I PERSONAL MOTES. MIMMO MEWS. The “Tidings” says the first wheat of the sea­ 1 O n a D istressing E rrand .—YV. C. Savage, i son was brought to the Ashland mill on the of San Francisco, whose father met with a I J. Nunan is at Soda Springs. Water is about out everywhere. Bargains at Mensor's. 29th ult. from Jacob Ish’s harvest field ami terrible death at Mixloc Point a short time Miss Annie Bilger is visiting friends in Ash- Prospecting is now fully under way. sold for 60 cents per bushel. AUGUST 8, 1879 FRIDAY Farmers are very busy. since, was in town last week. He came in ASHLAND COLLEGE All the Galice creek companies have res[»on8c to a telegram from Paymaster Kiefer YVe learn that J. Nunan is alxmt to pur­ laud. Read the new advertisements. i N. Delamater returned to Josephine county i c ^ eane( l U P f° r l his season. returne»! I chase the lantl fronting on California street yesterday morning. N ew F irm .—YY’m. Bybee has disposed of a — and — The Sterling mine will suspend operations informing him of the calamity and immediately Ixx:al correspondence solicited. half interest in his meat market to Capt. M. owned by the Casey heirs, contemplating the ( ’ Thus. Robinson, of Oakland, Cal., is paying ! I f for procee»le»l to Capt. Ferree's, where the elder season °S the th° 8e “°n on the th° 15th. 15th* Immigration continues to flow in. erection of a fine building on it. Caton, who will assume the management of prospecting is now troimr going on Mr. Savage had passed his last moments, and I this section a brief visit. 1 Considerable nrosneetimr in ttiis section, esjiecially towards Applo- took charge of the effects. The body had been Hay is deliver«! in town at $8 a ton. the business. The new firm will continue to Business men can keep their money at home Hon. A. C. Jones and family are spending a gate. i —LO'ATEh AT furnish the liest of meats and intends sparing I buried at Linkville, where it will probably l»e by ordering their bill-heads, letter-heads, notes, few days at the Soda Springs. Ihe Fall flight of drummers has set in. Nickell A Nelson are about opening Nome | receipts, etc., at the T imes office, where the ! no pains to give general satisfaction. L. F. Willits and wife have taken up a tem­ mining ground on the Carberry fork of A A allowed to remain until Fall. Mr. Savage re The Summer hegira is becoming general. best printing is done at low rates. ASH I a ANI > OttEGON. piegate. I porary residence in this place. j lated further incidents of the lamentable ac- More beggars have made their appearance. F ire .—The residence of N. Thoss on Slate It is estimated that the church building the I __ H. ________ Cusick _ of _ _____ Lake _______ county _ has taken charge New diggings have been discovered on i cident that fairly made one’s bloo»l curdle. creek, Josephine county, was burned to the the west branch of Cow creek that arc said He also spoke in the highest terms of the kind First Smion will Conimcncc Sept. 14b, B79» Grand clearance sale at Newman Fisher’s. ' Presbyterians of this place projxwe erecting w ill of the Union hotel at Ashland. $.3,(XX). It will no doubt l>e a fine struc- Sheriff Bybee has gone to Josephine county i to prospect well. ground, together with its contents, on Monday Ex-GovernprChadwick is expected here s»x»n. ; , cost ; Water is also -failing fast in Josephine attention shown the deceased before and after ture and an ornament to the town. to look after his mining interests. last. A sister of Mrs. Those alone was present no A RI» «F TRINTEEN: and tho ditch companies alone are i his death by Capt. Ferree an.I others Mr. For Ittaytiful visiting cards go to the T imes Mrs. Bilger and Mrs. Coleman, who have ( ! county There will be no regular services at the M. ' Savage is a chief sa'esmau in the extensive at the time, who found herself powerless to ar­ office, operating at present. R ev . L. L. R ogers , President. sojourning at Soda Springs, returned Sat- \V. H. A tkin wir, j E. Church after Sunday until Conference shall I been rest the conflagration. Everything was a total i Jas. Adams is mining on Jackass creek wholesale house of Newton Bros., and re­ A. G. R ockfellow , urday. turned home Saturday. Headers, reapers and threshers aro in de ­ J acob W agner , have met, excepting by Rev. M. A. Williams, B ev . J S. M c C ain , ! by means of a reservoir and averaging $1 a loss, which will fall heavily on Nick, as he I The friends of M. Mensor will be pleased to day while water lasts. J ohn W alker , , who w ill fill his usual appointments. mand. R ev . W. T. C harman , I could illy meet it. I learn that ho is recovering from his recent in- I A nugget »if pure gold, worth $20, was C ircuit C ourt foi : D ouglas C ounty .— C lark T aylor , G. F. B ilungs . The decision of th« Board of Engineers in j disjxisitiun. Geo. Schumpf is fixing up his barber-shop in The- following disposition was made of cases I found in the English Company's diggings j L adies , never allow those traveling tinkers fine style. (the harbor of refuge question has not been made Dr. Cox, recently from the Willamette val- at Galice creek recently. . belonging to Jackson county at the recent LNIR THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING THE to trifle witji your sewing machine. They get Eublic as yet, but everylxxly knows that Matt. ! ley, has located at Phomix for the practice of i The Ashland cemetery will be improv«! im­ 'illon keeps a fine stock of liquors. ■'Y full supply of mining blanks and I session of the Circuit Court for Douglas: F Ashland College ami Normal School, the i his profession. your money anil the day after they are gone mediately. Copp s Hand-book of Mining Law txin al-1 I Joel Dixon vs. W. G. B. Dixon et al.; suit I property known a* the Ashland Academy has I L. W. Carter will leave for Lakeview the ways be obtained at the T imes office. Dr. Aiken will open an otfiee in his new your machine is inaworse plightthan ever. If in equity to set aside conveyance. Case sub­ been placed, free from debt, under the control Merritt, who stabbed Satterfield last week, is building as soon as completed, which will be ^,,n“ParL ,nout'1 "ith the intention of The stockholders ot the Emetine Cinna mitted by agreement of counsel, ami to tie of a Board of Trustees, who have inaugurated the machine don't work properly bring it in to locating there. bar Co. will liohl a meeting one week from argued in written briefs, which are to lie filed the enterprise hy filling the following [loeitions still at large. in the course of a few days. D. H. Feathers Mr. Feathers, at the Singer agency in this to-morrow. A full attendance is requested. ' w ithin twenty days. Kutnow brothers, the well-known conuner- in the __ For blanks of every description go to the intends occupying the other apartment. place, ami have it properly fix«!, at a reason­ A meeting of those interested in the Lucky ! cial travelers from San Francisco, were in town John Weiss vs. the County Court of Jackson FACULTY : T imes office. I John Windom, engaged in blacksmithing at during the week. Queen quartz mine was held last Friday,we ' and G. H. Young; suit in equity to quiet title able price. _____________ REV. LOWELL L. ROGERS, A. M.,PreS«ent; learn. It is said that work will be com­ and for an injunction. Dismissed. Three gallons of blackberries can be obtained Phienix for several months past, disposed of John Wintjen, who has been quite indis­ menced oil tile ledge soon. C ircuit C ourt .— The adjourned term of the Protestor of Mental ami Moral Sciences. G. W. Lance vb . W. S. King; injunction. posed for sometime past, is now convalescent for a dollar at Ashland. his shop to a Mr. Gilbert, recently from Cali­ I The Grave Creek Ditch Co. has a small | Continued. \V. I. NICHOLS, A. M., Vice President; Circuit Court for this county w ill commence fornia, and has gone to the Willamette valley. I and lively as ever. foreeofmen still at work on its inamnioth Harvest is here ami the printer should not DeLashmutt A Oatman vs. Geo. IL Marshall Professor of Mathematics. »ext Monday. His Honor, Judge Hanna, will The family of John Noland is expected from ditch. Operations will be continued slowly Two fillies sired by W. C. Myer’s “White ictal.; suit in equity to set aside fraudulent l>e forgotten at its close. MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Preceptress; San Leandro, (Cal.) and will permanently until more funds are obtained. at that time render lecisions incases previously i sale ot real and personal property and for in­ Prince” were recently sold to a resident of relocate among us. Teacher of English Grammar. The net prtweeds of the recent ice-cream fes­ submitted and will also hear motions ami One only hand is at present engaged in junction. Judgment for defendants. British Columbia for $1,200. who also paid M RS. .1 EN NIE BALDW1N NICHOLS, Miss Carrie Smith of Wolf creek lias return- 1 working tiie Esther ledge oil Grave ereek, pleadings in others. However, it is anticipat­ tival amounted to $85.50. $200 iu duty on them at the British custom­ ed from a trip to the Sandwich Islands greatly though we learn that operations will be Teacher of Music ami French. R eligious I tems .—A camp-meeting, under ed that the sessiou will lie of short duration, Jas. Armpriest started for Linkville the oth­ house. resumed in earnest at an early date. improved in health. Other c»inqietent instructors w ill be secured « I the auspices of the M. E. ( hutch, Sou'll, be as fast as the needs of the Institution require, probably not consuming more than a tew days er day with a load of fruit. j Tlie Jacksonville Minstrels have lately re­ Hon. D. P. Thompson, Mayor of Portland, i Tho Applegate (¡ravel Mining Co., is getting j Ka,> Williams creek yesterday. Rev. J R. »o that pupils may be provided With the best at the most. ---------•-------- - known as the Grand Applegate, i Ed. Hendricks offers a grist mill ami a choice ceived several new implements of torture and one of the proprietors of the Sterling mine, will ! excellent prospects, though‘<>|Hirations aro N. Bell, Presiding Elder ot this district, is facilities for commencing and completing the arrive here next week. j propose giving a public entertainment at an T eviif . rn E nuaged .—The directors of Jack­ site on Applegate for sale. • progressing under some disadvantages. ' expecteil to be in attendance. .. . Rev. A. llar- following early date. The boys are hard to beat as ama­ Miss Kiefer, daughter of Paymaster Kiefer, sonville seh»xil district last Saturday engage»! ( (H’RSES OF STUDY: A break occurred at tho head of the!»»|iiaw J The sale of the Jenny creek saw-mill by the teur performers. is paying her sister, Mrs. Lieut. Duncan of Lake Company’s diteli the Other day, i I di sou will holddivineservice at the M. E. Church J. C la »»I»"IL, requiring six years, including the sendees of an excellent corps of assistant Sheriff has been p»>stjM>nc»l. Jas. Priddy has just burnt a kiln containing Fort Klamath, a visit. i which delayc»! op»irations aw hile. Work is I on Sunday at the usual morning hour. . . .The preparatory studies. Graduates receive the teachers for the ensuing scholastic year, which now being prosecuted with renewed vigor I District Conferenceof the M. E. Church. South, I Decrees of A. B. ami A. M. Chris. Weiss is engineering, Orth’s butcher­ , 50,000 brick, w hich he is offering for sale at Miss Mer. Sever­ and good prospi^cts. 2. Si’iEN i ifi <", reecially by and failed to avail themselves of an oppor­ his fine trotting horses in training for the Siski­ The president of Ashland College, Prof. Rog­ in this county. J. Thorndyke ot Galice creek was in town this week, from whom we learn that the j I. 0. 0. F. C elebration .—The (Aid Fellows preparatory for Business Life, will receive un­ ers, ij in frequent receipt of applications from tunity to earn an honest penny, no doubt in you county fair races. Hon. W. W. Fidler, of Josephine county, season has about closed there. Tlie run are making extensive preparations for their usual attention. Southern Oregon and Northern California for Mas in toM'n last Meek and favored us M’ith a proved a fair one, though it was not as re- the full lielief that the w’orld owed them a liv­ 5. The Preceptress will give her chief atten­ P. B. Ijewis, having placed the KerbyviUe ' scholarships, and there is every evidence that call. He rejsirts that section moving slowly , munerati veas it would otherwise iiavo been, ¡ celebration on the 18th and will spare no pains tion to the care and oversight of the young la­ ing. It would seem that there might be some Mills in first-class order, is prepared to do cus­ the atteudauce w ill lx: quite large on the open­ but steadily ahead. j owing to its b.’iuitiuoS. l’rcpaiations are , to make it a magnificent success. The pro- dies. excuso for the Chinese curse that seems ready tom-work after this date. I ing »lay. fi. An Endowment of $20,00(1 will be, there ! gramme cf exercises is a splendid one, promi­ | NeM’man Fisher, who has a contract for fur-1 ! now being made tor next season's work. to swamp this Coast if white men persist in the is reason to hope, promptly subscribed, ena­ Several of die stockholders of the Grand Uniontown post office lias received its key Great is the rush to Newman Fisher for nent among its features living the oration of nishing Fort Klamath with oats, shipped an shiftless indolence that many are so sadly af­ - clearing - - He is out his immense installment this week. They were of the new App'ngate Mining Company are expected Hon. S. F. Chadwick. Ashland, KerbyviUe bling the Trustees to reduce the present rates and the mail route to Wright’s on Big Apple­ bargains, j- flicted with. to arrive in this place on Friday next and and other lodges will be represented and we of tuition, specially to Teachers, after the pres­ i assortment of goods at prices that “astonish the , I crop just coming into market. gate is now iu running order. will then proceed to their diggings, intend­ may exj>ect a very large assemblage upon this ent year. Address communications to G rand C oncert . —To-morrow (Saturday), natives” iu order to make room for his Fall _ Carlin, _ . ................... .. ...... Jas. who has lieen ............................... in poor health for ing to thoroughly inspect them before re­ occasion. 1!. M. Barnes ami family returned to Y’reka and Winter g»xxls. Don t fail to call before it several Ashland College and Normal School, years past, left for San Francisco Sun- turning. They are principally residents ot evening John Kelley, the well-known < alitor- Monday, well pleased with their brief visit, , j8 t,M) ASHLAND, OREGON. He was ac- . Oregon. day in the ho|>es of gaining relief, nia pioneer vocalist and violinist, will give one R eal E state T ransactions .—The follow­ companied by D. M. McMeuamy. We learn that II. P. McNevin has decided which they intend repeating. I large number of the residents of town ot his pleasing entertainments, in which he will to prospect the Y’atik ledge according ing deeds have been recordetl in the County J. W. Howard, a former resident of this not lie assisted by his wife, an accomplished pian- | The “Plaindealer ’ says that Zimmerman A have taken themselves unto the mountains for to tho terms of his bond with the company Clerk's office since the last issue of the T imes : county, has lieen nominated for Assessor by I, ist ami organist. A most excellent programme Frazer made their (test run at the new foundry a breathing spell and more will follow soon, the Democracy of Modoc. He will make an and will probably throw it up altogether. C. Magruder and II. H. Magruder to Jane This will lie a matter of disappointment to E. White, certain lots in Rock Point. Con- This fact, in addition to the busy farming has lieen arranged for the occasion and a rare . on the 26th. It was a success. efficient officer, for he is certain of ar. election. all who hoped to see that immense body ot sideratiou, $25. season, gives Jacksonville an unusually dull John L. Crosby, who has rente»! Jos. Robin- a ap(>earance. "musical treat is in store for those who attend. E. H. Autenrieth, F.»q., left for Yreka Mon quartz thoroughly pro»i»ected. J. Houck to M. Powell, lot 3 in block No. The early residents of Jackson county have not son’s place on Wagner creek, is furnishing this j We regret to learn that Jas. Miller, the genial I day, accompanied by his mother, who has been John Hannan of Leland was in town this 7, in Ashland. Consideration. $.315. this place a visit. Mr. Autenrieth re­ week and informs us that extensive dig forgotten the time when Mr. Kelley entertained market with excellent’vegetables. A U. S. patent to L. J. White has been en­ Nasby of Brownsborough, seriously contem­ paying turned Thursday, having finished his business. ; gings have been found on upper Grave creek tered of record. The Sciopticon picture gallery is moving this plates resigning his position. It is to be hoped •them, night after night playing to crowded that promise well. About twenty men are Jas. H. Kin (■aid h.is. gone east of the motin- j engaged in prospecting them, with good re- I houses at high rates of a»lmission. Like good way and will be at Ph»enix this week au»l at ;ie wHl his determination, : * reconsider ................ ’ , as N otice . —In the course of a few weeks those the prospective suspension of that oiliee would tains, being interested in the contract for fur- i suits. Shouhl they prove what isclainied wine he has improved with age, ami now, after ( Eagle Point the forepart of next. iudebted to the T imes office will receive a nishing Fort Klamath with 7(Ml cords of wood. for them a lively camp w ill no doubt spring the la]»ae of twenty years, once more appears The annual reunion of the Southern Oregon work a great hardship to many. Charley Straub succeeds him at Matt. Shan­ up. statement of their account, to which they are K. Kubli has secured the services of A. H. non’s. on the scene of his former triumphs to gain Pioneers is fast approaching and the programme Quite a number ofniiners are leaving Sil- exjiected to pay prompt attention, as we con­ J. H. RUSSELL, PROPRIETOR. fresh laurels. We auticipate a large audience will no doubt soon be announced. ! ver creek, which are in a measure ofls»>t by Miegly, a first-class mechanic and one w ho w ill Assessor Goihlard was in town this week on template improvements that require a consid­ for him. not fail in giving general satisfaction. Mr. his way to Applegate on official business. We those going in. The creek is spotted with Owing to the warm weather now prevailing ' Kubli also keeps a superior supply of hard­ gold, some claims paving well, while others erable outlay. The stun each may lie indebted to learn that his estimable wife is seriously ■ will not pay the exp«mses of working them. is small, but in the aggregate amounts to a rnilE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- A P leasant A ffair .—The ice-cream festi­ the Union Sunday Scluxd meets at nine o’clock ware, tinware and general merchandise, which regret ill, faint hopes of her ultimate recovery being New developments are doing much towar»! ' great deal to us. County scrip will be taken I ttoned at Ashland again, has turned his val that took place on the eveaing of the 31st A. M. instead of at two o’clock r. M. I he is disposing of at away-dow n rates. - entertained. entire attention to the i »‘stablishing the richness of the camp, how- at ¡»ar. ult. under the auspices of the ladies of the I Dr. Taylor, Ashland's dentist, returned from ’ The marriage of a couple, whose combined J. H. Stinson, who practiced law in this over. MARBLE BUSINESS, “He Ought to have It.” Presbyterian Church proved much of a success, the Umpqua valley Sunday, having concluded ages aggregate 135 years, is the latest event on place some years ago, is at present a resident Ex-Sheriff Jeffery of Multnomah county, I who is interested in placer diggings on ' financially and otherwise. The Club Room, to abamlon his trip through Oregon. “Clarence, you’ve got a real kind heart,” and is fully’ prepared to fill all orders in | the carpet. Nor was it appreciated more by of Eureka, California. He has recently pub- | Bolen creek, Josephine county, is expected tastily decorated, presented a joyous scene, for I anyone than by the old folks themselves. Is:t lished a treatise upon logic entitled “The j I to arrive there soon. His company was gratefully observed a young lady on the cars this line with neatness and dispatch and at The July number of the “West Shore” is on all ye old maids and bachelors take new cour­ Organism of Science.” ■ prices to »uit the times. the respectability of Jacksonville was out in prevented from doing anv effective work our table ami is unusually interesting, being age, for verily there must still be “ho[»e8 iu Is­ I J. Q. Willits has resigned his position as last season on account ot an extensive cave to a youth as he dropped a prize-package of MON C M ENTS, TABLETS, 11EAI -STON E8 force ami seemed l>ent on making the occasion well tille»! with choice reading matter. rael.” i book-keejier in McCall 4 Co.’s store at Ash­ I of dirt, but are nevertheless satisfied with pop-com in her lap. “Yes, Mary; my heart Executed in any’ description of marble. one of mirth and enjoyment. The hamlsome is all right," he sadly replied; “what I want is The Republicans of Siskiyou county have land and is succeeded by a Mr. Slocum, for the prosp»>cts obtained. Mr. Devendorf of Smith river valley (Cal.) a new liver.” \Y hy don t you use Plunder's Every variety ot cemetery and ot her »time- young ladies in charge of the tables were assid­ sometime past holding a similar position in Billy Burke was up from Foot's creek the work executed in a salislaetory manner. named A. H. Burrows to be slaughtered by Marsh & Co.'s establishment. brought a load of excellent cheese to towu the ¡other day and seemed quite sanguine that Oregon Blood Purifier, L ivf .I: and Kidney Reg­ Special attention given to order» from any uous in their attentions, by their uniform ge­ Charley Peters in the race for County Treasur­ 1 platina, such as Edison, tlie inventor, de- ulator? part ot Southern Oregon. Address niality in no small measure accelerating the other day, which was soon disposetl of. One J. M. Tiernan, xvho gained an unenvia- i sires, has been foHiid in small «plantiti»“s er. We feel sorry for Al.; but he is fully J. IL RUSSELL, Ashland, Or. ! Jas. Herd has gra»led an excellent roa»l to aware of his martyrdom and is therefore no , ble reputation by his connection with the there, others are ot tlie opinion that I’ncle sale of the delicious viands that had been pre­ A t W ork . —T. J. Bell A Co. of Eden precinct pared. Thus the time ilitted pleasantly his saw-mill on Applegate, by way of a g»xxl doubt fully consigned to the fate in store for Lucky Queen swindle, is announced by a Puget Billy's discoverv is simply black dirt, w hich have recently received one of the unrivaled Sound pai»er as having gone to Seattle in the he e»»mbats, and proposes having the mat­ him. by and the hour of midnight was fast approach­ ford across Squaw creek at near its mouth. Buffalo Pitts threshers and are now busily en­ I interest of New York capitalists. ter fully l«'sted before he succumbs. A party consisting of Mrs. J. L. M. Ply- ing ere the last had taken their leave. The gaged in the harvest. They thresh for three Is (he place to go for anything iu the Hon. A. C. Jones returned from Roseburg Frank Ennis will leave for California the lat­ .!.('. Ti uliinger w rites us t hat our Lucky gross proveeils amounted to $127, quite a neat 1 la»t week, where he hasbeen attending the July male, Misses Cora and Maggie Linn, Millie j ter part of this month to meet .1. Irvin Court­ (jue»'n correspondent erre»l in saying that and four cents a bushel and guarantee satisfac­ hardware line. 11 <* lias n large and sum when we consider the total absence of term of the Circuit Court for Douglas county. Vining and Carrie Beekman, accompanied by ney of England, president of the coinp.inv now T. N. llodabaugli was a partner of iris in tion. Farmers will do well to give them a «uperiol stock of Rille», Shot Guin> and catch-pennies. Thos. J. Kenney and others, started for the owning extensive placer diggings at (----------- | lias no business connecti»»n with him wliat- Manning A Webb are making additions to vine-cliul hills of the Squaw Lake country Sat­ He will lie absent several weeks. Sporting M dei ial, nn«l iu in« t every­ over, M r. Trullinger say.» that the ditch to Fo^ F ort K lamath . Johnny Cox^n left their already coinmoilioiis barn, to keep up urday, intending to spend a fexv days in recrc- i R orreiiy .—*$<>:ne scoundrel of low degree thing from an Anvil to u Mrs. Varker, niece of Freeman Yandall »if those diggings is about half finished and entered the smoke-house of Mis. \\ etterer last for that poet Tuesday morning, taking with with the »leinands of an increasing business. ' atioii. Ashland precinct, on a visit to this section for great cred it is due the Thurstons tor the him the trotting horse “Ophir, whom he M ill Quite a tract of Government land of every sometime past, left for Baker City the other day maimer in which they are prosecuting the Friday evening and stole a large amount of W. ('. M ver has a black Shetland colt from put in training for the Yreka fair races. It is a “Nettie,” the leader of his team. The little conceivable character will be thrown open to to join her husband, who is superintendent of work. cured meat. '1 lie theft was bad enough, but He »ells at LESS Ilian Bedr.xk Geo. Howard returned from Jos.qdiine the attending circumstances made the crime Key. v ell-knoM n fact that we have no track suitable fellow is 23 inches high and weighs 25 pouiuls. settlement and entry by the survey now being one of the mines in Eastern (fregon. county last week, from whom we learn that infinitely worse. prices FOR CASH, ami all tii«>M> pur­ in; llle by M essrs. McKenzie, Eekelsoliand ( '.»(.oil. for the training of fast stock ami, as a conse­ Geo. T. Baldwin of LinkviPe passed throiitili Brown Bros, have run the preliminary sur­ John Hockenjos is now engage»! in pushing chasing Building Hardwire, Toola ot Survevor-(¡eneral Tolman cannot do better than town Friday last for Portland. He is a repre­ vey of a diteli leading from Sucker creek to quence, our horsemen are obliged to go else­ PROBATE Cot I it . The following business every kind, Paints, Gias», C< niage, to let a few more of such contracts, for they are Cardwell's new building toward completion sentative from Klamath Fribe No. S to the some diggings recently purchased of the where for such accommodations. Ibis should a great benefit to all. (ireat Council of the Improved Order of Red H insen cs'ate. situated on Altliouse, and has lieen transacted in this Court since our Btushe*, 4c., have be remedied, ami s»x»n, too. As the Mell-bred and expects to have it finished in a short time. ■ which will lie about fourteen miles in lengt h. list issue: The salaries of the teachers of Jacksonville Men, which was in session this week. The Yreka “Journal" says the well-known horses of Jackson county arrive at a proper age It is quite likely that work on this new ami In the matter of the guardianship of E. J. district school for the ensuing scholastic year Monroe Davis, while engaged in storing exteiisivccnterpri.se will be commenced in it becomes necessary that their speed should trotting stallion Sir Walter has been place«! in Farra, a minor. Annual exhibit of 11. C. w Ili :ll IO .1.0 oo I'.I .-• , oil. <|.1> i;i.i will aggregate $2,SU0. This institution of i wheat ill Jacob Isli's granary one .lay last we k. a few weeks. Fleming, guardian, examined and approved. riiat lie I h deterrr.ineil to un i» r-ell any l>e developed, and it is then that the lack of a charge of Jas. Sutherland of Etna for training. learning will l>e brought to the h»’ight of pro- fell trom the seair<>ldiiig to the ground, a dis- t good race-track lieeomes most jierceptible. The The weather continues warm, the thermom­ ficiency, and we have no doubt but that it will tance of ten feet, and sustained some severe one in the niarket, ami people ul o t L aying of C okneu - stone .—A large num­ P ersokai ..- I Father Heinrich of Rose­ Fortunately no hones were broken. ber of the members ot Warren Lodge No. I cost would be but a trifle as compared with the eter persisting in climbing to ninety and high­ compare favorably with the best of the kind bruises. wi»li Cutlery, Quartz or Spy Glasses, Eekelson's surveying party passed through 10. j A. F. A A- M., of this place, accompa­ burg is the guest of Father Blanchet. The or any thing made of ¡ton; value of the benefits that would accrue, for our er. The cool evenings come to our relief, how­ on the northwest coast. i We are now passing through that interesting town Wednesday on their May to Evans’ creek Rev. Father will preach at the Catholic Church ( stock would certainly command much better ever. bv their ladies and several friends, next Sunday morning in English and in tier­ to survey a parcel of government, land. They nied 1 \) here are those festive base-ballcrs we hear period »lesignateil in chronology as the “dog , have about finished their Mork on Applegate, went to Ashland yesterday to participate man in the evening. prices when its best qualities were ascertained than if they reinaincil in a crude state. Let of? Perhaps it is too warm for their sensitive days.” And “schdill we don (I vas happy, where they surveyed several sections of lan 1 in i the exercises of laying the corner-stone this matter l»e thoroughly canvassed and pro­ Fact people from every pla<-e or frutn , of tlie new Masoni«* building. Extensive for the thermometer persists in its gambols and of various »icscriptions. constitutions; ami practice always was weari ­ W e were highly amused at overhearing J ceeded with immediately. we long for the regions where raiment is un- arrangements had been perfected ami the some. A. S- Jacobs of Ashland, a»ent of the Rose- ! promised to be one of the most im­ • he following colloquy’ between two little j 1 known and the happy Hottentot warbles his burg Marble Works, was in town Saturday on affair P ersonal . — We were this week favored Jacob Meyer has just completed a wagon matutinal lay in unison to the cachinnations business connected therewith. While here he ; pressive ever witnessed in Southern Oregon. girls, playmates, who had been separated a as it did on the busiest day of the few day« on account »>* the illness of one of ■ Will fliui that he mein» lHi»ine»% «nd ■with »call from J. B. S. Fletcher, general agent for Raphud M»>rat that is a lx:auty and will of the graceful giraffe. , put. the finishing touches on the monument Coining week, we were deprived ot this auspicious ®f the “Journal of Fashion,” publish«! at Oak­ ■ com|»are favorably with vehicles of the popular We are under obligations t<> the ladies who ere ted to the memory of the late Mrs. Ellen opportunity to visit our sister town, some- them, named Clara. Her friend Bessie re­ will get bargain» by calling on him be- Ish, which is one of the neatest, pieces of mar ­ land, Cal., wh»i is now making a tour of Ore- brands. tiling we have every reason to regret. In marked t<> her: “I am so glad to see y»xh furo going elsewhere. i so successfully managed the late ice-cream fes- ble-work ever designed in the State. the next issue of the T imes we hope to give out again.” Clara—“1 was very sick. Papa gon in the interest of that paper. One of the Damiana is gaining a wide spread reputation,' ; rival for a liberal supply of excellent cake. The was anxious to have t lie doctor, but urn in ma N. Brown, a prominent merchant of Sail a full account of the proceedings. prime objects of his visit is to ascertain the ex­ ami not unjustly so, as it is a preparation of i fair doimrs were duly remember«! by the snid she would rather try Dr. Frese'» If.alli­ Francisco, ami interested in the Applegate lAMBEltt bii rg Tea; and as soon as 1 began to take it tent of tho injury done by Denton and Duer, merit. Attention is called to the a 1 vertisement T imes corps, even our imp of darkness bowing Gravel Co.’s diggings, was in town last we« k A ccident .—Henry Waisman, of the firm of I began to got bettor. I am glad she gave in humble recognition of the compliment be­ He has none t»> Lake county on a business trip, who, representing to l»e auth»>rized agents elsewhere. stowed and wishing that such delightful but will return in a few days. Mr. Brown Smith A Waisman, fell from the top of J. W. it to me. for I tliink it is much better to take of the “Ladies Bazaar" au»i the “Journal of than the horrid medicines t lie doctor al Wav» We are under obligations to Mrs. C. A. Co­ ' events were of more frequent occurrence. seems to be well satisfied with his mining in­ Manning’s barn to the ground, a distance of gives its.” Bessie—“Well, ¡filial isso,*! Fashion,” had succeeded in obtaining quite a burn, secretary of the Grand Lodge of I. 0. G. The Portland “Standard” appropriates our vestment, believing that it will prove a first- twenty-five feet, yesterday and was badly in­ will ask my mamma to get some and have number of subscriptions to them without giving jured. From Dr. Danforth, who was sum­ it in the house. I don't, like doctors’ mutt, T., for a copy of the procee»lings of its fifteenth i | mining news weekly and fails to accord us any class one. account thereof. Denton was captured at Fort annual session. The firm of Wisdom A Fields, owning the moned, we learn that he sustained the frac­ cither.” ; credit whatever. If our memory serves us ! Sterling saw-mill, As will be seen by notice ture of a collar-bone and received internal in­ Jones while engaged in thii confidence game OLANED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS J. H. Berry, in charge of the construction of right we have observed that that journal often M4RRIEO. and now languishes in the Siskiyou county jail, the building for the M. E. Church, South, at takes occasion to flagellate cotempiiraries de- elsewhere, has been dissolved by mutual con­ juries that may prove serious. I cun lx> had in quamitics to »nit l»y writ­ sent, W. A. Snider succeeding Mr. Fiehls. while the arrest of his pal is also immi­ Ph»vnix. informs us that he expects to com- lin»pient in this respect, and correctly, too. . The new firm will continue the manufacture of “ W hat C ame of I t .”—This is the title of H A Y—P W’KWOOD—At the residen........ . ing to the under»igiH’v J. H. H Oiler, M wiiii xaw milt r use at the mill. Par­ rday evening, the prin- wealthiest residents of Northern California, who left these earthly scenes before its com­ cinct, road Saloou last Saturday and Misa Clara Simpson. The “Journal of Fashion" is the cheapest of the them to Fisher A Co. ties who intend building can save hauling ci pal prizes iieing won w hv * ~ D. Peninger, ’ Johnny paid this place a bunness visit last week. pletion. and was finished by Samuel L. Simp­ more lumber than (hey ived. Bill«, plana kind published ($1 per annum), being superior . Chinese quarters ware in commotion YVednes- Cowan and J. H. .. Hoffman. Several others While here he made a loan of $4,000 on the son. Possessing considerable merit, it is well BORN. and estimates ean be had either at the mill were fortunate enough to throw winning property of M. Colwell, situated in Table worth the moderate subscription price—$1.50. in its make up ami printed in the liest style. ; on Big Butte or at their shop In Jackson­ -.OS--’»' Hght -.„ed ,m- numbers, but a vast majority went away dis­ Rock precinct. Mr. Julieu is well pleased Mr. Fletcher w ill remain here a few days, d"r T he County Commissioners met this week, DELAMATER—Tn Jacksonville, August ville. Oregon. 1 *. No one was hurt; nor was tha cause appointed, the prizes being inadequate to the with this country, whose natural ailvantages ing which time he intends making a canvass minent, 2d, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Delamater, a T*“ All orders will receive prompt alien, of *' the i The procetdiu^* will apj»ear in our next issue. he »poke highly of. desires of the ticket-holders. daughter. oi the towu for subscribers. • cf “* " rumpus ascertained. tlon. ' SMITH A WAISM a N. • or: O* gjnwrraiit ®imw. I»—♦ ■ BRIEF REFERENCE. I To ihe People of Nortlieni California a SoQtiicm Oregon! ■■ I ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS JOHN MILLER’S SKELETON FOUND IN ASHLAND »