d M (Linivs. whv fll i'iil C fWÜÍ ®imw. A j Published every Friday Morning by KATES OF ADVERTISING CHARLES NICKELL. A«1 vertisements will be inserted in th* T im i> at U»e mi lowing rates ; One square, on»* ins»*rtion........................... $3.00 “ each subsispmnt one............. 1.00 liCgal a«l vert is«»!)!' uts insert« «1 reasonably A fair reduction D i » i t he above rates mad* to yearly an 1 tune adv er I 1 i - always taken at j»ar- ❖ Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Subscription : One copy, per annum,....................... “ six months............................ “ three months....................... VOL IX «.?.oo 2.110 1.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, » OCTOBER 10, 187!) NO. 42 WM PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. 0. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS TO THE FRONT AGAIN! HODGE, DAVIS & CO., —WITH A — <•15 F it A I. .Muth ANI» MHS. HOW JS JW - HI.MMi «LAIMS AttH I.OIAÌÌ.1». TV BE Oregon has 300 Post-Officer. Wo have been requested to publlah Portland is making arrangements to ATTORNEY dr COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELHY, the foliowit g section* from the United give (¡rant a rec«'ption. Stales mining law-, as being ot inter- JACKSONVILLE, OCN., Daniel Drew died suddenly on the W 11 O L E S A L E I) R U G G I S T S, SPECTACLES, ♦ st •«» a large < lass of person*: 18th ult. at New Yolk. Will practico in all the Courts of the State. DEALER IN “From mid after the 10th day of Ollie«* on 5th street, opposite Court House. The placer mines it) the Cdapooia M ay, 1872, any person who is a eitizi n, scimi. BOOKS. STATIONERY, eaney goods . 92 Si 94 FRONT STREET mountains tire reported a failure. of tin- United States, or who has de­ G. II. AIKEN. M. D.. Albany will give the use of a $20,- clared his intent ion to become a citizen 1)EGS LEAVE To CALI. THE ATTEN- POKTLAN I >, OREGON. physician a n d s u r g e o n , 00(1 twine mill to any one who will may locate, record and hold a mioing 1 ) tion ofthe public to the fact that lie has run it. just returned from San Francisco with a full CAI.1FORNTA ST., claim of I ,500 linear feet along tbe JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. stock <»i Oats tire brought to Sjmkane Fulls, cour-e of ¡my mineral vein or lode sub­ JE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND W. T., ami sold by Indians fora cent ject to location; or an association of Harps and Strings for the Same, Office—On California street, opposite Union J acksonville, 1 a complete stock of Oregon. Livery Stable. a pound. persons severally qualified as above, Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Scaps and < UNS1ST|\G |\ part OF C«»l. R »bert G. Ingersoll, the groat may make joint location of such cl tim MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D.. DRUGS, Perfumery, Liberal, has gone back on the Re|»ub- of 1,500 feet, but in no event cans HEAD HIS CASH PRICES. LADIES' FANCY GOODS lo ation of a vein or lode made subse­ lican party. P n YS I C I A X AND S U R G EON. PERFUMERY and T<»11.1-71' ARTICLES quent to May 10, 1872, exeeed 1,500 DRFXS GOODS. Mr. Body, of Lane county, has Jacksonville. Oregon. Irish Poplin, |»eryard..... ............ raise«! a corn stalk that is 11 feet 4 leet along the course thereof, what­ PATENT MEDICINES, Black Alpaca “ “ .................. ever may bo the number of person* inches in length. Office in Orth's building and at the City Melange, per yard.......................... composing the association. Drugstore; residence on California street. Double width «Ire-s gou ts, per v A rich gold bearing quartz b‘«lg<' has i r.i /,•/;, J!7A7»OIP 67, JAW, With regard to the extent of sur­ OF Till] LATEST SI Y LES, I'nbleaehctl Muslin, per yd...... ye has sold oi t his stock of been found on the betidwateis of Myr­ DR. L. DANFORTH, Bleached Muslin, per yd............. face ground adjoining a vein or lode, 1 Am<»ri<‘an Sewing Machines a number tle creek, Dougl is county. Ladie’s Hose, K pair f«>r............. «1 of times, but has another lot of them on and elaimeil for the convenient work­ PAINTS. OILS AND Groceries. Tobaccos, tec., &c. PHYSICIAN A ND SUR G EO N , Ki«! Gloves, per pair...................... Gen. (¡rant will probably leave S hi ing llo-reof, the Revised Statutes pro- hand. This is the lightest and most rapid Felt Skirts........................................81 running, as well as durable, machine there W ill« Il II I is SELLING PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, Francisco for Oregon on tlie 14th und vide that the later il extent of location* Children’s corset waists. ...........«1 Jncksonyille, Oregon. is made, and so simplo that little girls live 4 i arrive about the I 7th of month. Embroid. Table Covers............... 8; or six years old make their patch work oil ' of veins or lodes made after May 10, 44 Laces Sc.. Embroideries pr x«l. ite P. J. them. This is the place to buy good watches, The Si:»(e University at Eugene 1872, shall in ii «> case exceed 300 feet BLUE VITRIOL, Sleeve and Neek Ruehing .......... clocks and jewelry, and he will sell cheap attended City ba* op<*ne«i with an attendance of I on each side of tho middle of the vein GOLI) J EW ELRY. goods cheaper than any one. 22//', which about 75 by 100 feet in size. Jacksonville, Oregon. at the surface, except where adverse 44 finest lot of Spectacles and Eye-glass­ kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, Roys' Hats..... ........ .................. LOO MILLINERY STORE! es The 44 «'ver brought to the market and Watches Blank«*t-line«l Duck Coats.. 5.00 'I'he intermittent boom for General rights ex; ¡ing on the 10th of May, ami is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab ami Office In Masonic Building, next d«»or to Boots and Shoes sold at the lowest pri«-es, and Ji welry of every description. foot rot. Circular sent on application. ILiucock lias been started again, bul 1872, may render su?h limitation nec- Kreuzer’s Rnkerv. <»reg«>n street. Resi­ i Call and In- < Ouviiice«l J; and every thing else in proportion for cash. he won’t resign his position in the es-ury, the end lines of auch claims to dence at B. F. Dowell’s. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. A full assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, NEW LIVERY STABLE. army just yet to cotn .nonce a canvass. l»e in all cases parallel to each other. Cigars. Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and S)id lateral measurements cannot ex­ E. II. AUTENP1ETH, OREGON. MILS 1* P. PRIM. JACKSONVILLE. Holiday Presen.s. J Miss ELLA PRIM. The War Department is about to es tend 300 feet on either side of tbe tabli-h a school in Oregon for Indians. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. middle of the vein at the surface, or Th«* acan lh«‘School House i«iga. His advice to the colored men prior claitns but 100 feet can be taken Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, H E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW Flat and in tlu1 rear of the Court House, we is to keep away from exoduses and on one side, the locator will not be re­ H. KELLY, collars and cuffs, etc., etc., which will lie II and com píete stock of MI Hiner}' gomis, are now fully prepared to attend to all bus- Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., sold al the lowest prices. s ick to Die South. consisting of ini'ss in our lino w ith promptness and nnti«*s, Or«*gon. story of an alleged alii.nice of Blaine WILLIAM B1TEE, Proprietor STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, suit ie commenced by an administra­ Offlvial surv«*vs made ¡oi l patents obtained Ml and Sherman against (¡rant’s po*sibl«* at reasonable rail's. Full «‘opies <»f Mining tor appointed in Jackson county by CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. Call and s«*<>th«*m at the building former ­ candidacy, said to have !»• en formed l.avvs and Decisions at my ofliee in Jaek- the county court of that county, that ly o-eupied by I >r. Robinson on« alifornia through (he agency of Whitelaw Reid. Fonvillo, Oregon. PARLOR A- BEDROOM .SURI’S, 'PHIS WELT, KNOWN MARKET, op- street. being the county of which Perkins was I posile Kahler A Bro.’s drug store, is Tin* fi-liitig season is opening an iuiiubitant at the time of his death. J. A. llume, of An action, our readers will remember, THE ASHLAND public with the elmicest «polity of Also Doors, Sa-h and Blituls always on PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, J. TJ. T. Miller &, Co., Prop’rs. R gut* River, begins operations with was brought in the State courts, and, han«l and )nad«' loonier. Planing K ted States court to determine upon prove fatal. (Irrgon I hipl r No. 1. R. L ’'l>, DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS R lilroad enterprise, it is well known, the L gdity of the present State judi­ THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. S •’’i * v < •* !• ;ssin has its downs as well as its ups. Ill ciary if the question is raised. It 1'uesdav «»vening- ofa»>r | «roe long each lull moon, at 7'o’clock. Conq>amons in good to be found in Southern Oregon. AND ALL DISORDERS OK this country, during the past three will not perhaps be necessary, how­ Also the latest and finest styles of standing are invik'd. I. years, 132 railroads, covering nearly ever, to raise that question if the ap­ PC Il­ .1. E. R'Xss, High Priest. R The Stomach and Live 17,(ini) miles and r« presenting an in­ pointment of an administrator in this in (his M ax M ci . i . eh , Secretary. STATIONERY, to the vested capital of $72<8,1G3,ODO, have county was void.— Standard. bet n sold un«l« r foreclosure. ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. And a groat variety of PERFUMES and I t turns out now that Dixon, “the The olber »lay T. IS. Jewett caught T( »II .ET A RTD 'I.ES. including the best and XV . H. A I’K J NS( >N, Secretary. bravest of the brave,” who wan shot Ordinary siz< i'­ oo a salmon weighing twenty s -ven I’ RO F E SS IO N AL 11 AI R- ( ’ UTT E R, chea pest assortment of < '( >.M MON and CER­ by Barksdale at Yaz oo city, instead of EI'MED SOAI*S in this market. ll IH» pounds with a book, in the t»av at As­ Special size.. 8dÖ" Prescriptions carefullv compounded. ( 'hildren size, 50 1 being a s« I bay. It the public ot Ja.-k-onviib ;'n«l vi.-init,» Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. that off colored vocation. Not content that In* w is !» scholar ot Prot. ■ Dr Mosier, The United Stales Public Land Com­ with slandering Birksduleon a dozen ( J rcit’svv ab I •, ST director <>f the I Diversity <>t (... mission, ci» ¡»ted l»y at) act <»t Cotigre.ss, oeca-iotis, he extended his reckless MALIY'S ACADEMY, Prussia, and Prot. Dr. \ «>!!< i aim. ot the I EAVES ASHLAND AND LINKVILI.E is in s» ssjot) in S.m Francisco, for the mend •city still furth« r Hil l maligned University ot II ill«*. Dminj th«- l’ram-o- I J ev«'ry day in the week, «'xct'ptinir Snn- ■isjstant to Prussian war In* was spec« il «lays.and connects with the mail lor Lake- purpose of cod.fying the land laws of that gentleman’s sisters. He was then < ’AI.I F< ll.M A SviU'.ET, th«> l>«» t'»r-111-ehief Zu -l/.cr au«l Ludwig ot v iew. the l‘a»itic Co»-t »lepartmeat. It is warned to be ou his guird; he was Berlin and Br«*slati, «¡eiinmy. Fra«-l ures SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. UHI ESF. WELL-KNOWN M ILLS, SI TU A ehroni«-, most sai«l to be in contemplation to ab i'.ish stint, not from the a«ubus.-ade of a Superior Accommodations for Passengers I ted seven miles northeast of Jackson and external xtra< ., «1 at all hours. toad at reasonab)«' ra es. tlit* saiuit with the mam olile» iu public street. I).xml was «rertaiuly a All kind* of birds stufled ai»«l put up >n rpi! E SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF Tills Merchant ani Exchange Business., Washington. 1 sc I iim »! will commence about ti «'U«l ol ni<«Mt natural shapes. ( » N I very por sut j-ct for the martyr busi­ A General Express Business August, and is divid«*«! in four sv. ons, Jacksonvilh*, I•«*<-. 11, 1*77. W Thirty-six pounds of Hour, two pound? declined 25 cents per Quinine has ness, ii we are correctly informed. of el«-ven w eeks each. kept. Transacted. All «»rders promptly attended of shorts and eight p«>un«ls of bran given I advanced price estab ounce from the DRINKS, 127 CENTS. Board and tuition, per term,.......... ...810.00 to and satisfaction guaianteed. p«-r bush« ; <»i good wheat. Flour sacked GOOD WORK Ari D LOW PRICES I Red and Bedding.................................. ... 4.00 and biande«!, customers furnishing sacks. li'lo (I just after the rep<»al of the duty IL F. PHILLIPS. Eii« H ons to C ome .—The 8’atee NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE — it don ’ t Draw ing and painting....................... ... S.oo Ashland, June 1, 1*79. Satisfaction guaranteed in all instane« s. The quotation is now $3 30 p« r outi-e —AT— m ci ci olii -ers the present year yet to el- Piano.......................... .............................. ... 15.00 pay. Families needing anything in our line T. T. Mck ENZIE. I'he imports ari* increasing, »til I buy­ at«- ... 5.00 «•an always be supplied with the purest ami XV. F. OWENS. Entranci* te«*, only once,................. fdluu ing: Ohio, O toiler 14th, Eureka Mid*. Sept. 16, 1*78. S. BIA MALE best to be found on th«' Coast. Give me a Ti’ey’s Boot and S’ioo Store ers have hel«l ( 1T, expecting a decline, Siate « ¡iio r- «nd n e ufiers of (be Leg. SELEtT DAY SCHOOI «•all, ami you will be well satisfied. in-tead of (-(iiitract iug early in the .-ea .8 Í..00 Primary, ]>er term,............................. C alifornia S treet THE CITY BREWERY -on for fall Supplies, as has been th - i i ttut« , low », ame date. State nd),'em Junior, “ ............................. s.oti un) me oh« rs of tim Legislature, and 10.(10 “ ............................. Oregon. Senior, cu-t<»m lieretofo:e. Jacksonville, BY— one C’ongr»s-nnin I.» till vacancy. Pupils are received at any time, an«l spe­ Under tlo- new law of Congress y u FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS cial attention is paid to particular studies in N ivemher 4 h, Moyl iml, Mad-meRu- V 1 : I T SC II U T z. can send silver as third-el »ss matter, setts, Minnesota, N«-w Y«»rk and Wis- aving permanently located tiehalf of «•hildren who have but limited CALIFORNIA ST., in Jacksonville, the undersign«'«! re- tim«'. For further particulars apply at the at one cent all ouin-e, and ten cents (•«'li-in <‘l»-»-t Stati- olii •«•la and memtmre Roseburg, Oregon v. fene«-ttully informs the public that he A<-adem is (or r( g storing it. By this mb- c»> •- $2 —« 50 of lite State le gislature (not October XdlAMtI. A NOLAND. PICO Pit 1C TO IIS. pr«*pared to do all kinds of work in the boot r . scihtz respectfully IN by mail I« r 1 3 cents, and 14th, as has b n ci errmieojslv stated). I « an l»e sent ami shoe making line. Satista.-tioii iruaran- forms the citizr I<5 cents. .surroutnling «-«»untry that he is now manu ­ • » Y»u »» to forwar.’ing goodx consigne«] to their caie. Freight mom y advanced. Commis­ facturing. an«l vvill «•«instantly keep on ham* «'( t« r; t nt you cm w i ile your name Jer-eV elect lliemhrrsi <«f the L«*gin|&- A VALUABL3 PANACEA! < 'or. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville sions reasonable. All business in this line the very best of Lager Beer. Those vvislm g m IlK- «illt-Ide, or can u rite a postal lure; and l’-mn-y Iv mia Stale Treas­ a cool glass of be< r shoiihi give me a «‘all. shall re« « ive our prompt attention. card ami •end it) the same mail. urer atil members of Hie Legislature. /"» All eons,gnni« nts to our cart* should HENRY PAPE. Engineer. be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. I'he Yreka ^Joarital" says that the !)••-e.nt er 2nd, Lotn-iina votes on the 11utchinson Family, who neglected to .»«ioptioo of a new C »nstiluii«n. pay a smull toll due It»«* “Rcudiiifi In CA^DIîS AND NUTS, THROUGH TICKETS, 12J C ents di pendant f<»rwar«i«-d the amount, “ A LI. Is NO T I îol.DTH \TGLITTER8.’ f aving taken the agen y of «ml (bat piiper gives th»*m a good no aving taken the agency of — Toe C‘>axf Mail (Coos county) of this valuable me. I •“*• now pre­ R. Brackenridge’«« Marble Works ot Crockery, Glassware. Etc. lice ill place of the bad oil«* given then pared to furnish it in «rianlities to suit at S pt. 27 ’»*, say WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, • Quite a stir was Roseburg, wall known throughout the the following prices; l’riai siz-> bottles. -> . 111« »1» E WI NES, LIQVORS AND ( I- fortheir « ar« l--m s-, which was n* Stat«- tor t he superiority of t heir work, I will •tested Tbur-dav among the inhahl- cents; large size (holdimg eight «»Itli-sina I . * ) gars const.intiy on hand. The reading doubt «hie Io that young fool of an '«nt- of the I «wer bay, by the report receive any orders in this line. fl. or three small for 5(>r.s. A trial t«»r thrs rabli* is also supplie«! w ith Eastern perio«L- agent not attending to their btisines-. •bat the engineers, in making sou ml- .spe.'ili • is all th n o asm- I. •''ll1lr'"V‘. eals a ii'I leading pa pci s ot the Coast. Monuments a Specially. dirsi,» M- JACOBS, A-hla.nl, « »r. Tho tw«»-ceiit p«»-tal card has mad- ings near the Cap , lia«! brought up otî |)EPAIRS WATCHES, CLOCKS AND Those desiring to see designs and ascertain its appearance. It has two stamps, the led, »«iD, mix «I ill a V«-ry large it Jewelry in the ver\ best maimer, All prii-csean do -o by calbng upon or address­ WILL. JACK30 J. Dantist, one at each end, and spaces for tw«> pr >po Hot» with g >hl dust. The spec­ work promptly done at the lowest rates. ing tn«* at Ashland. me-sages. tL.Satisfactioii guaranteed in all cas«*s. Th«* sentier <>.-« upies one < 1 'll Hing citiz uts at on«« -aw Vla-ons of •; FARM KNOWN AS THE AM- rpiiE A. s. J acobs . GEXJllLIL BL. 1CKSM1 77/ merman pia<-<*, situated one mile south i hesp, and th° return Correspondent i • irge fort»in«-s •»ecumulated by dredg- I 1)1 <>f Plxi-nix ami containing .’(> acres, all the other. < )ne stamp is cancell, d at agin luis remarkable auriferous de- under goo«! fence ami mostly tillalde land, WHEAT WANTED Jacksonville, Cr. <»sit, Im these g >DI—n «Ifeams were including als-» a tin<> orchard of young the ofliee from which it is sent, amt «NUMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE trees «if every description and in bearing the otl^-r at the office from which soon dispelled by LV lots in Klippel’s addition to Jtu-ks^n- the disclosure for wheat to all 'hose that arcowing me, condition. It is also a stage station. For it ville will be so’d on reasonable terms. For i 6 » returned. The cards will •if the fact that tho melai was <>r in exchange for saddlerv, harness, and further particulars applv to » LT, KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN furlher particulars en«|uire of copper. ” soon be iu general circulation. MRS. W. S. STONE, Yreka, Cal. anything in my line. 1IE.NR\ JUDGE. HENRY KL11TEL. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. A 1er work, ¿alisfacliun guaran leed. A. C. JONES. DEALER IN IN PRICES AT NEW STOCK ? GOODS J. S. HOWARDS! Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL A CO., and T. A. DAVIS A CO., GENERÄL MERCHANDISE Sheet-Music, Violins, Citherns, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, w GENTS1 ani BOYS’ HATS and CLOTHING L At Which will be sold at Lowest Rates. THE HEW MILLINERY STORE. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, H Gâteras1 ?.iil Laiics’ Hafikcrcliiífs BLANKETS, CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, or PHILLIPS’ EXPRESS, W «Mb. \ OWENS & PLYMÂLE, CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, H M Glsnn’s Posss in th? ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. H FAMILY GROCERIES, H G-AIT, L FARTI FOR SALE. LOTS FOR SALE. I