4 il lie g nnnnnütlimes ¡L hr gíwnrraiit ®in RATE« OF ADVERTISING Published every Friday Morning by Advertisements will be inserted In CHARLES NICKELL T imes at the following rates i One square, one insertion............. <.«>.«...• “ each subsequent one............ Legal advertisements inserted reason« A tair reduction from the above rates n to yearly ami time advertisers. Yearly* advertisements payable quart« Job printing neatly and promptly exe ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrant » always taken at j Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kates of Subscript Ion : One copy, per annum,...................... “ six months,........................ “ thr«*e months,.................... VOL IX $.1.00 2.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1879 1.00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. C. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS TO THE FRONT AGAIN! — WITH A— HODGE, DAVIS & CO I 1 laSKItlL Militi 4M» NEW*. Allltlino II. IIOWISIFAII KIRII The following act will fie ftiund If Edi -■«in would only discover nome contain matters of importance to larg mode of utilizing tin* light of other ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, numbers of persons wi'hin tbe raug days we might do awiy with the big WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. ot the T ime ’ s circulation: bills of gas light companies. JACKSONVILLE, OGN., From San Francisco An act to grant additional rights t WHOL E S A L E D R U G G I S T S, SPECTACLES, Tho yellow fever Is abating in Mem­ Will practice in »11 the Courts of the State I homestead set tiers «in public lain! DEALER IN phis, but has appear«'«! at Forest City. Officii on Mil Htreet, opposite Court House. within railr >a«l limits.. SriKIOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY I 92 N. The vote for Governor of Cali- sections within llie limits of any grant PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I ) tioii of th«* public to the tact that he has ' fornia at the late elect ion foots up as of public lands to any railroad com­ just returned from San Francisco w ith a lull CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. follows; Pel kins, ll<*put Iican, Tu.otht; pany’, or to any military roa«l <*«imp«ny, stock of UfE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND < >*!enn, Democrat and II B, 40,000; «hall be op«*n to settlers umier the Hnrps and Strings for the Same, Office—On California street, opposite Union Jacksonville, ir a complete stock of Oregon. White, Working imii, 40,000. lioniesleid laws to the extent of one Livery Stable. Drugs. Modicines, Toilet Soaps and The mines at It mdolpli, < o >«county, bundle I am! s xty acr«*s t<» each settler «'«INSISTING IN PVKTOF I DRUGS, P. JACK. M- D„ are being worked agiin. These mines, 4»«ne returned to tlieir formbr pro railroad or military road land gran’, Ir'sh Poplin, per yard............................... 81.50 and who, by existing mws shall hav«« PATENT MEDICINES, SEWING MACHINES ductiveness. Late of Glasgow*. Scotland. Office at Geo. Black Alpaca “ “ ...................................50e been restricted to eighty acres, may Seh uni p’s barber-slmp. Melange, per yard.......................................... 25«* Before the war, negroes were prac «•nter under the homestead laws an Doubk* width dress goods, per yard.... ;57'2«* G'A. INN IF. I II7.V/JOIU G'A.LS',8', OF THE LATEST STYLES, I 'nbleaehed Muslin, ¡« t yd .....Kic upward tically exempt from yellow fever; now .«ildiiional eighty* acres adjoining th i E HAS SOLD OUT HIS STOCK OF MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D., Bleached Muslin, per yd.............. H*c “ Ameriean Sewing Machin«*« a number they are subject to it alum t as much land embraced in his original entry, Ladie’s Hose, 8 pair for............. $1.0«) “ PAINTS, OILS AND of times, but has another lot of them on Groceries, Tobaccos, «fcc., c Convinced. J; > ommi-sioti ; and the residence and CALIFORNIA STREET, and everything else in proportion for eash. bert Matteson, of tho same pi le«*, fo* GEO. W. ELLIOTT. upon cultivation of such person A full assortment of Gr«x*eries, Tobacco. NEW LIVERY STABLE. J. W. ROBINSON. M. D., defamation of chtracter. She esti­ Cigars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and of the land embraced in his origi* OREGON. MRS. P 1*. PRIM. mates the injury done Imr at $lh,00b JACKSONVILLE. J M18.« ELLA PRIM. 1‘IIYSIUIAN AND SURGEON, Holiday Presents. nal entry shall be considered reai- and brings suit for that amount, to­ BACK OF COURT HOUSE, the dence and cultivation for Jacksonville, Oregon. gether with counsel fees. and sune length of time upon SPRING OPENING rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON A few days ago the sailors on tw» »rd of the land c .:;biac«*d ill his additional MANNING & WEBB. Proprietors. Office In Masonic Building, next door to I luind tlie most complet«* and best stock r-iTGlVE ME A CALL.TS^ —AT— one of the ships in port at Astoria re- or ntw entry, and shall be deducted Kreuzer’» Bakerv, Oregon street. Resi­ of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­ belled and assaulted the mate in a from tho five years’ residence and dence at R. F. Dowell’s. ville, consisting of manner, ami broke all disci- cultivation required by* law. AVIN'«; LATELY FITTED UP THE brutal HATS. BONNETS. E. H. AUTENRIETH, Ciipt. Fl «vel had th«* vessel put plin«*, commodious barn <>n theSchool Hous«* Di-orhleil, that in no case shall patent Flow«*rs, ribbons, laces, neckties, glove«, U’E have just received a new Flat and in tin* rear of the < 'ourt 1 louse, we in the stn ani and anchor«*«! her, await ¡«sue upon an additional or new home­ ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. collars ami cutis, etc., etc., which will be It and complete stock of Millinery goods, are now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ Cor. Cal. Oregon Sts., the return of tho captain who was in sold at the lowest prices. stead entry under thia act until the consisting of iness in <>ur lin«‘ with promptness and dis­ I Jacksonville, Oregon, patch and at the most reasonable rates. Portland. person has actu illy anti, in conformity ! Sewing Machines for Sale. HATS OF ALL STYLES. OREGON. The Ogden Dispatch, of a recent with the homestead laws, occupied, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. JACKSONVILLE. TURNOUTS. Prompt attention given to all business left I havealso on hand a number of th«* ceh*- RIBBONS, dal«*, says: Cole A Carter, railroad resided upon and cultivated the laud in my care. The Stable is furnished with tho best ani­ tie co« tractors, have received the con- embraced tner«*in at least on» year. brated New Wilson, Whit«* and llowc Sew­ Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. FEATHERS, mals and most substantial buggies; also a ing Machine«, which I will sell cheap for tract for GOO thousand lies, to bo used Approved March 3, 1879. first-class hack and saddie-hors«*. DAVID LINN «•ash, or exchange for grain. FLOW ERS, I torsi's boarded, and the best care be ­ in extending tin* Utah ami Northern M RS. I. VV. BERRY. KELLY. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment stowed oil them. COLLARS M odification * of the CusiitN'i roifd, from a point rear Blackfool to of furnit ure, consisting of Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. AITORNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW, t AND Bl KI.INGAME Tit K ATI EH.— Thj Boise City; from Boise to Walla Wall t, AND CUFFS. Give usa Inal and judge for yourselves. RE USTE A DS, [lerahrs Wa-hingtion special Hays: | W. T., and lr >tu thence to Portland, MANNING- a * WEBB. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Jacksonville, June 1, 187!(. is understood that our Minister f (Iregon. BUREAUS, T A BLITS, CALIFORNIA ST., Will practice in all the Courts of the State. China has neaily completed the tno< According to the report of the Grand Prompt attention given to all business en­ GUILD MOULDINGS, ifii-ation of the Cushing and Burlik Secretary of the Grand Lodge of I O trusted to my care. WILLIAM BYBEE, Prop riet or STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, f-ir Office opposite Court House. <1 F. of the United States which met game treaties, which will discourage at Baltimore last month, there are in th«* emigration of tho lower order of ('HAIRS OF ALL KINDS. JAMES S. HOWARD. this country 50 Grand Lodges, (¡975 Chiue»e. The modifications are In­ PARLOR A BEDROOM SUFI’S, rpilIS WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OP- suboixlinate L<»«lge»; <‘19 Grand En­ I tended to especially promote trade . 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR I posite Kahler A Bro.’s drng-s(ore, is M «IX STltEET, I.INKVll.LE, OllEOON. campments ami ISG3 subordinate En- 'ami not emigration, and place the Ix'tter prepar«*d than «>ver to furnish the THE ASHLAND FOR JACKSON, «-anipmen's. The total number of af­ i merchants of each country on a com­ Also Doors, Sash ami Blinds always on public with ttie choicest quality of J. N. T. Miller *(<»!•<' Also, Superior • ■ corral, we are now lii))\ pr«'pared to attend the annual exports from that country him, ami it is thought his object In re­ have fallen in value $345,000,000 from A. CHANTAIN, M. I».. to all business in our line. turning to China after the adjourn­ Sausage, Lard, Etc. FLANNELS, Plenty of grain, grain hay and tlour 1872 to 1S78. The largest decrease ment of the Forty-fifth Congress whs PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, kept constantly on hand and for sale i The most favorable inducements offered was in exports to the United State», i CASSI MERES, Horses boarded and the best care bestow­ to conclude negotiations on this sub­ to patrons, and no eft’ort will bo spared $113,000,000; the next largest to Ger­ Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi­ ed on them. toward giving general satisfaction. ject. The mnr«*d |establishment of a Chinese Consulate- public that they arc now prepared to till all ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. an’ hotter, right out o’ my mudder’s iGeneralal Havana, with subordinate Orcfon fhapltr So. I. R. 1. L, LIST OF PRICES: And a great variety of PERFUMES ami orders for cakes of every ileseription, such as wedding cak«*s, cakes for parties, wine W. 11. ATKI N ’ SON, Secretary. moul.” Consulates at other Cuban ports. The Hohl« its regular meetings monthly on T< »1 LET A KTK 'LES. including the best ami $2 0«i Ordinary size... 1'uesday evenings of or pr«*e«'M MoN anil PER­ cakes; also brown and rye bread, ginger The Walla Walla Ionian says; < Gen. Consul General avcu'op illied, by sev- snaps and crackers. Take orders on ex­ 3 a«l in the line will be served at all hours. JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., FIFTEENTH YEAR. fi-iT Fresh bread every day. co pie*s and. people are certainly a to Wall a Walla, over the C«eur «! ’ i illinium B. HOSTEL, Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. (i ROB’ a - ULRICH. Ali ne mountains, is now re op«*m*d sensational rims. Fm a while Kearny ’a for wag'ns. Any load oil the east part name occuptelv<* th»* great Captain. ” Now it is pedes- THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. I IN ORTH'S BUILDING 'llllESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS. SITU A 11 ianisin, the “ great Walking match.’* Superior Accommodations for Passengers I ted seven miles northeast of Jackson mill« s to pull a load of 4,(>u\iiiotisappears to old fo«ty- ¡University ot Halle. During tin* Franco- Bed and Bedding............................... II. F. PHILLIPS. .. 4.00 and bianded, customers furnishing sacks. »mall capsules. In order to iudu«*e ( I'rnssian war he was s|>eci:«l assistant to Drawing and painting....................... NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE — it don't Ashland, June 1, 1879. .. 8.00 ! h«T to tak«* them he told her they were «liners o! tLo prusp* cii«:g era, as in- Satisfaction guaranteed in all inst oiei «. ¡the Doetor-in-«*hief Zuelzer and Ludwig ot Piano,.................................................... .. 15.00 pay. Famili«‘s needing anything in our line T. T. McK ENZIE. “little humming birds’ egg», and were l-ignificaut and unworthy of attention. ^Berlin and Breslau, Germany. Fractures Entranc«' fee, only once,................. .. 5.(H> ' «-an always be supplied with the purest and Eureka Mills, Sept. 1«>, 1878. 8. PLY MA I.E. .sm! external forwarding goods «'onsignt'd to their for our manufactures are making j T he B ook A gent ’ s S peech . rp 1118 POPULAR RESORT, UNDERTHE • •ar«*. Freight money advanced. Commis­ facturing, and will constantly keep«»» hand themselves tell and tin* country is fill “Now, ladies and gentlemen,” BUUUltni shouted • 'or. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville I new management, is furnishing t he best sions r«*asonable. All business in this line th«* very best of Lager B«*er. Those wishing a rool glass <>t beer should give me a call. i irtg up with money drawn from the ; (he book agent, “ before the pictric con* brands of liquors, wines ami cigars. Th«' shall receive FUR «¡ive us a call. McDANIELA NOLAND. . «i: ... j .i _ «... ’ is ■, WHfJ an injuo giri, poky was—they has so long afflicted tho „ country nish the market with every description I -ot lumber of a sup«*rior quality. This mill abating in tho Eist, which of itself is called her Poky for short—but she I I CANDIES AND NUTS, is new throughout and furnished with llu TH ROUGH TICKETS 12 j C ent .» a sign of tho improvements of the wasn’t the kind that went around latest and most improved ina«*hmery. I aving taken the agency of Crockery, Glassware. Etc. times. thereby ensuring the sp«x'd v fulfillment of ! i peddling baskets and blow-guns. Not R. Brackenridge’s Marble Works ot all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills! A dispatch to th«* Walla Walla States frequently. She stayed at home play- WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,! Roseburg, well known throughout the Hawed to order with dispatch. AHOK’E WINES, LIQUORS AND Cl- 1 ing croquet in the front yard, or weut man states that of tho Indians cap ­ iSU'Dve me a trial and I will prove w hat , ( .7 gars constantly on hand. The reading State for the superiority of t heir work, I will HAVE A VERY GOOD ASSORTMENT receive any m ilers in this line. tured by Far-ow, eleven aro bucks . to the Ladles’ Aid Society, and didn’t I say, for satisfaction is of the above goods, which I will sell I table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ Jacksonville. Or., cals and leading pa|«ersot the Coast. and the ri ’ inaim^-r squaws and papoos ­ cheap. Please call. JAS. DRUM. take no copperas off o’nobody. The VaTab!e Rock, Augnst 28, 1ST».____________ Monuments a Specialty. i es. TI.e.v include Buyaha and War celebrated John Smith came traveling I pKI’AlRS WATCHES, CLOCKS AND I'hose desiring to s«*e designs and ascertain I Jack, two noted Weiser Indi in», who I through them parts as agent for a fami­ 11 Jewelry in the wry l>e»t manner. All prieesean do so by calling upon or address­ WILL. JACKSON, Dentist. are positiv« ly known to bo concerned work promptly done at the lowest rates. ly paper, hut Poky woubln’t let her ing me at Ashland. I in the killing of Munday, Hailey and j, «^Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. father iftiseacluh. 8he married Smith rilHE FARM KNOWN AS THE AM i vi i il isl icks uith A. S. J At '< IBS. 1 merman place, situated one mile smnli Grosetose last Samii er. E>g!o Eye i- afterwards, and the last act of her life I <>f Phienix ami containing 320 acres, all also reported as being included in the was to die of consumption.” JUsi under good fence and mostly tillable land, I WHEAT WANTED Jacksonville, Or. 4 NUMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN including alsi a fine orchard <>l' young isurrender. It is probably bis band, ns here Officer Uncle Sammy Jones ap- lotsin K1 ¡pfa'l's add it ion to Jackson­ I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE trees of every description ami in bearing ho was s;ippo.««*d to have been killed proaeiicd with a «boi gun ®nd the I A ville will be sold on reasonable terms. For 1 for wheat to all those that areowing me. condition. It is also a stage station, ; by the Uinatill is last Slimmer at the meeting adjourned.—New Orleaqa ILL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN further particulars enquire of or in exeliang«' for saddlerv, harness, and further particulars apply to Th nt «. HENRY KL11TEL. slii-NE, Yieka, Cal. 1 time E^ait was takeu aud killed. anything in my line. HENRY JUDGE CilifCîW Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. L lor work. Satisiaclivn guaiautevd. A. C. JONES. DEALER IN IN PRICES AT NEW STOCK ? GOODS I J. S. HOWARD’S! Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL and T. A. DAVIS A CO., GEO. W. ELLIOTT GENERAL MERCHANDISE Sheet-Music, Violins, Citherns, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, H At Prices that Defy Competition. Which will be sold at Lowest Rates. THE NEW MILLINERY STORE. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, H “EUREKA” WOOLEN MAN’FACTURING CO. BLANKETS, H CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, 0 i PHILLIPS’ EXPRESS, EUREKA MILLS R T N I OWENS & PLYMALE, CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, W MIOMAS’ SAW-MI IJ M i. ......................................... I ROSEBURG MAP.BLE WORKS. FAMILY GROCERIES? iim H ;' i P. DONEGAN, <; :. : :. 4 . . LOTS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE I • 11V »■ ■■■! e «