4 it Simrs. KEHRN' OF UENlllAI, GRANT.
    <;8- a failure now. But we are sorry to Polls, 992. i A. C. JON ICS, ing Mr. Tilden so vehemently. The Attorney for Plaintiff. Bant year ’ s assessment roll showed see the names of some of our State ot- old gentleman has put the thumb­ ficials appended to tho same invitation. horses and mules to number 4,295; screws to them so often aud so mer­ SUMMONS. | With tho Mercury we believe that cattle, 10,926; sheep and g >ats, 41,- cilessly that they are still wincing un­ Court of the State of Oregon, , the man who was interested in the 770; h gs, 11,750. The indebtedness In the Circuit for the County of Jackson. der the punishment. The more they whisky ring, navy ring, Shepherd ring, was $570,699; exemption, $226,125; Pauline Farren, Plaintiff, vs. Sullivan M. , effervesce so mu ^h mi ro the people’s Farren, Defendant; suit in equity for a credit mobilier ring, Indian ring, and gross valuo of property, $2,300,382; divorce. sympathy for Mr. Tilden heightens. taxable property, $1,503,558. >dl the other rings by which the people H E A MTS BROS., JACKSONVILLE CALIFORNIA ST., MUSICAL CONSERVATORY JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, AHEAD AS USUAL!! BY ADOTTINO A THEO. KUGLER THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN IN PRICES Ever Known in a Regular Business, -AND THE— LARGEST STOCK! GREAT CLEARANCE SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE!! FOR SIXTY DAYS ! —THK— GREATEST VARIETY Important Reduction in Prices AT THE STOBE OF NEWMAN FISHER. How strikingly beautiful and so charmingly proper it would have been had General Grant been attended by his former boon companions, Babcock, Belknap, Robeson and Shepherd, in his triumphal march through the city 'nf San Francisco last Saturday. The scene would then have been conspicu­ ous for its completeness. It would have represented the irrepressible Gen eral as he is and was—not what the Californians hoped he might be. were robbed, and who defended his SUICIDE. accomplices when accused and par­ A distinguished scientist once said: “No doned them when convicted, who made man with a strong healthy stomach ever committed suicide,” and yet many are suf­ his millions out of a salary which it is fering tho tortures of tiie damned with Dy.s- a single bottle ot DR. M1N- known did not more than support his liE’S when ENGLISH DANDELION, LIVER manner of living, and who is tho rep­ AND DYSPEPSIA PILLS will give relief, and, if persisted in, will cure the worst ease resentative of all that was corrupt in of his distressing trouble. This pill cures the administration of public affairs dur­ Torpid Liver and Bilionsne^, Iteffulate# the Hoireln, llenoireft Pimple* from the /’'ace, cure* ing his eight years as Chief Executive, Kalloir Complejcion, Paul lireath, Side Head­ Hearthurn, linn in the S’tdes and Hack; whose very name is the synonym for ache, I* ,Susite nature. In the latter Cfs“ we doubtful character; nor can the prin find Tammany Hall uttemptin g the cipies of Democracy bo perpetuated annihilation of the Demo -ratic party, through entangling alliances with the while in the other the better class of Bedouins of politics, Better go down Republicans are unwilling to swallow to defeat with colors flying and mi Conkling’s man Friday, Cornell, and smirched than to reap the fruits of so will doubtless support Robinsun in uncertain a victory. The D eno TaN who have mar-haled themselves under preference. Iu a reportorial interview the banners of Both ris.ri can look to» Mr. Tilden gives it as his opinion that no symptlhy from their brethren el.su- Tammany’s defection will be otf-et by w here. recruits from other organizations, thus assuring the success of the Democracy Cur I truui Nu|»eriut<*nd«*iil Fountain. T he Ohio campaign becomes more interesting as it approaches a close, each side seeming to be confident of 6UCC6S8. General Ewing, the Dem­ oeratic nominee for Governor, in a recent Interview, said: “We must make a poor mau’s canva?- and g<» among the peo|le with scrip and staff. The Republicans will have a big ad­ vantage in having all the money they can use. We have a new and very severe law in Ohio making all forms of bribery and intimidation punisha­ ble as penitentiary offenses. We in­ tend to see that tire law is thoroughly executed.” T he Republican outrage-mills have •gain been put in motion and will grind out those blood curdling stories for which the average R »«I ictal yearns about election-time ad ‘bit mu until after the Presidential can gn next year. The ton cases, magnified Chisholm and oito most revolting as they have r no other reason political m< i I," J U ' I can succe—«, are than to fur u hole S utli is t. rit of the first i ed- of the perpetra- accused for t: which were nothing tors of th» ■ pstiots of personal dif- more thio • i is willful and lacks ttv fir»ulties. So might the South, crage dec with the N I .th ind Ea t, charge th e • -h oling *»f Ivd loch Ly West for .1 wo< k up '• ci tonal strife Ik* You n er is bast* amt becoming iu this " mu of the “bloody shirt” only a ; ■ehooL SIR ASTLEY COOPER’S VITAL RE- SPORATIVE: TheGreat The Great English Remedy —has made more cures of Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost Manh <><>d, nocturnal emissions, lassitude, inability for mental labor, despondency, and such diseases as are induced by youth­ ful follies and excesses, than all other med­ icines combined. Why will you suffer? Send to A. E. Mintie, M. I)., No. 11 Kear­ ny Street, San Francisco, for the Restora­ tive and be cured. Price, $.! per bottle. Four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases success­ fully. Medicinessent secure from observa­ tion upon receipt of price or C. <). I). EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. “My eye-sight is better.” "I am a strong man again.” “It is worth titty dollars a bottle.” “If there is no reaction after (put­ ting it, it is the king pin, etc., etc. LUMBER! LUMBER!! THOMAS' SAW-MI LI a AT THE MEADOWS, NOW FULLY PREPARED TO FUR- ni'li the market with every description <>t lumber of a superior quality. ’I'hi.s mill is new throughout and furnished with the latest and most improved machinery, thereby ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills sawed to order with dispatch. ■ Give me a trial and I will prove what I say, tor satisfaction is guaranteed in every cas - J. R THOMAS. Table Rock, August 26, ¡879. ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L and O ffice RosF.nrtm, O kfgon , i September 17, 1S79. j yrOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the tollowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial proof A shland , S. pt. 16, 1S79. in support of his claim, and secure final To the E ditor of the T imes : entry thereof at the expiration of tliirty days tin* d ue ot t h is not ice, viz: John ('al- For the information of the public I re­ from laglian. Homestead Application No. 2.311, spectfully submit the contract figures fortheN. W. 1, of Sec. 21, T 37, S. R., 1 West, aixl names tho follow ing as his witnesses, at which the New School Books may viz: Jesse Richardson of Jackson eountv. ami S. (’. Ta^-lor of Jackson county,Oreg. be obtained until January I, 1880. Where the child has old Looks of the same grade to exchange the new can be obtained for those prices: First reader,8 cts ; Second, 12 cts.; T ird, 16 cis.; Fourth,20 cts.; Fifth,36 cts.; Sixth, 45 cts.; Speller, 11. Where the child has no old book the following intro­ ductory prices will be charged: First reader, 13 cts.; Second, 24 cts.; Tl.ird, 35 cts.; Fourth, 45 cts.; Fifth, 70 cts.; Sixth, 80 cts.; Speller, 16 cts. The readersand speller only ate to be chang­ ed. Wm. Hoffman of Jacksonville and Fountain Ct Farlow of Ashland are the authorized agents for distributing the new looks in Jackson county. A full supply of the new series of books has just been received; so bring your old books, but do n >t fail to bring coin enough to complete the exchange, as they are authorized to exchange only on a cash basis. Respectfully, J. I). F ountain , C’o. School Supt. 1 irr al I’ortiaud. Portland had a 560,000 fire Monday night. It started in Zin Bros.’ facto­ ry and consumed the planing mills of Ansile A C o . and Davidson & Nicolai, the Minnesota House and a number of smaller buildings. at W. F. B i viamin , 7b Sullivan .V. Farren: IN THE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF OR-j 1 egon.you are required to appear in said ('ourt and answer tiie complaint of said Plaintiff filed against you within ten days from the tune of the service of this sum­ mons on you, if served within said county; or it served on you within any other county in tliis State, then within twenty days from the time of ttie service; or if served on you out of ttie State of Oregon, or by publication of summons, then by tiie first day of the next regular term of said Court, lo-wit: the 10th day of November, 1879. And you are notified that, if you fail to an­ swer said complaint as above required, ttie Plaintiff will apply to the Court for tiie re­ lief demanded therein, to-wit; Fora decree for the dissolution of the marriage contract heretofore existing lietween yon and said Plaintiff, and for the care and custody ot the children of said marriage, and the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed. Published in the D emocratic T imes by I order of Hon. IL K. Hanna, Judge of said Court, made Sept. 24, 1879. <’. VV. KAHLER, Attorney for Plaintifi. HUNTERS' EMPORIUM ! California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. t LWAYS ON H AND THE RENT STOCK of Patent and Home-made Rifles and Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, small and powerful; Derringers, the latest ami best; also the best Powder and Powder Flasks; Hunting and Pocket Knives of the best brands; all sorts of Shot and Pouches; Caps, Wadsand everything iu the Sports­ man’s line. He will also keep a full line of SHELF HARDWARE, Nails, and Ropeofall kinds and sizes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-makers’ Tools, a complete assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, together with a full snppiy of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. 1 he above good* are all ot the best quali­ ty and will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. New guns made to order, ami repairing promptly done and in good style. All or­ ders tilled with dispatch. J >HN MILLER. ’s Cherry Pectoral For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Glenn’s Peace in the Family. AVING TAKEN THE AGENCY OF ibis valuable medicine, 1 am now pre­ H pare'! to furnish it in quantities to suit the following prices; Trial size bottles, 25 cents; large size holding eight ot the small), St. or three small for 5<»cts. A trial forthis speciti • is all that is asked. Address all or­ ders to M. JACOBS, Ashland, Or. Independent Series of School Books. ALL FOR CASH!! TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND 1 N ORDER sell for the next SIXTY DAYS my entire line of OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF WINTER STOCK I Wild I SUMMER DRY-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES KID GLOVES, HATS, Spring and Summer Dry-Goods. FANCY GOODS LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES AND DIAGONALS, SILKS AND SAT1 NS, B( MITS & SHOES, -> CLOTHING, ETC., LADIES' CALIFORNIA-MADE CLOAKS IVE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE H ladies to the tact that we have now on hand the largest and best selected assort­ ment ot LADIES’ DRESS GOODS and FAN­ AtPriecK tliiit will 1 >oiy € 'onipji pisón CY GOODS of every description in Southern Oregon, and we will henceforth make this EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO CASH PURCHAS- line of goods our specialty and sell them at i 1 era during this great sale at CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., Jacksonville, August 8, 1879. N. FISIIER. PRO BONO PUBLICO ! THE NEW YORK STORE AHEAD ! ! Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the gentlemen we will say, if vo« want a No. 1 Si IT OF CLOTHES you must goto Reames Bros, to buv it, as weclainr to .have the best STOCK (>F Ci.OTHING in Jackson county and will allow noonetonn- i derseli us. Tties« goods were all purchased by a mem- ber of our firm from FIRST-CLASS HOUS­ ES in Nan Francisco and New York, and we will warrant every article and sell them i cheaper tor cash than any house in county. We also keep on hand a full stock of GltEAT CITASI! 1 X VltTCES! Bronchitis, 31. 31 cnsor's < 'iii’i’oii t lisitox GROCERIES, TOBACCO, s for................................................. Extra Costa Rica coffee, by quantity, 22cts. per tb and I tt>s for.. Rope ot all sizes per pound for............................................................. Liverpool salt per tb for......................................................................... . Extra dioico tea por If» for..................................................................... 'i'obacco per tb for..................................................................................... Candles per box........................................................................................ .30and upward .62',” “ $3.50 The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the lu.-t halt century, is a sufficient assurance to ttic public that it will continue to realize the happiest results that can be desired. In almost every section of country there are persons, publicly known,who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. AH who have tried it,acknowledge its superiority; and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to relieve ttie dis­ tress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affec­ tions. C hekky P ectoral always affords in- slant relief, and performs rapid cures of tbe milder varieties of bronchia) disorder, as well as the more formidable diseases of the lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the distress­ ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. at This medicine gains friends at every trial, as tiie cures it is constantly producing are too re­ markable to be forgotten. No family should bo without it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it flout their knowledge of its effects. rREPARKD BY PARENTS AND TEACHERS ARE NO- I titied that I am prepared to furnish Dr. J, C. AYER 4 CO,, Lowell, Mass., the new series of Readers and S|>ellers in ex- Practical and Analytical Chemists. chamje for old of the same grade ot the Pa­ SOU) ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. cific series—or for introduction. A small sum will be charged on each book ex­ changed or sold. Orders from teachers are not required. VOR MINING BLANKS GO THE TIMES WM. HOFFMAN, Agent. L O ffice . Copp’s Hand-book of Mining Law always kept on hand. Price $1 a copy Jacksonville, Sept. 15, 1879. In fact everything from the finest needle to a threshing-machine. Give us avail and judge for yourselves as to our capacity of furnishing goods as above. Tiie way to make money is to save it. To save it buy cheap. To buy cheap pay CASH for your goods and buy of REAMES BROS. LATEST ARRIVALS —OF— DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, etc. $1.00 Prints, 15 yds for.................................................................... . 9 and upward Muslin per yd.......................................................................... 1.0(1 “ “ Men’s hats, each.................... ................................ ............... Men’s boots per pair............................................................. 3.50 “ “ Shoes “ “ ............................................................. .75 “ “ Slippers “/ “ ............................. ................................ .63 “ “ .(53 “ “ Cotten flannel shirts and drawers, each.......................... Men’s cloth suits worth $15.00 for..................................... 9.00 3.50 Men’s cloth pants worth $6.00 for..................................... And various other articles too numerous to inr niton. Call and examine as it costs noth­ ing to satisfy yourself. MORRIS MENSOR. IJM IS ICIÍ’ GREAT SAUGHTER of PRICES AT— Cough, Asthma, Farm and Freight W agona. Plows, Gang Plows & Sulky Plows. A NEW ARRANGEMENT! ; Whooping 11A R1 »W A RE, CUTLERY, GLASSWA5¿^-**"*^ A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS, such as Coughs, Colds, and Corfsumption. A VALUABLE PANACEA! Any One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. GROCERIES, Register UMIE CHOICEST KINDS FURNISHED I at San Francisco rates. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. SCHELD BROS., Yreka, Cal. TO SELECT FROM IN TO rril 1<2 1*15111^10: —AND— HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE, E. R. REAMES. T. G. REAMES. FIRST NEW THIS WEEK. E. JACOBS’ STORE NEW GOODS!! —AT— BRECKENFELD ' S ! riMIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- I lire in announcing to the public that hu has just received a complete and first-class assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, sin h as Hats, Shirts. U nd. rw ear, etc.; best brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No­ tions, Fancy Goods, (¡lassware, Crockery, Musical Instruments, Bird (’ages, Station­ ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Alimins, Toys, Candies, Nuts, etc., which will lie sold at theeiieapest rates. Give me a call and see for yourselves. PLANED LUMBER OF ALL K1N I iS I can be had in quantities to suit 1 >v writ- ’s ing to the undersigned, at J. 1’. Parker I F. BRECKENFELD. Oregon St., Jacksonville. steam saw mill on Big Butte creek, , Floor- ing, Rustic, (’oiling and Mouldingscan be had in any quantity. We can plane luin- r jIERE A COMPLETE AN 1» M AGNIF- her 24 inches wide—in fact all kinds ot lum­ » ¡cent assortment ot new goods lias ber necessary to build houses- all of which just been received, consisting in part of can be got ready for use at the mill. Par­ BLACKSMITH, ties who intend building can save hauling I All Kinds of Groceries, more lumber than they m ed. Bills, plans and estimates can be had either at the mill FOURTH STREET, JACKSONVILLE, on Big Butte or at their shop in Jackson­ ville, Oregon. jiTAll orders will receive prompt atten­ tion. SMITH A- WAIsMAN. DRY-GOODS, aving taken charge of the shop formerly occupied by Dan. Crone­ FANCY GOODS, miller, situated north of Cardwell's Livery NEW STATE HOTEL, I Stable, I am now prepared to do BOOTS A SHOES. CALIFORNIA STREET, GEMERAI, BI.AIKNIfITHIWV SCHOOL BOOKS, Proprietor C. W. SAVAGE, in the best manner and on short notice. HA I S AND CAI’S, My terms are reasonable. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. Give me a trial. TOBACCOS Â CIGARS, Horse-shoeing a specialty. rp HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- MATT. SHANNON. 1 lire iti announcing that lit* has titled up HARDWARE & TINWARE, Jacksonville, Feb. 1«, 1878. and thoroughly renovated the New State building tor hotel purposes ami that the house is now open for the reception of guests. THE TABLE PAINTS & GLASS. Will be constantly supplied with the best the market affords. Mealscan Ire obtained Children's Carriages. Velocipedes and FORWARDING & COMMISSION AGENT at al) hours. The beds are new and kept clean and no Wagons, pains will be spared to give the utmost sat­ Roseburg, Oregon. isfaction in every particular. FRENCH CANDIES, Etc. I Charges reasonable. (’. W.SAVAGE. In fact everything to Be found in a first A1ERCHANTS OF JACKSONVILLE class stock of General Merchandise, which 1'1 and vicinity shinping gooda via Rose- bu:g will find it to their advantage to ship FARM FOR SALE will be sold al prices through tliis house. Ample warehouse room, safe and careful storage, and business rpiIE FARM KNOWN AS TIIE JOHN That Defy Competition. promptly attended to. i L. Murphy place, lying in the vicinity References; S. Marks A Co., J. C. Floed, » of Bear creek,eight miles from Jacksonville The highest price allowed tor country pro­ G. Haynes, Roseburg. and adjoining Major Glenn’s land, is offered duce. for sale cheap. It contains 160 acres of tho y<..Give mon call at my establishment in Charges on Freight..................... $1.50 per ton beat bottom land and is well supplied in Masonic Building and be convinced that “ “ Salt per ear load 1.00 “ “ with living water. For further particulars there is no humbug about this. Mark your goods: Care of H. L. M, I enquire at tins office. Roseburg E. JACOBS. MATT. SHANNON, H Beautiful Ladies' Hats & Flowers, H. L. MURTON,