DEMOCRATIC TIMES BRIEF BEFERENC'E. The ball to be given at Veit’s hall on Christ­ inas night promises to be a fine affair. The best of music will be in attendance and the supper is “go-as-you-please.” Tickets only $1. MIMIXU MEWS. PERSONAL NOTES. C hristmas .—Next Thursday is Christmas Day and considerable preparation is being made everywhere for the appropriate observ- I ance of this event. Parties without number have been announced for both the 24th and 25th. The races will doubtless prove a prominent feature of the festivities in town. Religious services will be held at the Catholic Church only, where mass will be solemnized as I announced elsewhere. Altogether, the Indi days promise to pass off auspiciously. | Blitter maliinic in July sort Aiigiitl. Butter-making can be carried on in hot weather as in June by using the Gilt-Edge Butter Maker. It reduces time of churning one-half. Increases production 6 to 10 per cent. Storekeepers pay 3 to 5 cents a pound extra for butter made with it. Sold by drug­ gists, grocers and general storekeepers. Seud stamp for “Hints to Butter-Makers.” Address, Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, N. Y. O caquaga D airy . S usquehanna ) V alley , N. Y., May 28, 1879. | B utter I mprovement Co., Buffalo, N. Y.: Gentlemen—Please accept a sample of but­ ter made from “hay-fed” coms and with the use of your Gilt-Edge Butter Maker. Without its use the butter made Mas almost as white as lard, while wuth its use (as you will oliserve from the sample sent von) the butter is of a very beautiful, even golden color, leaving noth­ ing to I k - desired in that direction. Several of my neighbor dairy farmers have tried your powder and are loud in its praise. It passes in market as “creamery butter" and is worth from 3 too cents per pound more than dairj’ butler. H. C. BRYANT. Col. J. N. T. Miller is expected from Lake Favorable weather for miners once more. Work has commenced at the Dry dig­ county next week. J. W. Simpson, the sage of Butte creek, is Some mining property belonging to Wm. Ir­ gings, noar Grant’s Pass, with plenty of R eligious I tems .—Rev. D. A. Crowell will water. paying Jacksonville a visit. win and other, realty owned by Isaac Cox, all preach at the M. E. Church in this place next ! Considerable snow lies on the high moun ­ Mrs. I. W. Berry has a fine stock of toys situated in Josephine county, will be sold at Sunday morning and at Manzanita in the after­ tains and will form a fount of supply when I and holiday goods for sale. Sheriff's sale. See advertisements elsewhere. noon at three o'clock.... Elder M. Peterson water begins to fail. A. W. Bashford, an attorney recently from will hold services at Eagle Point on Sunday Active preparations are being made for a The miners of Josephine county have Iowa, has located at Ashland. next. grand time during the holidays at Linkville. plenty of water and anticipate a remunera­ School is to be adjourned, a Christmas tree m. Cameron says Applegate has not been tive run this season. F or S alk .—One of those superior Wheeler provided, and a ball given at Heidrich’s new’ “Baldwin’s Musical Review” for December as high in places this Winter as it was last. & Wilson sewing machines. It is new, pos­ B. W. Dean informs us that there is a good hall. is an unusually bright and attractive number, Ab. Giddings has been manipulating the supply of water in the Willow Springs dis­ sesses all the latest improvements and at­ containing four pieces of music by favorite The recent storms did considerable damage trict and the miners are busily engaged. reins over Nort. Eddings’ stock for a few days. tachments, and is in perfect running or­ authors, and the publishers offer a special pre­ to bridges and other property in Josephine Daniel Gaby, formerly of Ashland, has been der. For further particulars enquire at the Gin Lin lias about twenty men employed mium of $1.50 worth of sheet music from anj- county. The streams were all unusually high, T imes office. • at his mines near Uniontown and is opera­ chosen City Attorney of Dallas, Polk county. catalogue for all who send their subscriptions many of them running over their banks for a ting both of his “Little Giants” at present. -lay Beach, the well-known breeder of fine before January 1st, 1880. The “Review" time. M asonic E lections .— The annual election of A. D. McKee Co. have furnished their horses, is expected here from Lake county next contains nearlj- $20 worth of music during the officers of Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M., The second daughter of Fred. Otten died week. i year, and the subscription price is only $1.50. Tuesday, being the third member of his family mines on Bishop creek with a pipe and hose will take place next Tuesday evening, Dec. and expect to do some substantial work C. C. McClendon was in town Monday and Address D. H. Baldwin A Co., Cincinnati, that has died within as many months. Mr. 23d. Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M., this season. In Hie W hole History of Helicine ' says that the holidays will be well observed in j Ohio. Otten has the sympathy of all iu his bereave­ will elect its officers on the following evening, i No preparation has ever jierfornied such mar­ ■ Sam ’ s valley. Copp ’ s Hand-book of Mining Law, pay ­ I ment. the 24th. A full attendance of members is velous cures, or maintained so m ide a rtpi ta- ! C hristmas S ports . — There will be a grand rolls, notices of location of quartz and plac­ W. H. Shook of Bonanza, Lake county, ar­ requestei. M ax M uller , Secretary. Bybee's hog-drovers returned from Happy er mines, and other mining blanks for sale shooting-match at E. W. Gragg's place in tioti, as A yer ' s C herry P ectoral , which is rived yesterday and will spend the holidays in recognized as the world's remedy lor all dis­ Camp last week. They report an unusual , Sam's Valley on Christmas day, when a fine eases of the throat and lungs. Its long-con tin­ ■ Jacksonville. B ridge G one .—The bridge built across Elk German calendars can be obtained at the amount of snow on the mountains, but they at the T imes office. ! lieef an I other live-stock will be put up. A ned series of wonderful cures in al) climates Piping was commenced at the Sterling creek lut year by the county authorities, at a T imes office. managed to get the porkers through with Mine Tuesday evening, with an abundance ( Fred. Cronemiller arrived from Lake county I ball will be given at night, for which the best has made it universally known as a safe and coat of over $500, waa «wept away by the high I Steph. Hubbard officiates at Hay A Beal's slight loss. of water in the ditch. Work is now| pro­ last week and will attend our district school ! of music and supper w ill be provided. Tickets, reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary waters of week before last. This structure is butcher-shop. which are the forerunners of more t>< ri<>us ; es induced by youth-' Mother and also in the Christian soul, through last Monday evening, which passed off pleas­ will commence work in earnest when it ! they intend permanently locating. They were complaints would find great relief, many , In) follies and excesses, than all other med- Mrs. I. W. Berry, and that that lady will oc­ might be entirely cured, if they would I ieines combined. Why will you suffer? holy communion; and these masses will be antly. accompanied by A. Hart. comes, wiiieh will be soon. ¡Send to A. E. Mintie, M. D., No. 11 Kear- cupy the front room of J. A. Cardwell ’ s new olemuized in the Catholic Church of this S. II. Cook informs us that the minersof School Superintendent Fountain is paying persevere in the use ol Fre>e's Hamburg . ny Street, San Francisco, for the Kestora- Don’t fail to give Breckenfeld a call before building as a millinery sioie. place on Christmas Day, at 5, 5:30 aud 11 his fine stock of holiday goods entirely disap­ Applegate have some water still and are the various schools in session an official visit I Tea, a simple vegetable remedy, which live and be cured. Price, $-3 per bottle. ! Four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. Beggs ’ teams brought a large amount of «’clock A. M., the last being a High Mass. making the most of it. He says Bailey A and seems M'ell pleased M'ith the manner in acts like magic on these organs, cleansing ■ Dr. M mtie treats all private diseases xuceess- pears. away all impurities and restoring to vig freight for our business men last week. The ' l ully. Medicines sent secure from observa- A Christmas present to the C. C. W. R., in teamsters have generally forsaken the road, Miller, mining on Missouri Flat, have which they are conducted. orous health those parts so long under ! i ion upon receipt of price or C. O. D. F atal Accnixr.—AL Hadley, a son of Un­ struck excellent prospects. T. A. NcM’man, administrator of the estate bondage to disease. do Sam Hadley, who once resiled in this the shape of a liberal subscription, will not be finding teaming unprofitable and not very con­ There was a small slide in the Squar­ ofG. W. Bressler, deceased, M ill hell some val- j amiss. DIED. genial exercise at this time of the year. onnty, was accidentally killed near his home A correspondent, writing from Missouri Lake Company's ditch, but tilo damage liable real property at the Court House door Attention is called to Dr. Danforth ’ s gentle A very fine assortment of New Year's cards was soon repaired. Henry Carter informs ■at Jldver Lake, Lake ceunty, on the 21th ult. Flat, gives a graphic description of a desperate SCOTT—-At Camp Apache, Arizona, Novem­ to-niorrow at one o’clock p. m . ber lltli, 1879, of lung fever, Felix Scott, a H'X^vas hauling logs down a hill when the reminder to those indebted to him. He means will be received at the T imes office from New us that water was turned in Tuesday and fight between A. J. Cook, J. W. Gilmore, S. D. L. Hopkins, executor of the last M ill of native of Missouri; aged aliout 50 years. wi York next week, and gentlemen intending to piping is now piogressing in earnest. -brake gave way and the vehicle upset, business. H. Cook and thetwo sons and a huge specimen Daniel Hopkins, deceased, and Wm. Ray, PFLL’G In Jacksonville, December 16th, of Oregon wool .stands at the head of the list make calls on that day can have their orders ing the driver against a large tree by the The Palmer Creek Company had its hy- i John Beckner and Frank Ixigg, appraisers, of the bear species. Bruin proved a tough typhoid fever, Charlotte l’tlug, step-daugh­ roa.1 e of Wm. Bybee and preliminary injunction was granted by Judge ness and great expense if you will use one bot such delinquencies by the last of the veer tie of Hop Bitters in jour family this month i nd also forward said notes. The forced pay­ and J. * Little; 12. Character song by Wm. a narrow escape from destruction by tire on the at the T imes office at 8. F. rates. An excell­ will then commence operations on an ex­ Deady restraining defendants from disposing of Don’t wait. — [Burlington Hawkeye. ment of these notes may be avoided by L. Bilger; 13. Racess; 14. Music by the Band; 27th. The roof was burned; but further than ent supply of notes of all kinds and receipts tensive scale. Their enterprise is deserv­ their property until a decision had been reach­ promptaction in this matter. J P> ep.ire 1 ?r Winter. ing of the fullest measure of success. 1*. Quartet, Misses Ella Prim and Tillie that little damage occurred. can also be obtained at this establishment. NEWMAN FISHER, ed. The bonds were fixed at $10,000. Treasurer of Ja.-ksoff- County, Oregon When the Winter rains set in, colds are Klippel, S. Wise and R. H. Klippel; 16. Song A correspondent of the Roseburg “Star,” The Y’reka “Journal” informs its readers Considerable interest is being taken in the Jacksonville, Dec. 10,1879. frequent and severe, often settling in the by •'The Boys;” 17. Music by the String I Christmas races and they promise to be inter­ that the third number of the “College Cremona" , writing from Cayote creek, says: Brown- The Word •’Sozo.lon t.’’ hack anii FARM FOR SALE. her indoors or out. The Oregon Kidney “Little Girls;’ 20. Tableaux, “The Rivals,” which will ensure excellent sjwrt. furnishes sweet notes for some (no allusion to ¡Smith diggings..... Muncy A Co. are en­ word, is derived from the Greek,and com­ Tea is just suited to all such cases. It works Mies Delta Armstrong, W. G. Kenney and D. the “Catholic Sentinel"); yet this is the first gaged in ditching and setting a 11 nine and posed of two words, Sozo and Odontes. Deer have lieen caught at different times in time we hear of it being call a superior violin. I giant..... Marshall A Miller have been drift­ “Sozo” translated, means to preserve, and i like a charm, reaching the very seat of the rIlHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR W. Crosby; 21. Duet, Misses Maggie Donegan and speedily relieving and cur- 1 sale his tarm four niileneast of Jiwkson- “Odontes” the teeth—“SOZODONT” a pre­ 1 difficulty ing during the past Summer, and are still ing the sufferer. ville, containing 320 acres of goo I land rS Annie Little; 22. Song, (solo and chorus) the Sterling Company’s bulkhead. They evi­ Wednesday night the atmosphere was clear server of the teeth. Ami it is true to its | the principal portion of which is suscopti- fell iuto the ditch ami were carried at Mork, hopeful of the final result ....... name. It beautifies and preserves the Cora Linn and Annie Little, S. M ise dently I and the weather cold; but by next morning : ble of cultivation and the balance excellent dowu by the current aud drowned. BORN. Bear A Southworth of Star Gulch have been teeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, i andR. H. Klippel; 23. Tableaux, “Caught,” wood land. The place is also well improved , snow and rain began to fall and was still fall­ and corrects all impurities of the breath. The place advertised for sale by H. F. making extensive preparations — digging and under fence, having a comfortable December 5th, to Misses Sallie Cardwell and Delta Armstrong r, - - -- - - r - - ing as we went to press, indicating another Theodor of this pure preparation is so de­ HEAD—At Sterlingville, dwelling-house, good barn, granary, etc. Geo. Howard; 24. Music by the Band. Phillips was the other day sold to Jas. White, i storm. The miners are delighted, though the ditches and building reservoirs....... Gross lightful that it is a luxury to apply it. It is I tile " of John Head, a daughter. upon it. Any person desiring a bargain A Co., of Wolf creek, are ready and have as harmless as water. Sold recently from (California, for thesum of $3,250. !' ' ' ' farmers do not participate in their glee to any by druggists McMAHON — In Jacksonville, December 15th, Instrumental accompaniment by members of will do well to call soon on or address and peri timers. done »ome piping. It is quite evident that advertising pays. 1 to the wife of Pat. McMahon, a sou. i great extent. JI. F. PHILLIPS, Ashluad. the Legion. FRIDAY DECEMBER 19, 1879. Very quiet. Who owns that organ? Grass is sprouting finely. Christmas six days hence. Get ready to “swear off.” Legion of Honor to-uight. Settle up notices are in order. Read the new advertisements. Plenty of snow and more coming. Call and see Jacob’s holiday goods. This day is the shortest of the year. No great amount of sickness anywhere. The girls “go as they please” next year. Fresh butter and eggs are at a premium. Change your school books before January 8th. Call and see Ritchard's stock of holiday jew­ elry. We make elegant holiday printing a spec­ ialty. Grand Opening HOLIDAY GOODS! S. F. CIGAR STORE 1 H