•J ¡ir lileinticintif tiimrs. Si' 3 »l’LE M 1C5T MINiWtr NL»ViS. The Squaw Lake Company will make another ch-ati-np soon. Egan X Co. will resume work on their«piartz ledge near \\ illow Springs at once. i GREAT SLAUGHTER of PRICES ( 'iiKKEit lox. -The “Sentinel " of this week M itj . es k » k V ancoi v eh . ('apt. John <-r. Tie pointment. -------- — • . balance have been en.aged and w ill lie in­ < gooi » TIIIWG. spected at Roseburg. The baud was driven German Syrup is th«» special prescription north Sunday and will In- shipped to Van of Dr. A. Bosehee, a celebrated German «•ouvrr. Physician, and isacknowledged to be one of -------------- — the most tort unate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Cough«, Colds and all Lung W. H. Shook cum- in from Lake county troubles of the severe*! nature, removing, Friday ami left tor Roseburg M «rnlav. intcml- a« it does, the cause of tin- affection and ing to return the forepart of next week. IL leaving the parts ma strong ami healthy says tin- list storms prove.l quite serious, condition. It is not an experin ental med- ¡••¡lie. but has stood the test of years, giv­ hundreds of cattle «lying «inc.- tlm ‘27th of ing satisfaction in every case, which it* rap­ March Tin- total loss he «-«tiinates at about idly increasing «ale every season confirms. 50 per cent I lit- pleasant w«-ather «f the past Two million bottles sohl annually. Be­ ware of medicines of similar names, lately tew week« '«doing inucli tor gras« ami stock. introduced. Boschee's German Sv rup was ♦ introduced in th«- Tinted States in istis, anil Remember Prof. Kugler's concerts on is now sold in every ‘.own ami village 'll tie- ldfli and llth. He will be assisted the civilize«! world. Three doses will re­ by the best local tab-lit and very tine en­ lieve any «»rdinary Cough. Price 7'« t-ents. Sample botth-. 10 cent*. tertainments may be < xpe. ted. • — -- The funeral of Mr« It. Benedict will take place to-dav. Service« will I»- In-bl at the M E. Church at Hire«- o’clock (-. m l«v Rev M A Williams. • The election is fast approaching ami candidates are informed flint I >ill«m keep­ lie best of liquors and cigars. — AT E. JACOBS’ STORE Jack Layton has two pipes in operation and A n E minent V isitor . —Archbishop Seghers expects to make a good clean tip soou. oi Portland arrived in Jacksonville on the Montgomery X" Dodge have struck a rich evening of the ‘29th ult. Friday evening he Oregon St.. Jacksonville. pocket of quartz in the Blackwell diggings. was serenade«! by the Brass Baud, which dis­ Geo. Megerle informs us that the miners of coursed some of its sweetest music. J. Nu- Evans' crwk have plenty of water and seem to ( I r HERE A < '< >.M I’LETE AN » M A< i N I F- i: hi then delivered the address of welcome, lie doing well. vl ieeni assortment of new goods ha« in i was very appropriately responded toby jus? been received, consisting :n part ol Balls & Co., in the Willow Springs district, th» Archbishop. Mr. Nunan said : “May it ph\i-e your Grace : We, the Catholic inhab­ are cleaning up and making several «1.dial« a All Kinds of Groceries. itants of Jacksonville and the surrounding dis­ Iday to tne hand. Kahler, McDonough X of the Fort Lane < A It PETS, trict, beg to offer our most affectionate ami respectful welcome on the occasion of this, diggings, made another clean up last week, Cl.( »THING, your first visit to Southern Orego^Z To us, which resulted favorable. They will do quite esjieciallv, the event is one of no ordinary grat- well this season. DRY-GOODS, ■V.ioti. We recognize in your Grace a Pre- Superintendent Fitzpatrick has closed down FANCS GOODS, I it** distinguished for eminent scholarship ami ¡the Applegate Gravel Co.’s diggings ami will • x It d piety, elevated to the highest office in return north soon. He is suffering from an BOOT* X SHOES, ♦ io- Church in which, for many years.you have injured eve, a small piece of a rock he was SCHOOL BOOKS, I-.-. i oiuidered one of the brightest ornaments. breaking having entered it. « Jl»-d to succeed in time our most worthy and W. -I. Savage, whois interested in mining HAT’S AND CAPS, venviable Archbishop, who has ruletl this claims on Savage creek, informs us that piping iri-fuliocese fpr thirty-four years, we faithfully 1 w ill soon cease there, as water is getting light. TOBACCOS A ( KLARS, mricipate that your government will be His company lias been able to work nearly all HARDWARE X TINWARE. * i tally distinguished and lieneticent. In con- Winter ami an- sanguine of a good clean-up. i 1 .-ion, we pray that your Grace may be spared W imer «V Co., who are extensively engaged i our high and sacre«l office with comfort vud happiness to yourself and benefit to the , in mining operations neai Waldo. Josephine d .«•!; committed to your care." The Archbish­ county, made acb-an-up last week, from which op w ill remain in Southern Oregon for some­ they realized $2.5(i0. This was the result of a PAINTS & GLASS. time, and it is to be hoped that he will favor ; thirteen .lax s' run, and is evidence that these us with one of his excellent lectures before he j gentlemen liavesoine of the best diggings in the Children's Carriage», Velocipedes and I State. take his departure. Beautiful Ladies’ Hats & Flowers. Desselles X Co.’s digging- on Scott's gulch, '. i-rotNTED.—G. Karewski of thia place has a few miles from Waldo, are in tirst-class run­ •p pointed agent fortlie celebrated J. I ning order and will no doubt pay well this sv ¡son. The Cranston elevator used works to * >- X Co. farming machinery ami is now pre- icharm and, Mr. Desselles informs us, gives i.-iu l to give inducements in this line farmers •eHisfai-tion. I’he company is an enterprising should consider. He al-o has a uumlier of the one and deserves success. well known Fish Bros.’ wagons on hand, which Win. Benner, of the Centennial Company, h- is s.-lling cheap. Read Mr. Karewski’s ad­ operating m the Willow Springs district, this vertisement elsewhere and give him a call. week -bowed us a number of very fine speci­ ♦---------- I.,«. Sacha, of the well-known firm of mens of gold taken from their mine, the largest * Sweitzer, Sachs 4 Co., San Francisco,is lend- of which weighed $11. He says that they are in .- his influence to the C. C. W. R., an item now piping after night, cleaning up during the wor-hy of note. Max. Muller and ('apt. J. dav. I he ground is rich ami yields well. M. M.-Call, now at the Bay City, are also' I >. I’. Courtney, who left this place for the «1 > n their utmost for it. If this enterprise Skagit m.lies sometime ago, writes to .1 S. is ..ot successful, we will miss our guess sadly. Howard that they are a first-class fraud. The snow is very deep ami little work lias been I E Beggs returned from Lake county last dom- as yet. Many miners are unable to get w k. lie reports some snow on the moun- out for lack of means, though anxious enough tuns between .Spencer's and Jenny creek, to do so. The rush thither is abating ami another mining excitement will soon be no though the roads are now fast improving. more. Geo. W. Howard, who is m charge of MARRIED. Henry Smith’s store at Galiev creek.informs us \ I’.« ENT—WEBB—At Bonanza, April 22'1. that Green Bros, of the Sugar Pirn- ledge have ■■■ B Price, J. I’., Jas. Vincent and Mrs. run another tunnel and struck richer quartz, W .bl. than ever, some of which will pay at least StiO M. LI NG FERN—At Wilderville. April to the ton. They are now down over 1. Ht’GIIES On Lost River, April *21st, to the Cardwell desires to have it understood wife of Chas. Hughes, Jr., a daughter. that he keeps the finest turnouts in the V '! !'• \TF At I.inkville, to the w ife of i S*:ite nt his stable. Prices, reasonable. ’ i D Applegate, a daughter. ' I 11 f Englaml. Di. k Tiirpin's «lani w.;s sired lo *• I iogg<-t « Luiiiiiiux, ami In- hy (»wensby's L.im mnx ami out of a Messenger man- bre«l in K< • tm-kv . Dick « grand ilam, gii thè hors«- s «i«l- w a* a Jack 11 -iwkms unir«-. > i :w < ;<><>>>*< : : ——----- < — A Large number of visitor.« ire *-x|ieeted from Yreka ami I.inkville on tin- l‘2tli of Mav. Wagons, , —AT— THE FINE STALLION BRECKENFELD’S ! t Fine Tliinsc tor Hi«- Tertli. FRENCH CANDIES. Etc. Fragrant S(»Z(»Df»Ni is a composition of the purest ami choicest ingrvdients of the rpHE VNDERS1G.NED TAKI s p|,E\< , » '«eget-itile kingdom. Every in re«li- I ure in announcing tn the public that lit* zil aiio vn to have a beneficial etlect on Ims just re«-eived a complete and tirst-«-la«s t-iv tri Hi ami gum«. Its emlnlming or an­ assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goo«!«, tiseptic proiiertvaml arom-Oic fragrati«-«- make« «ueh as I lais, Shirts, Vnderwear. etc.; be«! it a toilet Inxiirv SOZODONT rem -ve« all brand* of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes. No­ disagreeable odors from th - l.restli eam-e.l bv tion«, Fancy Good“. Glassware, Crockery, catarrh, bail teetii, «’t«-. It is «-.itirely free Musical instruments. Bird ('ages, stat ion- from th«- injurious ami acrid properties of erv. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Album*. t'with pastes ami powder« which destroy the Toys. Candies. Nut«, etc., which w ill be sold at the cheapest rates. Giv«- me a call and enamel, (»lie bottle w ill last six months. see for voursel ve*. F. BRE( K ENFEI.D. DIED. In fact everything to tie found iit a fii>; class stock of General Merchandise w bi«-n will be sold at prices That Defy Competition. The highest price allowed lor country pro­ duce. jyfi-Give me a call at my establishment in in Masonic Building and be convinc'd that there is no humbug about this. K. JACOB*. WOOL! WOOL! HIGHEST CASH PRICES 11 CARO BROS, of Rost burg. Oregou. will pay tlw1 Highest Cash Prices for Wool delivered at Roseburg. All corre­ spondence will be promptly answer«»«!. Caro Bros.. Roseburg. / (CT nails, wrought nails, cleat nails, lath \ ) nails, finishing nails, fencing nails, horse-shoe nails, ami iron ami steel horse­ shoes at JOHN MILLER'S. A RANDALL—Near Plm-nix. \pril :’.otli. ot consumption, A. F. Randall; aged about 55 y ears. (Dei-ease.l was an old ami respected ci’iz.en nt Jack«on county. He had been suffering long ami death was indeed a relief to him. Reqiiiescat in pace.] NEIL Near Ashland, Xpril ’.otli, ot ap- ottlexv, Louisa, wife ot ('laiborm- Neil; age«! 5S years. [Mrs. Neil was the mother of.I. It. Neil. Esq., of this place. She leaves a large fam ilv to mourn her loss, which is reirette«! by all who knew her.] HOLLI N.;sWORTH -At Lake <‘it v. Modoc count v. Cal., A nril 11 th. Mr«. Lou i mi H ■ «I - ling«worth; aged 31 years. BENEDICT—On Applegate, Mav '¡th. of ;>neumonia, Marv .Jane, wife of H. Bene­ dict ¡aged 53 year«, ‘2 months and 3 days. (.'ARTER—On Big Applegaie, May 1st. infant son of Manfred C. and Sarah F. Carter. HUNTERS' EMPORIUM ! — AX‘I> HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE, Il I LL M A K E TH E SEASON oFl**''|X • ( Ja-kson county, commencing April 1 *t. -it the following place* and on the da,<-« mentioned. Monday ami Tuesilay of each week at C. C. McCleini-m'* ranch in Sam’« Valley: W«-dne*day ami Thursday at Wo <1 Ville, am! Fri.lay and Saturday at ('ar