¿I jK^IHKC varata- . DEMOCRATIC TIMES 0?B TICKET. SOLíTxLLATIúNS. TLE MASS MEEHS J. I WbjteaÀer Sont b cm Oregon’s Friend. GRAND OPENING! To-day we present to our renders the Our cotemporary has not heard that The Republicans uf Jackson county After Grant, who? ticket l ^.ualed by the Dem?cia;«C Congressman Whiteaker recently intro­ (lincia Paper for Jarkson, Josrphinr 1 Lake. Democrats enthusiastic and very san­ with their office-seeking allies met at the duced a bill to compel the completion of County Con > ention on Saturday last. Wo Court House in this city* on the 25th. After guine. ihe O. £ C. R. R. True, lie is to be com­ FRIDAY,. MAY 28, 1880 are pleased to state that the Convention considerable travail the set-up ticket was composed of good, John Whiteaker was the first Governor miserated; but. if he xvill refer to the was harmonious and nominated and will be duly beaten on the sound D uiocrats, wh labored timply for of the State of Oregon, and he will be the 7th of June. The only qualifications TlMLSof a few wceke ago, he will find the full text of the measure, which Mr. Whit­ the good of our party and county. The first Congressmen re elected. «eemed to be greed and unfitness, f«»r the claims of all those who were placed The Republicans are greatly discon- most incompetent, being likewise the taker is striving to have passed. Mr. in nomination for tlm various offices certed by the excellent nominations made most hungry, got all the lucrative posi- George also referred to the same bill in his speech here. Ourcotem. will find it iphill were carefully weighed and duly con- by the Dem« craev lust Saturday, /»nd ; tions. What particular qualifications STATE TICKET. work trying tu make the people believe siderod and the result is that a ticket well they may be. have the candidates fur Clerk, Sheriff, J* nr Las been nominated composed of men The Democracy is in better spirits and treasurer an«i Judge? None, save their that “Honest John-’ is not a steadfast honest and capable. Take it all in all, JOHN WHITEAKER .Of Lane County more thoroughly united than it has boon ever-chrunic desire for office, and tlie friend of Southern Oregon. lie is i 11 fact the only Congressman, beside lion. L. F. tne Convention worked more in unison, for many years. This is the news that For Supreme Judges: fact of their combining in a “you tickle Jx ILTÆ, OKEGON •ach individual member laying aside all . Of M ’ l'nctnal« JAMES K. KELLY. comes from every portion of the county. me and 1’11 tickle you” style only got them Laue, who ever considered this section a part of the State. For his further infor ­ ......... Of Jaek ’ on. personal interests, than any similar assem ­ T P. PRIM ............ The renomination of Bybee wa a com- l the nomination. But there are some men so anxious for an office that they will ac­ mation we quote the following from the ............. Of Iknton. blage ever held jn this county. The per­ JOHN BURNETT. 1 pliment to his chief deputy, H. B. Sey- cept the nomination for anything and on Washington correspondence of the Port­ Fnr Presidential Electors: vading sentiment «eemed to be that Jack- I AM NOW OFFERING SPLENDID LINES OF GAOD*-'. WHICH FOR CHOICE heit, who has all along managed the office any ticket, hoping that by trading all tl.e Of Linn. son county must be redeemed by the 3 K WEATHERFORD.... L «-election, reliable qu ilitics an i exceedingly low pricus cannot, be approached bv est of the ticket off they may be able to land Standard: to suit himself and is the Sheriff in fact. Of W asco. Democracy and the proper xvay to gain JAMER FULTON.................... any Louse in tlie state; consisting of ! step in. All those in this combination Governor Whiteaker has taken a very 01 Coos. The greatest dissati.xfaction xvith the should keep their xxeather eye open or lively interest in preparing am! intro- T G. OWEN............................ that object was by selecting a ticket com­ F>r State Fruiter: posed of men of irreproachable character, Republican ticket nominated Tuesday pre­ they will liiul thcmselv«»s as ba«llv 1« ft as a i (lueing a bill to secure the extension nm oooi»*. i couple of candidates for Sheriff who were Of Wasco. THOR B MERRY................ of unquestionable Democracy and xvlu;ae vails everywhere. There is too much completely crowded oil- the truck on the >f the Oregon and California Railroad io 1 1 he state line. The extension of this road ability could not bo doubted. Tiiat the crow about it for Democrats to swallow I day of the meeting. JUDICIAL DOMINATIONS. 1 is one of the most important measures the the dose. | The fact that of the ticket eight are state lias before C »ngress. Th«1 t me for Convention nobly did its work is evident first OJstrlct. For fear that some may be misled in Repnblmans, to three back-sliders, and its completion xvill expire in July next, ForJudge, H. K. HANNA; for Trose- 'row the excellent and very strong ticket Culing Attorney, T. B. KIGT. he premises, we ere authorized to state those three slid back so far us to be una­ and tlie grant will lapse. Nothing has selected. ble to remember when they di«l vote for been done for the last eight years t »wards MecOlMl IMMrlCt. For Representatives, Capt. Thcs. Smith that Gen. Lane will vo»? forGov. White­ :i Democrut, should satisfy every Demo­ « xtending it, ami the time h is arrived For Judge, J..). WA ETON; for Prosecut-♦ of Ashland an I Dr. A. C. Stanley of Ta­ aker and woik for his « v.ion to the full­ crat that it was nothing byt a Republican | xx hen the com ¡any, xxhicb is amply able. ing Attorney , J. W. 11 kill ETON. Third (>i«tri<*l. ble Rock wer«1 nominated. A better leg- est extent of his ability.— Roseburg Star. concern from top to bottom. Again, «huuld either build the roa 1 or allow the of the ten defeated aspirants seven ForJudg«, XV. M. i:\MSEY; for Prose­ isla*ire ticket coul«l n >t haxe been se­ Of all the in« fficient officers Jack-on were of Democratic antecedents, thus eon- lands to be use«l in aid of th«1 c »¡i 'irue*’ cuting Attorney, 1.. C. BR.XbsHAW. . lion of ’ll«’ rood by some other company, lected. They are both old and highly county ever had. Bybee is among the xvorst. clusively proving that the Republicans l’he Governor’s bill provides tli.it the Fourth i»i«»trl«it. respeett'd citizens of the county, krmw its After two long years of experience he can­ controlled th«1 whole affair and nomina­ im xt legislature may designate a company For Judge, C. R. BELLINGER. Fifth I’iMrirt. «rants and will attend to them xvith ability not even make a simple return. The peo­ ted simply the back-sliders they did in to build the road, if the 0L1 company A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF For Judge. L. L. .M< ARTI1 'R; for Pros- and energy. Capt. Snrth has Lem» a ple can have no use for such supernu­ order to gain some support for their ti«-k- h«es n< t, ¡md be entitled to th«? land grant. .4. D lnoerats, rem««m her these facts. Sc« 1 •cuting Attorney, 1». XV. BAILEY. : i h«1 committee liavi1 ¡igreetl to report the member of th«.1 Legislature before and meraries. how the trap is laiil to catch tlie unwary ! mil favorably at tiic first call, «-all. and from £ ¿ asi broideries, < >mri meiils.- The Greenbackers got a black eye last and stani! true to your principles. what 1 can hsirn the jjrosjact is vc.favor­ ? losierv ectisvc L oht , strayed or stolen--the Watson xvill find in Dr. Stanley a colleague able for it becoming a law. As A« .-«»on as sessefl of the rare discrimination Tues I iv. Th're i’ not a consistent rep­ b« >orn. ibis bill was printed Senator Slater intro- makes a good legislator. In?orrnpi«pie resentative of that party on the ticket duced it into tin? Senate. But in the THE LATEST AND NEWEST DESIGNS IN T he highest of all ring-« was the com­ and vigilant, they a-e ju«t such men as xve md a large majority of the nominees are Sol's Portland organ, in ar. wering an H«le attention to the duties of the he certainly i is universally re- The slaughter of F. M. Plymaltx as a office, looking o after its aff.ii rs as if they sp« cted and honored by his fellow-rit izens No tree Democrat can vote for the candidate for Sheriff is excused by the Al A'EWMAX an 1 exercising the jndg- were hia own, who will, regardless of party, give him ticket nominated by the mass meeting on Republicans on the ground th it he hald« nly been tin- la. gcst vote < verpnll<' the Jeil'er- nian test of honesty and capability. cessful, for lie hasiu-quire I the experience < n.XKHE Si! Al;r, sonian test o! h«>n sty and capability. An ever given in the State, is not only conce­ Agent i. r XX tiei-ler A \\ ilson er. so important to a good officer. ded but desired by every right thinking nncc ornament to th>'Judiciary, he xvill grace I t in an assured fact that Grant will Ge:, I X’ >.. S. I1'. man in Oregon, l’or well every mauniav The nomination of that 01 1 Dein< the Bench he now honors l ’ or many years he the Republican nominee for President. I know (hat ¡1 the corruptionists an«l tools to come. He is now credited with a majority of the war-horse, Henry’ Klipp<4, f r ( who a:'.1 working for the defeat of Judge Clerk stru ’k the popular ehor«!. I Tom McKenzie is socially a good fellow i‘ii;«i succee«!, no man can live so pure, so delegates to the Chicago convention. «•ntircly unsolieite 1. for he xxould and is termed on«1 of “the blioys;“ but noble, so upright a life as to be above the H"‘ w ‘'S p 2^. < S r* ’1 e» last person to a>k for recognition Jrr»OE Dxv has made one of the most that doesn’t c institute qualit’ieations f«>r slanderous atta«'ksof this pack of kn i'. « «. 8 s a who are n<>xv taking such aii active ‘ in­ to ■ painstaking, economical and honest offi­ han Is of the p nr ty, though none have th«1 important taut uitiee oftice of Clerk. • 'hull A «.•«»mpar- dependent’’ part in Oreg.in polities. It is«»n with lit cers the county ever had. The people it longer an 1 r.mre fiiithfn'.Iy t’.mn 1 r !■: ; ’ oopontnt <-i >j>outut is very »*L <>1 «ns nunv1 at all. Mr. Klip; Walicr A. Wood’.-? Sxveop Rake Heapci’, flieonly five-rake Jacksonville ily not «'m I T he Democratic candidates evidently been thoroughly identified with th«1 inter- I :« a J < ■ i 111 « n 11 Li«1 i i i i • B1 111 1 v 11 > ' a <• >11 x 11 i«nt I«* v«‘i 1 lio 11 ii«i i a k m g. cui - iiig ex ery sec >i,d. ili il act as a 1 a ke. t lie ot !:< r lakes;«« I « :«t, > «. !■ 11111 :s!ie«1 wit h or xvit liout mow­ siileiiil'lc number of Democrats. Ii.- ^.b«t total absence of Democral.c p ’uh. . - it >• of a century r. being in fact, one of its ing a'uich mi'iit. l iie Reap« r may «■«■ purena««1,! .«ep.o a.viy ainl the iiioxving attachments This pntcinct must be «’ongratulated on is noticeable. It is unnec«; -ary to remtnil first settler’, at anv fu: ui e tim«1. Prom uently connected the success of the «la!«1 mad«1 by its r«‘s- qnalifieations f«»r the office aro very lim­ ited; and a comparison with his Denio true Democrats to Jo their «luty th; year. with many of tl lie 1 l ading enterprises that idents. A Tammany politician could n ling: Harvester. Pi’actical. eratic opponent xxould bo unfavorable in­ 1 >li'l ■ ’ «!..>•. I n< quale«! for lightness of Cou. J. K. K elly dciended your homes have distinguish.1«! Southern Oregon, he not have done it Letter. ti « «I to him. Ho has been prominently <1 poxv« i lul eieviiioraml l«<>st a jtisfable r«i(il in is <>ne of th every few xvho have risk« 1 «! rt is saiil that tlm nomination f r Cli'il: from the ruthless attacks of s wages. \\ ill ng the bumlie, tight binding, ami saving of b fore the public as a R ’ public.»n politi you not defend his noble character, pure their time ami fortune to develop our was given to T. T. McKenzie for bis ct ci m since 1862, attending t lie Republican and unsullied, from thestiil mor«.' ruthless resources, His q’in!itinventi”ii. regularly , voting f«>r <>n Walter A. Wood’s Chain Kabo Itrnper: 'The only thor­ ..L attacks of civilized knaves and ?i>ti oughly suciiii««fi:t t «Ice-iako xxi'li or wulioitt iimxving attachments. Reaper may be pur­ 1 ~op!o will have good reason to be protnl and F. M. Fly male for Sheriff. The par­ ists? chased separately,aii'l nmxxer at any l’u inc tun«1. san service xvlmnover necessary. In fact, jof. tisans of these gentlemen fully appreciate “H e that is not for us is against us. Wiilfev A. Wood’s New Enclosed Gear Mower. The light­ A better selection for th«» office of Sher­ the vain? of Tom’s services upon that the greatest political ex’ents of his career est draft nioxxor in th11 xvorLl. \Vi le trea I. high xvlieel«. <1 ir,»«."t draft. The m >»t practi- Democracy Everybody opposed to the occurred when ho voted for Mitchell a« I AS iff could n«»t have been made. Emiiuutly occasion. «•al. sunp'e, poxvei »¡it, strongly Inuit, easily managed, stillest running grass cutler ever i this Presidential year is a 1L publican, qiialiiiexl, Evan R> ame.« xx ill be Sheriff in p:a«,e«l upon tlie market. A. P. Hammond, although a good me­ Senator and place«! h m in nomination f«». II for the contest will be between those fact us well as in name, relying on im chanic. has had no rec« nt experience in «¡«■legale 1«» the National Republican Con parties aud the issues are nuxv being deputy to manage his affairs. H 1 has al­ kiw, if he ever had any. and ]»erhaps would v>ution last April. None were more vi«> made up._____________ ways been a resident of this county ami be obliged to engage a deputy to assist lent in their execrations of the D'-mocra ey in tin’ Pre.si iential campaign than lie OF FEAÍ T he claims of the Gicenbackers were has th«1 respect of his felloxv citiz«"Bs, wb him in his duties. T. B. Kent, on th«1 ami they will doubtlt'ss be rep«1.it '<1 in l?so Tlie Chicago Pitts’ Thresher, by tl:e H. A. Pitts Sons’ entirely ignored by the mass meeting knu.x him to be a reliable, first-class busi­ contrarv, is a praetieingatt<>rii«iy. isknoxvn No Demo."Hit can afford to bti;i I up su ch M.iiiulact’uing Co., Cliiingo, III. The inosi perfect uraiu saver in the world. End shake siioe 011 all iiia«*liiiios. Th«1 largest cleaning capacity <>t any in use. Tuesday. The Republicans probably ness man. Possessed of excel!« at execu­ to b«1 a man of ability and xvill make a a rabid opponent uf their principl«>s as N. Langell. first-class officer. thought themselves strong enough with­ tive ability, he xvill make on«1 of the best The Celebrated LaBelle Wagons, both Thimble Skein and The opposition toWm. Bybee is increas­ out their votesand concluded to dispense Sheriffs the cmmW ever lm«l, an«.l a com Iron axle, l or Ireivlit and lai in 11 -e they have no mij i-i ior in tlm market. An Excellent Outlook. ; pari-on of his administration xvith that of ing every liouran Iwill be insnriuininfii'tl«1 with them S íiav Ais Míi<‘h¡iirry 5 ioiiriny; 3B i 11 Front every section of the connty corner his competitor xvill prove must unfavora­ bv electiuii day. Thc<1loserac<1 between 11. niachiiiery. Portable and Stationary Engines. E vtbyuody is inclined to laugh at the ble for Mr B.'beo. M. Garrett and liim«elffor the nomination the news that the ticket placed in th - frantic efforts of the Se.itin. l to make it The nomination for Treasurer f< II upon is a npl«* proof of th« H i l any exertion field by the Democratic Convention gives for 2 ; 1 < • 11 ¡ 11 < » f a appear that a ring manipulated th«1 Dem­ one of Jacksonville’s most esteem«1! and been ma«!«1 for G irrett. th«' B>’bee-M«‘Kmi- iinboundeil satisfaction, and it is acknowl­ the gems, ocratic Convention and that th«1 ticket was worthiest citizens. For eleven years Las zie Langell combination would not have edge I bv all to bi* flrst-cl; iss 1:1 every pai- 3 Henry Pape Sr been tlm guardian of tic cut aud dried, after the result of the mass Town T1 * 1’i'."van«l tii.it h 1 h i« faithfully been as successful as it was. timilar and very strong, The Republi meeting Tuesday. Th«1 nominations made by the mass cans themselves admit the probability of an«l ablv discharge«! the «luti«‘s of the po­ SS per I lioiisan-l. sition is a i;>lv attested by tlm fact th.it meeting la st Tuesday lell likeawet blanket the election of a number of the Demo­ 11 vuaian'«-« 1. 1’. i further par V ote for Prim, Kelly ami Burnett if 1 itt Io or T10 opposition has b«‘en manificst«1«’ upon a host of disappoint«1«! candidates, cnitie candi«lat<'s, while the Democracy at the thick Mild in tliecaslem you wish a Bench composed of able, to his candidacy ea -h recurring year. and the disgust manifest is share«! to a have high hopes G merous to a fault, none can s ty aught learnetl and sound jurists. Vote for II. \VI LIJAMS. against him. Mr. Pape is eonsi«lere«l a great extent by the rank and tile. It is ticket—from Congressman to L’onst.able Eddy Watson. Billy- Lord and Juhnnv im>«t enterprising citizen ami lias «Ion«1 g« nerullv admitted that the town ring put N«‘vor Lafore has the outlook been mon NOTICE FOR FI MAL PROOF. Waldo if you want a Bench c>f juveniles, not a little in «1« .'eloping our mining in­ up the cards very dextrously, but that totally without « xj ericnce as Judges uud terests. Th«1!1«1 i« no public entorpris ■ they will get axvay with their little game favorable and many years h ive elapsoi ruJieron >* t :i 11 ion E inport<‘<1 since our partv has been more united, almost without practice as lawyers. lint what baa always met with his Inuit»' in June is not at all |>robable. Let Dem ocrats stand firm ami tlmir su>-- «•o-o'peration. About 170 votes were cast in the “groat"' cess xvill b«> placed beyoml the peradven- Six ye . xhs ago T. T. McKenzie insisted Tims. E. Nichols of Little Butte for P T t * mas s meeting last Tuesday, after recruit - ture of a doubt. ............. ’ i.-torv . that a straight Republican ticket should Asse -or prov«‘s to bo a very sati-4 nomination. IL 1 >s favorably known as a the entire county had assûluouslx from lx* put in the ti«*ld and became a candi­ J Leek out for Fraud. m.in of goixl bu«iness ju Igment .' »«I 00s been drummed up for some time past, date for Sheriff on it in cr ier to defeat s« ssos rare qualitmations for th«1 «>n Some thirty men ar«1 at xvorkon the the Independent party, whi« h ignored to which h«1 aspires. Tom has r> si«ied in Ono liumlrod votes wore east at th«1 D' in- 1 : < > "V, \ ft 5 ft hts claims to office. He will be afb vtion- Jackson county since a la«l an 1 is tliere- oeratic primary meeting in J.mksonx ¡Ik­ creek hill in Douglas county and a ut«4y renu-iuber« «.«01 hip jessary, for th«1 drift of th? ti«le is too th«1 inteniion to vote them in t ho T he ringysh;•liters .«hotvtsl the hypocrisy with credit to himself an«l tu the benefit p'ainly shown by these ligures. ests of the R •publican ticket. of their «'ryonly to«» plainly List Tuesday. of the people. Our neighbor forgets to call attention the employment of sixty men, when it was Tlie candidate* for Commissioners are It is simply an illustration of the "hl story just such as the county needs to look after to the fact that if there has be« n any mis assert«1«! that thirty would do, looks like of the robber who cried “Stop, thief!” t » !ior interests. B. tier selections than R MISS ELLA PRIM management of the county hospital during some kind of a political dotg'. L 4 MBS P P. PKIM. divert the attention ot his pursuers fr ni A. Cook of Foots creek and Al. Alford of th«1 past two years and a r.on-fulliillment Democrats watch this affair. A free bal­ himself. The result of the nominations Ellen could hardly have been mule. lot for a free people should be every free­ shows that the town ring not only put up Th« v are Luth old and ri-spcct«1«! citiz-ms. of contract, Messrs. Migruderand Ander­ man's watehUord. SUMME» OPENING a job in the Republican conx« nt,on, but pos.-’essed of gaol judgment, and their son are each as much responsibl«» in the AT— idministration will be fraught with the premises as Judge Day. It is «‘vident got uway with it. Frank Admission. that our extern. es not intend to do the be«t of results. T he Republican ticket is composed of The nomination of .Tas. D. latter justii'e, but desires to prejtulice the * *ï Eddy Watson admitted his failure candidates who have always been known our xv «rtliy S' h«> 'l Superintend'-ut. was a peopl«1 against him, right or xvroiig. lawyer when tie began to seek county Giii* U’E HAVE JI St’ RECEIVED A NEW as hungry offiee-seekors. With a very fitting complinwnt to ¡in «»tlieient. f lithful Henry Klippel will make one of the best «»tlie«1!1. IL? has served his constituent;- cos, especially the office of Clerk of this »• and .•omplel«’stock >»f Millinery goo«i*, few exceptions they are oi l politicans with rare ability, visiting the various an I most accommodating Clerks the This, with the fact that lie has consisting of who have been before tlie people on more schools regular.y, ami has perf >rmcd the county ever ha« I. H e is a gentleman who county. HATS OF ALL STYLES. i than one occasion. Their opponents are. «liities require«! of him with promptness has had large1 experience in public matter«, not practiced his profession for years, on the contrary, mostly new men, and to tlm full intent of the law in nueh cases the eminence of whose qualifications ami along with the further admission that he RIBBONS, 1ENERAT, FI.FJ’RV ami BOBBY BURNS will be kept at my stables near Ashland the Democracy’, ability and integrity of provide 1, something not often done, He the probity «>f whose character cannot be never had but one cast» before the SupiCine has given general satisfaction and we pre ­ ( FEATHERS, I the coming season. Cour4, shows his excellent qualifications the whole ticket is not to be doubted by ARABIAN B<»Y until the 28th of April, and after the first xvcok tn July. Ji« t his re-election by a hun.lsome ma- gainsaid, an«l who will do the people FLOWERS, any one. _ _ Within the pa«t few vears t hei «• has been a desperate ctlert 111 tin« and Marion coun­ honor in th«1 1 >< sition to which ho aspires, l’or Judge of the court of last resort. J”'v ties to pteimliee lb«’ niiii«!« of the public auain«t my I’ci<-h«-ion stock; an«l, in or«ler to COLLARS Mr. Jeffery of Applegate, candidate for Generous to a D emocrats sb.onld understand that the fault, nobody, irrespective »ive this si.-unh'r some appearan«1«1 of being so, have destroyed two ot as lino «iraft sla;- Marked Improvement. AND CUFFS, 'ions a« ever cam«1 t<> Ort gon, also seveial colts anti voting Imrscs. next Legislature has the re«listricting ol Surveyor, is an old hand ut the business, of party, can hesitate to vote for such a and his first duty on entering the duties That the public mav not be «le.-eived by these base «lander«. I will soon pubh’*’» ’“'tr- the State into Senatorial districts and ap­ < f this office xvill b«» to lay out a plat in man. The Portland Standard appears in a cula- giving a feu of the many tael« in tlie <-a«e. w itli an illustration of the high estima­ It now very plainly appears why Nat. portioning the number of représentâtive^ which the defunct body of R quibli anism tion tin« Mock ishol.l in other pla«1«1«. which will I.«1 sent free on application. now dre is and is more attractive and in­ _ » team use that xvere raised from the Langi-ll. ¡is 1 i «li'legate to th«1 Republican ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, Tim merits of the valuable animal« for farm and each county shall have. It is therefore will be laid quietly to rest in Jun«1. teresting than ever. We congratulate Mr. ago bv S. Colver, are well known. They :w<> ITcn«-h hor«e* lirouglit here some year* ¡„ The nomination of Veit S.-hutzfor Cor ­ State Convent;on, ¡nsist« » i> a«<>iia!>l»- price tli«-v «h«>u <1 læ Dem«»cr:itic, so tn.it. the Lepublu .«ns not least, and Ins most important duty U. K >hler in nomination for District aud trust that the fullest measure of suc­ ■ last Slate 1 air wcie sire«t by General b leury. Some of the finest diaft-coit- Ju lg' 1 notwitL.Handing th« 1 pr«?t<-t itions and M'nthpin at the linihbng former­ mav gain no a«lvantage in electing aS, na- \xill be t«« hold an inquest ou the Repub­ cess will be his. His enterprise and per­ ly Cal! o-eupied by l»r. Robinson on California of that gentleman. Hon. Win. tor in lbo2 by gerry man«lering. Messrs. lican party. severance deserves it. TERMS: street. Never before have the Democrats been was known to be a candidate for ( ’onnty hniithamtStâuh y should therefore receive every Democratic vote 011 this «core, if on faxore«! xvith¡1 stronger ¡»nd mor«» unob­ Ju«igr an t Nathunitl a .optvMth s mode to General F'leurv and Arabian Boy, $20 the season; $30 for insurance. Bobby Burns M r . J. H. B ates , Newspaper Ad vertising l EST assortment of bolts, screws, tire and get hou out of th« 1 wav. “ For v» jectionable ticket ¡md it l»eh«»oxes them, sio the season; $15 for insurance. no other. Jiu*ii«on eounty is entitled to X gent, 41 Park Row. (Times Building,) Now ) copper rivets, rm-ps, files, pinchers, r 1 «-s uiiqiia«.ii« >• -«.« s j «-- UsuuiuuU in ike Tun s atom b»- t rates. tice uereduue U ■ ■" DEMOCRATIC HÙMIHATIONS. NEWMAN FISHER’S STORE THE LATEST STYLES IX DRESS GOODS FAKCY GOODS, LACES, TRIMMING SILKS AND SATINS.. Groceries, Tcba^a, Hardt,'are, and a till lina ci General Merchandise Agricultural Implements, ! îiniïi hmuhsh iïiiiS. J. BILGER, Jacksonville; CUTLER A ROCKFELLOW; Ashland, Cr fl. SLOCUM. R3SESUR3, Oregon. Shetland THE NEW MILLINERY STORE Wì 'Eu « f r ' ' J J