DEM G vá ATIC r ATFuk. The Democratic parly of the Stat«- i Or .'»’l. in e invention .ia>cinbled. •>■ - f*eimily s -ii-tiole of tli-* important co.«-»«•- «m th - :mm«-1--• of popular lil»- r -ty . hi ;: rights laid «lowii I- Washing- toi . .letlerson an l the other foitn l«-rs of tll<* Republic. W»- beli-ve that the teli- • L-neie» ot the R»-publi-«'i party to cen­ tralization and consolidation an-contrary to the principles of our ruditntions. We insist <>n unity, fraternity and concord, an«l that the ¡Hsiu-.ssettled by the war shall not be revived. We demand honest elections and an honest count of the votes. Never again by fraud or force shall the popnl .r will la- set aside by unscrupulous partisans. That W e ire unqualifiedly op­ posed to any on«- holding the office of 1 T< si;ient <4 the I nited States for three terms. Rrsot.VF.i), first That we favor hon­ esty. «-fficiency and economy in every 1 is is d«-structive of frt-edom of «‘lections a l is incompatible with the existenc«- of L institutions. S«-v«:ith—That the efforts of the Re- puldicun party to open and keep alive the .. r feeling b«-twe«-n th«' North and South are to !>«• comlenmed by every lover of hi a country. Eighth That we favor continued lavv- oi» .»git.ition on the subject of Mongolian 'ration to this country, until the fed- •■« I government is moved to modify our r. .ties with th«' Chinese Empire so as to -'-¡bit it, and thus save those of onr fel- h" itiz.ens who depend upon labor for • »port from unjust ami degrading «‘«Hil­ i' ! 'ion We condemn and denounce in ^••verest terms the veto by R. B. H ■ » s of th«* bill limiting Chinese immi- .’:<>n to this country; and this e.xpe- - shows that the p«*ople have ao hope i o-iiet from this scourge except fit-oi> ;h a Democratic (»»ug/e - end :, I h-iun -ratic i T-sident. Ninth Tiiat vv«- regard with alarm the • -nt ilecisioiis of the Supreme (’ourt >f ih«- I’-ait«-I St it.-s .is having b»-«-n m -.«!«• in tin* imen'st »1 th«' Republican part- , am! illtemied I > blot «»lit th last Vt'stigc of Slate rights, centraliz an I consolidate the f«'deral t’nion. an! cliangt* it to an em»>ir«'. 1-nllt i ll it w«‘ hold to th«“ Constitu­ tion with all its amendments, but vv- in­ sist <»n an i i!-rpretation of the amend­ ments in -on »nance w ith the spirit of tin- original instrument. Eleventh l’hat we pledge our earnest en leavers in upholding a system of uu trammel«-«! suffrage absolutely free from federal force and supervision. Twelfth That th«' Democracy opposes all favoritism am! class legislation. No single int»-r«-st or «'lass of pers-m should be protect«'«! at the expens«- of other». Thirteenth That we ar«- opp «1 to any ami all pr«»t -dive tariffs. an 1 are in favor of a tariff tor r«‘ventu- only; mid w< plt'dge tin* Democratic party t<> abolish al! restrictions upon comm« r«-e as soon as practicable. Fourteenth -That vvlii h- we r«*eogniz«‘ gold and silver as the constitutional cur­ rency, and the only real money, vv«- re- gar«l any further contraction of the paper is,u«--<»f the government as uncalleil for and impolitic in the present financial eon- «lition of the country. Fifteenth That, believing the fees of Clerks and Sheriffs to be exorbitant and onerous to litigants, we favor th«' passage of a law by the next Legislature materi­ ally reducing their compensation, so that the amount paid them shall not exceed th«- vnlnt- of their services. SPRING JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, MAY 7. —OV ER Bvbee ’s Track. Near Jacksonville, r —ON— May 13th. 14th, 15th, 1830. first i» vr. Trotting riu-«'—-Free for alt li irse-» hat have never ti«»tte«l tor public m >m-v. Purse, jGO.oo. Foot race, 200 yards, Ire«- for all. Pm-e, 820.00. SF.eoNI» I»AY. Running race, Single dash of on«- :«i !«• fr«-«* for ail. Purs»«, 850.00. Trotting ra«-.-, unit* h.-ats. best 2 in ’• n harness, for horses that have m-ver 1» -a en ;< minutes. Pur.M«, 850.00. I ll I HI» H A Y. Trotting race, mil«- heats, be.i 2 in in harness free tor all. Eni ram-e f-e ¿10; I ■ ••» to g<> vv it h I h«< purs,-. Pur-e, 8100. Running race, single «1 ish of a half mil«*. All trotting races to be in harness. Na­ tional Trotting Ass , -i ition rule' to govern trotting races. Pacific Coast rules to gov­ ern running races. -I as . Mclio.xoroii, ) J ohn W atson , > C«»»-«-. J ohn E. Ross. I NOTICE, STOCKMEN ! ----------- <■ THE WELL KNOWN DRAFT HoRSE, JOHNSON SHUNTER, BI.AC KS M I 'V 1 IS, Manzanita. Or. fllHE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE PLEAS- L lire in informing tin- public tiiai they have opened a blacksmith shop ai the old MERRIM AN PLACE in M mzanita pre­ cinct, ami an* now fully prepared to ex«j- cui>- a!! work in this line in theb -st style ami at tin* lowest rates. ¡■OICNESIIOEIWG A MI’JA IA 1.1 V. A complete set of Farrier's Implements kept on ham! ami all «lisea-e-« of the hoof seientitii-ally treated. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial ami judge tor vourselves. JOHNSON A HUNTER. HIDES! HIDES!! w EWILL PAY THE HIGH EST CASH price for Beef Hides and will pay from 15 to cents for I leer Skins. To be doliv- ered at Nick Eicke’' Butcher Shop in Jack­ sonville. NICK FI1’KE, PAT. Mc.MXHoN. TURK, llflLL MAKE THE SEASON, CO p I it inencing at mv pl «<-e in Sam’s valli-y, w hen- he will I»«- April 1st, 2d, 3 1 an 1 Itii: nt Rader’s, Butt«- creek, 5th ami Gth; al Pool’s, Eagle Point, 7th and Sth; reiurning to each stand every ninth day. Owing to previous engagements, I will not mak«- a stand at Jacksonville, as usual. Iil’.-SCRIPI IdN Wil PEDIGREE. Turk is lOyearsold thisSpring. !I s sir«i was Arabian, out of a Tiniol«*on mare. Turk's dam was French. H-- is a «lark chestnut snrn-1. with white points, 17 hands high, ami weighs 1.TOO pounds in working »•on« liti on. TERMS—85, 810 ami 815, payable in cash, grain »r note. I have engaged goool. S. \ . Abbott. <>f Murphy's er«-ek, in­ tends removing to th«- Willamett«- valley next Summer. Vane«' A Birdscy, at Wil»l«-.-v ill«*, will soon re-'eiv«* a first-«-lass st«>-kof r > ».Is. Their prices are «piití- r -a - « i.ible. ‘ RattL-r, the tin«- Ver m nt ow m>-1 . 1 > y Will. Dai kas of Waldo, w II be at K« Ii i \ - ville ami Waldo «luring th e s -ason. I L Wilder Inks p it u 1 a new bl. i k smith shop at Wil lervdl«». IL- is a - - I workman and guarantees s.ttisf v-tioii \ majority of th«- pt'oplc < • -.u favor annexation to.Li<-ks.ui«-ounty. vvlii -h ¡slu­ ing agit ita.i. High tax«*s is tin- cause. Th«1 Democratic Stat«' ami .Jndicial ti«-k«-ts give gt-m-ral satisfaction in Jose­ phine und will r«-.-.-ivc a neat majority. Every stream ami giib-h is full of water and th«' supply promises to k«-ep tip well during the Summer, which is unusual. A. A. Wimer's b in«« of slie-'p hav«' fared rather poorly «luring th«' Winter. IL lost quite a numb -r of tln-ni, vv«' ar«' sorry to SUV. Johnson ,V C irson are preparing toel«*an- up. am! ar»-sati-uim-of g-»-a«l results. We trust that tln-ir fond«-vt h »t>c- -«riy be real­ ized. The youiig«'»t child <»f L. Leonard «»f Althons«* has the m«-asl«-s, but is now con­ valescent. I’he disease is not likely to spread. Tim Conway’s ‘Star of the West.” a tin«* Vermont stallion, will be at Smith River Corners ami Crescent City «luring tie- season. N. Thoss is gathering up a considt'rable number of eatth*. whi--h h«- will drive «'list unless h>- shoiihl dispus«- of th<-ni to local buyers. A young man n lined Beardsley sloped for parts unknown the other «lav, leaving several er«-lit«>rs on William’s er«- -k t<» mourn Ir.s loss. Mr. Nash, an excellent carpenter, and recently from Smith river. Cal., has put Up at Kerbyv ill«', and is ready to ex«.*■-ate all work in his line in goml shape Hon. has the Holt’s twelve 1880. Henry Thornton's will be found one of the most agreeabb- |»la«-«-s to anchor at. It is situate«! 10 mili-s this side of K«-rbvv ill« and is also on«- of Bob (iarr«-tt's stage stat ions. FURNITURE WIRE ROOMS. < 'or. < 'al. A <)r«gon St«., Our old friend to Southern < Iregon and Noy.hern Cal­ ifornia. Everybody js th«‘r«‘for<* enthusi­ astically in its favor and will do every­ thing possjbl«- to ensure its construction. I'ln-re w ill be n<> tronbl«- to raise.Tosephin«1 county’s shar«' for th«* surv«*.v now being mad«-, much of vvlii. h has alrea«ly be«-n subscribed. of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, per term.................... Be«l and Be«lding............................................. 4.00 Drawing and painting.................................. s.oo Piano,............................................................... 15.00 Entrance fee, only once,............................. '. ihi SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term........................................$ «t.oo Junior. «“ ........................................ b.00 Senior, “ ...................................... 10.00 Pupils are receive« 1 nt anytime, and spe­ cial attention is paid to particular studies in behalf of children who have blit limited time. For further particulars apply at the A«-a«!ein v. A. II. < arson will set out a large num­ ber of prune tr« es. with th«- intention of furnishing the mark<-t with this «'xcellent fruit. Several parties in th«' W’illam«-tt«- valley ar«* profitably engaged in thoexpor- 'DUE best assortment of Rogers’ am) W«»«- tatioii of prtim-s to Europe ami wo see no I tt-nholm’s eutlerv in the market, it JOHN MILLER’S. J. B. Cahlvvell of William’s creek reason why Jackson and Josephine coun­ contract for furnishing Madam«- , ties. the <-jiniate of which ar«'well adapted new hotel, at -Tacksonvill«'. with i to their growth. shonhl not aspire to sup­ Wl NI’ER’s spec«, spy glasses, magnity- ' ing glasses an 1 pocket compasses at dozen chairs an 1 <»th«-r fni ni* ¡ii-«-. ' ply a poition of the increasing demand. JOHN MILLER’«.