DEMOCRATIC TIMES DEMOCRATIC TIMES ,■/ $ Published every Friday Morning by eA'A R/TES OF ADVERTISING. CHARLES NICKELL, Advertisement« will b« inserted in the T imks at the following rat. : One square, one insertion......................... $3.00 ** each subsequent one............ l.oQ Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A lair reduct ion t r«jrn t he al»u\ e rules mao« to yearly and time a«l vertisers. Yearly advertisements payable «juartaiiy Job print'.ug neatly ami promptly execut­ ed, ami at rousoiiaDie rates. C ouxty W auka M s uiwavs taken at par. Editor and Proprietor OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth's Brick Building. ■ ate» of Nubserlption : On« copy, per annum,......... . .......... “ sit months.......... ............... “ three months,................... »3.00 2.00 i 1.00 ’ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1880 VOL. X. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WINES AND LIQUORS. J. A. CALLENDER. M. D., A. P. H otaeimo , 429 Jackson St., San Francisco, E. C. I- ord , 25 Front St., Portland. I STABLES. DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. “EXCELSIOR” HODGE, DAVIS & CO., RANDOM JOTTINGS. LETTER OF AOOEPTANCE OF GOV. WHITEAEER. LETTER TEOM JOSEPHINB OOUNTY. John Boyer has returned from Portland. W illiam '» C rrek , May 14, 1880. E ditor S tandard —Dear Sir: I learn The winning ticket was nominated E ditor T imes : The political camp.’.ign through the public press and also by pri­ Saturday. PHYSICIAN AND S U R G E O N. in this county is undur way sufiiciently Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL A CO., vate advices from Oreg >n that the* con­ Wool only brings 20 cents in the Rose ­ A. P. HOT ALIN G A CO now to enable us to sjMtcuiute with a and T. A. DAVIS A CO., vention which assembled at Albany on burg market. reasonable degree of certainty as to who Importer» of the 7th of April placed my name before Jaekson ville. Oregon. will be our next county officials. After For the best job printing of all kinds, the people for re-election to congress. Fixe WIN»'.» AMD LIQIOB1. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, go to the T imes office. As I did not seek a public recognition , the Dece-s.iry wooing, accompanied by A. C. JONES, Orogen St., Jacksonville, Born — In Yreka. May 17th, to the wife Sole Agents for the from a people with whom I have ! lived those "mutualities which marshal the ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, of H. M. Baines, a daughter. I so long and u ho have ever treated me way to a ¿er J red end, the Greenback I I 92 A 94 FRONT STREET grannies and Republican stalwarts per­ J. H. CUTTER Grant will be the Republican nominee with uniform kindness, I did not expect fected, last Saturday, their long contem­ JACKSONVILLE, DGM., such a compliment at their hands. While for President; and don’t you forget it. XV. J. PLYMALE. PROPRIETOR plated fusion. They have sought to bor­ PORTLAND, OREGON Eddy Watson has gone to Coos county I cannot f «.il to expre:« my gratitude for row respectability for their feeble oil­ Will practice in all the Courts of the State. this renewed mark of esteem und feel Offiif on 5th street, opposite Court House. in quest of votes he will need so badly. spring by calling it a people’s ticket, but And W. J. Lemp's St. Louis Beer. justly proud of their satisfaction and en­ Dick Richards, of Y’reka was in town dorsement of my course as their repre­ the discernirjT sense nf the public i« not 1PE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI>{ last week with a couple of trotting horses. G. H. AIKEN. M D., sentative in the present congress, nn«l of slow in detecting characteristics which aving just received a new It a complete stock of Every true Democrat can and will sup their confidence in my usefulness and in­ belong only to the pizzarinktum species. P H Y 9 I C I A N A N D SURGEON, Gm. Amti for State Invritmcni inxnranre Co. stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ port the straight Democratic ticket this tegrity in the future,’ should the people There is too much Greenback about it to riages, ! am now prepare«! to furnish my please conscicnti iu R«*pu’»licMUs. and to * year. JACKSONVILLE. 0RE80M. of Oregon decide to retain me here for DRUGS, NEW STATE SALOON, patrons and the public generally with as much Republicanism about it too satisfy The survey of the route for the proposed another term, I can in all sincerity say Grecnbackcr:. ol honest Democratic anie- FINE TURNOUTS ft free to act in ©ftp-«»—On Califor’i reef, opposite Union CALIFORNIA STREET, PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES C. C. W. R. will probably require about that had I have bee. e«i nts. Although the Greenbackers are Liverv Stable. the matter I should nave conferred up­ a month. n««' sufficiently numerous in this county As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle on another the place they have assigned Proprietor. horses hired to go to any part of the country. C. W. SAVAGE, to impose insurmountable burdens upon The Klamath Indians lost about one- PATENT MEDICINES to me. I am, however, by their kind­ p . jajs .. m . d .. Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses i half th«ii horses and cuttie during the ness and partiality,prevented from assert­ the census bureau, still they were aid« to broke to work single or double. Horses PHYSICIAN A N 1) S U R G EON, come in for the greater percentage of tlm ing any choice of my own. aving again taken po ^ sitssion hoarded, and the best of care bestowed upon GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, past Winter. spoils This the Republican managers Since I have been a member of the ot this saloon, the undersigned will lie them while in my charge. Applegate. lircjoa. The aged father and mother of W. Bee­ were prob ;bly willing to submit to, in pleased to meet his friend-« and the public son of Wagner creek have just arrived 16th congress I have ever striven to the view of getting a stalwart for the State iienerallv at this old and popular resort. Z«-MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE.! PAINTS, OILS AND best of my ability to subserve the best from the East. Late of Glasgow, Scotland. Office and The finest, licpiors ami cigarscan always be Senat«. Then, another thing, nearly ail drug-store on the Drake farm. Silas J. Day has been appointed by the interests of those whose servant I am. I the Greenbackers on the ticket are of ha«l at this place, and the tables are al wavs A liberal share of the public patronage is PAINTERS STOCK OF EVERY KIND, supplied with all the leading newspapers solicite«!. Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. deputy have also the satisfaction of knowing that Republican antecedents. Nothing short W. J. PLYMALE. i where the interests of the people were in­ and periodicalsot the day. MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D., for this district. of abject stultification will permit Demo­ volved, I have never for a moment, neg­ A first-class billiard table is also kept I BLUE VITRIOL, cratic Greenb.ickera to swallow such a If Jacksonville intends to celebrate onr NEW LIVERY STABLE PHYSICIAN A N D S U R G E O N, at this house. lected them. dose of rank Radicalism. The Greeu- natal day appropriately, preparations will i In some of the measures which I have soon be in order. ! Jacksonville. Oregon« LUBRICATING 01IA, ETC. ETC. had the honor to present to Congress for b.ickers started out originally with pledges of oppnv?i'n ‘o ’ /.h the ell parties, but to M. Ryder of Kerbyville has gone its action I feel assured of success. There EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. jfflce in Orth’s building and at the City Portland to attmid the session of the I. O. are a few that may fail of passage; their the "eoh-'sive power of public plunder” I seems likely to prove to them, as it hus Drug store; residence on t 'alifornia street. tsW Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele­ O. F. Grand Lodge. failure, however, (if such be their fate) MANNING A WE33, Proprietor.. C alifornia S treet , proven to other pnrt’es before them, au brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which It is said that Falkner, Bell A Co. of shall not be attributed to a want of at­ L. DANFORTH. M. D., kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, San Francisco have lost many thousand tention and deep concern on my part, but obstacle fatal to honorable consistency. Proprietor. and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scaband dollars by the fall in wool For the no-;- j.. o.,p< ets of some very p««or *. f. JOMI.K, to th«: common fortune that attends every oft' j.; tuey are willing to coalesce w .th a PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, AVING LATELY FITTED UP THE foot rot. Circular sent on application. No Republican sideshows of the Green­ raem! » < f CuagroM in the high trn ~h party that has more c irruption to answer commodious barn «n ’heSehonl lions» Jacknonyille. Oregon. I back and Independent order for Demo­ for preferment, where so may diverse in­ for than any known to our history. A Y(>NF- BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST Flat and in the rear of the Court House, wc terests are involved. City Drug Store. crats this Presidential year. are now fully prepared to attend to all bus ­ party that has done mor«« violence to civil ri Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars I value the good opinion of the people Office on California street, opposite P. J. kept. iness in onr line with promptness anti dis-1 Rev. Charles E. Philbrook is the Repub ­ Ryan's store. Calls promptly attended of Oregon too highly to willingly forfeit liberty and brought more reproach upon patch and at the most reasonable rates. DRINKS, 12U CENTS. lican .candidate for School Superintend­ tn, day or night. it by any wrong or inconsistent act on repubhc m institutions than t can atone CALIFORNIA STREET, ent of Coos county, Oregon. TURNOUTS. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t my part, and this feeling of itself ought for m an eternity of deserved defeat. That the fu ioiii-ts will succeed in elect­ pay. Families needing anything in onr line Tho Democratic county tickot nomi ­ E. H. AUTENRIETH. to be a sufficient stimulus to induce every The Stallie is furnished with the best ani ■ '•an always lie supplied with the purest and mais and most substantial buggies ; also a : nated Saturday isu knowledged to be first- man in public lite to faithfully discharge ing a single man on their ticket is hardly ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, best to be found on the Coast. Give me a first-class brick and sad«!le horse. class and strong by everybody. every public duty—th«* performance of probable. Th« only danger is that they call, and von will be well .satisfied. will not poll suulc.enl voles to amount t<) Horses boanled, and the best care be-: It seems almost definitely settled that which has been entrusted to him bv the Jacksonville, Oregon, respectable opposition. stowed on t hem. Tilden and Grant will be the contestants people. Satisfaction irnaran’eed in every instance. ‘ 11FE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND The Democratic ticket is a fair, average RAILROAD SALOON, Will practice in all tlie Courts of the State It is not to be expected that T can be at Give usa trial and jndtre for yourselves. i ’’ the largest and most complete assort­ for Presidential honors in November. representation ol the county and will con­ Prompt attention given to all business led M X NN I NG A WEBB. Hon. J. J. Whitney of Albany is stump­ home to participate in the labors of the trast ne t unfav zrabiy, so fur as individual ment of in my care. * ,\>r. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville Jacksonville, June 1, 1879. ing tho southern portion of the Willam­ canvas« which usually precede . n election. ability is concerned, with the oj » j > »sition. Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. By the will of the people of Oiegon I am ette valley. He is an effective speaker. Its election i.j almost a foregone certainty. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICAL** here as their rep «s "ntative to witch their HENRY PAPE. Engineer. Last Saturday was a lively day. The H. KELLY, Q Democratic Convention was large and interests in public legislation, to endeavor to relieve their public wants and to cast to be found in Southern Oregon. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAXV, harmonious and did its work very well. A N aebow E scape .—On Sunday morn- Also the latest and finest styles of my vote as the representative of Oregon LIVEXT, FEED à SALE STABLE, The Republicans met in mass meeting in legislating for the welfare of tlm —’ .«<, as the Oregon stage came in, with THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, last week ami nominated a ticket that will <•«.'”)";• It .. „„I .. t I Prof. Le Bean on board, th ' driver an 1 ¿.w line of STATIONERY, be slaughtered in good style next June. team were suddenly surprised at Duen- It ill practice in all the Courts of the State. my duty to iihserd myself at Lhi.» impor­ MAIN STREET, LINEVILLE, OREGON. Prompt attention given to all business en­ In th • Circuit Court for Douglas coun­ tant period from public duty, and I could kel’s corner by a grand blow-out of brass Ami a great variety of PERFUMES and ty B. F. Dowell obtained a decree in equi­ pHOK'E WINES, LIQUORS AND ( I- trusted to my care. l i runaway not conscientiously neglect the public in­ horns and drums, which ’ ' «gars constantly on hand. The reading J. N. T. Miller n hau l and for sale Horses boarded and the best care bestow the former place, for the practice ot his lULAVDA MeDAXIEL, P KO PR I ITO ILS. reservoir breaking will be repaired and at the polls. If they believe otherwise, pcnde«l a cloth b inner, cont - ining the pic­ profession. «d «>n ' bom. work resumed by next week. by their votes they will render their ver- ture of a goat, with tii-« words ‘’Welcome X‘gt,satisi‘acti<>n guaranteed. Give us n 'ails promptly attended at all hours, I II »n. A. C. Jnncc, cf this place, the diet. Very respectfully your obt. servant, the Lonely Buck.”— rreka Jonmal. trial. J. N. T. MILLER A CO. day or night. —TO GET — Democratic war h irse, made one of his mill-J POPULAR RESORT. UNDERTHE! l.inkville, Sept. 3, 1H79. J ohn W hiteaker . J osephine C ounty P olitics .—In Jose­ 1 new management, is furnishing the best : «•her: ctcri.-tic speeches w hile at Roseburg, SOCIETY NOTICE. phine county, the Greenb-vk Ind p n. r . .... . , laws, pamphlets of all kinds, briefs, and within a few inches of ea"h other, last While we know Frank Nickerson and like — AND AT — everything in this line, printed in the best week. So very anxious is he to find fault him very much;yet he has been a resident ns ASHLAND A ND I.I N K V11.1.1 i BUSINESS CARDS. THE EAGLE BREWER Y I I J EAV shape and at low prices at the TiMESoffice. with the Democratic primary of the 1.5th of that county but a short time, and he is every day in the week, excepting Sun­ in the first instance he charges the day», and connects with the mail for Lake 1 THE LOWEST RATES, Business men can keep their money at that II HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER view. "delegates elected as having done duty evidently presumptuous in expecting the B. ROSTEL, L>r so imp »rts«iu an home by ordering their bill heads, letter­ for six years past,” and then out-IIerods votes of the ne 1 lias now on iiand ami is constantly m tn- — IS AT — heads, statements, envelopes, etc., at the himself by asserting that three your, y tcr j oTn’e. Il v d! Lind by .Tune that it's’ hard if.acturing the best Lager Beer in Southern Superior Accommodations for Passengers | »regon, which he will sell in quantities to Who will be carried to any point on th»- I DAV. CRONEMILLER’S, T imes office, where the best printing is were elected as such, "on« of whom has to kick against the pricks.” PROFESSI« )N AL HAI B-CUTTER, suit pureliMsers. Call and test tlie article. done at low rates. road at reasonable ra es. not yi t oast a vote at a general election." R eal Esi ate T ransaccions . —The following We learn that the County Commission­ These are ab mt on a par with his many JACKSONVILLE, OREGON A General Express Business lee«L have been recorded in the County Clerk'» - ers have about determined to purchase a other r'.i-»statements concerning th«’ poli­ HOTELS, ETC. IN ORTH'S BUILDING. few acres of land, erect suitable build ­ office since the last issue ot the T imes : tics of this county. Tt matters little to Transacted. All orders promptly attended ROSEBURG ings and let a contract for the keeping of him how much truth his assertions Con­ to and satisfaction guaranteed. M. D. C hdders to Juiiu E. lloss, 80 acre» iu I the county poor there. tain. If h) can create discord in the II. F. PHILLIPS. ¡'ah.f R ick precinct. Consideration ÿ7u0. I espfj ’TFULLY ANNOUNCES TO Ashland, June 1. 1S79. Alex. Martin to John Beckner, nnuiu; prop­ InSan Francisco wool bnyersare begin­ Demoer; ti • party by his impudent inter­ the public of Jacksonville and vicinity ning to purchase wool, and the market is ference and sh:un“less disregard f«»r the erty on .Jackass creek. ( 'iiniiltr.itbin, >7OU. that he was ;i t scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, I n M asonic B uilding , A. 1». to Airs. h. 51. bturges, property improving. Tho latest quotations are as facts, his mission will be accomplished. f!irnct«»r of «he I'niversitv of f birds stuffed and put up in I ’ J work ot every description neatly and public that they are now prepared to fill all Rev. A. C. McDougall, who, in times port: tnost natural slmpes. Roseburg, Oregon. let the fight be made by the other candi­ promptly executed. orders for cakes ol every description, such Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. Iu th«» matter of the estate of R. B Perry, Grist. Quartz and Saw Mills, Sta past, has been prominently identified with dates on the ticket. The only exception for parti,- ,, wine I as wedding cakes, cakes the independent Order of Good Templars to this rule that we have scon is that of deceased. Wm. Harper, S. J, Slcckei a:ij tionary and Portal»!« Engines, made to cake« ; also brown and rve bread, ginger ERCHANTS OF JACKSONVILLE • »rder and warranted. of th is State, died in Salinas City, <'alifor­ E. B. Watson, who is traveling abroad Jos. Scott appointed appraisers ami crackers. Take orders on ex­ JOHN L. CARTER ic SON. snaps and vicinity shi »ping goods via Rose- FOUNDRY—Ono block south of the nia, on the lltli of May. He was aged with M. C. George and doing a little Ill the matter of the estate ot Elizabeth Hill, change. l’rices reasonable and satisfaction lmig will find it to their advantage to ship Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. 19 years. deceased. Appraisement »liowin.« property to- guaranteed. “ still hunting" while Gecrge pictures the through this house. Ample warehouse PAINTERS. It is also our intention to keep a first-class room, safe and careful storage, and business the amount of $3,469 78 filed, and I* Dunn ad- Late advices from Lake county show Goddess of Liberty chained to a rock and mimstrator,s'ph,c iz,< : tae d. E Church, G. Haynes, Roseburg. GROB'A ULRICH. among the heaviest losers, having lost against this style of doing business, as Mr. IT »11 kinds of Painting, including Mark your goods: Care of II. L. M., South, are requested to meet at Phoenix on several hundred head. Capt. Barnes’ Watson will find out when the votes are Roseburg. i Saturday, June 12, 1880, for the purpose of HOUSE PAINTING, counted. The young man has “ bitten oil loss will be less than 33’i percent., or Jacksonville, Oregon, more than he can chaw. ” — Inland Eeniyire. making »rraocements to complete the church about 12.5 head. SIGN PAINTING, building at that place. The Grand Lodge at Portland last week TN CRONEMILLER’S BUILDING, Is ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, A large portion of the business men ASHLAND, OREGON, By order of the last quarterly conference. I I 1 in receipt of a full assortment of mater ai elected the following officers: M. W. of Portland are opposed to the location of G. M., I. W. Case, of Astoria; M W. I). W. II. K i . yce . P. C. prepared to do all work in his line on W agon and carriage painting , FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENT, and short notice and in a workmanlike inannr G. M . Phil Metschan, Canyon City; M. the harbor of refuge at Port Orford, Mrs. Vining, Proprietress. ALL STILES Of QRAININO OONE. Vehicles of every description made toorde4. W. G. Warden. John A Boyer, Jackson­ while the Republican papers are attempt­ A contemporary remark« that Mr. Til­ Term» reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ ville; M. W. G. Secretary, J. M. Bacon. ing to defeat the confirmation of that den contribute s $10.000 to the Duchess of Roseburg, Oregon. Orders from the country promptly attend­ teed. Oregon City; M. W. G. Treasurer, I. Ii. point. Let the people of Southern Ore­ Marlborough'« fund for the starving poor ed to. rdf~ Repairing a special!v. aving teased the property gon remember their own interests and not of Ireland. Grant and Blaine’s contribu­ Moores, Salem. S. P. HANNA. ol J. H. Ma.vtield, known nstbo Union TILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION lose sight of the fact that Mr. George is a tions have not been reported yet—and House »nd Bakery, but now called the 1 to forwarding goods consigned to his Col. A. B. Covalt, manager of the Pa­ Portland man and the pet candidate of probably never will be. Central House, I have thoroughly renovat­ '•are. Freight money advanced. Cominis- cific Mutual Insurance Company for Ore­ those papers.— Star. ed and refurnished the same, and am now -ions reasonable. All business in this line gon, who sustained severe injuries while Tur latest slang expression is “go tar- prepare i to accommodate my «»Id patrons shall receive tn v prompt attention. on his way from this place to Roseburg and the traveling public in g«x><| style. W ise A ction .—The determination of ilv.” If a person seems to be dointy some­ All consignments to my care should e cup . es toothache with UT1 two years ago, fell as he was descending the Postmaster General not to disturb th« thing that vou desire to correct him for M RS. M. H. VISING. lie marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. of exti i • n ; Ine tootii; the restorat the steps on the steamer Almota at Celilo, •nail carrying by W. F. A Co.’s express and advise him to go slow, vou sav “go ; » y ­ hnsoumi an i liecnyeii teeth to » Re Jacksonville, Or. on which boat ho was a passenger last week, >n this coast, is a matter of great satisfac­ tardy." condition; t ic inset inn ot Artificial T< ■tipon the latest an 1 >r. > t ipproved ba e severely injuring his back, and is now ly­ tion to the people of the Pacific Coast, bv known to the prole-.i' n. ing ill at his home in Portland. affording them greater mail privile res, Is it Possible LL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN with additional revenue to the mail ser\ ice That a remedy made of sii«h common, .John M'-Qnilkin, writing from Tomb ­ aving taken the agency of CALIFORNIA ST., for work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Goid Filliass Waratcil firslclass R. Brackenridge’s Marble Works ot stone, Arizona, to Dr. L. T. Davis of because every letter carried by express ’mple plants an Hops, Btrnhn. Mandrake, Roseburg, well known throughout the Dm lelion, Ac., make so many and such Windsor, Cal., says: "All you have read lias the government stamp thereon. Irregular Tec lb * t ralitltlen« J Wit a nt N. FICKE. Proprietor Statefor the superiority of their work, I will i'Hill ! > i relous and wonderful cure« as Hop about the S''lii «ffelin Bros, is true, except­ receive any orders in this line. E. H. AvTENRIETH, the eloquent vour, I ’• t >rs do? Tt must be. for wlren old and ing the amount. I do no«t know how All Dental operations sa’i-tsctoril v and much they got. but it must have been a gentleman who made such a stirriu. •) ing. rich and po'-r. Pastor and Doctor, Monuments a Specialty. seieniideally performed. Tee. h extracted large sum. as their mine is a bonanza of speech at the ratification on the evenim Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having rpHIS WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OP- without pain. — AT TIIE — 1 |»osite Kahler A Bro.’s drug-store, is Those desiring to see designs and ascertain the biggest kind. They are taking out of the adjournment of our late State Co - Le«n cured bv tlcm. we must believe and lietter prepared than ever to furnish tho pri'-esean do so by calling upon or address- bullion by the ton, with good prospects vention, is now canvassing Southern Ore loubt no longer. See another column.— WILL. JAC ISON, Dentist. •ublic with the choicest quality of gon. We would like to see him come Post. ing me at Ashland. ahead." down this wav. How he does “warm the i-juSatisfaetion guaranteed in al] cases. I Fresh Beef, Tho Sentinel seems to think that be­ wax" in Republican ears!— Albany Demo­ A. S. JACOBS. PIII h <>t N »it l <;«»i I Pork. Vend, California St. Jacksonville. cause Judge Day is i Democrat he ought rat. \re not worth as mmdi to the victim ot Mutton. Ham. to be beaten for allowing -53 a day for the 'Kspepsia or B liousness as Dr. Mintie’s Bacon, Salt Meat». HIDES WANTED So fa it as we know, savs the Standard. English Dan !e!ion Liver an I Dy«pepsia care of State patients, while Ed. Watson, Also, Superior he undersigned has opened A who did the same thing and is a Republi­ the Radicals have nominated in every Pili. It clear« the liver of bile, tone« up he undersigned will pay _ ........ ............... .................. ....... do<«r to can, should receive the endorsement of the iustanue, Mitchell candidates forth«; State lie stomach, clears fo il bretlh. coate4 Si usage, Lard, Etc. general variety store next from 15 to 3ft cents per pound 'or Deer Sch’impt's burlier shop whore he will keep pain in the «id<> or back, waler- people for Supreme Judge. It would Senate. This is especially the cast in •ongtic. The moxt favorable inducements offered Skins ami will also give the highest Cash bn«h. gid iin«-««. rush of b’ood tothelmad, a lull a<»»rtmenl ot cigars, tobacco, »look­ to patrons, and no effort will be spared price for Beef Hides, To be delivered at his ing articles, «•andie«, stationery, cutlery naturally follow from this that much more I Douglas, Yamhill, Manon, Polk, Ben on ohntiles. eal’nw c