mrrxTTTjsuws t ^trr^onotnaaiB^K^nrz x r tx xam&r -CTg. -y raen IMPORTANT INFORMATION far ths PEOPLE. ' "A :' fi . I •>,.-»’ • F Kl DA Y,................................ 1 •' • • >BER 10, 1*79 I i .11.1. N'U’N. The penalty of p«m«.lmr' holes io U S. coin > m two year’s imprisonment ami S2,fXM) tine for every otic nee. Talkin.' to her ho .band in a loinl tone of voice is enough to semi a Persian w ife to jail If § r-5 £ - a kv ¿«s Tim TJ o - t T iiop . o »*<; h IT hifif . k of the B lood Y et D iscovered . for thirty days. It is estimate«! th it the value of the wheat fnrrs r«’! Huiiinro, froni n Common fa'up.iuu lo (!■<• Scrollila. to Is- exported from Cdiiornia this season will ag ;. egate $ 12,000,r that. age. IL' has now th« two best three in America. “Ami l> l«ly, «larl;«i>, they’ve !»«• -n tellin' me there’s too many <»t ns in the world. Now, if you ami me git the praste to make us to wan, troth won't there be one the less?" Pious old la ly : “Just think. Rose, only five mis.ioiiaries to twenty thousand cannibals!’’ Kt«iii-hisor«l. r« «l T.ivcr, t'on- •firatii. , .X.-i vous All« ete.t , Gtaiernl Ii.bility, in fehort iill thè iiiiiii« r<><«4 «li-.-« «s unii «liK'oniforts < ..i.s« ,i bv iinpiu«! b • H.-1 nre h |» «-«tily con<|t>ere«l l y t’.a.- | «vv. rtul <-.«« ree <» , thè ami sov. n-i.-n < f :cl :i r-. «it or luuivta lu discoVeries—K: n <> or ma r*i.. ITS 'II? is IT9 BEST DESCRIT­ TI O VI, r * .’ 1 » a r.i« il «li p« n- r ol thè bl-- «.f 1. « a, a.. I v,..-.e s thè fees thut luik la thè Vi». I. li baiiisì'.cs PI XI TT. rs. S VT.T RITEl”»», se V.I.V |;;ts IT1O V*, I I.t'i.sts, sì ti,» in. i:>. i ::v i:it som s ¡«il -1 StKUill.OtS D1SOK- l>I tts. Tt checks 4 OASI HPTION in its enrly stsire». 1« Las I«.•>|tien lv i-urisl li when .-iilvams-.t. It ilisja i s Tt V’O’IS aml < Alit l.KM without th • -s IVon’s klllf«*, 1« cure* 1« ?tO !’S Y, g net ni or parti li. I. cun» F I. »1 A I. E XV 1. A H .\ ESS an«l DISEASE. It rcslue. s in ii sale «olii cflV'ctual manner a'I swell- ings, ex i-rtinl or int.ertinl. It «tradì« it« s tl.a ellvets of Minerai Toisons, aml e-tahli-la s n a*.nnd «-«nis- itut ion. M inv .« rtiticates, lunch furti«, r information ami f«i!l <: irections te.r u m l «, will b ■ fon mi in the parn- plib t, • l're.itl-.-on li MW-esuf thè Bhssl,” in vvhic.h cai h Lutile i, ene . «I. l*r««-e $1 j>. r l»'tl« contninimr 12 onnces, or 40 to r-oàl Ly iHtal« r.s in im .lieine. might let the army of otlicv-seekers approach D. WTSOMj SQN & CO., Proprietors, Jtutralo, ab Y. as he had now something that he wotihl give them. I». If. FEATHfiRS. .Agent for Jacks,«n and .losephine Counties. Headquarters«, Jacksonville, Or. MECHANICS' PLANING MILL n!•>' ASHLAND, OREGON, MARSH CO., Proprietors. 4 I.L KINDS OF PLANING, MOCI.D- .1 ing. Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw­ ing, C * ■ r t > MC ; À* Furniture,Sash, Blinds, Doorsand Mon!«l- ing constantly oil hand ami made to ord«-r. Paris “Figaro,” commenting on the recent affair in San Francisco, says : The politi« al stnuJes ha«l brought into anta onism Rev. Kalloeh, the candidate <>f the next election, th«- Workingmen's partv at ami Mr. De A «»ung. editor of who stipi» «rte.l Mr 11;.Iks the “('hronicle. the candidate <> f th«- Ib-pulJa •an p; uty. Borne jH-«>ple pn »fess to 1» 1lieve that if the 1' 'piihl'cans ca« ry Maine ainl < )!>!« > i t wil I ill- B»;rxs a I’«-prMi«- an vii-torj in Isst). The «•! iniie- e- are that tin- 1 |»iil>l'can-t w ill n.i-t « any b<»th these States tl iis Fall; but it' tin V «Io, they will cn'y have canid two I; p i Jn an States which cast their electoral vote for Hayes in 1S76, when Tilden was elected President. The Republican Centrd Committee of Iowa have procured for a brief canvass the services of that illustrious soldier and st desman, J,«bn • f'. * . A I sj. fCWe w ill contract to «lesign ami erect all kinds of buildings. When desirable to th«»«- employimg us, we w ill furnish all tin- rt<|iiired tor the construction of anv building ready for occiipam-v. M ABsil A- CO. I'AXCY GOODS, LADIES KID GLOVES, HATS. verS CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., J,** Invigorator S .A i Pi*ie ai! s .■«.■' ami conditions in .ti« cii ii:«tes. «-«in: u’iing n< ither caiomel tior eteri u «il t«». tl ' m ? l’ills ntav t»e taii- ii v.ìiii -af tv i«v ai!’'i-odv. Iheir ci. ir-rniiing pr-o-rv.-s tlieni « ver fre-h. •mi «na::vs tketii in«-asant to take: wiiile tiemg pnreiy vcgetanle. no harm can arise :roiu their list in ani «mantitv. piD i ai : i i> i:r Dr. J. C. AYED &. CO , Lowrl!, Mass., i'rietifil ariti tinti ficai (’li.-m ist ». S«>L1> BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERY Will .RE. plaster W LIVERY I • «pi - ’ «<«Í t’>«* common p >r<»-sj ’:i-i r nr«- in t ■.««-•’ 1 in - • - «I til fu'I I y ,i- h » i« nt'fic ri ’ a. p r m s nlinn-t nt <>ii'c and < nrex «1'1« « ■ n to r« ¡leva. It is v -o- t «' ' i I'I -i t r'-ni'aly ever d'-vised for ! i •:::■ • : • Pri('««s*e. S.. -.:.v «.t Joiix.-oa 21 1 mtt St., N. Y., 1‘rcprs. .\ ml you are no: ile << ti.a*. H you «.id Io an­ swer saiil i-omplaint as above require«), the i’laintilT w ill apply to tiie Court f«»r the re­ lief demanded iheicin, to-wit; Fora ci ? \ tic -Ti m t:s l>v order ot Hon. H. K. Hanna, Jmlge ofsaid Court, imide Sept. 21. 1*79. C. W. K AHLER, Attorney for Plaint iff. ORNA M ENTA L PA INTING, fiSHLSND IRTELE W9ÛKS. FLECKTF • & M ".Y.-'R, Sole Agents, Portland, Oregon. 3. P. HANNA. Stove repairing. Plow Points of all kinds, an 1 Brass Work of every description made to ord«-r. 11 ¡ghest cash price paid for old iron. Garrett's and Babbitt's metals al wax’s on hand. I.AW'loN A SKINNER. I <3¿ LISIE for SALE hop biïtepî ; (A ?Te«!i. *m mit a Drink,) C' HOI’S, TM’Ciil , M A NDKAIiE, ■ k DAMHII.IO V kd Tin: iTi-a.-T ecu r.: »r St;: H".T, ÇVALETTES At L oT.aai l.r. n ■Z’rrrgS’sr cgd ' jtliz : 1 Eiiganis Ol Ml Diseasefi of t he Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Or.-.iib, Ncrvousr.(‘.'W,bleep- ’•JssiKss and esj^ciaHy I'ciiHilui (»niplainta. Í —OF THE — Will be pall f«»r n c.« <• they w ill id t euro or help, or 'fornnyt! • •’-(» or i*; :,.p i ris found in them. I a . ky. ir . t f r 11« • I ’ t :- h uad try them Ijvfure y *u .e< p. 'Luke i.o other. I ■ nop C ough C ureì t’ie Ask C TV^rqAT c ^ pvtvt . t. . R«whu D r,N.Y. G R 1VS «.AUt MARK. TEE GREAT EEG LlSH iiEWcD'f, m un'ailing cur< tor spermator­ rhea, Seminal AA’eakm-ss, I m- potcm’V, ami all diseases t hat Bt'fc-r follow as a s«>- «|ii«-nco ofS«df-Ab iise; as los l Diversa] !. i-sitmi«*, l'iin in the Ba«-k,Dim- m ss ot A i-ion, Premature Ohi Ago, and m.inv otlier Diseases thut 1« ««I to Tiismily or Consnmptioii aml a Premature Grave. « 'Full particulars in pamphlet, which w«- 11« v THE GRAY MEIH< INI'. < <». No. 10 (lech in «'s’ Block, Detroit, ■ «.. Sohl in Ja<-ksonx ill«- l»v all li t «mi hyall wholesale and retail dri YOUR • MARBLE BUSINESS, rilE BEST STYLF HUIE FNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- I by inform the pul>l; • that he has ONE 1H<>1 s.ANDBl Ml I I ,S ofsuperior Jacks« -n ('reek Lime for sal«' « heap. Persona wish­ ing Brick-lay ing or I iastcring «lone in tho l««--t style ami at reasonable rales will do w« 11 to call <>n me. For furl h«-r informalioa r’nvpArTV inquire al th«' 1 ram-o-.Aim-rh-an Hotel. <4. w. Jack - inville, Feb. 11, 1875. holt OF SAX FRANCISCO, v y îssnpf- : «IrugvL-1. THE ami is fully prepared to fill all orders in this line with m-alm-ss ami dispatch ami at F’MmtM-JOl price- to mt the times. A * ** on W .- à W / ¿XI V I .M< iNTM EN I S. T A BI.E7*. 11 EA I ST* >N I s MAM i \< rvr.i n daily bv *© Executed in anv description of marbl«-. Everv variety « t e< .m-tery m«l other »' >m Th.e Siskiyou Can4y Factory IN CRONEMII.LER’S beilding , is work «-xi-etited in a satis!a«'tory manner. l in teceipt ot a tuli assortment of material Special attention given to oi-l< r- from any md | r-'parc-l to do all work in his line on part ot Southern Oregon. Ad«lrcss short notici- ami in a workmanlike manne J. H. REssEI.L, A-ldand. Or. rpiIE choicest KINI& FURNISHED A ehieles of «-very dt-scrip:ion made toorde,. ierms reasonabl«- ami satisfaction guaran- I at San l'ram-isi-o rat«"-. <>r«lers from tee. >, »film Stato of Oregon of .1 « s,-¡ him*. Il, v s. ! -aae < -ox and lints. Suit in E«piity icel a ju !¡ ihm nt and correct a mistake in ore«-los<> a nmrt g:ige. H1HE ENDERS1GNED WoEI.D RE L speetfully inform their friends and the public g-eiv-rally that they* ha.v«* purchased the above establishment, which will be hem-ctorth conducted umler their constant personal supervision, ami they guarantee s.ati»fact «ii to ail who may favor them with their patronage. r.\ I NTI'.KS. TIics«-stables ar«' centrally located, ami w'ithin «-onveim-nt di-tam-«- of tlm various liou-es of public entcrt.'iinment. llor-«-s IV E ARE FELLY PREPA REI» TO DO ami mules will b<- lH«ard««l ami car«-d ¡'oral »4 ail kinds of Painting, imduding moderate charges. They have one of the largest ami lirn-st stocks in Oregon, south ol HOUSE PAINTING, Bortland, of A store was broken into one ni lit. but« strange to say, nothing was carried off. The proprietor was making his boast of it, at the I7R0M WHICH THE. BITTERS ARE I ma«l«'. ma Mi-xican Herb, an I is imlig- name time expressing his surprise at Lwing enous only io a small section of Lower nothing. “Not at all surprising,” said his II «ja i Ca lit«>rnia. It h is I>.-,-n 11-i- l l«y (lie itihabitants of Low- neighlskr. “The n>!>l»-rs li .lile l a «b.dn’t they?" “Yes," was the re dy. “W 11," < o i- er< a'ifoii-ia for the last thirty years as a tinued the m-i.hboc, " hev i«»uml vour good- gener il 1NVIGCRAK»R OE HIE SYSTEM. marked lip so hi„h that tii.-y coul ln't a.h«r«l to take them." 1 4>r«*it< lli-iii«-!j for .. í . m CT SUTiîMOKS. Car. California and 4th Sts. SIGN PAINTING, rjHIE VNDERSIGNED ARE NdAA’ PRTf i | .ireil to m ike all k-mls <«f Castings, ami mannfactur«' or repair all description* of ma«-hinerv. upon the .shortest notice ami the most r« u.soiiable terma. Constantly ou hand all size s of A. M. J< Ii n son, T ' 1 ’ !> ( Vie« I’n / att I Jf -i '/> " «i ■ '» ta il nari j ' rutit ^•la■■‘t'r. .1 any ; 7 «•■ t i inti r tu i !•<' ! 'y a' • t i'. Tli“vi!i:.i- ii :.AN< II : IHRER. ? i \ E N S Ofyg F9 Í apcíne P orous A ('«•titer of Second and Center Street-» M. D., Bn mlent. -I. M. WAl.BBI ¡J J. P. PARKER. Proprietor. i Y1 1, Oi'' BIG BI TTE, OREGON, A S!SK!YCiJ IRON WORKS, “A, With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ Also good Sa lillc Horses WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, sonable t«-rins. ami Mules, which will 1««- hired to go to an v ALL STYLES OF GJUINIHG DONE. part ot the country at mo.lerat«' rates. ic State ticket. Gen. Ia«gan had Animals bought ami sold, ami broke to better look out for hints. If. IL- should re- Onb-rs from thecountrv promntlvattend­ saddle or harness. ' ‘ ‘ metn’s-r the fate of a poor tcllovv who tried to ed t«». J. A. CARDWELL. stop a locomotive. *«» ’b-r? Litri »’ i »; vm If you will s’op ■ a li g s.» mach on tin« clothes, ri, a t«> i i ' ! buy -<>»<1, hoj hy f«»»l, ch‘‘ i*>»r a * I b •: r < ’ » ’»in, : Xs*. m «r .n s vi h r w ry u : , real au«l subs' m;i «1 • •» '• i» uut f f.n ’1«»\ an«l estiecta.iv 1 -';« 1 ing ex|w-nsiv.-, ««a . <1 » ‘to’s or usili f mo of the vile «ni «mil ' n:ic buine that »!<> m you only harm, Liu pm ««ar tru-t in that .simpie, pure rem ■ ly, H »p B i ers; t a cures alway i at a tridui.' cost, au I yon wil. se« good times, and have o > j 1 h.-allh.— [Chronicle, DBT-G00DS, f- A. Logau, This is «lone in order to h«-ad off, if |M>ssible, the staiiqx-de of old - «l«li -rs to the To tell the truth, we are surprise.1 that the women folks show th«- amount o' common sense they do. Voting man, sup.»«dug v««u were told, say f. ■uty ' inn s a •' -v, how bi :_ht your eyes ar«-, whit magm.i«. nt tri- - s ar yours, how eiiclr-ntiiig your so« a-ty is, how nicest, sweetest, l»-st you are ; h««w Ion -, think you, 1«. i.”’e y -u Wv.r ' d -v<1 . . n,-.> t' assiest koid u«'a ja ka ,lw ay - p. ..v id. .'« y on were not one in ■ a • ■!«!".. rr< » TH £ 2 E’i’IBï.ïCJ: PARKER S STEAM SAW MILL, The recent golden Th«- NEWMAN IÏSHEB. SAM FRANCISCO GOLD, SILVER, NICKCl AKO CC??E3 FIATIKG WORKS, IT'RNH'1'RE «V ORNAMENTAL CARV­ ING, El«-., D< >N E TO ORDER. had died. York, September 29th. Important Reduction in Prices Oregon* H was 79, ami President John (juuuy Ad .n >' m 1847. when he was the same age. Chirks Francis Adams is 72. FÜH SIXTY DAYS ! (4pp. Odd Fellows’ Hall, »rii E BI-XT PROCESS YET DISCOVERED EoR SAVIN’«; FINE OR 1 LOA GOLD. I Extensively n-e«l with greti sue«a-ss ii; gravel ami pl;m«-r milling in various parts of t In- Paci lie CoI<1 « xlracted f rom <>l«l Plates at a imulera’c cost by a n«-w and economical process. Ohl Piai« s (whi-li often contain a surpln- «»; gold above the cost of plating) MA h .4 M I- 1J(>I T, /*« opnc/rcÄi «•an !««- r«‘-pla'« «I. With the most extensive facilities on the Pacific Coast, orders can be filled very promptly ami sati-tai-ti< n guarantee«!, - Mining Men and tin- pillili«-gem-rally are cautmned against unprincipled ami ir- r«'-1 «««usi bl«- pari ies i ra veling th rough t h«' count ry, endeavoring to secure orders for very rpHE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD interior qualities of Silver Plated Mining Plates. I of tendering lit r thanks to the public for the pa«roiiage which lias hitherto been ex- t n.led to her, ami would respectlully sollic- <111 ion its continuance. Her tables are always umler her immedi­ EDTJAHD G. DINTHSTCN, ate «-out ml ; ami by her long exjiericnce in th« 1 >u si Fa's- -h«' f < ■« 1 s cot i fi dent t In* t she will _iv<- ent ire -at i-: action to all. Her beds ami y* t > 7 room - are titleil up in th«* most comfortable à L W -j ± A A -. \ le, -nit« 1 to the m-•omm«>«!ation of single oc< upant s or families. Her beds are al way a kej t .•!«■ n<‘i i lei: ai R osi burg , O rfgon , I September 17, 1*79. j \TOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the fol low ing-na me«l set I l«-r has tiled notice of liis intention to make final proof in support of his ciaim, ami secure final entry thereof at the expiration ol thirty day s from th«- «late ot t h is notice, viz: .John < a I - laghan. Hoinesteail A pplication No. 2.211, for t lie S. XV. 1, of See. 24, F 3«, S. R., 1 \\ est, ami naim-s tlm following as his witnesses, viz: Jesse 1 i¡char«Ison of Jackson county, ami S. ('. Taylor of Jackson count.v,< Oregon. \V. F. B i : n l A.'llN, Register. HAVE REGEIVED ANOTHER LARGE consignment of the eelebriitc«l Singer Sewing M.u-liiiies, which are for sale on th«- usual liberal terms ami at the regular prmes established by the company. Tliercf'ire waste no time, money and patience on in­ ferior maehines when yon ea«i purchase a genuine Singer at tin- same figures. In buying a Singer you get a machine of ac­ knowledged merit ami established n-pnta- tion. ami are certain of having value receiv- e«l lor y our n oney, as every machine is war­ ranted by th<; company. The Singer < ’ompany now sell three-quar­ ters ot all the machines sold in the world, the capacity of their works at Elizabeth, L and D uk e at R osebi rg , OiuxtoN, ' New Jersey, enabling them to turn out over September 20. 1*79. « a thousand machines a «lay, ami they have \TOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1,.'«t S. \\ . tee umh-rtook to furnish sew ing imi«-liities E. ' i ot S. I-;. 1 , See. 3, T. 35, S. R.,2 \V„ ami totlie nee«ly women of that city, ami appli­ names the following as her witnesses, viz: cants wen- permitted to choose from six «lif- Andrew Brown of Jackson county, ami J. ferent kinds if machim-s. 2,911 applic ints A. < hastain <«f Jackson eountv ,< >r«-gon. W.M.F, BENIAMIN, Register. were furnished with machines, of wbicn number 2,127 elms«. Singer machines ami 517 « their choice among the live Administrator’s Notice. ¡other kinds of machines. They were to earn their living on these machiigts, and In the, matter of the estate of Win. A. Per­ took th<- Singer, because kins, deceased. yoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IS THE BEST. the umlorsigne«! has been appointe«! by th«« County Court of Jackson «-oun- The people bought Singer machines as fol­ ty, Oregon, sitting m probate, Administra­ lows: tor of th«' «-state of Wm. A. Perkins, de <-eas«-i|. 1*79................................. 127.S33 Singer Machines. All persons indebt«-«! to sai«l estate are re- IS7I ............ ................ I81.2i',() «piested to settle tic-same immediatel v, ami 1.872................ 219,75,8 tlios«-fiaving claims against I he cstai«« will 1.873................ .............. 232J14 presort them with the proper vouchers to 1.874 ................ .............. 24I.G79 m<-at Portland, Multnomah County, Oie- 1875................ ...... 249,852 gon, within six months alter the first pub­ lication of this noli« e. I87ti................ .............. 2112.31C» L. HOLMES, 1877.............. .............. 282,812 Administrator ol said estate. 1878................ ................. 35C»,432 General Crant cxpectu to complete bis tour O» the Pacific Coost aml return t<> Chicago by the I3th of November. The reunion of the Army of the Tennessee will not take place uu- til after Ins arrival. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. li pnrliles t*»<- ?*!<»« J. Count R<»s«l»u«l ami P>amn Littletinger were passengers on the incoming steamer. They are coming to the State Fair. LEGAL ADVERTISE}! ENTS. ■TVHFsrrr » V ’rrve taken the Lead V’m4 ÍC-.1 Covra V/C. x -GVS» plt fURES ENLARGED TOLIEESIZE i bom photographs or tin-types at prices i anging from sig to *50, opening eye- of de­ ceased persons and making all changes de­ sire«! in wearing apparel, India ink, water- «•olors, crav.m and ml, etc., in a manner un- « x.-< lied by any other establishment in the I nited States. Jas. Gridin, agent of the Company, will return l«> ¡hi- s«>eiion in the course ot a few we«-ks from a I u im — 11 ip in Lake Co., and will be pr«-pa red Io take orders for t his work, sitisfaetmn guaiant« «-<1 in all eases. I.jtiarb rs at and 1438 Market ''in 1 r.iiieisi-ii HUIE RANCH ' x \s THE I : I \ - i nett ran«'le a. situated on the Illinois River b«-tw«-cn ) -i« i l-y \ ill«- and AA'ahlo. J-«s<— |«him- Co., is <¡tie r«‘d tor sal«'. 'I’he ranch cein- prisi-s grain, meadow and nrdfii land, all under good cultivation, 1 imi<■ is a < <>mlim­ «lions dwelling house ami barn thereon,* both nearly new. -Also a fin«* fruit orehanl growing on th«' same. The place is well supplied w ith 'rrigatingditcheti, A«'. 'Time will I,«- given for part payment if«!« sired. F« r fun her pai t iculars to H. K. H AN NA, Jacksonville. WALDO EXPRESS. Carrying CENTS A YEAR. HIE <111« l<;o W1EKLY NEWS. ClIEAI'Esr weekly n<-wsi>a|>«-r in tlm < s SEVE.X’TV-Fl vk C knts a Y ear . (•««Iage INCLUDED. FlfU-enth year of publication. It is «■specially complete as a m uxpaper, juili- lisliing all the dis­ patches of l«oih tlio Wcsti-rr. A is .«late,1 I'n-s» an«l tiie Nation a: A -s< *<• ir «■■ I}-«e»s, be-.. , an extensive sa stem ot specialdis- i»atrhe* fron. al I Import mt points. t is ndmt in Politic», pre« senting political news free from partisan coloring, without fear or favor. Every numbercontafnsSix Cnntplef,d Storim. A favorite family ¡taper. It Is the Cheapest Weekly in the U. S. 75 rents a year. Address ('hira^o Weekly News, 123 Fifth Av., Chicago, ILL EAVES J A< KSt »N VI I I E MONDAYS ami Thursdays t-«r A\ ahi«,. Leaves Waldo Tu« «lays ami I-riduvs, First-