PLKSuNAI, NlULS, MIXING .WKWS. M. E. C hurch M eeiing . —The member* Mir Aaiiey • «-.»pc-* ■ Remember the ball at Veit Schutz’ hall this and friends of the M. E. Church met at the VITAL RESTORATIVE-The Gr«v En­ (Christmas) evening. Every preparation for a I Very unfavorable weathor. Wm. Carli, division ageut, passe»! through [ residence of Mrs. McCully ou December 22<1, glish Remedy, has made more cures of Ner- graud time has been made and those who at­ The beautiful snow. lability, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal 1879. town yesterday. wn | Rev. D. A. »1 Mi«« I tend will not regret it. Mining is almost suspended. Rev. D. A. Crowell Crowell in in the the chair chair ao And Mils I«*ie I»sie 1 i voii8 Weakness, Lost Msiihoo l, rirc-.'irnui omis­ Clear, frosty weather. M tss Millie Vining, of A’hl i-il, is sp-ndmg McCully acting as Secretary. sions, Inability for menial labor, •!»*•<;,ondcu- Warren Lo»lge No. 10, A. F. A A. M., will ) Another cold snap has oome to pester the New i Merry Christmas to all. N otice . the holidays in Jacksonville. Dr. Danforth, uu behalf of the committee cy and other disea-es induce i by youth­ I install its o.'licjrs n *xt Sat ml vy evening, which miners. ful follies and excesses, than a'i other med­ int of ear’s calls will find a v Cord wood is a>»ove par. Ed. Hiatt of F*»«>t's creek picked up a Capt. Aukeny has returned to Galice creek whose duty it was to wait up*»n the custodians icines combined. Why will v> u sufbirT will also be the occasion of a sociable tor mem­ at the the most popular cards L> I ami will ba gone about a week. of the organ, reported that the ««ommittee . D. I Copp’s Hand book of Mining Law, pay­ yesterday and will remain during the holidays. | tion« under which they (the custodian.*) will j rolls, notices of location ol quartz and plac Turkeys roisthigh now-a-»lays. which time the wither has imxh-rated but The members of the Lsgion of H mor will Prof. J. C. Scott returned from Roseburg j let the organ go into the church, which condi- j er mines an»i other mining blanks for »ale The T imes is nine years ol»l to-day. little. This weather would not be sneezed at MARRIED. ' meet at the Court House Friday evening, the this week with a load of freight for our mer­ tions the committee could not acevie to. at the T imes office. even in the Eastern State«. : 26th, for the purpose of organizing for the new H u* the shooting match fallen through? chants. W hereupon the following preamble ami res­ BILLINGS—MYER -At the residence <»f W. Marden A Roton are taking some fine ore term about to commence. We make a specialty of holiday printing. Col. C. A. Reed of Salem has boon appoint- olutions wore lntrreiueed, ducussed and | C. .Myer, De. ember 16’h. by Riv. L. L. A mateur P ekfokmaxce The Jacksonville from their ledge in the Willow Springs dis­ Roger», G. F. Billings and Mm Frances Items are as scarce as lien’s teeth, the snow- trict, which gives every evidence of being ed receiver in the case of the U. S. vs. W. C. adopted: Ilustréis will give one of their interesting per- Nails 9c. a pound at the Now York Store. Myer. ' storms ami co’ ' .eather alone preventing a well-»left lied and valuable, Griswold by Judge l)eady. W here .!*, We, the members and friends of MYERS—GORDON —On December 24th, Ry •rmauc'.'S on Saturday evening, January .1*1. Religious services at the Catholic Church to- i famine in this li le by furnishing something to tiie M E. Church of Ja'ksonville, Oregon, > Re.-. nd are practicing regularly therefor. 1 here . 11. Klycv, G. It. Myers arid Miss E H. Autenrieth, K*q., return»*»! from Yre- : E. D. Foudray has returned from his »lay. expatiate on. ill be an entire change of programme from trip to Josephine county, whore he has been kalast week, accompanied by his mother, who ; have held several meeting* for th«- purpose of I M. Gord on. Freight still continues to arrive from Rose- The T imes is issued one ¿ay earlier thia looking after Bybee A Co.'s mine, of which will remain during the holidays. I adjusting the dispute betw.*>*u C. C. Beekman, previous occasions. I burg. w»-»-k to give the printers an opportunity to he is receiver. He seem* pleased with the NEW THIS WEEK. L. L. Savag»; came m from Lmkville Satur­ F. G. Rcinies ami E I). Foudray, cuKtotliatre i vti. Aneti M ah * in ». — At a meeting of Beautiful New Year’s cards at the T imes observe Christmas. The next number will ap­ outlook. of the organ purchase»! for the M E. Church ; day and will spend the holidays in Jackson ­ »* 1 'hbptar No. 4, R A M., hold Tues- office. pear on New Year's day. NOTICE. John ILirn ami Isaac Bassett, who aro ville. He reports the roads in a fearful con­ of Jacksonville; and ay evening, the followiug otlieers were W HF.RtiAS, We have invlo every reason- ! Fifteen yanls of print for$l at the New York A full line of deeds, mortgages, ironclad working on Poverty gulch, in the vicinity* dition. lected : T. G. R am '*, H. P. ; M. Hanley, aving sold my butcher shop able effort to settle tiie difficulty withoutresurt store. notes and blanks for Justices of the Peace al­ of Gall’s creek, have secure»! excellent pros­ Miss Alena Weber, formerly in charge of the I hereby notify all persona iirdebted to img; A. M Berry, Scribe ; D Linn, Captain ways on han I at the Tl ME* oifi e. Orders from pects, picking up among other gold a piece musical and German departments of the Ash- I to law; now, therefore, be it me for meats that they must make payments Suit* worth $15 for $9 at the New York of the lI»Mt; W. Jacli kson. Sojourner ; C. C. weighing nearly $2.50. R esolved , That it i.* the sense of this meet- I tor the satim by the I'Mh ot January, ’.Hr«). *>r abroatl promptly attended to. Store. and Academy, will return from Los Augeles Beekman, It »yal Arch Captain; T. T. Mc­ ing tiiat suit be begun for the purpose of re­ I will have to f»»r»*e I’ollcetions. 1 must We erred last week in stating th :i this Winter. When a young man makes improvements liavomom-v. Tim books and account»-are German calendars can be •btaine«! at the Kenzie, Master 3»I Veil ; II. C. Hill, Master covering the $110, the amount raised by the in the han ls of M. Caton, who ia authorised ' on a lions«-, ami commences fitting it up with Keaton A Klippol of Poorman’s creek found 2.1 Veil ; N. Fuller, /Master 1st Veil ; Max T imes office. Superintendent Fountain will hold a public eutertaiumcuts. to make «fttlemems, WM. IIYBEE. a nugget weighing two ounce*. V» *» in­ Fine, ornamental clocks at the New York carpets, furniture, etc., we take it for granted tended to say that they picked up two examination of applicants for teachers' certifi­ Muller, ! 'eeretary ; C->Lrad Mingus, Treasurer. Jaek»on ville, l>e»!. 23, 1879. R e .*<» lvei >, That the case Iw turned over to that things are coming to a tocus. Store, at cost. cates at the Jacksonville district school-house I the proper authorities of the Church. ounces in gold while cutting a rock-race. R elii . ioi ' s I tems . ^R« v . M. A. Williams Be merry all, be merry all. next Saturday. Muslin worth 15c. per yar»l for 9c. at the R esolved , That the njinute* <»f this meeting ! McDonough, Kahler A Co., ot lie Fort mu ucvT»pj Vai* pu'ipit of the M. E. Church in With holly »Ires* the festive hall. New York Store. Judge Prim, of the Supreme Court, will not ; be offered tor publication in the county jiapers. Lane diggings, have been repairing their tiiis place next Sunday morning at the Prepare the song, the feast, the hall, A handsome holiday present—a copy of the reservoir, which lias given them consider­ start for Salem until the latter part of next I On motion, the meeting adjourned am»* die. hour. . Elder M. Peterson preaches at Eagle To webmine Merry Christmas! able trouble of late, and will be ready tor week, that body not convening until the first T imes for a year. D A. CROWELL, Chm n. Point Sunday........ Mas* will lie solemnized at Our cotemporary has counted noses and active operations when the weather moder* week in January. I msie McClLLY, Secretary. Third St.. Jacksonville. the Cotton batting at 27 jc. per pound at at 5, flu* Catholic Church on Christmas Day, finds 52 ladies and 62 gentlemen of marriageable ates. Robt. M. Garrett, the Josephine county ex­ I 5 30 and 11 o'clock A. M . the but being a New York Store. age in this vicinity enjoying a life of single bless L ifty cents will be well spent if you nt-n*l John Cardwell and J. Dugan of Tab»e pressman, was detained by deep snort’ on his High Mas«. Rev. Father Blanchet will offiei- Hats in all colors, worth $2 50, for$l each at , eduess. They might [tool issues in 188'). Rock have been it for the “LJtar Spangled Banner" foi lkbt). HIHE SUBSCRIBER, WHO HAS [Uli prospecting some ground last trip. He istarted out with the mail in a ite. Considerable preparation has been made the New York Store. 1 largo exporien<*e in the h<>t«l business in The “Banner" begins it* eighteenth year Jan­ Canada, is now prepared t<> outer for tho Since the F’.lk creek britlge was swept away on the farm of the latter; but, as three sleigh this morning. id music by the excellent choir will be a The fourth number of the “College Ceroma uary, 1880. It is a large, 8-pag<*, 40-»'uluinn, wants ol the general public >.♦ fir«»t-olaSa it has become necessary to for»! that stream weeks' work only realiz.ed them $i'>, they turn. D. Gaby, formerly of this county, is practic­ w ill be issueil this week. illustrated paper, (size of ’ Ledger"), and re -»yle. Board and lodging by the day* or concluded to strike for higher pay and have quite a distance further up, causing considera­ ing law at Dallas, Polk county, with consider ­ woek. A lmost F atal i .’ onsequen < es The young- Fred. Binlsey lost 100 hea»l of sheep, they ble inconvenience to the residents of that re- suspended operations. uuequale-.i as a home and family visitor It re able success. He has formed a copartnership i t child of M. W Dillon, of thia place, a girl l»eing snoueil in and lost. tilleilwith the best of reading, stories, »ketches, MUIA TWrNTT-FIVK rt!»W KACW Piping was progressing satisfactorily at with J. J. Daly of that place. ; gion. i about three years, narrowly escaped death the Squaw Lake diggings until the cold j poems, with wit, huni-ir an»l fun eimugh t<> Tobivco of all brands, first quality, 65c. per i«es swindler»«, as for a dozen years past, Grob & Ulrich will furnish au excellent sup­ California. The delay was of short duration, r.-afhed by means of a chair. Dr. Danforth there tho forepart of the week and only having about disappeared at the former place i tells the truth and sticks tn it. Only 50 ceuts per for those desiring it to night. however, ami everything is running smoothly was s'lminotied an»l applied the usual antulotes, enough water was run through the ditch to an»l snow being about three feet deep. | secures it a whole year, or elegant premiums— HOLMAN’S LIVER PAD. again. Farming, as well a* mining, is totally sus ­ keep it intact. Captain Thus. F. Riley. 21st infantry, is de­ I album*, micro*! opes, teaspoons, and other val­ which fortunately had the desired effect. The Seats upon the pavement are evidently in A Mt'RK CVHK FOR child’s life was despair»!»! of for a time, but w»- pended, J. Frost reigning supreme. Capt. Ankenv returned from Galice creek tailed as special inspector on certain ordinance uable articles—are given to ail who seud 75 demand, though no out* seems to be particular the »idler »lay and is now paying the Sterling stores at Fort Klamath, for which Cap­ ire please»! to learn that sh*: is now convalesc- A handsome Christinis po- tn by Samuel L. »'ent* for B anner a year. See prospectus for as to the order of taking them. It does not minea visit. He left the miners ot the for­ tain .'Stephen G. Whipple, 1st cavalry, com­ ivr. Simpson will be found on our first page. 1880. It is a wuuiler, indeed, how so goo»l a U*eveiw mid -Vgj’iie, require much study as to whether you want mer camp in good spiritHand w ¡th an abund­ manding Company L, is responsible. paper can be made for only 50 cents, or such Warren I. >»lg»* No. 10, A. F. A A. M., held nth Rebekah Degree i \s MV? R-lt ANI» ALL D1HUKDF.R8 OK one or not. ance of waler, tli<>ugli the prevailing weath Hon. A. ('. Jones returned from Roseburg elegant premium* lx; given free with paper one it.* annual election of officers last night. I O. (). 1’., will commemorate er has no doubt placed an embargo on The Jacksonville Brass Bind lastw’eekre- Saturday, where he has been attending a spec­ year for only “5 cent*. Sp»*cimen* free . Trial A fine supply of note, order air 1 receipt books The Stomach and Liver. vrs try of its institution by a i ceived $100 from the Siskiyou County Agri­ their progress as well as upon th it of the ial term of the Circuit (.’ourt for Douglas coun­ trips, three luuutiu, 15 cents; six mouth*, 25 can alway.-; Le fouu»l al tiie T imes office. i-trs-liv (New Year's) night cultural Society, the amount of th».* premium iti’tiers elsewere. ty. Mr. Jones did not rind his trip the most cents; a whole year only 50 cents. Splendid Three ami a half pound* of coffee, extra ottered to the best band in the district at the livill.* String Band furnishes I ho sn»»w-storni an»l attending cold w eath- pleasant one, the roads beiug very rough and paj to agents. LIST OF PRICES: I»*e no time, but subscribe ’Iu- lady m inl>ers of the }»«lge Costa Rica, for Cl at the New York Store. i er have caused a temporary suspension of the weather cold. recent fair. Now ; at least send tor a specimen. A«i»iress, app«-r, uhnh will b«: aerve»l mining oporalions in many* places, and ordinary mm » Dis»' >1 >re»l o» ' :»•* are fashionable, if we are Madame Holt will keep open house to her S tar S i - angled B anxek , Hinsdale, New Special Nite... L"»»r superior j.»b printing at astonishingly have tlioreiore, to a cortain extent, proven i adjoiuing the hall. These to judge by ine ’*•'/> r .vorn uow-a-days. Children size. low rates call at the T ime * »»tfi ■•!. We have an injury lireieu 1 ot a benefit. Tile large friends on Christmas and New Year's and will Hampshire. m»*nrs ciuinot but ensure » Ruth R -be'» »h Degi »• Lo Ige No. 4. I. 0. 0. the largest a.norcnient of printer’s stationery, mining companies allow only en »ugh wa­ be prepared to entertain all those who choose fair, which it will no .i lay evening. <*ar»ls, etc., ever bron^'ht to Southern Oregon, and testiinonial» s«-nd to or call on ter to run through their ditches to keep to call in a royal manner. The Madame has are my appointments for the ensuing Coufcr- 1 '.ar. N me Bu-.».ud fail to with more <>n the road to arrive m a few days. been aresideut of Jacksonville for over twenty- JOHN. e . day , Yroka, Cal., »hem clear ol snow, fearing serious conse­ Some inter»-*’mg ci>rr»*s¡>oml»*n :e will be fouml euce year: First Sunday in each month, at Sob* Agent tor Siskiyou County. two years and intends remaining a decade < u our fourth page. It is worthy of perusal A party, which include 1 several ladies, was quences it they atteir pt to run. In other in­ Jacksonville iu the morning at eleven o'clock; Next Thin sday th»* new stances the water has beeu diminished so longer, Providence permitting. at He!»er Grove in the afterno»m At three W »• learn that typhoid fever has made its l»aptiz«*d near Central Point the other night by that little ground-sluicing can bo done al in, and m» d».uht in a .á?'P* ai nuce in thf lamily of Herman v. Helm*, the wagon upsetting while returning from present, O utrageous C oxduct .—We cannot »{>eak S» com! Sunday, at Pinenix, (Colver's Hall) at There is no fear but what there YL Eightcsm iiu-idred town. Tiie iinuicrsion was too suihlen an»l tlie II o'clock a . m . Third Sunday, at Bruwus- I be a year iin^irtant in g The *u iw was fourteen in 'Ir s »loop at s M. water too cold to make good Baptists of them. will l»e an ample supply when the snow in terms severe enough of the outrageous con- j borough in the morning at 11 o’clock; at Ante­ FORWARDING * COMMISSION A melts. ' 1 lie delay is aggravating, however, duct of those boys, who, by their acts of hood-1 'spi.ciallv in a political fl »bm.s >:i’s place on Wagn t crock last Mon­ lope in the afternoon at three. Fourth Sun 'I h<* only thin.' that has prevented a reign ot espeeiaUy as everybody is ready for work. luniism at the m»*eting of the legion of H»>n »r: ri -étions hilled forth»: ■ay. day, at Antioch at 11 u ' c I ock a . m . ! E 11. S. A i ¡.remith. b rank l‘i :kell and < 'has. last 1-relay night, condemned themselves in the | r!s will »»nee more at- much total »¡einoralization since the e»»l»l weather ftosebnrg. Oregon. H. K lyct . P.mtorof Jacks'iuvilleCircuit. lirere.- IS eyes of all respectable people and left a stigma . eoniiiK-ii* «*«! is Matt. Dillon's unexcelled K»-u- lliiuius, who are mining on El I loti itli >rity an I p*»p the R. at o tucky whisky. Matt, is furnishing an extra ■ reek, were in town this week. From them upon their character tunc alone can efface. ! I'itum, get up wslk- ■ rrka. M any sufferers from liver and kidney \FERCH 4NTS OF JACKSONVH ,-please” generally. *5 Geo. M < ohtirti wil! b.» prepared to furnish Inand i<»r th»* holtdav ■> au*i invites his mends we learn that they experienced Considerable 1 hey even went further than average hoo«l!ums complaints would find great relief, uiativ .«1 nii'l ii'inity sin aping go»)«!» via R» difficulty iu opening their drilling claim, generally do, iudtilgiug in the vilest of tq i- ! migbt be entirely cured, it they would buig will t nd it to their advantage to si • t he carp, f for that «»' ■ • »,.• rt u > all.- »»I th • bill tins evening with a to call an»l “smile." through this h»,u»e. Atnpt*» wsirtw’i»»« s vicinity also intend- ti irst-class sup; r. Several barns ami other structure* fell under the works being washed out liiroe times by theta and a free fight, notwithstanding the I persevere in the use ot 1 rose's Hamburg rixini, safe a id ear« fill storage, and busineu high water before they were able to make room was crowded with ladies an»i children. promptly attended to. «, som -thing that •J»»*. R ipp. the frieii'l of ye hungry printers, the weight of the snow the forepart of the a clean-up. This latter paid them quite Such conduct will be met with tn the severest ’ Tcia, a simple vegetable remedy, winch Reference-: S. Marits A Co., J. C. Fined, ry where. Vale, agan* pl I v week, but with-Ut seriiiu» results. Five horse.*» sets like magic on these organs, cleansing G. Haynes, Roaelmif. • -d ns uml-T obligations tor some well, bowi'ver, a* they realized eleven manner should it ever occur again. The stem tn S. Booth's barn narrowly escape»! destruc­ i away all impurities and restoring to vig- Charges w Ereighl..................... $!.Sfl per ton client «¡>p les. ounces of gold-dust from about four days’ arm of the law will be brought into requisition “ “ Salt per car load 1.00 “ “ j »irons health those parts so long under tion by th«* building falling together with a work, (»ne piece weighed $8; tint the bal­ and the power of the press will uot reniaiu in­ bondage to disease. Mark your goods: Care of 11. L. M., « time for yearly « Quite a n:imb«*r of p»**>p!e were in town this large amount ot bay. Roseburg ance was comparatively fine gold. There active. It youth is so depraved the suouer it ould call the at- W » k, not I'.hsiati ling the im-lement weather, A daughter of Mr. Hoagland of Manzanita, are several miner.* on the creek, most of S ettlers can have their notices for final tfWtiperior facili- ■ .tkmg ( Lristiiia-*purchase*. is » ailed to account the better it will i»e lor age»l about six years, »lie»! last Fri»iav and wm- whom se«?m to be doing reasonably weil. proof and other laud notices published in the .» office for the exe­ • Chri.stma* and New Year s toys, etc., worth all. Lor shame! burieil the following »lay in the burying-c*roun1 < rt cf job printing, *2 oO tor $1; wortii $1 tor 50c.; worth 50c. for near McKenzie’s null, She was accid»-ntally left, though this will not interfere with burg Lana Office, through tbeCmmty Clerk or AT— P robate C ourt P roceedings . — The follow- : «apply «it printer’s 12jc., at the New York Store. * burneil last October, the effects of which were 'heir operations. other agents, to send them to thia establish ­ t ir.g proceedings have transpired in this Court' h. red to turn out any rv, wi The 1 >oy* seem to appreciate the cold weath­ the immediate cause of her death. ment. where the service will be performed at since our last rreg«»n. As we make a specialty of ing rapidity again, which wouhl indicate the Christina* ball announced to take place at his ball. The Roseburg “Star” accepts the chai amount of $10,252.93, winch was approved A Wilson sewing machines. It is new, pos­ g and guarantee satisfaction in every lenge, naming the Meusor family, »if Jackson­ Executor authorized to sell personal property sesses all the latest imqrovcnients and at­ •early celebration of the holidays. resilience to-night has been postponed until ville, as the opposing nine, ami offers to bet i belonging to .said estate. io necessity now exists for semling In the matter of the estate of W. A. A. i tachments, ami is in perfect running or­ Muller A Solomon sent out a lot of Giivern- i some future tune, perhaps New Year’s. two to one ou them. Enough said: we arc UMIE MEMBERS OF THE JACKSON- mytliing in our line. We only ask Hamilton, deceased. Bond of Chas. E. Chap- der Fur further particulars enquire at the 1 ville Brass an 1 String Band will give n We will ment freight by team* that had conic through Stock has been suffering from the prevailing reaily to carry out our pr«q>o*ition. grand ball <»n Christmas ntglif. Tickets, • see the JmlgH ami m ike arrangement* for the pel, administrator, in the .sum of $20,000, with i T imms office. leet of snow for their loa»l. w ather and many stock men have been obligeil game. $1,00. The Ran.l will do their utmost to 1 li«* Kent ms will place their nine a as 1’heo. Cameron and G. Karewski as sureties, j J. Cameron ami j V. M. Snow commenced falling on make it a ph a.-ant »flair. Bybee’s fern was »laniaged to the extent of to fee»! aln-ady. Should the storms contiuue follows: Lee, catcher; Frank, pitcher; EL, approved. Wm. Ray, R. The snow is three feet deep where the stage ':U- Everybody invited to attend. the 18th, and by next morning $2(M> by the recent high water, a Irift carry- , the fatality may h»* great, as feeil is none too short stop; W. I)., first base; Hou. J. D., John Cantrell appointed appraisers. crises the Sisluyous and other mountain passes seconii base; Jeff., third bas»*; Charlie, center is ou the ground. Since then mg »»it considerable of the apparatus. plentiful for a long siege. Hay has advanced J a » ksonvili r. H otel —C i eO. M Cd •urn has are also liberally covered. Stages have been field; Mat., left field; Hick*, right field.—[La- w has fallen, though intervals in price as a result, and straw is also at a pre­ I fay«*tte Courier. Snow aas twenty-eight niche* ileep at Ster­ taken charge of the hotel formerly conducted delayed as a consequence, though they never­ ild not allow more than a foot ling Monday and 32 inches at the head of mium. The Mensors will place their nine .isfolk ws, Uy Mesdam-AS Vining and Haskins, and pro- theless arrive dailv any tune, at about w hich depth The m*.-».re»» cold Tuesday night broke one providing th».* junior members arc a!:.**e»l to {»os»« keeping a first-class house in every par »':.cka*s creek. present. The “oldest mliabi- M iirk i n x»t (lie larg«* globe* of eolore»! water in Kahler »ievelop a little before the match » ra but a few similar storms in Bt-fore you bvgin vour heavy work after a * Bro. s show-window. As these globes have • » wit: Abe, catcher; Henry, pitci «-r; Morns, 25 cents each, something that cannot hut prove horepart of the week, ami the worst w as I y. Many are of the opiniea that I winter of relaxation, vour system needs c! -ans- withstiMxl the wintry blasts for year*, it seems short stop and captain; Willie, fi--* base; Al- popular. Mr. Coburn has had much experi­ ing and strengthening to prevent an attack of ¡feared by stock-raiser* of that section. sun 1 ’ itid has such an amount evi»leiit that we have this week been experi­ l»»*rt. second ba*«*; Joseph, third ».»*e; Isaac, ence in this line and will no doubt give the Ague, Bilious or Spring Lever, or some other The finest assortment of calling card* ever 1 m l rem lined on the grouud for encing the colilest nights known to Jackson left field; Alex., center field; G W., right l“'*t of satisfaction m catering for the public Spring aieknesH that v, »11 untit you for a sea­ brought to Oregon has just been received at ■••»!. The aceoiHp luymg cohl son's work. \ ou will .-ave tun«*, inncii sick county in a long tune. tiebl. We will wager a ten-cent shin-plaster taste. ¡less and great expense if von u ill us»- one Imt >ts rapid melting, a fortunate the 11MK* office direct tr«nn New York. Josephine county will no doubt responil no­ that the Mensors cannot only “play all around" tie ot Hop Bitters in your family this month •y the way; for, should a warm One ol the ,reat locust trees that have sto«sl Tho real estate sold last Saturday by Thus. Don’t wait. [Burlington H ¿iwkt* yu. bly in behalf of the (’. C. W. IL, anil it be­ the Fentonians, but can also outrun them at litastrous flood may be the con- in front ol J Nunan s residence for years suc­ hooves Jackson county to d»i likewise. E. H. any distance and lick them badly beside*. We A Newman, administrator of the estate of .Mulhiti* ^hert «»t I iiiuiaUkabli- noirUu the scenes of early times be re- cumbed to th»; .silo*-storm on Friday last. WIST MÏRIDEN.CT Autenrieth has received information from Wai- .stand read)- to back our chainpious to the last Geo. W. Bressler, deceased, was purchased by An alarm of tire was soumied the other rel. L ruary 1st to answer. of some of the performers being “goes-A- you please »nice the latest arrival at presents a cheerless, inanimate appearance. tecw it always relieve* ami 1 often cures Liver dwelling-hous«!, good barn, granary, etc., office since the last issue of the T imes : i i omplaiuts, 1 ■ male Weakm****** ami Irr-^ B. F. Dowell vs. Jesse Applegate; to recover -worthy. The coliecin>n taken ms house. A dislocate»! toe has no charm* - ■ . . - -- - '8‘1' upon it. Any per*-r>n desiring a Imrgain The road* between A*hlan»I ami Linkville money. Continued. W agner, Anderson A Co. to McCall A iaritics, ani«»d it haa no equal. n* at stun of *10 25, which vv di i touts rp the system, restores and preserves Henry Web r, the affable disciple of St. some ditiiculty in making regular trips. lhc from Lake county for injunction. Jmlgment e.-sitv, it is carried on horseback now-a days entos held at tho District School House in s a..! [ r-’igises t»» survive mdeti- 1*111» wt Solid Slolil ceased, will sell a tine lot of horses, mules, Dr. Fierce a Llxtraet of Smart-Weed is a Wednes»Isy evening, the following olii» -is Vro nut worth ns much to the victim of JackHutiville on t.or., is seriously ill at Rogue river mill* stock cattle and work oxen belonging to Raid w*.-re elected for the ensuing year: C. C. Beek- Dvepep-i.v or Biliousness as Dr. Minto 's mid not expected to survive lung. He is ailing I'ompound tluul extra* t of smart-weed, or Saturday, December 2lf* i8*»0 w ater pepper, Jamaica ginger aud other lngre- estate at th»- farm of Win. Clark, better known man, W . M.; L.. B. Watson, S. W.; W ; David English DatKiehon Liver and Dyspepsia itoned At a meeting of the di­ from dr s, T» aclicra will please take notii*»* and g«»v* Pill. It clears the liver of bile, tone»» up dieuts know n to be efficacious in curing colic, as the Joe Davis place, on Friday, January 2d. Lilin, J. W.; John Miller, Treasurer; Max 1 th«* stmnaeh, clears foul breath, coati <1 ertit bctUMilveeaccurdiagly. ke Jackson County Jockey Club, I Slei. mi. ■ wa* On the following »Lav (Saturday) he will sell J. D. Fot-NTAIN, Muller, Secretary: R S. Dunlap, "lyler. diarrh»t*a, dysentery, bhxxi-tlux, an 1 kindred 'ourt House last Saturday, it was tiiuu.h it i'll . br. .'He tongue, pain in the side or back, water- County s«*fio«:| Kupetintendeut. the steam saw-nnll on Jackass creek, together ——------ brush, giddiness, rush of bbsid to the bead, affections. It also breaks up colds, fever and . isable. owing to the state of the j'.Uits to v. *>1» folli pimples, sallow complexion ; is sugar with all its appurtenances, as also a sorghum druggists inflammatory attacks. Sold by all I mfortant N»» ti < e . All thosekiiowingtheiu <*oHteer.siia»i»*.d to take any oth»*r prej araii n. .roval of all, for interesting Spring word, is derived from the Greek.and com iiuii-ewarining an 1 general g»»od tun»* en Neu )ir»ly -u~peml- I. riverv one who has trie»! it recommend - *’ ÍO t IFIKI-.S. but prove greatly preferable to A coirespondent, writing from Big Butte un­ posts! ot two words, Noz.o and ifdontes. cor r»aie bv ml druggists. Y«-:*r ’ s night. Th»* best of music and supi er Ashlaml Iahlg»* No. 23, A. F. 4 A. M , inet der date ot the 20th, says: 1 lie *n».»w is four­ of speed now. It is anticipated “Sozo” translated, means to preserve, anil The TlM Ws liMM i. * mri;«*st rlrvolnlion |n it.* new hall last week. The furnishing of teen inches deep here ami it is still snowing. will l»e pr»»vi»led and everybody is invitvl to “Od nites" the teeth—“S<)Z<>DoNT” a pre­ BORN. •rscs from other portion* of the »•1er *l(Riu«*'l In «au« !re»ii alscr« »»» •in. aiu liai i« e offered. We have no doubt , neat apjK-arauce. tins state of affairs continues any length of H oliday A nnounif . ment . — Intending U> teclu. hardens and invigorates the gums, to the wife of Frank Krause, a daughter. , princt|»nl!y estuilo»**! iu ••sci M»E. JO'f •nJ will respond appropriately We learn that tile Presbyterian Church at time it will clear tiie eouuty »if stock, for it is stay here I cannot afford to Sell lor cost, but and corrects all impurities of the breath. phlnt nnd Lnkr ton »I«. H«i»iHim DIED. I thus inaugurate what ’ho nix is not open to the M. E. Church, not in the best condition to stau»i a hard Win- will do the next thing to it. The largest stock Theodor <»f this pure preparation is so de aUould lake net«* ui liglititi! that it in a luxury to apply it. ft i* f both amusement and >l»l s«.*r- ttr, ami few have feed enough to last them | of toy s and holiday goods cheaper than the as harmless as water. Sold by dr’.gglsrs \DA.MM On Wagner creek, Dwetnl»er lfitli, ’ TUMTICE’S AND LEGAL BLANK) s < 'F through a l»*ng *ieg» 1’» .*t « '. ,■.» r’« ball elwajiest F B r R cwek YIHD and Lcrtumers -M• ■ J * «; », • i about 3.» v • »t *. ♦ I oil fa (rule t»»r sali .»t t the TlMMi T imes (j) (JFS'LUM Ititi EF BFFLKI.M1 H JACKSONVILLE HOTEL, Lately Coniincted by Mrs. I. H. Vining, H. L. MURTC. CHRISTMAS BALL Tbnrstlay Eytramf, December 25, 1819. PARKER BROS I