■uiMJv.Lwjuj. i w’g'riw iivriw i" m i »KIEF BEFEREXCE. WIMXi NEWS, «r » W W. I '*’■«!! ' »W »Z IKIBirEOl REMFEIT. SUICIDE. A diKtingiii*heul lii’catk, S.ck //-’id- day evening in eighteen seconds. In the race town Saturday. He reports prosjiecting in San Francisco, arrived here Wednesday. Resolved, That in the death of Brother Dan­ ache. Heartburn, I'un in theS.de* and U ickf he jumped three ditches-falling in the last M. Mensor is positively selling out at cost. The Oregon 4 California stage tipped lip last that district splendid. lx Supar coated aiu \ GCARANTEED to be B. F. Myer, wife and son reached home one iel Hopkins, tins lodge has lost a man who w as Pl RELY VEGETABLE. It acta diro-ily one. He is the chief. ____ Lanl cans at Bilger’s; also lots of new stoves. Sunday at Grant's Pass, while on its way The season being favorable and water plenty «■ver honest, the advocate of right, the enemy day last week, having ma le an extensive tour of everything that was w rong; a man that was upon the coating of the Sioiuucti and ou iim Jake Marcuse keeps the la?st of cigars and south. Jake Chase, the driver, had a foot in­ Gin Lin has commenced working his claim on through the central portion of California. T own S urvey .—Cha». Howard has l»een en­ thoroughly imbued with all the principles of Liver. Can be taken in any climate—wet jured and the tongue of the coach was broken. Little Applegate with two giants. gaged for several »lays this week surveying tobacco. our beloved Order-Friendship, Love and or dry weather. Beware ot I lUitaiioiis. The B nj. Haymond of Rock Point was in town No other damage. Savage Brothers are about to receive pipe Truth the force of his example should not l»e Genuine ha* an engraving of a lion on the Jacksonville is just 1,750 feet above the parts of Jacksonville. Some of the corners this neck and favored the T imes office with a lost on u;-, although lie has passed away for­ oulMide wrapt>er. l’nce 50 «•cuts. For sale which ha-1 in the course of time become oblit­ level of the sea. D. N. Birdwy and L. Vance have formed a for their mines on N ivage creek, and are mak­ call, lie is one of the sterl ing business men of ever from our sight, the recollection of his de­ ’ by druggist*. Du. A. E. M intie A C o . —Gent«: I have ing preparations tor the inter s run. erated, have been re-established. It is to be ’ Jackson county lias the fastest foot-racer votion to duty, his love for Odd Fellowship, u*«‘.l your lam<‘d Engli'h D.mdelioii l’lll* the county. on co-partnership at Wilderville in the mercan­ his steadfast and inflexible purpose and desire regreted that the original town of Jacksonville the Pacific coast. tile business, and have a goml stock of mis- ' List week's rams have given an impetus to torpid liver and dy*|>ep.*ia andcanfree- W. ('. Daley, of the enterprising firm of t<> promote the success and advancement of our i ' lor Iv .*ay they arc the l»e*t Pills I ever had. the mining industry of this county, making was not laid out in accordance with the points cellaneous merchandise which they will sell at Woo«l an»l flour are wanted at the T imes of- Daley A Co., Ashland, is paying our town a noble Order, should linger lo;ig with us. I can rei’ommeml them a* a sure proven the miners feel as if theie was a good time com­ reasonable figures. ©f the comjiass. fice on subscription. visit. He is serving his country in the capac­ : Resolved, That we extend to the sorrow I live and positive cure in all cases of fever afflicted family of our deceased brother, our and ague. Truly yours, Information reaches here from Salem that ing. ity of a juryman. A suit of clothes worth f 15 can l»e bought T he P reliminary S vr VKY.—Surveyor J. A mos P ar rtuDGK, Contractor. profound sympathy in this the hour of their Stockholders in the Grave Creek Ditch and Sam. Rath is dead. It will l»e remembered for $9 at M. Mensor’s. * Howard started on Monday for Waldo, Portland, Oct. 5, 1*78. sail bereavement, and w hile trusting that He Henry Klippel, superintendent of the Squaw ! s. that last Winter he was convicted of the mur­ Mining Co. will remember the special meeting Jo cphine county, where he has gone to take The weather at present indicates that the der of Evi Sebring and was sentenced to the of the company to lie held at Leland on the Lake hydraulic mines, returned from Portland who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb will 1IOVV TO SAVE M oney .— Instead of soothe and cherish them, and hold their lives last Friday night. He reports the road this securely sheltered in the hollow of his hand, going to a doctor fora prescription, if you th< elevations of the Gasquet Pass in the “XV inter is coming on.” penitentiary for life. 21 st inst. Coast Range mountains, preliminary to side of Roseburg in bad condition. i let us not forget that we owe them the sacred have Bright’s Disease,Pain in the Back and A brewery is to be built and operated at ('apt. Thomas Smith, of Ashland favore«! us ' Magruder & Hays have received 60(1 feet of Goins, Smarting. Inflammation, Calculi, duty of care, and protection. making surveys for the proposed new wagon Lakeview, I>ake county. (). Harbaugh was in town this week. He is Brick-dust Deposit, or any trouble of the with a pleasant call at our “ sanctum. ” He 11 -inch pipe for their mine on Rogue river and Resolved, That our Lo-lge Charter be dra|»e l road to Crescent City. He takes with him a County scrip taken at par at the T imes office, has been in attendance on the Circuit Court. are putting it in position; 7-mch pipe will be one of our most enterprising citizens ami we in mourning, and that the member.* wear the Kidneys or Bladder, buy a bottle oi Dr. new chronometer just received from San Fran- i are pleased to learn that lie w ill probably re­ usual badge of mourning, for the space of thir­ Mintie’s .V, C ai ,., Nov. 29,1877. W m . M T i rner , ' Committee. 1 December Roliert Garrett who carries the mail twice a j C. J. Callahan, of Colo’s valley, in the Ump­ D ie M iniie —I cheerfully testify as to lihe Southern Oregon his home. overtaken. K aspar K vbli . I next. week in a hack from Jacksonville to Waldo, qua basin, in digging a well on his place re­ wonderful efficacy of your Nephreticum. My water was til led with mucousand aedi- nier- Mr. P. Donegan is having a new sidewalk reports a good deal of rain the past week along cently, found a vein of coal six feet in thick­ F estival on T hanksgiving N ight .—The R osebvrg I tems .—Roseburg is fast assum­ ments, end after taking the Nephreticum for I.adies of the Presbyterian Church will hold a constructed on the east front of his shop and the line anil some mud. But notwithstanding ness alaiut 49 feet from the surface of the ing metropolitin proportions, a* the following two days—< iglit doses—the water was as the mud P>ol> has been able to make all the ground. festival (Oyster supi>er, Fish pond, etc.) on the resilience. items from the' Roseburg “Star of the tito clear a« amber—no mucous and no sedi­ ment. It is in my opinion a wonderful trips w ithout a single niiscoiinection. evening of Thanksgiving day, 27th inst. at the A good shoemaker is needed at I.ink ville. A gold-bearing quartz ledge was discovered will attest: Charles Jones, an ex-convict, kidney and bladder remedv. I lub room in the Masonic building, to which The citizens of that place offer the best of The “Tidings" says: E. M. Howard killed a few days ago, by Sanford Carter, John 11. WM. BRAY. ehqied with a fifteen year-old daughter of a ' a buck elk nt Keil Blanket prairie on Rogue Hyzer anf Oregon.......... Last Sat­ Manhood, nocturnal «‘missions, lassitude, C an C ows be E ducated ?—Jacksonville has D. M. Love, of Portland, advertises through who lias no personal interest in them, informs and tear" of the trip, and before this issue urday night .James Davlin, a well-to-do farmer, inability for mental labor, «lespondeiicy, n number of educated cow a. They are per­ plete in all its appointments, has been erected the Roseburg “Star" for a wife. Perhaps he us that the company has a large quantity of shall reach the reader lie will I >e once more 111 living in Looking Glass precinct, had a line and such di«ea*es a* are induced by youth­ ful follie* anil exc<‘.**cs, than all other nied- fect expert» in climbing wagons and unhooking at .a cost of $8,(MM). has taken the projwr course, in letting the rich ore ready to crush, ami that the mill the editorial harness, ami the occupation of horse together with a saddle ami bridle stolen icine* combined. Wliv will you suff-w? Examine the large stock of goo»ls .at the New gates. The farmers who bring produce to world know.his necessities. At any rate we would soon begin its work. It is his opinion tiie pro-temp editor gone. from his stable. The thief evidently under­ Send to A. E. Milltie, M. D., No. II Kear­ market have frequent opportunities of exer­ York store belore purchasing elsewhere as the ny Street, San Francisco, for the Restora­ announce the fact of his desires and thus we that the anticip itions oi the proprietors of the stood his business, as he spread hay upon the tive and be cured. Price, $•'> per Dottle. * .1 nek son < i re ni I < «»tiri. cising that most Christian of all virtues—for­ goods must be sold. give a ¡»oor, hard-up man's notice general cir­ mine will be fully realized, and that it will fluor in order to prevent the noise of the horse Four times the «piantitv, $10. Try a bottle. bearance. What is the use anyhow swearing I he Eckelson surveying party, now at work culation. walking over it awakening the family. The Dr. Mint i<* treat* alI ¡»ri vale disease* success­ ¡»rove to be a very valuable piece of property. at a cow that climbs your wagon, rips open some twenty miles east ot Lakeview is exjieri- fully. Me lh’ines sent secure from observa­ animal was one of the span for which Mr. tion upon receipt ot price or (’•. O. D. The Jacksonville Brass Band will give a “Standard." your sacks of grain and ilour and helps herself eucing some rough weather. EXTRACTS EROM LETTERS. Davlin refused 81'JO. No clew has yet been social dance at the Club Room this (Friday) Henry Klippel having leased the Squaw to their contents? Matt. Obenchain was thrown from .a mule evening. They have been so liberal iu furnish­ obtained to the thief..........Last week, Ziba “M v eve-*iglit is better." “I am a strong man again." “It i* worth fifty dollar* a in Lake county recently, ¡sustaining a severe ing music free of charge on all public occasions, Lake mining propertv, will from now’ on, un­ ami Silas Marvin, Newton Claiborne ami bottle ” “If there I* no reaction after quit­ C hance or C ommanders . —A prospective til further notice, run the same exdusnely on fraetureof the arm ami nose. that the}’ are certainly entitled to the patron­ another gentleman, went out for a day's hunt ting it, it is the king pin, etc., etc. change in the command of the Oregon steam­ his own responsibility. He will immediately Eggs arc scarce in this market. Either the age of our fellow-citizens. Tickets .*1. All in the mountains near the Little Canyon, in ’lie ship» is rumored, as follows; \\ hen the new proceed to dig an additional section of the How many hard worked individuals in all chickens don't lay or the farmers don ’ t care to art- invited. northern part of the comity. O.i Friday the our great cities an.- bemoaning their poverty, ateamer "Columbia” arrives at San Francisco. ditch, change the pi|w and bulkhead, and ex­ ¡tarty separated, the Marvin brothers g<»iiq in w hich prevents their finding the relief that Captain Can net; now of the “Oregon, will briug to town their surplus lien-fruit. The question has been asked, what can boys pects to be in full piping order in less than 30 one direction and Claiborne and conqianion change of place and circumstances, and, alaivu A number of freight teams catne in from do to j»as.s away profitably these long winter lavs. The ground to be worked lias been take eommaml of her. Captain Bollen, of the taking another course. Some hours afterwards all, rest, so frequently affords. A large major­ "Geo. W. Elder,” will take the “Oregon,” Roseburg the forepart of the week, heavily la­ nights? The answer is simple: Let them 1»«-- thoroughly prospected and will undoubtedly ity of mankind are deprived of this means of Ziba Marvin noticed a commotion in the bush­ recu|H-rating their exhausted energies. But and TohImann, formerly captain of the “City den with new goods for our merchants. take themselves to reading useful and instruc­ give good results. Success to him! es, ami sighting the object which he thought “there's a balm in Gilead." Freae’s Hamburg tive literature. The T imes is a first-rate fami­ of Chester,” now acting -as first mate of the Postmaster Muller informs us that for the Mining operations in Josephine co'.mty have to be a deer fire 1 upon it. His aim was too Tea gives vigor to the vital forces, pnmmtes ly newspaper and our boys shouhl read it care­ "Oregon,” will take the “Geo. W. Elder. week ending Nov. 7th, there were mailed at received a new impulse since the 1 ite rains. true, and aery of pain, from Claiborne, made digestion, and gives tone to the system. Try it. fully every week. this office 663 letters and 62 postal cards. T he A nkeny F arm .—The "Resources of The hydraulic claim worked by Wimer and known the terrible fa -t that a cc impanion had Mrs. says A real “unpleasantness” between two »>[>• Oregon and Washington” for November, has Simmons will lie ready for piping in about tlt vs. Wm. Byliee et al., to re- and Puget Sound.— Journal. Elder Martin Peterson, W. It. CumtnonH fie. F irst D ay . Gue half mile and repeat ■waa voted to the most popular young lady in tions. »ney. Motion to transfer this case to the papers throughout the State; but the bus- j and Miss Lucy M. Garrett, all of .Jackson Ì. District Court of Oregon denied and the audience, the Misses Ella Prim ami Kate R ate <> f T axation . For the benefit of those count v. Newman Fisher has a full line of the cele­ baud of the “gone” woman persists in his di-I for all horses in the district, l’urse *50; ell- ed. ( 'ause mm oil trial. trance fee for the same, •$5. Dorwin lieing the only candidates placed in brated iron-clad gum and rubber boots for sale. vorec suit all the same. who failed to notice the item published some LOW ELL— HOAGUE—Nov. 2, 1*79, at th« residence of the bride’s parents by Judge Fl Mit race, 3iM) yards, free for all in nomination, every vote being ten cents. T he They are unexcelled and should be given a D oings of the L egion of H onor .—The four weeks a^o, we would say, that the rate of Those who promised to deliver us wood, I I. Floyd. John Lowell and Misa Viola district, Entrance feu •*■'», fees to go with first ballot stood. Prim 25 votes, Dorwin 14; trial. -etui monthly concerts of the Legion of Honor taxation as established by the Commissioners Hoague, all of Josephine county. flour, county scrip, money, etc., should not i purse. Purse $25. the second ballot, Print 65, Dorwin 16; the <»f Jackson county is as follows: For State have become the delight of hundreds of our Several emigrant wagons loaded with fam­ fail to overcome their bashfulness and put in | S ei .’ ond D ay . -Trotting • Trotting race, mile heats, iic.qilc. Another rousing entertainment by purposes 7 mills; for school purposes 3 mills; third and last ballot. Prim 369. Dorwin 361. BORN. ilies and household goods, passed through an appearance. The roads arc becoming rough | best two in three, purse $100, entrance fee, the “Legion" took ¡.lace last Friday night at tor county ¡im poses 1(1 mills; poll tax $3, one FOUNTAIN —In Ashland, Nov. 1st 1879, to Seventy-three dollars is a big pile of money to Jacksonville last Monday’, bound for points anil we are ready to till out any numl»er of j *10. Free for all horses that never trotted for the Court House wlsicli demonstrated an ili­ dollar of which goes toward the support of the throw away on a twelve dollar guitar. How- tiie wife of J. D. Fountain, a son. north. blank receipts before the total destruction of I [inblic money in the district, composed of the ; creasing interest by all cla a’s of citizens, with Comity Hospital. much better it would have been for the re­ ..Lt'ARToN—At Linkville, Oct. 22d, to — .... — < - ■ ... —- ... The Literary Society meets this (Friday) the earth, so seriously talked of by some, oc- j counties of Jacksoil, L ike, Siskiyou, Josephine A. P. Mel'arum ai d w ife, a daughter. spective friends of the two young ladies to the female element |>re luminal ing. The ('ourt F alling S tars .—The «tars fell last night. BELL—At Cottonwood, Oct. 2d, to James curs. night in one of the up-stair rooms of the Court have purchased a guitar each for them, than and Douglas. Housewas again uncomfortably crowded, and We kept the “forms” open t<> witness the Bell and wife, a son. Our fishermen report that during the latter i Running race, single »lash of one mile, free to throw their money away on a blind hum­ House. A good turn out of the members is was imperative- the necessity of a larger house w.»«. ...i,.. .... pyrotechnic display of the heavenly worlds, WIMER —In Waldo. Nov. 2, 1*79, to the half of October and the first week in Novem­ for all horses in the district, purse $25, cn- bug? How long will it be before our people expected. wife ot James W. Wimer, a son. Iv felt.esjieciaily by those who were unable to and it was grand beyond say no,” Miss the T imes by requesting the officers of the son of B. I-. Myer <»f Ashland, aged atx»ut Klamath military road on Rogue river, some out in Ralph A Smith’s wagon-making establish­ arrangements for the Jackson (‘ounty Sport­ Fannie Dowell presiding at the organ; next a 27 years. at a premium. Rosebur’ Land Otliee, through the < ounty GOODIN—In Jnf making ate! completing a dtief, “Carry me back to my mother," by Jacksonville on, or about the 151h of No- we learn that the “missing miners" have : spoke of the other day. California Street, Jacksonville. tude 41 degrees 11 minutes north! It speaks the organization and the election ot oflicers for the Misses Katie .Lines and Lillie Ulrich; teci- M’liibcr. for the purpose of tuning and re­ turned up in Jacksonville, unharmed in both J. B. Thomas will exhibit a tine three-year- the Club. I solicit the co-operation of all tation, “Allen Bane, by Lewis G. lbws; pairing pianos and organs, and also to re­ well for our climate. body and mind. The name of one of them is old Vermont colt on our streets next Monday. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A horse-raisers in this county in this enterprise next, a balkid, “The Bridge," by Mi«s Kate ceive orders tor insti iinienta. Nathan Furber, and the name of the other we J. R. Cameron ami J. \V. Ingram came ID to help make it a success. 1 general variety store with Geo. W. El­ It is a tine animal and will no doubt attract Dorwin, with Miss Ida Klippel presiding a: slid not learn. liott on Main street, whe|fl lie will keep a in Wednesday from the Klamath country that attention he merits. J ohn .1. L athrop . ■ the or an; select readin ■ full assortment of cigars, tobacco, smoking The Democratic pajwr to be established in charge of a large band of sheep. Crossing the i articles, candies, stationary, cutlery and SrnPEN D ea th .—Walter Myer of Ashland, elli’T, b\ M'S« I'.lillll' Li Caseailes between Linkville and Ashlan»! they toys. Proposi! »«Hi lo Test Musical Kupcrtorlt.i announced the e.uumitte A young man about 27 years of age, died very Lakeview is to he called “Lake County Ex­ Between .Music Sto.tent«. Ile invites the public to give him a call encountereil from six to eight inches of snow, ¡»rogra'.itue, to consist oi auddenly at his room in the Branco-American ammer.” The press, type and oflice material and assures all thev will call again. but the roughest part of the trip they exper- 45tf JAKE MARCUSE. Hotel in this city on the morning of the 10th are already on the ground. The reputation of Jacksonville as a mu­ tie ami Emily Brown ¡in John Ray was lined i?’25 and costs for assault­ ienceil while nearing the Yalley. They got in notion of A •'. Jones it instant. Being a sufferer from some affection The groun I i* in splemlid sical center i« so well established, b ull at ing a neighbor with a deailly weapon. As lie without the loss of a single sheep in a band of of the bladder he came down to Jacksonville plow ing, and our farmers are home anil abroad, that it is sc ireely necess­ i gram 1 entertainment on Friday’ evi was unable to pay he took lodgings in jail. 1,500. one day last week to consult with Dr. Aiken ; ¡»rove the opportunity by | ary to refer to it in these columns. In mderto . I .»th, ami that the following !> - aco «bout his complaint. A hydrocele operation fields for seeding next Spring. Jacob and Lannes Klippel, who for the past test the musical competence and the pro i make • the necessary prep iration \ esterday morning the housetops and streets FORWARDING 4 COMMISSION AGENT Mrs. lloreiiCe Shiply, I was successfully performed by Dr*. Aiken ami gres* and attainments of the students of five days have been on a hunt in the Squaw i of .Jacksonville were white with snow, which 1 same: ('apt. Ferree of the firm of Ferree, Thatcher Autcnrii th, tl that beautiful science, Prof. Kugler of K lipp.l. Vroomau, after w hich he (Myer) was much re­ had entirely disappeared at eleven o'clock. Worden, (successors to Jay Beach in the L.ike region, report considerable snow in the Annie Little, Roseburg. Oregon* lieved and for two days afterward was up and ¡mst tradership at Fort Klamath) arrived at mountains and both the lakes about full of the Mu*ie Conservatory propose* a test i Ella l’rim \<»!!iing Short ot I iiiiiistakubl«* Beiictits closed by the about feeling as wi ll as anybody. Imagine the post with his family the forepart of this water with a large hea»l constantly flowing in. musical entertainment in Jacksonville, j tertainment i Coiif(>rre«l upon tens of thousands of suffer- e of their superb These natural reservoirs will now afford an some! ime in t he tie i r t lit tire. He proposes nishing one the surprise of everybody, when on Monday erchants of J acksonville i er* couhl originate and maintain the repu- week. * and vicinity shi Aping goods via Rose­ -.■ting adjourned,- morning, »bout breakfast time, he was found ample supply of water for next season’s min­ that the performers oil the instrument* 1 t er which th i lai ion which A yer ’ s S arsaparilla enjoy*. bin g will find it to their advantage to ship A meeting of the members of the Jackson- shall consist of three students of hi* con ­ an be. apparently as iui[»;»y as < • Il ;* ¡i compound of th«* best vegetable al- ing ojHTiitions. The Squaw Lake Mining Com­ «lead in his bed! When discovered his Itody through this house. Ample warehouse 1 ville Jockey Club w ill l»e held at 1 o'clock r. servatory and three students ot St, el try * loratives, with the Iodide* of Potassium room, safe and ea nt ul storage, and business was «till warm but its spirit ha.l taken its pany have in these lakes oue of the finest w ater FAI.SE IHl’R'.-SStOA’. ami Iron, ami is the most effectual of all promptly attended to. Academy. It is understood that the contest­ flight. As a lively fire was burning at the m . at the Town Hall next Saturday, the 15th privileges in the State. i iciiK'die.s for scrofulous, mercurial, or Reference«: S. Marks ants shall not have studied music over one lt i* g' nerallv snp ><».. d 1»y I blood disoriler*. Umformly *u».ce**iiil and G. Haynes, Roseburg. A Co., J. C. Floed, time in the fire-place, he must, undoubtedly, instant. All the members are expected to The “ Sentinel" says: We are authorize»! to ( vear ami three months; that each side ■ tlv jM-op’.c geuisa'lv th.’it D. <| ; ci rtain in it« remedial effect*, it produces have been up to fix it and must have gone to attend. sav that Jay B-sach, of Linkville, will shall furnish an instrument, half tiie pro­ variiblv !>• cur I. l»’i‘ w ■ ir< si y r.i pid anck I Liver Com plaints. Female Weaknesses and • t it lo'i <>f the 11 ■ art. I iidig -! 1< I rregularil i«'s, an»l is a potent renewor <>f by paralysis of the heart or dropsy of the heart recovering. the public, besides demonstrating the » f- the m.uith, &<•. Out o: the 5 ville. R ice to lie run at anv time between vitali v. For puiifying the I»I« k »»I it lias i > tieienev ami aiperiority of the respective (IfSsoM la*t year not a-in h The sad news was telegraphed to his parents Joseph Ripp brought to town a nice lot of now and Christmas tinder the rilles of the Na­ institutions, Tiie detail* of the programme < «¡nal. It tone* up t lie system, restore* a nd I porfed, luit thoii-,l".ds ul o'np at Ashland, who came down the same day and pie-erves the health, ami imparts vigl ­ 4 * UMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN ripe strawberries, the product of his garden tional Trotting Association. $250 or $500 can be arranged to suit both parties, What iiavi’ been i’i i’ei A d fi’o’n dm .’ imi energy. c«»r forty years it. ha* been ï\ l<»ts in Klippel’*addition (<> Jacks n- took the corpse to his home. We understand near Wagner creek. There are more of the dollars forfeit to lie put up within the next do the managers of St. Mary’.« » K Academy ful eures. Three 'd«>n reasonable terniH. For that the deceased engaged to be married same kind ripening on his premises. Who ' twenty «lays, Now gentlemen put up and let sav to the proposition? Prof, llgler ex - Try it. Sampl.’ Bottles 10 r available iiudi'-itw tor the suffering sick vtlle pects an answer within the next t ivo further particulars enquire of shortly; if so, this sudden death will cause a i size 75 Cents. For sale by E. anywhere. For sale by ali Dealers.” the merits of these two horses Ire deckled. I ' weeks. can lieat tins’.' HENRY KLIPPER, double bereavement. S. W. Sawyer, Kerbyville’s pioneer mer­ chant, in at present paying this Valley a visit. Mr. Sawyer is enjoying the best health and we trust that his stay amongst us w ill be a protracted one. A shooting match occurred last Saturday in Sani’s valley, which created agood deal of mer­ riment. The stake lieing a quarter beet, C. C. McClendon, John Satterfield and Win. Paine proved the victors. I'J KSu V.< i. MITES. « Grand Opening H. L. MURTON, M LOTS FOR SALE.