V. o/7 wirs a he Äkm of rafie ®imwi. Published every Friday Morning by RATES OF ADVERTISING CHARLES NICKELL Advertisements will l>e inserted in th« T imes al the following rates : $3.00 One square, one insertion “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 Ix'gal ad vert ¡seinenls inserted reasonably A fair reduction from theal»ove rates made to yearly and time advertisers. A'early advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W akkants always taken at par- Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth's Brick Building. Rates of Subscription : One copy, per annum................................ $3.00 “ six months................................... 2. » hi “ thr«»e months.............................. 1-00 PROFESSIONAL ( ARDS. Ç’zut/czi-r' VOL. IN. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBE I E. 0. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS A. C. JONES, TO THE FRONT AGAIN! HODGE, DAVIS & CO MK. IIA YEN* PI Bill AME OF CAMA A AWN NI LEAVE. —WITH A— Tho steamer Nordenskjold of the Arctic expedition has been totally ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, No amount of invective could inten­ wrecked. Crew saved. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, sify the shame and disgust which ev­ JACKSONVILLE, OCN., From July 1st to September 20th ery honorable mind feels when con­ From San Francisco W HOLES A L E I) Il U G G I STS, SPECTACLES, the im(»orts of specie al New York ex­ templating the tie facto President of Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office on 5th street, opposite Court House ceeded tho exports by $25,30(1,314. I SCHOOL BOORS, STATIONERY, 1 AM Y GOODS, the United States in the act of paying 92 & 91 FRONT STREET ! Gen. Grant was extended an in vita- $1,000 of hurh money to close up the G. H. AIKEN. M. D.. | tion to the banquet in Han Francisco, mouth of one of the thieves who stole FIELD GLASSES, PTTYSICTAN AND SURGEON, by receiving a card of solid gold eu- for him the vote of Louisiana. This 1JEGS LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN- PORTLAND, OREGON 1 ) tion of the public to the tact that he lias is one ol those scenes that are most ef­ i closed in a solid silver envelope. CALIFORNIA ST., just returned from San Francisco with a full I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Divers have been exploring tho fective in their uaked simplicity. It stock of will live forever in the memory of man­ yVE KEEP ('»INSTANTLY' ON HAND wreck of the Brother Jonathan, which Harps and Strings for the Same, Office—On California street, opposite Union kind and be execrated by the good men Jacksonville, Oregon. If a completo stock of lies at a depth of 130 feet off Point Livery Stable. of all coining generations. But this Drugs, Medicines, Teilet Soups and ' St. George, above Crescent City. claim of innocence can be made nd MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D., DRUGS, Indians are not eligible as (*itiz»*ns longer. In the light of existing facts Perfumery, HEAD HIS CASH PRICES. according to the opinion of the Secre­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LADIES’ FANCY GOODS PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES tary of tho Interior. The Supreme no man who does not expect to be DRESS GOODS. laughed at and des|U«ed as a fool or a OF EVERY VARIETY, Jacksonville. Oregon. Court says a Chinaman can be. Poor Irish Poplin, per yard............................ I.ar will say that R B. Hayes is not Lo ! Black Alpaca “ “ ............................ n: 7 PATENT MEDICINES, Office in Orth’s building and at the City Melange, fully and unquestionably implicated in per yard .................................... Drugstore; residence on California street. Double width dress goods, per yard... K it»- Sprague has file»! a petition in the great crime which set up his Ad­ G'A j . swjfj /«•/•;, if’Avnoir G’Lzi.sw, the sUpii'ine <*ourt, asking for the ap­ ministration outside of the Constitu­ T’nbleaehed Muslin, per vd....... 10c U| OF THE LATEST STYLES, e has sold out his stock of I i DR. L. DANFORT’» Bleached Muslin, per yd.............. It'c pointment of a tru-t«'e for tier property tion and in violation of the laws made American Sewing Machines a number il Ladie’s Hose, s pair for............ SI.oo of times, but has another lot of them on ami estate iu South Kingstowu, Rhode in pursuance thereof. The payment PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ki«l Gloves, per pair..................... 75c PAINTS. OILS AND II Groceries, Tobaccos. &c., &c. hand. This is the lightest and nmst rapid Island. ll Felt Skirts........................... >1.00 By Mr. Hayes of this $1,000 of hush running, as well as durable, machine there WHICH II i: IS SELLING u Jacksonville, Oregon. Children’s corset waists............ s|.«»y PAINTER ’ S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, 1 ho owners of the n»*w building t<> money did not entirely close the mouth is made, and so simple that little girls five ll Embroitl. Table Covers.............. S2.50 or six years old make their patch work on be u«ed by the Dt Y< ungsasa pi inting of Ca?anave, says the Washington Office on California street, opposite P. .1. Laces sc., Fmbrobleries pr yd..J2.'i ll them. 'I’his is the pla«-< to buy good watches, ll BLUE VITRIOL, house, got «cared ami said the Drotlier- l‘ostt but it will foiever silence the Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended Sleeve an«! Ne«-k Ruching.......... 25e clock's am! jewi'iry, ami he will sell cheap to, day er night. G< >LI> JEWELRY. didn’t own it. So another cat is out claim of his friends that he is innocent goods cheaper than ativ one. .-' Watches, docks. Jewelry nn«l «owing Ladies setts from $2.50 up to $25.00, and of the bag. LUBRICATING OILS, of guilty knowledge ot the theft. MENS AND BOYS’ SHIRTS, J. W. ROBINSON. M. D.. machines clenne//* which Tlie finest lot ot Spectacles ami Eye-glass­ kills Ticks, Lice and all parasite's on sheep, probably to some distant land 10,000. crimes to which he owes bis incum­ Boys’ Hats.............. Loo “ es ever brought to the marketan«l Watches and is a sure cur«' for screw-worm, scab and miles away. bency of the Presidential office. When Office In Masonic Building, next door to Blanket-lined Duck »'oats..... 5.00....... “ and Jewelry of every d«'seription. Boots ami Shoes sold at the lowest prices, foot rot. Circular sent on application. Kreuzer’s Bakery, Oregon street. Resi­ Al'Call and be C<>nvinc<,X and everything else in proj»ortion for cash. Laura 1». Fair has taken to the lec­ he appointed one after another of the CALIFORNIA STREET, dence at B. F. Dowell’s. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. A full assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, ture field, having recently delivered a big and little title thieves to places un­ NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cigars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery ami KEELER H. GABBERT, lecture in New York entitled “Chips der the government, until scores of Holiday Presents. OREGON. MRS. I'. P. PRIM. JACKSONVILLE. I MISS ELLA PRIM. from California.” The lecture is rep­ them were thu9 quartered on the pub­ NOTARY PUBLIC. BACK <»F COURT HOUSE, resented as sharp, sarcastic and bitter. lic exchequer, and when it was shown that many of these appointees were Gallee Creek, Oregon. The New York ii'orld has a story rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON disreputable fellows, haviDg no honest MANNING & WEBB. Proprietor«. of a bargain between John Kelly ami ^59" GIVE ME A CALL.-rt^ 1 hand the most conq»k*to ami Best sto.-k Particular attention paid to conveyancing. —AT— claims on any party, the friends of Mr. of millinery ¡.roods « ver brought lo Ja«-kson- the Republicans, wher»«by Cornell All business entrusted to me will receive Hayes still said that he was guiltless villo, consisting of prompt attention. pays $25,000 out of his own pocket to of any wrongjthut these appointments HATS, BONNETS, IT AVTNG LATELY FITTED UP l’H E keep Kelly iu the field aud beat Rub­ had been secured by political influence E. H. AUTENRIETH, ! i commodious barn <»n t tie School House Flowers, ribbons, laces, ms-ktic«, gloves, H’E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we in-on. in tho customary way. collars and culls, etc., etc., which will lie ’« and complete slock of Millinery goods, are now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., Gen. Odell of the Salem Statesman sold at the lowest prices. consisting of iness in our line with promptness and dis­ has been awarded a surveying con- ; T he N orthern P acific . — Gen. Jacksonville, Oregon. patch ami at tho most reasonable rates. tract in Eastern Or»«gon and will vary Sprague, who was interviewed at Sewing Machines for Sale. JACKSONVILLE. HATS OF ALL STYLES, Will practice in all tli« Courts of tho State. TURNOUTS. the monotonous routine of newspaper Omaha by a lieraid reporter, said: I have also on liaml a number of the cele­ RIBBONS, Prompt attention given to all business left brated New Wilson, White and How»; Sew­ The Stable is furnished with the best ani­ life by manipulating the cotnpa-s and “We use the Columbia river as far as in my care. ing Machines, which I will sell cheap for i FEATHERS, mals and most substantial buggies; also a camp-kettle. navigable, which is about 300 miles, to Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. DAVID LINN cash, or exchange for irrain. first-class hack ami sa»ldle-hors«,. connect between the Pacific and Lake A Merchants’ Exchange has been FLOWERS, MRS. I. W. BERRY. Horses boarded, ami the best care be- H. KELLY, Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment opened at Portland, under tlie able divisions. The Lake division Is be­ stowi*d on them. t COLLARS of furniture, consisting of Satisfaction guarani«-« <1 in every instance. mansgoment of Jas. R. Parish, ing built over the Bitter Root Moun­ ATTORNEY A COUNSF.LOR-AT-T.AW, AND CUFFS, Give us a trial and iiulge tor yourselves. The rules governing the institution tains to a point being surveyed for. BEDSTEADS, MANNING A- WEBB. i JACKSONVILLE, 0REC3», are similar to those of the San Francis­ The engineers are looking at various Jacksonville, June 1, 1*7!». BUREAUS, TABI.US. i CALIFORNIA ST., (»asses. Either Lolo or Clearwater co Exchange. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. GUILD MOULDINGS, Prompt attention given to all business en­ Tho yellow fever keeps up its lick pass will probal ly be adopted. It de­ trusted to my care. WILLIAM BYBEE, Proprietor STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, at Memphis They have from twenty pends upon which is the easiest and fi* Office opposite Court Hnnse. to twenty five new eases daily. It best. It is difficult and takes time to CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. Call ar<1 see them at thè building foinier- does nut appear to bo so malignant as examine some of these points, owing JAMES S. HOWARD, 1 y occupied by hr. Robinson on California PARLOR A REDROOM SUFI'S. rpi'IS Wl’T.I KNOWN MARKET, op- st root. last year, as the reported deaths are to the growth of timber. z-We shall • i ■ posite Kal.hr ,V i ’ > r«. ’ ».'s dru^, i push eastward and have completed "ÏJ.8. DEPUTY’ MINERAL SURVEYOR less than one fifth tho new cases. FTC.. ETC. bt'tter prepared than ever to furnish ihu 400 miles hy the close of next season. THE ASHLAND Í ). st quality of Miles captured about a thousand FOR JACKSON, Also Doors, Sa«h and Blinds always on putilie with the choir« After building to the ends we will hand and made to order. Planing done on Fresh Beef, I-»-ar-si F.-i1,r »i o-T'!?‘c > J. N. T. Miller & Co.. Prop’rs. half-breeds in his recent campaign in closeup the gap along the Columbia. w-jcixii Ma FACTU’itiC! Jniephlnn and Ctirrv counties, Oregon. reasonable terms. ^¿»“Undertaking a spe­ Ni'l rt-ka, who have been furnishing Porlr, Veal, In three years we intend to have a Offi«ial «urv«>ys ntadc and t>at«‘nts «>btaine ttitig Bull’s fol­ Citv Ï >raiir Superior Lake Superior to the terminus on the corral, we are now iully prepared to attend lowers acHt-s tho American line. I to all busittess in our line. Missouri river, at Bismarck. We find J. A. <11 VST UN. U. »».. Lard, Etc. FLANNELS, Petinsylvani; papers report that Plenty of grain, grain hay ami llotir the country much richer than had CALIFORNIA STREET, The most favorable in«lti< ements ottered kept constantlv on hand and for «ale PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State nearly clear of tramp«, due Inain- been reported, as we go through it. to patrons, and no »-tT«»rt will I h > spared CASSIMERES, Hors«'- boar«led and the Lest care bestow­ ly to tho revival of business and strin­ toward giving general t>atiMacti<>n. There is an extent of magnificent ed on ! hem. Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi­ WM. BYBEE. ■' iii-faction guarante»'d. Give ns a gent laws. It is noticeable that com­ wheat country, though there are some DOESKINS, zens of Flu mix, Ashland ami surrounding Kahler t his I er States during the past Summer. fE KEEP CONST VNTT.Y ON HAND W hat ’ s in a K iss ?—What’s in a profession. Of the Best Native Wool. I the largest and most complete assort­ HOLMAN’S LIVER PAD. A terriblo incendiary fire occurred at kiss? Reilly when people come tore* Xvj.J'alls promptly’ attended at all hours, I n M asonic B uilding , ment of I day or night. Kiev, Russia, on Sept. 3d, breakingout fleet upon the matter calmly, what can —ANI» l.LSroSLNG OF THEM AT— I A st KE CUKE FOR I siiriultaneou-ly in rhe offices of ttie fire they see in a kiss? The lips pout DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS SOCIETY NOTICES. I THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. Oregon Street. sin property was enormous. stract! View it in the abstract—take rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAVIN'»; PUR- * ' ree«-ix«; prompt attention. til\ E(»UR at the residence of .1. N. 'I'. Miller, Tlie Stomach, and Liver I chased Wm. KrcuzerN interest in this GOODS A TRIAL. <’. MIN»;US, Master. I TheWheatl.'tnd, ('.¡I , trag»*dy is again it as it stands—look at it philosophical* STATIONERY, establishment, desire to annoum-o to tlie I A nnie M iller , Secretary. attracting at ten tion, t he detect i ves hav ly! What is there in it after all? public that they are now ;>repared to till all ASHLAND WOOLEN M!LLS. <>r«l« rs tor cake« of every description, such And a g’-o-v variety of VE ’I I’MtiS and ing worked up a charge against Ro l­ Millions upon millions of souls have LIS I’ OF PRICES; • Orrfon Cliapttr No. I. R. I. M., T» »1 LET A RT1»’LES, including the best ¡iml as we«!ding cakes, cakes for parties, wine W. II. ATK 1NSON, Secretary. dan ami wife as th»* guilty n*st-sin«, hten made happy, while millions upon Hohls its regular meetings m »ntlilv < cheapest assortment of < '< >M 51< >N and PER- eak« s ; also brown ami rye bread, ginger On Ordinary’ size $2 or rather that Mrs. Rod'lan struck Ida millions have been plunged into mis­ Tuesday evening* of or pree» bug « ich fu -naps ami crackers. Take orders on ex­ FUM El • s<»APS in this market. no Special size... 3 ery and despair by this kissing; and xnoon, at 7'si »»’cLx’k. Companions in go« Zit" Pr«is«-riptioi>s careftill v componmlc«!. change. Pric< s reasonable and satisfaction ( ’hildren size. 1 50 Dunn for intimacy with her hu-baml, vet, when you look into the character giiarante»>K tlie C. S. JJnil, dental. I tin«-h-house, at wliicli I lie best <>t <*vcr vt king Mix M ci . i . er , S«**r»‘tary. parting of the lips. In every grade and testimonials send^por call on in the line will Lo served at .ill hours. Wm. Livingston of Ringo’s Point, FIFTEENTH YEAR. JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., ^siCFrcsh bread ev«»rv «lav. of society there is kissing. Go where in this county, says the Oregon City you will, to what country you will, Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. GROB’ A- ULRICH. Enterprise, measured an acre »«f wheat and you are perfectly sure to find kiss­ ST. MART'S ACADEMY. in one of his fields that averaged ami ing. There is, however, some myste­ I EAVES ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE PROFESSK )N AL 11AIR-U UTT ER, I J »'very «lay in the week, exi-epting Sun- threshed sixty bush Is machine rneas CONI»VCTEI> BY rious virtue in a kiss, and we devout­ «lays.and connects with the mail lot Lake tire; twenty-eig.it bushels by measure­ ly hope that it may never go out of Si Ki-.i.r, view. IN ORTHS BUILDING. ment wore thirty three in weight. , fashion. THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. milESE WELL-KNOWN mills , situ a S. I'. JOXI*. Proprietor. Superior Accommodations for Passengers 1 te«i seven miles northeast of Jackson Tiie kind was White Winter. IN PRICES AT NEW STOCK S GOODS J. S. HOWARD’S! Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL A and T. A. DAVIS & CO., GEO. W. ELLIOTT GENERAL MERCHANDISE GENERÄL MERCHANDISE, THING H At Prises that Defy Cempetitisn. Which will be seid at lowest Rates. THE REV/ MILLINERY STORE. FURNITURE WARE ROCA'S, X “EUREKA” Genites’ ani Ladies’ Haatfcrctefs. H CITY BAKERY AND SALGO.!, PHILLIPS- EXPRESS Running Ectwcen Aslilantl aad Liuïïillc. I ann < » unfes ]• Who will be carried to any point on the vi!l»‘, are now prepare«! to Hier, Gatch and T. T. M< K ENZIE. Entrance fee, onlv once............................. 5.00 Ms. M. I*. Spiller, the last faculty W. F. OWENS. 8. PIA MALE Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. I uorUi of tlie University of California, I Primary, per term,................................... $ fi.00 liie apparatus, purctiaaed East last Junior, “ .................................... s.oti THE CITY BREWERY year at a cost of $4,000 by Mr. J. J. Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 BY — Walton, Jr., Secretary of the Board of Pupils are receive«! at anytime, and spe­ cial it’c»»' .on is pai«l to particular studios in Regenis, has been placed in position behalf of chiblren who have but limited I V E IT SCHUTZ. CALI FORNI \ ST., LUMBER! LUMBER!! and will be used this year. Undoubt­ time. For further particulars apply al the edly' this school now gives the tiest I i Academy. Rosebnrg, Oregon. M ídamela noi . avii . pkofrietoiis . facilities for instruction of any institu­ UR. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY T> tion of learning in the State. More an 1 ’ 1 forms the citizens of Jacksonville RAILROAD SALOON, TILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION students were in attendance this week I to forwarding goods consigned to their surroiimlingcountry that he is now niami- rpiITS POPULAR RESORT. UNDER THE «•are. Freight money advam-e tho car«, put on board of all orders at most ren«onal«le prices. Bills pounds a year from Chinese miners in R. Brackenridge's Marble Works ot Crockery. Glassware, Etc WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, aawe«l t»> order with dispatch. them, ami rn injunction placed upon l ’ . oseburg, well ktmwn throuuhout the C»HOICE WINES, T.IQUORS AND CI- ! one locality. One gravel heap is report­ ^Give me a trial and I will prove what V gars constantly on hau l. The reading State for the superiority of their work, I will him never to revisit the place: “We I HAVE A VERY »¡ODD ASSORTMENT ed to him fio n which a million ounces receive any orders in this line. 1 say, for satisfaction i» 8 j’‘r” I table is al««» s’ipplie«! with Eastern j«eriodi- can stand a idled «bin, you know.” I of the above goods, which I will sell 'of platinum are expected. Jacksonville, Cr., calsand leading pajvers ot the Coast. caso. 1’rj-A cheap. Please call. JAS. DRUM.- I I a mim r »*x< Inimed, “hut when it comes Table Rock, August 26, Monuments a Specialty. Some of our Republican conternpo i to wcarn’ tiilc'l drawers we just make n epairs watches , clocks and Those desiring to see «lesigtis and ascertain raries were very much exercised at the them git up anti git.” ll Jevdry in tho ver\ best manner. All prices can do so by calling upon or address­ WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, work promptly done at the lowest rates. •situation of Speaker Ilindall, a* Ilf ing me at Ashland. \^Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. qiHE FARM KNOWN AS TnE AM- -avel tho Chairmanship of several im - -*r U pright legislator : “What, a tine orchard of young they thought it certain that McKenna I But it» ease I really was such a man, Zx lots in Klippel's addition to Jackson­ WTLL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE I tree« of every description and in bearing was elected. Now, however, Mr. ville will be sold on reasonable terms. For for wheat to all those that are owing me, condition. It is also a stage station. For Randall Is relieved of all embarrais- how much would you give?”. ll ktnds of produce taken further particulars enquire of or m exchange for sad llerv, barm-ss, and luriiif-r i>ai tii-nlars appiv to for work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1IENKY KLIPPEL. S ubscribe lor the T imes . anything in my line. 11 EN R Y JUDGE. California Street. Jacksonville, Oregon. MRS. W s. sroNE. Yreka, Cal. • in out, as he can give them all to Berry. espectfully T» » tlie public <>t Ja«'ks«'nville and vi< inity that ho wa* a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, director of the University of Groifswahle, Prussia, ami Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ol th»« University <>t H ill««. During th«' Frim-o- assistant t«> Prussian war he was ■sp.'cial «p«'<- the D«H'tor-in-«-hiet Zuelzer and Lu lwig of Berlin ami Breslau, » iermany. I’raet tires and external dis'-a«,'«. acute <>r chronic. m«>st _______ _____ ■carefully treated. <'ii( .pmg.l.e ching, Bleed­ ing an«l teeth extracted at all hour-. All kinds of birds stuffed ami put up in «n«*«t natural shapes. Jacksonville, Dec. Il, 1S77. R rHHE Si’HOLASTIU YEAR OF THIS I school will commence about tlm end of Amrii-t. ami is divided in tour sessions, of eleven vv«>ek s each. P. >ar 1 and tuition, j»« r term................... $10.00 R balding....................................... |. I Drawing ami painting.............................. SJHI Pian<>.................. 15.00 OWENS Ä PLYMALE, CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, THOMAS’ SAW-MILL. \v ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. FAMILY GROCERIES, H P. DONEGAN, FARM FOR SALE I LOTS FOK SALE. A I