DEMOCRATIC TIMES FRIDAY, JANUARY 9. 1880. A ccident .—Jas. Hamlin had his jaw dislo­ cated last I riday evening and is now under , the care of Dr. Danforth. We are pleased to i learn that he is doing well and will soon be himself again. BRIEF REFERENTE. Snow-balling is popular again. More col sp ■■••lily improvised. The Tril>e takes occasion to extend thanks to the ladies and gentlemen w ho so generously v«>lunteere«l their services, and espcciallj’ to members of Warreii Lodge of Masons lor subs'autial fa­ vors rendered. S. L. Howard, an attorney from California, The Applegate Gravel Company is at W. B. Hay, having disposed of his meat work again ami Superintendent Fitzpalrii-k market in this place, has placed his accounts in is paying this place a visit, with a view of is pushing operations with all speed. T hanks .—The T imes corps is under obliga­ The German Red Men elected officers last the hands of Capt. Caton, with whom settle­ locating. tions to S. P. Jones, of the Eagle Sample night. Geo. L. Dean, formerly of Butte creek, John Murphy, of Ashland" precinct, one of ment must l>e made at once. Rooms, for a bottle of the very best wine. It has rented the Brimstone mine, on Grave the pioneers of the valley, favored us with a The beautiful snow departed, but soon re- j A solar eclipse is billed for next Sunday. Cure» all Scrufuloua affection« and diaordera result­ creek, owned by E. F. Walker A Co., for is not often that we have the pleasure of sam­ turned. ing from Impurity of the blood. It ia raedless to Tho exhibition will commence about 2.30 p. M. call this week. tiie season. pling so choice an article. apecify ali, in the sufferer can usiia’..y port'civc their Health is improving and cases of sickness It will be partially visible here; that is, if old N. DeLamatterand family who have been pay­ eauae ; but Salt Pimpltt, l lceri, Tumuri, A good season is now anticipated l>v all. Ooitrr, fiicrlluig», in'., are the moet common, aa Sol looms up at that time. ing Jacksonville a visit, returned to Josephine C haxok of F irm .—N. Ficke has purchased are scarce. vail as many a&vcliuua of the ilcati, lltad, LtVtr Tire prospects are favorable lor an extended and Stomach. German calendars can be obtained at the j Stock is doing Letter since the first snow went county last week. of Hay A Beal the butcher-shop formerly con­ and profitable run and a great amount of I off. The loss will not lie as heavy as at first ducted by Win. Bybee and took charge of it T imes office. Mrs. Wm. Bleekert of Gall s creek, recently gold-dust will no doubt be taken out. last Tuesday. The price paid was 3600. Nick Fine ornamental clocks at the New York supposed it might be. but it is likely to be dangerously ill, is recovering under the treat­ There is a break in the S«piaw Lake Com­ considerable before Spring. has had much experience in this line and will Store at cost. ment of Dr. Colvig. pany’s ditch, but the delay thus occasioned Woniarful Curs of Blladaeis. I no doubt give general satisfaction. Deeds, mortgages, Just ice’s blanks, attorney’s Muslin worth 15c. per yard for 9c. at the Dr. J. A. Callender, who has been spending will not be protra«!ted, as Supirintondent D. R ansom , S ok & Co.: For the l-enefit of nil summonses and everything in this line can al­ a few days among his friends in this place, re­ Klippel has a considerable force of men en­ troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in their N eat S i m C leared .— The Rebekahs real­ New York Store. eyateuia, 1 hereby rccotnuiend King of the Blood. ways be obtained at the T imes oilice. Orders turns to Roseburg to-day. gaged in repairing it. ized about $S0 from the ball given under their I hare lien troubled with Scrofula for the past ten Epij hany w as celebrated by our Catholic from abroad promptly tilled. yean, which so affected my eye* that I was com­ Major Eugeni ITeliet may bo expected auspices last week. This speaks well for their residents last Tuesday. A. (’. Cox, City Marshal of Roseburg, and pletely blind for six months. I was recommended in this section at almost anytime. He is The United States Supreme Court has de ­ to try King of the B ool, which Las proved a great management when we recollect that the price Miss Fannie Hill, of Wilbur, were united in Hats in all eolors, worth $2 50, for $1 each, blessing to me. as it fins complete y cured me, aud cided that a note drawing a special rate of in­ matrimony on Christmas eve. We wish them now at San Erawiseo, from which point In­ of tickets was placed at only $2.50 and no ex­ at the New York Store. J cheerfully recommend it to all troubled aa 1 Lav. is corresponding wit h different parties here t been. Yours truly, terest, and unpaid at maturity, will only draw pense was spared for the success of the affair. joy- Mas. 8. WEaiH.MLow, bardinia, N. Y. The Jacksonville Minstrels will perforin at legal interest after that time. in relation to our mines. Win. Brown, brother of Mrs. J. A. Cardwell, R eligious I tems .—Rev. M. A. Williams Phienix to-morrow evening. Eagan A' Co.'s arastra in the Willow The Red Men are discussing the proposition left for his home m the Umpqua valley last will hold services at the M. E. Church in this springs district is in operation again. A The different schools resumed studies Mon­ of renting the greater portion of the second Saturday, after paying this section an extended clean-up will soon be m i l«*. The vein con­ place next Sun lay morning at the usual hour. day with a good attendance. story of John Orth's building and fitting up a visit. will be paid to any Publie Iloepital to tv matn- ....Rev. W. II. Klyce preaches at Colver's hall tinues to develop well ami promises to be ally agree«! upon, for every certifleate of thia medi­ All brand-. tobacco, first quality, 65c. per neat and commodious hall in it. cine pubkaLed Ly us which 1» not genuine. Friend Wallis of the Yreka telegraph office extensive as well as rich. in Phienix next Sunday morning.... Elder M. pound, at the New York Store. D. H. Thomas, a practical millwright resid­ received a substantial present on New Year’s Peterson will preach at Eagle Point on Sun­ A. O. Eek« Ison and S. I.aeklan«!. who Its Ingredients. There will be a social party at the residence ing in Humboldt county, Cal., desires to run a day. day. It was a bouncing boy, and he is as big spent tho holidays in .Jacksonville, have ■— — ......■< -.■■ ■■■ ■ --- of Daniel Fisher on the 27th inst. To show our faith in the safety ami excellanra ot mill by the thousand. For further particulars as paterfamilias now. resumed their positions at the Star Gulch th» K. B., upon preper personal Application, wh.a P rofessional .—Attention is called to the Snow was six inches deep at Sterling on see his advertisement elsewhere. th«» no imposition is intended, we will John Sizemore of Sam's valley was in to vn ami 1 ’alnier er< ek diggings and are moving give the names of ail '.ta in. have lease I the dig­ Many tcatlmouiala. further information, and land. He is a first-class workman, is well full directions fur u»»n« will be found in the j-arn. gings, recently opened by the Grave Creek Forecasts an 1 Am •ricau A bn in 1 ■ no 1N.VI ’ i.» 50c. per yard, at the New York Store. probably not be heavy. was sold at Sheriff's sale last Saturday, It was supplied w ith the latest and most improved phlet “Treatise on IliMasaa of the Blood," in out, ami we learn that the first edit 1 of 1 1'. el w hielieacb bottle iaen«ffojc. Stone, Superintendent of the O. relief of everybody w ho feared a flood. A miner from California is working some A copy can be obtain -■! byim-’osing 20 cents t. Wilderville hail two parties on New Year s good swimmer. C. Stage Line, was kicked in the thigh by a ground on Fr.iirie Flat, two miles south oi Thompson, 'Tice A Lillingston. St. Louis, Mo. For ball tickets, programmes, rewards of night. Wilder gave one and Knight the other. -a.---- horse at Yreka, which crippled him for a few town, by means ot an ingeniously coiitriv-1 merit, wedding invitations, cards of all kinds, RE AITEARANCK OF THE M instrels . The Major A Uulverhouse have purchased of Mr. \ i«'K s IT?>i: ti. Gi'ii»E Of the manv guide- days. We are pleased to learn that he is ed self-shooter that is now in this section Jacksonville M'-istrels will give one of their Taylor the stage line from Alturas to Lakeview. circulars, pamphlets, ¡Misters and other plain able to be about as usual. and seed and pl lat catalogues sent out by our and has caused considerable comment. It and fancy printing, go to the T imes oilice. pleasing entertainments at the Court House s-eilsmen anl nurserymen, and that are «loin, Buginess men will find a fine supply of notes L. F. < Jail informs us that a sudden heavy is an innovation in its line ami works well. i W. F. Wilkinson of Big Butte and Jacob this (Friday) evening, They will pre ­ much to inform th? p ->pL? an 1 !»■ autii'y anti so 'a1 of all kinds and receipts on hand at the T imes C. II. Williams has found excellent pros rain the forepart of last month raised tli<- McDaniel, as will be seen by their tinal proof »ent au entirely uc.i programme, consisting of office. enrich onr country, none are .so beautiful, non« water in Thomas' dam at the Meadows so that peds on his place near Rock I’oiut and will notices published in the T imes , have made ap­ so instructive, as Vick ’s Fiord Guide. It» pi California Street, Jacksonville, Oi .,cn. the latest and most popular so igs, sketches, The holidays are over, ami none seem sorry the levee broke and the mill was undermined. immediately’ commence fitting up for an per is the choiee-t. its illustrations hau l-o ne. plication to prove up on their homesteads. dances, etc., in the rendition of which they lw-au»e of it, though they were pleasantly It w ill take sometime to repair the damage extended run this season. From a hall an I given by the linmlred, while its colored propose out ioing themselves, We expect to I ll.’.y has advanced in price since the recent done. Iv ur's work with two «luice-boxes be real­ 4 LWAY- ON \N’> THU n’'»'T s-'TOCK spent. .\ nt<»nt nnd H -m'»-nu»d«> Rule» an I see a full house, fo" the b lys deserve it. sto--.';, some choice lots selling as high as $15. ized about seventy-li ve cents iu coarse gobi, plate is a gem. This work, although costin Lost A plated sleeve-button. The finder Jasper Crenshaw, son in-law of Wm. Justus, which is evidence that, good pay is in but live cents, is hand-om? eoo.igh for a gilt ■»liot |vers <>f Th surplus is not great, ami it may be scarce tire latest pat< at •; P..<-kel Pi»'«ils,, sma'I R aü . road T ime C h \ ngei >.—The C. P. R. R will be suitably rewarded by returning it to this has returned from Illinois Mith his family, store for him. book, or a place on the p irlor table. Published a'.i.l powerful; Derringer», the iale»t »nd at ie above figure before the season ends. has changed time and now leaves San Fran­ office. after an absence of four years, and will take l>y J ames V k k , R>«:ir are running both Seosioii* t.ll.c. best bran«!»; all » it» <,fS'i<»t and !’mich*-i; Jatter place at 10:29 f. m . It leaves Reading street the other day and now wants to lind to the estate of Daniel Ilop'.t ns was well at­ satisfied t’.iat there are worse places than ■of their pipes with excellent prospects. tended. The prices obtained were’fair. The You are asked every «lay through the col *'iip». W ul-and everything in the Sports­ at 6 a . m ., and arrices at Sin Francisco at the owner. Oregon. man's line. I ’ he late freeze damaged them but little. saw-mill and a few other articles remain i limns of your new »p ip r», an l by your drug­ 7:05 i’, m . An aeconiinodation train froin Sac­ ih* will aiso keepa full line nt SHELF B. R. Willits of Kano creek spent the lioli The o <1 pioneer Bassett ami John Horn A correspondent writes us that it froze hard unsold. gists, to use something for your ki ln-ys that II \ !fl >W.\ RE, Nails, and |{o|>«*of all kir>«ls ramento has siso Leen put on, leaving Reading days in the valley, lie reports the snow not have st ruck it at last on Poverty gulch, a enough in Sam's valley to cougeal whisky at d you know nothing about, and vou get «liseotir a n < i si, ( . t r p j o < r- it 11 < I i % 1», -i com ole!«- a-»or’ nrent <«1' T:il»le aiul break the jug. S:30 r. m .; and leaves Sacramento at 4:30 a . what the age, there is no household remedy gressing satislactorily at the saw-mill, and a the pan—some pans. E. Dimiek, at the a. ed spending your inoii'.-y. But this s «rt o I’ ><•:<«•! (’ill,« IV, log« ' Iler Wil It a till l -llppiV Chas. Winters received a severe cut on his "f i 'a: nts. (ills, Va i n i *b<-s. (t lass, etc. m . and arnves at Reading at ) 1 i*, m . equal to Frese's Hamburg Tea. Besides, the considerable amount of lumber will be liiaiiu- Dry «Jiggings, is working day ami night business is at an en. The al> vc goo iw ¡terns in this weeks issue area “little off, ” the in. Bybee is engaged in repairing the «lam- comtd' ‘ ted I>v tlie 1 st <>t February. A num New gens made to order, and repairing B usiness M1: int .—Those owing bills at The snow about Fort Klamath is deep- r than ell of Jacksonville was in town < luring tl. clerk of the weather must be held accountable age done to ins ferry on R >gue river by high her of Chinamen are engaged ir. its con­ “’The «’itv Drug Store" are hereby notified promi'lv lone and in good style. All or­ usual, and the mercury fell to 20 below zero week looking up evide. to be use« 1 in a suit der» tilled VV lib di»). Cell. or the head of this department of the T imes water recently. struction and are making c«msiderab!e that they will be icfused credit until th v set be This must during tile recent cold snap, J HIN MJ 1.1.ER. liow pending between I lmself and .1« ■sse Apple- act down as a very poor Yank ee ; for, liotwith- It is now that the busy housewife carries the first stages of what the p >et terms tin- gate, lor recovery of one-half of the judgmeiit headway. Til«« firm believe they have a tie. Also, that interest will In- <■'urged from atauding our predictions, •uow commenced good thing, and we hope their hopes will her water to the house for cooking purposes in frigidity of Siberia's icy n ihls. the date of this notice. Ri't-. i:: K ahler . paid by Doweil aa security w ith Apj.»!»-gab- tm lie realized. felling a gain Wedn sd.-iy night and, at the a market-basket. Jacksonville, January 1. Lssff. * S. E. May, «!■ i.uilting ■» -cretai v <>t >date. The Ashland House, as will > <»f « ¡ng to press, wa- »tv eral inches dr. p. Tire general land office recently decided J. A. Boyer, D. D. G. M., will install the vertisernent elsewhere, is offere I for sal - or This promises to be one of the seven, t Win- Mr. Bi'niu-r, one of th? proprieltors of tin­ that all the atlhlavits rr<|iiired by law in officers of Ashland 1. > Ige No. 45, I. O. O. F., rent. This is desirable property and it will be ters in our history ami may prove so to stock ('entenuial mine in the Willow Sprin gs district, support of appli«‘ations for mineral patents to-morrow evening. disposed of at a Itwrgain. Call on J. Houck, returned from Portland this week. He wa must be made by the applicants them­ rais r? in partii ular:. We have recti veil Falkner, BMI & < o. s wool on the premises, for particulars. accompani-'d by his «laughter, w ho will tak< selves. Under this ruling a number of H igh W ater — The thaw of the forepart of report for 1^79 an 1 shall prescut it to our Tiie Postal Department now lines the mail up a residence m this place and pro! •ably for.ii applications and affi lavits tiled in the local ne week, accompanied by rain, raised some of readers next week. carriers for every minute they are behind thei: a class in portrait painting. A hau l so ne sain- <11< riels by agents of non - residents of mint's the streams to the highest point they have at­ The Legion of Honor will meet next Friday schedule time. At the end of the quarter the [ile of Miss B-n i'?r’s skill may bit seen a: have been rejected. The acting commis- tained for some tinie. Jackson and Daisy eveuing, and an excellent programme is in due siomT of the general Ian 1 oifiee lias, how- minutes lost are added together, figured into Beekman's banking office. creeks abandoned their banks and for a time course of preparation. • ■ver, at the instance ;>f Senator Hill, of hours and tines deducted accordingly. From a letter recently received from Dr. A threatened mirth damage. K ane creek, near i C'doiado, issued an onler that no more For sale or rent —the residence formerly oc­ C. Matthias, formerly of this place, now <> «•rinee'la: i ms of t his s«.rt sb al I be made iin- Billiards are the popular amusements now-a- the residence of John Swinden, was so high cupied by George W. Frey. For further par­ days and some of our young bloods are devel­ tillboa, Ohio, we learn that lie has some iliten 1 ii <’ongress takt's act ion upon tire pending ♦ the s’vges found it risky to cross it. Since ticulars apply at this office. oping a great degree of proficiency in the game. tions of returning to the Coast, though he pro­ bill which prov i l«‘s that such applications •nienced falling the waters have re- ami affidavits in eases of non residents Business men are renderingaccounts, towards Several matches have been made and some poses trying Kansas first. His health is not sliall be valid if sworn t » by their local with prosjiects of again proving the best, we are sorry to heir, his wounded effecting the regular annual settlement, the money hac changed hands on the results. agents cognizant oftlre tacts. -------- ---------------- — arm troubling him considerably. The Doctor' T imes corps among the number. Business men should not forget that bill­ our readers in the next issue cattle into the valley aud is feeding them upon The Portland “Stamlard” an 1 “Oregonian " of that sei tion are kept busy attending to their ter which the quarterly conference will be .Mr. Simpson ia engaged in pre­ hay for which he paid a fancy price. I’ill.UIN K.IA TO III I TAI.«». N. Y.. The liver regii!:i’e«l, th«» bow •'« put in issued mammoth sheets, filled with the cliro- herds, which look well as yet, having come in lieTd. All th«* officiary are ref invalids anntial- proper older, lire bloo-l enrich«-i and pur- z\ handsome present to your friends in “the oology of Oregon for 1S79 and other int -rest- given to the public. His poetry is too well from the Summer range in good condition present, as important bu.stm ss M ill com«' In for, lv toe insult with tire nre«li<*:il and »urgirá' ifie«l, and ilu* nervoii« system ren«leied States” would be a copy of the T imes sent reg­ I mg matter, on New Year's Day. Thcse evi- 'S ('onsiderable feeling has been done; lmt, as the conference. The usual quarterly meeting statf of the World's Dispensary and luva IraiKpiil and vigorous by this inestimah'o known to need any commendation at our hands, ularly. It will save mauy a letter. demes of enterprise aml prosperity are note- the snow :s fast disappearing, stock can shift services Mill be held on Sabbath. All are in­ lids' Hotel, tin« largest private »anil ariuni family me«li«*me and »at> guard against and it will therefore be unnecessary for us to in th«* world. All ebroiiic «liseasrw un­ ll(i a cordial - —— 4F ... - ... I ------------- SflTT!*” valley, during the holidays, passed oil' is divided among nine emiix'iit specialists. peenli ii iv adapted to the wants of the aged gems, as only he can compose. High water detained the stage from the north Meteorology lor IH79. R e \ i . E state T h ansaci ions . The follow in _■ Among the m »st popular «lomestic medi­ ami infirm. tih-iy. Fi ity-two tickets were sold. on Friday last, but the delay was only tempo­ F n »ale by a” Druggists and Dealer* deeds have been recorded in the County Clerk's cines in the land ar<* tilos«* mamita«-!ureti T he O pium C i • rse .—The “Sentinel'’ says Rev. M. A. Williams, who has taken con­ The bridge across Jacksun creek, on Oregon rary. Thanks to the efficiency of the officials by this Association, among which are Dr. siderable pains in his iii obsetca­ office since the last issue of the T imes : there are at least three C'.liuese opium dens in street, was demoralized by high water aud a Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, tin of the Stage ('ompany, we arc now enjoying John Ralph to Harry Smith, «¡nit-claim deed greah’st ot .literatives or lilood-<'!c.n;ser». Jacksonville, which are frequented almost tions for 1S79, has kin lly furnished us the fol­ foot-log has been brought into service. uninterrupted mail service notwithstanding to lot in Ashland. ('oiisideratioii, $1. and Dr. P.eree's Ptdlefs (little pills) tha; nightly by about a dozen of the young men of lowing synopsis thereof, which will be found the bad weather and worse roads. have largely supers«'den<-l«'.” In­ all self-respect is bad enough; but why exag For a nice, clean shave, or a first-class sham- Feb 35 • >3 43 1.07 4th, 16 1 a which notice many have respondeil. As a valids’ Guido Book—!<> cents, post-paid. ‘PHIS WITT, KNOWN MARKET. OP- David L. Ho ’ ikins, executor of the estate of \ o , give B. Rostel a call. He is a first-class result, nearly $900 have been collected. Ami ciation, Batíalo, N. Y.,<«r Lomion, England. lu-tter pr«'[ ar«'d i ial: cv«-r i « i furnish the 50 1.6S Sth, 32 Daniel Hopkins, deceased, elsewhere gives Apr 63 41 may read we1!, but they do not redoun 1 to the hair dresser and barber and will please every public with Hie «-boxes quality of still a feM’ argue that advertising doesn't pay. notice that he will be in Jacksonville next May 43 63 53 3.00 3rd. 2S . —--- —_ - ---- T he G rave —It buries everybody Frei.Ii Beef, ■credit of the town. one. 4S — 1 . — > 63 ■1 mi .67 17th. 37 week for the purpose of effecting a settlement The new year is fully under way ami Old —covers every deLmt—extinguishes .95 5th, 37 27. OS Several of the Road Supervisors did not re- with those indebted to said estate. Attention Jul 52 7~> 70 Poik. Veal. I. O. O. F. I nstallation . John A. Boyer, Aug 5 J so 90 1 Father Time rushes on, waiting for nothing, ex­ «■very resenirnent. .51 24»Ii. 41 0. 98 9.1 From its peaceful port at the January term of the Commissioners ’ Sdut oa, JL ijh , I> D. G. M., last Saturday evening installed is called to his card among the new advertise­ Sept 43 i i 67 .14 10th, 33 1 i«i cept to take a swig of Matt. Dillon’s choice ho-otn springs nothing lmt fond re iX.icoji. Salt Meat». ( let 39 t >3 50 .43 31st. 31 3d liquors as he passes by in his dizzy flight. And the following otli ■er* of Jacksonville Ia»dge Court, but will nrobably be on hand next ments. grets and tender recollections. Who month. 50 39 3.23 27th, IS Nov 32 Also, Superior G. ; No. 10,1. <). O. F.: W. J. Flymale, N. < Three-quarters of all the sewing machines in Dee 30 1 1 32 6.31 \ 23, 2 0 an look d«»wn on Hie gitive ot an ene 3d who can blame him? W. C. Evants was fined $20 for assaultin g Frank Krause, V. G.; T. B. Kent, R. S.; ; S. Sauf’ngo. Ln.rd. Etc. 'the world arc Singer-.. This ('ompany has 1 24, 6 my and no* feel a cmiipun ffious Hirol I 20« 1 13d F or S alem . Judge Prim of the Suprein« that he should have warred with tin J. Day, F. S.; John Miller, Treas.; A. H. D. S. K. Buick at Myrtle creek recently. Tne been established over thirty years aud employs Til 21.03 Tire most fa'. oiiilil«' iiidm einents offere«! M. egly, R. S. N. G.; John Hoekenjos, L. S. fine wan paid by outsiders sympathizing with (nearly twelve thousand men; consequently poor htndful of earth th*.t lies moul tn pairoils, and no «fiorl will be apa/erl N ote . The mean temperature is taken from Court left for Salem on Saturday morning, t Evants. ovvar«! giving genrial satisbu'tion. Hi df ring before him. N. G.; Win. M. Turner, K. S. \. G ; Ehler they can give their customers a better machine records three times a day, viz: morning, noon attend the regular term of that l>o«ly. The girls have a leap year party under con­ N. EJ< KF. Honor Mill be absent for several weeks, as the Band, L. S. V. G.; Chris. Ulrich, W.; Edwin than any other. Call and see the agent here, and night. sideration and there is a wonderful rejuvena ­ docket is quite an extensive one. Smith, Con.; Fred. Luy, I. G T. T. McKen- MARRIED. * Barkis seems to be ' D. 11. Feathers, At thelast regular meeting of Teka Tribe No aie, O. G.; Veit Schutz, R. S. S.; N. Ficke, tion of old bachelors. Why Will You willin’. COATES-( ARSON — At Fort Jones, Cal., A reunion of friends occurred at the resi­ 53, Imp. 0. R. M., of Yreka, the following ], s. S. After the ceremony an excellent col Dee. gflli, by Rev. Mr. Kuykendall, Allow a cohl to advance in your system and The person who borrowed Wm. Eaton's cross­ dence of Jas. A. Cardwell last Friday evening, jiersons were chosen chiefs: Sachem, E. II. lation was served at the (. lub Room by the la­ Lyman <>. ('nates to Miss Nora ('arson, i thus encourage more serious inala-lies, such as formerly of Jackson county. dy members of Ruth Reliekah Degree Lodge. cut-saw one evening last week will please rc- which proved a pleasant affair. TheJaeksou- Schofield; S. S., E. Ranous; J. S., W. A. B. I’ni'umonia. Hemorrhages an I Lung Trouble The reporter of the T imes had the good for turn it, as it is needed, Eatou is well acquainted v de String Band was in attendance and the Mills; C. of R., W. J. Wallis; K. of W., w hen an immediate relief can be so rea lily at M ARGREITER—PARKER—In Jackson ville precinct, January 2d, by Hon. s. J. w ith him. . .rly hours of morn had arrived ere the com­ John l’ashbtirg; Trustees, A. H. Burrows, F. : taine I? B 'schee’s German Syrup has gained tune to be an invite«l guest and can bear wit­ Day, County Judg<>, John Margreiterand the largest sale in the world for the cure o, The officers of Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge pany dispersed. Small fry was rigidly exclud­ G. Hearn and R. <>. Dewitt. M i»s Harriet Parker. ness that the affair was duly appreciated. California St. Jacksonville. i Coughs, ( ’ olds and the severest Lung Diseases will l>e installed next Monday evening, and ed upon this occasion. The road between this place ami Willow [t is Dr. Bosche«;’s famous German prescrip HIGGINBOTHAM — HORN — On Galls’ creek, at the residence of J.S. Horn, by J cry L ist .—The following is the jury list those of Table Rock Encampment the follow­ The “Del Norte Record” of last week says: Springs is being damaged considerably by water tion, and is prepared with th«* greatest care, J. W. Hays, J. P.. Samuel (’. Higgin­ for E«len precinct for 1880, as drawn by W, ing evening. The mail carrier from Waldo, Oregon, Mr. f om adjacent gulches, which should lieattend- and no fear need I xj entertained in administer THE UNDERSIGN! D HAS OPENED A botham Miss Ollie A. Horn. mg it to the youngest child, as per «1 ir< ction< Beeson, Justice of'lhe Peace: John Coleman, A communication, having “Bounties for Barnett, informs us that there was five ami one- I general var «• y store with (¡eo. W. El­ e 1 to at once. The proverb that “an ounce The sab' of tins inedi -inc is nnpr.-cedeiitc.l liot». where Ire will keen a full assortnient Joel Smith. F. Barnelierg, A. Alford, Q. N Scalps "as its subject, will be found on our first BORN. half feet of snow on the trail. He was unable of prevention is worth a pound of cure’’ could S nee first introduce 1 there ha- be. n :ic«>ns‘au: ot «-¡gars. toha«'c and tire E:i«t always on liaml. He invites your Druggist a« to the truth of these remarks A bill or statement of atx-or.nt can be sent with the letter mail only. Lindley, S. Patterson, J. F. Gregory, C. God­ th«* pul11ic to gi v e him a «-all and assures all Large size 75 cents. Try it an l be convinced The AAoril T«I ADY C.K I INLKN. lard, R. Smith, J. N. W w ly. H. Ammerman. through the mails, unsealed, forone cent. Any tlrev will call again. ---------------- -------------------- Considerable difficulty was experienced in Which lias already’ becoine a household W. S. Gore, A. Rose, M. Liddle, Thus. More- writing besides the items of the bill subjects it empaneling a Coroner’s jury in the Hess ease, JAKE M ARCUSE. % CARD. word, is derived from I he Greek,and com­ The Tini'.Nhnw Ci«' Inrgesl cireiilntioii I iLnd.G. High, Benj. Stevens, H. E. Cooper, J. to letter postage. posed of two words. Sozo ami Odontes, To all who are suif 'ring from the error* as everybody were engaged in looking after «•v iitt ii ii » i ! In SailOregon by any “Si.zo" translated, i. cans tn preserve, ami 1! Crosby, M. Conger, Jas. Helms, C. T. Tiie County Commissioners met this week their stock and none were anxious to serve as “Odontes'’ the teeth -“St»ZOln.lNT" a pre­ and in liscretions of youth, nervous weak­ i>i>Hv;i:q»,r an I therefore ofTerw wii|»»'ri«»r Payne, John Wright, L. Colver, S. Robinson, and transacted considerable business of an unini- jurymen. An inquest was finally held by Jus­ server of the teeth. Ami it is true to its ness, early <1 e«y, loss of manhood, Ac., 1 in ilt<*eii:ei>ls to n,ll eel isers. Our list is Ik Root, R- B. Robinson, S. Furry, O. Har portant nature. The proceedings w ill appear tice Miller of Chimney Rock, and the verdict name. Il beaut dies ami preserves tire will send a recipe that will cure you FREE priiiripa’ly eoniiaeil to Jackson. Jose­ 4 LLTHOSE KN< IWINGTHEMSELVE8 teeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, .OF CHARGE. This great remedy was phine niul f.ake conn I lew. Itnsl ties» mca 2 » iiule1 to tire un lereiume«!, either l»v baugh, A. P. Tallent, R. V. Dunlap. J. H. in our next issue. rendered was substantially in accordance with and corrects all impurities of tho breath note or !> n.k -tcconiu . ar«' i'‘qn«'ste«| tocome discovered by a missionary in South Amer­ shonl i lake note ol thia. Berry, Geo. Brawley, Jas. Huykill, J. G. Nor- i The holidays were pleasantly spent in the the facts given in the last issue of the T imes . Theodor of this pure preparation is so de- forwanl and settle iniurediaielv, as vour John Callaghan, Chas. ( ottrell, D. High, vicinity of Deskins’ mill on Rogue river. Sev­ The body was then buried, almost a week after ligh’tnl that it is a luxury to apply it. It i - ica. Send a self-addre*se 1 envelope to the lfeil! MINING BLANKS GO THE TIMES accounts aro mad»* out tor col bref ion. 'R ev . J oseph T. I nman , I), Stir as harmless as water, fciold by druggists I O ffice . c«»np’s Hand-book <>f Mining A. (’.STANLEY, M. D. longer, D. W. Gilbert, S. Sherman, B. eral parties occurred there and none failed to death hail ensued. York and perfumer*. Law always kept on hand. Price $1 a «upy. Table Rock, Jan. 1,15S(J. enjoy themselves. King of the Blood SCROFULA. Months 1 Grand Opening S. F. CÏGAR STORE t TO WHOM IT MAY CO n CEKH. L \V. G. Bishop.