The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 30, 1880, Image 3

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    neiuiy r-Jr-r.r»"'
Very quiet.
More cold weather.
Democratic County Committee.
A meeting of the Democratic County
Committee is called to meet at the office of
H. K. Hanna, in Jacksonville, on Saturday,
February 7, 1SS0, at two o'clock p. m ., fur
the pr.rposo of transacting such business as
many properly come up before it.
H. K. HANNA, Chairman.
Leap-year party next.
Trawl, has almost ceased.
Town election is approaching.
Gardening will be next in order.
Local correspondence is solicited.
The organ war has broken out afresh.
The game law goes into effect Sunday.
Eggs an>l butter are more plentiful now.
R ei icious I tems .—Bev. AV. IL Klvce holds
Jos. Brotherton has returned to Nevada.
services at the M. E. Church in this place next
Note ami receipt ltooks at the T imes office.
Sunday morning ami at Heber Grove in the af­
Three undershirts for $1 at the New York
ternoon at three o'clock.... Elder M. l'eter-
uon preaches at the Mound district school­ Store.
house Sunday.... llev. D. A. Crowell will be
Suits, worth ?15, for $8 at the New York
at Grant's Pass on Sunday.
P bobat » C ourt P rocbepixgs .—Hie follow­
ing proceedings have occurred in this Court —
Hon. Silas J. Day, Judge,—since our last re­
In the matter of the estate of J. L. Badger,
cleceas >1. Order made that Geo. AV. Holt, ad­
ministrator, pay preferred claims in full ami
Other claims at the rate of 10 cents on the dollar.
A great quantity of vegetables have been
< terman calendars can be obtained at the
Ti m es otlice.
by the Sheriff.
in taxes have been collected
The Lenten season commences on the 11th
of next month.
machine at th? Singer agency and
you will always have music in the house.
Cold weather is pestering miners again.
Either the delightful hum of the machine or
The miners of Jackass creek are busy
the sweet singing of your wife—she will feel
so happy.
and sanguine of a remunerative run.
The Centennial Company iu the AViliow
February’, although the shortest month in
district is piping dry and night.
the year, will have five Sundays in it. As
claims in this section have
this hapjæns only once in a decade, the maniji-
day and night.
ulators of contribution boxes should make the
Keaton it Klippel, on Boorman's ereek,
most of it.
aro making considerable headway, with
The subscription lists for the Crescent City goo«I prospects.
AA agon Road will simui be circulated in Did One of tho nuggo'« f »und in tho Fort Lane
Norte county, Cal. It is expected that sub­ diggings was broken uj> tho other «lay and
stantial encouragement will be given to the yielded $">5 in gold.
The miner is happy, if the firmer and
Mr. Byers of Ashlaml is in town.
He say.« stoek-rai-er are not, f >.r he lias much water
that the damage dor le by the weather to the and more is promised him.
iOd.l I 'ellow.s' building there will not prove as
Copp’s Handbook of Mining L iw and
serious as reported, and can be repaired at no every description «>1 mining blanks can bo
i great exjieuse.
obtained at the T ime « office.
AVe regret to hear that Miss .Alvina Hess«-
A. D. McKee A’ ('o. have their pipe in
of Crescent City, formerly of this plac
\\ a
operation on Bi-deip creek an I aro tearing
1 recently severely burned by falling against a i away tho <lirt a', a lix n*!y rati*.
hot stove. Her injuries, though very painful,
Hay A Magruder, , on K iguo river, are
are fortunately Hot serious.
operating both pipe > an 1 washing ■ aeolisid-
Sheriff Bybee has jiurcha- I the building crablo (juantity oi gr avel daily.
V. S. Kalis has eiu ght li i l l-, at
formerly oceujiied by I. AV. Berry, as also the
one ti«'d as a millinery store by ?>lrs. Brim. his placer claims n ■ ir AA'dl >w Springs and
: AA e learn that the former structure will be is wa«hm.' a grcit am >unt of dirt daily.
Jacksonville will no doubt improve greatly
nre not faring as well as commonly. Jt is quite
likely that the loss will hardly be as heavy as during ISSt), as we hear that several new
at first antieipat "1; and even that which is li­ buildings w ill be erected during that time.
able to occur would have been much less bail
I'. .1. Ryan ami Bat. McMahon will soon
the proper step- been taken for the wintering commence the ounstruetion of several dwell­
of stock. The in >ral is apparent; and if stock­ ing houses in the southern portion of town.
men would prosper they must adopt the same
The measles have Jacksonville on the list of
tact employed by otker successful business aiijMiintments. This disease lias ajipeareil in
men. In the main, their loss is almost direct­ the vicinity and may b<- expected here at any
ly attributable to th ciiisd vcs.
I time.
A letter from Silver Lake eays a heavy
stands for A oung M n -■ Literary ami Beading
Room Asso< iation, at organ ;zation ret eutly storm visited that section, but stock is getting
formed by the young men of Jacksonville for along quite well. If any are lost, it will be
their mutual improvement and which perfect- some of tlw old cows.
«.■d its organization on Aloud.iy evening last by
It is said that frank t luggage will arrive
tho election of the following offi rs fo-the en- iu Jacksonville «luring the Spring for the pur­
suiug six months: Chas. Nickel], President; pose of disposing of property belonging to his
F. M. Overbeck, Vice President; Chas. Prim. >t brother, Jas. Cluggage.
Secretary; Jas. B. Little, Treasurer; AA'. C.
A social party will take place this evening
Young, Janitor; A. Klippel, J . H. Weber, at the residence of Dau. Fisher, in Willow
A. H. Mivgly, Trustees. Th i Society com- Springs precinct. Messrs. Brown and Scott
menced with thirty-one charter members and will furnish the music.
under favorable auspices. It is its purpose to
The C. «'. AV. 1{. agitates itself on every
stock the old Club Boom in the Masonic build­
hand. With Hour next thing to nothing at
ing (which, has been rente 1 for au imletinite all in price it is painfully evident that a mar­
period) with choice books, periodicals, papers, ket elsewhere is sadly needed.
etc. Amusements in the way of chess, check­
Mrs. I. AV. Berry lias retired from the .li­
ers, doinii.oet, cards, etc., will also be provided;
but games of chance of whatsoever nature are linery business m this place, though she
has several articles of ladies' linery that will
strictly prohibited ami will not be permitted
be disposed of at reasonable rates.
under any circumstances. Literary exercises,
Private Timothy M. Harrington, of Co. F.
lectures, etc., w ill be introduced hereafter, so
Infantry, stationed at 1'ort Klamath, has
that it will readily be seen that the association
insane and will be sent to division
will fully meet tho objects for which it wxs
Ina>’.quart«.*rs under guard for treatment.
originated. The room will l»e ojien every even­
For ba'l ticket«, programmes, rewards of
ing until a seasonable hour ami also a portion
<>f Sun lay. The next busiik -s meeting will be ( merit, wedding invitations, cards of all kind«,
lietl Monday evening, February 21, and once circulars, pamphlets, |>osters and other p'am
and Luicy printing, go to the T imes office.
a month thereafter.
Till: <»KG.IN qtiSÎKiX.
J. A. Boyer, who has been quite ill, is slow­
ly convalescing.
The following will explain themsclv« s;
This instrum mt in writing witnesseth:
AA HEltEAS, AVe, the tiudersigned. by our per­
sonal efforts an 1 w ith the assistance of others,
have heretofore given twu concerts of vocal
nmi iiistru iu ut il music, the jiroceeds of sai l
concerts to be appropriat« I to the purchasing
of a cabinet organ, and claiming the right to
designate th«1 p rsons w h > shall have the con­
trol and mana.'ement of said organ when pro­
cured, do by the«.• present.« ajqioint«'. <'. Beck­
man, T. G. Rcames ami E. I>. Foudrav a«
Trustees, to have the full an I absolute control
of and to dt -ignate the purjtoses for which said
organ shall be used, will i the understanding
that said shall primarily be used in the
1'nimi Sunday School in ille. Oreg....
and for other purposes of a pro;>‘-r ci iracter.
in w hatever place sa;d Union Sun-lav School
may he held an 1 alm may be used cl e i here
as the said Trustei es m.iv deem prop r.
Tiie amount re i !;z-d from said concerts over
and a liove expenses is Si 1(1. which sum we
hereby authorize C. C. Beekman, one of sai l
Trustees, to applv tn th«* purchase of said or- i
g in and transp >r rtation thereof so far as said
.slim will reach.
AVitness our h.
A. D. J579-
Miss Mollie Russell of Ashland has been
spending a few days in town.
John Kelly, the violinist, sprained his ankle
badly recently at Biker City.
AA m. Kreuzer, who ha« been paving Ger­
many a visit, is expected home next week.
• lias. E. Hanna, nephew’ of Judge 11 anua
of this place, arrived from AA'ooster, Ohio,
ntucky last Sahir«
lor Ins stock farm
Michod Chavner, son of Thus. Chavner of
Dardan Iles, has returned from Vancouver,
where lie has been attending school.
the Sterlin
old Weather
with mining
• r
n y< s-
S'-l <■' e
T. L. Beck nl’AA'iilow Sjiringswill wash a
greater area of ground this s«* i«.»n than dur­
ing any preceding one, as will also many
«»tiler miners.
B. O'lfari of Foot’s crook reports every
cl lim there in running order, with
v. ilh plenty
of water and miners lui!v <1 ‘termine 1 t<>
make tin* best of it.
i: ; ■
s tin re
I 'll for a
«•uc in
i i .i
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t.) that
sent at
. rv.Ik
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u • •
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a« y
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of th
to I k
>r i
rua mr<
The National < i< >ld Mcila 1 was awarded
to Bradley A 11111->1 —* •■ i tor the Iw-t Fhoto-
gr.ipli* in the I'liih 1 S'.ite«, >ind the A'icnna
Al. l il tor the l>
in the world. 429 Mont-
gon»« ry street, s m Francisco.
* i ;
l !i i.;r.ii:! Ilreatis ii.iit Pearly Icith
\ie < :i-.;!y «>!> ained by <•!> ansitiz yoiirt«** lit
l ii'v with that ju*-tly ;>opu lar «lentrilicc,
««>Z< i| i< i\ U. ('uiupn-i d of iaro ani isept in
letl»«, it imparts wliitciK*«« m tlm'tcetli, a
leiienHl« aroma to the bi t itli. Slid |.l«*serv«'S
nt.o i. lrmii youth to old nt;«*, th«» teeth.
<i see it Acidity < f tin* stomach will destroy tin»
> settle stroiig«“«t teeth Hille«« it«•■fl*,«*tsare<-ount«*i•
a.■'e 1 with S< •/.( »1 it >N f,and Iiiis pute lootli-
id-hard w.i-li protect - the «lental «til l:*. « s by remov­
ing «'G i v impurity tliat adhere« to them.
A.«k your «11 ugeist ior xt >Z<>DON'T.
me ut
i :
•s Am
A » ’
l.*»siug Jakr.
nim-nt ph;«i<i:n of Bittburgh said
to a lady j itiiiit who was conqdain-
■ ill health, a il of hi.; inability to
“try II-.ip Bitt rU ' The holy took
it m earm t ami u i-d the Bitters, fio.n which
me I [i-r .rinciit health. She now
t'.i do . ir tor hi« j >Le, but lie is
11 p’e: I with it, :.s it nut him a
u i
i a i n
k !
: y .
i t i »i*
..t amur "inxnt of those who have not
lircctly inter«-ti d in it. AVe regret
< Pirc matter 1: i- U u thrown into
o w-pap. :-, .-oinethiiiglliat cannot
ei.d t i * .ku r cide of the «¡mstion in
*. It s tl’.c community in an
li .htli ore tie: public and magnifie«
i should
has been
< < »
news wo
f »
i >
and Dura
In the Whole i‘ isliu.v <.f Mrcficine
arra ig'-- i -nt I
A ken ¡le W*
ceived by J. AV. Manning this week, states
that it is estimated that not more than ten per
cent, of the stock in Laki- county is likely to
iterish. This announcement reduces the an­
ticipated loss more than fifty per cent., some­
thing everybody will b i pie :« d io hear.
out the
from tho
No preparation has ever jcrfoinied »u< li
m uvc.oils emos, or maintaind so wide a
ri pu'ation, a Avui's < nt uuy I’ ecioka I.,
wli c'h i> i"cogniz<d as the world’s remedy
in re ati
lor all dis.
of (lie throat and lungs. Its
long-continueii scri. s of wonderful cures in
ill kliinates has niado it universally known
is a safe and reliable agent to <mploy.
Ill' ■r wit.'i an <• 1
Against ordinary col Is, «hi. h nro the fore­
•s iiiiii'l,'' with
runners of more seiioiis disorders, it »eta
speedily -nd surely, always relieving f>ut-
i fcrina,an I olten saving liie. *1 bo jTotec-
ti.'ti it Blfords, by its timely ux» in tho
carrying throat ami lung disorders <d children,
makes it an invaluablo remedy to be kept,
acted on always
on han Im evciy home. No person
says 1 ■an afford to I o without it. and those w Im
Inivo once used it neviT will. From their
kpow :> Igo of its com po<il loll Kild vt’cels,
l'h v <' ians use t lie < 'll > i;i;Y I’ mtokai . ex­
tensively in their pi aeti.-e. nmi Cleigymen
r.commend it. It is absolutely certain in
its remedial client«, and will always enio
where cures ale possible. For ralu by all
evi- dealci s.
ninne >
X t m
one-« i
Mi ils. Con i
N. S. M
lay e\\
sion ; of
two u- •k.s. a i
A letter from Lakeview states that it is fully
expected that the first issue of the “Lake
County Examiner will about February
5th. The story concerning the cajisizing of
the material int i Goose Lake must be a myth,
or etlorts for the rt >■ tie o' the tvpe have been
successful, it already has a circulation of 3110.
which the publishers expect to double in the
next three months.
I.oi 'EY Near Jacksonville January 23d,
it.i nil solini I>. It. l.o< <y ; god about th reo
». W.
Since invitations for the Leap-year ball have
been issn« d a lively rivalry b ■tween the gen­
tlemen has sprung up, which promises to be
interesting. Each one of them is anxi ms to.s<-
eure the prize oli'cred by J. S. Howard (a juir
of striped stockings) to the belle of the ball
ami costuming i« ptogres«ing in earnest. A
swallow-tailed coat has been ordered from
Lakeview by one of the young men.
The lbi- burg “Stir" si“«: “Arr.uigent 31113
are now p. nding, and will doubtless b • con
summated, tortile const ruction, next Summer,
of a good ma 1 from this city t • the- top of th *
Roberts Hill. The County Board will appro­
priate a sum e-piai to that subscribed by pri­
vate citiz ns for this work.’- This will l>e news t > the teamsters of this section, an I
such a proje.-t w.U rcd-jui.d to the l.euctit of
D w.- g »*—□ iviiut j.
i ¡u: II
il t
From a private letter received from Lake
county by a g< ntleiii uh . thi« place wc learn that
stock is suffering coiGiderably there, S une
have di -d, but the worst has net come, Many
cattle-raisers have b'.lt little feed aud these, of
course, will be the heaviest losers. There was
live inches of sn >w on the ground when the
letter was written (the 26th), since when we
have had some snow here and tic? storm u
have been general.
Tho rejiori <>f K.S. Dunlap, ('if v Sexton,
was received and pia •<■ 1 o.i filo, a portion
■ hereof being rei tedio Cemetery Commit­
Tho annual report of G »n. IT. Young,
slreiit Commissioner, showing roa I work
lone an 1 <1-In <|u**iit, w is referred to Cum»
mitteoon Itna 8.
Noland A M<1 i.iniel wo e giunte«’a liquor
license for oneyo ir.
I’tie jicti'inii of <■. Karewski and S. Arra-
sniith, in rt'lation to c<*rtam groun I claim-
** I by them, was laid over until next meet­
A. AV. En sley appeared befnr«* tho Board
and made asi;«*nt in relation totlieopnn-
mg ol A'alley street; but tho Board deter­
mm«* 1 to -tan I by their order made previ»
'I li • per -ha -e of t ho Mensnr building was
iiitilied and a warrant for $150 ordered
The Recorder wa« ordered to make ont
■xliibit of town limine‘s for th- fiscal year
.ibmit ending ami to p> •*t t*!«‘ S.Thl©.
It w. is further ordirvi tl .it the Recorder
tile leg d notice of the town « lection to trans-
¡•ire on March 2d.
The I following persons were ap;»oi:ited offi.
c rs of a:d ehction; L. J. C. Duncan, 1!. X.
i Itinlnp ¡i and J. 11. N. ¡1, Judges; J. Nuuait
md J. II. Huff« r, Clcrka.
The B >ard t In .•n adjourned.
The Board of Trusties me! again Na'iirdny
•veiling. I’le-ident Langell pr«-si«I<*d, with
('ounci)nien Kearnes, Orili and Nickell
Tm* Finance C«>tnniii!eoreported !>a<*k fa­
vorably the following bill«, which were or-
l«Ted paid: Ail. Helm«, lighting lamps,etc.,
.'Id; C. <’. Beekman, posts f >r bitching racks
I ■> 1». Linn, repair« to tm-k lioii«o
lamp«. e‘<’.. 8! 1.50; (’.J. Il ovari, «urvevmg
town limits, pt«*., 820; <•«*«». )toward, L. L,
«magi* and Elia«. AA'olters, services us
cliainm«n and axmen. $12.
’l'h' following bills wore presented and
roferred: 1». I.’mn.gla««, ti.irs. e‘c., 8* 25; A.
W. IT«»‘*I.)y, ltimlu r, $E'-ii; Ream«-« Bros.,
■•■lai oil. lamp chinili 'vs, etc., $21.75; Geo.
II. Young, «• instiue’.mg four crosswalks,
ts several
imp. ( ’ ll.,
near the
ruera iting
toun corsili
pimi ¡ i
>ck farin
Ail aspiring old bachelor at our eliiow sug-
g 1 ts that we jmblish a list of the marriageable
young ladi«:s in this vicinity «•specially those
who have reveled in the sunshine of twenty-
The slide that lias been obstructing Mule live Summers. Discretion always was a pre­
R atronizin «; T ramps . The public is rapid­
Hill, on tin; Big Applegate road, has been re- dominant bum]) on our cranium, and respect
ly «liseovering that it is |»<>'>r.poliey to patron’
moveil and that thoroughfare is now ojien to for our auburn locks deters us from accepting .ire
ize traveling mechanics to tha detriment of
his sugge cion.
th«»se perminentlj’ located among us. The
On l ist Friday afternoon, while a party
.1. B. Thomas of the Meadows was in town
itinerant workman is gen. rally loud in preten-
xions ami p > >r in execution, and, while the fe" this week, who inioruis us that his mill will be were pr.icticin.g with a small saloon t irget
be charges may 1« ■ considerably kss than that rep tired as soon as the danger from high water title, one of the balls rchounded a distance of
.about twenty yard , struck one of .1, E. Bv_-"s'
charged by the resident at the time, it w ill soon is over.
iu the breast, and jia.-sed entirely thron.-li
Q. N. Anderson, Jr., of Manzanita has been
l>e fo ind indeed exorbitant. 'I raveling with
Tiie little fellow was b.adli
an incomplete kit of toils he cannot do justice quite ill with typhoid fever, but is now recov­
to his work, even if competent; and it is not ering under the treatment of l>r. Stanley of frightem I lmt not injured, as the ball lift no
mark on l;is person.
•often that a i skilled arti an is f >un 1 traversing Table Bock.
the country for an existence. Therefore, we
must not be 8urpris<-1 when the article that
road, espe i illy near St.rlnigville,
lias been re[> • lire I Ry th ’«!.• roving bot<-hes soon
it fell to the depth of several inches
refuses duty ■ and is often found to be irrepara-
l>ly ruined, It is always best to patronize
Jackson ere« k has bec-n inundating the val­
home institutions ami re i J cut mechanics
ley road and cutting away much of the land in
■whenever possible
its vicinity. Some steps should be taken to
A’. M. I.. A B B A. This array of initials remedy this cviL
rep ir: « a
converted into a butcher-sluqi by N. Eicke.
M kftim ; C allup .—A meeting of the Demo-
AA ar is threatened in Maine, the peo'de of
cratic County Committee has been called by
the Chairman for Saturday, February 7th, and
The County Commissioners’ Court will be I Ireland are desperate, the organ war is raging
a full attendance of the members is requested. in session next week.
I in Jacksonville, but Matt. Ddlon continue.«
H. K. Hanna, John Bolt. J. N. T. Miller, A.
There is considerable sickness at Blnenix, ’ disiieii-ing his fine liquors to th ■ jiublie, as it
S Jacobs ami It. A . Beall compose the com- though of a mild type.
I everything was serene, without extra ch <4v.
inittee,. whose principal business will lie the
Chinese New Year is aj'jiroaehing ami
Beautiful those elegant gilt-edged calling
calling of a county convention.
chicken coops should b? put under survcil-
cards at the T imes otlice.
lance. John's ji.atriotism does not prevent his
A IL mn > mk Pt hi n ATio.x. AVe have re­
Snow lias been three feet Jeep at D. Reyn­
hank«ring alter yellow-legged poultiy, an 1 he
ceived from Nanz & Neuner of Louisville, olds’ place in the Meadows.
isn't particular as to the mode of obtaining
Kentucky, a ciq>y of their catalogue for ISSil,
Brovisions are said to bo getting scarce in
which everylxxly engag' d in gardening should some (tortious of Lake county.
I A full assortment of blanks, such as <K
have. These gentlenn n are the leading tlor-
Sheriff Taylor is willing t«> interview ye 1 and mortgages of all kinds, ironclad not'
j.sts of the South and West, and their seed*
taxjiayers of Joscj'liine county.
assessment schedules, attorney's summon«« s,
have gained an enviable reputation for excel­
B. jiip'T.s, ami everythin;; else in this line,
lence, while their prices are quite reasonable.
always be procured at the T ime : office at
Send a three-cent stamp for their catalogue be­
fore it is too late.
M. A. Brentano, formerly of this place, has reasonable rates.
• qiene.l a restaurant at Roseburg.
The stage coming from the north one night
F i nekal of T. ihi t . S uf . i . tox .—A dispitch
The mechanics' lien on the new M. E. , this week broke through a bridge between
from AValla AV ill.i, dated January 21st, says:
Willow Springs and R >ck Point, causing . om*
Church at Binenixhn been [>aid off.
The remains of Lieutenant Shelton, who re­
Further than a demoralized tongue
Mart. Hurst of Butte creek is w intering his
cently died on a stage coach at Canyonville,
slight mjurie3 to th
arrived here to-d
tn-d iy
iv au
an 1 were iiumediately sheep at AA'ni. Bybee's place near town.
The February term of the Circuit Court w ill ,
taken charge of by >’ the First Cavalry, of which
Sum • parties in thi section are
regiment he was an olli er. The general ser- Commence one week from next Monday.
their hid •«, unnr.n Util of th ■ 1
vices were verj’ grand and solemn. All the
Better than a letter to your friends in “the
i« t.;i>-. :.i’i
troops and otli ers, with citizens, attended. States: A copy of the Tiur.i sent regularly’.
His brother officers will erect a monument over
Andy K egel will shortly open a dancing these cases
his grave.
, school in Lake City and Cedarville, Modoc '
trojiieal fut
county, Cal.
Auoi'T Ro ll's.— - l'h»* Gordon lane, the
Some of the small boys are
Tiie Skagit fever is spreading in this section. '
era continuation of H. rrin’s lane, is said
strides as embryo st itt snu-n, in
AA e hear of several parties who propose emi- 1 tain barn in the suburbs of tow
in even worse condition now than tiie
ever was. This fact calls loudly for th;* grav- grating thither.
the jias-ing hours in a fri.nnlly
el’.ng of the quagmire referrvd to, which we
The school tax is not being paid as rapidly for marbles. Such evidonce
h"|n' our County Commission, rs will attend to as ilcsired ami the School Clerk, J. IL Huiler, should be summarilv disci>urag>.
at the profier time. They aete«l wisely in hav­ is tiring of the <lelay.
ing n jxirtion of Herrin's lane graveletl and put
A case of wife-beating is r<-p rrted ; u
in good condition, and they should j >< rsevere Sticky, but we have not learned the particu-
in the g«>o<l work thus inau unrated, Still the lars of the transaction.
clamor must not be too loud, as the wants of
There promises to be some immigration to
many other sections of the county must also lie
ami f; i.dimmilff- d. »
Eastern Or«*gon and AA .«sliingtou Territory
■gradually attend, tl to, and our expenses should from here next Spring.
not )>e increased too much.
M we:it her of the
Miller, who was lost in the mountains while
y reçu: veil by i ill!- la:
! il -
L eap \ ear ix M anzanita .—A young lady on bis way
await i ng an o i'd'"'
of Manzanita precinct a-. ■.:!_■ I h r. elf >>: al! the not keen lmar 1 from since.
¡•low. I’p to
| rivilegee accord* «! to the fair sex during Leap ' AVe learn that J. T. 11 liiivy of Sam’s valley,
!1 am. mat of
Year one day last w -ek in the m-st approved w ho purchased a larg** bind of sheep last Fail,
time is last
H* r swain being rather bashful, ami lias lost quite a number of them.
progress in
-matters not taking the decided turn wish*- I
Farmers will find a tine supply of order
for, she betook herself to the residence of his ' books for sale at the T ime s oikce. They save
The act that St.
employer and after dinner smuggled iiiin into much writing and are sold cheap.
Sun l.i will l ave a discmtragin
the parlor, pulled down the blinds and---------. ;
AVe are pleasetl to learn that Mrs. A. Bil­ j event, unless those most interi s
The afternoon spent in courting, the young la­
ger’s health is imp eving. She is still the [lostjionc it a day. I .*■: I ostm
dy wended her way homeward fully satisfied
a religious turn of mitili, will
guest of Dr. Callender at Roseburg.
of the beaut ice of I.cap i ear. The result of
his doors to worshippers at
surine o ’
The gentlemen of B > burg are getting up a
this exploit must be aw aited, but it is believ­
masquerade ball, 1 he ladies will do the mas-1
ed that “Barkis is willin’.”
Mrs. It. <Armstrong has been
querading in these parts this season.
number of chickens through
SriH K.— The general re|>ort is that all ctock
The neatest job printing of every imaginable
He .
The i t svmpf
which has been 'ed ami sheltered is doing well,
•> 1 >in is a «lisjn»,
description exe< ited at the T imes office at mope about and th n th -ir heads to th«-
while that illy provided with either, especially
away down prices. AVe only a«k a trial.
ground, ajiparently «lea l; but mt touching
the fi >rmer, has suffered more or less. Sheep­ i I
Since the last issue of theTiMEs the weather them they Hutter about for a little while ami
raisers seem to have been UTinsiially lax in pro­
viding feed and they will lie the heaviest losers. has been quite cold again ami a few inches of then droop their hea 1 as before.
A letter from H. L. AA’ebb of Linkville, re­
Horses are ¡»cstered considerably by ticks and snow has fallen, with frost almost nightly.
.. • >. —
.< m t
’< »
“Ill's G one and H e ' s L ei r I
Foley, the affdil" traveling a .-ent
l imi “Stan lar 1. r. *'trn* to to ■ ne:
after having .«’pent s-veral «lus
einity. AA'•• ar ■ ■'••■.•! 1 .! irn t'n
in securing sub- thkts .’or that exo.
n d were attend • I w ith .«ucce«s. E
< !ii‘r*r!:i ;
News (tn*
•las. H irvey f
div at t'::? re
about 32 y- ars.
an aggravated
three year ; and v» a
n Mr. L ince knnily
aiinrini«terc«l to his
to the county author
vv as immediately di-niat*
town; but when he arriv' d at
Harvey's spirit ha I t ik ti Hight.
AV m.
i v
t »
t OK ’I I KN HAI..
The iindorMi’imd announces him«<*1f a« a
candidate lor
sb d at tin* ensiling l<wn
I». AV. < lt< .«BY.
.H u in
a a i
O :r countrv i-
ing, t!
Í1 Cd
» ; 1 Í k l_. > i V* •
: 1 arm-
Our people h ive been cut
iiluni -11 i >ti w;t h th*' outer
that anything wbieh tends
limo when t h'*v can e.,me •
that awful «»<-••;tn v »vag.*. is I
deopest sa’i«'.lotion; but I
Eastern railr a l «• »iinoet;<>n
of the wmideii'ul Oregon b
you have the l ie ,cv !i •, or ai
tin* ki lneys or bla i I -r. n
the <-Hi«e, it w ill <*ure c\er
humbug. Ask your druggi?
<>;• THE Pt !tDING If» IN
«* roeorymoii and .«'“rekeepers pay 3 ton
e. ii:-a pound extra for butter made with
Gilt-Edge Butter Maker. Il iucr« .«-es pro­
duction ti to 1'1 per cent.; !•■ Iu • •« labor of
churning one-half: gives a t !t g il.b it color
tin1 '.ear louml. s.,1.1 by <!; iiggi«’.groc«*r<
and getn* storekeepi-r*. >: itl «! imp for
“Hints to Butfet-.AI iker«.’’ Address; But­
ler luipruve.nuut Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
ar w itimi
rzn.3 xov
Rersons de«iring to purcha-e good tamia
size w i i I * lo veli to <*nt; nire of
J < > H N B* >L’1*, A ; q*i. j.Hc. < 11 <••.’* •**.
' )A! N I«. < H1.S, VAKNlSH, G|. \>s A\l>
pu ty at
JOHN M* I.LEK’,«5,