annvs I cm a era !ít 4LWWS1. Published every Friday Morning by RAft.S Ol CHARLES NICKELL Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rales of : One copy, per annum.................... “ six months....................... “ three months................... «3.00 2.00 1.00 PROFESSION AT, CARDS. VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1ST.) • t I E. C. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS TO THE FRONT AGAIN! HODGE, DAVIS & CO — WITH A— A. C. JONES. ADVERTISING. Advertisements will lx* inserted in th* T i . m E s at tiie following rati a I One square, one insertion........................... $3.00 “ eticli subsequent one............. LOO Ix’galadvertisements inserted reasonably A lair reduct ion fr< >m the alaivo rates mad« to yearly and lime advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at ri'a-oiiable rates. ('ot’NiA W arrant »» always taken at par- 1<».\ OF A UKlAT WORK. An epoch in the experience of many One hundred thousand head of cattle lovers of good books will tie marked by ATTORNEY’ A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, have been driven into Montana from the completion of the new Acme edi­ WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELET, Oregon this season. JACKSONVILLE, OGN., tion of Chambers’ Cyclopedia of Eng­ Twenty-twu of the forty State Sen­ From San Francisco W HOL E S A L E 1) RUGGÌ 8 T S, lish Literature. The announcement specta ci.ris, Will practice in all the Courts of flic State. ators elected to tIu* California Legisla­ of a work of such superior excellence, DEALER IN Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. ture are Democrats. books . goods . m form and style so convenient and 92 & 94 FRONT STREET It is announced that De L<>sseps lias becoming, at prices so nominal, was G. H. AIKEN. M. D.. abandoned his project of constructing moie than a surprise to the reading FI ELD (J LASSES, 1)EGS LEAVE TO ( ALL THE ATTEN- POKTI.AN 1 », OKEOON. a ship canal across the Isthmus of Pan­ P II Y” S T U I A N AND S U R G EON, public, and many questioned the pos­ 1 > tioii of the public to the tact that he has ama. sibility of its publication, except at ju-t returned from San Francisco with a lull CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. stock of The M<• Office on California street, opposite P. J. Black Alpaca “ '1 he and Star are the Melange, pt»r yard ............................................. 25e Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended latest to receive grave room in the precedent in the history of bookselling. 1'otihle witl'ii dress goods, pci yard.... 37 .<■ to, day or night. It is peculiarly a work worthy of GLASSWARE, II7A7XHP GLASS, journalistic graveyard. They suicided OF THE LATEST SLY LES, Unbleached Muslin, per yd...... K'c upward universal circulation. It is not only a Bleached Muslin, per yd ............... lt'c at Salem. J. W. ROBINSON. M. D„ Ladie's Hose, 8 pair for............. 81j't> collection of rare literary iuterest, beau­ PAINTS. OILS AND Groceries. Tobaccos. ver 3,200 pages), cloth, prompt attention. A ¡till assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, NEW LIVERY STABLE. der, created another sensalioti at Stock- $2; -I vis., half morocco, $3; 4 vols. Cigars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and E. H. AUTENRIETH. ton last week by trotting three heats halt llds-ia, gilt top, printed on finer OREGON. .MRS P P. PRIM. JACKSONVILLE. Holiday Presents. I MISS ELLA PRIM. and heavier paper, with wide margins, in 2:22, 2:20 ami 2:21. BACK OF COURT HOUSE, ATTORNEY’ A COUNSELOR AT LAW, By mail, postage extra, 40 cents. $4. Occident won the free for all race at American Book Exchange, 55 Beek­ Jacksonville. Oregon, SPRING OPENING rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS Xo\V Sacramento on the 13th, Nutwood treat­ MANNING & WEBB. Proprietors. man St., New York, publishers. I hand I he nio-t complete ami be-t (JIVE ME A CALL.' ing Graves, St. Julian and Tommy —AT— Will practice in all the Courts of the State. of millinery good-ever brought to Jacl A Library ol Universal Knowledge, Gates. Best time, 2:20 j. Prompt attention given to all business Irtt \ ille, cousis’ing of in 20 vols. nearly 20,000 page*, hand­ in my care. Lieut. Gov. Long of Massachusetts somely bound, and all for $10, with Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. aving lately fitted up the commodious barn on the.School House has been nominated for governor ot special inducements besides to early Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we H’E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW that State l.y the It publicans. The subscribers, i- announced by the same H. KELLY. i Ì and «•*>inpíete stock of M¡lliitery good-, are now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ platform endorses Hayes. publishers. It will be similar in char­ iness in our line with promptness and dis­ con-i-ting of ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, patch and at the most reasonable rates. The advance parly who is engaged acter to the Cyclopedias of Appleton or OREGON. HATS OF ALL STYLES. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, in examining tlte passes for the road Johnson, only more extensive, though TERNO! TS. from Astoria to Winnemucca is but a fraction of their cost. RIBBONS, Will pra« •fico in all the Courts of the State. The Stable is furnished w ith the best ani­ working down Dairy creek. Other recent publications of this Prompt attention given to all business en­ FEATHERS, mal-and most -nb-t.mtial buggies; also a trust,si to mv care. house are Ilollius’ Ancient History, DAVID LINN lir-t-cla— hack and saddle-' ■•■-(*. A grand base ball tournament is con­ FLOWERS, J«’ Office opposite Court House. Horses boarded, and the (test care be­ templated for the State Fair. $2.25; Josephus ’ complete works, $2, Port­ Keeps constantly ou hand a full assortment stow cd on t hem. COLLA Its and Smith ’ s Bible Dictionary, $1, all of f urniture, consisting of Satisfactioti guaranteed in every instance. land will send a nine; and probably JAMES S. HOWARD. AND CUFFS. • Jive usa trial and judge for vour-elxe-. California may contest, ¡is also Omaha. in large type and handsomely bound. MANNING A WEBB. U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR BEDSTEADS, The steamer from Havre on tiie 14th Also, of Juveniles, in large type, they Jacksonville, June 1, 1879. inst. took out CSe<*isions at my olli<,o in Jack­ The Chief Justice of California, un­ A lden, $1. sonville, Oregon. der tin* new Constitution, has a salary PARLOR A BEDROOM SUFI’S, rpiITS WELL KNOWN M\’D I T op. A large number of other standard i posite Kahler A Bro.’s drag-;oi '. ¡s of $(>,(too a year ami holds his office MAIN STREET, I.INK VII.I.E, OREGON. books wiF be added to their list during J. A. 4 11 AVr.lI.Y, M. I».. ETC., ETC. better ;>r<»p:ired than ex er to furnish the for eleven years. Nearly Nearlj’ a lift* posi­ THE ASHLAND public xvit h the choicest «piality ot the season. Their complete revised Also Doors. Sash and Bl'ml- always on tion for ¡tn ordinary man, iu fact. PHYSICIAN AND SUItGI 'N, catalogue, with full particulars, will be J. N. T. Miller* & Co., Prop'rs. hau l and made toonbr. Planing done on Fresh Beef. When Phil. Sheridan vi-ited Oregon sent free, on request, Address Amer. reasonable terms, j.»?!' Undertaking a spe- ’Tako<<, *,•'*«• igro !p •«rixiii’K'iiig to the citi­ Pork. Venl, «••••'• he made it a point to visit his rela- ¡can Book Exchange, 55 Beekman St., zens *>f I ’liienix, A-b late Li no -’it. Hutton. Hem, vicinity that he h i- permaru e.tlv loc ited lives on the reservation. U. 8. G. New Y or k. aving recently fitted up an Bacon, Salt oil W:»gTi<*r creek, three mil«'- south of won’t have to go that far, should he entirely new and commodious barn and Stori* the former place, for the practice oi his < * i I v Also, Superior corral, we ¡ire noxx fully pr«q>are«l to attend accept tlte invitation to be present T iie G irls . —No two things in the profession. to ¡ill bit-iness in our line. Sausage. Lnrd, J \>;,f’all- promptly attended at all hours, our State Fair. world can be more unlike than the ILA NN ELS, Plenty of grain, grain hay and flour day or night. CALI FORMA STREET, “ poor girl ’s life” and the life of the The most faxor:ibh> in.Iuccnients of kept constantly on hand ami for sale Three showmen,who claim that P. Horses boarded and the best care bestow­ T. Barnum broke them down by sin- girl “born to wealth”— the one—never to patrons, amt no «'tfort xvill bo sj CASSI MERKS, MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D.. ed on I hem. toward giving general s;iti-ia<-ti<>n. \i, Satisfaction guar.anteed. Give us a ister means when they ran a show knowing want, or cate, or temptation, WM. BYBEE. DOESKINS, Kahler & Bro.. Proprietors. PHYSICIAN A N D s U R < J E ON. trial. J. N. T. MILLER A Co. years ago, began a $300,000 damage her mind educated, her taste refined, Linkville, Sept. 3, 1>79. AND HOSIERY suit at Chicago recently, Barnum watched over, protected, cared for Jacksonville. Oregon. from In r e irlie-t childhood— the other says it is a blackmail scheme. Of the Eest Native Wool. HOLMAN S LIVER PAD The Central Pacific engines burn be neglected, Imlf clothed, hungry’, friend- Dr. Y’rooman comes hero with the intention lx M asonic B cilding , of permanently locating liini-flt in the tween 55.000 an|i-httieni, de-ire to annouies to the SOCIETY NOTICES. House xx ill stand 149 D<*m »erals, 131 public that they ¡ up now prepared to till ¡ill be wider apart than those which tW’o ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. Republicans ami 10 Greenb,t< ker-, LIST OF PRICES: And a great variety of PERFUMES and orders tor cakes ofevery description, -itch persons thus reared are compelled to Jarksonvilk Gransr No. P. of II.. too I of the litter tieing Democrats. W. 11. ATK I N^oN, Secretary. T< »1 LET A RTI< 'LES. including the be-t ami as wedditux cakes, cakes for parties, wine walk? Ilu* same things may happen Holds its regular mcetingseverv two week eh< q A PS in this market. Special size.. the Democrats. (’. MINGUS, Ma-ter. marry, rear children and die;”—but t-C Prescription- c.aret'tillv compounded. ehair-ie. Prices ia a-<>nable and satisfaction Children size. miar:tntee*l. A nnie M iller , Secretary. Mollie McCarty and R irtis have even these common-place incidents Rt >BT. KAHLER, Druggist. It is ¡liso our intention to keep a first-class I.1OII PAM I’ll LETS, PARTICULARS been permanently retired Horn the Carrying Ilie I . S. Mail. cease to te the same for both. Both lunch-hou-i , at which t he be.-t ot ( very thing A and testimonials send to or call on Oregon I'll ipl r No. I. R. L M., tuif. Mr. B' tim r is at present unde may many, but for the wne marriage in th«* lino w ill he served ¡it ¡til hour-. JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., Holds its regular meetings monthly on y.'.’ Fresh bread exerv d:;\. cided whether he will « xliibit It irus means increased comfort, love aod Sole Agent tor Si-kivou County. 1’tiesdny ev«*ning- <>f or pr« .•.•(•ding each full GR('B A ULRICH. in harness with lid win Forie-t in the car«*, and children area blessing and the <’oinpanions in g*>o I umon, at 7L o'clock. C east. Mollie h;ts injuries in the off sources of atigmetiled happiness;—lor standing ¡ire invited. ST. EAVES ASHLAND ANDLINKVILLE J. E. ROSS, High Priest. lore leg that cannot he curetl the oth< r marriage i nly increases tiie J every day in the week, excepting Sun­ Mxx Mt'Lt.KR, Secretary. CONDUCTED BY days, and connects with the mail lor Lake­ The Postmaster-( fem r il has ordered need of hard and wearying toil, au«l < Ai.iFoRNiA S i ri : i : t , view. children are but added draughts upon an actual daily count in ¡«11 po-totHc« s THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. B. ROSTEL. rpHESE WELL-KNOWN M 11.LS. SITE A Superior Accommodations for Passengers N. I’. .10X1 N. I ted s<,ven miles northeast of Jack-on Horn the first to the seventh of No health, strength and the courage which I’roprietor. vember of all h*tlers, packag« s, postal make- lite endurable. Considering the Who will be carried to any point on the ville, are now prep:»re rs are requested to furnish post­ on character by surrounding circum­ I school will commence about the end ot IN ORTH S BUILDING. A General Express Business Augu-t, and is divided in four sessions, Thirty-six pounds ot Hour, two pound- masters with the number of papers stancesand the condition of life, we of eleven week- each. Tran-acted. All orders promptly attended ot shorts and eight pounds of bran gixen mailed «luring that time. scarcely know w hich is more wonderful, DRINKS. 1_”, CENTS. to and satisfaelion guaranteed. To Board and tuition, per term,.......... per bushel of good w heat. Flour sacked ES P ECT F U L L Y A N NO U N (’ F,s espectfv 11. F. PHILLIPS. An invitation, signed officially by the departures ol tlte (laughters of the and branded, customer- furnishing .-acks. llio public • ot Jacksonville an I vicinity B(*d and Bedding................................. .... 4JW NO ( REIHT IN THE FI TERE it don’t .... 8.00 I (rawing and painting ....................... Ashland, June 1, 1879. Satisfaction guaranteed in all iiist inccs. I'r. Mo-ler, that he was a scholar Prof. of Gov. Thayer and Hott. Il P. Firhart, rich from the paths of virtue, or the pay. Farnilies needing ait vtliing iti otir 1 ine T. T. Meh ENZ1E. «director of the University of Greif-walde, Piano......................................................... .... 15.00 <-an alwavs be supplied witli the pnrest and s«cretaiy of state, on behalf of the com adherence to it of the daughters of ICureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. 8. PLYMALE. Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot the Entrauce t'e**, only one»*,................. .... 5.00 liest to be fouml (> ii the Coast. Gixe nie a W. !•’. OWENS. monwcalth, the mayor and recorder ot the poor—AY/r York 'liiiax. SELECT DAY’ SCHOOT T’niversity <>t Halle. During the Franco­ « all, and yoti will be well -¡iti-tied. ■ the city of Salem, and the pr< sident Prussian war he was special assistant to Primary, ;>er term,....................................... $ tl.oo THE CITY BREWERY and secretary of the State Agricultural T he Canyon Ctiy A’e//x reports • the Doetor-in-chief Z; tel/.er and Lmlxvig ot Junior, “ ....................................... s.oo homicide at Devine’s ranch, fifteen Berlin and Breslau, (iermany. Fract tire- Senior, “ .............................. 10.00 Society, Ims been forwarded to ex­ — BY— snd external disease- ■». acute or «■hronic, most from Camp Harney in Gtant Pupils are received .at anytime, ¡»nd e- President («rant, reqnestmg him to carefully treated. < ‘ "ping.L«*eching, Blt*e«i- eial attention is paid to particular studies in FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS county, James Vickers being shot and 1 a* ¡ill hours. ¿ng and teeth extr VEIT sell u T X . vi-it us during the annual session ol behalf of children who have but limited CALII'OliXIA ST., killed by Dennis Murphy, foreman of Ail kinds <>f bir.. stutled ami put up in time. F>>r further particular- apply al the the Oregon State Fair. tliast natural shapes. tlte ranch. 1 lie partirs been quar­ Rosebnrg. Oregon. Academy. Jacksonville, !»»•<•. 11, 1-7 Butler is again going to worry the reling for several days and Vickers had lleDAN SCI. A NOI 4M». |*lini RI LTOltS. R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY’ I> respectability of Governor. We are been ordered from the ranch, but re­ forms the citizens of Jacksonville an E (’. Loup, RAILROAD SALOON. A. P. HoTAt.tSG, ’ILL (JIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION surrounding country that he is now manu- glad of it. He is a tt-eful gad fly w ho lumed to see his brother, and the lat­ 2.5 Front St., 429 Jackson St,, to forwarding goo,Is consigned to their Portland. rpills POPULAR RESORT. UNDER THE care. Freight money advanced. Cmnmis- taeturing, and xvill constantly keep on hand stings into political activity thousands ter arriving, both commenced abusing Sun Francisco, Cor. California and < 'regon Sts., Janv 1 new managenent. is furni-liiiig t h<* bi>st sions reasonable. All business in this line th«“ x'erv l>e-t of I.ager Bol class ol beer shouhl civ«* me a call. Murphy. Later iu (he day the quar­ brands of liquors, winesand cigars. The -hall receive our prompt attention. A. P. HOT ALIN G & CO., the State, who would otherwi-e prove I reading table is suppiiiwitli Eastern ]>eri- AH consignments to our care should rt I was r.-rewed, resulting in Murphy HENRY PAPE, Engineer. Importers of odieals anil hai ling papers of the t'oast. be marked t Calvin B. McDonald has enjoyed, all day, yet in hid own way he ia a WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Roseburg, well known throughout the -(HOD E WINES, LIQUORS AND ( I- State for the superiority of their work, I will I H AVE A VERY (JOOD ASSORTMENT though in a comparatively atnall way, great traveler, or at least his hand is, ( J gars constantly on hand. The reading And W. J. Letup’s St. Louis Beer. receive any orders in this lino. I I of the above jroods, Which I will -ell -ay- the Ere, the exqu¡site | leasure of as wo shall prove. A primer will set table i-also supplied w ith Eastern periodi- Jacksonville, Or.. which Nellie (»rant Sartoris has lately 8,000 cuts a day, or about 24,000 ‘let­ calsaml leading paper- ot the Coa-t. cheap. Please call. JAS. DRUM. Monuments a Specialty. €cn. Asentí for State Investment Insurance t n. had a sort« it, that of peru-ing his own ters. l ite distance traveled over by |)EI’\TRS WATCHES. < Loi KS AM' Those desiring to see designs and ascertain I obituary notices. This his hind will avt rage altout one fool ine-«s of Ik Jewelry in the very b«*M manner, All pricescan do so by calling upon or address­ WILL. JACKSON, Dentist. sending p< ople “ until per letter, going lo the li<«xes in which to th work promptly done at the lowest rates. ing me at Ashland. popular, tlie.v an* contained, and of course re­ rt^‘-alisfa<,tion guaranteed in all cases. (HUE FARM KNOWN AS THE AM- shades” is becoming <| GE.VER.IL HL. ICAS.l/ITII A. S. JACOBS. 1 merman place, situated one mile south They do say that this last case wa­ luming makes two fee’ every letter of I’htenix and containing 320 acres, all patheticnlly worded up by ft Zealon- hi* seis This would make a distance under good fence and mostly tillable land, WHEAT WANTED each day of 4S,O(>0 feet, or a little more Jacksonville. Or. advocate of temp« rance, who, healing | 4? UMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN including alsa a fine orchard of young i lots in Klippel’s addition to Jackson­ WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE trees of every description and in bearing of McDonald’« illness, surmised bis than note miles; and iu Hie course of ville will be sold on rea-oitable terms. Fot for wheat to all those t hat are owing me,' condit ion. It * is also a stage _ station. For death and attributed it to a protracted a year, leaving out Sundays, that VLL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN further particulars enquire of I member travels about 3,000 miles. or in exchange for saddhTV, harness, and further particulars apply to MRS. W. s. STONE, Yreka, Cal. i debauch, hoping to point a moral. for work. Satisfaction guaranteed. HENRY KLIl’PEL. anything iu my line. HENRI JIDiiE. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. NEW STOCK? GOODS J. S. HOWARD'S! sintiiii. snniiMjiY, i Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL and T. A. DAVIS A CO., GEO. W. ELLIOTT GENERAL MERCHANDISE Sheet-M.isic, Violins, Citherns, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GENTS’ and BOYS’ HATS and CLOTHING 4 4 4 4 II 4 4 * fit Prioss that Defy Competition. Which will he seid at Lowest Rates. THE NEW MILLINERY STORE. FURNITURE WÄRE ROOMS, H EUREKA” GiÄtns’ and Laâies’ Hanffierctiitfs. t ■ WOÙI.EÌI MAU RCTURIftG CO. ELANKETS, H CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, PHILLIPS' EXPRESS, RiiiiiiiGs Bstwj Aslilani and LiiMle. I EUREKA MILLS X R OWENS & PLYMALE, CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, M ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. FAMILY GROCERIES, H OLD BOURBON WHISKY FARM FOR SALE I LOTS FOR SALE I