DEMOCRATIC TIMES Hill E!' KKFERENt'E We have received a printed account of the marriage of Major Eugene <). Fechet an 1 M iss Miry Montgomery at Georgetown, D. C., j w hich we w ill reproduce n-xt week. 5I1MM. MUS. l*£ilSl»N Al. NOTES. DEATH OF EJELTENANr N11ELFON. Why Will Y oh I Allow' a cold to advance in your system ami I’lentv of water every whero. Days are lengthening out. [ Rev. A. Hardison of L ike county is paying 1 he many fi lends ol Lieutenant E. It. Shel­ ' thus encourage more serious maladies, such as * l’neumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung troubhs FRIDAY,. ..JANUARY 23 ISSO, Favorable weather for minors. this section a visit. ton were surprised and pained to hear that ' when an immediate relief can lie so readily at- Bad colds are still popular. E. F. Walker has rented his mining claim Our friend C'apt. Flyc has taken charge of that gentleman had departed this life most sud­ 1 t lined. Bo si H ee ' s G ei :MAN SvRl'P has gamed The weather has been quite mild during the Horticulture is almost in season. on Grave creek to parties from California. denly while on Ins way to R uebjrg. As was tho largest sale in tho world for the euro of Bybee ’s ferry again. pxst week and stock is faring much better. R >ail.s arc in the worst condition. W. J. Stanley has goire to Grave creek to announced in the Last issue of the T imes , the i ('otiglis, Cobls and the severest Lung diseases. The mortality has not been great as yet, though II. L. Shideler of this county is attending , It is Dr. Bo.sehee's famous (¡erman prescrip» I Local correspondence is solicited. Lieutenant had been summoned to Walla Walla . tioii, and is prepared with the greatest care, it is in the early Spring when cattle suffer 1 look after his mining interests in that re- I school at San Jose, Cal. Let not the C. C. W. IL slumber. by the serious illness of his wife and on mid no fear need he entertained in administer- i gion. m< >st. W. A. O,ven has the Skagit fever and may I his way thither when grim Death ent him ! mg it. to the youngest child, as per directions, I Copp ’ s Handbook of Mining Law and Chicken-pox prevails at Ashland. Krom late advices from the S piaw Lake I ! pay those mines a visit. down in the flower of his manhood and bereft i Tho sale of this medicine is unprecedented. Measles are afflicting Central Point. Company's diggings wo learn that Superintend­ ■ every description of mining blanks ean be Sine • first introduced there been a con» ■lay Beach of Lake county proposes going a happy household. We have heard many i slant increasing demand and without a single obtained at the T imes oilice. ent Klippel expects to clear the ditch of slides Superior job printing is our specialty. ¡•last soon for more tine stock. different versions of the sa l affair, and append ! report of a failure to do its work in any ease. Q i ' arters C h isi . ep . -TheTiMEsotfi e occu­ this week and to commence piping immediate­ j Theo. Cameron reports the hydraulics in Very little grain has been sown as yet. Dr. J. P. Parker of Willow Springs precinct the following from the Roseburg “Star" of the 1 A«k your Druggist as to the truth of these re­ | the vicinity' of Uniontown all busily' en- ly afterward. pies new quarters in Orth’s building, the pro­ has been quite ill, but is now slowly improv ­ 16th, which we find the most concise: On Mon­ marks. Large sizj 7-5 cents. Try it and bo Grass is springing up finely on the hills. ! gaged, with favorable prospects. convinced. posed Red Men's h ill taking in our former I Some vicious hoodlums disfigured C. Cole­ ing. day the stage bound for Roseburg passed Lev- Three undershirts for $1 at the New York 1 A largo slide in Wimor A Co.’s ditch near press-room. O wing to the delay in moving the man's fence one ni’ght recently and the extreme <4iveu op it3 uo. iurs. Geo. AV. Ratrie of Butto creek called OH US ens' station about 11 o’clock r. m . There wen- i Waldo delayed operalions, but the damage press the usual attention has not been paid to St ?>re. “ Is it possiitle that Mr. Godfrey Is lip ane inflicted if the of­ four ]>assengers, Lieutenant Shelton of Fort at work.and cured by so simple a remedy ?” Suits, worth $15, fur $3 at the New York fenders are discovered. It was a mean display done was soon repaired and everything is Tuesday and says the loss of stock is not heavy tho editorial depirtm mt, which may account Klamath, Mesdames Bilger ami Kreuzer of “I assure you it is true that ho is entirely there. now running smoothly. Store. fur its excellence this week. of vandalism. cured; and with nothing but Hop Bitters; Jacksonville, anuorg«> continued on their journey to California, neg­ i I and heard of bini for som -rime. 11 more will bo opened soon. J (1. Birdsey is slowly recovering from a re« —I know hops are good.”— Si/em s imple Rooms. cut a log out of the road. Lieut. Shelton, com­ lecting to invest in a marriage license while I The Grand Applegate Company com­ r Elliot t cr creek from this placa after - .. — —---- — lapse of the measles at tie- residence of his pa­ plaining of being chilly, then took an inside Six pounds <>f relined sugar for ÇI at the In re, however. R ain S toi ; m . - Rain commenced falling yes- ■ar's day, when thè show wasipiite deep menced piping on Saturday and is running rents in Rock Point precinct. i seat. He was immediately taken with a con­ ' terday forenoon and the storm cxmtiuuusl up to • 'Tonini, and saie,. p.nsing U >llins' resi- New York Store. A couple (David Hendery and Miss Altha day and night. Superintendent Fitzpat­ Rev. Father Blanchet left for Josephine gestive chill an 1 in fifteen minut -s more was a I the time the T imes went to press. The sup» Wilkinson) were married in Little Butte pre­ rick proposes making the best of tlie favor­ •minty yesterday, which sectiou ho will pay corpse. Dr. Callender took charge of the 1 ply of water for mining purposes has been met the other day, the bridegroom being six able opportunity presented. i pastoral visit of two weeks. remains, which were brought to <'anyonville on i men used considerably thereby, while other in- This season promises to be the most fa­ Breckenfeld has received now goods and is ti'et in height and his bride only three. Some I X S' 11. H. Magruder of Rock Point was in tow n the stage and a coffin prepared for them. The ■ dustries will not stiffer by reason of it. litl'ercuce there. vorable one the miners of Southern Oregon selling cheajier than ever. Table have experienced in man.v years. Thesnp- Wednesday and reports the miners busily en­ corpse arrived here by private conveyance yes­ N otice to S heep M en .—From l,00i)to3,- l'he temperance lodge of Ashland proposes i M itt. Dillon is noted for his liberality and gaged every where in that region. terday morning and last evening Captain John will “set cm up w hen the first wagon from ply of water is ample and promises to con­ , 03(1 hea I of sheep w ill 1 m < w intered with feed giving an entertainment shortly. l> tinue so for sometime to come. 1. (). Mdler of Ashlan 1 was in tow n Satur J. Adams came up on the train for the purpose and shelter until May, if required, for oue» , 1 J, 1 i\ Thu m isles have arrived at Phienix and Rogue river valley makes direct transit t< > s ii- The cold, frosty weather of sometime ago ■ lay. He informs us that considerable sickness if conveying the remains to W.illa Walla. half. No b.iud ol M’abby or «liscisfd «hvep board by the new read, lie is enthusiastic for ¿1H senu to be migrating this way. worked considerable damage to many prevails there; bad colds and measles running Lieutenant Shelton was a true soldierand was w 111 e taken. For particulars apply to Jasper the C. (’. W. R. universally respected by his acquaintances. Houck at the A-'daicl II >uso, Ashland, Ogn. All brands of tobacco, first quality, 65c. per I ditches, especially those built on unfavor- •pidemie, as it were. Owing to feed getting short in Siskiyou I How sad must be the faces and heavy the pound, at the New York Store. * ilde ground, to way nothing of the delay John A. B >yer, the affable clerk of Beck- F oh S ale . -One of those superior Wheeler county, Cal., stock-raisers are rapidly dis- hearts of the dear ones, who but a few' days I occasioned, with water runningto waste. John Win lorn, one of Sam's Valley's black­ n in's banking-house, has been quite ill during i A Wilson sewing machines. It is new, | h > s - posing of their beef cattle, and several bands Jos. Saltmarsh informs us that almost a the [l ist week. We are glad to learn that he igo were joyous in the anticipation of his visit, --esses all the latest improvements and attach­ smiths, has removed to Ashlaud. liave already been driven below, with more md with pride were preparing their home to foot of snow still lies in tho vicinity' of s now convalescing. '1 lie recent cold weather has proved fatal to to follow shortly. welcome h'm. Their happiness is turned to ments, and is in jierfeet running order. For Sterlingville, which is somewhat liigbei the deepest anguish and instead of the Welcome further jiarticuLirs enquire at the T imes office. ('has. Hanna of Wooster, Ohio, nephew ot numberless rabbits and small birds. The states travel the valley road, owing to a than the valley. He also says that the sound oi his footsteps falling on th' ir ears tis il Hon. II. K. and S. P. Hanna, ot this place, i Tho - • magnitieent bilks, the Vieuxtenips culvert in Herrin's lane being sa lly demoral­ miners are busily» at work, with prospects but the mournful tread of the friends w ho b ar ___ DORN. ____ _________ .s expected to arrive here the forepart of next his coflin in the door. Rut such is life! ized,and Jas. Helms, the new R »ad Supervisor, ot a good run. brothers, are in Modoc county. Cal. seek, and may take up a permanent abode AMY In Manzanita precinct, January 7th, to 'I he McGinley f.nnily are giving theatrical has been instructed to throw a temporary Bybee A Fisher’s ditch to tho big bar o! N ew Ror ie to L ake C oi xiv . Another cn- nnong us. Mr. and Mrs. II. Amy, a daughter. i bridge across the cut. I Rogue river is nearing completion. The performances at present in Modoc county. Urprisc that is liable to interest the p ople of Hon. J. B. Caldwell of Williamsburg was in Eourth of July, Washington's birthday and I It was at one time thought that the Shah of firm expects to commence work on the own Saturday and reports the recent storm Jaekson and Like counties soon is of a I diggings immedutely, and, having an ex- Persia had arrived in town; but it afterward ('hristmas all come on Sunday, this year. road to I'ort Klamath and L nkvillc, via M. transpired that one of our merchants had been I . -elluiit water privilege and plenty of gravel, is having done considerable damage in that f. f. McKiinzie is repairing the damage II inley’s ranch on Little Butts- creek. The pro- presented with a fine cap of unique pattern ire sanguine that Lins enterprise will prove section. The high water twice washed out the done to his mill-dam by the recent freshet. lam he uses in the manufacture of furniture. I p >seil route would short’ ii the distance between remunerative. and was airing himself. la 'ksonvilk' and those points very much, w onld St iges arrive regularly. The snow on the Sturges, Beckner A Co. have eight Our olJ friend lion. T. B. Odcncal is now tho Sunday following... A. 1’. Hotaling A Co., the popular liquor a linit of travel nearly the entire year, and lia- Siskiyou mountains is going oil’ very slow ly. publishing the “Pacific Workman," a journal liams will occupy the ] dealers of Portland, have removed to new and ! at work on their claims on Jackass the further advantage of Ixing ••onip ir.itividv The man who h is the interests of his county elegant quarters in the Leonard building on «nd are ground-sluicing a! a lively rate. levoted to the laboring classes, at Albany. As Chur’h in this pla ■ ■ next > level in contrast with the present road« to that I'hey propose mining as long as water i journalist Bent, is well known, and we trust at heart should subscribe for his local paper. Rev. W. II. Klyce will pr first street. They are deserving of the suc­ s •etion, 1 his proji ct is second only to the«'. lasts, making a general clean-up when it dial he will meet with the success lie deserves. Sunday morning at the u A shooting-match between two teams of cess w ith which they are meeting. ('. \\ . R. in point of importance and w ill 1« i in-gins to tail. Tim firm will put on a“Lit- M. Be tersun w ill hold s.-rv J. 11. Berry and J. II. Oatman of Phu'iiix ag tated in due time, and p rliap^ success!i.lly. young Id >ods is announced for next Sunday. If you don't keep the sewing machines IH ; tie Giant” soon. Sunday........ The quarterly W. .using good order, you know how much trouble ìt | The Sterling Company, after being - held at •a:i alw.ivs at ; layed somclimo by snow in its ditch, eom- i :hat a concert will soon be given by local tai- the TlMIS several years ago, but the Count) quite i dis- gives you; so you have the oil-can «lay and Sunday. R..•vere:v hand. 1'rese’s Hamburg Tea is equally ctlicii. lit .iienced piping Saturday. Eveiy thing is in •nt for the purpose of assisting in paying oil (' >mmi.«-ioiii rs sat down < n it then by n-fiising vase. A. Crowell and others a in keeping the body in good condition. I . ho best shape and .Superintendent Ennis ’lie indebtedness against the new school-house. to order a preliminary survey and. maybe, J. < >ry of M incanita leporia rightly, too. The people will take the mat tel and some interesting pr • ■ ■ M. A. Houston and J. B. Rodgers of Sam's it sectiou as having comme For superior job printing nt astonishing'lv 1 fully expects to run nearly the y ear round, in Land this time and we mav look for prompt L ei ion of II >x ••;. low rates call at the T imes office. We have • so great is the amount of snow al tho hea 1- \ alley were in town this week and from tin and decisive action il they do. — ■ ormer gi ntleman we learn that the .snow has its first meetin ; sine ■ the largest assortment of printer’s stationery, 1 walers of the ditch. Jt i:Y L ist . -Tiie following is the list <>f R. M. Garrett, tho Joscphtno county' ex- lisappearcd there and that stock was faring cards, etc., ever brought to Southern Oregon, «.•veiling and a 1 irg • a ih i pressman, informs us that tho miners id jurors fur the l'« i»r lary term ot thè (’acuii us w ell as could be expected, though the loss and guarantee the best work south of Salem. witness the ex irei • s, : that region arc all busy and making up for < oiü't, which commences on tho second Mon ms not been great as yet. lmt hardly up to the New trees will soon be planted in the school J. N ithamer of Roek Point informs us that , lost time. Preparations for tho mining ■ lay of February : . I. B. Saltmarsh, David in dances. Tho ini • has been acting Lieut. J. W. Duncan, who • the farmers arc busily engage I in plowing in house yard, those formerly set out having i-oason have been more extensive than evei Pcninger., J. S. Howard, Larkin MeDaniel. l.i i iied. Locusts w ill probably be substituted for | before and a good report may bo anticipated is quartermaster at Port Klamath for some- that section. I T!i<- Nt«»nia«-ti I n f»l r«-iigtlien«*il. S. W. 1 iilgore, Pet.jr Simon, G. High, G. succeeded by .si 1 'lit ime past, lias resigned ami is The infant child of O. Collins of Squaw the maples, as they are much hardier and do I when a c!oin-up is m.ido. I ’ lie liyer regulated, the bowels put ir? ord r Lieut. Brown. Lieut, 1 hmean gave general Karewski, D. N. Bir dsey, H. 1. Severance, pioper order, the blood enriched and pur- creek was severely scalded by the upsetting of not require the moisture necessary for the lat­ | Superintendent Klippel of tho S piaw sitisfaetion and was greatly esteemed by G. W. St ephensoti, H . Root, ( ;. N.'iyL r, J. N. J Hied, and the m-ryoiis system reml«-r«-dx"(j feet m op;nIon that the breaks will soon be repaired. ■eared from the valley. He has been ob on ,i'- •oiint of prevailing sickness, which is of p X general ly. ■ feed tie greater p u-tioii of his herds, j when pit'ing will l.e comm n.- • 1 in earnest. size. I nstai . i. X i lox a : A-mi.xxn. John A. Boyer. a mild type, however. I as everything is in readiness for water. ms suffered no considerable loss as yet. ì • • The Skidmore property at i D. I*. G. M., on Saturday evi iiing last irstalh d The sn >w on tho hills melts very slowly, 1 ! 1 i J.T. Layton of Williams creek lias boon ('apt. Thomas Smith, J. 0. (’. \\ imcr and the ii"W ly-clcete I o'ii.-ers of Ashlan 1 Lodg< i sold at Slr.-ri.r.s s de List S iturd o owing to the absence of rain and the cool 10 Isorely troubled with slides, some of which :•!. W. Hammond of Ashland were in tow n No. 45. 1. (>. (>. I'., to-wit: A. 11. IL N I I estate lying opposite tile College i weather now prevailing. ilmost obliterated the bod of hisditch in Saturday. The former invested m some prop- CALIFORNIA ST., ! ed by ('apt. Tilomas Smith for $3 G.; 1.0. Miller, V. G.; El. DcBeatt, R. S.: I places. lie has about thirty men employed rty Sold t Sheriffs sale, while the latter I’. L. Fount iin, P. S.; E. J. Farlow, Trcas.: I W in. Williams and wife, formerly of this balance was bid in by E. K. . in «-leaning out the dirt and hopes to start icld a < iferenco with McKenzie & Fou- place, have taken charge of a restaurant at Al- i S'.WO. J. R. Helman, W.; W. Ik-eson, Con.; W. N. FICKE, Proprietor • his works before long. We are sorry to Iray in J latiun to putting up their steam in th • tu ras, M odoe county, Cal. Baldwin, 1. (¡.; W. C. Daley, R. S. N. G.; J. w Donegan A Hill, who had 1JMX) head of i An exchange says drink whisky only in the 1 learn that Mr. Layton has sustained several grid mill. B R issell, L. S. N. G.; J. W. Riggs, IL S. V. I hundred dollars’ worth of damage by this otl sheep in Sam's Valley, lost about >0 of them ' 1,1 ,:dhs that have “k" in the name. Yes; and G.; M II Drake, L. S. V. G.; C. il. Gillette, UM ITS WELL-KNOWN M ARL’FT, OP- Link- J. W. Manning, who returned from I | mishap. ' two-thirds of the fellows in town would R. S. S.; .1. Stanley, L. S. S. 8 nee the first severe storm. I |»osit«i Kahler A Bro.’« drng-Mor«', ii* rille last week, informs us that tho snow I like this -“Oktober,” “Knovember, ” i Edison's suggestions concerning the lietter prepared than ever to furnish tho Joe Overb ck has taken charge of the Stage ID m . E'f A i i: Ti: \-. sa < i ions . The follow ing public with the choicest quality of | working of tailings in hydraulic mining a < still two feet deep there when he left, There are too many Josh Billingses in Company’s stables at Oak Grove, thirteen • last disappearing. It was deeper on the deeds have been recorded in the County Clerk’s Frosh Beef, , •laimed to prove successful, and works are country. •specially on the summit of the Cast miles this side of Roseburg. office since the List issue ot theTlur.s; ' to lie erected at Orovillo, liutte county, Cal.. Pork, Veal, J. A. Hanley writes from ('amp Hartley that I a here it lies to the depth of six feet. Isaac F. Bassett to Daley A Graves, mining Josephine county was visited by a severe ; where it is said tho hydraulic miners do n host of sorr Mutton, Hnm, I snow is several inches deep in that region. timely death. . not savo over-10 per cent, of the gold in the Manning says that stock has not lieen faring property on (¡all's creek. Consideration, storm recently, which capsize I buildings and Bacon. Salt Meats. Stock seoms scorns to be taring well enough as yet, i gravel, yet save as as can bo saved Aell, but believes that the loss will not be as .s5( l( I. played s.-vl havoc generally. Also, Superior I'. A. Newman, administrator, to F. Heber, McKenzie A , though some fears are entert» led that con­ heavy as generally expected. property near Eagle Point. Consideration, For sale or rent—the residence formerly oc- siderable loss mult ensue if the snow-fall is j undortho present system. The success of T. Glenn live, Lard, Etc. Edison's works will bo watched with inter­ I $1,505. •iipie I by George W. Frey. For further par ­ ! I >! na:i gulch much greater. The congregation of a well-known Presbyte ­ U. S. Hayden to S. (’. Snook, land in Grant s est by the large uumbur of hydraulic The most favorable Inducement!« oflorod ticulars apply at this office. rian minister a few Sundays sineo was treated Pass precinct. Consideration, $1 f. on tac to patron«. ami no effort will bo B[iar«d Taxes aro coming In slowly and lloputy miners in this section. 1. imp-mats are now popular among ladies Sheriff Seybert is assiduous in his efforts to toward giving general batibfaction. to a sermon on the necessity of improvement in N. EICKE. M okk B lanks .—In additit.n to the large for neckwear, fiery colors and ample propor­ secure the requisite money for our State taxes I McDonough, Kahler A Co., who are now everything, which became unusually interest­ busily at work in their Fort Taino diggings, stock of blanks always kept on hand at the tions being especially popular. ! jn time for the regular settlement. Old) found two quartz nuggets ot considerable ing when references began to fall close at I'lME.s oliiee, wo have just printed a supply of HUNTERS' EMPORIUM ! Oregon wool is still bio-nin' in th? Sm Fran­ i about $5,0'10 have been turned over to Treas- size last week. One is thought to contain home, 'l'he choir was suddenly awakened chattel mortgages; also cheek or order books r cisco market and lea Is all varieties, choice lots i urer l’isher thus far. ab nit $10 in gold, while the other is some­ from its reverie and the members mentally tor busme-s men, which will be found neat —AND— handed in their resignations, while others of being quoted at .'!l(« d.3 cents. Some one has favored us w ¡th a copy of what smaller. No Winter passes by but md bandy'. Those desiring blank deeds, iron- he hearers were visibly affected, 'flic rever Thu differences that may have existed in respondent s brief in the case of the ('ayote what this company finds one or more of •nd gentleman soon discovered that he had lad notes, assessment schedules, road super- HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE, '■ circles at Ashland have been set­ ' reck M ining (’onipany vs. W in. and Walter I t liese line nuggets, w hich are further indi- visor s receipts, attorney's summonsi s. Justice -tirred up a metaphoric hornet's nest and he tled a;id everything is lovely. if the Peace papers, mortgages, note and re- Ruble, appealed to tile Supreme Court 1(y the cations that a qtiar ledgo of vast richness exists somewhero in that vicinity, As wa- nay not soon refer to that text again. '•eipt books, etc., can obtain them in any quan­ 1’. B »schey's t • am took a lively spin on their ' latter, and which is now being heard i>y that ter promises to be unusually abundant tity at this establishment at reasonable prices. own account the other day, but were stopped . body. It is a voluminous document. The Ashland “fillings'’ says that L. 1‘. ---------- ^1 — 1.8 some interesting developments are antic­ before doing any serious damage. White received a letter dated January 9th Ciitsci- of B ase . That«-X(client lad:c«']ia- ipated in this claim. ¡rom John Cardwell, who is at Caldwell A By­ per, the “Journal of Fashion," of (laklaml, Cab, building at A-dd and lu Tiie Big B itte saw mill has shut down and ( apt. Ankeny returned from Galice this bee's ranch on Tide lake, in which the writer has bem removed to San Francisco, and makes repaired without taking ill resume operations on the first of March. , week and inform* us that the English and ie snow is still quite deep there. the wall. The front is an excellent pie Blue Gravel mining conipniie are busily states that John Gk-i n had just, reported .’•()<• its i- appeal.•luce as tin- “L’dies’ Hom-' Jour­ j al work, having an abundance of waler, ¡lead of cattle mired at Little Klamath Like s > nal." It is even In 'ter than formerly, being It is quite probable that the tine hall of ( masonry and it • would lie unfortunate ind A h an:. Mrs. H innah Herd, w'ife l’he Captain is of the opinion that the that tin y could not be taken out. The cattle 'illed with fashion plates and matter interest­ was drowned lost Friday while il lie’s hotel will be finished in time for the i it is found neci essary to demolish it. The stage mired near Woodville on S iturdai heavy storm that worked so much damage had gone out upon the ice to get water and t > ing to the ladies. The “Home Journal" should California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. attempting to cross Jc.e.s i s cre. k. Sue had 11 d Mcu's billon the 12th of May. reach the tub s during the hard freeze ■, ami the I lliberally sustained, especially as it isaCoast liecti ailing for - un ■titre past and, desiring to There will be asocial dan.-u at Dan. Fish­ night. I’ortunately for the driver ('apt. An in the Willamette valley, and at Portland thaw came so suddenly that they IMPORTANT HOTZCE, could not I publication. •specially, extended as far as (¡alien creek, test the efficacy of t ie galvanic battery at tn 's, Willow Springs district, next Friday keny, who has had considerable exp: rienee in reach solid ground and were left 11 »un luring in this line, was aboard and the two, after several tor never has such weather been experienced residence of Dr. Jack on Applegate, was taken night. 'ht. A N ew I niu '« ii ; v . A great amount of syru p \’(iTD E is HEREBY GIVEN THAT! A pleasant time is anticipatetl. hours'arduous labor, succeeded in corduroying before ns prei a iled (hero week before la-t. the water and mud. there by her husband, while on his way to An 's annually mil ■ from sorglmm in Sam’s val , .« will bo in Ja<-ksouyi|Io next w«-<-k tor The "boys in blue” at Fort Klamath have the quagmire and proceeded onward. I'lie wind blew a pi rlcct gale, filling trees I iIm purpose of cth-cting a solflemcnt with «lersoii creek on business. 1» -c >mmg impatient, The Ashland ladies will give a leap-year ball ley, which tin Isa rea ly s.ilx minv pr j ill those in l< bled to tlm esiato ot Daniel been m.i le happy by the appearance of the I in all directions, and rain fell in torrents Mrs. Herd started for A. D. M -Keo’s place Business men should not forget that bill is well as their sisters of Jacksonville. It is it to th imp irtel syrup. M. A. Houston, J. ; 11 • qikins, do 'cased. is also i ho*«.- indebted to (on the oppo-ite side of Ja kass ere -.<) alone, payma .ter from California, w ith greenbacks. | heads, statements, letter-heads, envelopes, tor a time. It was only through the most A. Panky, J. W. (‘»Ilins and others are eng.-.g ■ 1 I flic former firm ot Herd A llopkim«. TI ionh The newly elected officers of Kerbyville notes, receijits and cheek books, and everx strenuous exertions of the miners that • iow that the lonely bachelor is more than evei in its manufacture rather extensively and find | in anywis» interested will please imiki* anw of eonsid -r- Lodge of O ld Fellows were installed some ! description of commercial printing, neat and n ■ trouble in disj«»sing of it at $1 per gallon. : \ word to the wise is sutlienmt. As it was, some damage resulted, but it md is wonderfully rejuvenated in anti ipa time since by Chas. Hughes, Esq., special D. , cheap, ean be obtained at the T im is s office on uble volume, by w i ling, d win l . H opkins , was soon afterward righted. Uapt. Ankeny ion of an invitation to participate in a hand A Goon Si,;x'.-The Ro« '•burg “Star" and , Exceptor a c irra Sn >w is still ten in lies deep at Thomas’ able to thrown in promiscuously, Ami we can't blame ■ s that A great medicine in small vials -Dr. believes the miners will be I some distance, whei he preis, whi ■! i not only exhibi ts enterprise., but 1 mill at the Meadows. That structure will be No cheap, paste make a several months’ run at least, He lim, either. parties w ho witn. ss lenot » til t't excellent journals are pros- put in runnin ig order as soon as the weather board or wooden boxes, that allow a waste of left Monday for Sterling and expects to « »i ¡mt w ho little d; via »eriug. W e are pleased to see this, and hop. « >1 will permit. 4 LLTHOSE KN< »WINGT1IEMSHLVEH entering the w .it r. the time to 1 ay in your diamonds strength. Sick headache, dizziness, rush of spon 1 the greater porlimi ol the i season ill u! • in lillg • ill the luxury of au im- • 1 imi,' lit«*d to (he iimlcrsi^ucil, eitlier bv tube able t- - - j and leaves a family .ml age Southern Hegon. i style, as a Maine company La.s r<--,, chromo and every blood t" head, bad taste in mouth, bilious at- noti» or boi ik aci-oii nt. aro requ • 4<-d to corno friends to mourn her si 1 fate. a ours If in th'- near future. eir price-list. A circular received at prove ! pres description of the latest and most ¡»opular ’m ks, jaundice, internal fever, boils and net 'orward and settle immeiii.itely, as your x.;. —A s » i ll pirty is a u accotmts are inaile out f ir eoi li-ct ioti. e statisthat their tive-iL ILir kind S calling cards furnishe 1 at thu T imes office at tie rash. Sold by druggists. i TI.F.KS can have the; r notices for final A. C.STANLEY, M. I). this eV min.', w lieh w ill ■II reduced toC'2 50; those hen tofoli S in Francisco rates. iroof and other laud notices published in tli<- Talde Rock, Jan. I, 1*S(), J. E. Begg’s teams returned from Rosebiir.' affair. M .-s s S2 have lieen reduced to .>t o nt There are no less than six candidates for last week with goods for our merchants. The) no reason why everyone should not L imes by requesting the oflicers of the Rose w i ; Se m- '1 irshal in the field, with a “dark horse" were out several weeks, and how they manag' d •urg Land Gfiiee, through theCountv Clerk m ca.-t two sc’s. TOR SALE OR RENT. al looming up in the rear, An still it is six to get through in spite of the bad weather and •tiler a.cnts. to send them to this cstablisb 11«) V x in nt, where tlm scrvico w ill be performed at ex weeks until election. worse roads is a mystery to the drivers them l’IMIE ASIII.\ND II U SE PRoPERTY he very lowest rates. ; I is otTered t »«■ sale or lem 'T improv<-d Slmri», B iliari], Reni« what rate they e »aid obtain a reports stock faringfairlv in that section. Cattle begins to fail otherwise. that they will be refused credit until the) s t S ex r> IV Yo i; N ames . The campaign is j imgiiiu ami Winchester riffe«, warrautoti the meetings ot the s » ty, a i 1 tie. Also, that interest will be < 1 a*i;< d from lo bc ihc genuino uiiii'lo, at Frank Ennis was in town Monday, from and horses have done well and the niortaliti opening an 1 n >w is the time to send m your A. Klippel and Cm . l’rim w the date of tins imticu. R'liii.i. : K ahi . i e , J ohn miller ’ s . among sheep has not been great. E Is.-ill and sub eriptions to the T imes . Wild : politic^ wil whom we learn that the Sterling Company Ins Jacksonville, January 1, 1SS0. • committu»’ t > draft a (Irav seem tobe the heaviest losers amon _ !>.■ a prominent feature this y. ar. th • ttflier been delayed by caving of the ditch, but is now ----- -• —■ ■ I t IT IN'Cl t ESTER i itles >“■>, revolver« !2.5Of to reiwrt at the n xl sheep-raÍ3ers there, but even they have not 1 .•part meats will also be kept tip to their usual .4. Fr:«nra»it Ifri-al!« mi l Pearly I r< ;i running day and night. Ji welkv L sr. - M ss Flora Orth lost a fine I li «ieri ingets ?g, < oi f li'’ easf-sle«’l plow r> Are ea-il.v obtained bv i-h-ansing yourfeetli last night. We learn tint the Club R »otn has JolIN MII.LER’. s , lost as many as they first expected to. standard of excellence, so tb it the people w ill dailv with that jn-tly popular dentiiue gold n i.' Liei- and ■ r > s ■ n Sunday l.i t, and ; $20, al Mr. an I Mrs. Wm. Hesse, formerly of this 8 l»een secured and that it will be stocked with Dealers in drugs, patent medicines, paints, b -furni hed with a superior journal through­ St >Z« •ilON'i’. Composed of rare anti.-i-ptie the ti nler wi 1 lie s litaMy reward d by return- | 1 > i gsT s p ,i i, 11_ , liii-'ing ini gì mt p y/. San books and ¡»apers, checkers, chess, dominoes, place, celebrated their silver wedding at herlus, it imparts whiteness to t|u> teeth, a 1/ rves j mg it to John (>rth. .» '¡IN Mll.l.EIUs, etc., for the entertain nent of the members, Eran :sco on Tuesday last. w ill find it to their advantage to give Hodge, intact, lrom youth to old age, the teeth. lli-nllti. St reii'gili an l Vi{;or. while occasional delates on lea ling topics w ill have been a grand affair. Acidity of tiie stomach will destroy the Davis A Co., I’ortLiud, the leading w holesale ! L’OR MININO PLANK!- <;OT‘IETIMFX Some of our farmers are already' speeding \\ ill surely fo’lov. to any one using the cele- I strongest teeili unless its effects are coti liter­ also be features. We arc ple.ned to see the Ot i ti I . <’ot.p's ff,ititi look ‘-f Minmg druggists of the Northwest, a trial. This firm al-' ed w;' h S< »Z< H »> NX' L, and this)mre toot h- •'»rated O i . i . i . ox K i I iney T ea . For sale by a'l l. iw alw.iv« kepi otl fiamt. pr <-oit| a •’opv, young men t ike this st p torwar I and can a-- the plow, bat the ground is generally too wet prot •<•'> the dental surf.ices by remov­ ' druggists. Don’t be permad ••■I’ to n- ■ mi) Mire them that tin y will be cue imaged by the for farming. A large crop will be put in ev­ mi]H»rts direct, from the East and Europe, keeps notiii.ig l-iii the purest a.m b—ct, and eu..s very ing eviry impurity that adheres to them. 1 other pr. para»in-1, as o-ie trial of this will c..o- JU<"J''E-S AND LEGAI. BLANKS <>|.’ com.miaity a.Mon.' as they pr .perly conduct Ask y ur druggist fur SOX cLuNT, reasonably. j erywhere, wc.iwh.-r p.rmi.tmg. viuce you of it s 1