She fhmutrafir Sinus. I I h Published every Friday Morning by Slu gfwcraiic / KATES OF ADVERTISING. ft » Advertisements will l>o inserted in the Ti M es at the following rates : Ono square, one insertion......................... $3*00 “ each subsequent one..... ...... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements pavablo quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. U ui ; nty W arrants always taken at ¡«r- A? Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—Ou Oregon Street, in Orth’a Brick Building. Kates of Subscription: One copy, per annum,...................... “ six months.......................... “ three months..................... $3.00 2.00 1.00 VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 211, 1879 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NO. 36. 1 t GREAT REDUCTIONS E. C. BROOKS, I HODGE, DAVIS & CO., I "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.” UENEKA1. NOTEN AMI NEWS. i'OUILAMl» N INTEKEMT IN SUITH- EKN OKEGON. Eastern Oregon and- Washington want to be set aside as a new State. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, We know nothing of tbo purpoae of The acreage in England under wheat the O. A C. R. R. company, as to the WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELLT, JACKSONVILLE, OCN-. this year is 10 per cent, less than In extension of thoir line of road south; W II O L E S A LE DRU G GIST 8, 1878. SPECTACLES. hut wo are suro that it id of groat im­ Will practice in all the Courts of the State. —AKE THE— DEALER IN Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. ! Gen. Walker thinks the next eoDBUs portarci) ...... to the businodd interests __ of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS,' j of Hie United States will show a popu-; Portland that communication by rail • Ü2 & 04 FRONT STREET I G. H. AIKEN, M. D„ latlon of at least 48,000,000. ' b<. bu . had with the counties of Jackson FIELD-GLASSES, ! ENLARGED PICTURES j Win. Goltra, cf Linn coun*y, claims and I Josephine at the earliest possible PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PORTLAND, OREGON. « ■ to have 400 acres of wheat on his farm day, if Portland would benefit in any 1 —OF THE— CAIA FORNI A ST., JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. i that will not pay for tho cutting. coriflidorable measure by the rich min­ eral fields of Southern Oregon. Tho grain yfold in Scott Valley, IVE KEEP (’»INSTANTLY ON HAND; UNIVERSAL corail COMPANY Harj * tu foi • ’•»< Same, Office—On California street, opposite Union There are millions of hidden treas­ j 1 1 a complete stock of Jacksonville. Oregon. ; Siskiyou County, will bo letsoned con- Livery Stable. j In tho counties of Southern Oregon, ure i sidci J-ly this on account of rust. Drage, Modlcir.c£, Toilet Soaps and DR. L. DANFORTH, OF SAN FRANCISCO, including Uooe, Curry, Jose­ DRUGS. I One hundred and eighty tons of rail» ph! no atid Douglas, i Perfumery, i Jackson, no person familiar I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, READ HIS CASH PRICES. for the extension of tho west side rail­ with the factscan doubt, and that a NEEDLES AND BEST SPERM OIL FOR PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES Wliich have taken the Load road were received per steamship Oro- new era Is just now dawning upon thia DRESS GOODS. Jacksonville, Oregon. ; gon. Over ull Competitors. $1.50 Ir»’sb I’oplin, per yard........ .............. .. part of our State, lu regard to its min­ SEWING MACHINES PATENT MEDICINES, AJhoad of wheat measuring seven ing interests, is equally apparent. Office on California street, opposite P. J. Black Alpaca “ “ .......................... ...50c Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended Melange, ]»er yard..... ... ................... .. ..25»« * inches in length and containing 187 From personal observations we are Double width dre-*> goods, per yard. 37 El­ to, day or night. GL A SS JF. 1 RE, JJ 'IE DO JU G LA SS, grains has been place«! on tho tublo (A TURES ENLARGED TO LIFESIZE candidly of the opinion that all things io« upward Unblcacheil Muslin, ¡»er y»l E HAS sold Ol'T HIS STOCK OF 44 tho Lafayette Courier. from photographs or tin-types at priees Bleached Muslin, per yd ............. l»lr J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., American sowing Machines a number considered, there is not a richer, nor ! ranging from $12 to $50, opening eyes of prepared to tako orders /-T Wat» b» s. clocks, jewclrs and sewing LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. Ladies setts from $2.50 up to $25.00, and is appropriately named. Its name- scale. The light, shallow placer mines ’ for this work. machines »•]» ;utc»l and repair» 1 »! at a nsluce»! other Jewelry «•heap. KEELER H. GABBERT, suko is the Great Father of Junketeera. were measurably exhausted some years i ^--..Satisfaction iruaranteed in all cases. pri»1«1. MEN’S CLOTHING. llcad<|uarters :’< >Ll<' SHEEP IHP, which Hats, each.................................. l.oo Vallee Creek, Oregon. kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, L. S. P. MARSH, A. F. QUIRES, J. A. BURK, insane down there while trying to ulation for the time, aDd for twelve or Boys’ Hats.................................. I.uo ami is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and Blanket-lined Duck Coats..... 5.00 figure out the problem oi which ¡»arty fifteen years little attention was given Particular attention paid to conveyancing. Be»ots and Shoes sold at the lowest prices, foot rot. Circular sent on application. the Southern Oregon mines, Homo i All business entrusted to me will receive he belongs to. MECHANICS’ CALIFORNIA ST KE ET, and everything els»> in proportion for < ii-h. prompt attention. A company has been formed, with few, however, who knew the value A full assortimuit of Groceries, Tobacco. THE ASHLAND Cigars, Pip<-s, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and H. C. Owens, H. C. Perkins and B. IL and inexhaustible extent of these E. H. AUTENRIETH, OREGC'N. JACKSONVILLE, Holiday Presents. Iloai’h a-> incorporators, for tho purpose mines »»ontinued to make efforts,though feeble and spasmodic to attract the at­ —AM)— ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, i of carrying water iroui tho Tualatin tention of capital in this direction, ful­ IM MANVF.VnVKING : river to Port laud. Jacksonville, Oregon, riu’E UNDERSIGNED HAS Now ON ly believing that it would one day The (ax which this country pays lu prove one of tho most remunerative 1 hand t hi» most <■<>* piel»; ami best stock aSTGlVE ME A CALL. 155. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. of millinery go< <1 « \ » brom lit t > .lackson- the w.iy cf losses by firo excoeds the mineral fields ever opened on the Pa­ Prompt attention given to all business left —AND— ville, coil'.<:ing oí I whole cost of tho army and navy, the cific coast. Whether this hope and be­ in my care. FLANNELS, Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. I judiciary and the legislative and exe­ lief shall be fully realized or do ! re­ 3fi oulr. Cal. ( furnish tlm share. The question is, shall 8aa public with the ««hoieest quality of MRS. P 1». PllIM. j MISS ELLA PRIM. sity, Lafayette, Indiana, saying that Francisco have what Portland shoaM Also Door«. Sash and Blinds always on BACK OF COURT HOUSE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, he would accept a professorship in the hand and trade to order. Planing done on Fresh Beef. have, simply because Portland is slow» Willamette University. Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi- reasonable terms, /.if Undertaking a spe­ Fork, Veal. er to see, or seeing, has not the iota»- SPRING OPENING Glover’s report was pronounced by est or enterprise to avail herself of the MANNING & WEBB, Proprietors. zensof Phomix, .Ashland ami surrounding cialty’. M.'ton. Hnm. vicinity that Le ha« permanently located Secretary Sherman “all bosh!” but ¡itivileges and benefits nature has pro­ at — 3,acon, Ealt Meats. on Wagner creek, three miles south of neither tho Secretary nor any Repub­ vided for her? Heretofore Southern í>imRNIA STREET, The nm-t tavoral.le indue»ments offered ari» now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ UTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW ment made In that report. land, because of the difficulty and in- to patrons, ami no effort will l»e spared iness in our lino with promptness ami dis­ » V and complete stock of Millinery goods, Th»' Oregon City Enterprise make« * convenience of reaching Portland in MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D.. toward giving general satisfaction. consisting of patch and at the most reasonable rates. the following hon'd: Within ton year« connection with tho fact that ¿an WM. BYBEE. Knhlor & Bro., Proprietors. PHYSICIAN A N D S U R G F. O N . i Clackamas county will be the garden Francisco was more alive to the impor­ HATS OF ALL STYLES, TURNOUTS. ! of Oregon. It is the best watered, tance of securing to herself the rapidly Jacksonville, Oregon. The Stable is furnished with (lie best ani­ RIBBONS, has the healthiest climate and most increasing business of that part of our mals an»l most substantial buggies ; also a WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAN!» FEATHERS, first-class hack and sadille-horse. enterprising citizens of any county in • »State than has Portland. Should the Dr. V rooman comes here with the intention »' the large*! ni"l most complete assort­ I n M asonic B uilding , Horses boarded, and the la'st care be­ FLOWERS, i n irrow-gauge railroad now contempla­ of permanently locating himself in the ment of Oregon. Selah! stowed on th« m. practice of his profession. Is a gradu­ COLLARS Lucky Baldwin, tho San Francisco ted from R *gue river valley to Ellena- Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. ate. and, from twenty-seven years’ experi­ DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Give usa trial an»l judge for v«»ursel vcs. encein the diseases incident to this < Mast, stock-jobber and horse fancier, does berg or Crescent City, on the coast, be AND CUFFS, Oregon Street, Jacksonville. MANNIN»;’ A WEBB. flatters himself as being able to give gen­ hot seem toconflne his fiorpentiuotricks completed before wo shall have con­ Jacksonville, June 1, 1879. eral satisfaction. VEILING, ; to the Stock Board or the rnco course. nection with said valley by rail, Port- Office at tho City Drug Store; residence on HUIE FNDF! SIGNI.D HAVING PUR-1 • He has Just bee»i arrt sted for n.ain- land will have lost all hi that direction (H:\AMHNTS, SILKS, LACES, California street. I chnseil W’m. ». i «’s interest in this) 1 talning an ¡¡licit distillery ou his ranch for years to come, should site be bo STATIONERY, o-tabli.-diniem. desir«1 to announce to the; SOCIETY NOTICES. ’ near Los Ange!o3. fortunate as ever to recover it. ; piibli»1 that they ar» now pn par»1»! to till all ! Carr.vina the I N. Mull, A lino of road one hundred miles in A day or two bofnro tho final ad- (’all and see them at tho building former-' And I» great variety of PERFUMES and orders for cake' of eery »l«iscription, such Jarkion ville Grange No. p. of IL, as winkling cakes, cakes for parties, wino i length, from Roseburg south, will open ly occupied by Dr. Robinson on California jourument of thfl H »usn of R qt'oson- TOILET ARTICLES, includingthe and _ — _ — best ------- » I street cakes; also brown ami rye bread, ginger Ì Reida its - regular meetings everv two weeks ‘ i ...... np the R *ga0 river and Illinois valley - -- - ’n _ e!*N and PER snaps ami crackers. Tak«> orders on ex-1 tatlves one of llio official r. porlcrt re- at the residence of J. N. T. Miller, Fl’MFD SOAPS in this market. to Portland, as also ail the vast miner­ colvp'l Hm following note from a ('. MINGUS, Master. OCT Prescriptions careful! V compounded. change, l’rie, s n asonable and satisfaction ! HOLMAN'S LIVER PAD. guaranteed. al field known as the Southom Oregon 1 EAVES ASHLAND AND LINK VI I.LI member: “Please announce nay Parc A nnit ., Secretary. HOBT. KAHLER, Druggist. It s ilso our infentiun to keep a firct-class ♦ J overy »lay in the w«»ek, excepting Snn- .ember from R >ad Inland if mines. And Portlanders may be as­ A Sl’RK CURE FOR w ¡th the tnt liineh-l < u «■. at which th«» best of everything • lays, and connects with tho mail for Lake i Orgon l lupt’r Yo. I, R. A. M.. sured (hat tills is an Interest of no lit­ view. in ttn 1 n«1 will be scrv< 5 speechifying on llioChinise question. Will Portlanders think of it? Will SELECT DAY SCHOOL. t’niversitv »»t Halle. During the Franco-« I, am We learn they will not visit Or» gun, fhny uso some little exertion to learn 1’russian war h»1 was special assistant to Primary, per ten**.................................... * '•.d'* Roseburg, Oregon. ♦ he l)octor-in-e!tief Zucl/»»r and Ludwig ot Jnnmr, “ .................................... rpiiFsE WELL-KNOWN MILLS, S1TU- for which wo ought to be thankful. what thia interest fa worth, and what ilerlin and Breslau, Germany. Fractures S«*nior, I alcl at Kerbyviile, Josephine county, .................................... lO.’K» The Are bell at Oregon City rings nt would be the comparative result, as be­ •nd external disoas<»s, scute or chronic, most Pupita are received at anytime, an<1 ’ILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION are now pr»q»arc«l to do a quarter before nine o’clock, In the tween the I oks and gain of it? Be as­ «■arefttily treated. Cupping,Leeching, Bleed­ «rial attention is pai»l to particular '■tn«!'«-s in 1 to forwarding goods consigned to their ing and teeth extracted at all hours. evening, to warn nil minora to make sured that Son Francisco is notan idle C \LIFORNIA ST., care. Freight money advanced. Commis­ All kinds of birds slulfed and put up in lsdmlf of »diil'lren who hav»« but limit» d time. F»»r further particulars apply al the ready to go into the houao. At nine looker on at thia valuable prize. 8ha sions reasonable. All business in this line gnost natural shapes. Will give as much (lour, shorts and bran, Aeadciny. shall receive our prompt attention. o’clock the bell rings nguin; when all Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. JIcDANIEE A NOLANO. I’lUO*KÏETOKS. All consignments to our care should for goo«! i:. I ' lamtable wheat as any mill minors must be nt Hicir respective w ill make a sharp an»l earnest fight for It; but San Francisco has many more in SouJi. rit Oregon. Flour sacked and be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. E. <’. L oki », A. P- IIOTAI.IXG, !>r:*:i I, customers furnishing sacks. '¡ In homes. Ht»w much li would do tow- and far greater difficulties to overcome 25 Front St., 429 Jackson St., high« "gon Sts., Jackson vili. 1 in1« management. is furnishing the best Portland. Yet, under the magic touch faction guaranteed in all instances. brands <>f liquors, wines and cigars. The A. P. HOTALÏNG A CO.. ¡ordinance to that effect enforced hero? P. B. LEWIS. of onergy and money, tmth of which table is supplied with Eastern peri- reading Kerbyville, July IGth, 1879. HENRY PAPE, Engineer. Importera of odical* aml lea !!». r papers of the Coast, are to be foun»l in San Francisco all W hat to T ake H ome .—A loving obstructions hese well - known mills , situa ». i ve us a call. M< DANIEL<< NOLAND. and all diflicultie« ’will FIXE WIMEH AND Í.IQI «KM. ted seven miles northeast of Jackson heart and a pleasant countenance are I ville, are now prepared to do a melt avfay — Standard. com mod it ios which a man should Sole Agents for the never fail to take homo with him. Merchant and Exchange Business. B ogus M oney . —Complaint«!« made J. ’t. CUTTER AX ING TAKEN THE AGENCY OF They will host season bis food and of half dollars, to all appearance« gen­ R. Bracken ridge’» Marble Works ot Thirtv-six pounds oi flour, two pound» WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, of shorts and eight pounds of bran given Roseburg, well known throughout tin soften hid pillow. It were a great uine, that aro in reality made counter­ » plIDlf’E WINES, LIQUoRS ANI» ' I per bushel of good wheat. Flour sa -ked state for t Im superiority of thoir work, I w ill thing for a man that ids wife and feit by Itoring into the edge and ex­ V gars colisi.intlv h i> al*»« *uppii'"l wilii 1. is!«rn pei iod;- Jacksonville, Or., Satisfaction guaranteed in all inst inccs. .«aisami •• »d'.l;g |>:»|»ers oi tlm (,’oast. Monuments a Specialty. never brought a frown of unbappinesa ver. The hole is then plugged op t . t . M c K enzie . Cm. Agmtft for State hvtsiiiirnl Insurant! I . across bis threshold. Eureka Mills, »Sept. 16, 1S7«S. pEi’AlKS WAT TIES. ( I/X KS AND with lead, and the milling neatly done Th» «so »hairing t > see designs and ascertain it Jewelry in the very l«« — t manner. All va pnc»'scmi do so by calling upon or address ­ WILL. JACKS 021, Dentist. T he Salem Mercury devote» a col­ with genuine silver. By throwing w<»i k promptly done at the lowest rates. ing ’lie at Ashland. those coins on a counter their (tail y.»^satisfaction guaranteed in all ca«es. umn and half to a meddlesome Metho­ sound immediately betrays them. A. S. JACOBS. dist clorgvmai; named Il»v. F. P. aving just completed a kiln Tower. It charges him with having Two gentlemen Damed Walter of 50,000 brick at his place three miles Farms for Sule. Jacksonville, Or. broken up the Willamette University, McKay, who were harvestingIbc, east of Jacksonville, the undersigned would 4? UMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN jA lots in Klippel's addition to Jackson-! inform the public that he is now prepared by causing al! the faculty to resign, * lol Durbin, Dear 8alem, were Persons desiring to purchase good farms ville will be sold ot» reasonable terms. For , to furnish a superior article in quantities to and gives him a very sovure castiga­ struck, one of whom, it is t -nit ami at most reasonable rates. Give of anv size will do well to enquire of KINDS <>F PRODITE TAKEN • furthei )>articulars enquire of tion. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. ' cannot recover. HENRY KLIPPEL. iinn a call. JAS. PRIDDY. tor work. Satisfaction guaranteed. California Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. A. C. JONES, DEALER IN IN PRICKS AT (kniBOlidation of HODGE, SNELL A CO., and T. A. DAVIS A CO., J. S. HOWARD’S! Unexcelled in Their Elegance ! GENERAL MERCHANDISE I Sheet-Míisic, Violins, Citherns, r H 44 4 I 44 If 44 4 < 4 I i I I PLAITING MILL WOOLEN NiaNTACTUBING CO I Which will he sold at Lowest Raies. t I i Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Dears BLANKETS, FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. A CITY MARKET. ! A l tip Tati lor I THZ KEW MILLINERY STORE. 4 ! CITY BfiKEEY ALT SALOOS, I PHILLIPS' EXPRESS,! Gcntlfflcns' ani Larties’ BanteO. i i IM* ;>»» OWENS & PLYhlALE, R IV tfierchant and Exchange Business. I i T ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. H OLD BOURBON WHISKY i 4 LOTS SALE H * ______ _______