' t'ourcli, I
'ui'-l.iv in-xt. . .. Fhler .M. Pttei
< ' ■iti al l’oint on Siind.iv inorili
IL Kìyce pmache»at Plncnix S
D. A. (
«d! will h >| l a meni
Gran'.’« i’i'S next Sunday. at 1
for thè late Mrs. R. M. M«neh.
ed to at telili.
Those who atr« *id*-d tlic ceieiiiaiion at r'oot s
creek are 'in umiio'.is in the opinion that it was
elle <>f tlie Lest h«‘l«l in many years. The at­
tendance was l.irve and tic whole affair went
■ tl v. ith»-:tt anvt I i:ig to m.’.r its success, The
exercises are • id to h.iv« been eXcellrut, while
tlie aninsr*tienta n ■c v r cd a id iiiterr •sting.
I »aneiug was a prominent, fcattii". Orme Bros.,
musical directors, furnishing first-class music
and a line platform. Eighty tickets were
■J. H. Msytield hr.- so’«] the band of horse« sold for the party during tho evening.
he to**k to W ashington Territory and ret.urne«!
home. He h is al -o p-ircha-ui I au interest in a
livery stable at Walla Walla.
<(' it*m h is been appointed chief deputy
N'o-riff, vi*-_* 11 B. S ybur!, who has filled the
office fm four years p.-ist. Mr. Caton will no
doubt make an efficient officer.
John Murphy, of Ashland precinct, who is
much afflicted with rheumatism, has gone out
t*> Linksille to try the curative properties of
Brooks' h* t springs at that place.
M. II. ( oleinan of Eden precinct left for
Roseburg last week with a load of apple jack
for Mr. Jesse, formerly of Wagner creek, who
will take it to the Willamette valley.
J. S. March informs us that Tlios. Martin,
w ho purchased the Cox place iu 'Table Rock
precinct of John Sizemore, is putting up a
goo* I barn. Ihigan Bros, are also building one.
Jas. Miller of Browiisl*ort>ugh was in town
Wednesday, from whom we learn that Butte
creek is sti'i so high as to precliule the com
inenccment of work on the new bridge near hi.».
II. W. Iloacl.ind of Manzanita returned from
Lake county the other day and reports th:it
th*; Assessor finds a great decrease iu taxable
property by reason of the loss of stock last
Miss Maggie Donegan left for Portland yes­
terday, where she w ill attend St. Mary's Acad­
emy for the ensuing y«-ar. She was accsmpa-
trie«l ¡is far as Rock Point by several friends.
Boil voyage.
H. C. Perkins, of Engine city, with his sur­
veying party, paw«! through Roseburg last
week, en route for Lake county, where he goes
to survey government land, and also swamp
land under the provisions of the law passed by
tiie last Legislature.
Wm. IL and David Shook came in from
Lake county for some agricultural implement
an*l spent the Fourth in Jacksonville. They
repirt plenty of grass and stock doing well once
more in that section.
Lieut. G. B. Ba J» us ami Corporal Chas.
Williams will represent F*ut Klamath at Van­
couver, where they will compete with others
for places in the team to go to Creedmoor. At
the match held at the first-naine«l post they
were declaie«! th*- best shots, Lieut. Ba*-kus
making 121 and Williams IlSoutofa possible)
Ù3SS LiiSiAL îPKiibiiôG G1C1S
G-n. Eli-dia L. Applegate pissed throng!:
tow f*. this week tor A-ddaml, whore h»i is *-;dled
by the serio’H illness of his mother, .Mrs. Lind­
sey Applegate.
M ore ricpnlar than ever. -I ’d
“linger" «ewing machines sol I in
mg at the r.tie of l.j'io niachirmstm
inir dav. mid an im-ioa^o of 74.735
vc . ii ’ m sn ev. lul.v I tm be-t. W
unmet on “cheap counterfoils.”
Feat hers, agent.
•rk •
hi si
tv »
¿3, àr.,
ill bs sold at Lcwest Rates:
Norii'E 11:'.*!*n*!en Bro«., Rosebnrcr. hnv<
isc receive*! a ma-mnoth st*> -k of the b.‘st
rands <>’ c’gar.« H ‘Ini* Ho-:.«.- j, wl.ichthev offer
! whole ?! to th** trad-. l»*aiers cm pur*
u ni at S in Francisco prices, without extra
xpeiise. Give them a call.
bl :
L ost . B'twc-en this place an«l Foot's creek,
u July 4i.i, a [....k-t-book * containing let t»r«,
ofc«, e’c. The fin lor will 1
' . i1 • I V re w.nd-
I l»y returning thu sama to Dr. <2. H. Cox of
3 C.’.rCZ^L 23ZCT3
onuf* r” 1 c’ires wh<*rc
t p’ >’• rn Pti cv*';
*.> r".>w. Jt contain«
trràt ’uj ».v- : •; «. .
Tr .
» -
th«»» f.U» cT’n’non
nt «
1’ :■
It !”
r...«J t’
y r
rn’o’i t'«r 1M ;.’ k » v • R’tnirnt*,
I r
mid !\i wy (’•»•»ipîaii!1
S'O.pc»« , .«1: i f j| • »»«F • .< ••bu i ffid
, V. u< n b ti*TiDur y<< i u i i cîo v • li lofak -
Pt: • p
« to J * ....... f «.■•■■' *••.
D »
><••• i. v í >» *i- r p’a-ter to be fiim-finted for
I bv a l l>
i. ?*rAr.‘. ::v
J ohnson ,
l Stre« t. New Yuik. i'.-uprietora.
? •. P.
sh ms,
io bet-
, dizziness, ringing in the eirs, n;id *1 r* i
«ion <>f the emisi it u! ion:-. I h«\»lth.
i'* Aune Cure i« a rege» • >.c dis«’o very
Mrs. S. E. Price, who with Mrs. M -ekor.iud
.-lining neither qui’- ,«• arsr tiie, m>r
<L*!e,«*rioiis ingre ’..-nt ami uo injury
daughter were held in captivity for a time by
re-nit troni jr (lse Bcsi<L*s ba>tig a
the Ute Ind ans after the massacre at White
t ive eure f». Fever and Ague in all its
river agency, says the Ashland ‘■¡¡dings" of
i*. it ' «!««> ii superior remedy for
the 21, arrived in Ashland Tuesday morniiur,
It is an excellent tonic
hnviii'4 conv vi ith her tvo Lttb- children to live and p»
tat ive, as well as cure, of all
with her father, Arclnbalil Parker. Her bus- <‘on,1.lii
peculiar to nialariuns. marshv
band, it. will be remembered, was on« of the '■■• I mi
atic «listri«'ts. By direct action
victims of the massacre.
‘ fl,i tho
•r ami biliary apparatus, it stiin
illites the «vsti-iii to a viroroiis, healthy
Robt. A. Uook, one of our Countv Commis condition. For «ale by all dealers.
—------ >----------
sioner-i, made us a call Tuesday. He inform*
Itent11». Sit VengtIi a<■ I V i jor
us that most of the minors of Foot's creek have Of tin* Kiiluets ami Biadder a I wavs f«*’-
about chained up, though some of them will lows the ti-e «.f thegr«‘-it Budin • ’orn pound,
not be through for sometime.
“Dr. M*n!i«*’s Noplireti«-iiin.” Brinili ’s I • .»-
’ -c, lliab.'tes, Inllaniination, Smartin ar.d
1 VATE 1»!«EAsi-.s ar«* <|ui*-k 1V cured l*v it.
The Americr.a People.
! <*r L’*u -orrhiea it lias no eqna'. fhui’t Iw
No people in the world suffer as much fiorsni.| “l to take anv other
with Dyspepsia a, Americans. Although Everv om* who has tried it rivoni
n»en*I it.
years of ex perience in medicine bad failed For «ale l>v all «Iruggists. Price SI a
to accomplish a certain and sine r< nierlv or six bottles for di.
forttris disease ami irsifT•<•(«, such as Sour
Si iinaeh, Heart burn, W»!er-brii*»i, Sick
A < A IC i>.
ITeadaeho, Palpitation of the Heart. Liver
sufTerlng from tho error*
t'oinplamt, coming tip of tlm f-o ], low
spirit«, general didiilily, etc., vet since the au I i*i |is-T«’i >n of vmi'h, n«i»voiis woak-
introducrion of Gt;i-:> x's A vgcst Fixiwt i lies«, early m oly, lo-s of UTl'ihood,
we believe t here i« tin ca >e of I ivspeiiHia that will «mt ] i romp j th it will euro you
cannot lie itnme lintelv relievml.
w a s
dozen sold but year we limit one case of
failure Go to your Druggist and iiisfovered by a missionary in Smith Amer­
get a sample bottle for lit eent« and t rv it. ica. Sen I a self-a I lr**-*-*o*l envelop« t*> the
Two doses will relic* ve you. Regular size, I •> R ev . J oseph T. I n m ax . Station /), A* w
coin s.
For/.- t'i’i¡.
“Otr How my B ack A* hes !” H ow often
wp hear it said. Well may tho victim
cornplain, for the kidneys tire suffering;
arid when that 1« tho case there ¡«always ALLEN—MATHEM’S— In Linie Butto
precim-t, at the residence <>f the bride’s
danger—great danuer. Kidney diseases, if
parent«, bv L. Tinkhant. J. 1’ . July 4th,
let run, ton often end fatal!»-. Thorn i«
John M. Allen ami Miss Martha M.
however» a slue cure for thein. HUNT’S
M at hews.
REMEDY i« a meili'-ine that doe« qnt fa’l
l«»<-nre Kidney, Bla bior. Liverand I rinarv WRISÎ.EA —HIGÎNBOTH X NT — At tho res­
Com plaint«. Even Britiht’s Disease, the
idence <>f tlm otlicia'imr minister. July
tel r**r‘if t'liv«:'- in«, is eni«-d by HUX l’ s
1st. bv Elder A. Brown, John II. Wrislev
R i-.M F.i: V, the K tdnoy and Liver Medi«-me.
ami Mis* Rachel I. Iligiiibotlram.
Try ii, nnii cure yoiir iiimkache before it ter- M XT.KER—WERTZ—In Manznn’ta pre.
inina’es in sotnetli«n;r w<ir««-.
ciuci, ill t lie re-idonee o! t lio bride's par­
N rid by ail Druggists. Tr ial size, 75 cents.
ents, July 4'h, by Rev. D. A Crowell,
Samuel IT. Walker ami Mi-s Marv A
Mrt. I. IL B ates , New-paper Advertising
\geiii,41 l‘aik lb w,, t'ini.'s Building,) New-
York. is aiithoi izpd to contract fo; adver- I JATNTS, OTI,M, YAISX'ISH. GL \ «S \ND
liseincnti$ in the T imes alour best rates.
putty at
u u u fi k >,
,.. —_ - _ - -
"» k-i : î
■ ■ * -*■ » • - * t a a £
I ■* n nv ii hl*,
Scrnp Ho*-k 1 I ia creai '•f
111B V» Ol
s I er
s o»**- •- i*.' J* <>r >, - y r
x r*;r.
An Q.l < uou-.o *1» ui irr'-.
<*f •• 1 u». ni.i
» «
.” P • e. V :
N * -rp. ’ a £1.30 E uuk , iu
T'A;» •* bitt .
'Ok- ’ » fl
• !» hiK,
* t
in ; : • r b'i:.1 Tj.a.iJ • *-iint.’*: e»p/nt Wood»
Hou -. 1 wtz**)«- —»*.'»■-•■--p-J.I, *■'t-*• !y'X*
in »n • -/. **r >n on • ■ -i p
n.;-*-. A. j . j
Uir.i'.L .V.
*»-«r- I*')». n -tU-ni* -ntfr -e.
Asidrtc.5 S. »S. ikäa . Tribune 'j• id• rNe». Y ork t-itr
tip«, spurs, hmfi‘*s,-
rings, awN. nopdl s-
ios and curre c*.iiti>«,*
ST a-sortinent of bolt«, screws, the and
«*<->p¡.cr rixei*. i.i-ji«, files, |nneher*^
B I- nippers,
tong« mid hatnmers. at
'/LULING machines, polLbing iron*-
L* clothes wiiivreis. wire clothes lines
I and
scrubbing brushes at
1 11 T n in«, w i <* mlit nail«, cleat nail», hr h
nail«, finishing nail«, fencing ns’ls,
horse-«hoe nails,and iron and Mtcwrt limso
sh >■>« it
b** ft>" x T»<! O» *»n
A X11O P
a L av mnr
p Koweit
’» flic
AiKertlslBK Bureau (K> yprucc St , wln-r»< ml' en 1-1114
eoulr.u-ts nu>? be made lor it 1Ñ NEW YOKh
PII E bps’ assortment of Roirers* »nd W*»«.
I tefihohu’a cutiere in the market, it
)l>l polling, blasting mid giant |>«>w
> der, «tuse, <?*|suud wade at
J ohn Mil LEfUS.
O ffk - e . t'nnriN Har.d-I»<»<ik of Minintf
Law always kept on hand. Price*] a eopr
I I I N I'ER’S specs, spy *’1n»«»»«, ovtgn fv-«
Ml inggl««NOs ami pis-ke.- r-mnpav.e«