« She gmocratií Published every Friday Morning by RATES OF ADVERTISING Advertisements will be inserted iu tbs T imes at the following rates : On« square, one insertion.........................$3.00 ‘‘ each subsequent one..____ 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably A fair reduction from the above rates made tayearly and ttme advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut* ed, ana at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par* Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Batea ar Hubaeripttoa One copy, per annum,................... “ six months....................... •• three months,................. in.on 2.00 1.00 VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1879 1 GREAT REDUCTIONS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. C. BROOKS, HODGE, DAVIS & CO •» I I 1 NO. 34 “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy I-------- QEMEBAL XUTEM AND NGWE I Forever." Charles Fecbter, the actor, is dead. Str» *af, leaving nothing but I have also on hand a number of the cele­ brated New Wilson, White and Howe Sew-1 Of the Best Native Wool, ILL KINDS OF PLANING, MOULD- the skeleton, when the remainder dri-*e the wind.” The following information Will practice in all the Courts of the State. ing Machines, which I will sell cheap for 7T ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw­ up and falls off, which causes the ap about seeing the wind is not uninter­ —AND DISPOSING OF THEM AT Prompt attention given to all business en­ DAVID LINN cash, or exchange for irrain. ing, esting: Take a polished metallic sur­ pet ranee ot Winter. trusted to my care. MRS. I. W. BERRY. I j&T Office opposite Court House. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. FURNITURE A ORNAMENTAL CARV­ On the Portland-Roseburg route face with a straight edge—a large of furniture, consisting of ING, E tc ., DONE TO ORDER. there were carried from July 1st, 1878, handsaw will answer the purpose. JAMES S. HOWARD, Chooso a windy day, whether hot or BEDSTEADS, Furniture,Sash, Blinds, Doorsand Mould­ to June 1st, 1879, 36,205 packages; RDERS FROM A DISTANCE WILL ing coustautly on hand and made to order. Ü. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR 180,250 letters; 9,097 sacks of papers; cold, clear or cloudy, only let not rain BURE Al’S, TABLES, receive prompt attention. GIVE OUR CALIFORNIA ST., 1,219,400 papers; whole number of let­ or the air be murky—in other words let GOODS A TRIAL. I FOR JACKSON, GUILD MOULDINGS, ^®“We will contract to design and erect ters and papers, 3,019,650; number of the air be dry and clear; but this ia not I all kinds of buildings. When desirable to essential. Hold your metallic surface ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WILLIAM BYBEE, Proprietor 1 STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Josephine and Currv counties, Oregon. those employing us, we will furnish all the registered packages, 13,202. I at right angles to the direction o4 the Official surveys made and patents obtained W. II. ATKINSON,Secretary. material required tor the construction of A company has discovered the wreck CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining wind—namely, if the wind is north, any building ready for occupancv. of the steamer Brother Jonathan near I aws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ MARSH A CO. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, rpHIS WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OP- hold your surface east and west; but Crescent City. There wasabout $1,000,- sonville, Oregon. 1 posite Kahler e carried to any point on the , ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, road England, Frank Hyde, an American would after visiting Shasta county.— at reasonable ra'es. espectfully announces to The Stomach and Liver. lieutenant, Col. Fenton and another, Yreka Journal. the public of Jacksonville and vicinity CONDUCTED BY A General Express Business that he was a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, made each consecutive bull’s eyes, the C alifornia S treet , director of the Universitv of Greifswalde, - the ■ ( How to buy a H ouse —The Rural highest possible In the contest for Transacted. All orders promptly attended LIST OF PRICES: Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot the THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. '■ ’ , In shoot- I New Yorker says; “An intending pur­ to and satisfaction guaranteed. armourer ’ s company prize. 7 Proprietor. fl. P. JONEfl, University of Halle. During the Franco- H. F. PH ILLG’S. Ordinary size Prussian war he was special assistant to ?2 00 inguff tics each niade three bull’s eyes, ¡chaser should nave the h<>r«e brought Ashland, June 1, 1879. Special size... 3 on the Doctor-in-chief Zuelzer and Ludwig ot he scholastic year of this In pool shooting, M >r«p, an American, nut lie fore him, — and watch the animal Children size. 1 50 Berlin and Breslau, Germany. Fractures school will «-ommence about the end of a® he stands at rest. If the owner is one but the choicest and best made almost an unbrokeo line of bull’s and external diseases, acute or chronic, most August, and is divided in four sessions, W. F. OWKN8. 8. PLYMALE. Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars continually starting the horse into mo­ ?OR PAMPHLETS, PARTICULARS eyes. carefully treated. Cupping.Ix>eching, Bleed­ of eleven weeks each. kept. and testimonials send to or cal) on ing and teeth extracted at all hours. tion and urging him to ‘ show off,” DRINKS, 12^ CENTS. All kinds of birds stuffed and put up in Board and tuition, per term,..................$40.00: JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., something may be suspected, because Bed and Bedding....................................... 4.00 T he C ase B riefly S tated .— m*«t natural shapes. Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t Drawing and painting ................................ 8.00 it is when a horse feat perfect rest that There »re about fifty United States Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. Piano............................................................. 15.00 pay. Families needing anything in our line Marshals in the country, every one of his weak points are divulged. If the Entrance fee, only once,........................... 5.00 can always be supplied with the purest and FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS i Kerbyville jVIills best to be found on the Coast. Give me a whom h a Republican of Some sort. horse be sound he will stand square on * SELECT DAY SCHOOL. CITY call, and you will be well satisfied. Each of them employs several deputies his limbs without moving any one of Primary, per term,....................................$ fi.oo Roseburg, Oregon. Junior, “ .................................... 8,00: mHESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS, S1TU- all the yoar round. On great occasions, them, the feet being placed flat upon Senior, “ .................................... jo.oo 1 ated at Kerbvville, Josepliiue county, when members of Congress and Presi­ the ground, and all his legs plump and are now prepared to do a Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ dential electors are to be chosen, and naturally posed. If one foot be thrown It TILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION cial attention is paid to particular studies m I II to forwarding goods consigned to their the success of the Republican par’y forward and the toe pointing to the Itehalf of children who have but limited CALIFORNIA STREET, CALIFORNIA ST., care. Freight money advanced. Comniis- time. For further particulars apply at the makes it necessary to falsify registra­ ground, and the heel raised, or if th« sions reasonable. All business in this line I Academy. Will give as much flour, shorts and bran, tion lists, ?tuff ballot boxes and impris­ foot be lifted from the ground and the shall receive our prompt attention. Oregon. good merchantable wheat as any mill I MrDAMEJ, A SOLAXD, PROPRIETORS. Jacksonville, All consignments to our care should i for in Southern Oregon. Flour sacked and on Democratic voters, the marshals are weight taken from it, disease or ten* RAILROAD SALOON, be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. branded, customers furnishing sacks. The in a habit of appointing a large number derness may be suspected.” ! highest market price paid for good mer- of special deputies to perform this rep I ssues of the D ay .—I- this a fre^ , chantable wheat in cash or goods. .Satis­ rehensible service. This was not the HE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY PRE- Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville rpiIIS P opular RESORT, UNDER THE 1 new management, is furnishing the best faction guaranteed in all instances. pared to do ail work in his line iu the ♦ brands of liquors, wines and cigars. The practice In the old days, while Jackson, country? a-ks the New Haven Register. . P. B. LEWIS. «Best manner and at reasonable prices. Shall it be ruled by the people under reading table is supplied with Eastern |>eri- Kerbyville, July 16th, 1879. HENRY PAPE, Engineer. (’lay, Webster, and Benton were <>dica)s and leading papers of the Coast. the Constitution and laws.nr hy the ’»ar­ MOT QB COLD BATHS among us; hut It is the custom now. Give us a call. McDANIELA NOLAND. ' nUIESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS, SITU A ty which holds th" Federal administra­ 1 ted seven miles northeast of Jackson • Can be had at this place at all hours of the when we see under the rule of a Fraud tion? Shall the country he governed ville, are now prepared to do a . GEORGE SCHI MPF. ulent President. THROUGH TICKETS, 12J C ents . by ballots or oayonei«? Shall a o«rt» Congress passed a hill to p->y the sal Merchant and Exchange Business. AVING TAKEN THE AGENCY OF aries of the United States Marshals Hnd which secured the Presidency «gons* i WTLL. JACKSON, Dentist, R. Brackenridge’s Marble Works ot the will of the people by fraud In 1876, ■ Thirty-six pounds ot flour, two pound* WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, i a sufficient number of deputies to dis 1HO1CE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- Roseburg, well known throughout the of shorts and eight pounds of bran given be permitted to grasp It agalfl in 1880 > gars constantly on hand. The reading per bushel of good wheat. Flour sacked • State for the superiority of their work, I will charge the regular duties of their of­ by force? In comparison with issues table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ and branded, customers furnishing sacks. receive any orders in this line. fices. Th« bill contained a section Jacksonville, Or., cals and leading pa|>ern of the Coast. like these, which concern the viial I Satisfaction guaranteed in al) instances. t . t . M c K enzie . Monuments a Specialty. which, If fairly construed, would pre­ principles of popular liberty and the vent the expenditure of money for the Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. I epairs watches , clocks a Those desiring to see designs and ascertain employment of special deputies to per continued existence of our republics » Jewelry in the very best manner, pricescan do so by calling upon or address- form of Government, questions nf work promptly done at the lowest rates. form the nefarious acts we have men­ finance and tariffaod international poli­ i ing me at Ashland. BRICK FOR SALE ^^Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. California 8treet, Jacksonville, Oregon. GEMER AL BLACKSMITH tioned; or, In other worda, to commit cy appear trivial and insign fl ant. A. S. JACOBS. political crimes and misdemeanors. aving just completed a kiln A lake of-wonderful beauty, which The Fraudulent President has vetoed WHEAT WANTED. I of 50,010 brick at bis place three miles Jacksonville, Or. Farms for Sale. F UMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN I remains full at all seasons, although it east of Jacksonville, the undersigned would this bill, and the marshals are out of WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE.: lots in Klippel’s addition to Jacks n inform the public that he is now prepared has no visible source of supply, exist« money. far Wheat to all those that are owing me. I ville will be sold on reasonable terms. For to ftirnish a superior article in quantities to Persons desiring to purchase good farms on the hill two miles aud a half from Thia Is the whole case. Now let us exchange for saddlery, harness and ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN' further particulars enquire of suit and at most reasonable rate«. Give of auy size will do well to enquire of À tur work, batisiaclion guaranteed. anything in uiy hue. HENRY J U IXiK. HENRY KLIPPEL. Empire City. him a call, JAS, PRIDDY. see what the country thinks of IL JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. Ortfsn rhaptrr No. 4, R. A. N., Holds its regular meetings monthly on Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full I STATIONERY, moon, at 7!4 o’clock. Companions in good standing are invited. I And a great variety of PERFUMES and J. E. ROSS, High Priest. TOILET ARTICLES, includingthe best and M ax M uli . er , Secretary. cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ FUMED SOAPS in this market. B. HOSTEL, cstr* Prescriptions carefullv compounded. ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. ORNAMENTS, SILKS, LACES, T PHILLIPS’ EXPRESS, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ Handkercliiefs. Running Between Ashland ani Lmkville. R T N OWENS & PLYMALE, BARBER SHOP & BATH ROOMS I CRITERION BILLIARD SALOON, Merchant and Exchange Business. EUREKA MILLS T ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. F. RITSCHARD, H C P. DONEGAN, R LOTS FOR SALE. I A —.......... H ■ I ■ ■ < • »I .1 I ■ II I ■ ■—