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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1879)
I DEMOCRATIC TIMES ï DEMOCRATIC TIMI Published every Friday Morning by KATES OF ADVERTISING CHARLES NICKELL Advertisement« will lx? inserted in t T imes at lhe following rates : One stjuare, one insertion........................ $J.' “ each subsequent one........... 1.* Ia*gal advertisements inserted reasonabi. A lair reduction from the above raLeatua«! to yearly add time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rales. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Hnhscriptlon: One copy, per annum.. “ six months, .. “ three months JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1879 VOL. IX $3.00 2.00 1.00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GREAT REDUCTIONS A. C. JONES, TN I’KICKS AT t-. —WITH A— ATTORNEY «t COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OGN., J. S. HOWARD’S! Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. DEALER IN G. H. AIKEN, M. D., UHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office—On California street, opposite Union Livery Stable. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SCHOOLBOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE FIELD GLASSES, CALIFORNIA ST., Sheet-Music, Violins, Citherns, I I JnrkMiu vi I le. Oregon. Late of Glastrow, Scotland. Office at Geo. Ncbump’a bart>er-shop. MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D., r II Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N. JackAonville. Oregon. Office in Orth’s building ami at the City Drugstore; residence on California street. DR. L. DANFORTH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jacksonville, Oregon. Office on California street, opposite P. J. Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. J. W. ROBINSON. M. D., F II Y SICI A N HEAD HIS CASH PRICES. AND SURG E O N , AND S U R G EON, i DRESS GOODS. Ir»sh Poplin, per yard............................... $1.50 Black Alpaca ** “ ...................................50e Melange, per yard.......................................... 25c Double wi«llh dress goods, per yard.... 371 .<• Unbleached Muslin, per yd....... 10c upwartl 4 4 Bleached Muslin, per yd.............. Hk- • 4 Ladie’s Hose, 8 pair for............ $1.00 44 Kill Gloves, per pair......................75c 44 Felt Skirts.................................... $1.00 II Children’s corset waists............ $1.00 44 Embroiti. Table < ’overs.............. $2.50 Laces 8c., Embroideries pr yd...12b.« 44 44 Sleeve anti Neck Kuching.......... 25c GOLD JEWELRY. Ladies setts from $2.50 u|> to $25.00, anti other Jewelry cheap. M EN’S CLOTHING. Suits for.................... ................... $12.00 upward II 1.00 Hat«, each.............. II Boys’ Hat«................................. 1.00 II Blanket-lineil Duck Coats__ 5.00 Boots anil Shoe« soltl at the lowest prices, and everything els«* in proportion for cash. A full assortirent of Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, « otnbs, Purse«, Cutlery ami Holiday Presents. St Prices that Defy Competition. milE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON I hand the most complete ami best stock of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson ville, consisting of FtlRNlfUIiE WARE R03KS, KATS, BONNETS. Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., Flower«, ribbons, lace«, neckties, gloves, collars ami cutis, etc., etc., which will lie st,Id at the lowest prices. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon, Will practice in all the Court« of the State. Prompt attention given to al) business left in my care. Oiliee in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. »ACKS ON VILLE. DAVID LINN H. KELLY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand a (nil assortment of furniture, consisting of BUREAUS, TABLES, FOR JACKSON, • osephine amt Curry counties, Oregon. Otliciai surveys inaile ami patents obtained at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining Laws ami Decisions at my oiliee in Jack sonville, Oregon. C1IA1 Its OF ALL i rocit mu « i: ;:i ». k . r LUMBER! LUMBER!! DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS to bo found in Southern Oregon. Also the latest and finest styles of STATIONERY, FIFTEENTH YEAR. ST CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, IS MAM F.iei I CIMI BLANKETS, DOESKIN'S, AND HOSIERY Of the Beat Native Wool, ANI» DISPOSING OF THEM AT— The salmon canmry at the mouth of the river put up 4,000 cases of salmon and 200 barrels of suit ii-»h this Fall. We have just had a freshet. The rivers were up within two feet of Go ing as high sis iu 1861-2. Considera ble land aud fences Were washed tiwiQ ; also some -k. The steamer (ieorge Harley came yesterday to the of Smith River to tako the fl«h from the can nery to San Francisco. lu coming in the Captain, not being acquainted with the coast, rail her on the sand .'¡lit. She is dry at low title, and, it the weather is good for a few days, she will be all right. It not, she wiil g»j lo piece.«, though uot dam tged any yet. B. Smith River, Cil., D ;c. 10, 1879. /ORDERS FROM A DISTANTE WILL HIRE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- receive prompt attention. GIVE OUR 1 clvised Wm. Kreuzer’s interest in thi GOODS A TRIAL. establishment, desire to announce to (he public that they art* now prepared to till all ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. orders for cakes of every description, such l i l.ASi, as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine W. H. ATK INSON, Secretary. cakes ; also brown ami rye bre.-ul, ginger snaps and crackers. Take orders on ex The miners have plenty of water in change. Prices reasonable and satisfaction Ibis viciniiy, and most ol them are guaranteed. It is also our intention to keep a first-class -anguineofasuece.-slul Winter’s work. 1 undi- house, at which th»? best of evervthing in the line will l>e served at all hours. John Mackin of Grave creek died /•¿»“Fresh br«*ad everv «lav. ’ I GROB' A ULRK H. List S faturday evening of hemorrhage PHILLIPS’ EXPRESS < ' alifoknia S treet , THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. I CASSI MERES, Oregon Street. Jacksonville THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. MARY'S ACADEMY. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, milE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS 1 school will commence about the eml ot Augu«t, and is divide«! in four sessions, of eleven w«*«*ks each. i Board anti tuition, per term,........... .$40.00 Bed am! Beil,ling................................. . 4.00 Drawing ami painting....................... . s.oo Piano....................................................... .. 15.00 . 5.00 Entrance fee, only once,.................. SELECT DAY SCHOOL Primary, ¡»er term,.................................... $ 6.00 Junior, “ ..................................... 8.00 Senior, “ ..................................... 10.00 Pupil« are received at any time, ami spe cial attention i* paid to particular stmlie« in l»ehalf of chii Iren who have but limite»l tiim*. For further particulars apply at tlx* Academy. FLANNELS, I n M asonic B uilding , Proprietor. ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE 1 J EAVES every day in the week, ex«*epting Sun days, ami connects witli the mail for Lake view. Superior Accommodations for Passengers Who will be carried to any point on the road at reasonable ra es. yONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST A General Express Business .N Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars kept. Transacted. All orders promptly attended DRINKS, 12'J CENTS. to and satisfaction guaranteed. II. F. PHILLIPS. Nt> CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don't Ashland, June 1. 1879. pay. Families needing anything in our line can always lx* supplied with the purest and S. l’LYMALE. best to be found on the Coast, (live me a W. F. OWENS. »•all, and you will beavell satisfied. CRITEBiGN BILLIARD SALOON, GWENS & PLYMALE, FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS CALIFORNIA ST., lliDlMIIA NOI. IN D. i'KOl'KIIlOKS. THOMAS’ SAW-MILL. WOOLEN MÄN’FÄCTURING CO. ■ N. i*. I*. JO M S. ) ESPECTFUI.LY ANNOUNCES TO L the public ot Jacksonville ami vicinity that he was a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, director of the University of Greifswald»*, I’russia, an»i Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot th«» J University of Hallo. During the Franco- ' Prussian war he was s[»ecial assistant to th«» Doctor-in-ehief Zuelzer ami Lmlwig ot Berlin ami Breslau, Fracture« ami external »liseases, acute or chronic, m<»«t carefully treated. Cupping.Leeching, Bleed ing and teeth extracted at all hours. All kinds of birds stuffed anti put up in m*«t natural shapes. Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. THE ASHLAND The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving general satisfaction. WM. BVI5EE. CONDUCTED BY IN ORTH’S BUILDING. Linkville, D«*c. 12, 1879. Sausage, Lard, Eic. C A LIFO RN IA ST I < E ET, B. ROSTEL, IIAIR-CUTTER, Proprietor PARLOR A BEDROOM SUFI’S, rpiIIS WELL KNOWN MARKIN’, OP- I posit«* Kahler A Bro.’s »Irug-stor«*, is ETC., ETC. better prepared than ever to furnish tlx* Also Doors, Sash ami Blinds alwav' an pulilie with the choicest quality of hand ami mad»* to order. Planing »lone on Fresh Beef. reasonable terms. fiia" Undertaking a spe Fork, Veal, cialty. Muti on. Ham, Bacon, Salt Meats. <7itv 1> iuií »’ N(or<» A Iso, Superior Orrjon Chiptrr No. I. R. 1. M., And a great variety of PERFUMES amt Hohls its regular meeting« monthly on I'OI LET A RTI( ’LES, including ! lie best ami Tuesiiay evenings of <»r preceding each fail >*heape«t assort inent of < '< >M M< >N ami PER moon, at 7’a o’clock, Companions in good FUM ED SOARS in this market. «landing are invited. 2-iT Prescriptions carefully compounded. J. E. ROSS, High Priest. ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. M xx M i ller , Secretary. PROFESSK IN AL WILLIAM BYBEE, KINDS. Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi- r.ens of I’lu «mix, Ash lam I ami surrounding vicinity that ho has permanently located Kahler 3c Bro., Proprietors. on Wagner creek, three miles south of the former place, for the practice ot his profession. \.^U-Call« promptly attended at all hours, 1UE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND »» the largest ami most completo assort day or night. ment of Hold«itaregular meetingaevery two week at tlio residence of J . N T. Miller. C. M I N<>U.S, Master. A nnie M iller , Secretary. 1 have also on ham! a number nt the cele hrated New Wilson, Whit«* amt How,«.Sew ing Machines, w hich I will t,cll clit ap fol cash, or exchange for grain. M RS. I. W. BERRY. T raveler . STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, physician and surgeon , Jacksonville Gntnsr No. 88, P. of II.. Sewing I-iachines for Sale. CALIFORNIA ST., J. A. < IIANTAIX, .n. n.. SOCIETY NOTICES. In a neglected alleyway, covered with mud and in a dilapidated condi U’E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW it and complete stock of Millinery gomis, tion, is to be seen a beautiful marble consisting of tablet bearing thi« inscripti on: “Alex KATS OF ALL STYLES, H. Mtiier, died () *toher 3, 1875; aged 43 years.” This bears the Masonic RIBBONS, emblem in gold. It seems strange FEATHERS, that they should m gleet to place this FLOW ERS, tablet over one who was formerly a COLLARS a prominent citizen of Linkville aud AND CUFFS, allow it to be so much abused. The burial ground is about a quarter of a mile trom where the slab i-, “dumped.” GUILD MOULDINGS, JAMES S. HOWARD, Jay Beach has just completed fenc ing his stock-ranch near Linkville, which will be one of the best appoint ed places in the »State when completed. It comprises about one and a half sec tions ol land. THE rO MILLINERY STORE. BEDSTEADS, Will practice in alt the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business en trust«*»] to my care. /.C oiliee opposite Court House. U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR OREGON. The hotel, under the management of A. 1’. M Carton, has been crowded of late. Fifty-eight persons sat down to supper the other evening._ It is a mystery where so many come from. Thatcher & Worden have just re ceived an elegant s o‘k of goods, which are displayed to a»l vantage in their fine brick building. Mr. Thatcher bought a large safe while in San Francisco MRS 1» 1». 1’RIM. I MISS ELLA PRIM. last month; but, (he roads being very rough, it has been found next thing to WINTER OPENING impossible to transport this huge af —Al— fair to Linkville this season. OREGON. /¿TGIVE ME A CALL.-ff-'» The principal sport has been duck shooting from the bridge. Three stores, two saloons, two biack smith shops and two l";.ùware stores, besides other bi’.aiiiess establishments, flt urini hero. H Which will be sold nt Lowest Rates. Lad. Savage is catering at Forbes’ saloon and is doing well. CONSISTING IN PAKT OF OF THE LATEST STYLES, e has sold out his stock of American Sewing Machines a number of times, but has another lot of them on Groceries, Tobaccos, &c., tec. hand. This is the lightest and most rapid running, as well as durable, machine there WHICH hi : is selling is made, ami s<> simple t'v<t little girls five or six years old make their patch work on them. This is the place to buy good watches, clocks and »ewelry, and he will sell cheap goods die. - than any one. I /it Watenes, docks, jewelry and sewing MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHIRTS. machines cleaned and repaired at a reduced A full assortment from the finest to the price. NEW DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE. most common. SPECTACLES AND JEWELRY. Tlx* lot of Spectacles and Eve-glass MILLINERY STORE! es ever finest brought to the market ami Watches and Jewelry of every description. J- Call and be Convinced.x GEO. W. ELLIOTT. Office in Masonic Bnildinsr, next door to Kreu'zer’s Bakery, Oregon street. Resi dence at B. F. Dowell’s. ' Doubtful weather. gone up in this vicinity during the year and improvement still continues. SEWING MACHINES JACKSONVILLE. rit OU I.IMUII.I.E. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LADIES’ FANCY GOODS RAILROAD SALOON, ol the longs. He had been complain ing since harvest, but had been going about ull the time. The day of hi« Jialli be wis well as usu tl aud Went to the barn to keep his boy catch a horse, when, suddenly, the blood gushed from bis mouth and he •a uk to th a earth aud died with- iut a struggle. Mr. Mackin was a native of lieland,aged abouj 44 years. He came to Oregon in 1855 and has ,ived on Grave creek since 1S57. H»» was a good neighbor, a kind tiusbami ind father, and leaves a wife and three ch ildren and a bust cf friends to mourn ms loss. M ixer . Leland, Dec. 9, 1879. Roseburg. Oregon K eeping O ld S heep .—Old sheep should never be kepi. They should ’ILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION oe turned ell to the butcher in their i t<> forwarding goods consigned to their prime. It does n >t take half the care. Freight money advanced. Commis sion« reasonable. Ail buainess in this line amount to fatten them. When lh«*\ get • I I and thin, in older to put then» «hall ri'ceive our prompt attention. AH consignments to our care should in the condition for slaughter, the be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. whole structure must la* rebuilt. F» ui sets of lambs are al any ewe should bear. This w ill bring her to five years; and this is the age, when, with a lull» aving taken the agency of extra care, she will round up to a lull R. Brackenridge's Marble Works ot carcass. Exceptions may be made Roseburg, well known throughout the •state for the superiority of their work, I will when the breed is t-circe and the receive any orders in this line. t»lood is more desirable than anything Monuments a Specialty. else. w rnilIS POPULAR RESORT. UNDER TIIE ' 'or. Cali!»»rida and <iregon Sts., Jacksonville I new management, is furnishing t lx* best I AT THE MEADOWS. brands of liquor«, winesand cigars. The I reading table is supplied with Eastern peri HENRY PAPE, Engineer. odicals aixl leading papers of the Coast. S NOW FULLY PREPARED TO FUR- Give us a call. Mt DANIELA NOLAND. nish the mai ket with every description ot lumlier of a sufterior quality. This mill is new throughout and furniahe«! with the THROUGH TICKETS, 12J C ents latest anti most improved machinery, thereby ensuring the «peetlv fulfillment of all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, sawed to order with dispatch. ?wa <;iva me a trial ami I wilt prove what piIOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- constantly on hand. The reading T say, for satisiaction is guaranteed in every table gars is also supplied with I.astei n periodi easZ J. B THOMAS. Jacksonville, Or., cals and leading papers ot the Coast. Table Rock, August 26, 1879. I) EPAIRS WATCHES, CLOCKS AND H ome . — Home is emphatically th»* Ik Jewelry in the very l»<*«t manner. All Those desiring to s«?e design« and ascertain WILL. JACKSON. Dentist. price«can do so by eall ng upon or address poor man’s paradise. The rich will, work promptly done at the lowest rates. ing me at Aslilan»!. their many resources too often live L-Satisfaciion guaranteed in all cases. G E. VERA L BL. 1 CAS.UI 77/ away from th» ir hearthstone in heart, A. S. J ACOBS. I F. R1TSCHARD, RCSEB’JBG MARBLE WORKS H P. DONEGAN, LOTS FOR SALE. Jacksonville, Or. Cali forai» Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. 4? UMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN zY lots in Klipf^l’s addition to Jackson ville will be sold on reasonable terms. For i LT. KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN further particulars empiire of HENRY KLIPPEL. 1 A for work. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOIIX MOllKISSEY'S WIDOW. CORRESPONDENCE. Ex-Indian Agent Dyar’s little girl, pEGS LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN-! 1 ) tion of the public to tlx* tact that lx* has aged about two years, died on the 2d. ju«t returned from San Francisco with a full, stock of About forty new buildings have Lrugs, Medicines, Toilet Soaps and Perfumery, Jacksonville, Oregon E. H. AUTENRÎETH, GEO. W. ELLIOTT Harps and Strings for the Same, Oregon. J acksonville. NEW STOCK ? GOODS JEWELBÏ, From San Francisco P. JACK. M D„ PHYSICIAN TO THE FRONT AGAIN! E. C. BROOKS, if not in per-on; but to the virtuou domestic ties are the «»nly bgitimah- Farms for Sale. ami positive source of happir e«« short Persons desiring to purchase good farms of that holier heaven which is th* of any size will do well to enquire of soul’s hume. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregou, D. C. Ireland, editor of tho Asturian, his been elected mayor of Astoria by an overwhelming majority. The Massachusetts Adventist who killed his little girl on the strength of his faith that she would ini med iately return to life, lias been indicted for murder. The Oregon Riilroad and Naviga- tion Company’s stock was among th«» new sureties placed in the New Y >rk Stock Exchange on Nov. 13th,and sold at $109. The Indianapolis Sentinel siys; <ji<.nt a great soldier, Ar«» (o receive him as such? Grant was a poor Pre-ident. Are we to honor him for that? A pool of wheat was sold by Wash ington county farmers last w»»r*k, amounting to 16,0110 bushels,for $1.12A per bushel delivered at the Hillsiioro warehouse. We wouldn’t have Bob T<to>nl>s die for anything. N >w that Eliza Pink ston is ikely to be otherwise enghg»*d than in their service the Republican.« may have need for him. The Oregon and California railroad track from Portland to Clackamas, 10 miles, ha« been replaced with steel rails. It is the pm pose of the com pany to lay 50 to des within the com ing year. Tne ablest and strongest Democrat ic leaders of Virginia favored paying the State debt, heaped upon them by Radical extravagance, to a cent, yet ttie Re-adjusters, aided by lhe colored vote, carried the Slate. A recent important decision of the N» w York Court of Appeals bars out death claims as p'»rferre»1 claims on the assets ot insolvent life ius'irance companies, an<l places all policy-hold ers ou a level as creditors. The Pncifi • Coast members of Con gress fm I very little ground for en couragement in the Pi» sxieni’s state ment concerning the negotiations with the Chinese government in r« gird to tl.e subject of restricting M mgolian immigration. Following are the transactions in the Roseburg land ofli e forNovember: 831 acre.« s »1 1 ft,r cash; 16 home'tead entries, embracing 2.250 acres; 4 final homestead enilies embracing 537 acres; 23 pre e option tilings; 8 donation certificates issued; 3 timber entries. Captain Geo. Flavel, of Astoria, took his three thoroughbred mares—El la Fiy, Tillie W. and Caddie R.— home wish him They are now at Skipanon, on the Clalsip ranch,>»wned by C. A. MeGuire, where they will be wintered under the imme iiate care ot George R «aS. The law-firm of which Secretary Evaits is the head, it is stated, has been retained l y the Louisaua Lottery Company to defend it against the a-- sault of the Government. There ar»* same people, the Philatlelpliia 77//1 ‘s asserts, to whom this will look a little queer, but they are probably old fogies. The diploma awarded the State of Oregon for her agricultural display at lhe Paris Exposition has just been framed and Mill lie Drought to Salem and placed in the Capitol. Ours i? tlx* only Slate that received a <iipl mu, the United States only receiving one for a general display of agricultural products. Now York, Dec. 8th. — A Washing ton Tribune special says that Ollio R. Singleton has returned from hi.« home in Missinrippi and says he is in favor of Seymour for President; bui with Indiana and New York the D**- mociaty can, in 1880, elect anybody. Ilesiys that the Democratshave the South and mean to keep it. The ca* h in th«» United States Treas ury on Novemb» r 30tii, actonling to the published statement, was $207,- 217,688. There wen» al-o on liau l gold certificatss, $7,067,910. 'lhe cer tificate < of d»*po.-it outstanding iepre- .«ented Vl4,200,000; refunding certifi eate.«, $2,611,750; legal tenders out standing, $346,681,016; and outstand ing fractional currency, $15,704,348. 'Fhe mrveyors have finished work on the, and have left us. Lieut. P;»y«on goes to Portland to report to Col. Gille«pie, anti the balance of lhe • orp« sailed for 8m Francisco oil the Areata. Their next point of observa tion is Trinidad. Work will not be gin on our bar improvement bettu -pring, and will be under the supei- vision et Cel. Gille-pie.—Cooa Argus. The Portland Merchants’ Exchange heretofiire conducted by Col. Parish has he< n traiisferre 1 loan incorjiorai- "(I association and will hereafter be comlucted on the same principle as th»* Sin Francisco Merchant»’ Exchung»*. The incorporators are Jame« Steel, W. S. Lidd, Wm. Wadham», J. McCrak en, D. P. Thompson, M. 8. Burrell, Daniel F. Leahy, Chas. Sweeney and P. Wa-s* rman. Ttie Ancient Order of United Work ing »ten is growing \ e y rapidly in C.»l:- ornia and n»»w numbers nearly 8,<>0b iix*. The amo int <>f go>ni it i- lining t»y the paytn» nt of $2,000 to the fam lied of its deceased members is great. There have been Ihirty-nin* di athd since the year began, whi- l» will sh<»w lhe sum paid toils benefl l iaries within this State alone for this single year to aggregate $78,000, aixl tlii« is paid by monthly assess men I« upon its memlM rs not exceeding $1 h u noth, r »ve in »me instance when $2- was called for in -»ne month. Said tho widow, In convor«Mlon with a correiqioiident of the Phll-idol- pliia Times, «1 kivw John a« n rag ged little boy about Troy, barefooted »»ml belligerent, always looking for a tight. When we were marrie<l lie could n.-itliAr read nor write, an I to tell the truth I was only a trifl » tmtter off in the matter of educational a ivan- lagi s. £ told him Im must learn to read, ami he said 1 shouhi teach him. W ill, we established lesson hour«. Every night before g >ing to bed he devoted himself to his spelling Imok, and in the morning one hour to writing in a copy book. The rule of study was in- fl -xitile. We made It so. The morn ing after he foiigni John C. Heen in, when lm was all sore ard bandaged, and blind ol one eye as well,! propped turn up willi pillows a nd made bi»n write.” ‘ II w I »ng, Mr«. Morrissey, did you keep him as a pupil?” «Fill bis fatal illness. Every night tn* studied something, and I studied during the <lay that 1 might be able lo help him. Of course, when I say stud ied, ] don’t mean in the ordinary school children way. After we mas ter» d the English branches we tixfk up history, and when we were pretty well | <Kied in that we in ide the living topics of the day a matter of investi gation—the Europeau news,the speech« es of the great men. I read them iu d.iyti ne, and John would go through them at night. Then we took up such »otks as DeQ'iiucy, the writings of Carlyle, and, though John Morrissey was a gambler, and by his profejsiou made many enemies who frowned up on him, he was possessed of knowl edge on many subjects independent of city politics and horse ra-ing which would have put to blu«h his sternest critics had they been placed In compe tition with him.” “Did Mr. M-»rri-gey follow thi« line ot study because ol a natural bent of mind?” “1 <1 »n’t think «o. He would mv : •Now tliis is no g »«id for me, S u «I p ;’ but I pressed him ou, and he would soon get interested, Then he had such an indomitable perseverance. When lie found a thing he could not r* adily understand, he would masteli it out of v< ry bpi e. I remmeber one«* ol his throwing down his arithmetic pettishly; ‘I don’t care alsiut th «»so / (raction*; the’re only part of a thing! Wh it’s tin* use of all this study, Su«i» T •John,’ I sai»i, ‘if you don’t - tractions, you will never go to Con gress.’ *<)h, that’s your layout for me, is it?’ ‘I? i«, indeed, my boy,’ I replied. Fln-n he to >k up his book again, and said,‘All right, my dear; we’ll go to Congress.’ And he did” I could continue thi« talk of Mrs. Morn-s* y’s and much that she «aid would be of interest; but I will only repeat her last remark as I left her; “We had ten children. I «et here alone to-<lay. There are ten little grave« and one large one, where all my ambition for my own lies buried.” Flie tears started to her eyes as she spoke. F ollow the E xample .—In order to secure ail outlet Ibe people of J ack- «<»n county have subscribed over four thousand t.oil <rs io aid in the con-' «(ruction of tiie wagon road to Cr»-s ent City. The sum is not a very iaige oil", but it is evidence showing the necessities of a peoj le which have heretofore patronised Roseburg, end who to day would do the same thing if those whom their conduct has proven were their favorites would do heir part in making good roads, by (lie expenditure of u like sum of mon ey, to the »»ojndary line of Louglas county. We believe hod our people -liown the right disposition, the nmn- *y subscribed in favor of the Crescent Chy route would have been used in tin* repairs ol them id from the county line and in favor ol continued travel between R seburg and the R ig lie river valley. I( lias been a matter of «bur:- igbtedness on the part of our people; there can be no doubt of this. File re-ult may be that we shall have to pay lour tones the amount in the way ol io »d repairing lx-fore we can »•mice the p. o,»lu of Jack-on county to turn lb irteam« in this direction ouce uoie.— Independent. F urniture S pots — C leaning S tove M ica — T urnip G riddle G reaser .—One whom we know to b<* an exce lent houseke» per, send« to the American Agriculturist the follow ing, which, she writes, were new to her, ami may lie to some others at least: S pots on V arnished F urni - ri'RE are readily removed by rubbing them with essence ofpepp«rmiul, and afterwards with «furniture polish,” or oil. [Spirits of camphor answers sim ilarly to the essence of peppermint.— E d ]........ M ica in SToVEs(ofteu wrong- ly c died “ising gins-,”) when smoked, is readily cleaned by taking it out and thoroughly washing with vinegar, a little diluted. If it does not come off it once, let it soak a little........ T urnip G riddle G reaser .—My new cook uses a small, Hit turn»p, cut smooth, 'lightly dipped in lard, and has hardly a bit of pancake smoke in the kitchen. After a few limes, she does not dip it mio the grca*e at all, but u««*s the -aiue turnip a« long a« sh«* can. — £"r. H oliday A n sot xckmest . —Intending to stay here I cannot afford to sell for cost, but will do the next thing to it. The largest stock of toys ami holiday goods cheaper than the cheapest, F- B hkckenfielb , ! I r I