Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1879)
DEMOCRATIC TIMES PB EMI DESTI AL KPlX't I.ATIüXM. COHHt M< Aiti). H9DSE, DAVIS & CO., J acksonville , Dec. 11, 1879. A representative of the Cincinnati Iffieinl Paper for Jnrkton. Josrphinr & Lake. Commercial has recently enjoyed the To the E ditor of the T imes : I favor <>f an interview with Hon. Win. I ii the Sentinel of the 10th it will i Consolidation of HOBGF, SNELL A CO., and T. A. DA\ IS A CO., JACKSONVILLE DECEMBER 12,1879 I H. English, of Indiana, and suc be seen that a meeting has been held WHO L E S A L E D R UG G I STS, ceeded in obtaining that distinguished In our town and presided over by one Democratic State Central Committee. of our ministers for the object of de I Democrat’s views of the political situ 92 & 94 FRONT STREET vising ways and means to raise funds A meeting of the Democratic State Central I I ation. Committee is hereby called to meet in the city i What Mr. English says reveal* the to pay the indebtedness upon an or . of Salem on the 8th day of January, 1880. A I PORTLANE, OREGON. clear insight, hrvudth of thought and gin that had been partially paid for CONDUCTED BY full attendance is requested. through the liberality of some of the sterling honesty that char >cterized J ohn F. M iller , Chairman. citizens of this town. It was then the Cure« all Scrofuloua aff’ctions and diaordera result S alem . Ogn., Dec. 3, 1879. his speeches while he was u member \VE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ing from impurity of thu blood. It is needless to ) I a compiete .stock of all, ns the sufferer can usually perceive their ot Curgre*«, and that have uniformly understanding that the organ was for specify cause; but Sall Hhrum, 1‘impltt, I'lctrf, Tumort, G fn . H ooker left an estate valued Ooitrt, Swtlliugt, &e., are the most common, as marked his utterances in regard to the usfe of the Union Sunday S hoo! well as mauy affections of the Heart, Head, Liver at $50,000; Zach Chandler left one DRUGS, being held at the Methodist Church and Stomach. put lie affairs. valued at $3.000,000. Hooker enlisted in this place; also for the accommoda He frankly avows that the only PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES flMIE MUSICAL COURSEOF THIS INSTITUTE WILL OPEN ON TIIE FIRST OF and went to the front and fought ; tion of any literary or social gathering office that could tempt him from his L September and is divided in four quarters, each comprising twenty-four lessons. Chandler staid at home and talked. of a public nature to be held in Jack Wonierful Cure of Blindness. retirement would be that of United PATENT MEDICINES, SCALE OF PRICES ■ Hence, etc. ___________ D. R akbom , S on & Co.: For the benefit of all States Senator; hut he would not enter «onville. The prime movers and man Piano, per term ....................................................................................................................................... oa with Scrofula or Itupuro Blood in th«ir G/ /LS’.S’IFA A'/;, II7.VDOJI’ CLASS, Singing, per term............................................................................ ......................................................... SIR G en . J eff . (’. D avis , who served the troubled arena of politics again agers of these concerts, in order that troubled ayatein», 1 hereby recommend Kmtr of the Blood. 15 oo bar« been troubled with Scrofula for the p:i«t Un Violin, “ “ ............................................................................................................................. ....... 24 M with distinction in the civil war and ! even to gratify euch an ambition. It is the people who had contributed the I years, which »o affected my eyes that I was com Cithern, “ “ ............................................................................................ . ...................................... 24 on pletely blind for nix mouths. 1 was recommended PAINTS. OILS AND who wa» best known on thi« t’oa«t as his belief that Grant will be nominated money for Hie purpose should have to Instructions in Composing and Thorough Bass................................................................ ....... . :wi 00 try King of the Blood, which has proved u great to me, as it has completely cured me, and Calling at private residences, per term of 24 lessons.................................................... 24 UG successor tn Gen. Gillem in the Modoc by the Republicans, and that in spite the benefit of their patronage, placed blessing 1 cheerfully recommend it to all troubled aa 1 have PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, Pupils are received at any period, and special attention is paid lo those who have but Yours truly, war of 1872-3, died at Chicago on the of the corruption and unpopularity of the whole matter io the hands of three been. limited time. M m . 8. W eathbblow , Sardinia, N. Y. For further particulars apply at the Musical Institute. pers ins as trustees of the contributors 80th ult. Arothe. brave man hasl>een his civil administration he will be a BLUE VITRIOL, railed to his rest, and the U. S. Army hard man to beat. When a-ked what to said organ, to have absolute control I loses another of the few efficient offi Democrat could be most hopefully of the same; but it appears from the LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. be paid to any Public Hospital to be mutu cers Mill in ’ta command. proceedings of tho meeting spoken of will ally agreed upon, for every certificate of this medi pitted against him, he said : cine published by us which is not genuine. I n reporting the returns from the Al- ; I wish I could tell you that. I think above that a committee has been ap- Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele brated (’.1/.’/iO/./C A7//.7 71 D/P, which Odd Fellows’ Building, Jacksonville, Oregon, Its Ingredients. nnv city election a certain Republican I (an Letter tell you the kind of a man poin’ed to wait upon said trustees or kills Ticks, Lice and till parasites on sheep, our faith in the safety nn<t excellence of and is a sure cure for screw-worm, seaband journal, in Its ec«ta»y over this grand i n o*t likely to beat him. It will be a custodians and inform them that they the To K. show B., upon proper persona) application, when man of pure life, exalted character, ripe loot rot. Circular sent on application. that no imposition ’is ini ended, wc will MRS. J. BILGER. est of resnltp, f> rgnt to add that the experience, free from all sectional prej will pay the balance due on said or satisfied give the name«of all its ingredients,bv affidavit. DEALER & WORKER IN gan, for the purpose of turning it over The above offer« were never n.nde la-fore by the pro Council is two-thirds Democratic.while udices, taild, outspoken and national prietor of any other Family Medicine in the World lo the Methodist Church as its exclu Many testimonial a.furf her information, and th* Recorder was also elected by that in his views, and a man in whom the ! (AT full direction« fur using will be found in the pam THE OLD STAND OF J. BILGER) sive property. I also understand that vast army of business men of the phlet “ Treatise on Diseases of Hie Blood, ” in party. We stiproae General Grant has HACES! -«Âfeÿ- TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc whicheach lottle ¡»enclosed. l ’ rice$l ]>erbottlecon- not been advised of this Republican • oun’ry have confidence. It should ihere is another party who proposes to 'lining 12 ounces, or 40 to 50 doecs. Sold by drug ’**». D. H ansom ,Sos «t Co., I’rop’rs, Buffalo, N.Y gmandawell, for no menliou is made be a man who will not only unite the come in and pay the bi lance and do masses of the Democratic party, but California St. Jacksonville, OVER— of it in his la«t speech. nate the organ for Hie purpose of assist challenge the support of that latgpand Pumps, ing in building a steam flouring mill HUNTERS' EMPORIUM ! Dytee’s Track, ¿‘ear Jacksonville, A presumptuous Lake county ' very it fl iential portion of Independ —AND- in town. It is hard telling which DEALER IN —ON— scribbler, whose massive intellect is entsand Republicans who are not in i clined to support Grant. side will win : Those who paid their HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE, I AG R IUULT UR A L IM PLEMENTS, displayed weakly through the col December 24th. & 25th. 1879. i Pressed by the interviewer to be a money to buy the organ, or the other umnsofa sheet of seven-hy-nine pre little more explicit as to the probable side. F quibob . FIKST DAY. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE tensions, evidently imagines that he candidate of the Democracy, Mr. One half mile and repeat—free for all NAILS, has at one time or other delivered Democratic Kecaiperaiioo Begins. horses in the district, l’uise $50; entrance English added that,if the Republicans tee for the same, $5. himself of something worthy of repro i Another Democratic grounilswell Foot race, .“.00 yards, free for all in the put up Grant, “1 think the chances are STOVES, duction. Why the services of this ge district. Entrance fee 85; lees to go with the A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES onr ticket would then be Bayard or ha» started in Connecticut, where New purse, l’ui se $25. nius have ro* been secured for the edi Haven elected the ticket placed in the Hancock and McDonald second. ” SECOND DAY. torial colomns of the New York Times field by tho Democracy by majori- Trotting raiT. mile heats, best two in Agricultural Implements, “But would not Bayard’s hard mon must ever remain a mystery. Scat! three, purse $100, entrance tee, $10. Free HARDWARE, TINWARE, California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. ties ranging as high as 800. Tho com ey views be in the way,” asked the lor all horses that never trotted for public T he Portland Standard has made reporter, “especially In Indiana?” money in the district, composed of the mon council is Democratic for the first To 4 LWAYSON H ANI) THE BEST STOCK count ies of Jackson, Lake, Siskiyou, Jose POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PUMPS AND PIPE, another stride forward into public fa i which Mr. English replied : time in throe years. The Greenhack ;\ of Patent and Home-made Rilles and phine and Doimias. Running race, single dash of one mile, vor, and a long one it Is, too. It al On the contrary, it would be an eie- ers, like sensible men, voted with the shot Guns, single and doel.le; Revolvers of free for all hor-es in the district, purse $25, i he latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, small ways was the best home journal our mentof strength to him in New York, Democrats. This they are d »ing and Fuse and Caps, powerful; Derringers, the latest and entrance fee $5. All trotting races to bp in harness. Na Blate could boast of; and, now that it Connecticut and New Jersey, and any everywhere of necessity, it being only best; also Hie best Powder and Powder tional Trotting Association rules to govern Flasks; Hunting and Pocket Knives of the has been enabled to furnish its readers votes he might lose in Indiana on »hat too apparent that by standing alone best brands; all sorts ot Shot and Pouches; trotting races. Pacific (’oast rules togovern races. Free for all means just with special telegrams daily,ita victory ground would be more than compen they can accomplish nothing, while at Caps, Wadsand everything in the Sports running Wooden and Willow Ware what it says in the running races. sated by votes he would got fr »ni In- man’s line. JOHN J. LA I'll HOP, Lessee. Is complete. The Standard is to be dependenis, and especially ns against the same time they render more cer He wilt also keep a full line of SHEET' HOPE, TWINE, a commended tor Its enterprise, which Grant. Why, I appr bend that even tain thp success of the R •ptihlican par HARDWARE, Nails, and Ropeofall kinds and sizes, Carpenters' and Wagon-makers' GRAND should be liberally encouraged by the such pap» rs as your own Commercial ROPE, NAlI-% Tools, a complete assortment ot 'Table and ty, th»» champion of the bondholders people, and Democrats especially. P< cket Cutlery, together with a full supply TEE BEST W0STENH0LM CUTLERY and the Indianapolis Neus, and < thers and National banks. Before the united of l’aints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. of that class claiming to be liberal and above goods are a(| of tho best quali O ur cotemporary is yet wrestling independent, w< uld support u great Democrats and Greenbackers the co ty The and will be sold PAINTS, OILS, VARNiSHES. GLASS with the notion that Thayer and Beek statesman like B.iyard, with his fault borts 'of Republicanism will stuely CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. POWDER AND FUSE, New gnus made to order, and repairing man are in the field for Gubernatorial less record, against Grant, and the succumb, and tj the people u II again promptly done and in good style. All or honors. We judge so from tho man overthrow of the traditions of the Re be secured the rights they have beer, ders titled with dispatch. CUTLERY. WIRE, i> Jth Rslieliah Degree Lodge So. 4, J >HN MILLER. ner io which he still reviews the re public by the restoration of the Grant deprived of by corrupt legislation. A (¡entrai Astcrlinint of SHELF HAkDHAEB dynasty to a third term. spective claims of these ex-candidates. i He thinks that under ordinary cir L. S. B. MARSH, A. F. QUIRES, J. . A. BURK. I. O. O. F., Quinine anil Arsenic He wouldn’t give the real Governor cumstanceB New York, ns the great Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose Form the basis of many of the Agueerem- I MECHANICS ’ for doing a sensible thing for U ’ HICH WILL CELEBRATE PI ’ S SEV- edies in the market, and are the last resort ETC., pivotal State, would undoubtedly have of enth anniv< rsary by a grand ball at Physicians and people who know no . it might injure Mr. Beekman’s Veit Schutz' hall on New Year's night, better medicine to employ for this distress claims to the office. Our cotern. ought one of the candidates; but tho doplor- ing complaint. The effect of either of these Thursday, January I. 1SS0. to be delivered of that chimera, 11 ¡rt i ible divisions there render it probable drugs are destrmnive to the system, pro ICeceptt«»ii < <>tnmittee: 4 FIRST-CLAFS MECHANIC WILL —AND— that a man will be taken from some ducing headache, intestinal disorder, verti Mrs. MeKniirhl, Mrs. J. p. McDaniel, Mrs. becoming a sad malady with him. a 1 attend to Job-work with neatness and I bave secured the services of a First-rlas« go, dizziness, ringing in the eats, and de dispatch. John Miller, Mrs. M. Baum, Mrs. _ . ¡other Stute who is likely to harmonize pression of the constitutional health. J. Ilotick ami Messis. Aaron I will also keep constantly on hand a Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair Ex S enator M itchell has re- I A yeii ’ s A gue C ube is a vegetable discov Doors large stock of Maegly and K. Knbli. , . ... * u tho party. Touching hu own Slate, ery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, turned from hl» pilgrimage to Wash- . ing promptly and in superior style. Floor Yfitnngent. nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an — a N n— , . . .. . he remarked : LIQUORS AND TOBACCO. Ington; but, the Oregonian having infallible and rtipid cure for every form of Frank Krause,T. B. Kent andChris. Ulrich. , ’ . . ,1 Indiana undnnbtoillv stands next in Fever and Ague. Its effect are permanent Particular attention paid to Farmers’ neglected to consult It. great oracle lmpiir,anpp Now Y.„k. ,„y and certain, and no injury can result from AS oiîiilâ it«»- Favtorj Music for the occasion will be furnished TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE. wantsand the supplying of extras foi Farm m yet, we are therefore at a I obs to judgment is pretty certain to have » its use. Besides being a positive cure for bv tiie entire Brass and String Band. Tick 1 I am receiving and have constantly on Machinery, and all intormation as to such Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is alsoa arm ies furnished cheerfully, on application. ets, including snpjwr (which will be pre hand a lull and first-class stock of ASHLAND, OREGON, know bow New York and Oregon will , man on the ticket for either the first or superior remedy for Li ver Complaints. It No pains will be spared to furnish our pared by lite lady members), 82.50. No go lo 1880. Mitchell will retain man-1 ’he second place, and that man will be is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well customers with the best goods in the mar pains will be spared to make this the Grocer let. as cure, of all complaints peculiar to mal MARSH & CO^ Proprietors. is andest ball ot the season. Everybody ket. in our line, and at lowest prices agement of the Republican party of ^rjle^ arious, marshy and miasmatic districts. i Agency of the PACI r IC RUBBER PAINT grmv ited. it be McDonald thpn Gov. Hendricks By direct action on the Liver and biliary DRY GOODS, Gum Boot«. TOBACCO, —the best in the woild. the State, even though llnrvey Scott will probably l>e sent to the Senate, apparatus, it stimulates tho system to a Onr motto shall be prompt and fair deal i would flauk him by takings trip to which, I think quite likely, would be vigorous, healthy esndition. For stile by ing with all. Call and examine our atouk Ready-Made Clothing, 4 LI. KINDS OF PLANING. MOULD before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guar Washington himstif and looking after more congenial to him than any other all dealers. A ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw- MRS. J. BILGER. GLASSWARE CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. anteed. a little influence be hopes to exert. . position. log, Forewnrii<*«l Forearmed. And of such is brotherly love as taught Physicians and invalids use with confidence FURNITCRE ,t ORNAMENTAL CARV He concluded the interview by ex ft-’T Everything .sold at reasonable rat os by Republican preceptors. The Kaiser Celebrated German Elixir for Con ■ ING, Ere., DoNE TO ORDER. ¡pressing the belief that, with good sumption and throat and lung diseases. It i- 1 Give me a call. K. KUBLI. Jacksonville, Feb. IS, 1875. ! rich iii the medicinal properties of tar, wild Furniture,Sash, Blinds, Doorsand Mould feeling restored between the North H istory speaks of a certain person LIVEHY, FEED & SALE STABLE, cherry, etc. Is rendered perfectly harmless , ing constantly on hand ami ¡mule lo order. who wrote bituself dowu an ass. This and South, nn earnest eff >rt to pro to the •youngest child. This would have prov- I WHY SHOULDN'T an angel of mercy in the household of those 1 is repeated by one “Junius Brutus” in mote the great material interests of ed MAIN STREET, LIKKVILLE, OREGON. the country, and no rash tinkering unhappy parents at Vallejo, Dixon, Utah, am! I the columns of the cow county press. with finnnee, we should he the happiest numerous other places, whose children wen The modern Roman(?) is said to be an and most prospeious people in the slaughtered by a quack medicine recommend j. N. T. Miller &, Co», Prop'rs. ed by its owner to cure croup, possessing no attorney whom the Supreme Court world. properties calculat 'd to cure it, but instead a deadly drugwhieli has slain its thousands. B< rquelcbed on a recent occasion and be WIIF.N THEY CAN BUY rn H E undersigned , being sta - sure you get only < German Elixir. The genu A It ¡ctiiiiouil in tti<* Field, aving recently ’ fitted up an 1 tinned at Ashland again, has turned his is now trying his case before a tribunal ine hears the Pm --i in coat, of arms and a far entirely new and commodious barn and entire attention to the Dry-Goods and Fancy Goods. Colonel E C. Bradshaw of Yamhill simile signature of Dr. Kaiser. Sample corral, we are now fully prepared to attend t of subsidized mouthpieces of a clique drug stores. Large size, 75 cents. to all business in our line. also defeated in a suit before the su county ¡a announced as a candidate L axuley & Co., Wholesale Druggist GROCERIES, MARBLE BUSINESS, Plenty of grain, grain hav and flour —OF— kept constantly on hand and for sale perior Court of Oregon. We had for Circuit Judge of the Third Dis Agents. and is fully prepared to fill all orders in Horses boarded and the best care bestow Pills ot Soli«! <«old this line with neatness :md dispatch atid at ed on them. hoped for better things from him who trict. If a persistent effort to cut off prices to • mt lifetimes. ^^Satisfaction guaranteed. Give ns a thus hides himself behind the shelter ' the extra thousand dollars formerly al Are imt worth as much to the victim of Dyspepsia or Biliousness as Dr. M mt ie’s MttNTM EN I S, TA BEETS. IIEA LSTON ES Tobacco and Liquors. . ... J- T- miller A CO. of au ancient num de plume in order to lowed Judges for traveling expenses English Dandelion Liver and Dyspepsia Linkville, Sept. 3, 187».; Executed in any description of marble. AND ALL KINDS OF — AT— frailly a little pent-up malice. i vvorihy of reward, then Col. Brad Pill. It«clears the liver of bile, tones lip Every variety ot cemetery and other stone the stomach, clears foul breath, coated work executed in a satisfactory maimer. Kerby ville Tifili» tongue, pain in the side or back, water- «<nv.- T he election in lz>uisinna on the 1st shaw is clearly entitled to wear the brash, Speeial attention given to orders from any giddiness, rush of blood to the head, pait ot Southern Oregon. Address resulted io substantial gains by the I ermine, for his principal efforts as Sen- pimples, sallow complexion ; is sugar FOR — J. H. RUSSELL, Ashland, Or. «piIESE WELL-KNOWN MILT/?, S1TU- ¡.tlor fiom Yamhill l.uvo Lech to un- coated, ami no mercury or other mineral in DemtMTûcy, negroes generally voting 1 ated at Kerbyville, Josephine county, it. For sale by all druggists. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE are now prepared to do a with that party and for the new con d > the work of a previous L* gis- • lature in this regard. It has niwuy« ShrewtliieMN and Ability. rnilE UNDERSIGNED TAKI7S PLEAS stitution. “Times have changed ¡been Oregon’s forte to demand the BY GOING TO Hop Bitters, so freely adverti-ed in all 1 lire in announcing to the public that he —TO GET— lias just r< “ ceivcd a complete and first-class the pa|>ers, secular and religions, are having about the place” and returning troards nest j jdicial talent for her Courts and a large sale, and are supplant ing all othei assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Will give as much flour, shorts and bran, no longer flourish there to count away adopt a most niggardly stnndsrd for medicines. There is no deiiying the vir such as Hats, Shirts, Underwear, etc.; best for good merchantable wheat as any mill YOUR BLACKSMITHING brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No in .Southern Oregon. Flour sacked and 10,000 Democratic majority in order ,f "i l!* petuni.iry payment. The nex’ tues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors RYAN'S BUILDING, Fancy Goods, Glassware, Crockery, branded, customers furnishing sacks. The I Legislature must make some «month, of those Bitters have shown great shrewd tions, IMIXF. IX and ability in compounding a Billers Musical Instruments, Bird Cages, Station to find a pretext for the Beating of a i as the honors of ... highest market price paid for good" mer Judge must become ness whose virtues are so palpable to every one's ery, Pocket and 'Table Cutlery, Albums, Next Door to Post Office chantable wheat in cash or goods. .Satis Republican fraud in the Presidential ! ,|RC|(|e(ipv A,npty when backed up by observation.— Ktautiuce anti Chronicle. Toys, Camlies, Nuts, e!c., which will be sold faction guaranteed in all instances. at the cheapest rates. Give me a4call and JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, chair. The occupation of Eliza Pink- i he insignificant salary of $2,000 per v p- B. LEWIS. see for yourselves. kerbyville, July IGth, 1879. Kealtli. Strength mill Vigor atone and Madison Wells and Agnes ' annum. F. BK ECKENFELD. AND AT Of the Kidneys ami Bladder always fol Jenks, like that of Othello, is gone, Presiden I’» Message. lows the use ot the great Biichu Compound. NEW STATE SALOON, l^n tLL Uli SEE IS.’®« “Dr. Milltie’s Nephreticum." Bright’s Dis I while the bulldozed negro has van Ilia bet es, I ii flam mat ion, Sinar» ing ami CALIFORNIA STREET, ished in thin air and general prosper!- ; Mr. Hayes’ annual message to Con ease, P rivate D iseases are quickly cured by it. IS AT - ty again reigns in the Pelican State A VALUABLE PANACEA! C. W. SAVAGE, I gres» has been given to the country For Leneorrhiea it has no equaL Don’t be i \( âpcine P orous / î Proprietor, persuaded to take any other preparalion. DAV. CRONEMILLER'S. G en . J ohn F. M iller , Chairman through the medium of the press and, Every one who has tiled it recommends it. For solo l>y ail druggi -is. .1 A< KSONVILLE, OHEGON. AVING AGAIN TA KEN POSSESSION of the Democratic State Central Com perhaps, by thia time many have r ’iti’fi,/ p.. f; t, T~ ■■ m'fr’. vrre airarded Ihe of this saloon, the undersigned will be hi t! >' ail 1 <rr: Fy 'tnl ai rn ne.l.rr j'tas'frr, al t» ih mittee, has called a a meeting of that waded through its gsuzy mazes, onlj pleased to meet his friends and the public t te i ei'.Omii d an.l l'arix Wùletifand f tenra’ h/ Icnov-n am'iig phy.eictam an a grrat im- aving taken the agency of generally at this old and popular resort body for the Sth day of January, the “> Aud “ a vt r* droWH>’’ commonplace 1 rnr-i ..ut i.ntl.e nntinarii f.' rout J •farter. ary I this valuable medicine, I am now pre I he finest liquors and cigarscan always be : i.-ùi'i in tc.iir l'cili’y allait il. Tho vnliia- had at this place, and the tables are al wava anniversary of tie battle of New Or- I document, It j is just such a one as we pared to furnish it in quantities to suit at l h' qatîitl « of the c<>-nni<>n porr "s j>’n«t<T are in —AT— FORWARDING à COMMISSION AGENT the following prices: Trial size bottles. 25 supplied with al) the leading newspapers t!iî? n-ti<*lr in-reri«eff 10 fold by arm aiul aHevtiflc leans,and a most auspicious time. The would expect from the personification rviüot. n. P r '.â-vei« nlinoat at ou^c and vires 1 cents; large size (holding eight <>t the small), and per Tod ium I m of (he day. wh-re otlvr plaM-rs fnil even to rclievp. Il is A tirst-class billiard table is also kept Democracy has a aeries of important I of mediocrity Mr. Hayes has proven $1. or three small for .Shots. A trial for th is viîbont <1 nbt t» o tu a rcme<|y everd-oised for VEIT SCHUTZ’ HALL, specific is all that is asked. Address all or- at this house. Roseburg. Oregon. 1 ".mcin d Wenk Back. Dhenniatiwn, Spinal nnd conflicts io store for it during 1880. himself to be. The only portion of the I ders to M. JACOBS, Ashland, Or. i i K • v <’<>nn>’;iint«r-rl n’I I -ai aelies and pains. C. W.SAVAGE. Av< 1 inii ’ atirins.Soid by n : l I)ni"{ffsts,Prico25c. — ON — It must nerve itself for the battle and eotire message that seems to have at- S eabi r.Y «t J ousbon 21 Fiait St., N. Y., Propra. erchants of J acksonville leave nothing undone for a glorious ‘lra(,tetl «"* Attention is his suggestion and vicinity shi oping goods via Rose- to retire the greenbacks in circulation, buig will find it to their ad vantage to ship SETTLE UP! SETTLE UP! through this house. zVmple warehouse triumph, something that is not only something none but en husiastic SAM’S VALLEY, OREGON, CANDIES AND NUTS, room, safe and careful storage, and business possible but highly probable. As was i resumpt ionist» would for a mon.ent aving closed business in . tack - liromptlv attended to. the case in 1876, Oregon may be a entertain as practicable. In future fllHE MEMBERS OF THE JA< KSON- John Windom, Proprietor. sonvihe I propose moving to the Soda References: s. Marks Co., J. C. Floed, Crockery, Glassware. Etc prominent factor in the Presidential ! issues of the T imes we will review the 1 vilb- Brass an I .string Band will give a Springs to locate, i need money and must G. Haynes, Roseburg. election, when her vote might have I few important points of the production grand ball on Christmas niglii. Tickets, have it. Those indebted to nm are 1 herefore Charges on Freight.......................$1.50 per ton P L A CK SM TT H1 NG O F A LL K IN DS EX- 81.00. The Barn! will do their utmost lo requested to come forward and make im “ “ Salt per car load..... 1.00 “ “ I HAVE A VERY GOOD ASSORTMENT eeuted in a superior manner at prices prevented the consummation of tb< land, by way of preface, may publish a m ike it a pleasant atfiir. mediate payment. I must ha ve what is due Mark your goods: Care of H. L. M. I of the above goods, which 1 will sell to suit the times. Give me a trial. t uiv iviùiwKa. u. X uoilji illXx.vd lo al.cliL.. fraud by which Hayes was seated. Ai.ll. 0HA2xNu2i. Roaeuurg »yuu^sia ui the clutap. I’K aso vail. JAti. DRUM. JUUN WINDOM. FRIDAY,. MUSICAL CONSERVATORY King of the Blood THEO. KUGLER. SCROFULA K. KUELI, PIONEER HARDWARE STORE. CHRISTMAS Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes ASHUND MARBLE WORKS. “EUREKA” Tho People of this Valley Save THEIR MONEY! LATEST ARRIVAL H BOOTS AND SHOES, MERCHANDISE ! THE PLACE Merchant and Exchange Business. FISHER & COHN, THE BEST STYLE Where Highest Cash prices are paid. /Î WPLASTER.l ’ Glenn's Peace in the Family CHRISTMAS BALL H. L. MURTON, M H H H FAMILY GROCERIES, NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP,