ilht 3motralit dines. LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTS. Notice of Final Settlement. FRTPAY t • • SEPfEMBER 26, IST!». ASHLAND COLLEGE TO 1DVEK TIMERS. The TI'IIA tin* ill«* largest eirc>»l>«(i<»»i rier ntlnin<*<> I»» Southern Oregon l»> mii > liews|»i«J»rr uni Ihrrefore oHrrw superior inducement«« lo miI er t Isi rs. Olir list is principally co’itimol Io Jackson. Jose­ phine nini l.ake counties. Business men Mhniilil Ini c note of this. — AND — NORMAL SCHOOL. KING 1-0« A l l.l> AT ASI I LAND, OF EGON. Cures nil Huinnm, from n Common l.rupvlon to the Worst Scrofula. All. St»RIM. L’’<»R THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING I the Ashland College and Normal Lazy folks are always wishing; the industri­ School, the property known as the Ashland Academy has been placed, free from debt, ous have no occ r -on to vi isli. under the omit rol of a I ’>. >ard of Trustees, who No kiud of dust thrown in m u’s eyes wi'l have inaugurated the enterprise by tilling the tollowing positions in the make them so blin 1 as F m i l kissed his wife in one of the London s and was fined 23 shillings for it. the ce remarking that public parks were not nlaces for exhibitions. The *‘Ex- pr ss" supposes that he should have hired a I. dl. A ‘Aw, I c.awn’t stir out of doors without get- t ng my phantaloons all mud,” said Chaw les Augustus, on Sunday. “Neither can I," said Arabella Jane. Chawles looked contused, and there was a silence for a space of seventeen iuutes. A man pass 1 through Salem, Va., last week rolling a wlfclharrow, in which was a young child, probably two years old. The wheel-!».« - row had bows over it and was covered canvas. He .stated that he ha«l traveled so from Texas, and was botnnl for < harlottesvdle. 8ome citizens propu-e«! to make up a pur.-e for him to purchase a riilroad ticket, which he declined, declaring that he was no beggar. A manufactory in la with blotting piq»er aid submitte.l to a certain pressure, when it becomes a material tha» can be readily carved. The eountiufeit is >ai«l to be excellent. A Jersey printer will join tlu grand army of tramps this year. The editor wrote an item about the eurious-shaped branch of an apple tree, ami headed it “A icer-shaped Limb." Then he wroteanother paragraph aboiita young lady wht» was walking 3,000 niil. s in 3.0 hours, anti headed it “Femlae 1*«- le*l riani-m. The printer, in making up the forms, mixed those titles up—got the tree over the walking paragraph — ami now he is an outcast ami a wanderer, anti limps, lie sprained his ankle jumping out of the se -.»ml dory window'. C ure for ll \ itlusxakb B ite .— Myron G. Collins, of Tennessee, claims to have discover * I i euro for rattle­ snake bites. l)\s. Eve and S.iaekl tt, Of Nashville, according to the .L/i .7- Can, made» tost of the medicine. Col­ lins let a rattlesnake bile him on the Wrist, and at once applied to the wound m 1 took inwardly a decoction of m »sses fr iik an 1 hickory trees. H° suffore l fr • n nausea and his pube an 1 temperature were excited, but Within mi ti > ir he had co oplolly re- covere 1. l’ne Gito of the same reptile speedily killed a dog. T rotters .—-Th« following record • how* the marked improvement in the •poed of trotting horses within the last sixty years: In 1820 the best mile time was 8:00; in 1830, 2: Id; in IS in, the best record, by Dutchman •> ..»«. in 1850, Lady Suffolk made a mile in 2:28; in 1860, Flora Temple made a record of 2:19i; in 1870, Dexter trotted a mile in 2:17 J; in 1876, Goldsmith Maid completed a mile in 2:11; in 1 '¡78, R irns m ide a mile in 2:13|; on the 9th ins’., El win Forrest, it is said, has made a mile in 2:111. A N ew R ailroad —A cotempo­ rary says: “A new railroad for Oregon is among the pr > • thiliti«M A gentle­ man who is closely identified with the enterprise states that Jay Gould has made a dell ction at Fort II til, Idaho, from the Utah N >rthern lin«, in the direction of Oregon. He lias let the contract for 100 miles of the roa I. If the road should be continued in the lino of this deflection—and there are good reasons for believing th it it will —it will touch the Columbia river at Umatilla.” W heat fr » n it»«» ri• st t >r.u ever cul­ tivated in Or g m, j 1st 51 years ago, wta brought into Sd».n last week. The farm is situated two miles above Cbatnpoeg, in M n Co., and was pre-empted in 182 L Wheat crops have been rahe I on it every year, but one, during that period. S ubscribe Or the T imes . It ¡»»»rifles the Blood. It invigorates the T.lvcr. It regulates the Bowels. It strengthens the Stomach. It gives viva i’y in 11 i<— of li>sitn<1e; cheerfulness m ¡«1 ice of ¡iluol.i, and robust vigor in place of debility. liysjH p-i ', Rilioii’n* «S, Disordered I.iver, Con- S‘i|>ii!ion, >. 1 veils Aii.- no!, , < • rural D -bilitv, in abort all the tiiliutrot:* <1 ìm . isvs and diaconi! Tts C’Hiscd bj’ in put.» bio 1 up.. diiy conquer. I by this pow. rial eie re. .»: , t !> • . h» f anil aov. lelu'Ti of Illi liti a it or mudsill discoveries—IviNU or THE B loo H. FACULTY : REV. LOWELL L. ROGERS, A. M„President; Professor of Mental and Moral si'icm-es. w. 1. NIl'HoijS, A. M., Vice President; Professor of Mathematics. t live iik 'I i and no attciitioii A Texas cli.i;» MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Pre. eptress; ’le.-v-licr of English Grammar. was p. nt to paid lo it; »'in •'!■•• day lie stole a iniih and MRS. JENNIE BXLDWIN NICHOLS, in less than an hour the infuriated citizens Teacher of Music and French. hanged him. Other competent liistinctors will l»e se­ cured as fast as the needs of the Institution What m more <1 - require, so that pupils ma.v be provided than a young m with the best facilities f.»r commencing and inn, and ■ fun ice-t icain completing the following pocket, a girl on < OL’RSF.S OF STUDY: signs in sight ? I. C lassical , requiring six years, includ­ She threw a st lick of wood at the old ben .ini’ ing preparatory studies. Graduates receive Iti chickens. Natural re the Degrees of A. B. and A. M. killed two of tho ) litt little 2. S cientific , requiring four years. De- suit of a w »man throwing at anythin-.'; she al- gift* conferred, 1 3. S. ways hits something else. 3. Non MAI. I’OMMEKC LAL AN!» MI SICAL. occuping threeyears each, I»iploinas given When a para-,rapher gets up something certifying to attainment.' of graduates. etnpid to go in 'he I’niiny column be gives i Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Eng lish <'oinposition ami other branches Spcc- the literary editor, who puts it in a coin ¡ally preparatory for Rusine-s Lite, will re­ headed “Pearls of t hought.” ceive unusual attention. EXPENSES. woman got oil' a 4 Tuition in four <'ollegiate Branches, 8i*. a bell was beeause month. M usie, A*> a nionth ( u-t-<>f instru­ iloWII tile street ment 81 additional). Vocal muMe in class, an•• week. Ce-.•mollies, Rooms t>r i'ottages for sell boarding, S2 t«> 8"> per month. A PARTIAL LIST OF TEXT BOOKS. p Robinson’s Mathematics, Steele’s Series in Natural Sciences, Harkness' Latin, Fas- queil's French. Reed’s Series in t.llglish Compositii n, Richardson’s Piano Instruc­ tion. PROMINENT FEATURES AND 1TE.MSOF INTEREST. 1. 'Pho College w ill l»e chartered; and the Normal or Training School for Teachers will be m ule, it is hoped l»v special enact­ ment, an ad,jnn<*t <»t the Public School sys­ tem, and Diplomas made eqiiivah'iit to tirst-grade certificates. 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of intoxicating liquors is prohibited by the city autlioi¡ties, who are sustained by a strong public sentiment. 3. Tlie School is under the supervision ot the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Bible will be reverently read and stud­ ied; the worship of < ;<>d encouraged; but the Institution will be sectarian in no objec­ tionable sense. 4. The Preceptress will give her chief at­ tention to the care and oversight of the young ladies. 5. An endowment of SAiJMiO will be, there is reason to hope, promptly subscrib­ ed, enabling the Trustees to reduce the present rates of tuitions, socially to Teach­ ers, after the present year. »>. A Boarding Hall, under the personal supervision of the President of the school, is eon ducted by Mrs. M. H. Vining, fur­ nishing at reasonable rates excellent board ami pleasant rooms. BOARD OF TRFMTF.LM: R ev . L. L. R ogeks , President. A. Ilo. K KEI 1 ow , W. 11. A1KTXSOX. R ev . J. S. M c C ain , J . mob \V a .. xei :, B ev . W. T. C hapman , J ohn W aeki i :, C lauk T aylor , G. F. B illings . Address communications to BLGOD T he M ost TiioRot o.n P ciiifier of the B lood Y et D iscovered . Tirsi S iamoti will Cuuiuiriicr Sept, lilh. B79. No man is rich whose ex|KHiditur< s exceed his means; and no one is p<> >r whose incomin exceed his outgoings. of the ITS Nt HE IS ITS BEST «ESCHIP- TIOA'. ih r 1-. a 1 ox il
  • ERS. It cheeks < O A st 1J PTIOAI in its early stai’es. It La « fr. 'iuentlv eur. .1 it when mirane. .1. It dispei' i Ti MOBS and t AAit i.ItS without th.' surgeon's knife. It eurn LJDU’SY, general or partial. 1; cui.» FEMALE WEAKNESS and DISEASE. It reduce» in u saio and effectual manner all sw.-ll- intr*, externnl or internai. It eradicai. » tho effects of Mineral Toisons, and establishes a sound constitution. Many <•< i tili.•ates, much further information and full directions tor u -mg. will be found in t he pam­ phlet, •* l'r. itlseon l> »easesof the Bluod,” m which each bottle Is cnciosed. Price *1 y. r I sttle containing 12 ounces, or 10 to 50 doses. Hold by Deal, rs ill medi. ine. D. EANSCM, SQ'J i CQ., Proprietors, Butmio, N. Y. I.. S. I>. MAItSII, .1. A. HVltK, A. F. Ql IRKS, MECHANICS PLANING MILL —A N D— F'jrnit’jre, Sash, Blinds, Doors —AND— Mouldin'»’ * <•( <>i*y ASHLAND, OREGON, MARSH & CO., Proprietors. 4 LL KINDS OF PLANING. MOULD 71 ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw­ ing, FURNITURE A ORNAMENTAL CARV­ ING, Ere., DONE 1'OORDER. Furniture,Sash, Blinds, D ><»isand Mould­ ing constantly on hand and made to order. jrCCWe will contract to design and erect all kindsof buildings. When desirable to those employing us, we will furnish ail the material required tor the construction ot any building for occupancy. MARSH A CO. PARKEB'S STEAM SAW MILL, Ashland College and Normal School, BI<; BUTTE, OREGON, ASHLAND, OREGON. KSPOHTANT IrlFOnmTION fsrftî PEOPLE. HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE consignment of ttie celebrated Singer St •wing Machines, winch are for sale on the usual liberal I er ins and at the r< liar prices established by the company, Therefore waste no time, money and patience on in­ ferior machines when you can purchase a genuine Singer at tin1 same figures. In buying a Singer you get a machine of ac­ knowledged merit and established reputa­ tion. an I are certain of having value receiv­ ed tor your ironey, asevery machine is war­ ranted by the company. The Singer < ’ompanv now sell three-quar­ ters ot all the maeliines sold in the world, the capacity of their works at Elizabeth, New Jersey, enabling t hem to I urn out over a thousand machines a day, and they have l,5 otlices for the sale ot these justly cele­ brated sewing machines, which have taken the I l JAVING LATELY PROVI DUD TIIl'.SIi 1 i mills with improved maehinery, 1 am now fully prepared to till all orders tor rus­ tic, mouldings, m itching, turning, groov­ ing, etc., <>n short notice and at very reason­ able terms. A full assortment constantly kept on hand. lam also ready to furnish seasoned 1 umber, sugar pine, yellow pine ami fir, tirst, second and third grades, planed or unplaned, ot a superior quality md in any amount. Counts orders taken at par. (five me a trial and I will convince you that 1 am able to perform what 1 agree to. J. P. PARKER. Over all competitors moro than two hun­ dred tones. Alter t he <’hicago fir- the Relief C«»m mit- tee undertook to furnish sewing machines tothe needy women of that city, and appli­ cants were permitted toclioose from - in dif­ ferent kinds >f machines. g.l'll applicants were furnished with machines, of which number 2,127 chose Singer machines and .'•17 distributed their choice among the five other kinds of machines. They were to earn their living on these machines, and took the Singer, because Singer Machines. 11 t i k 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 I I !>. if. it : tini its. Ç £,£NSC/ v 5 F3 T 1'jßpCINE püROUS Ï PLASTER? ¥ r f. 7"..’ ri'Cr.«. vere a’rar 1 'l Ihn r.’ • .-i itiif ’i ’ / th- nt <: l'l t a, ’'•-1 <;i‘7 il r 'hr »1 /•.•<' the Cen •uni '.I I Tarin Errni vn •i' Li, w-n a-i jihyxiciaia < ■;r,.r or linar’l J- '.ill ll'o l/icinn in ’/"'ir oten Incili qn-aitî 's >f the conim««! D m« - .1 4OI.D BATI1N JOHN L. CARTER & SON. IV E ARE FULLY PREPA RED TO I! ' all kinds of Painting, including J’ny'rdlpd DO SIGN PAINTING, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, ALL STYLES Of GRAINING DONE. Orders from the country promptly attend­ ed to. DAMIAN AI PROM WHICH THE BITTERS ARE 1 made, isa .Mexican Herb, ami is indig­ enous only to a small section of Lower (Baja) California. It has been used by theinhabitantsof Low­ er California for the last thirty years as a general 1NVIGORATOR OF THE SYSTEM. A Great Remedy for Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder! Positive Cure for Dyspepsia. «110 t«.’ W li :«t ti. I r 1 ve* na.: wh. re o' 1: r t ’.!.-• s f . J ex V. ithont <’ -;l>t 1' ■ b - t r. • I nm«“ and W. ik l’.ack, R‘ , : Kidru vCcninlaînts: • <1 ; 11 il n he* ñ"rdei. w hich I will sell very cheap, and warrant for one year. I will also give the purchaser the privilege of exchanging during that lime for the new Singer, allowing the same ¡»rice for the old machine which was paid for it. All kindsof sew ing maeliines cleaned, re­ paired ami adjusted at reasonable rates. D. II. FEATHERS. i Jacksonville, Aug. 25, 1879. in LI ti.fuzXU Ullvu TlfOÌf I dull — aki : Tiii:— ENLARGED PICTURES —OF THE — v kx A t i T ¿1. w«. XI I*1 " — ■’•■"»S'S U V. X X X« uT fTI A 1TV v v X'« ** a I FLECKENSTE1N & MAYER. Sole Agents, Portland, Oregon. S. P. HANNA, WAGON - Al A KKR, Which have taken the Lead O ver all Competitors. TURKS ENLARGED TO LTFESTZE 1 from photographs ,.r tin-types at prmes ranging f rom >lz to >•'•<>, ening eyes of de­ ceased persons ami making all changes de­ sired in wearing apparel, India ink, water­ colors, crayon ami oil, etc., in a manner un­ excelled by any other establishment in the United states. Jas. Griftin, agent of the Company, will return to this section in the course of a few weeks from a business t rip in Lake Co., and w ill be prepared to take orders tor this work. -. Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. Headquarters >t 113‘i and 1438 Market Street. San Francisco, Cal. N<>s. <153 no CRONEMILLER’S RUT1.DTNG, TS in receipt ol a full assortment of material ami prepared to do all work in his line on sh<>rt notice and in a workmanlikc imitine Vehicles of « very descript ion made to orde.. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ tee. 1. ¿if Repairing a specialty. H. 1». HANNA. I/ROMJ. P. PARKER’S PLACE, THREE I miles below Willow siprings, about two weeks since, two mares, one a brown ami tho other a sorrel with strip in face, branded I> on left shoulder. A liberal reward w ill be paid tor their return or for any infor­ mation that will lead to their re«*overv. G. KENNEDY. Dated Sept. 3, 1879. 1 * : * EDWARD G. DENNISTON,.................................................................. PROPRIETOR. e V : Æ XCJ II 8 5 BC K.v ----- OF THE---- P?ucinc Mutuaci Life Insurance Co. IL** Liver# . * " * Js* I V-*.** Invigorator * «»* lias been used 5 in iny practice? s f" V" ÈÊ <'***l! 11 ky the public,* m Fv, P»** l'or more than 35 years, a 5j E** with unprecedented results.» OF CALIFORNIA. OFFICE RS OF THE YREKA BRANCH : JOIE < B. lbDURER, V ice President. DANIEL BEAM, M. D., I’ Lnt. J. M. WALBRIDGE, Secret! try. EXECUTIVE (OMMl FIE E. 1*. S. Terwilliger, John Miller. Perry Hoyt, (¡eorge Siuj111, A. M . Johnson, SEND FOR CIRCULAR.^ uu t *<ò. hff. iÄiVUltÜi BOARD OF TRUSTEES John B. Rohrer I’.nv lioyt Charles B. Boice (.'has. Bonhart * hmi< l M. P. 1. M. Walbrid-e <;«iir^c Smith John Miller r> * * * * l * * * ** c its uEprT.Ti.'X HOTEL - - RESTAURANT Opp. Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville. - - Oregon MA DAM JJ IIOLT, PtoprictreM. rpilE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD 1 of t< !i<>n ex- tcnib-d to her, and would respectfully sollic- it - «•«•nt¡nuance. Her tables are always under her immedi­ ate control ; ami by her long ex]>erien< e in th«“ business she feels confident that she will give entire satisfa«-tion to all. Her l>e«1s and rooms are fitted up in the yiost comfortable style, suited to th«“ ae<-oinni<>n the sliojjf^st ’lotice and tho nio't reasonable tt rnix Constantly on iian'd ail sizes of Thimble Skeins and Wagon Sexes. MAKE TO OllDER ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS i on CKMETEK1ES, 11ALl< 5Mi. E MURK ' - ¿L -AND— H - nnoznw ay , ij MEW TOKK CITY * IL B . PARTRII )GE, Agent. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOUI.D RE- 1 sped fully inform t heir friends and the public irenerally that they have purchased the above establishment, which will be henceforth coll hide«! under their constant personal supervision, and tiny guarantee -;i'in:t«ze. Th.-se st:il>h“s are centrally located, an«l stock of Harness, I’uugi«* and < ar- within convenient distance of the various riages, I am now prepare«! to iurnish my houses of public entertainment. Horses patioils and the public generally w ith as and mules will be l»oarr:il share of the po.lJie patromnre is saddle or harness. J. A. CARDWELL. solieited. W. J. FLY MALE. Jacksonville, M i U i , FRANCO-AM ERICAN Oregon St.. Jacksonville, I RADE t. 11 n til ph > i:.:isr wii.i. rr: i. vol P. S. Terwilliger A. M. Johnson N. D. Julien THE PLACE — TO (SET— YOUR BLACKSMITHING — I'ONE IX — THE BEST STYLE rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD 1IERE- 1 by inform the public that he has ONE 'I' II (Il's A N D Bl si 1 ELSofsu|>erior Jackson ('reek Lime for sale «“heap. Persons wish­ ing Bri<“k-laying or Plastering done in the best style ami at reasonable rates will do well to call on me. For further information inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. (¡. W. lloLT Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. RANCH FOR SALE. rpilE RANCH KNOWN AS THE BEN- I iK'tt ranche, situated on the Illinoia River betwe« n Kerbyville and Waldo, Jose­ ph inc Co., is otfered tor sale. The ranch com­ prises grain, meadow and garden land, all under good cultivation. There is a commo­ dious dwelling house and barn thereon, both nearly new. A Iso a line fruit orchard growing on the same. The place is well wateri-land supp!i<*d with irrigating ditches, A «“. Time will l>c given for part payment if desired. For further particulars ajiply to II. K. HA N NA, Jacksonville. WALDO EXPRESS. Carrying United States Mails. AND AT— THE LOWEST RATES. —IS AT— DAV. CRONEMILLER S, | I'AVES JACKSONVILLE MONDAYS 'rimrKdays for Waldo. Leaves \\ ahlo ruesdays and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passen­ gers. Express business proniptiv attended lo hv K. M. GARRETT. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. LAGER! Merchant and Exchange Business. STRAYED. TN *IT * Mission Street, San Frnn.-is. o. Cal. THE GREAT FkG- LISH REMEDY, an A unfailing cure for Spermator­ rhea. Seminal Wcaknt >s, 1 in­ potency, ami all «iisea*«“S that n rn i • t lading, Before T. kin. follow as a se- '|iien<“0 ofSelf Abm-e: as lo- of Memory, I' ni versa! I .a ilude. Pain in the I •ack, 1 lim- A“. and ness ot Vision, Ereinatnrc Ohl Aue, that lea«l to Insanity many oilier Dis« or <'oiisiimption and a Prematlire . Full part¡«“iilars in our paniphl et. which we desir«> t<> send free bv mail to every one; ■’ The Specific Medicine is I£y villo sohl by all
  • . Io Meelia11!••■>' Bl«>«‘k, I><“tr«'i!. Mi«-h. are now prepared to do a . Sold in Jack'onx ill" bv all druggists and by all wholesale and retail druggists everywhere. Will give as much tlour, shorts and bran, for good merchantable wheat as any mill GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES! in Southern Oregon. Flour sacked and branded, customers furnishing sacks. The —AT— highest market price p.iid for good iner- ehantalile wheat in cash or goods. Satis­ Frey’s Doot and Shoe Store. faction guaranteed in all instances. P. B. LEWIS. CAI.IFOKNIA S tkeet Kerby ville, July i>;th, ls79. • Jacksonville, Oregon, ? SAN FRANCISCO GOLD, SILVER, NICKEL AND COPPER PLATING WORKS, OKAY'S SPEC iJ !< pl< ÍP A' (Av® .6^ J try ^** CHICAGO- 3LLIXÍOXS, U. S. A. OF SAN FRANCISCO, HOUSE painting , A. nt for Jackson and Josephine Counties. Headquarters, Jacksonville, Or. STonic. fPIIE BEST PROCESS A'ET DISCOVERED I'oR SAVING l'JNEOR FLOAT f.OLD. I Extensively used with great success in gravel and placer mining in various parts of the Pacific Overfix «» hundred orders have been filled, and the deniand is con- stantlv increasing. A large number ot these Plates were sent toSnake River mines, Idaho', hist rear, ami a great many orders are being filled for them this season. < lars containing full instructions for working these Plates sent " each older. lid Mining Plates bought or taken in exchange for now Silver Plated 1 lates. and full value allow ed. Gohl extrai'ted from ohl Plates at a moderate cost by a new ami economical process, old Plates (which often contain a surplus of gold above the cost ot plating) can bo re-plated. , . , With the most extensive facilities on tho Pacific Coast, orders can be filled very promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. . . , . Mining Men and th" public generally are cautioned against unprincipled and ir­ responsible parties tiaveling through the country, endeavoring to secure orders for very interior f Poli-;;• Holde rs, anHi«.e for insurance will be r etain. -l and invest« <1 in this vicinity . Each of the above nam- ■J gentleimn have tak.-n >10,0 ‘ >0 insarair mi their lit « s. i . : this! 'omp.any. 1 'arties desiring information r>■.• ardim. the Comp any, or insurance upon then • lives, ; ii'e respectfl illy rcierre«! to In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon anv of tlie .above named .< ntl. m ell. tor the County of Josephine. Wm. B. Hay, Plaintiff, vs. Isaac Cox and John Martin, Defen lants. Suit in Equity to set aside and cancel a judgment and Sheriff's sale and to correct a mistake in a mortgage and to foreeloso a mortgage. /’• l.yi'iic i'llXy dill of the h I ki I'C It'tilllif liC- fi I'tliintx: I N Til! .NAM E Ol TH ESTATE OF <»RE- 1 gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint till'd against you in the above entith <1 suit, in w hich Wm. B. Hay is plaintiff and Isaac Cox and John Martin an* defendants, on the first d ly ol the next term of the said Circuit Court in and for Josephine Count v, Oiegoii, w hich shall commence six wecksor more after the !s wcndGrful in its conception, un­ date of the first | idili. anon hereof, w hich said term will cotnnience on the fourth precedented for doing a largo range of Monde v.' he 27th da v, of • i. tol -i', 1S79. And sowing in textile fabrics and leather. Its if you tail sotoaiiswer, for want thereof the motions are continuous, admitting of an plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re extraordinary rate of speed, either by lief demanded in the complaint, which is: steam or foot power. Every motion of tho 1st. That th<‘ mo; tgage described in the treadlo makes six stitches, thus produc­ c.inip'aiiit lie corrected ami the description ing about one-third more work in a day of the premises in said mortgage be so cor­ titan other Sewing Machines. It has no rected as to convey tho premises intended stop motions, and tightens the stitch with to he convey ed thereby. tho needle out of the fabric. It uses tho 2d. ’1 hat tlu* judgment ami decree of the well-known Wilson Compound Feed on both sides cf the needle. It Court described in the complaint be de­ clared void and set aside and eaie-eled. has two-thirds less parts than any other first-class Sew;ng Machine. 3d. That the iev y upon the premisesand Its arm is fully eight and one-half inches long and five and one-half sale thereof upon i xe.’iition as descrilH .I in Inches high, and tho wholo Machine is very compactly and scien­ the complaint be declared void and set tifically constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear­ aside. ance. Its simple, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as far Ith. That a judgment and decree of the In advance of ail other Sewing Machines as the telephone is superior court lie made against the defendant Isaac to tho tin speaking tube. The WILSON MENDINC ATTACHMENT, Cox in favor of the plaintiff for the recovery for repairing all kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur­ of the sum <>i'8H3.94 and interest thereon nished FREE with all WILSON SEWING MACHINES, together with since the 2d da y ot 8 nt. per month. <;l! in U. .*-. gold coin, and tor the costs and disbursi tneiits <4 this nished with freight charges prepaid, and machines furnished on suit, and for the sale of the mortgaged trial to responsible parties, to ho used with steam-power, in places premises under said mon :agc as intended where we have no agents. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price to be mortgaged thereby, as upon List, No. 230. execution at law, and that the pro­ ceeds be applied, first, tothe nay inent of the costs of this suit; second to the pay - Itlclit ot i lie a ll loll lit found due p a. ut i ll... I. I also that the claim of tIn- <1< f< ndant, John Martin, be declared subsequent in time, and subject to plaint itf's said mortgage, and t hat t lie det.-ib lants an I ai I persons claim­ ing under theiu or eitlier of them he barred am! foreclosed of all right, claim and equity ot redemption in said premises and that UNION the residue, it any there be, nl the proceeds ot such sale be applied according tn law. Published by nr.leroi Hon. 11. K. Hanna, Judge ol sa.d Circuit Court, which order was made and dated the 27th dav of \ugiist, 1*79. A. C. J< iN I’.S, Attorney for Plaintiff. Cor. California and 4tli Sts. PAINTLLRS. The people bought Singer machines as fol- lows: I - L In the County Court of Jackson county, State ot Oregon, sit’ing for probate busi­ ness on Saturday, August 23, Is?.». In t he m.iti it <>f i I h » listale of P. W. Stow, ai) iiisa'ne person. •/ 'ihn Stine (fini till other» illh cestcìl tlu i'ifii : \’OU AR i: HEBE by notified th A'i Tlios. McAndrews, guardian of said I’. W. Stow, h is filed a petition, prayingfor an order of said <’ourt to sell all ri al prop­ city belonging to the estate of said Stow, viz: All the right, title and interest of said I’. W. Stow in donation land claim ot I*. W. Stow and l.avinia Stow, his wile, notifi­ cation No. 12 and claim No. 51, being parts <>f section 8 and lots 1,5, and din section s an I parts ot' sec’ion !», and 1.4 2 in sec­ tion 9, township No. south ol'range, 2 west, containing in the aggregate 390.92 acres. Therefore, notice is hereby given that the prayer ol said petition w ill be heard and de termined at Jacksonville, in said county and State, on the 7th day of October, is?!», at in o'clock a , m ., at w hich time all parties interested are notified to appear and -■how cause why an order ot sale should not be made as pr.iv ed for in said petition. Published in the D emocka lie T imes for four consecutive weeks by order of Hon. Silas J. Day, Count \ .Judge. 11. 15. W ATSON, Clerk. “A Thing of Beauty is a «Toy Forever.” CALIFORNIA STREET, IT IS THE BEST i Í 4 I CIT1TICN. ---------- I Highly Important to Miners and Quartz Mill Men! LIVERY fitiD SALE STABLE, CHY Jacksonville, FIRST PRIZE In tho f’oiinty Court ot the State of Oregon, tor the County of Jaekson, sitting in pro­ bate on September 3, 1*'7!». In the matter of the estate of Jos. Rath, 1' ' T. said estate, having filed in said < .mil bis final account for settlement, and also praying for an order for setting tlm tinie for hearing the same, therefore notice i- hereby given that said tinal account will be heard and ileterniined in saidl’ourt on Tuesday, < »etober 7, iS79. at 10 o’clock A. M., at which time all persons having any ob­ jections to said tinal account and settlement must then and there make the same. Published m the Di mociiatk ’ T imes for font <-ons(..-utive weeks by order ol Hoti. S. J. D.iv, County Judge. E. B. WATSON, Clerk. SAVE YOUR GOLD! Oregon. aving permanently located H in Jacksonville, the undersigned re- s|>oettully informs the publie that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in the bool and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. GEORGE \V. FREY LAGER!! 1 Si I il I 11,0 ’-A R, or 85 to 820 a Vi’H'U day, in your own l«>«ality. No THE EAGLE BREWER risk. Women ur miivl for yourself. Address G E( >RGE «se, with over mon in,.1', ref>.na, 0T /n. « a STINSON .V Co., Portland, Maine. Cents for It. isuiii rtw l •*?enu nl,,° POR MIXING BI ANKS GO THE TIMES O ffk ’ e . Copp's Hand-book of Mining rUSTICE’S AND LEGAL BLANKS OF I J all kinds for hale at the T imes O ffice Law always kept on hand. Price 81 a copy. »t « iK.leHSle prie.“1 „ Loo.'.?'.“ *'‘I 811 «o ,d« The onlv li.Li!/4.' 1 1 to*,‘Ü Ihej .r- Iliake tills tie ir ,|i, ( iHi i'!!1,'’11 ,u Am-rli-a vho montgo M i : it Y w V CI ikmt . w 4 * «U H alM; *