DEMOCRATIC TIMES BRIEF REFERENCE The inclement weather of the past few weeks has proved fatal to many outbuildings, several i substantial ones «among the number. Fences did not escape, either. Ul\I\(i NE WN. P£1€SON IL MU’ES. (ouuly n, Clerk. hands employod in his mines and is doing since 1856. for the great contests of 18S0. With harmony Vegetable» are becoming scarco. at Veit’s hall on January 1st, a boy’s scarf, Reports of Louis ShidcLjr. SujKirvisor of Road well. In our ranks, and less scrambling for the oilices, Miss Dora Kearnes of Eden is paying Jack­ I District No. 4, C. F. Blake of No. 1, J. M. black and bluo In oolor. The finder will oon- Taxes arc coming in very »low ly. Tho weather of tho p.ast week has boon sonville a visit. I an easy victory’ awaits ua. fer a favor by leaving it at the T imes office. Childers of No. 7, Jas. Loomis of No. 13, Petei Sujierior job printing is ocr specialty. very favorable to minors and they’ have wa­ I The members of the Republican State Cen­ £ ’ . Simon of Eagle Point has been quite ill, Simon of No. 16, John Cantrell of No. 20, C. ter to spare. Every imaginable kind of weather now-a-days. C hange or F ibm .—C. D. Cardwell has been tral Committee from Southern Oregon are: but is now convalescing. B. Kingsbury of No. 31, H. I’. Des kins of No. Copp’s Handbook of Mining Law and Tho weather ia now comparatively agreeable. J. n. (’hitwood, Jackson; C. B. Watson, Lake: admitted as a full partner in the Union Livery 36, were examined and approved. every* description of mining blanks can be i J. G. Birdsey of Central Point is quite ill Stable, which will hereafter be conducted in Three undershirts for $1 at tho New York Thus. F. Floyd, Josephine. I Tile petition of 4’. D. Recd for with a relapse of the mea-les. obtained at the T imes otllco. first-class style by the new firm of Cardwell Store. * tho county' road le-ading One of our young men, who seems to know ten Cure« all Scr< fuloui affections and disorders rvsulU ft Son. Success to them. N. A. Handy, a San Francisco speculator in S. Lackland, at tho Palmer crook mines, ing from Impurity of the blood. It is nwtilees to pre 'III ct was denied. Hay ia a salable article and quoted at $15 whereof he »peaks, say» it takesagent about is working in rich ground and will move hides, was in town this week. s; t-cify all, uo thu sufferer can usually jM-rreivu th air The follow lug three years to learn how to fan a young lady considerable of it this season. R klictoc . s I tkm *.—Rev. D. A. Crowell will a ton. cause, but Sab Rheum, 2*implct9 llcerg, Tumort, Lewis G. Ross left tor Trike county last week pointed for the prese i L Hrt, ¿,'wrt, ZZsud, Ztvor Stepli 'iison, I )i>tr: 't N> Gin Lon is operating both of his pipes to try his fortune iu that section. uad Stum^h. next.... Rev. W. H. Klyeo preaches at Browns- Friday. Heavy w inds, indicative of storm, prevailed and will make a soon. He has I X... 1 Jacob Worlow, Dr. J. A. Chastain and Geo. llrawlev, of No. I: ; H. T. S. veraiic borough on Sunday morning and at Antelope The political cauldron will Boon begin to tho latter part of last week ami worked consid­ been at work steadily’ for somotimo past, Plnenix', Were in town yesterday on laud busi­ trell, No. 20; Win. T at three o’clock........ Elder M. Peterson will ebulliato. erable damage to fences and frail shanties. The Tho deep snow hindered the miners of 1 •< skins, N<>. 1 it»; G. 1 ness. ' ’ officiate at Central Point Church next Sunday. storms failed to arrive, however. Helms, No. 3. Jai'kass creek and otlior sections from work­ Six pounds of refined sugar for $1 at the New Woniorfol Cure of Blindness. Billy Carll has become interested in the Tiie consideration of thcpctition< for appoint­ Business men can keep thoir money at home ing, but this impediment Is now of the past. O ld S ol in E clipse .—The eclipse of the 8tm Yc.k Store, “ D B awsom , S om ft Co.: For tho benefit of all Metropolitan Saloon at Roseburg with 0. C. ment of Supervisor of District No. 26 was post­ last Sunday was partially visible hero tx.*. ccru-l troubled with Kcrofula or Impure Blood tn tbei* John Bolt ami John O'Brien of Applegate Perkins. line, ornamental clocks at the New York by ordering their bill-heads, letter-heads, notes, poned. systems, I Lorubr recommend King of the Blood. receipts, etc., at the T imes office, whero thu were in town this week, who inform ns that manded general attention. The Store at coat. It was ordered that tho several Road Super • 1 bavu l».ri troubled with Scrofula for the pact tea L. Petzold, who was aerionsly Injured by yean, which ao affected my vyes that I wmcoiz »- visors in this comity be notified to er«< t and best printing is dono at low rates. as witnessed through a piece of smoked tin by , tho minors of that section aro all busily' at Phcenix has a debating society, which holds t letely bliud for six months. I woa reeommurvded falling down an embankment at Gall’s creek I keep up guide or finger boards at the forks of to try King of the Blood, which baa provud a great many was lieautifully totaL There will be 1 weekly sessions. New quarters for the enlisted men at Fort work, every highway and crossing of public reads iu recently, is fast recovering. blessing t<> me, ns it bus completely cured me, and four eclipses during 1880, so we are informed Egan A Company’, who havo boon crush­ Klamath will he built next Summer. The 1 cheerfully rvcouimcud It to all troubled as 1 Lave tlioir Tespe five disti. "s a- r- q'iir< 1 by Section by the scientific. Measles aro now afflicting the Willow W. P. Farlow of Big B itte informs as that 31), of Chapter .*><), of tlieMise- ilaneous Laws o' buuu. Yours truly, officers’ quarters are still in good condition, ing ore from their ledge in Willow S,wrings Mas. 8. WEaruauix/W, bardinia, N. Y. Springs district. sheep ar> faring well there, though fee ling is district with an arastra, will make a clean ­ Oregon. Also t<> have all iu their needing only a slight renovation. T he M instrels .—Owing to tho Incloment districts ¡Mirforinel, or show cause why the Much of our Eastern mail comes via Port­ necessary in every instance. up in a few day’s. weather the Jacksonville Minstrels were not The game law goes into force on February 1st, f-imie lias not been done. land at present. Mrs. J. C. Scott and Miss Emily Brown pro­ The minors on Elliott creek have general­ greeted by as large an audience last Friday It w as further ord. red that hereafter no claim hut effect it has noue. As it stands it is little Chinese New Year is approaching and chick, will be psisi»uals, and tho whole was well received aro now being ojiorated by one of our Coun ­ Tmt Sr ri a nos To shr.w our fnith in the safety nnd c xoelltncr of succeeded by Mr. Me Mali on of Leavenworth, Beautiful—those elegant gi!t-odgu«l calling : dancing were features, and a pleasant time the K. B., np >n proper portonal application, when l>y those iu attendance. ty ’ Commissioners — E. K. Anderson. It is I s liable to perish Kansas. cards at the T imes office. ratirtivd that no itnpoMti«»n is iutendetl, we will was experienced by thoso in attendance. J a private enterprise, however. give the nnmeaof nil its injzr».«ui- J. O. O. F., held Monday evening, the’follow- All brands of tobacco, first quality, 65c. per esting ono. We learn that several «pn -tions of which will give tho miners rnoro dulnp plib. t “ t r<.a: iso on llibea-ea of the Ittood," iD ing officers were installed : Mrs. W. J. Ply- pound, at the New York Store. which vli L atle i.encIiMed Price $1 j>er liittk . N. <».; Mrs. John Miller, R. S. V. <>.; county grapes as a luxury in that market. —AND- Sunday . : various crooks, so saturated is the ground Mrs. C. Ulrich, L. S. V. G.; Veit Schutz, 0. G. Jas. Hart, the mail-carrier, reports auveral i WARE AND CUTLERY STORE, It has been quite foggy at times during the withit. They export to wash a groat area inches of snow between this place and Sterling. T hs B onk <> f C oxtkntiow .— The organ, past week, with tho weather considerably of ground this season. Better than a letter to your friends in the ownership has been definitely settled in Work la still dolaye«! at tho Squaw Lake warmer than usual. The ; I .-'« ncc of rain has i tho minds of all, and isiualike manner claimed States: A copy of tho T imes Rent regularly. permitted the thaw to be gradinai, ami a Hood «liggings by a slido in the ditch, hut L. F. W.Hits and wifo have returne«! from by the same multitude, is now on exhibition The new officers of Anhland Lodge No. 45, I. has thus been averted. will soon bo resumed. Superintendent a visit to A-hland and vicinity’. Mr. Willits lit the residence of E. D. Foudray, ono of the 0. 0. F., will be installed to-morrow evening. Klippel proposos Increasing tho force en­ will re-open iim IL b < gether with former goes for tho purjiose New »«ashes have plain ends. The embroid­ ample opportunity to rest. Inquiring appearance. Having seen it, we are others of that vicinity, have formed a com­ California Street, Jacksonville, Or'gon. now fully agreed that it is worthy of the ered, fringed or ornamented ends are out of The telegraph lines .ire down in every direc­ pany ami propose operating an extensive health and will bo ; qu. I o I fashion. ecramblu for its possession. tion and the operators have been burily em­ tract of ground lying along tho Yreka der and family. 4 LW \ YS ON IT \X’D THE BEST STOCK Ashlan«! Post-office issued 1,264 money or­ ployed all week in repairing the breaks. Com­ «creek, which is supposed to be very rich. V»’. JL Shook, who has been spending some A F ine A ffair in S tore for J acksonville . .1 of Patent an«l Home-made Rifle» and ders and forwarded 519 registered letters dur­ munication has been suspemled for a time, but ThoGraml ApplegatuCompany has every­ time among his friends in Jacksonville, re­ shot < inn-, -ingle atnl doplile; Revolvers of - Orvgouian-Pecahontaa Tribe of Red Men ing 1879. th ' ¡alt t pal'’its; Pocket Pist<>ln, neat, small a resumption is proinise«l soon again. thing in readiness and may commence pip- turned to Lake county yesterday, where he will soon commence preparations for theappro- ■.ml p .we-t Powder and Powder wishes go with him. Fla-ks; II uniing and Pocket Knives of tho of May) in this place and has already apjtoint- erylxxiy at home and business is dull as a cou­ good or«ler, you know how much trouble it Fitzpatrick has succeeded in has mg tin ¡■Ost brands; al! sorts of Shot and P oiu 'I ich ; ■ ditch elearod of all obstructions ami the dig sequence. Charley ('nappe! of Uniontown was in gives you; so you have the oil-cau always at • 1 a «••■ mniittee of genera! arrangements for the 1 ip-, Wai- and everything in tho Sports­ Jugs placed in the I •_-t shape preparatory this week in an unnsuriHy g w»«l humor, O. R. Myer ami 11. T. Chitwood of Ashlaml hand. I’rc; o’s Hamburg Tea is equally eiiiciuiit puq»>se, consisting of H. K. Hanna, E. H. man's lino. i !.«> an exlcnded ; uu. twinkle hi his eye denote«! that mischiel lie will also keep a full lino of SHELF Aut. nrieth, T. T. McKenzie, C. W. Savage have put up 25,000 pounds of ice, taking it iu keepix. ; the !>o.!y in goo«l condition. I! \ It DW X R E, Nails, and Rope of all kind» brewing; but we speak more under, 1 The Sterling Company ’ is delayed by and E. D. Foudray. Ieka Tribe of Yreka aud from Lui;r creek. G. XX . Holt is lathing the inside of the j'ro- in I -i/.cs, < ai pernors’ and Wagon-maker»’ sllO ut four feet in depth at >w, which lies ingly of the matter hereafter. Klimitb Tribe of Link ville will assist the local i.nil-, a ci nipiete a-sortment of Table and The anew has almost entirely dii-appcaro«! |M«s <1 Jacksonville Hotel, and the plasterim Tho water was Ti.I h - in the celebration. The Red Men pro­ from thu valley», but »till Lugers on the Lilis will Lc c 'nm; need as soon as the weather will the > head ol’ its i ditch. '•"•l.i'i <'ui 1< t . v . together with a full supply Matt. if Paints, Oils, X'ni ni-ln —. < Guss. etc. > pose that it shall be the affair of 1880. llli'l nod out win •u tho storms commenced A’edn permit. The ball will be c<>mp!ete«l fir-' and in great quantities. rim a>' >v<- / hh U are all of the best qnall- mil 1 l lie snow is c io deep that w i*er will not air y ami will he sold P robate C oi i ; t P roceedings .—Tho follow­ The days are growiug longer. The sun hav­ promi t-s to be one ol tho tiuest iu the N; ite. eh of , »ml it will probably bo clear tin ,o be cole CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAP1XT. m - c ’. ii bi ing buHinvfi w .is transacted in this Court—Hon. ing reached ita winter solbtice, commences to I T. T. McK'-nzie’s mill-dam was sw« [it away neci'ssaiy to > stiovc i- 1 it <>ut, New guns made to older, and repairing I last Friilay, the heavy rain of that «lay rai.-in Sda; J. Day presiding aince our last report: move norlhwmd again. I Johnson A Alli* .on, mining on Jackson iromptly ’ rea l iu that vicinity wan also ati'>us bv allini’ t imber near the head • if their the re.-iduuce of J. Nunau euccumbed to the administrator, confirmed. washed out in places, and other damage done. ditch, which lia demoralized some iluming l.n the matter of the estate of 8. Humphrey, wintry blasts of last week. and dono other damage They are busily i deceased. Wm. Hoffman, executor, given Jackson «-reek is forded on Oregon street at Fanners will find a fine supply of order Lxxiks I I T e3 r- until April 1st, ¡884), in which to file inventory •■•ent, however, it not being nee. « >rue distance iielow w lu re the bri l formerly piping at for sale at the T imes office. They save much 1 if* i an 1 spuraisement. it i (•es-ary to rep; r some oi th t breaks boloro 1 as ti p stoo«l, w ’mie pedestrians cross the stream by a In the matter of the estate of (». W. Bress­ w ntiag and are sold cheap. I F. & A. M. foot-log. Another bri«L, ■, and a but! r on«-, Spring. ler. deceased. T. A. Newman, administrator I Some pnqierty in Josephino county will be thy Master. filed his petition for final settlement, which i Tlut Yreka “Union” says: During the w ill soon be constructed by thu Street Com- was granted and February 3d appointed as sold by Sheriff Taylor next Monday. See no­ sioneT. past week Mr. Colo of Keokuk Iowa, has J. R. Burke, we are sorry to luaru, hadtlue time for hearing of the same. tices of sale on fourth page. been in town, lookingat some mining prop- of his lingers almost severed by the rev< The Jacksonville Literary Association elect­ The life of the late J. J. Nichols of Sam's ed the follow ing officers last Saturday evening. erty iu behalf <.f a conip my of Eiistorn cap- lilts of the moulding rmehitie in Marsh A F rom L ake C otnty .—Lieut. E. IT. Shelton Valley wm insured for 81,000 in tho Pacific B. B. Beckman, President- M ims Lillie Ulrich, italists who aro nv king an Invostm nt. a tory at Ashland last week. His pliy là V4ian of Fort Klamath, who has l>een called to Walla The particular property i’ tho gentleman //-■AJ*'3; Mutual Insurance Company. Vice Prebident; Xii s Emma 1 Inch, Secretary; camo here to look at, coi inprises tho “Big l elievcs that tin y can lie save 1, howcvei Walla by the illness of his wife, was detained The Board of Trustees will meet next Tues­ Fred. Oroncmiller, Treasurer; Chas. Wolters, Flume” claim at tho mouth of Humbug Burke had Lis elbow severely cut by the la town by the non-arrival of stages last Fri­ i machine sometime since and seems to bu day and favored us with a call. He gives a day evening, w hen much important business Warden. creek, tho Pacific Mining Company’s claim, iiarlv unfortunate. This is to certify that our editorial mention the Centennial Bar claim and other claims deplorable account of affairs existing in Lake I will come lip for consideration. * »III f »T S< I A. Davison, who returne«! from Yreka last; The new year has fairly commenced ami of organs has no reference to the organ claimed bitween the mouth of Humbug and Em­ county. Snow has fallen there to a depth of several feet and stock is suffering greatly in now is the time to form good resolutions ami by our Methodist friend» and held in durftm o pire creek.” Mr. Colo may conclude to ex­ week, r> ports heavy storms in Northern Cali- | vile l>y the Philistines. Unlike the organ v.<• tend bis visit to Southern Oregon, we learn. tomia. C. C. Webb, who has a large ban«! of | cousequence. At the Fort there has been as subscril>e for your county paper. It has been many years since the proH sheep rancin ' in Shasta Valley, Siskiyou coun-1 much as tivo feet of snow, with tho thermom­ When a man so far forget» himself os to go i refer to there, it has no handle nor a monkey t he tuoi pceto for a prolonged mining season were ty, is said to have lost » M n . eastern Oregon will l>e depopulated of its herds not only have an abundance of water now, along the entire coast, ami were the severest j were elected on the An elegant supply of rewards of merits has building ct A«hlarid has been completed. The but the deep snow in the mountains promis­ of stock ami financial disaster to those inter­ experienced in many years. Jacksonville Stamm ested must ensue. just been received at the T imes office. The foundation is said to have given way under th es to keep up tho supply until late in tho Newman Fisher, 4)!><.r(’hivf; S. Cohn, Unter strain up >r it, however, which may ne< atteution of teachers is called to them. The meanest tnan in tho world generally has Cim i; Jacob Meyer, B i Chief; Max MuiL r, The Sloinacti in SircuRtliened. Sprii.’g. The rains of February' and March somo radical changes iu the plan >>u which the A nother V aluable A lx essionto O tr S tock liver regulated. the how'olK put In will also 1><) of great benefit, so tbMt we may some one good quality about him, and the Schrieftfuehrer ; Hcrin.-iti Helms. Gehuelf Parent» should visit the schools quite often. building has been built. I nterests .—J*y Beach has »tided the fine expect that the miners will lia.u a several same is the case with sewing machine»: the Schrieftfuehrer; Veit Schutz, Sohataverwahrcr; pioper order, the blood enriched and pur­ The teachers would be glad to »ee you, and the horse “Wilburn” to his stud, who, with “Alta­ The installatiou took ified, and the nervous system rendered There seems to bo a slight brvozo in Ashland I little ones would appreciate it. Try it. months’ run in almost any event. All of poorest of them have some redeeming feature. E. Jacobs, Priester. tranquil and vigorous bv this inestimable mont,” will make the ensuing season at the educational circles, judging from the last num­ them are better prepared than ever before When alsiut purchasing a machine it is the place y esterday evening. family medicine and safeguard against The stream» are running full, but no danger "Cascade Stock Farm," three miles east of ber of the Ashland ‘Tidings.” Nothing has and tho amount of gold-dust that will bo ex­ wisest plan to examine all tho machines in the disease, which is, moreover, a most agreea­ ble and elicit iv<> appetizer, and a cordial Linkville. “Wilburn” has recently been im­ is anticipated from them, unless warm rains been received from the front out of which to tracted will doubtless exceed that of any’ market and thi n select that one which com­ peculiar! v adapted to the wants of the aged year since the palmy days of old. ported from Col. W. T. Withers’ farm in Ken­ should melt the snow in the mountains. form a newspaper item, and the trouble has and infirm. bines all the good points. After examining all tucky l>y Mr. Beach, is a dark bay, 16 hands The jietition for a formation of a lodge of the probably been suppressed. Far sale by all Druggists and Dealers the rest your choice will fall upon the Singer, S tock in L aki ; C ounty .—Latest advices high, finely finished, and was foaled April 16, Ancient Order of Uuited Workingmen at this general ly. There has lieen .a percejitiblomoderation in the as it contains the best principles of every ma from Lake county are of a more favorable na ­ 1877. His sire is "Alamo,” by “Almont” place is receiving a number of signatures. chine in market, and stands without a rival. weather during the past few lays, wl ii-h fact U- (sire of “Altamont"), dam by "Melbourne, Jr.” ture. Tho snow, which has been several feet Dan ! is well received by all. We have just exjieri- The party announced to take place at lie combines the strains of some of the l>est The .■’tone culvert in the (lord ui lane, con­ some of — the coldest . aud most . uisagree- d<-ep in places, is gradually disappearing, to . ...................... — ... trotting Mood known and was purchased ex­ Fisher’s place on the 271 th has been postponed I enced bills at tracted last Summer, suci limbed to tile wind the relief of sto< kinen. Sikes Worden, writ pressly to meet the wantu of those who desire until the 30th. A pleasant time is anticipated i able weather known to Southern Ore; >n, and CALIFORNIA ST., bv ar< IK tii'l d change w ill bo a relief. mg t-1 Matt. Obenchain from Liukville under a and Weather last week and lies an almost total ............................. size in connection with blood. | R. M. Garrett, the Josephine county express­ the they set- I The “Valley Fountain," a »omi-inonthly late date, s ivs that at L ast one-fifth of tin wreck. 4«eo. Chase first encountered the diffi­ ;»<1 from N. FICKE, man, reports the snow as having been several Proprietor i (¡ATHERED TO II1S FATHERS.— The public IU K.'. iilei :. I journal published at Albany by Man 1.1 A stock is likely to perish, and Capt. James culty after the foundation had given way, and feet deep iu that suction, aud tho waters high. * wm surprised and pained to hear that J. J. Monteith, under the auspices of the tirami Barn. ; also gives a gloomy account of affairs in only by the most strenuous efforts saved his Nichols, a pron.iuent and respected citizen of | A small flood was occasioned List week by Ixidge of the I.O. G. T., is ou our table. It a let.t-T to the same gentleman. Some believe team from swamping. By a liberal application ! ] < »0 to HUHS W' LL KNOWN MM’.KET. OP- Sam’s Valiev, had departed this life on the 11th | the water backing up in the tailrace of the is neatly printed ami proves an able and earn« st that this Winter will prove the severest, ever of fence-rails m ar by the chasm was bridged 1 piisit«' lx 111l«>r Bro.’* drug-store, ia an I 1 the stage stag'* proceeded ¡ on its way north after Chinese diggings inthu Willow Springs district. advocate of the temperance cause. instant, after an illness of only four days. Mr. experienced in Lake comity in every way. l < |o. 1' iH'il than over to furnish th» a lew hours dela\ Nichols was l>orn in Robinson county, Ken­ i [ tibl: w itii th" clioKTst quality of The road around Mule Hill, on Big Apple­ Lake county offers a rewar«! of $250 for i K f . ai . E state T ea ns ■. < mx-s.— The follow ing tucky, on the Sth day of May. 1825, and was gate, has been obstructed by a big slide from the capture and surrender of tho notoriou- Urctila BiK-f, The stage-drivers must be liberally endowed .’I ! ’ consequently 64 years, 8 months and 3 days of the mountain. It will lie removed soon, how­ John Purdy, who, a lew n .utks azo, escaped deeds have )>ei nreeorded iu the (’ounty Clerk’s w ith the patience of Job in tiicir emb-avo »Ti S to 11 o’juk at the Adda A Pork, Veal, age at tho tune of his death. In 1853 he emi­ ever. from the county jnl at I.akcvi« w, and a like office, since the last issue of the T imes : Tint ¡on, Ham, get the mails through on time. Not only arc 1 H at i.’s Vi i \ X H au : School Land < omni issiopers to Prudence M grated to Oregon from Missouri, locating in liacoa. Salt Moats. Notwithstanding tho equinoctial storms, sum for the apprehension and surremh'r of the \\ ill,, r, 3‘..‘.i'> acres in M.inzanitu precinct. the roads in tho worst possible state, bin X K is >1 s (•loll! i ■ i n of IMuglas county, where he remained until 1868. Dillon .it’ll in 1 Is the fort and is ever ready V murlerer «>f Edward Doyle, near Tule Lake, 4 ■ s1 i rat m, .-'7 J. pg, * o I » >\verî Ì L 1 1 f ‘ most i Also, Sujierior Illi some of the bridges and culverts are in an m Octolier last. i H‘ VO .'•■lai'Iii» king I Since the latter date he has lieen a resident of furuub all with the host of wines, liquors and A. D. Helman to .’. 1 >. Fountain, one-halt Sausage, Lard. Etc. The case of B. F. Dowell against the city of I ti ‘■ r. st of land in Ashland. 4.’onsideration, safe, not to gay dangerous, condition, whil< * lie Ir i i r I < > its or; ginal « Jack sou county. Through his sterling quali­ cigars. snow and ice have also proved inipediincnts Hot ami <■!• >111. i ’ n ite A,,q. Portlaud, f«>r ille.'illy as •■“.sing him fur The most favorable inducements offered i ties he had gained a host of friends, who ever to be slice/« d at. The Jehus, nevertheless, mors and falling om of tho bair. •L R to patron«, ami no effort will l>o spared J. Houck's hall at Ashland has been ro- a lot ho never owno h appealed Ly the eitx J. D. Fountain, premises seem to bo good-natured enough. nislio. thè nutritivo primapL- Ly w recognized in him a good and useful citizen. toward giving general satisfaction. ¡laired and is now pronounced quite sate by a from tho decision of Just' Wiley last Fall, in As il ind. Consideration, 9110. --- - —<»_ ... - bair i- mmrislic l ami 'Up|>or!ed. Those who knew him best will miss him most. N. EICKE. J< hr. Conway to Mary Ann Beils, property e liair moist, sol; imi ¡zlos-,y. an 11 has been decided by Jmlge Bollinger in favor committee of carpenters who made due exam ­ The thaw ha 1 < h -. asioned a large surplus of Mr. Nichols leaves a wife and five children be­ S irpass.-d a- a hair dressing. It i> iiv.»r Aslilan 1. 4 !<>nsiiieration, 8'250. of tho plaintiff, who assessed his damage al hind him, who have the sympathy of all in ination. water am! it sor< spread ad o over con id>Table territory onomical preparaiion over ot!<>re $145 45 and costs of th«- action. their bereavement. None had aught to say to quite a depth. A part i of W. IL Peninger's puliìic. io ita cib-cts remain alo Miss Lancaster of Rock Point precinct was R ei 'I' i rioN in F reight .—The Railroad 4.’om- against him and he sleeps the sleep of the just. The “Del Norto Record’ says: Edward mal ing onlv an occasionai ap thrown from her horse into a prospe ct hole the pany has ma le ipiite n reduction in freight on farm was submerged and his bam ami out- I necessarv. It is rocomuiemied am “Peace be to his ashes!” Murphy, who has a sheop ranch on the Bald f other day, but fortunately sustained no serious the Reading roa l. General merchandise has buildings flooded, so ' it bee.iine necessari em inent im die al moti, ami o tli'-ial 11 —AT THE- Hills, during the lato storm and uncommon been reduced from 90 e‘ i;ts to 76 cents per to remove the stock, A number of hogs were« ed t!V tiie Stato Asaaverof Massa L egion of H onor .—This organization will injuries. col«l weather, lost his entire hand of sheep, th Tho pojiularil v of llall’s liair Rem meet at the Court House this evening for the “How long should girls be courted?” asks an snow coming on so suddenly and unexjieetedli hundred troin San Francisco ami from 76 cents drowned before they could be driven to a plac. inere:ise 64 cents pur hundred from Sacramento, a ] California St. Jacksonville. Klippel and Faunie Dowell and Jas. R. Little, o'clock in the morning, we guess,—'cept when safety, and so they all perishe«!. rc< lu ction of 12 cents pur hundred from Sacra­ The Improved Order of Red Men has leased i is now known ami useeo. Carant. cellars are as aquariums, w ith potatoes and y<>u mountains that sleighs have been brought liiev will call again. A Friigrant lirvaih ni>4 Pearly I ’ ccth Address, A. C. Jones; 9. Music by String Band; apples for fish. JAKE MARCUSE. into service by the Stag" Compauv on the route Vi e i a'-ily obtained by oleansinglyour te< tli i When Gen. Grant was in Portland la t Fall, M- FERRI N—In Manzanita proci net, Janu­ 10. Recess; 11. Music by the Brass Band; 12. ary 4th, to tho wife of S. B. Mcl ’ eri m, a from Cole’s to Barron’s, something that has daily with that ju--tly popular «lentritiee. he met an old iri< nd whom he knew iu 1S5L son. Trio, Misses Cora and Maggie Linn and Annie I Postmaster Muller has made more substan­ i >Z')! h >NT. < 'oinpoM'd of rare antisiqiiie 1'ogcther tiny talked of old times, and th< not happened for many years. The stage from S tial improvements to his office. Tho general herbs, it imparts whiteness to tlio teeth, a l.itth ; 13. Essay, G. A. Hubliell; 14. Music Di the south was over two days and nights the delicious arum i to t li<> Lireath, and preserv e- asked Ins friend how he was getting delivery window is now closed during tho dis ­ by the String Band; 15. Soug l»y the Boys; 4 LI.THOSE KN'OWIN’G themselves on. "I ’ m '! >ing fir»t-r»te now, ” he »aid, “ bu; inttim, from youth io old age, the teeth. latter part of last week making the tran it from 16. N mgby the Little Folks ; 17. Recitation, tribution of mails. . \ im lei it ed I" the undersigned, either hy Acidity ’ of the stomach will destroy ’ the lor years 1 sutturvl so with pain in my baci. !!• -,>•< Danforth; 18. Quartet, R. H. Klipjiel, note or ho ik account, ar»> requested tocoius The officers of Table Rock Encampment No. Yreka to the Mountain House, a distance of strongest teeth unless itselleets are counter 43 mihs, owing to the snow, which was acted with Si iZtJi« >X I , ami tliis pure tooth ami ki liiev.-, that life was a bur'i, !i ; l*ut a 4'L.-i. Wolters, R. Wilkiusonand A. H. Ma-gly; ! forward ami settle iinnicdiatel v, as your accounts are mad" mil for collect ion. 19. Chorus by a quartet of Old Folks; 20. Mu- 10, I. O. 0. F., were installed on Tuesday fully six feet deep, ami as much as ten teet in wash prot cts the dental surfaces by remov­ single p;uka_'e <>: the (I iugon Kil'Ni'.i I la A. 4 .STANLEY, M. D. :ig tin ing overy impurity that adheres to them. 1 cui’**y t.m Brass Band. The entertainment I . evening List by Hon. Silas J. Day, Deputy Dis­ depth in places. This Winter is ; 'fable Krx'k, Jan. 1,1884). anotlu r tw. utv Veal'.-,.' Sold cv. ywhu;< trict Ci rand Patriarch. severest known Lure in eighteen y< Wxd f o doubt prove interesting. Ask v<>ur drug,zist ior SOZOIKJX'T. Bad colds are fashionable. FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 1880. SCROFULA 1 1 CITY MARKET, I Grand Opening 1 i i — i y TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN