democratic times . BUIEF REFERENCE Pryor Eatou recently brought a line running horse from California and is training him for . the Christmas races. He is by the well-known j four-mile horse “Joe Daniels.” MIXINU NEWS. PEBSIINAL MOTEN. Why W ill You L itigation P rospective .—Steps are in prog Allow a cold to advance in your system and ress for the opening of that which may Farming is in statu quo. Plenty of water. B. F. Dowell leaves for Roseburg this week. thus encourage more serious maladies, such as „DECEMBER 12, 1879, l'iti DAT, I ¡»rove the most sensational law-suit ever tried Pneumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung Troubles, Kubli’s new sign is unique. The weather promises well. L. Leonard of Josephine county has returned in Jackson county. It would seem that in when an immediate relief can be so readily at Read the new advertisements. The miners are in their delight, and this from San Francisco. R eligious I tems .—Elder M. Peterson will j In Justice Hurter's Court last week, B. Ros- 1858 Dr. David Sisson, who was then the tained. B oschee ' s G erman S yrup has gained Miss Miry Layton of Williams creek is possessor of a considerable portion of the pres the largest sale in the world for the cure of preach at Central Point next Sunday and at I Christmas is only two weeks hence. I tel recovered a judgment for §25 against Jul- is of a watery nature. Coughs, Cohls and the severest Lung Diseases. Eagle Point on the Sunday following... .There The snow in the mountains, which is attending the Jacksonville district school. ent town-site of Ashland, was shot and kille<l i ian---------for surgical treatment rendered. We keep note, receipt ami order books. It is Dr. BoSc’liee’s famous German prescrip quite deep even at this time, promises a villlieno services at the M. E. Church .in ' The case was on trial for two days. Rev. J. IL N. Bell, Presiding Ebler, who in broad daylight while on his way to a spring tion, and is prepared with the greatest core, Rope lfi^c. a pound at the N. Y. Store. source of supply the miners can rely ou in has l»eeu paying Southern Oregon au official for water. No active measures were for some ami no fear need be entertaine 1 in administer this place next Sunday. \\ ool still holds the price »¡uoted last week. ■ Geo. Dunn fell and dislocated his shoulder the Spring. visit, returned to Roseburg Tuesday. reason inaugurated for the apprehension of the ing it to the youngest child, as per directions. : while swinging at the Ashland College grounds N ew Y ear ’ s A musements .—YVm. Eaton The sale of this medicine is unprecedented. Coats worth $8 for $4.50 at the N. Y. Store. A slide occurred this week in Ilays A Ma murderers, and who they w ere has remained a Since first introduced there has lieen a con J. B. Thomas was in town last week and in last week. He will uow swing in a rocking- will soon complete a neat and commodious gruder’s ditch, leading to their mines on forms us that the damage d ine his saw-mill mystery, though it is believed they are still stant increasing demand and without a sin de Ritschard keeps a fine stock of holiday jewel I chair until his injuries are repaired. residence in the northern portion of town and Rogue River, that will delay operations recently by high water has been repaired. residents of Jackson county. Time has passed, report of a failure to do its work in any case. ry- The most beautiful Christmas present that for a short time. proposes to commemorate the event with a Ask your Druggists xs to the truth of these re Fifteen yards of print for $1 at the New York an indulgent husband, or kind brother, or Hon. A. C. Jones left for Roseburg yester until now the sole heir (Miss Augusta Sisson), marks. Large size, 75 cents. Try it and be housewanning and general good time on New Copp ’ s Hand-book of Mining Law, pay w lm has just become of age, proposes clearing Store. • : ardent lover can make, is one of those popular day, where he is called on business with the convinced. Year’s night. The best of music and supper rolls, notices of location of quartz and plac up the matter and recovering the property, i ircuit Court which convenes there next The roads are rough everywhere ami becom 1 Singer sewing machines at Feathers ’ . * Rlr Asiley l ooper's er mines, and other mining blanks for sale v ill l»e provided and everybody is invited to which it is said has never been legally account Monday. ing worse. VITAL RESTORATIVE —The Great En Those elegant styles of millinery at Mrs. at the T imes office. attend. Tickets, $2. • ed for. It is also alleged that the lines have glish Remedy, has ma le more cures of Ner W. R. Lewis, railroad agent at Roseburg for E. Jacobs has some prize toys that are a . Prim’s are receiving the undivided attention Thus. Gilson has put the claim of Karews- been altered and the town plat changed so as vous Debility, S|>eriiiatorrli<»ea, Seminal H u : h W aters .—The storms of last week I novelty here. j of the fair sex, notwithstanding the favorable ki A Silva, near the irouth of Palmorcreek, the ¡»ast year and a half, has resigned on ac to cover up all traces thereof. The land thus Weakness, fxwt Manhood, nociuru*l emis raised the various streams so that the mail in “apple-pie order” and work is now pro count of ill health and ia succeeded by Jos. involved is located in the heart of the town I sions, inability for mental labor,desp*»nden- Fine, ornamental clocks at the New York prospects for another Noachian deluge. »•y ami otlmr diseases induced by youth Purdom. service was almost entirely suspended in every Store, at cost. It at one time feared that the high wa- gressing in earnest there. and it is claimed comprises all that portion on ful follies ami excesses, than all other med direction for a few days. Cow creek could Wm. Ruble of Polk county is among us the east side of Main street Liunded by Phil icines combined. Why will you suffer? The heavy rains of last week, followed by A Christmas tree would be appreciated by ‘ ter and great amount of drift-wood would en- not lie crossed for two days and the Klamath I again. He is a party to the Cayote creek lips’ livery stable on the north ami the corner Send to A. E. Mintie, M. D., No. II Kear ; danger both the bridges across Rogue river; snow and intervening showers, have af the youngsters. ny Street, San Francisco, for the ReHtora- river raised to such au extent that the ferry forded the miners a considerable supply of mining suit ami is looking after the interests of the street running easterly to the hill on the live and be cured. Price, §•> per bottle. I but fortunately the alarm proved fanciful. Muslin worth 15c. per yard for 9c. at the I was unsafe for the same time, so that we were south, including Houck's hotel, Reeser's store, Four times the ipiantilv, $10. Try a bottle. . Services were held at the M. E. Church last water that has enabled most of them to com of his side. New York Store. the Ashland Drug Store an<l several residences Dr. Mint io treats all private diseases auece-s- without a stage from either way. The waters mence work. Father Stampfl will not come to Jackson- and other projierty in the immediate neigli- fnlly. Mr>liciiiessent secure from observa ‘ Sunday, lieing the first that have occurred after Oatman A Morton propose starting a variety having receded, the mails are again arriving The high water of last week was of ser ville to assist Father Blau -het in his pastoral borhootl. B. F. Dowell has been retained in tion upon receipt ot price or C. O. D. nightfall for sometime. Rev. I). A. Crowell regularly. store at Phrenix. vice in carrying off the great amount of labors, having been called to Sublimity, Mari the case ami is .assisted by J. R. Neil iu his officiated ami a fair attendance was present. C hristmas P arty at S am ’ s V alley .—C. C. tailings that had accumulated in tho various official ca(»acity as District Attorney. The Cotton batting for 27Jc. per pound at the To W hom it M ay C oncern .—N. Fisher, The couple that went sleigh-riding this streams, and which were shortening the on county. preliminaries are now being perfected ami it is McClendon w ill give a social party at his resi * our County Treasurer, has been instructed to New Y’ork Store. George Brawley of Pluenix swears peonle as expected that the issue will be made »luring dence on Christinas night, to which everybody week was highly incensed that a naughty boy dump in some instances. Josephine county has ha»l a plethora of w ater should roll up all the snow perceptible for a forward all notes held by the School Fund and Notary Public without the least profanity at the forepart of 1SS0. What the result will In is invited. He lias an excellent hall and will The Applegate Gravel Company made a legal rates. is, of course, difficult to imagine. A consul- iqsin which over a year’s interest is due to the and much to spare. block in a hall and dump it into their cutter. erable flutter is liable to be occasione»! by it, provide the l»est of music and supper, so that clean-up recently that is said to have been < lerk of the State Land Commissioners at Skating is a favorite amusement in Lake Dr. Jack has established an office at the ami tlu’i’e might be such a thing as some start those who attend will tie assured a fine time. The rumor that Ah Fat, the lauudryman, is quite satisfactory. A remittance of dust Salem by the last of the year. The trans county now-a-<lays. ling developments being made. I aliout to issue a black-list has caused some was made to the company’s headquarters Drake ¡»lace on Applegate, where he may be DIED. mission of these notes may be followed by ac found when not professionally engaged. Hats in all colors worth $2.50 for §1 each commotion among ye delinquents. John evi- at Portland the other day. P robate C ourt I ’ k » ceedixos — The 'oilow tion living instituted upon them, and Mr. Fish at the New Y’ork Store. * • dently appreciates the benefit of advertising. Our old Y’reka friend J. M. Bassett is now ing proceedings have trauspired in this Court BRADLEY —At Bruwnsborongh, Duceiul»er A lot of hydraulic pipe was put up at er has kindly taken it upon himself to inform fitli, of dvs|K:)>tie coQsumptiod, Luzern Brad County scrip taken at par on all accounts— The handsomest of holiday presents inay be Kubli’s hardware emporium this week for the publisher of the “Golden Era,” of San since our last report: ley, aged 63 years. those interested of this matter. Prompt pay i MeKnight A Goldworthy ot Foot’s creek. I Francisco, one of the best family journals on new or old—with the T imes office. found at Kahler A Bro. ’ s, where a fine assort In the matter of the estate of Daniel Hop MACKIN In Ldand precinct, December 6th, ment of the interest due will be in order and kins, deceased. Executor allowed one month's of hemorrhage of the bungs, John Mackin, The atmosphere was cloudy xs we went to i ment of ¡»oetical works, gold penholders ami This firm is preparing to engage in mining i the Coast. further inconvenience can thus be averted. operations ou an extensive scale. further time to tile inventory. in the 41th vear of his age. T. W. Johnson lias rented the Merriman pens, inkstands, etc., have just been received. press, with indications of more rain. In the matter of the estate of W. A. A. Gold-dust is already making its appear I ¡»lace, near Central Point, for a term of years. Hamilton, deceased. Chas. E (’happc-1 appoint A H andsome P roduction .—On the fourth Holiday printing of every description, in Three and a half pounds of coffee, extra Cos ance in small quantities. Theo. Cameron Mrs. Merriman removes to Ashland for the ed administrator of said estate, with Limbs fix NE77 THIS WEEK. •¡»age of the T imes will lie found a poem from ta llica, for §1 at the New Y’ork Store. cluding ball tickets, programmes, wedding * of Uniontown brought twenty ounces of education of her children. ed at §20,009. I the |»en of Sam. L Simpson, Oregon’s poet The awning of the New State broke down cards ami imitations, executed in the best dust to town this week, which is the first In the matter of the estate of P. W. Stow, NOTICE TO TEACHERS ! laureate, now sojourning at the residence of under its weight of snow last Monday. J. D. Fountain, School Superintendent, as an insane person. Sale of real property by style at San Francisco rates at the T i mes office. installment of much more that will follow. Hon. W. W. Fidler of William's creek, Jose | will be seen by notice elsewhere, will hold a Thus. McAndrew, guardian, to Edward ¡very rilHEREWILL BE A PUBLIC EXAMI- The Ix'gion of Honor will l»e three months Thos. F. Beall met with a severe loss this A. O. Eekelson has resumed his avoca phine county. It neatly tells a tale of woe, i public examination of applicants for teachers’ for the sum of §230, confirmed. 1 nation of applicantN for Teachors’ Certifi old on the 24th. Few at the »late of inception tion as miner and may be found at the week in the death of one of his fine mares. In the matter of the estate of Evi Sebring, I cates held at the District School House in the subject matter being “Old Mary,” the certificates on Saturday, December 27th. deceased. Sale of real property by E. Jacobs, Jacksonville on Let not the C. C. W. R. enterprise slumlier. thought it would survive a few weeks; yet it Hamilton A Chapped diggings, near Union surviving memlier of a once powerful tribe of Cragie Sharp, Jr., traveling agent for the a<Iministrator, confirined. town, in which he is interested. Eek. is is still in a healthy condition ami promises Indians, and whose rancheria still haunts the It will l»c the salvation of Southern Oregon. Saturday, December 27- 1879. In the matter of the guardianship of the sanguine of a good report from this mine. Wheeler A Wilson sewing machine, was in well. minor heirs ot Minus Walker, deceased. Sale ■“Teachers will ¡»lease take notice and gov Jas. McDougall has commenced the con hill overlooking the town on its east. It will Jackson county this week looking after the in McDonough, Kahler A Co. are busily of personal property by H. F. Barron, guar ern themselves accordingly. Read Jake Marcuse’s holiday announcement. lie appreciated especially by those who wit struction of the bridge across Birdsey creek. dian, a,»proved. engaged in ground-sluicing near Fort Lane terests of that first-class household article. J. D. FOUNTAIN, I He is selling off his fine stock of Christinas nessed the hanging of a son of Mary by the Better than a letter to your friends in “the In the matter of the estate of S. Humphry, We received a pleasant call from Messrs. County School Superintendent. and will not commence the construction of I goods at ¡»rices that cannot fail to be within miners of Jacksonville and vicinity many States:” A copy of the T imes sent regularly. decease 1. Win. Hoffman, executor, allowed the ditch recently surveyed until there is a Martin, brothers-in-law of A. W. Presley, w ho further time to file inventory. ' the reach of all. Good tobacco he furnishes at years ago and are cognizant of the attending demand for the water it would convey to arrive»! from Salem a few days since. They FARM FOR SALE. One end of the bridge across the Unqiqua 65c. a ¡H»und. In the matter of the guardianship of the circumstances. their mines. i will remain in Jacksonville for a short time. minor heirs of John Bilger, deceased. Amanda j river was damaged by tho recent high water. Mr. Young, the proprietor of the Cold I 1 HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR Nam. Lackland, superintendent of the The elongated physiognomy of D. W. Crosby Bilger, guardian, files inventory of property To B usiness M en .—As the time for yearly An increase of service on the Jacksonville ■ Springs House, on the Linkville road, »lied on sale his farm four miles east of Jackson belonging to said wards, which w as »¡»¡»roved. settlements is near at haud we would call the ami Big Applegate route is already talked the 7th and was buried at Parker’s on the I’almer creek mines, has had several hands ' may lie seen on our streets once more. Dave T. G. Rcames, J A. Cardwell and Max Muller ville, containing 320'acres of good land, the prineijiai portion of which is suscepli- attention of business men to the superior facil ' of. | »lay follow ing. He leaves a large family to at work making preparations tor this sea j has just returned from RosebHtg,_W4;ll satisfied aj»]>ointetl a,»,»raisers of same. In the matter of the estate of O. I). Hoxie, ijile of cultivation and tho balance ex»-ellei;t son's run ami expects to improve the op ; of the fact that there art: few better places ities )M>ssesaed by the T imes office for the exe wood land. Tho place is nlso well improved Luzern Bradley, a well-known resident of - mourn his loss. portunity now presented. He commenced thau Jacksonville. ' , , deceased. Petition of L. J. C. Dnncan to re and under fence, having a comtortahle cution of every description of job printing. sign his trust as administrator de bonis non Butte creek, died at Browusborough on the As we have just received a first-class supply piping this week. dwelling-house, good barn, granary, etc., Having just received a full supply of printer’s 6th. C. C. Bro ga»i, nfrnierly interested in the granted. of jirinter's stationery and new material, we u|s>n it. Any person desiring a bargain stationery, we are prepared to turn out any We bear that Green Bros, recently crush Hamilton A Chapped mine near Utiioutown, is are better prepare»! than ever before to exe If you want anything handsome in the cut The entertainment to be given by the Le will do well to call soon on or address ■iuml>er of bill-heads, statements, letter-heads, ed eleven tons of ore from their Sugar stationed at Nordholf, Southern Cilifornia? H. F. PHILLIPS, Ashland. cute any imaginable description of ¡»lain ami lery line, or first-class tirearms, give John Mill gion of Honor next Friday evening will be Pine ledge near Galico creek and realized His health has improved but little since his I envelopes, etc., on short notice and in the liest fancy job printing in superior style. Terms er a call. more than usually interesting. An excellent over Sloa ton. The vein continues promis j departure from Jackson comity. style at low prices never before heard of in IMPORTANT NOTICE. very reasonable. programme has l»eeii in preparation for some Geo. W. Elliott has an excellent assortment ing, with prospects quite favorable for its I S »utheru Oregon. As we make a specialty of Matt. Shannon this week left for the Soda time, so that those who attend w ill be as I We have heard of the Grant bo»»m, ami the ¡»roving inexhaustible. aving keen in tructedbythe job printing and guarantee satisfaction in ev of go»»ds ami is constantly receiving novelties i X»prings, w hich he will take charge of. He was sured a pleasant time. The Court House will I in his line. Bayard boom, ami th»’ Sherman boom; but it Board of Stalo Land Commiasiouera iu ery instance, no necessity now exists for send f Work lias been commenced at the Cayote aeconi]»anied by his family. Matt, proposes be used instead of Veit Schutz’ H ill, as pre i forward all notes upon which in’orei-t is is the bixun of Rogue river ami other streams The Applegate carried off some »»f Ilobt. J. ing abroad for anything in our line. We only creek mines by the company now in pos | making this resort more popular than ever be- viously announced, and no a 1 mission fee will due for more than one year to the Clerk of ask a trial. ¡Cameron's fence last week, but did no consid- that engrosses the attention of the people of session of them. The question of their ow I fore, and will spare no pains to this euil. said Board at Salem, I hereby give notice to be charged. Jackson county at ¡»resent. all persons knowing themselves thus in 1 erable damage. nership, recently decided by Judge Hanna A P leasant A ffair .—Considerable im debted to come forward at once and make J. W. Fleming, brother of Mrs. Magruder C hristmas S pouts . There w ill be a grand There is a great»leinand in this market at in favor of the above company, will ag»in The late storm did the Canyon roa»l consid payment, as I must make a statement of provement was noticeable in the programme of this place, ami a former resilient of Jackson shooting-match at E. W. Gragg’s place in such delinquencies by the last ot the year present for good bacon at a fair price, an»l yet come up on appeal to the Supreme Court. presented at the session of the Ixigion of Honor erable damage, which is now being repaired as : county, returned from Nevivla recently. He Sam’s Valley ou Christinas day, when a fine and also foiward said notes. The forced pay the supply is inadequate. This is hardly a Frank Ennis, superintendent of the Ster last Friday evening, both in its quality and fast as possible. ment of the-e notes may’ be avoided by first-class argument for the construction of the ling mine, last Monday informed us that pr<>[M»ses leaving for Llaho in the Spring, a.s beef an I other live-stock will l»e put up. A ■ prompt action in this matter. renditu n. Notwithstanding the inclement Exchange your old school-ltooks liefore the ' also does J. G. Birdsey of Ceutral Point. ball will l»e given at night, for which the best 1 I Crescent ('ity wagon road. NEWMAN FISHER, piping would be commenced the following »weather the (’ourt House was crowded, and i Sth of January, as regular rates will be charg- of music an»l supper w ill be provided. Tickets, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. re- Byron Terrill, who started for the East day. There is an abundance of water and Mrs. Haskins discontinued the hotel 'those in attendance were agreeably entertained ed after that time. Jacksonville, Dee. It), 1879. §1. Mr. Gragg will spare no pains for the business in this ¡»lace and removed to Apple everything is in the best sb a ¡»e for this sea cently with several thousand head of cattle for a few hours. The literary exercises were success of the event, and a pleasant time mat The measles have invaded Rock Point pre purchased by buyers for that market in East- SHERIFF S SALE l»e expected. * unusually excellent and the vocal and instru- cinct ami are also a common complaint in other gate. G. M. Coburn has taken charge of the i son's run. A handsome clean-up is antici pated. ern Oregon, writes that they are ranging in house and proposes furnishing the public with ,iiuc none behind, while the address portions of th« county. Jackson creek was booming last week and In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, The Applegate Gravel Company was Oneida county, Idaho, for the Winter. the best of accomuKslations. ». R. N. Bell imparted a zest to the for tho county of Jackson. washed away some of the breakwater in the Fred. Otten has sold his resilience in this J. W. Collins, who recently returned from a Wm. Bylwe, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. Irwin and There is about four feet of snow on the Cas- obliged to suspend piping on account of a at was fully appreciated. To lie in- Isaac Irwin, Defendants. place, on the banks of Daisy creek, to Wm. slide in the ditch. It will be ten days be- visit to Josephine county, is seriously of the lower end of tow n and a ¡»ortion of the valley cailes, but Phillips continues to make regular rould lie tedious; so, to be brief and ex- Y’ VIRTUE (IF A JUDGMENT AND Ulrich for the sum of §414. fore the damage done can be repaired, opinion that a grand mistake is made in at road. The bridges on Oregon street also had a trips notwitlistamling. The l»est aceotninoila- decree of the above named court, in the , we will conclude the critic's report Superinter ’ant Fitzpatrick was making tributing so mtn’ll ¡>oor soil to that section. He narrow cscajie from living floated away. i Snow fell t»> a much greater de,»th at above entitled suit, and an execution issued Ash- tions may always I k ? obtained on this route, ig that the entertainment was among considerabi headway when the accident is led to this belief by seeing cornstalks four Street Commissioner Y’»»nng has been busily out of the sai<! t'ircnit Court in pursuance 1 Jacksonville has been favored with land than it dul in this vicinity. It was five which is why it is so ¡«»¡»ular. engaged in repairing tbe damage »lone, so that thereof and to me directed and delivered, occurred. etiine. teen feet high, the first ear inches deep there Monday. the public will not be discommoded to any for tbe sum ot $liS8.23and accruing interest, J. H. Hurter, Clerk of this school district, The prospects for a good run were never from the ground. ami the further sum of §31.71 costs, I have extent. Thomas ’ Mill, the new post office at the gives notice that the B >ar»l of Directors have A bout an O rgan .—The organ pur- levied upon the followingdescrilied proper better and the miners are consequently Commissions have arrived I at headquarters ty ot Wm. Irwin, one of said defendants, with the proceeds of a series of con- Meadows, will soon l»e rea»ly for business, approved the assessment roll submitted by him jubilant. There is an abundanco of water Rear crock raised to such an exteut last promoting First Lieutenant E K. W. Stone, 21st to-wit: and that he will commence the collection of given under the auspices of the with Thurston T. Thomas as Nasby. everywhere and it promises to hold out infantry, who was stationed at this place din week that a considerable strip of land this side Forty acres of mining ground, 20 acres of Not! ing could make a more suitable Christ the school tax immediately. ; ladies of Jacksonville last March is in which w< r • formerly known as the mining well. That a much larger amount ot gold- of the Eagle Mill was washed away and the ing the Modoc war, to Captaiu, in the place of ery and promises to furnish * delicate mas present than some of those elegant visiting So great was the volume of water in some of dust will be taken out this season than tor safety of the road nearby endangered. Super claim of John Yokum, lying at'tlie mouth Capt. P. Collins, deceased, with station at of Hog creek and bordering on Rogue cards just receive«l at the T imes office. of law. T. G. Reames, C. C. Beekman the larger streams, ami so swiftly did it run, several years past seems highly probable. visor Philips is empowered by statute to col river; the other 20 acres lying immediately Fort Boise; ami Second Lieutenant C. A. Wil £. D. Foudray were appointed custodians A bridge across Foot’s creek is thought to that huge trees were swept down before tho Capt. Ankeny paid the Sterling mine a lect additional road tax enough from the citi north and adjoining the aforesaid riescril»ed e lustrumcnt and it is now in their charge be necessary and the contract for its construc angry current, threatening direst destruction visit Friday and left the following day for liams, 21st infantry, to First Lieutenant, vice zens of Ashland district to nqi.ur the damage claim, sail! claim lying between the J. Stone promoted, with station at Fort Lapwai. done and he will proceed to do so at once. Ram»ey ami the Simon McCallister claim; ling the liquidation of a lialauce due and I tion may be let soon by that road district. as they dashed madly on to the sea. i Galiee creek, where he is also largely in also 20 acres of mining ground know n as Our talented young friend, Geo. E. Cham fit charges upon it, amounting in all to Simon McCallister claim end lying 11. F. Phillips, as will be seen by advertise terested in gravel diggiugs. Ho will re The property and stock of H. V’. Green, a Our cotemporary hears that some of those the immediately east of the foregoing described jt §79. It was specified by the ladies Canyonville merchant, were attached last week ment elsewhere, offers for sale his place, situa main in this section during the greater por berlain of Albany, who has officiated as chief deputy in the Clerk's office of Linn county for who signed the temperance pledge have violated 20 acres. Also the water privilege of Hug aging the concerts that the organ should by Portland creditors for the sum of §2,1 IS. ted four miles from Jacksonville and contain tion of the Winter and look after his mines. I creek belonging to said mining ground and The Captain is irrepressible and deserving several years past, has entered the practice of it when none were there to see. This isdepre- known as tho water right formerly owned »resented to the Union Sunday School; but Bybee’s race-track will be put in the best ing 320 acres of laml, well improve» 1. H ere is of success. law with L. Flinn of that ¡dace. J. H. Hack cable in ahi’ll degree. Those who deliberately by Fink A Gaziev, and l»v them conveyed > constitutes this organization seems to lie possible condition f»»r the Christmas races, for an opportunity for some oue desiring a good leman, Hon. A. H. Brown’s efficient assistant forfeit their plighted word are tit subjects for to said Wm. Irwin; all of said described mooted question. The members of the F. M. Parker found an excellent pros farm. property being in Josephine county, Ore which quite a number of horses are training. during his term as State Treasurer, succeeds commiseration and, in thus losing tiioir sclf- gon. And on E. Church have taken steps in the matter I pect on the Hat near his residence in the I respect, part with a priceless boon. John Martin, through his agent, A. W. The Masonic building at Ashlaml is rapidly Mr. Chamberlain. We wish George the full- i agree to ¡»ay off the indebtedness in case Willow Springs district. As high as twen Monday, the 19th day of Jnimary, 1HSO, Presley, has forbidden the town authorities to est measure of success. It is nearly three months until the munici v are alloweil to assume aMMsession of the nearing completion. Dr. Chitwood's stock of ty-five cents to the pan were realized, and, in. What the upshot will be must hereaf- goods will occupy one of the lower apartments. remove the alleged obstructions on Valley as there is a large area of ground contigu pal election transpires, yet candidates for Mar at tho hour ot 1 o’clock p. m ., at the Court House door in the town of Kerbvville, Jose street, claiming that he has a deed to the laml ( ’ ounty C ommissioners ' C ourt . The appear. ______ shal are as thick as flies in Summer time and phine county,Oregon, 1 will sei! the herein« The streams in Josephine county were so ous, Frank may be the possessor ot a full- on which they stand. A law-suit seems immi lowing business w as transacted at the Decem- already busy themselves in inqiortuning the before described real properly at public I igh W ater in O regon .—Thus. T. Mc- high last week that Bob Garrett was delayed a fledged bonanza. Work has been commenc nent. lier term of this Court: They are evidently imbued auction for cash in hand to the highest bid ___ _____ -j ______ . ------------- dubious voter. ed at the point prospected. nzie and A. O. Eekelson returned from day w ith the mails. He made every trip, how Officers present: lion. Silas J. Day, County w ith the beauty of the adage that “the ! early der to satisfy said writ, w ith accruing costs. The stage mired down in Herrin ’ s la ’ Sat rtlaud Tuesday, having been en route for ever. I JOHN TAYLOR, The Roseburg “Star” informs us that E. Jud’*e; E. K. Anderson and ('. Magruder, bird Catches the worm.” urday and w as detained awhile. It w ill soon be Sheriff of Josephine county, Oregon. irly a week. The latter informs us that Commissioners; E. B. Watson, Clerk. J. Kyes and Fred. Crow last week left for The high water of last week sadly demor Dated thisOtb day of December, 1X79. W. C. Miller was ap|M»inted .Sujiervisor of ?g<»n is almost afloat, the recent rains having alized T. T. McKenzie’s mill-dam, and it will in or»ler to gravel the remainder of that un Battle Bar, Rogue river, where they are Wc hope that none will l»e so unmindful of sed the streams to an alarming extent with be some days liefore the damage can be re fathomable quagmire and to a greater width the owners of some rich gravel mines. Road District No. 35, vice Daniel Hopkin», the best interests of Jackson county as to neg deceased. than was the portion improved a few months isiderable damage resulting. The railroad These gentlemen recently purchased the Jas. McDougall was awarded the contract lect to do what lies in their power for the paired. since. was undermined in places, which caused ditches of DutcJi Henry, which gives them for building a bridge across Birdsey creek, at Crescent City Wagon Road. If we let this The “College Ceroma” and “Catholia Senti The snow afforded the hoodlums ample op- a fine water privilege, and they intend put $«20. ne delay, and at Cabin creek, about thirty matter go by default now it may lie too late -OF— nel” are waging a fierce religious discussion. portunity to exhibit the meanness with which tingin a h vdraulic and Little Giant soon. Bills to a considerable amount were audited. to resurrect it m the future. Now is the time les north of Roseburg, the bridge was totally Both sides seem to be making the most of several are lilierally endowed, some seeming to for immediate action. moralized au»l must be replaced. The Wil Superintendent Klippel of the Sqtuw R eal E state T ransactions .—The following their case. take ¡»articular delight in jwltiug people ¡»eace- mette river waa still raising when they left Lake mines was in town last week and I mportant N otice .- All those knowing them The waters have receded and the various ably going about their business with balls of reports work progressing satisfactorily. The deeds have been recorded in thet ounty Clerk s „1 the wmst was feared. The Unq»qua valley almost solid ice. selves indebted to Kahler & Bro. should come ! office since the last issue of the T imes : —AT TIÏK— extension to the main ditch was completed » also inundated te a great degree, bridges streams are passable, though they are still Ashlaml Lodge No. 45, I. O. O. F., has sooner and at less expense than was anticl- S. W. VVrijht to H. F. Phillips, 320 acres ami settle with me St once, as the accounts higher than they have been at anytime for ing wrecked and other property endangered. ♦ elected the following officers for the new term: pated and there seems to be no danger ap in Jacksonville precinct. Consideration, $3,- have been turned over to me and must lie set i O m renowned roads alone remained uuharin- several mouths. tled by January 1st, 1880. A. D. Helman, N. G.; I. 0. Miller. V. G ; K. I prehended from the slides so numerous last 500. J. L. Wilder of Wilderville will give a ball E. Emery and John Daley to A. J. Daley, • R obt . K ahler . it being impossible for them to become Del’eatt, R. S.; P. L. Fountain, F. S. S. ; E. I,. J. California Street, Jacksonville. rae than they were before the freshet. It at his place on New Year's night, and a fine I Farlow, T.; A. D. Helman, E. J. Farlow and Winter. He fully expected to commence real estate m Eagle Point. Consideration, §50. piping this week. F. Otten to Wm. Ulrich, property in Jack H oliday A nnouncement . — Intending to 1 thus be observed that the storms which time may l»e expected, for Joe knows how to E. Del’eatt, Trustees. sonville. Consideration, $414. stay here I cannot afford to sell for cost, but vaileil here last week extended several hun- please the public. F. Helier to G. W. Stephenson, 80 acres iu The prospective construction of the Cres The “Star” says Josephine county paid will do the next thing to it. The largest stock nil IE PROPRIETOR TAKES PLEAS- d miles north and were even more severe 1 lire in announcing that he has just Young Briner of Phienix, who was hurt a §934.88—or is going to—in the case of State cent City Wagon Koad and the persistent agi Jacksonville precinct. Consideration, §200. of toys and holiday goods cheaper than the opened out a line and well assorted stock of It was at one time feared that the scenes short time since w hile wrestling, is very low F. B reckknfield . vs. J. J. Moore, transferred to Douglas county tation of the road question by the local press holiday goods,comprising toys »»lull kinds, The Jacksonville district school commenced cheapest. S$2 would be re-enacted; but we were happi- and not expected to survive the effects of the notions, elegant Cbiistmas presents, plain has had some effect upon the people of Douglas .par»«! the infliction. for trial. The crime involve»! the stealing of its second term last Monday with an attend Christmas and New Year's toys, etc. worth and fancy candies, tr< e ornaments, tobac- injuries sustained. two hogs. Five hnmlred dollars is evidently county, for they see in the loss of this section’s ance of 240 scholars, which is constantly in $2.50 for $1; worth $1 for 50c.; worth 50c. for eos, cigars, etc., which will be sold at the ’ E Cflmm M eeting .—At a called meet- Jasper Houck of Ashland is making ar a g»M»d price for a hog. trade financial depression they cannot bear up creasing. The school will l»e under the man 12Ac. at tiie New Y’ork Store. U)tVl><T RATES EVER HEARD OF ! I of tho members and friends of the M, E. rangements for a grand ball at his hall on New The report that a son of C. Schieffelin of under. The Roseburg papers are also strenu agement of the same efficient corps of teachers I — : — • -------- wr I irch of Jacksonvillo. held at the residence Year's eve, which will no doubt be one of the Rogue river, who had recently returned from ously advocating the improvement of roads be previously in charge. Last quarter’s rate-hill Six ¡»oundsof relined sugar for $1 at the New I Gtve me a call at G. W. Elliott’a store, ami see for yourselt. JAKE MARCUSE. Arizona, was stricken with small-pox proved tween that place and this, with fair prospects will also obtain. Jacksonville enjoys the lux Y’ork Store. fra. McCully on Saturday, Deoemlier 6th, i i events of tbe season. object of the meeting was stated to l»e to Jas. Drum has one of the finest assortments to be unfounded, as we surmised. He is fast of success. ury of possessing one of the best regulated M rs . J ones —Dear Mrs. Smith, iny Mary i ways and means to raise funds to liqui- of ¡»lain and fancy candies ever brought to recovering from an attack <»i the measles ami schools in the State. Ann is taken down with a violent ¡»ain in JOHN 1». CARTER & SON, Three »lays steady rain last week raised will soon l»e about again. the wflebtedneM on the organ purchased Southern Oregon. His holiday stock is not to her stomach, ami I have nothing in the Mass will not be hel»l at the Catholic Church some of the streams higher tlmn they have Snow fell to quite a depth on Sunday and house to give her. Will you Jet me have a PAINTERS. he M. E- Church. The meeting organised l»e excelled anywhere. been since 1862. Foot-logs have generally dis- still lingers on the hills, though the valley it little ot your Frese’s Hamburg Tea, ami 1 at 11 o ’ clock Christmas morning, as erroneous ailing ou Rev. D. A. Crowell to act as The team Jack Montgomery was driving apjH*ared and some of the ferries lia.l a narrow self is not entirely free from it. It nas l»eeii will buy some ami pay you back the first time I go into town. .Vrs, Smith— Dear rnian and Mnu» Issie McCully as Secretary, Saturday indulged in a runaway, spilling out ly state»! by our cotemporary; but at five escape from drift-wood whi^li floated down in many years since we were visited with a snow Mrs. Jones, 1 would gladly accommodate motion, a committee of three was appoiut- the occupants of the wagon, but fortunately o’clock A. M. andat almost every hour afterward » E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO but 1 have only’ a very little left. I all kinds of Painting, including until half-past ten a . m . Preparations for the immense quantities. The cable of Bybee's storm thus early iu the season and this may you, ousisting of A.lani Klippel and Misses with no serious results. ferry across Rogue river was cut in order to forebode a rigorous Winter. No particular regtel very much to retuse you, but really event are already being ma»le. e Howard and Ida Daaforth, whose duty I cannot afford to be without Frese’a Ham HOUSE PAINTING, Wm. and Walter Ruble have filed their hind Al. McKenzie informs us that the Applegate save the I »oat-. A« far as we can learn no great damage ami some benefit has resulted there burg Tea in the house. Go and ask Mrs, all be to w*»L on the custodians of in an appeal case of the Cayote creek mining raised twelve feat in four hours one day last damage resulted anywhere, however. from; but any amount of rejietitioii may ¡»rove Robinson. SIGN PAINTING, ,rgan and notify them that the church suit to the Supreme Court, with Johu C. Allen week, and backed up into the Applegate Grav-1 A t'oatly Mi.Uke. disastrous, especially to stock. the indebtedness and receive the of Polk county as bondsman. G ermin C alendar for 18M0.—We have a ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, Many’ persons suffer for years with pains el Company’s flumes so as to endanger their few copiesof "Der Hinkende Bote in Amerika,” „ church property, and report at the I General Grant is at present in Chicago, and aches which they mistakingly call Ashland is taking steps toward the institu safety. It was only through the most strenu a first-class calendar, for sale. Those of our where he is the guest of the members of the Rheumatism; but which are caused bv a WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, nrtioi th* rtx'ng of the <Uy and datC °f tion of a public library association, with fair ous efforts that they were saved. German citizens desiring a copy will apply at Academy of Design. It is said he thinks of defective action of the Kidneys. No out* AU STYLES OF BRAINING DONE. prospects of success.. This is an excellent en- We acknowledge the receipt of a compli ward application will cure thin, blit the seat ,pose«i entertainment was postponed teqirise and should succeed. i once. to going to Cuba ami Mexico after coming I mentary ticket to the Ixill that will I hj given at of the disease must Im reached by internal Orders from the country promptly attend» ^report of tha committee is received. remedies. The Oregon Kidney Tea has ed to. try some of Dillon's unexcelled whisky. Houck's hall by Ashland Lnlge No. 23, A. F. worth $15 for $9 at the New York A full line of deeds, mortgages, ironclad Suits etion,the meeting adjourned to meet cured many such eases, and is the best, pur A A. M., <»u Christmas eve. The occasion > Store. est and simplest remedy known, being DOR MINING BLANKS GO THE TIMES . Wednesday evening, December notes and blanks for Justices of the Peace al promises to l»e a most pleasaut one, fur nothing Tobacco of all brands, first quality, 65c. p„r strictly vegetable, uncombined with hurtful F O ffice . I'opp’u Hand-book of Mining place A ¿ rovv KLL, Chra'n. ways on hand at the T imes office. Orders from I will be left undone fur its success. [stund at the New York Store, drugs or mineral poisons. Liw always kept on band, Prie« $1 a vopv, Nails 9c. a pound at tbe New York Store, abroad promptly attended to. McCiLtY, Secretary. I 1 H B ... Grand Opening HOLIDAY GOODS I S. F. CIGAR STORE W