Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1879)
DEMOCRATICVTLMES FRIDAY, TO AMKK1IKEBfc. CALIFORNIA ST., I Th» TIME» hs« the largest circulation ♦ver attained in Mowtbern Oregon by any newspaper and therefore offer* anperior Indncenient* to mivcrliacra. Our list Is principally ronfine;! to Jackson. Jose phine and I.ake counties. Hnviness men sbuiild take note of this. Cry for Fitclicr’s C«storia. They lii c it because it i ; sweat ; j’Æotimi s like Cantoria locauko it pivcs Jicalt’v to th.» end Piiy-i- ciana,bocauuo it e^acaku. uo mor phine or mineral. [Sam. L. Simpson in the Oregonian.) * « The day and the year were a dying together,' Crimson to crimson, and gold unto gold. And the pine, dropping burrs in the sweet I autumn weather, Sadly and softly its rosary told, Aa we leaned on our guns and looked over the city. Enthroned in the days that eternally thrill;— Ami one stood in silence, and one hummed a ditty Of a love that was lost, and a wheel that was still. • • CASH lì ¿11 c IN PRICES C Ever Known in a Regalar Business, LARGEST STOCK! I O s o I I N NEWMAN FISHER G I I N - >;..ic- I - - - * l inger sutTcr AT THE GZHEEAL MERCHANDISE ! ! FANCY GOODS, LADIES KID GLOVES, HATS, —TH K— CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., TO SELECT FROM IN in tko I3A -CK. ini;', for the ALL FOR CASH!! Vf-E CAM. THE ATTENTION or THE Vi ladies to the tact that we have now on hand the largest and best selected assort ment of LA DI ES’ DRESS GOODS and 1- V N- < 'V Gt Mil is ofevery description in Smit hern Oregon, anil wo will henceforth make this line of goods our specialty and sell them at O:;o E .ttlo of Ceuta :? Liniment. ON ACCOUNT Cheaper than the Cheapest. I To the gentlemen we will say, it you want a No. 1 SUIT OF CL<>T11 ES you must goto Reames Bros, to buy it, as we claim to have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING in Jackson county and will allow no one to un dersell us. These goods were all purchased by a mem ber of our firm from FIRST-CLASS Hol’S- ES in San Francisco and New York, and we will warrant every article and sell them cheaper for cash than any house in county. We also keep on hand a full stock of INFORMATION tortile PEOPLE. 11A RI AV A RE, CUT L ER Y, G L ASS W AI < E, L and O ffice ’ at R osebuko , O regon , | November 2t>, 1879. | yOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1N the following-named settler has tiled noticeof his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami secure final en try thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: B. F. Giichell, Homestead Application No. 21'55, for the E. 1 • of N. W. N. W. 1, of N. W. 1, and N. E. 'i of S. W. Sec. 10, T. 37, S. R., 1 E., and names the following as his witnesses, viz: James M. (’hildersof Jack- son county, and Jeflerson Grigsby of Jack ton count v. Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. In the matter'd the estaleof . A. A. Ham ilton, deceased. yOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1\ the undersigned has been appointed i>v the County Court <>t Jackson county, < (regoli, sitting in probate November 28, 1879, A d m i n i st rat or ot the »‘state of \\ m. A. A. I lamiitoli, dceea cd. All nei sons mdeli'ed to said estate are re- <|Uest 'd to settlelhe same immediately, and th »se having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers t»i meat my resilience in Uniontown precinct, Jackson Count v, < »r<‘gon, wit bin six mouths alter the tirsi publication ot this notice. CHAS. E. Cll APPEL, Administrator of sai I estate. Dated December 5, 1879. In the matter of the »‘state of Peter Thomp son, (lcee;:s(‘(L Y'lTH’E is HEREBY GIVEN THAI .A the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Josephine »‘minty, < iregon, sitting in Probate on Novi'inber 17, |87<i. Administrator of lhe estate of Peter i'iioiiipson, deceased. Ail persons indebted to said »'state are re- ipiested to settle the same immediately, and :iiose having claims against the estate will present t hem with the proper vouchers to meat Kerby ville, Josephine comity, Ore gon, within six month» after the first publi- ealion of this notice. GEO. GROTZ. Administrator of said estate. Dated November 21. D79. JACKSONVILLE. NOV. 7 Plows, Gang Plows à Sulky Plows. .A " In fact everything from the finest needle to a threshing-machine. Give us a call ami judge for yourselves as to our capacity of furnishing goods as above. The way to make money is to save it. To save it buy cheap. To buy cheap pay CASH for vour goods and buy of REA MIX BROS. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. For Fever and Agi,?, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever,Itomiiloi.t Fever, Dumb Ague. F: riod.enl or Bilious Pcvor.&c.,artd indeed all the i.ireenons which arise from malari ous, marsh, or miusmat13 poiSoua, This is a compound rcmedv, prepared with scientific, skill from vegcirtlile ingredients, which rarely fails to cure the severest cases of ClnDs and Fever and the concomitant disonlers. Sich a remedy the n< ce-^ities of the people in maia lions districts demand, li« «Trent superiority over any other medicine yet discovered for the cure of Interniittents is, ||,at it contains no qui nine or mineral, and ttiosc who take it are free lion; danger of (punisni or any injurious effects, and are as healthy after using it as Iwfore. It has been extensively eni|ih»ycd during the last thirty years in the treatment ot these distressing disorders, and so unvarying lias been its success that ii has gained the reputation of being infal lible. It cun, therefore, lie safely recommended as a sure remedy and specific for the Fever and Ague of the West, and the Chill« and Fever ot tin* south. It counteracts the miasmatic poison in the blood, and frees the system from its influ ence, so that lever and ague, shakes orchills, once broken up by it, (io not return until the disease is again contracted. 'Die great variety <>f di-orders which nri«e from the irritation of tlii-poison, such as Nem algin, —AT— Oregon St., Jacksonville I IVIIERE A COMPLETE AND MAGNTF- II icent assortment of new goods has just been received, consisting in part of All Kinds of Groceries, CAB PETS, CI.( »THING, DRY-GOODS, fancy goods , Kheuuiatisiii, Gout, I!e:ut.i( he, l.liudness. Toothache, Harache. fatal rti. Asthma, Pal BOO TS .V- SHOES, pitation, Splenic Affect ions. Hysterics, I’a'n in the Bowels, Colic. Paralysis, and dcrange- of the Stomach, all of which become intermit tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than Avr.u's A gue C ure , which cures them all alike, and protects the system from future att;i( ks. A s a preventive, it is of immense service in those communities where Fever and Ague prevails, as it stays the development »f the disease if taken first approat h <»i the premonitory symp- on tlie Travellers ami temporal y residents are toms. thus enabled to defy these di-orders, and few w ill ever suffer if they avail Ihcmrclvcs oi tl;c protection tins remedy affords. F or Liver Complaints, ari - ing from torpidity, it is an excellent remedy; it stimulate» tins organ into healthy activity, and produces many remark able cures where other medicines fail. 4 SCHOOL BOOKS, 4 4 HATS AND CAPS, TOBACt 'OS <fc ( '(GABS, HARDWARE & TINWARE, Bsautihl Ladies' Hats & Flowers, HOLMAN’S LIVER PAD I A NUKE CURE FOR PAINTS & GLASS. |<\xVpr sm<l A. jxik " Children’s Carriages, Velocipedes and Wagons, AND ALL DISORDERS OF FRENCH CANDIES, Etc. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & CoM In fact everything to be found in a first class stock of General Merchandise, which will be sold at prices Practical ami Analytical Chemists, Tlie Stomach and Liver. “While the years have gone on, and the flush times have faded. Even the smoke of the vigil ascends. That Defy Competition. An I the oak, all the while, that ;>oor altar has Ordinary size *2 shaded. 3 Special size... The highest price allowed tor country pro Like a penitent soul, that would make some < hildren size. 1 liuce. amends. X^i-Give mo a call at my establishment in And still, from his ash»-s, the dead day arises. PAMPHLETS, PARTICULARS in Masonic Building ami boconviticid Ilia' '’OR PAMPHT.I7I A blossoming wonder of beauty and truth. and _ testimonials __ ___ _____ i send to or call on there is no humbug about this. And the myrtle-wreathed uioou, >u all gentle E. JACOBS. JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka. Cal., disguises. Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. Remembers, and twines her a chaplet of ruth. I I q’HESE WELL-KNOWN MILT.S.SJTUA I ted seven miles northeast of Jackson I ville, are now prepared to do a lierchant and Exchange Business. Thirty-six pounds ot flour, two pound? ot shorts and eight pounds of bran given per bushel <»f good wheat. Flour sacked ami bianded, customers fnrnishirg sacks. Satisfaction guaranteed in all instances. t . t . M c K enzie . Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. “EXCELSIOB” FRANCO-AMERICAN STABLE ! LIVERY HOTEL <fc RESTAURANT Oregon St., Jacksonville, Opp. Odd Fellows’ Hall, PROPRIETOR H MADAME HOLT, D>oprietrcsa. I FINE TURNOUTS As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses hired to go to any part of the country. Animals BOUGHT and SOLI). Horses broke to work single or double. Horses boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon them while in my charge. rpHE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD I of tendering her thanks t<i the public for the patronage which lias hitherto been ex tended to her, and would respectfully aollic- its continuance. Her tables are always under her immedi g-CMY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. ate control ; and by’ her long exjterience in the business she feels confident tlipt she will A liberal share of the public patronage is give entire satisfaction to all. Her beds and solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. rooms are fitted up in the most comfortal !o style, suited to the accommodation of single occupants or families. Her beds are a! wavs UNION kept dean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. SISKIYOU IRON WORKS, I Tlicy pits new Ilf« and to the aped and Infirw. To all whoso employments cause i repailarityof ■thelenvcks or urfuary o~cnns er v. ’ > roanire au EApiS'lia i-, TonlcYnd mild Stimul-n-.t, Hop ¿iltera Bare invaluable without lntoxieatbig. I No matter what your fot iinga or symptoms are. Iwh.'.tt :eui--( ,<-e or siirac t. Is, u 11, 1 ,it, rs- ilkm'tw.ut until yon ar< ri<‘:f y u'onl.- led ;bo<lor mia'ralde,uro t^e L..ternat ouce. llmay l.xavoyo-irUfu. It has knred hundreds. L t ”’*11*8 torn cast» they will not cure or II»<.;*. 1'»not e'uifer nor h t vourf-fendssuiler. but lure and unrot!», ni toure Hop Litters. I Remember,HopEitt, reisiioviio.dnm-ired.dnink- Hen n -.teim.lyit tl I-., land!., t M <-,r made; the “invetlu** i'ricnd nnd Hope," and no 1" moil or family eh arid Lo without them. Get Romo this day. Fi d’ J! H op C ough C urs is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask Children. The TTorr.‘.r>forrtoin.K 1», Liver n nd Kidney». rioreiallother-i Cures by tbsorption. A.-k‘fni^ist. D. L < . is an atf«*lu tea nd i rrrs-Klblr cure for drunk • ctiness, use of opium, to'xicco and narcotics: JsilJI > druggUu. 11. pb iur Mfg.C .. U k I h . u ^N.Y. Send f>rCiirolar. i (¿KAY'S Si'itllK MEDI» INE. NEW I NEXT DOORTOSCHV-MPF’ s BARBERSHOP, Oregon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of Jacksonville and sur t rounding country, that 1 have opened a shop, and should ho pleased to serve them in my line of business. Custom-made work end repairing promptly and neatly execut ed on ’ lie shorte st notice. 15iu3. HENRY WEBER. LIVERY STABLE Corner of Second and Center Streets Cor. California and 4th Sts. I RAUU r.i • .!’ Ti!E CRF\T ENG li' fa ‘. y Te M v. \ Y O _>• « A.y y I YREKA. CAL. fUHE UNDERSIGNED WOI’I.D I s|>»‘ctfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have purchased the above establishment, which will l»e honcetorth »‘(»iiducted under their constant personal supervision, and they guarantee satisfact on to all who may favor them with t heir pat ronage. These stables are centrally located, and within convenient distance of the various houses of public entertainment. Horses and mules will be boarded and cared for at moderate charges. They have one of the largest and finest slocks in Oregon, south oi Portland, of and manufacture or repair all ties« <>f machinery, upon the shortest n< the most reasonable terms. Con st a hand all sizes of Thimble Skeins and Wagon B AUSO MAKE TO ORDER ORNAMENTAL IRON RAIL FOR CEMETERIES, BACON I EK, ETC. Stove repairing, Plow Points of all k and Brass Work ofevery description t to order. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Highest cash price paid for old iron. Garrett ’s and Babbitt’s mêlais al wav With single or double teams, for hire on rea LAWTON <!t SK1NNÎ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses hand. and Mules, which will be hired to go to any part ot the country at moderate rates. s. P. HANNA, Animals bought and sold, and broke to saddle or harness. J. A. CARDWELL. WAGON - ÍIAKE1 A. P. H OTA LINO, 429 Jackson St., San Francisco, I E. C. L ord , I 25 Front St., Portland. i Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEMILLER’S BUILDING A. P. ROTATING & CO 1 in receipt of a full assortment of >1 and prepare«] to do all work in his 1 short notice and in a workmanlike m Vehicles of every description made to i crins reasonable and satisfaction gu teed. ® I mporters of Sole Agents for the Repairing a specialty. 8. P. HANNA J. II. GUTTER RANCH FOR SALE. f And W. J. Lemp's St. Louis Beer. lhe Purest and Desf Mcdicinocvcr made, A comNn»tinn of ir»p«, llnehn. Mandrake, and t-Hiidc lion, villi >..i t'.c 1« • t: ¡ui i.:<.. t c .ra- tiv.': r< .¡>. Tt.csof allot :cr Ik! t< ;•»r : kes t.iepreat- . t ! toed PurOer, I.ivcr Itc"»i'.-itor, and Life ui<l lle.oth l.-si. a - A rout on < an 1». No di •ea.-’o or ill 1. alth can po-- i’dy loner exist wh. rc Hop ( rs are ikied, so varied and perfect are UHiruperationt. Oregon, J acksonville, aving just received a new stock of Harness, Buggies and Car riages, 1 am. now prepared to furnish my patronsand the public generally with as OLD BOURBON WHISKY LOW El. I., lil ASS. lîi'ii. HUIE RANCH KNOWN AS THE BE? 1 nett ranche, situated on the Illin» River between Kerbvville and Waldo, J»» Asenta for State Investment liisnranrr Co. phmeCo.. isoflered for sale. The ranch con prises grain, meadow and garden land.» updergood cultivation. There is a coniiu CITY dimis dwelling house and barn there«'’ both nearly new. Also a fine fruit orchai growing on the same. The place is w wateredand supplied with irrigatingditche Ac. Time will be given for part p»»»u‘ if dosired. For further particulars apply C A LT FORNI A ST R E ET, 11. K. HANNA, Jacksonville. BÄR3ER SHOP & BATH ROOMS Jacksonville, Oregon. Carrying United States Mails. rjUIE UNDERSIGNED IS FUT.LY PRE- 1 pared to do al] work in his line in the I best manner and at reasonable prices. HOT OK <4)I,|» IIATHN I EAVES JACKSONVILLE MONDA • an be had at this place at ail hours of the IJ and Thurs'lays tor Waldo. L»a' Waldo'Tuesdays and Fridays. GEORGE SCHUMPF. First-clasN acconimodations for pa-1" gers. Express business promptly attem toby R. M.GARRfcTrT THE CITY BREWERY a ADE mark LAGER! LAGER!! —BY LISH KiMtDY, an un'ailiLg cure V E I T SCHUTZ. for Spermator BACK OF COURT HOUSE, rhea, Seminal Weakness, I m- potency, and respectfully tn MANNING & WEBB, Proprietors. v all diseases that citizens <>t .Jacksonville an I Before Taking follow as a se ‘-ffer Taking surrounding eountrv that he is now manii- jtience of Se!f-A Im-e; as los s of Memory, ta< turmz and will constantly keep on hand aving lately fitted up the Universal Lass iludo. Pain iu Hie Back,Dim (lie very best of Lager Beer. Those wishing Pt emat lire Old Age, and 1 »ool glass of he,.r should give me a call. Premature commodious barn on the School House m ss <>t Vision, 1 liseases that lead to Insanitv many other Diseases Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we are now fully prepared to attend to all bus or Consumption and a Prematnr»1 Grave. jr-O Full particulars in our pamphlet, MACHINES FOR SALE. iness in our Imo with promptness and dis wliich we desire to send fr»‘e bv mail t«» patch and al the most reasonable rates. every one. rC" The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at si per pa«‘k ige, or TURNOUTS. six packages for $5, or will he sent tree bv ; have several second - hand Sowing Machines, in good order, which The Stable is furnished with the best ani mail on receipt ot theinonev l>v addressing 1 I will m ‘1I very cheap. an<l warrant for one malsand most substantial buggies; also a THE GRAY MEDD'INE <0., year. I will also give the purchaser the first-class hack and saddle-horse. No. Io Mechanics’ Block, Detroit. Mich. privilege ot exi-liaugiug during that time Horses boarded, and the best care be ...Sold in Jaeksonv illo by a|] »Iriiggists lor the new Singer, allowing the same price stowed on them. and by all wholesale and retail druggists tor the old machine whic'i was paid for it. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. everywhere. All kindsof sewing machines cleaned, re- Give tisa trial and judge for vour-olves. paired and adjusted at reasonable rates. MANNING A WEBB. lUSTK'E’S AND LEGAL BLANKS <>FI D. H. FEATHERS Jacksonville, June i, 1879. »J ail kind» for sale at the T imes O ffice Jacksonville, Aug. 25, 1879, BOOT & SHOEMAKER H J acks on ville, Saturday. Decnmbrr 20. 1879* atone o’clock e. M. ot said <lav, the follow ing described real property belonging to said estate, to wit : N. E. of section 7 and S. E. ' , of section • > in township3ti,south ot range, 1 c«t, sit uatt d in .Jackson county, Oregon, contain ing 321) acres. T. A. NEWMAN, Administrator Z)c X<>n of the estate ot Geo. W. Bressler, dec»‘.ised. Jacksonville, Nov. 15, 1879. SOLD BY ALL DllUGGISTS EVEKYWIIEKI. HENRY WEBER, EUREKA MILLS. In the matter of the Estate of George W. Bressler, deceased. IN PURSUANCEOF AN ORDER ANU 1 license of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County, sitting for the transaction of probate business on Fri day, November 15.1S79, the undersigned,ad ministrator 'h' Ironix non of the estate ot Georgo W. Bressler, deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in United States gold coin, at the Court House door in Jacksonville, on zwtr.'ii. GREAT SLAUGHTER of PRICES 4 4 AMY DRUGGIST WILL TELL TOl ITS RKrUTRTMS. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, Farm and Freight Wagons, 4 4 S. T. W. SANFORD, M.D., 1 m *J v ?^ c 4 ty NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS, n. li. FKATHF.RS. Aent for Jackson and Josephine <'(»unties. Headquarters, Jacksonville, Or. I J * CROCKERY, 4 4 SEND FOR CIRCULAR. N. FISHER. Jacksonville, August 8, 1879. GROCERIES, .... 127,833 Singer Machines, ... . 181,2150 4 4 ... .219,758 4 ... .232. 444 4 ... .241. «79 ... .249.8.52 4 4 4 ... .2152.31(5 4 4 . . .282.812 4 4 ....356,432 4 4 AT COST! LADIES’ CALIFORNIA-NADI CLOAKS or a «.traced, joint < i ;> Iicrse*:. Le";. The a'» '»r’y » ro iuecd 1 y a Burn or >c..!.l; nc-’tiilcativix lr>.m I’.- t Sv.'eil" iu~3 fio!»i E.r.-.i.. ; tl.o t. z tv.rcs cf HLcum.’.ti': Crippled for Efo. by ren.o Kt;k t> I a:- ;.«vut • a voli.ailo horae < r a doctor's Lili all to saved i oui 4 MERCHANDISE! LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES AND DIAGONALS, SILKS AND SATINS, BOOTS & SHOES, -WTOUNG, ETC., PIMPLES cu a LADY’S FACE 4 4 I FANCY GOODS not only relieve pain, but they invito hc.i ltliv action, etihuue iniiamu'rtti^u, ;i.. l euro, wliothir the syuiptoms prucutd frutn vo.iad. oft'.ie llosli, »■»■ Neuralgia of th» Ncrvea; fruia c.'titr.i :tc 1 Corclri ora scolded, kar.d; tn>::i a spraLimd tial-lo or a gashed foot: whether fromdisgu.-ting 4 l^NTRAORDTNARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO CASH PURCIIAS- 1 j ers during this great sale at THE ENTIRE STOCK OE OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF 5 & Ki L “Te Denms may roll in the gloom of old arches, And the white-handed preacher coquette with his God, But Truth finds her own in long battles ami marches, the ttir.vjrs will shine on that tear- sprinkled sol. When the tire has gone out au<l the vigil is ended P» »r Mary may sleep with the loved and the leal. For the stars will mount guard o'er the ashes she tei d'd. Ami the beauty of Morning return there to kneel.” Invigorator $ haa been used* in my practices and by the public, Ji I»*" for more than 35 year», $ with unprecedented results. " thnt will Defy Comparison 1. E( i A L ADV ERTISEM ENTS. US H «4 M ¡H No llousci.eepc r. F.«ru.e;‘, i l.xt. •r. 'i« am- »tcr, <>r I.'.very :u .11. c au t-Tci'd to ',e i> . .1- oui 1 .e=e wo-l;rful Liiiimcnt:. They can be prom red in r.r.y part rf tlio giaLo t .r bi) eta. an l Cx.GG u boule. Trial bottle» 23 cts. Aí ¡i 5 e * î < Oregon or Northern California. Llniric*'< ; vs. i’l surely cxtcrsiincta tùo r cixL. Thera ir no Strain, SpraLx, C’nt, Soald, 2:;rn, Stin,", er Lanxcut-a to TIftukizxd cr Dnrab jDrutes arc snh- ject. that ¿.-e;, zi» t LO:>* on to this SooHiiiirc Lnlm. Tuo Centaur “ \lone when the sombre and skeleton bran ches Thrilled in the rush of the shipwrecking storm. Ami the glad little children, in ham!••tn and, Lvtglvd at the ingle side, rml lv and warm: A!cm>, when the sibyls of Spring time return ing. Flung over the forests an emerald mist Aii l alone wln-n the star* of midsummer were bnrniag. And the musk rimes dreamed of the god they had kissed. 1 I New York STORE !! Any One Store in Southern ."«O 1870.... 1871.. .. 1872.. . 1873.. . 1874.. .. 1875.. .. 187(5.... 1877.. . 1878.. .. rr<> 'I'll I I PUBLIC IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL sell for the next SIXTY DAYS my entire line of G GREATEST VARIETY “It is true,” »aid my comrade, regretfully, lowly— “Death and expenses are all that are sure, And we con the old lesson but hardly and »lowly To follow and follow some fanciful lure; And yet.” and he thoughtfully leveled his fin ger Over the sheen of the storm cradled town, I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE “There’s a smoke 0:1 yon hillside that some 1 consignment of the celebrated Singer Sewing Machines, which are for sale on th»* how will linger Like a mist on the shore when the tide has usual liberal terms and at the regular prices i established by the company. Therefore gone down. waste no time, money and patience on in ferior machines when you can purchase a “Have you marked it—a luminous violet genuine Singer al the same figures. In column I buying a Singer you get a machine of ac On the g"l<l and the bronze of the frost tinted knowledged merit and established repuia- 1 tion, and are certain of having value receiv- trees— : ed for your money, as every machine is Soaring to victory, saintly and solemn, warranted by the company. The Singer Company now sell threo-quar- With the wreathed immortelles that Fidelity i ters of all the machines sold in the world, weaves? th«> capacity of their works at Elizabeth, It. is only the »moke of a cabin, so humble New Jersey, enabling them to turn out over The »((uirrels romp o’er it unchecked by re- a thousand machines a »lay, and they have 1 4,590 ollices for the sale of these justly cele- proof,—- I brated sewing machines, which have taken Grimy and shaky, I wander the rumble the Of the wagons down there does not shatter the FIRST PRIZE roof. Over all competitors more than two hun “In the temjiests of years that we fain are for dred times. After the Chicago fire the Relief Commit getting. When cards were religion and pistols were tee undertook to furnish sewing machines to the needy women of that city, ami appli priests— And the sun nsle in scarlet at dawning and set cants were permitted to choose from six dif ferent kinds if machines. 2,941 applicants ting. were furnished with machines, of whicti And a Bourbon was crowned at ourfun’rals and number 2,127 chose Singer machines and feasts — 517 distributed their choice among the live Yon oak that leans grandly, a <'uldee extend other kinds of machines. They were to ing earn their living on these machines, and His priestly hands o’er that ruinous cot. took the Singer, because Once thrilled to the shock of a ghastly de scending. IT IS THE BEST Ami the Law was avenged with a 1 >«>p and a knot! machines as fol- H<‘ was onlv an Indian, the son of Old Mary, Swarthy and wild with a midnight of hair That arose, as he »tied to the Taithean ferry, Like a raven of doom in the quivering air. And his crime? I've forgotten it was some thing or other Judge Lynch’s decisions were never compiled; But we left him. at last, with his forest-born mother And she c:mi|»e<l by the tree that strangled her child. I OLD AMD RELIABLE, ! s r ’ G. ‘ OUT ! —AND THE xa A u r. t?in Ov« r :,» «xi.coo “The pick and the shovel are rusted and . broken, Faded the fires of cabin and tent,— For the long roll has sounded, the chieftain has sp«>ken, And the owl sobs alone on the hills that were ! rent. With a whisper, a sound as of robes that are trailing, October is furling her banner of red. And my heart is bowed down in the infinite wailing That times the innumerous march of the dead.” October, 1879. L —OF— “Ami the toilers, where are they? the bronzed and the knighted. Gentle as childhood and cruel as fire,— What hope was fulfilled, and what love was requited— Ah, what was the fate of their kingly desire? Ixi, dirges of silence, the crested quail calling. Answer me vaguely in mystical woe, And the glory of sunset, in benison falling, Fills the deserted old gulches below. J acxsjxvillk , L I n or .-'iiï Ji.-,.' AT TI Œ STORE OF THE GREATEST REDUCTION I ÏJ uJ There was silence down there, but that silence dirges sang, }L jh lessly ki <1 to the sorrowing soul— So hopelessly sad, like wail of the wild sur- ge» Gone mad in the gleam of their wandering goal. “Ami whither,” I murmured, “In chances and changes, Gihling and soiling, a curse and caress, Now wanders the »¡»>¡1 of the gold-glutted ranges— A crown tor dishonor, a balm for distress? i BY APOITIXO A Ç » n V» ! S D r . S anford ’ s L iver IxviaaH£T0R * i is a. StaudarJ Family Remedy for ♦ »liseases of the Liver, Stomach 5 aud Btjwels.—It is Purely J Vegetable.— It never J{ Debilitates—It is $ Cathartic and ¿Tonic Important Reduction in Prices AHEAD AS USUAL!! a nr «g I« nat'irc’s remedy far a.*: si a»i?T, tin" tiio food. It oar.i'i VV i-id Colic, the o 75 ok r Curd an:1. 'J'arvl'ar., tVIc^'s TovorD bw.s r.ud Kills Worms. Tini ; tli a CL.IM l-.v; Y-.cnlCi C"1 1N o TloCicr ohtaktu rest. Flcnsc.-t, CL.-ayi. and Re’l&ble. ! t FOR SIXTY DAYS ! ! JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, A MOTHER'S VIGIL. There was a silence down there in the desolate ditches— Only the querulous call of the quail — Scolding her brood from the tunnels and pitches To the cha|>arrel shades and the leaf-covered trail. LARGE REAMES BROS., DECEMBER 12, 1*79. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE E. K. REAMES, T. G. REAMES. e»ra7?. THE EAGLE EREWEB HUE PROPRIETOR. JOS. WETTER has now on hand and i* constantly 11 nfacturing the best Lager Heer in Soiiti Oregon, which he will sell in uuantiti' suit purchasers. <’«ll and test the artu 1 FARM FOR SALE. riìHE FARM KNOWN AS THE I L. Murphy place, lying in the of Boar creeic,eight miles from Jack-" ' and ad joining Majorfileun’s land, is <■• for sale cheap. It contains ItXI acre« best bottom land and is well >ul with living water. For further part» eitquireiM this office. ./■iT'The National Gold Medal v a« a" to Bradley «V Rulofson tor the best graphs in (he United States, mi'Dlæ . Me lai for the liest in the world. 4 l- ‘JP :‘ • gouiery street, San FllUK'iiH'O.