BRIEF REFERENCE. PERSONAL NOTES. The Sterling ditch is alive with fish, but they MISINO NEWS H ard to B eat .—The best thoroughbred C oming .—We notice that the Sciopticnn Cal­ have not interfered with mining operations, as trotting stallions in Oregon are owned iu Jack- lery will be here about the 18th to adoi«i tho Give us a breeze! Major James T. Glenn is expected here at The stockholders of the Eineline Cinna­ son and Lake counties and it is doubtful wheth­ people of Jacksonville and vicinity an op|M«rtu- Frank Ennis lias kept them well thinned out More «lust than ever. any time. bar Company will hold a meeting to-mor­ er their superiors are to be found on the Coast. nity for a abort time to get nome of these fire iu supplying his daily wants. FRIDAY AUGUST 15, 1879. I row. Drummers abundant. Crops in the Evans’ creek region have almost John Woods, the genial P. M. of Woodville, Besides these we have a few first-class running pictures which only come from that institntmr. We learn that there is a probability that was in town this week. C hurch D edication .—The new church j been annihilated by rust. Wheat has suffered horses, while a large number of fine draft horses The proprietors have the best outfit ob­ Base ball is below par. the Squaw Lake diggings will be bonded in ! the most and the yield of this cereal will be building just completed at Phcenix by tho M. i W arm weathef continues. and animals of all work complete the list that tainable and are men who understand their A. Slocum, Frank Bros’, agent at Roseburg, tho interests of California capitalists. I little better than none at all. K. Church, South, will be dedicated on Sun­ makes this section so well-knowu for its stock. business. All sized pictures made, from the is expected here during the Fall, Saw-mills are all busily engaged. A full supply of mining blanks and And we are making rapid strides forward iu ! day, August 24th, Rev. J. R. N. Bell, Presid­ i i Wedding cards and invitations, calling cards, tiny gem to large frame«! work. Bring old Mr. Walker, agent for J. I. Case &. Co.’s Copp’s Hand-book of Mining Law can al­ ing Elder of this District, conducting the cere­ The printer should not be forgotten. this respect, as also in many others, something pictures and have them copied and enlarged. business cards and every description of plain agricultural machinery, is in town. I ways be obtained at tho T imes office. Considerable sickness prevails at {»resent. mony. that augurs well for the future. A matter that A word to the wise is sufficient. * and fancy printing executed at the T imes ' •>!,■■■ Mrs. M. Obenchain has gone to Lake county Mining operations are principally con­ should be attended to at once, however, is the Improvements to town property continue. office at the very lowest rates. A C uriosity . —C. Magruder brought a sjieci- to join her husband, who will be absent during fined to rocking in many localities now-a- W e were highly «mimed at nverhearirlf construction of a suitable track in this vi7 the E. C. Brooks this week receive«l several the Summer. following coll«x|iiy l»etween two little men of the Japanese cucumber to town Tues­ Mountain parties returning and others going, | days. Fair wages are made in this way. cinity. Thousands of dollars are lost becautt girls, play males, who had been «operated « day, which may bo seen at the Railroad saloon. j C attle delivery in Lake county progresses. American Home sewing machines, which are The party intending to pay the Gran«l Ap­ Henry Pape, Jr., has gone to Yreka (Cal.) few days on account o' the illness of one of It is several feet in length and as crooked as • The Fall fights have blossomed out already. I justly gaining a wide spread reputation by rea- to take a position iu the “Union” printing plegate diggings a visit are expected from horsemen cannot bring their stock up to tli>t ‘ them, name«! Clara. ITer tri»»nd Bessie re­ point of excellence which recommends it ¿at ; marked to her: “I am so glad to see yeu the story of a Louisiana witness before an in­ I j son of their general excellence. the north to-day. They number about fif­ office at that {»lace. < Remember the Odd Fellows’celebration next I once to buyers from abroad without goin. to ' out again.” Clara—“1 was very sick. Pap« vestigating committee. This vegetable curios­ Monday. There is an increaseil demand for Oregon Wm. D. Corpe and wife, of Linkville, are teen strong. Fort Klamath, Yreka and elsewhere. Owners wu anx ious to have the doctor, but mamma ity was grown in the garden of Isaac Constant, wool in the San Francisco market, especially spending a few days in town. They will re­ Thurman, Collins A Co. arc reported to be said she would rather try Dr. Frese’s Ham­ of fine horses are not alone interested in jliis. burg Tea; an«I as soon as 1 began to take it I Several of our merchants received new goods where it flourishes exulierantly. Eastern, which is quoted at 17|@18c., while making an ounce a day on Elliott creek in turn after the 18th. ! this wee|j. The whole country will feel the benefits/that I began to get better. I am glad she gave valley holds its own at 22J@25c. J. W. Manning returned from Fort Klamath drifting. Their diggings are hard to work, will accrue, a'bl no particular class of ouA peo­ j it to me, for I think it is much i»etter to take R unaway .—T. T. McKenzie’s team thought Circuit Court will not convene again until I i the horrid medicinesthedoctor always Calvin B. McDonald will not visit this {dace, this week and informs us that the hay contract but pay regularly. ple more than the businessmen, wbosholld be than to create a sensation on Sunday last bv indulg­ November. gives us.” Bessie—“Well, if that is so, I T. J. Kenney, who is rusticating on Ap- among the foremost in assisting in the enter­ will ask my mamma to get some and have his work as a temperance missionary having will soon be finished. ing in a first-class runaway, but were checked prise. It is to be hoped that immediate steps For blanks of every description go to the proved too much for him. He will return to in their wild career before doing any consider­ T imes office. We learn that Dr. J. W. Robinson .will re- pl egate, writes us that Beck Bros.’ dam will be taken, for delays are always dangerous. it in the house. I don’t like doctors’ stuff, either." broke on the 6th, but was repaired without California at once and brace up. able damage. Some of the occupants of the j turn to this {»lace soon with the intention of much difficulty, as the break was slight. John Weiss has our thanks for a supply of I A F ine A ffair .—Those who were present at I Business men can keep their money at home permanently locating. wagon were well shaken up, two of them test­ MARRIED. excellent fruit. Orme Bros, of Gall ’ s creek inform us that Ashland on the 7th to witness the laying of by ordering theirbill-lieads, letter-hea«ls, notes, ing the elasticity of terra firma, to their dis­ J. Nunan is engineering our saddler-shop the mining season has closed there, having I the corner-stone of the Masonic building have JEFFEhSON —BLAt’H—In Ja., now rearing a broo«l of turkies that rewarded nishing this market with excellent fruit. We regret to learn that C. C. Brogan's rate some important enterprises, as he comes number threatened to tax the space provided. crop in some places oats and barley growing in witli the determination of fully testing our The attending incidents of the occasion made it his misdirected efforts. This is a new depart­ I The various contracts for furnishing Fort health is such as to probably necessitate his ' PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, the same field escape unbanned and mature removal to a more eijuable climate than our mineral resources in the interests of a pleasant one and all departed well pleased ure in ornithology, as Audubon fails to record Klamath with sup plies are now being tilled. capitalists from abroad. finely. with the day's experience. Takes pleasure in announcing to the citi­ a similar instance; but he was spared the i Jim Stewart has a sausage contract and own. Operations will bo suspended at the Stor- ■ The Brass Band is practicing regularly for zens of Phoenix, Ashland and surrounding innovations of this progressive age, in which E. Emery, of the firm of In low A Emery, 1 ling mine this week, the clean-un that has A rrived . —The Union Sunday School of this vicinity that he has pi'rtiianently located therefore temlered his services as collector of the Odd Fellows’ celebration uext Monday. wonders are never known to cease. Eagle Point, left for Portland Wednesday, been progressing for sometime being about, place last Tuesday received its organ, most of on Wagner creek, three miles south of due. Those possessing «log-tax, which is now Fruit cans can be obtained in endless quanti­ the former place, lor the practice of his where he will lay in a fine assortment of new completed. Nothing definite as to the re­ the funds for the {»urdíase of which were raise«! profession. P ersonal .—R«»v. Geo. F. Guebner of Clear ties at Bilger's hardware store ami at Kubli’s. dogs in gooil condition will take notice, as he goods. by a series of concerts given last March. It is sult can be ascertained, but the supposition will be around soou. X^J’all* promptly attended at all hours, creek, Cooper county, Missouri, an Evangelical Thatcher & Worden’s new brick building M. Mensor leaves for San Francisco soon, j is that it lias proven highly satisfactory. one of I). F. Beatty’s l»est instruments, embel­ «lav or night. County Assessor Gotldard gives notice that minister, is in this section on a dying visit. will be ready foroccupancy in about six weeks. to l»e gone several weeks. He will lay in a ' Magruder Bros, and J. W. Hays will, in lished with an ornamental pipe top that gives the Board of Equalization will meet on the fresh supply of goods for the New York Store He has preache«! in the German language at a few days, complete a ditch leading from it magnificent proportions, ami in tone ami An Italian vernier of statuary was in town 22«l of September for the purpose of correcting while absent. various {mints in Butte creek precinct during Sam's creek to their diggings on Rogue riv- J general excellence is said to be superior. It is this week peddling “the nude iu art’’ at high all errors that may appear upon the assessment the week, holding services at Phcenix to-mor­ prices. B. R. Willits spent a few days in town this er, which is 990 rods in length. They are a five-octave organ, has three sets of reeds, roll to be submitted on that date. row and at this place on Sunday. Mr. Gueb­ week. He reports the saw-mill on Kean creek ' quite sanguiae that the enterprise thus I thirteen stops, two knee swells and is encased Jack Montgomery drove a four-horse coach, ner owns 640 acres of land near Brownsborough Some vacancies exist in the scholarships in inaugurated by them will prove a suc­ in solid walnut finely finished. A balance as having closed down, owing to the failure of cessful one. and is looking after the interests of a German loaded with passengers, to Soda Springs the State Agricultural College this county is of $75 remains due, an«l it is pro­ I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE the water supply. Wednesday. colony that has already commenced its settle­ entitled to, which Senator Ross is empowere«! The Cayote creek mining suit having been posed to divert the funds realized by 1 consignment of the celebrated Singer Joe Clough arrived from Roseburg Tuesday decitled, we learn that the company now in Geo. T. Baldwin of Linkville is making ar- to fill. Applicants for such appointment must Sewing Machines, which are for sale on tho ment. the Jacksonville Dramatic Association at its usual liberal terms and at the regular prices and will remain a few days before returning. rangements to build a hardware store and a not be less than sixteen years of age. possession will immediately proceed to put recent entertainments for the purpose of set­ by the company. Therefore C onfirmed . —Several of our fanners cut neat dwelling. The Umpqua evidently agrees with him, f«»r he those diggings in first-class order tor next tling this indebtedness. T. G. Reames, C. C. established waste no time, money and patience on in­ Money is plentiful in Lake county, owing their grain as soon as it was struck with rust is as handsome as ever. Beekman and E. D. Foudray have been select ­ terior machines when you <*a i purchase a season ’ s work. Considerable improvement Overland travel has been light this season, to the advent of California cattle-buyers, who and we hear of several instances in which ed as custodians of the instrument and will genuine singer at the same figure*. Iu upon the previous mode oi working them Jas. Griffin, agent of the Universal Copying have its disposition in hand. A more munifi­ buying a Singer you get a machine of ac­ they thus prevented it from damaging their which is evidence that times are hard through­ are purchasing some of the principal bands in is contemplated. cent gift couhl not be bestowed upon the Snn- knowledged merit ami established reputa­ that section. Several sales are reporte«! in Co. of San Francisco, whose enlarged pictures crops to any great extent. The grain also out the Coast. i have gained an enviable reputation, will can­ A correspondent, writing under date of f W. That seclion promises to furnish a lively Circuit Judge, presiding, at the adjourned New Jersey, enabling them to turn out over living the case, should receive the general atten­ week and reports the mines as having closed ing his mother picked up in the wood-shed D. Corpe by J. W. Manning ami himself. a thousand machines a «lav, and thev have term held this week: camp at no distant «lav. down for the season. soon after his return home with hair wet. tion it merits. 4,500 offices for the sale of these justly cele­ A. Fiaher A Bro. vs. \V. C. Miller: motion to The genial countenance of Rev. J. R. N Ex-Governor Chadwick arrived from Sa­ The thermometer has average«! 95 degrees in The peddler blossoms out exuberantly an«l is issue an execution. Million granted and exe­ brated sewing machines, which have takon R eligious I tems .—The district conference Bell is again perceptible in our iniilst. He is lem last wvuk and i«> engaged in looking af ­ tho « of the M. E. Church, South, commenced at the shade every afternoon this week, and cloth­ as abundant just now as the In lian in huckle­ attending to his ministerial duties in this re- ter mining investments for capital from cution <«r,i re«< to he i"suc I in favor of sai«i plaintiffs for 8323.46. ing is at a grand discount. berry time. The latest on the list are a couple FIRST PRIZE Bybee’s ferry yesterday and will continue un­ abroad. Tie seems sanguine that a large gion and will be with us for several «lavs Roxanna and T. J. Farris vs. J. W. Hays et Dr. Aiken's new building has been competed of old crones petblling lace, which they claimed til after Sunday. Rev. Messrs. Bell, Stahl, al.; suit in e«piity. Case taken under advise ­ Over all competitors more than two bun­ Our genial Linkville tillicmn, II. M. amount of money will bo introduceil in this ment. dred times. Miller, Hardison and K^ce will be in attend­ and is occupied by D. H. Feathers and him- to sell at low prices because of its bcinj a section, as much confidence is placed in tho Thatcher, ma«le Jacksonville a flying visit mineral resources of Southern Oregon. After the Chicago fire the Relief Commit­ Jas. Barnes vs. R >bt. E. Bybee; suit to quiet smug_le«l article. ■elf. It is a neat structure. ance during the session. A public table, under tee undertook to furnish sewing machines title. Decree granted and judgment given l:ist week. He reports Lake county flourish- ' \Vm. Patterson, of saw-mill notoriety, was in the management of J. S. March, may be found Recent assays of ore from tho Yank ledge plaintiff for his costs. totlie needy women of that city, ami appli­ The Celestial who passed a counterfeit half town this week. He is interested in a mill on ing ami rapidly’ tilling up with immigration. leave n» doubt of its richness. Though Me- 1 C. D. Reed an«l E<1. Langley vs. Ib in D«-neff; cants were permitted to choose from six dif­ on the grounds.... Rev. Geo. F. Guebner of dollar on one of our merchants is said to have Mrs. Emma Gassman of San Francisco, Nevin «t Co. have thrown up their bond, it suit for an injunction. Demurrer to defend­ ferent kinds >f machines. 2.914 applicants I Ashland creek (whose capacity is taxed to its Missouri will preach in the German language sloped for regions unknow n. formerly of this {»lace, is paying her parents is quite like’y that other representatives ot ant's answer taken under advisement, to be de- were furnished with machine*, of wbicn utmost in filling orders for lumber), and says a at the M. E. Church on Sunilay morning next, number 2,127 chose Singer machines and Saturday was one of the warmest «lays of the cided within 20 days. (Louis Hurling ami wife) a visit at {«resent, in ­ vast amount of building is now going on in our California capitalists will thoroughly pros- ; 517 distributed their choice among the five at tile usual hour. All are invited to attend. season. The thermometer pressed 88J at Cayote Creek Mining Company vs. Win. and other kinds of machines. They were to tending to remain several weeks before return- ' peet this immense body of quartz. Those flourishing sister town. I Walter Ruble; suit to set aside fraudulent con­ earn their living on these machines, and eight o ’ clock in the evening. . I P rofessional .—Dr. J. A. Chastain else­ who pretend to know assert that “there are veyance and for injunction. Decree given for took the Singer, because Col. J. N. T. Miller has sent his trotting ing. millions in it.” plaintiff for conveyance of property in dispute Dr. Will. Jackson has added a rattlesnake to where announces to the citizens of Phrenix, W. C. Hale of Linkville passed through horse “John” to Fort Klamath in charge of an IT IS THE BEST. Ashland and the surrounding country that he his cabiuet of curiosities is a monstrous speci­ experienceil trainer, who will put him in train- I town this week, en route for home from Port- i Fine prospects have been struck in the | and lor $4,(MM) damages and costs ami defend­ perjietually enjoineil from working, leas­ Applegate Grave! Co.’s diggings that re-as- ants has located on Wagner creek, three miles men of that class of reptiles. land, where he lias been purchasing macliinerv i : The people bought Singer machines as fol- ing and disposing rdere«l to advertise for sealed i tic, mouldings, matching, turning, groov­ Amlerson. I D. Reynolds of Table Rock was in town last Pennsylvania Wednesday to {»ay the old folks i ken v was here last week looking after his projmsals for graveling 400 yards iu the west i ing, etc., on short notice and al very reason­ for Doctor Forrest, who set the fracture«! bone. Henry C. Kimi, law partner of the late ' week an«l reports the resident« of his neigh­ at home a visit. He will be absent from the ,1 mining interests. «•nd of Herrin's lane; bids to l«e received until ' able terms. A lull assortment constantly Billy stood the operation with a fortitude that kept on hand. lam also ready t«> furnish September 3gn., August d, 1879. j Maria Colver to Donna D. Sisley, 32.80 acres appetite, clear the brain, and carry off on baud to witness the ceremonies. The ex­ sawver for more than a year, has purchased State prison for thirteen months on a charge of precinct. Consideration, $1. those symptoms of languor and heaviness YTOT1CE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT ercises will be varied and no doubt highly in­ G. Karewski will in a few days receive an­ sending obscene literature through the mai's. in I. Et 486.. while ««-Governor Chadwick, the orator of the rather severely injured by a vicious cow last the soda springs on Butte creek last week, in­ issue: to tending to speinl a few days in recreation. All 614.. In the matter of the estate of T. G. Dews, Monday. Animals thus disposed should for most improvement, ami Nellie Perry the U. S. Army are expected to pass through toit n not day, is certain to favor his auditors with a rare 50 891. went well until that stream was to be forded, deceased. Appraisement filed, showing proper ­ one for secon«! best improvement in penman­ in a few days, en route for Fort Klamath, 100. treat. A ball in the evening will close the fes­ be allowed to run at large. 60 1 when, for some peculiar reason, the wagon up­ ty to the probable value of $2.247.75. <•0 ship. while Miss EmmaSni«ler was adjudged where a court-martial will be held soon. 7*50. tivities. The l>est of music has been engaged Among the many articles placeil in the cor- 40 set and spille«! its precious load into the placi«i 712. the best scribe by the judges. Just prior to and “mine host" of the New State Hotel will ner-stone of the Masouic building at Ashland «••• S ettle U p , — Those indebted to Geo. W. 40 613. waters. 'Ibis impromptu bath rather cooled N otice .—Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M., 80 spare no pains in providing an excellent sup­ was a copy of each of the three local newspa­ the ardor of the company, which returned home Elliott are requested to call and settle imme­ the opening of tho district school Mr. Cary 631. closed a subscription school, makiug seven will convene for work next Wednesday even- Interest will cease on the above dale. per. Those who attend will have no reason to pers. Nothing could have been more appropri­ to attempt the trip nj«on a more auspicious oc­ diately, as he contemplates adding largely to months without much vacation. ing. By order of J ohn E. Roas. HP. Í NEWMAN FISHER. ate. regret their presence. casion. his stock of goods and money is necessary. * Butte, Aug. t'th. Vl.NDEX, M a . x . Ml ller , Secretary, Treasurer of Ja^aQO «'<».,<)r«-gon. Shi iPmunatii ©inws. i / ----- ------- I -’1 ♦ 1 i I M » J I IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the PEOPLE. PARKER'S STEAM SAW MILL, H i